| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package com.android.server.art; |
| |
| import static com.android.server.art.DexUseManagerLocal.DetailedSecondaryDexInfo; |
| import static com.android.server.art.GetDexoptNeededResult.ArtifactsLocation; |
| import static com.android.server.art.OutputArtifacts.PermissionSettings; |
| import static com.android.server.art.model.DexoptResult.DexContainerFileDexoptResult; |
| import static com.android.server.art.testing.TestingUtils.deepEq; |
| |
| import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; |
| |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.any; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyBoolean; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyInt; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.argThat; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.isNull; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.lenient; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.never; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; |
| |
| import android.os.CancellationSignal; |
| import android.os.SystemProperties; |
| import android.os.UserHandle; |
| |
| import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest; |
| import androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; |
| |
| import com.android.server.art.model.ArtFlags; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DexoptParams; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DexoptResult; |
| import com.android.server.art.testing.StaticMockitoRule; |
| import com.android.server.art.testing.TestingUtils; |
| import com.android.server.pm.PackageSetting; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.AndroidPackage; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageState; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageStateUnserialized; |
| |
| import org.junit.Before; |
| import org.junit.Rule; |
| import org.junit.Test; |
| import org.junit.runner.RunWith; |
| import org.mockito.Mock; |
| |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Set; |
| import java.util.function.Function; |
| |
| @SmallTest |
| @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) |
| public class SecondaryDexopterTest { |
| private static final String PKG_NAME = "com.example.foo"; |
| private static final int APP_ID = 12345; |
| private static final UserHandle USER_HANDLE = UserHandle.of(2); |
| private static final int UID = USER_HANDLE.getUid(APP_ID); |
| private static final String APP_DATA_DIR = "/data/user/2/" + PKG_NAME; |
| private static final String DEX_1 = APP_DATA_DIR + "/1.apk"; |
| private static final String DEX_2 = APP_DATA_DIR + "/2.apk"; |
| private static final String DEX_3 = APP_DATA_DIR + "/3.apk"; |
| |
| private final DexoptParams mDexoptParams = |
| new DexoptParams.Builder("bg-dexopt") |
| .setCompilerFilter("speed-profile") |
| .build(); |
| |
| private final ProfilePath mDex1RefProfile = AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryRef(DEX_1); |
| private final ProfilePath mDex1CurProfile = AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryCur(DEX_1); |
| private final ProfilePath mDex2RefProfile = AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryRef(DEX_2); |
| private final ProfilePath mDex3RefProfile = AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryRef(DEX_3); |
| private final OutputProfile mDex1PrivateOutputProfile = |
| AidlUtils.buildOutputProfileForSecondary(DEX_1, UID, UID, false /* isOtherReadable */); |
| |
| private final int mDefaultDexoptTrigger = DexoptTrigger.COMPILER_FILTER_IS_BETTER |
| private final int mBetterOrSameDexoptTrigger = DexoptTrigger.COMPILER_FILTER_IS_BETTER |
| |
| private final MergeProfileOptions mMergeProfileOptions = new MergeProfileOptions(); |
| |
| @Rule |
| public StaticMockitoRule mockitoRule = |
| new StaticMockitoRule(SystemProperties.class, Constants.class); |
| |
| @Mock private SecondaryDexopter.Injector mInjector; |
| @Mock private IArtd mArtd; |
| @Mock private DexUseManagerLocal mDexUseManager; |
