blob: 756d5c8c2065857353cc0a96adb69bd608d77a97 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.R;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.CancellationSignal;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ServiceSpecificException;
import android.os.SystemProperties;
import android.os.UserManager;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Pair;
import dalvik.system.DexFile;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
/** @hide */
public abstract class Dexopter<DexInfoType extends DetailedDexInfo> {
private static final String TAG = "Dexopter";
private static final List<String> ART_PACKAGE_NAMES =
List.of("", "", "");
@NonNull protected final Injector mInjector;
@NonNull protected final PackageState mPkgState;
/** This is always {@code mPkgState.getAndroidPackage()} and guaranteed to be non-null. */
@NonNull protected final AndroidPackage mPkg;
@NonNull protected final DexoptParams mParams;
@NonNull protected final CancellationSignal mCancellationSignal;
protected Dexopter(@NonNull Injector injector, @NonNull PackageState pkgState,
@NonNull AndroidPackage pkg, @NonNull DexoptParams params,
@NonNull CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) {
mInjector = injector;
mPkgState = pkgState;
mPkg = pkg;
mParams = params;
mCancellationSignal = cancellationSignal;
if (pkgState.getAppId() < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Package '" + pkgState.getPackageName() + "' has invalid app ID");
* DO NOT use this method directly. Use {@link
* ArtManagerLocal#dexoptPackage(PackageManagerLocal.FilteredSnapshot, String,
* DexoptParams)}.
public final List<DexContainerFileDexoptResult> dexopt() throws RemoteException {
List<DexContainerFileDexoptResult> results = new ArrayList<>();
boolean isInDalvikCache = isInDalvikCache();
for (DexInfoType dexInfo : getDexInfoList()) {
ProfilePath profile = null;
boolean succeeded = true;
try {
if (!isDexoptable(dexInfo)) {
String compilerFilter = adjustCompilerFilter(mParams.getCompilerFilter(), dexInfo);
if (compilerFilter.equals(DexoptParams.COMPILER_FILTER_NOOP)) {
boolean needsToBeShared = needsToBeShared(dexInfo);
boolean isOtherReadable = true;
// If true, implies that the profile has changed since the last compilation.
boolean profileMerged = false;
if (DexFile.isProfileGuidedCompilerFilter(compilerFilter)) {
if (needsToBeShared) {
profile = initReferenceProfile(dexInfo);
} else {
Pair<ProfilePath, Boolean> pair = getOrInitReferenceProfile(dexInfo);
if (pair != null) {
profile = pair.first;
isOtherReadable = pair.second;
ProfilePath mergedProfile = mergeProfiles(dexInfo, profile);
if (mergedProfile != null) {
if (profile != null && profile.getTag() == ProfilePath.tmpProfilePath) {
profile = mergedProfile;
isOtherReadable = false;
profileMerged = true;
if (profile == null) {
// A profile guided dexopt with no profile is essentially 'verify',
// and dex2oat already makes this transformation. However, we need to
// explicitly make this transformation here to guide the later decisions
// such as whether the artifacts can be public and whether dexopt is needed.
compilerFilter = needsToBeShared
? ReasonMapping.getCompilerFilterForShared()
: "verify";
boolean isProfileGuidedCompilerFilter =
Utils.check(isProfileGuidedCompilerFilter == (profile != null));
boolean canBePublic = (!isProfileGuidedCompilerFilter || isOtherReadable)
&& isDexFilePublic(dexInfo);
Utils.check(Utils.implies(needsToBeShared, canBePublic));
PermissionSettings permissionSettings = getPermissionSettings(dexInfo, canBePublic);
DexoptOptions dexoptOptions =
getDexoptOptions(dexInfo, isProfileGuidedCompilerFilter);
for (Abi abi : getAllAbis(dexInfo)) {
@DexoptResult.DexoptResultStatus int status = DexoptResult.DEXOPT_SKIPPED;
long wallTimeMs = 0;
long cpuTimeMs = 0;
long sizeBytes = 0;
long sizeBeforeBytes = 0;
boolean isSkippedDueToStorageLow = false;
try {
var target = DexoptTarget.<DexInfoType>builder()
var options = GetDexoptNeededOptions.builder()
GetDexoptNeededResult getDexoptNeededResult =
getDexoptNeeded(target, options);
if (!getDexoptNeededResult.isDexoptNeeded) {
try {
// `StorageManager.getAllocatableBytes` returns (free space + space used
// by clearable cache - low storage threshold). Since we only compare
// the result with 0, the clearable cache doesn't make a difference.
