blob: e215ab0309691b17f55dc9753dfabcd1ed40c304 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public class Main {
/// CHECK-START: long Main.$noinline$longSelect(long) register (before)
/// CHECK: <<Cond:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [{{j\d+}},{{j\d+}}]
/// CHECK-NEXT: Select [{{j\d+}},{{j\d+}},<<Cond>>]
public long $noinline$longSelect(long param) {
if (doThrow) { throw new Error(); }
long val_true = longB;
long val_false = longC;
return (param > longA) ? val_true : val_false;
/// CHECK-START: long Main.$noinline$longSelect_Constant(long) register (before)
/// CHECK: <<Const:j\d+>> LongConstant
/// CHECK: <<Cond:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [{{j\d+}},<<Const>>]
/// CHECK-NEXT: Select [{{j\d+}},{{j\d+}},<<Cond>>]
// Condition can be non-materialized on X86 because the condition does not
// request 4 registers any more.
/// CHECK-START-X86: long Main.$noinline$longSelect_Constant(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK: LessThanOrEqual
/// CHECK-NEXT: Select
// Check that we generate CMOV for long on x86_64.
/// CHECK-START-X86_64: long Main.$noinline$longSelect_Constant(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK: LessThanOrEqual
/// CHECK-NEXT: Select
/// CHECK: cmpq
/// CHECK: cmovle/ngq
public long $noinline$longSelect_Constant(long param) {
if (doThrow) { throw new Error(); }
long val_true = longB;
long val_false = longC;
return (param > 3L) ? val_true : val_false;
// Check that we generate CMOV for int on x86_64.
/// CHECK-START-X86_64: int Main.$noinline$intSelect_Constant(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK: LessThan
/// CHECK-NEXT: Select
/// CHECK: cmp
/// CHECK: cmovl/nge
public int $noinline$intSelect_Constant(int param) {
if (doThrow) { throw new Error(); }
int val_true = intB;
int val_false = intC;
return (param >= 3) ? val_true : val_false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main m = new Main();
assertLongEquals(5L, m.$noinline$longSelect(4L));
assertLongEquals(7L, m.$noinline$longSelect(2L));
assertLongEquals(5L, m.$noinline$longSelect_Constant(4L));
assertLongEquals(7L, m.$noinline$longSelect_Constant(2L));
assertIntEquals(5, m.$noinline$intSelect_Constant(4));
assertIntEquals(7, m.$noinline$intSelect_Constant(2));
public static void assertIntEquals(int expected, int actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new Error(expected + " != " + actual);
public static void assertLongEquals(long expected, long actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new Error(expected + " != " + actual);
public boolean doThrow = false;
public long longA = 3L;
public long longB = 5L;
public long longC = 7L;
public int intB = 5;
public int intC = 7;