blob: 9aeece8e57722dd67bdec916906c4fdd063b69d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "constants_arm.h"
#include "utils/arm/managed_register_arm.h"
#include "utils/arm/assembler_arm.h"
#include "utils/array_ref.h"
#include "offsets.h"
namespace art {
namespace arm {
class Thumb2Assembler FINAL : public ArmAssembler {
explicit Thumb2Assembler(bool can_relocate_branches = true)
: can_relocate_branches_(can_relocate_branches),
last_fixup_id_(0u) {
virtual ~Thumb2Assembler() {
bool IsThumb() const OVERRIDE {
return true;
bool IsForced32Bit() const {
return force_32bit_;
bool CanRelocateBranches() const {
return can_relocate_branches_;
void FinalizeCode() OVERRIDE;
// Data-processing instructions.
virtual void and_(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void eor(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void sub(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void rsb(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void add(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void adc(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void sbc(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void rsc(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
void tst(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void teq(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void cmp(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void cmn(Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
virtual void orr(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void orn(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void mov(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void bic(Register rd, Register rn, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void mvn(Register rd, const ShifterOperand& so,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
// Miscellaneous data-processing instructions.
void clz(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void movw(Register rd, uint16_t imm16, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void movt(Register rd, uint16_t imm16, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void rbit(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Multiply instructions.
void mul(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void mla(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void mls(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Register ra,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void smull(Register rd_lo, Register rd_hi, Register rn, Register rm,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void umull(Register rd_lo, Register rd_hi, Register rn, Register rm,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void sdiv(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void udiv(Register rd, Register rn, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Bit field extract instructions.
void sbfx(Register rd, Register rn, uint32_t lsb, uint32_t width, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ubfx(Register rd, Register rn, uint32_t lsb, uint32_t width, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Load/store instructions.
void ldr(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void str(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void strb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void strh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrsb(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrsh(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Load/store register dual instructions using registers `rd` and `rd` + 1.
void ldrd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void strd(Register rd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Load/store register dual instructions using registers `rd` and `rd2`.
// Note that contrary to the ARM A1 encoding, the Thumb-2 T1 encoding
// does not require `rd` to be even, nor `rd2' to be equal to `rd` + 1.
void ldrd(Register rd, Register rd2, const Address& ad, Condition cond);
void strd(Register rd, Register rd2, const Address& ad, Condition cond);
void ldm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void stm(BlockAddressMode am, Register base,
RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrex(Register rd, Register rn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void strex(Register rd, Register rt, Register rn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void ldrex(Register rd, Register rn, uint16_t imm, Condition cond = AL);
void strex(Register rd, Register rt, Register rn, uint16_t imm, Condition cond = AL);
void ldrexd(Register rt, Register rt2, Register rn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void strexd(Register rd, Register rt, Register rt2, Register rn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Miscellaneous instructions.
void clrex(Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void nop(Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void bkpt(uint16_t imm16) OVERRIDE;
void svc(uint32_t imm24) OVERRIDE;
// If-then
void it(Condition firstcond, ItState i1 = kItOmitted,
ItState i2 = kItOmitted, ItState i3 = kItOmitted) OVERRIDE;
void cbz(Register rn, Label* target) OVERRIDE;
void cbnz(Register rn, Label* target) OVERRIDE;
// Floating point instructions (VFPv3-D16 and VFPv3-D32 profiles).
void vmovsr(SRegister sn, Register rt, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovrs(Register rt, SRegister sn, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovsrr(SRegister sm, Register rt, Register rt2, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovrrs(Register rt, Register rt2, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovdrr(DRegister dm, Register rt, Register rt2, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovrrd(Register rt, Register rt2, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovs(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmovd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Returns false if the immediate cannot be encoded.
bool vmovs(SRegister sd, float s_imm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
bool vmovd(DRegister dd, double d_imm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vldrs(SRegister sd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vstrs(SRegister sd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vldrd(DRegister dd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vstrd(DRegister dd, const Address& ad, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vadds(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vaddd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vsubs(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vsubd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmuls(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmuld(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmlas(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmlad(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmlss(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmlsd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vdivs(SRegister sd, SRegister sn, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vdivd(DRegister dd, DRegister dn, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vabss(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vabsd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vnegs(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vnegd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vsqrts(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vsqrtd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtsd(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtds(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtis(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtid(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtsi(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtdi(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtus(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtud(SRegister sd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtsu(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcvtdu(DRegister dd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcmps(SRegister sd, SRegister sm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcmpd(DRegister dd, DRegister dm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcmpsz(SRegister sd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vcmpdz(DRegister dd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vmstat(Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE; // VMRS APSR_nzcv, FPSCR
void vpushs(SRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vpushd(DRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vpops(SRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void vpopd(DRegister reg, int nregs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Branch instructions.