| private PackageState mPkgState; |
| private AndroidPackage mPkg; |
| private CancellationSignal mCancellationSignal; |
| |
| private SecondaryDexopter mSecondaryDexopter; |
| |
| @Before |
| public void setUp() throws Exception { |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.getBoolean(eq("dalvik.vm.always_debuggable"), anyBoolean())) |
| .thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.appimageformat")).thenReturn("lz4"); |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get("pm.dexopt.shared")).thenReturn("speed"); |
| |
| // No ISA translation. |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.get(argThat(arg -> arg.startsWith("ro.dalvik.vm.isa.")))) |
| .thenReturn(""); |
| |
| lenient().when(Constants.getPreferredAbi()).thenReturn("arm64-v8a"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getNative64BitAbi()).thenReturn("arm64-v8a"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getNative32BitAbi()).thenReturn("armeabi-v7a"); |
| |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getArtd()).thenReturn(mArtd); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.isSystemUiPackage(any())).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.isLauncherPackage(any())).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getDexUseManager()).thenReturn(mDexUseManager); |
| |
| List<DetailedSecondaryDexInfo> secondaryDexInfo = createSecondaryDexInfo(); |
| lenient() |
| .when(mDexUseManager.getFilteredDetailedSecondaryDexInfo(eq(PKG_NAME))) |
| .thenReturn(secondaryDexInfo); |
| |
| mPkgState = createPackageState(); |
| mPkg = mPkgState.getAndroidPackage(); |
| mCancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| prepareProfiles(); |
| |
| // Dexopt is always needed and successful. |
| lenient() |
| .when(mArtd.getDexoptNeeded(any(), any(), any(), any(), anyInt())) |
| .thenReturn(dexoptIsNeeded()); |
| lenient() |
| .when(mArtd.dexopt(any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), any(), anyInt(), |
| any(), any())) |
| .thenReturn(createArtdDexoptResult()); |
| |
| lenient() |
| .when(mArtd.createCancellationSignal()) |
| .thenReturn(mock(IArtdCancellationSignal.class)); |
| |
| mSecondaryDexopter = new SecondaryDexopter( |
| mInjector, mPkgState, mPkg, mDexoptParams, mCancellationSignal); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexopt() throws Exception { |
| assertThat(mSecondaryDexopter.dexopt()) |
| .comparingElementsUsing(TestingUtils.<DexContainerFileDexoptResult>deepEquality()) |
| .containsExactly( |
| DexContainerFileDexoptResult.create(DEX_1, true /* isPrimaryAbi */, |
| "arm64-v8a", "speed-profile", DexoptResult.DEXOPT_PERFORMED, |
| 0 /* dex2oatWallTimeMillis */, 0 /* dex2oatCpuTimeMillis */, |
| 0 /* sizeBytes */, 0 /* sizeBeforeBytes */, |
| false /* isSkippedDueToStorageLow */), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptResult.create(DEX_2, true /* isPrimaryAbi */, |
| "arm64-v8a", "speed", DexoptResult.DEXOPT_PERFORMED, |
| 0 /* dex2oatWallTimeMillis */, 0 /* dex2oatCpuTimeMillis */, |
| 0 /* sizeBytes */, 0 /* sizeBeforeBytes */, |
| false /* isSkippedDueToStorageLow */), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptResult.create(DEX_2, false /* isPrimaryAbi */, |
| "armeabi-v7a", "speed", DexoptResult.DEXOPT_PERFORMED, |
| 0 /* dex2oatWallTimeMillis */, 0 /* dex2oatCpuTimeMillis */, |
| 0 /* sizeBytes */, 0 /* sizeBeforeBytes */, |
| false /* isSkippedDueToStorageLow */), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptResult.create(DEX_3, true /* isPrimaryAbi */, |
| "arm64-v8a", "verify", DexoptResult.DEXOPT_PERFORMED, |
| 0 /* dex2oatWallTimeMillis */, 0 /* dex2oatCpuTimeMillis */, |
| 0 /* sizeBytes */, 0 /* sizeBeforeBytes */, |
| false /* isSkippedDueToStorageLow */)); |
| |
| // It should use profile for dex 1. |
| |
| verify(mArtd).mergeProfiles(deepEq(List.of(mDex1CurProfile)), deepEq(mDex1RefProfile), |
| deepEq(mDex1PrivateOutputProfile), deepEq(List.of(DEX_1)), |
| deepEq(mMergeProfileOptions)); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).getDexoptNeeded( |
