blob: bc2e7a11a1afe02717d0a3bcc2f172b53df80dfc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Basic test
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testSimplifyThrow(1));
// Basic test for non-trivial blocks (i.e. not just an invoke and a Goto)
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testSimplifyThrowAndPrint(1));
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testSimplifyTwoThrows(1));
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testSimplifyWithArgument(1));
// Try catch tests
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInTry(1));
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testSimplifyInCatch(1));
assertEquals(0, $noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInCatchInOuterTry(1, 1));
// Test that we update the phis correctly after simplifying an always throwing method, and
// recomputing dominance.
assertEquals(0, $noinline$UpdatePhisCorrectly(1, 1));
private static void alwaysThrows() throws Error {
throw new Error("");
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrow(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrow(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
// Tests that we simplify the always throwing branch directly to the exit.
private static int $noinline$testSimplifyThrow(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
return 0;
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrowAndPrint(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeVirtual
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrowAndPrint(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrowAndPrint(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeVirtual
private static int $noinline$testSimplifyThrowAndPrint(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
System.out.println("I am unrechable!");
return 0;
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyTwoThrows(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyTwoThrows(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
// Check that the second `alwaysThrows` gets removed.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyTwoThrows(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK: InvokeStaticOrDirect method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
// Tests that we simplify the always throwing branch directly to the exit, even with blocks that
// are not just the throwing instruction and a Goto.
private static int $noinline$testSimplifyTwoThrows(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
return 0;
private static int throwIfZero(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
throw new Error("num is 0!");
return num / num;
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyWithArgument(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.throwIfZero always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeVirtual
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyWithArgument(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.throwIfZero always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyWithArgument(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeVirtual
private static int $noinline$testSimplifyWithArgument(int num) {
if (num == 0) {
System.out.println("I am unrechable!");
return 0;
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrowWithTryCatch(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrowWithTryCatch(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
// Consistency check to make sure we have the try catches in the graph at this stage.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyThrowWithTryCatch(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK: TryBoundary kind:entry
/// CHECK: TryBoundary kind:entry
// Tests that we simplify the always throwing branch directly to the exit, with non-blocking try
// catches in the graph.
private static int $noinline$testSimplifyThrowWithTryCatch(int num) {
try {
if (num == 123) {
throw new Error();
} catch (Error e) {
return 123;
if (num == 0) {
try {
if (num == 456) {
throw new Error();
} catch (Error e) {
return 456;
return 0;
private static void $inline$testDoNotSimplifyInner(int num) {
while (num == 0) {
// We should never hit this since we are always throwing.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInTry(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInTry(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
// Consistency check to make sure we have the try catch in the graph at this stage.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInTry(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK: TryBoundary kind:entry
// Consistency check to that we do not simplify it by the last DCE pass either
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInTry(int) dead_code_elimination$final (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
// Tests that we have the necessary conditions for us to simplify the always throwing instruction
// (e.g. InvokeStaticOrDirect followed by a Goto) but we are blocking this due to being in a try.
// Changing the Goto here for the exit would be wrong since we want to flow to the catch rather
// than the Exit. The preconditions are tricky to do with just one function (since we will have an
// invoke followed by a TryBoundary rather than a Goto) but we can do so with the help of the
// inliner.
private static int $noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInTry(int num) {
try {
} catch (Error e) {
return 0;
return 123;
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyInCatch(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyInCatch(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
// Consistency check to make sure we have the try catch in the graph at this stage.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testSimplifyInCatch(int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK: TryBoundary kind:entry
// We are able to simplify the `alwaysThrows` even though we are inside of the catch { ... } since
// the if makes it so that we are not the first block of the catch and therefore not in the
// "catch_block".
private static int $noinline$testSimplifyInCatch(int num) {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (Error e) {
if (num == 0) {
return 0;
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInCatchInOuterTry(int, int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInCatchInOuterTry(int, int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
// Consistency check to make sure we have the try catches in the graph at this stage.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInCatchInOuterTry(int, int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: TryBoundary kind:entry
/// CHECK-DAG: TryBoundary kind:entry
// Consistency check to that we do not simplify it by the last DCE pass either
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInCatchInOuterTry(int, int) dead_code_elimination$final (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
// Similar to testSimplifyInCatch, but now the throw is in an outer try and we shouldn't simplify
// it. Like in testDoNotSimplifyInTry, we need the help of the inliner to have an invoke followed
// by a Goto.
private static int $noinline$testDoNotSimplifyInCatchInOuterTry(int num, int other_num) {
try {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (Error e) {
if (num == 0) {
// We use `other_num` here because otherwise we propagate the knowledge that `num` equals
// zero.
return 0;
} catch (Error e) {
return 123;
// Check that when we perform SimplifyAlwaysThrows, that the phi for `phi_value` exists, and that
// we correctly update it after running DCE.
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$UpdatePhisCorrectly(int, int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Const0:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Const5:i\d+>> IntConstant 5
/// CHECK-DAG: <<ReturnValue:i\d+>> Phi [<<Const0>>,<<Const5>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<ReturnValue>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<TargetBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-EVAL: "<<ExitBlock>>" != "<<TargetBlock>>"
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$UpdatePhisCorrectly(int, int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Const0:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Const0>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: InvokeStaticOrDirect block:<<InvokeBlock:B\d+>> method_name:Main.alwaysThrows always_throws:true
/// CHECK-DAG: Exit block:<<ExitBlock:B\d+>>
/// CHECK-DAG: Goto block:<<InvokeBlock>> target:<<ExitBlock>>
/// CHECK-START: int Main.$noinline$UpdatePhisCorrectly(int, int) dead_code_elimination$after_inlining (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Phi
private static int $noinline$UpdatePhisCorrectly(int num, int other_num) {
int phi_value = 0;
if (num == 0) {
// This while loop is here so that the `if (num == 0)` will be several blocks instead of
// just one. We use `other_num` here because otherwise we propagate the knowledge that `num`
// equals zero.
while (other_num == 0) {
// Assign to phi_value so that the loop is not empty.
phi_value = 2;
phi_value = 5;
return phi_value;
static void assertEquals(int expected, int actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected " + expected + " got " + actual);