void b(Label* label, Condition cond = AL);
void bl(Label* label, Condition cond = AL);
void blx(Label* label);
void blx(Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void bx(Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Lsl(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Lsr(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Asr(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Ror(Register rd, Register rm, uint32_t shift_imm,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Rrx(Register rd, Register rm,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Lsl(Register rd, Register rm, Register rn,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Lsr(Register rd, Register rm, Register rn,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Asr(Register rd, Register rm, Register rn,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Ror(Register rd, Register rm, Register rn,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
void Push(Register rd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void Pop(Register rd, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void PushList(RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void PopList(RegList regs, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void Mov(Register rd, Register rm, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void CompareAndBranchIfZero(Register r, Label* label) OVERRIDE;
void CompareAndBranchIfNonZero(Register r, Label* label) OVERRIDE;
// Memory barriers.
void dmb(DmbOptions flavor) OVERRIDE;
// Get the final position of a label after local fixup based on the old position
// recorded before FinalizeCode().
uint32_t GetAdjustedPosition(uint32_t old_position) OVERRIDE;
using ArmAssembler::NewLiteral; // Make the helper template visible.
Literal* NewLiteral(size_t size, const uint8_t* data) OVERRIDE;
void LoadLiteral(Register rt, Literal* literal) OVERRIDE;
void LoadLiteral(Register rt, Register rt2, Literal* literal) OVERRIDE;
void LoadLiteral(SRegister sd, Literal* literal) OVERRIDE;
void LoadLiteral(DRegister dd, Literal* literal) OVERRIDE;
// Add signed constant value to rd. May clobber IP.
void AddConstant(Register rd, Register rn, int32_t value,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare) OVERRIDE;
void CmpConstant(Register rn, int32_t value, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
// Load and Store. May clobber IP.
void LoadImmediate(Register rd, int32_t value, Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void MarkExceptionHandler(Label* label) OVERRIDE;
void LoadFromOffset(LoadOperandType type,
Register reg,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void StoreToOffset(StoreOperandType type,
Register reg,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void LoadSFromOffset(SRegister reg,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void StoreSToOffset(SRegister reg,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void LoadDFromOffset(DRegister reg,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
void StoreDToOffset(DRegister reg,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond = AL) OVERRIDE;
bool ShifterOperandCanHold(Register rd,
Register rn,
Opcode opcode,
uint32_t immediate,
ShifterOperand* shifter_op) OVERRIDE;
bool ShifterOperandCanAlwaysHold(uint32_t immediate) OVERRIDE;
static bool IsInstructionForExceptionHandling(uintptr_t pc);
// Emit data (e.g. encoded instruction or immediate) to the.
// instruction stream.
void Emit32(int32_t value); // Emit a 32 bit instruction in thumb format.
void Emit16(int16_t value); // Emit a 16 bit instruction in little endian format.
void Bind(Label* label) OVERRIDE;
void MemoryBarrier(ManagedRegister scratch) OVERRIDE;
// Force the assembler to generate 32 bit instructions.
void Force32Bit() {
force_32bit_ = true;
// Emit an ADR (or a sequence of instructions) to load the jump table address into base_reg. This
// will generate a fixup.
JumpTable* CreateJumpTable(std::vector<Label*>&& labels, Register base_reg) OVERRIDE;
// Emit an ADD PC, X to dispatch a jump-table jump. This will generate a fixup.
void EmitJumpTableDispatch(JumpTable* jump_table, Register displacement_reg) OVERRIDE;
typedef uint16_t FixupId;
// Fixup: branches and literal pool references.
// The thumb2 architecture allows branches to be either 16 or 32 bit instructions. This
// depends on both the type of branch and the offset to which it is branching. The 16-bit
// cbz and cbnz instructions may also need to be replaced with a separate 16-bit compare
// instruction and a 16- or 32-bit branch instruction. Load from a literal pool can also be
// 16-bit or 32-bit instruction and, if the method is large, we may need to use a sequence
// of instructions to make up for the limited range of load literal instructions (up to
// 4KiB for the 32-bit variant). When generating code for these insns we don't know the
// size before hand, so we assume it is the smallest available size and determine the final
// code offsets and sizes and emit code in FinalizeCode().