// When the free space is below the threshold, there should be no
// clearable cache left because system cleans up cache every minute.
if ((mParams.getFlags() & ArtFlags.FLAG_SKIP_IF_STORAGE_LOW) != 0
&& mInjector.getStorageManager().getAllocatableBytes(
<= 0) {
isSkippedDueToStorageLow = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to check storage. Assuming storage not low", e);
IArtdCancellationSignal artdCancellationSignal =
mCancellationSignal.setOnCancelListener(() -> {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "An error occurred when sending a cancellation signal",
ArtdDexoptResult dexoptResult = dexoptFile(target, profile,
getDexoptNeededResult, permissionSettings,
mParams.getPriorityClass(), dexoptOptions, artdCancellationSignal);
status = dexoptResult.cancelled ? DexoptResult.DEXOPT_CANCELLED
wallTimeMs = dexoptResult.wallTimeMs;
cpuTimeMs = dexoptResult.cpuTimeMs;
sizeBytes = dexoptResult.sizeBytes;
sizeBeforeBytes = dexoptResult.sizeBeforeBytes;
if (status == DexoptResult.DEXOPT_CANCELLED) {
return results;
} catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
// Log the error and continue.
String.format("Failed to dexopt [packageName = %s, dexPath = %s, "
+ "isa = %s, classLoaderContext = %s]",
mPkgState.getPackageName(), dexInfo.dexPath(), abi.isa(),
status = DexoptResult.DEXOPT_FAILED;
} finally {
abi.isPrimaryAbi(),, compilerFilter, status, wallTimeMs,
cpuTimeMs, sizeBytes, sizeBeforeBytes, isSkippedDueToStorageLow));
if (status != DexoptResult.DEXOPT_SKIPPED
&& status != DexoptResult.DEXOPT_PERFORMED) {
succeeded = false;
// Make sure artd does not leak even if the caller holds
// `mCancellationSignal` forever.
if (profile != null && succeeded) {
if (profile.getTag() == ProfilePath.tmpProfilePath) {
// Commit the profile only if dexopt succeeds.
if (commitProfileChanges(profile.getTmpProfilePath())) {
profile = null;
if (profileMerged) {
// Note that this is just an optimization, to reduce the amount of data that
// the runtime writes on every profile save. The profile merge result on the
// next run won't change regardless of whether the cleanup is done or not
// because profman only looks at the diff.
// A caveat is that it may delete more than what has been merged, if the
// runtime writes additional entries between the merge and the cleanup, but
// this is fine because the runtime writes all JITed classes and methods on
// every save and the additional entries will likely be written back on the
// next save.
} finally {
if (profile != null && profile.getTag() == ProfilePath.tmpProfilePath) {
return results;
private String adjustCompilerFilter(
@NonNull String targetCompilerFilter, @NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo) {
if (mInjector.isSystemUiPackage(mPkgState.getPackageName())) {
String systemUiCompilerFilter = getSystemUiCompilerFilter();
if (!systemUiCompilerFilter.isEmpty()) {
return systemUiCompilerFilter;
if (mInjector.isLauncherPackage(mPkgState.getPackageName())) {
return "speed-profile";
// We force vmSafeMode on debuggable apps as well:
// - the runtime ignores their compiled code
// - they generally have lots of methods that could make the compiler used run out of
// memory (b/130828957)
// Note that forcing the compiler filter here applies to all compilations (even if they
// are done via adb shell commands). This is okay because the runtime will ignore the
// compiled code anyway.
if (mPkg.isVmSafeMode() || mPkg.isDebuggable()) {
return DexFile.getSafeModeCompilerFilter(targetCompilerFilter);
// We cannot do AOT compilation if we don't have a valid class loader context.
if (dexInfo.classLoaderContext() == null) {
return DexFile.isOptimizedCompilerFilter(targetCompilerFilter) ? "verify"
: targetCompilerFilter;
// This application wants to use the embedded dex in the APK, rather than extracted or
// locally compiled variants, so we only verify it.
