blob: 79399c178bd45a7c663032619fe584ee51c96b13 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
* The SubsetSelector is that can be added to a page that lets the
* user select a limited number of elements to show.
* This is used to limit the number of elements shown on a page by default,
* requiring the user to explicitly request more, so users not interested in
* more don't have to wait for everything to render.
class SubsetSelector<T> {
private static final int kIncrAmount = 1000;
private static final int kDefaultShown = 1000;
private Query mQuery;
private String mId;
private int mLimit;
private List<T> mElements;
* @param id - the name of the query parameter key that should hold
* the limit selectors selected value.
* @param query - The query for the current page. This is required so the
* LimitSelector can add a link to the same page with modified limit
* selection.
* @param elements - the elements to select from. The collection of elements
* should not be modified during the lifetime of the SubsetSelector object.
public SubsetSelector(Query query, String id, List<T> elements) {
mQuery = query;
mId = id;
mLimit = getSelectedLimit(query, id, elements.size());
mElements = elements;
// Return the list of elements included in the selected subset.
public List<T> selected() {
return mElements.subList(0, mLimit);
// Return the list of remaining elements not included in the selected subset.
public List<T> remaining() {
return mElements.subList(mLimit, mElements.size());
* Returns the currently selected limit.
* @param query the current page query
* @param size the total number of elements to select from
* @return the number of selected elements
private static int getSelectedLimit(Query query, String id, int size) {
String value = query.get(id, null);
try {
int ivalue = Math.min(size, Integer.parseInt(value));
return Math.max(0, ivalue);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// We can't parse the value as a number. Ignore it.
return Math.min(kDefaultShown, size);
// Render the limit selector to the given doc.
// It has the form:
// (showing X of Y - show none - show less - show more - show all)
public void render(Doc doc) {
int all = mElements.size();
if (all > kDefaultShown) {
DocString menu = new DocString();
menu.appendFormat("(%d of %d elements shown - ", mLimit, all);
if (mLimit > 0) {
int less = Math.max(0, mLimit - kIncrAmount);
menu.appendLink(mQuery.with(mId, 0), DocString.text("show none"));
menu.append(" - ");
menu.appendLink(mQuery.with(mId, less), DocString.text("show less"));
menu.append(" - ");
} else {
menu.append("show none - show less - ");
if (mLimit < all) {
int more = Math.min(mLimit + kIncrAmount, all);
menu.appendLink(mQuery.with(mId, more), DocString.text("show more"));
menu.append(" - ");
menu.appendLink(mQuery.with(mId, all), DocString.text("show all"));
} else {
menu.append("show more - show all)");