// To handle this, we keep a record of every branch and literal pool load in the program.
// The actual instruction encoding for these is delayed until we know the final size of
// every instruction. When we bind a label to a branch we don't know the final location yet
// as some preceding instructions may need to be expanded, so we record a non-final offset.
// In FinalizeCode(), we expand the sizes of branches and literal loads that are out of
// range. With each expansion, we need to update dependent Fixups, i.e. insntructios with
// target on the other side of the expanded insn, as their offsets change and this may
// trigger further expansion.
// All Fixups have a 'fixup id' which is a 16 bit unsigned number used to identify the
// Fixup. For each unresolved label we keep a singly-linked list of all Fixups pointing
// to it, using the fixup ids as links. The first link is stored in the label's position
// (the label is linked but not bound), the following links are stored in the code buffer,
// in the placeholder where we will eventually emit the actual code.
class Fixup {
// Branch type.
enum Type : uint8_t {
kConditional, // B<cond>.
kUnconditional, // B.
kUnconditionalLink, // BL.
kUnconditionalLinkX, // BLX.
kCompareAndBranchXZero, // cbz/cbnz.
kLoadLiteralNarrow, // Load narrrow integer literal.
kLoadLiteralWide, // Load wide integer literal.
kLoadLiteralAddr, // Load address of literal (used for jump table).
kLoadFPLiteralSingle, // Load FP literal single.
kLoadFPLiteralDouble, // Load FP literal double.
// Calculated size of branch instruction based on type and offset.
enum Size : uint8_t {
// Branch variants.
// NOTE: We don't support branches which would require multiple instructions, i.e.
// conditinoal branches beyond +-1MiB and unconditional branches beyond +-16MiB.
// CBZ/CBNZ variants.
kCbxz16Bit, // CBZ/CBNZ rX, label; X < 8; 7-bit positive offset.
kCbxz32Bit, // CMP rX, #0 + Bcc label; X < 8; 16-bit Bcc; +-8-bit offset.
kCbxz48Bit, // CMP rX, #0 + Bcc label; X < 8; 32-bit Bcc; up to +-1MiB offset.
// Load integer literal variants.
// LDR rX, label; X < 8; 16-bit variant up to 1KiB offset; 2 bytes.
// LDR rX, label; 32-bit variant up to 4KiB offset; 4 bytes.
// MOV rX, imm16 + ADD rX, pc + LDR rX, [rX]; X < 8; up to 64KiB offset; 8 bytes.
// MOV rX, modimm + ADD rX, pc + LDR rX, [rX, #imm12]; up to 1MiB offset; 10 bytes.
// NOTE: We don't provide the 12-byte version of kLiteralFar below where the LDR is 16-bit.
// MOV rX, imm16 + MOVT rX, imm16 + ADD rX, pc + LDR rX, [rX]; any offset; 14 bytes.
// Load literal base addr.
// ADR rX, label; X < 8; 8 bit immediate, shifted to 10 bit. 2 bytes.
// ADR rX, label; 4KiB offset. 4 bytes.
// MOV rX, imm16 + ADD rX, pc; 64KiB offset. 6 bytes.
// MOV rX, imm16 + MOVT rX, imm16 + ADD rX, pc; any offset; 10 bytes.
// Load long or FP literal variants.
// VLDR s/dX, label; 32-bit insn, up to 1KiB offset; 4 bytes.
// MOV ip, modimm + ADD ip, pc + VLDR s/dX, [IP, #imm8*4]; up to 256KiB offset; 10 bytes.
// MOV ip, imm16 + MOVT ip, imm16 + ADD ip, pc + VLDR s/dX, [IP]; any offset; 14 bytes.