| eq(DEX_1), eq("arm64"), any(), eq("speed-profile"), eq(mBetterOrSameDexoptTrigger)); |
| checkDexoptWithPrivateProfile(verify(mArtd), DEX_1, "arm64", |
| ProfilePath.tmpProfilePath(mDex1PrivateOutputProfile.profilePath), "CLC_FOR_DEX_1"); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).commitTmpProfile(deepEq(mDex1PrivateOutputProfile.profilePath)); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile(deepEq(mDex1CurProfile)); |
| |
| // It should use "speed" for dex 2 for both ISAs and make the artifacts public. |
| |
| verify(mArtd, never()).isProfileUsable(deepEq(mDex2RefProfile), any()); |
| verify(mArtd, never()).mergeProfiles(any(), deepEq(mDex2RefProfile), any(), any(), any()); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).getDexoptNeeded( |
| eq(DEX_2), eq("arm64"), any(), eq("speed"), eq(mDefaultDexoptTrigger)); |
| checkDexoptWithNoProfile( |
| verify(mArtd), DEX_2, "arm64", "speed", "CLC_FOR_DEX_2", true /* isPublic */); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).getDexoptNeeded( |
| eq(DEX_2), eq("arm"), any(), eq("speed"), eq(mDefaultDexoptTrigger)); |
| checkDexoptWithNoProfile( |
| verify(mArtd), DEX_2, "arm", "speed", "CLC_FOR_DEX_2", true /* isPublic */); |
| |
| // It should use "verify" for dex 3 and make the artifacts private. |
| |
| verify(mArtd, never()).isProfileUsable(deepEq(mDex3RefProfile), any()); |
| verify(mArtd, never()).mergeProfiles(any(), deepEq(mDex3RefProfile), any(), any(), any()); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).getDexoptNeeded( |
| eq(DEX_3), eq("arm64"), isNull(), eq("verify"), eq(mDefaultDexoptTrigger)); |
| checkDexoptWithNoProfile(verify(mArtd), DEX_3, "arm64", "verify", |
| null /* classLoaderContext */, false /* isPublic */); |
| } |
| |
| private AndroidPackage createPackage() { |
| var pkg = mock(AndroidPackage.class); |
| lenient().when(pkg.isVmSafeMode()).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(pkg.isDebuggable()).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(pkg.getTargetSdkVersion()).thenReturn(123); |
| lenient().when(pkg.isSignedWithPlatformKey()).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(pkg.isNonSdkApiRequested()).thenReturn(false); |
| return pkg; |
| } |
| |
| private PackageState createPackageState() { |
| var pkgState = mock(PackageState.class); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getPackageName()).thenReturn(PKG_NAME); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getPrimaryCpuAbi()).thenReturn("arm64-v8a"); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getSecondaryCpuAbi()).thenReturn("armeabi-v7a"); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getAppId()).thenReturn(APP_ID); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getSeInfo()).thenReturn("se-info"); |
| AndroidPackage pkg = createPackage(); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getAndroidPackage()).thenReturn(pkg); |
| return pkgState; |
| } |
| |
| private List<DetailedSecondaryDexInfo> createSecondaryDexInfo() throws Exception { |
| // This should be compiled with profile. |
| var dex1Info = mock(DetailedSecondaryDexInfo.class); |
| lenient().when(dex1Info.dexPath()).thenReturn(DEX_1); |
| lenient().when(dex1Info.userHandle()).thenReturn(USER_HANDLE); |
| lenient().when(dex1Info.classLoaderContext()).thenReturn("CLC_FOR_DEX_1"); |
| lenient().when(dex1Info.abiNames()).thenReturn(Set.of("arm64-v8a")); |
| lenient().when(dex1Info.isUsedByOtherApps()).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(dex1Info.isDexFilePublic()).thenReturn(true); |
| |
| // This should be compiled without profile because it's used by other apps. |
| var dex2Info = mock(DetailedSecondaryDexInfo.class); |
| lenient().when(dex2Info.dexPath()).thenReturn(DEX_2); |
| lenient().when(dex2Info.userHandle()).thenReturn(USER_HANDLE); |
| lenient().when(dex2Info.classLoaderContext()).thenReturn("CLC_FOR_DEX_2"); |
| lenient().when(dex2Info.abiNames()).thenReturn(Set.of("arm64-v8a", "armeabi-v7a")); |
