blob: a6b837c09ba9bb78b56dff081c88e74547a61bbc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "valgrind_malloc_space.h"
#include <memcheck/memcheck.h>
namespace art {
namespace gc {
namespace space {
// Number of bytes to use as a red zone (rdz). A red zone of this size will be placed before and
// after each allocation. 8 bytes provides long/double alignment.
static constexpr size_t kValgrindRedZoneBytes = 8;
template <typename S, typename A>
mirror::Object* ValgrindMallocSpace<S, A>::AllocWithGrowth(Thread* self, size_t num_bytes,
size_t* bytes_allocated,
size_t* usable_size) {
void* obj_with_rdz = S::AllocWithGrowth(self, num_bytes + 2 * kValgrindRedZoneBytes,
bytes_allocated, usable_size);
if (obj_with_rdz == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
mirror::Object* result = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj_with_rdz) + kValgrindRedZoneBytes);
// Make redzones as no access.
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(obj_with_rdz, kValgrindRedZoneBytes);
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(result) + num_bytes, kValgrindRedZoneBytes);
return result;
template <typename S, typename A>
mirror::Object* ValgrindMallocSpace<S, A>::Alloc(Thread* self, size_t num_bytes,
size_t* bytes_allocated,
size_t* usable_size) {
void* obj_with_rdz = S::Alloc(self, num_bytes + 2 * kValgrindRedZoneBytes, bytes_allocated,
if (obj_with_rdz == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
mirror::Object* result = reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj_with_rdz) + kValgrindRedZoneBytes);
// Make redzones as no access.
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(obj_with_rdz, kValgrindRedZoneBytes);
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(result) + num_bytes, kValgrindRedZoneBytes);
return result;
template <typename S, typename A>
size_t ValgrindMallocSpace<S, A>::AllocationSize(mirror::Object* obj, size_t* usable_size) {
size_t result = S::AllocationSize(reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj) - kValgrindRedZoneBytes), usable_size);
return result;
template <typename S, typename A>
size_t ValgrindMallocSpace<S, A>::Free(Thread* self, mirror::Object* ptr) {
void* obj_after_rdz = reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr);
void* obj_with_rdz = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(obj_after_rdz) - kValgrindRedZoneBytes;
// Make redzones undefined.
size_t usable_size = 0;
AllocationSize(ptr, &usable_size);
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(obj_with_rdz, usable_size);
return S::Free(self, reinterpret_cast<mirror::Object*>(obj_with_rdz));
template <typename S, typename A>
size_t ValgrindMallocSpace<S, A>::FreeList(Thread* self, size_t num_ptrs, mirror::Object** ptrs) {
size_t freed = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ptrs; i++) {
freed += Free(self, ptrs[i]);
ptrs[i] = nullptr;
return freed;
template <typename S, typename A>
ValgrindMallocSpace<S, A>::ValgrindMallocSpace(const std::string& name, MemMap* mem_map,
A allocator, uint8_t* begin,
uint8_t* end, uint8_t* limit, size_t growth_limit,
size_t initial_size,
bool can_move_objects, size_t starting_size) :
S(name, mem_map, allocator, begin, end, limit, growth_limit, can_move_objects, starting_size,
initial_size) {
VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(mem_map->Begin() + initial_size, mem_map->Size() - initial_size);
} // namespace space
} // namespace gc
} // namespace art