// Unresolved branch possibly with a condition.
static Fixup Branch(uint32_t location, Type type, Size size = kBranch16Bit,
Condition cond = AL) {
DCHECK(type == kConditional || type == kUnconditional ||
type == kUnconditionalLink || type == kUnconditionalLinkX);
DCHECK(size == kBranch16Bit || size == kBranch32Bit);
DCHECK(size == kBranch32Bit || (type == kConditional || type == kUnconditional));
return Fixup(kNoRegister, kNoRegister, kNoSRegister, kNoDRegister,
cond, type, size, location);
// Unresolved compare-and-branch instruction with a register and condition (EQ or NE).
static Fixup CompareAndBranch(uint32_t location, Register rn, Condition cond) {
DCHECK(cond == EQ || cond == NE);
return Fixup(rn, kNoRegister, kNoSRegister, kNoDRegister,
cond, kCompareAndBranchXZero, kCbxz16Bit, location);
// Load narrow literal.
static Fixup LoadNarrowLiteral(uint32_t location, Register rt, Size size) {
DCHECK(size == kLiteral1KiB || size == kLiteral4KiB || size == kLiteral64KiB ||
size == kLiteral1MiB || size == kLiteralFar);
DCHECK(!IsHighRegister(rt) || (size != kLiteral1KiB && size != kLiteral64KiB));
return Fixup(rt, kNoRegister, kNoSRegister, kNoDRegister,
AL, kLoadLiteralNarrow, size, location);
// Load wide literal.
static Fixup LoadWideLiteral(uint32_t location, Register rt, Register rt2,
Size size = kLongOrFPLiteral1KiB) {
DCHECK(size == kLongOrFPLiteral1KiB || size == kLongOrFPLiteral256KiB ||
size == kLongOrFPLiteralFar);
DCHECK(!IsHighRegister(rt) || (size != kLiteral1KiB && size != kLiteral64KiB));
return Fixup(rt, rt2, kNoSRegister, kNoDRegister,
AL, kLoadLiteralWide, size, location);
// Load FP single literal.
static Fixup LoadSingleLiteral(uint32_t location, SRegister sd,
Size size = kLongOrFPLiteral1KiB) {
DCHECK(size == kLongOrFPLiteral1KiB || size == kLongOrFPLiteral256KiB ||
size == kLongOrFPLiteralFar);
return Fixup(kNoRegister, kNoRegister, sd, kNoDRegister,
AL, kLoadFPLiteralSingle, size, location);
// Load FP double literal.
static Fixup LoadDoubleLiteral(uint32_t location, DRegister dd,
Size size = kLongOrFPLiteral1KiB) {
DCHECK(size == kLongOrFPLiteral1KiB || size == kLongOrFPLiteral256KiB ||
size == kLongOrFPLiteralFar);
return Fixup(kNoRegister, kNoRegister, kNoSRegister, dd,
AL, kLoadFPLiteralDouble, size, location);
static Fixup LoadLiteralAddress(uint32_t location, Register rt, Size size) {
DCHECK(size == kLiteralAddr1KiB || size == kLiteralAddr4KiB || size == kLiteralAddr64KiB ||
size == kLiteralAddrFar);
DCHECK(!IsHighRegister(rt) || size != kLiteralAddr1KiB);
return Fixup(rt, kNoRegister, kNoSRegister, kNoDRegister,
AL, kLoadLiteralAddr, size, location);
Type GetType() const {
return type_;
bool IsLoadLiteral() const {
return GetType() >= kLoadLiteralNarrow;
Size GetOriginalSize() const {
return original_size_;
Size GetSize() const {
return size_;
uint32_t GetOriginalSizeInBytes() const;
uint32_t GetSizeInBytes() const;
uint32_t GetLocation() const {
return location_;
uint32_t GetAdjustment() const {
return adjustment_;
// Prepare the assembler->fixup_dependents_ and each Fixup's dependents_start_/count_.
static void PrepareDependents(Thumb2Assembler* assembler);
ArrayRef<FixupId> Dependents(const Thumb2Assembler& assembler) const {
return ArrayRef<FixupId>(assembler.fixup_dependents_.get() + dependents_start_,
// Resolve a branch when the target is known.
void Resolve(uint32_t target) {
DCHECK_EQ(target_, kUnresolved);
DCHECK_NE(target, kUnresolved);
target_ = target;
// Check if the current size is OK for current location_, target_ and adjustment_.
// If not, increase the size. Return the size increase, 0 if unchanged.
