blob: 215439cb4173e1aa09379f0b67f190a9f5e329fc [file] [log] [blame]
// return-void
// Format 10x: 00|0e
%def op_return_void():
% op_return(is_void=True)
// return vAA
// Format 11x: AA|0f
// Clobbers: t0
%def op_return(is_object=False, is_void=False, is_wide=False):
% if is_void:
// Thread fence for constructor
fence w, w
% else:
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := AA
% if is_wide:
GET_VREG_WIDE a0, t0 // a0 := fp[AA:AA+1]
// The method may return to compiled code, so also place result in fa0.
fmv.d.x fa0, a0
% elif is_object:
GET_VREG_OBJECT a0, t0 // a0 := refs[AA]
% else:
% get_vreg("a0", "t0") # a0 := fp[AA]
// The method may return to compiled code, so also place result in fa0.
fmv.w.x fa0, a0
ld sp, -8(xREFS) // caller's interpreted frame pointer
// Since opcode handlers are merely labeled asm chunks within ExecuteNterpImpl's FDE, we must
// restate the correct CFA rule for subsequent handlers. It is initially stated when setting up
// the nterp frame (setup_nterp_frame).
// return-wide vAA
// Format 11x: AA|10
%def op_return_wide():
% op_return(is_wide=True)
// return-object vAA
// Format 11x: AA|11
%def op_return_object():
% op_return(is_object=True)
// throw vAA
// Format 11x: AA|27
// Throw the indicated exception.
%def op_throw():
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := AA
GET_VREG_OBJECT a0, t0 // a0 := exception object
mv a1, xSELF
call art_quick_deliver_exception // args a0, a1
// goto +AA
// Format 10t: AA|28
// Unconditionally jump to the indicated instruction.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_goto():
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := AA (zext)
sext.b t0, t0 // t0 := +AA (sext)
BRANCH units=t0
// goto/16 +AAAA
// Format 20t: 00|29 AAAA
// Unconditionally jump to the indicated instruction.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_goto_16():
FETCH t0, 1, signed=1 // t0 := +AAAA (sext)
BRANCH units=t0
// goto/32 +AAAAAAAA
// Format 30t: 00|2a AAAA(lo) AAAA(hi)
// Unconditionally jump to the indicated instruction.
%def op_goto_32():
FETCH t0, 1, signed=1, width=32 // t0 := +AAAAAAAA (sext)
BRANCH units=t0
// packed-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB
// Format 31t: AA|2b BBBB(lo) BBBB(hi)
// Jump to a new instruction based on the value in the given register, using a table of offsets
// corresponding to each value in a particular integral range, or fall through to the next
// instruction if there is no match.
%def op_packed_switch(is_packed=True):
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := AA
FETCH t1, count=1, signed=1, width=32 // t1 := +BBBBBBBB (sext)
% get_vreg("a1", "t0") # a1 := vAA
sh1add a0, t1, xPC // a0 := +BBBBBBBB * 2 + xPC
% if is_packed:
call NterpDoPackedSwitch // args a0 (switchData), a1 (value)
% else:
call NterpDoSparseSwitch // args a0 (switchData), a1 (value)
BRANCH units=a0
// sparse-switch vAA, +BBBBBBBB
// Format 31t: AA|2c BBBB(lo) BBBB(hi)
// Jump to a new instruction based on the value in the given register, using an ordered table of
// value-offset pairs, or fall through to the next instruction if there is no match.
%def op_sparse_switch():
% op_packed_switch(is_packed=False)
// cmp-long vAA, vBB, vCC
// Format 23x: AA|31 CC|BB
%def op_cmp_long():
FETCH t1, count=1 // t1 := CC|BB
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := AA
srliw t2, t1, 8 // t2 := CC
andi t1, t1, 0xFF // t1 := BB
GET_VREG_WIDE t1, t1 // t1 := fp[BB]
GET_VREG_WIDE t2, t2 // t2 := fp[CC]
// Note: Formula "(SLT r,l) - (SLT l,r)" lifted from compiler.
slt t3, t1, t2
slt t4, t2, t1
sub t4, t4, t3
% set_vreg("t4", "t0", z0="t1") # fp[AA] := t4
// Common helper for if-test.
// Format 22t: B|A|op CCCC
%def bincmp(op):
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := B|A
srliw t1, xINST, 12 // t1 := B
andi t0, t0, 0xF // t0 := A
% get_vreg("t0", "t0") # t0 := vA
% get_vreg("t1", "t1") # t1 := vB
b${op} t0, t1, .L${opcode}_branch
FETCH t2, count=1, signed=1 // t2 := +CCCC (sext)
BRANCH units=t2
// if-eq vA, vB, +CCCC
// Format 22t: B|A|32 CCCC
// Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values compare as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_eq():
% bincmp(op="eq")
// if-ne vA, vB, +CCCC
// Format 22t: B|A|33 CCCC
// Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values compare as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_ne():
% bincmp(op="ne")
// if-lt vA, vB, +CCCC
// Format 22t: B|A|34 CCCC
// Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values compare as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_lt():
% bincmp(op="lt")
// if-ge vA, vB, +CCCC
// Format 22t: B|A|35 CCCC
// Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values compare as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_ge():
% bincmp(op="ge")
// if-gt vA, vB, +CCCC
// Format 22t: B|A|36 CCCC
// Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values compare as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_gt():
% bincmp(op="gt")
// if-le vA, vB, +CCCC
// Format 22t: B|A|37 CCCC
// Branch to the given destination if the given two registers' values compare as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_le():
% bincmp(op="le")
// Common helper for if-testz.
// Format 21t: AA|op BBBB
%def zcmp(op):
srliw t0, xINST, 8 // t0 := AA
% get_vreg("t0", "t0") # t0 := vAA
b${op} t0, .L${opcode}_branch
FETCH t1, count=1, signed=1 // t1 := +BBBB (sext)
BRANCH units=t1
// if-eqz vAA, +BBBB
// Format 21t: AA|38 BBBB
// Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares with 0 as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_eqz():
% zcmp(op="eqz")
// if-nez vAA, +BBBB
// Format 21t: AA|39 BBBB
// Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares with 0 as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_nez():
% zcmp(op="nez")
// if-ltz vAA, +BBBB
// Format 21t: AA|3a BBBB
// Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares with 0 as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_ltz():
% zcmp(op="ltz")
// if-gez vAA, +BBBB
// Format 21t: AA|3b BBBB
// Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares with 0 as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_gez():
% zcmp(op="gez")
// if-gtz vAA, +BBBB
// Format 21t: AA|3c BBBB
// Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares with 0 as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_gtz():
% zcmp(op="gtz")
// if-lez vAA, +BBBB
// Format 21t: AA|3d BBBB
// Branch to the given destination if the given register's value compares with 0 as specified.
// Note: The branch offset must not be 0.
%def op_if_lez():
% zcmp(op="lez")