| lenient().when(dex2Info.isUsedByOtherApps()).thenReturn(true); |
| lenient().when(dex2Info.isDexFilePublic()).thenReturn(true); |
| |
| // This should be compiled with verify because the class loader context is invalid. |
| var dex3Info = mock(DetailedSecondaryDexInfo.class); |
| lenient().when(dex3Info.dexPath()).thenReturn(DEX_3); |
| lenient().when(dex3Info.userHandle()).thenReturn(USER_HANDLE); |
| lenient().when(dex3Info.classLoaderContext()).thenReturn(null); |
| lenient().when(dex3Info.abiNames()).thenReturn(Set.of("arm64-v8a")); |
| lenient().when(dex3Info.isUsedByOtherApps()).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(dex3Info.isDexFilePublic()).thenReturn(false); |
| |
| return List.of(dex1Info, dex2Info, dex3Info); |
| } |
| |
| private void prepareProfiles() throws Exception { |
| // Profile for dex file 1 is usable. |
| lenient().when(mArtd.isProfileUsable(deepEq(mDex1RefProfile), any())).thenReturn(true); |
| lenient() |
| .when(mArtd.getProfileVisibility(deepEq(mDex1RefProfile))) |
| .thenReturn(FileVisibility.NOT_OTHER_READABLE); |
| |
| // Profiles for dex file 2 and 3 are also usable, but shouldn't be used. |
| lenient().when(mArtd.isProfileUsable(deepEq(mDex2RefProfile), any())).thenReturn(true); |
| lenient() |
| .when(mArtd.getProfileVisibility(deepEq(mDex2RefProfile))) |
| .thenReturn(FileVisibility.NOT_OTHER_READABLE); |
| lenient().when(mArtd.isProfileUsable(deepEq(mDex3RefProfile), any())).thenReturn(true); |
| lenient() |
| .when(mArtd.getProfileVisibility(deepEq(mDex3RefProfile))) |
| .thenReturn(FileVisibility.NOT_OTHER_READABLE); |
| |
| lenient().when(mArtd.mergeProfiles(any(), any(), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(true); |
| } |
| |
| private GetDexoptNeededResult dexoptIsNeeded() { |
| var result = new GetDexoptNeededResult(); |
| result.isDexoptNeeded = true; |
| result.artifactsLocation = ArtifactsLocation.NONE_OR_ERROR; |
| result.isVdexUsable = false; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private ArtdDexoptResult createArtdDexoptResult() { |
| var result = new ArtdDexoptResult(); |
| result.cancelled = false; |
| result.wallTimeMs = 0; |
| result.cpuTimeMs = 0; |
| result.sizeBytes = 0; |
| result.sizeBeforeBytes = 0; |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| private void checkDexoptWithPrivateProfile(IArtd artd, String dexPath, String isa, |
| ProfilePath profile, String classLoaderContext) throws Exception { |
| PermissionSettings permissionSettings = buildPermissionSettings(false /* isPublic */); |
| OutputArtifacts outputArtifacts = AidlUtils.buildOutputArtifacts( |
| dexPath, isa, false /* isInDalvikCache */, permissionSettings); |
| artd.dexopt(deepEq(outputArtifacts), eq(dexPath), eq(isa), eq(classLoaderContext), |
| eq("speed-profile"), deepEq(profile), any(), isNull() /* dmFile */, anyInt(), |
| argThat(dexoptOptions -> dexoptOptions.generateAppImage == false), any()); |
| } |
| |
| private void checkDexoptWithNoProfile(IArtd artd, String dexPath, String isa, |
| String compilerFilter, String classLoaderContext, boolean isPublic) throws Exception { |
| PermissionSettings permissionSettings = buildPermissionSettings(isPublic); |
| OutputArtifacts outputArtifacts = AidlUtils.buildOutputArtifacts( |
| dexPath, isa, false /* isInDalvikCache */, permissionSettings); |
| artd.dexopt(deepEq(outputArtifacts), eq(dexPath), eq(isa), eq(classLoaderContext), |
| eq(compilerFilter), isNull(), any(), isNull() /* dmFile */, anyInt(), |
| argThat(dexoptOptions -> dexoptOptions.generateAppImage == false), any()); |
| } |
| |
| private PermissionSettings buildPermissionSettings(boolean isPublic) { |
| FsPermission dirFsPermission = AidlUtils.buildFsPermission(UID /* uid */, UID /* gid */, |
| false /* isOtherReadable */, true /* isOtherExecutable */); |
| FsPermission fileFsPermission = |
| AidlUtils.buildFsPermission(UID /* uid */, UID /* gid */, isPublic); |
| return AidlUtils.buildPermissionSettings( |
| dirFsPermission, fileFsPermission, AidlUtils.buildSeContext("se-info", UID)); |
| } |
| } |