// If the target if after this Fixup, also add the difference to adjustment_,
// so that we don't need to consider forward Fixups as their own dependencies.
uint32_t AdjustSizeIfNeeded(uint32_t current_code_size);
// Increase adjustments. This is called for dependents of a Fixup when its size changes.
void IncreaseAdjustment(uint32_t increase) {
adjustment_ += increase;
// Finalize the branch with an adjustment to the location. Both location and target are updated.
void Finalize(uint32_t location_adjustment) {
DCHECK_NE(target_, kUnresolved);
location_ += location_adjustment;
target_ += location_adjustment;
// Emit the branch instruction into the assembler buffer. This does the
// encoding into the thumb instruction.
void Emit(AssemblerBuffer* buffer, uint32_t code_size) const;
Fixup(Register rn, Register rt2, SRegister sd, DRegister dd,
Condition cond, Type type, Size size, uint32_t location)
: rn_(rn),
original_size_(size), size_(size),
dependents_start_(0u) {
static size_t SizeInBytes(Size size);
// The size of padding added before the literal pool.
static size_t LiteralPoolPaddingSize(uint32_t current_code_size);
// Returns the offset from the PC-using insn to the target.
int32_t GetOffset(uint32_t current_code_size) const;
size_t IncreaseSize(Size new_size);
int32_t LoadWideOrFpEncoding(Register rbase, int32_t offset) const;
static constexpr uint32_t kUnresolved = 0xffffffff; // Value for target_ for unresolved.
const Register rn_; // Rn for cbnz/cbz, Rt for literal loads.
Register rt2_; // For kLoadLiteralWide.
SRegister sd_; // For kLoadFPLiteralSingle.
DRegister dd_; // For kLoadFPLiteralDouble.
const Condition cond_;
const Type type_;
Size original_size_;
Size size_;
uint32_t location_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
uint32_t target_; // Offset into assembler buffer in bytes.
uint32_t adjustment_; // The number of extra bytes inserted between location_ and target_.
// Fixups that require adjustment when current size changes are stored in a single
// array in the assembler and we store only the start index and count here.
uint32_t dependents_count_;
uint32_t dependents_start_;
// Emit a single 32 or 16 bit data processing instruction.
void EmitDataProcessing(Condition cond,
Opcode opcode,
SetCc set_cc,
Register rn,
Register rd,
const ShifterOperand& so);
// Must the instruction be 32 bits or can it possibly be encoded
// in 16 bits?
bool Is32BitDataProcessing(Condition cond,
Opcode opcode,
SetCc set_cc,
Register rn,
Register rd,
const ShifterOperand& so);
// Emit a 32 bit data processing instruction.
void Emit32BitDataProcessing(Condition cond,
Opcode opcode,
SetCc set_cc,
Register rn,
Register rd,
const ShifterOperand& so);
// Emit a 16 bit data processing instruction.
void Emit16BitDataProcessing(Condition cond,
Opcode opcode,
SetCc set_cc,
Register rn,
Register rd,
const ShifterOperand& so);
void Emit16BitAddSub(Condition cond,
Opcode opcode,
SetCc set_cc,
Register rn,
Register rd,
const ShifterOperand& so);
uint16_t EmitCompareAndBranch(Register rn, uint16_t prev, bool n);
void EmitLoadStore(Condition cond,
bool load,
bool byte,
bool half,
bool is_signed,
Register rd,
const Address& ad);
void EmitMemOpAddressMode3(Condition cond,
int32_t mode,
Register rd,
const Address& ad);
void EmitMultiMemOp(Condition cond,
BlockAddressMode am,
bool load,
Register base,
RegList regs);
void EmitMulOp(Condition cond,
int32_t opcode,
Register rd,
Register rn,
Register rm,
Register rs);
void EmitVFPsss(Condition cond,
int32_t opcode,
SRegister sd,
SRegister sn,
SRegister sm);
void EmitVFPddd(Condition cond,
int32_t opcode,
DRegister dd,
DRegister dn,
DRegister dm);
void EmitVFPsd(Condition cond,
int32_t opcode,
SRegister sd,
DRegister dm);
void EmitVFPds(Condition cond,
int32_t opcode,
DRegister dd,
SRegister sm);
void EmitVPushPop(uint32_t reg, int nregs, bool push, bool dbl, Condition cond);
void EmitBranch(Condition cond, Label* label, bool link, bool x);
static int32_t EncodeBranchOffset(int32_t offset, int32_t inst);
static int DecodeBranchOffset(int32_t inst);
void EmitShift(Register rd, Register rm, Shift shift, uint8_t amount,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare);
void EmitShift(Register rd, Register rn, Shift shift, Register rm,
Condition cond = AL, SetCc set_cc = kCcDontCare);
static int32_t GetAllowedLoadOffsetBits(LoadOperandType type);
static int32_t GetAllowedStoreOffsetBits(StoreOperandType type);
bool CanSplitLoadStoreOffset(int32_t allowed_offset_bits,
int32_t offset,
/*out*/ int32_t* add_to_base,
/*out*/ int32_t* offset_for_load_store);
int32_t AdjustLoadStoreOffset(int32_t allowed_offset_bits,
Register temp,
Register base,
int32_t offset,
Condition cond);
// Whether the assembler can relocate branches. If false, unresolved branches will be
// emitted on 32bits.
bool can_relocate_branches_;
// Force the assembler to use 32 bit thumb2 instructions.
bool force_32bit_;
// IfThen conditions. Used to check that conditional instructions match the preceding IT.
Condition it_conditions_[4];
uint8_t it_cond_index_;
Condition next_condition_;
void SetItCondition(ItState s, Condition cond, uint8_t index);
void CheckCondition(Condition cond) {
CHECK_EQ(cond, next_condition_);
// Move to the next condition if there is one.
if (it_cond_index_ < 3) {
next_condition_ = it_conditions_[it_cond_index_];
} else {
next_condition_ = AL;
void CheckConditionLastIt(Condition cond) {
if (it_cond_index_ < 3) {
// Check that the next condition is AL. This means that the
// current condition is the last in the IT block.
CHECK_EQ(it_conditions_[it_cond_index_ + 1], AL);
FixupId AddFixup(Fixup fixup) {
FixupId fixup_id = static_cast<FixupId>(fixups_.size());
// For iterating using FixupId, we need the next id to be representable.
DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(static_cast<FixupId>(fixups_.size())), fixups_.size());
return fixup_id;
Fixup* GetFixup(FixupId fixup_id) {
DCHECK_LT(fixup_id, fixups_.size());
return &fixups_[fixup_id];
void BindLabel(Label* label, uint32_t bound_pc);
uint32_t BindLiterals();
void BindJumpTables(uint32_t code_size);
void AdjustFixupIfNeeded(Fixup* fixup, uint32_t* current_code_size,
std::deque<FixupId>* fixups_to_recalculate);
uint32_t AdjustFixups();
void EmitFixups(uint32_t adjusted_code_size);
void EmitLiterals();
void EmitJumpTables();
void PatchCFI();
static int16_t BEncoding16(int32_t offset, Condition cond);
static int32_t BEncoding32(int32_t offset, Condition cond);
static int16_t CbxzEncoding16(Register rn, int32_t offset, Condition cond);
static int16_t CmpRnImm8Encoding16(Register rn, int32_t value);
static int16_t AddRdnRmEncoding16(Register rdn, Register rm);
static int32_t MovwEncoding32(Register rd, int32_t value);
static int32_t MovtEncoding32(Register rd, int32_t value);
static int32_t MovModImmEncoding32(Register rd, int32_t value);
static int16_t LdrLitEncoding16(Register rt, int32_t offset);
static int32_t LdrLitEncoding32(Register rt, int32_t offset);
static int32_t LdrdEncoding32(Register rt, Register rt2, Register rn, int32_t offset);
static int32_t VldrsEncoding32(SRegister sd, Register rn, int32_t offset);
static int32_t VldrdEncoding32(DRegister dd, Register rn, int32_t offset);
static int16_t LdrRtRnImm5Encoding16(Register rt, Register rn, int32_t offset);
static int32_t LdrRtRnImm12Encoding(Register rt, Register rn, int32_t offset);
static int16_t AdrEncoding16(Register rd, int32_t offset);
static int32_t AdrEncoding32(Register rd, int32_t offset);
std::vector<Fixup> fixups_;
std::unique_ptr<FixupId[]> fixup_dependents_;
// Use std::deque<> for literal labels to allow insertions at the end
// without invalidating pointers and references to existing elements.
std::deque<Literal> literals_;
// Jump table list.
std::deque<JumpTable> jump_tables_;
// Data for AdjustedPosition(), see the description there.
uint32_t last_position_adjustment_;
uint32_t last_old_position_;
FixupId last_fixup_id_;
} // namespace arm
} // namespace art