// "verify" does not prevent dex2oat from extracting the dex code, but in practice, dex2oat
// won't extract the dex code because the APK is uncompressed, and the assumption is that
// such applications always use uncompressed APKs.
if (mPkg.isUseEmbeddedDex()) {
return DexFile.isOptimizedCompilerFilter(targetCompilerFilter) ? "verify"
: targetCompilerFilter;
return targetCompilerFilter;
private String getSystemUiCompilerFilter() {
String compilerFilter = SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.systemuicompilerfilter");
if (!compilerFilter.isEmpty() && !Utils.isValidArtServiceCompilerFilter(compilerFilter)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Got invalid compiler filter '" + compilerFilter + "' for System UI");
return compilerFilter;
* Gets the existing reference profile if exists, or initializes a reference profile from an
* external profile.
* @return A pair where the first element is the found or initialized profile, and the second
* element is true if the profile is readable by others. Or null if there is no
* reference profile or external profile to use.
private Pair<ProfilePath, Boolean> getOrInitReferenceProfile(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo)
throws RemoteException {
ProfilePath refProfile = buildRefProfilePath(dexInfo);
try {
if (mInjector.getArtd().isProfileUsable(refProfile, dexInfo.dexPath())) {
boolean isOtherReadable = mInjector.getArtd().getProfileVisibility(refProfile)
== FileVisibility.OTHER_READABLE;
return Pair.create(refProfile, isOtherReadable);
} catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
"Failed to use the existing reference profile "
+ AidlUtils.toString(refProfile),
ProfilePath initializedProfile = initReferenceProfile(dexInfo);
return initializedProfile != null ? Pair.create(initializedProfile, true) : null;
private DexoptOptions getDexoptOptions(
@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo, boolean isProfileGuidedFilter) {
DexoptOptions dexoptOptions = new DexoptOptions();
dexoptOptions.compilationReason = mParams.getReason();
dexoptOptions.targetSdkVersion = mPkg.getTargetSdkVersion();
dexoptOptions.debuggable = mPkg.isDebuggable() || isAlwaysDebuggable();
// Generating a meaningful app image needs a profile to determine what to include in the
// image. Otherwise, the app image will be nearly empty.
dexoptOptions.generateAppImage =
isProfileGuidedFilter && isAppImageAllowed(dexInfo) && isAppImageEnabled();
dexoptOptions.hiddenApiPolicyEnabled = isHiddenApiPolicyEnabled();
dexoptOptions.comments = String.format(
"app-version-name:%s,app-version-code:%d,art-version:%d", mPkg.getVersionName(),
mPkg.getLongVersionCode(), mInjector.getArtVersion());
return dexoptOptions;
private boolean isAlwaysDebuggable() {
return SystemProperties.getBoolean("dalvik.vm.always_debuggable", false /* def */);
private boolean isAppImageEnabled() {
return !SystemProperties.get("dalvik.vm.appimageformat").isEmpty();
private boolean isHiddenApiPolicyEnabled() {
return mPkgState.getHiddenApiEnforcementPolicy()
GetDexoptNeededResult getDexoptNeeded(@NonNull DexoptTarget<DexInfoType> target,
@NonNull GetDexoptNeededOptions options) throws RemoteException {
int dexoptTrigger = getDexoptTrigger(target, options);
// The result should come from artd even if all the bits of `dexoptTrigger` are set
// because the result also contains information about the usable VDEX file.
// Note that the class loader context can be null. In that case, we intentionally pass the
// null value down to lower levels to indicate that the class loader context check should be
// skipped because we are only going to verify the dex code (see `adjustCompilerFilter`).
GetDexoptNeededResult result = mInjector.getArtd().getDexoptNeeded(
target.dexInfo().dexPath(), target.isa(), target.dexInfo().classLoaderContext(),
target.compilerFilter(), dexoptTrigger);
return result;
int getDexoptTrigger(@NonNull DexoptTarget<DexInfoType> target,
@NonNull GetDexoptNeededOptions options) throws RemoteException {
if ((options.flags() & ArtFlags.FLAG_FORCE) != 0) {
| DexoptTrigger.NEED_EXTRACTION;
if ((options.flags() & ArtFlags.FLAG_SHOULD_DOWNGRADE) != 0) {
return DexoptTrigger.COMPILER_FILTER_IS_WORSE;
int dexoptTrigger = DexoptTrigger.COMPILER_FILTER_IS_BETTER
if (options.profileMerged()) {
dexoptTrigger |= DexoptTrigger.COMPILER_FILTER_IS_SAME;
ArtifactsPath existingArtifactsPath = AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath(
target.dexInfo().dexPath(), target.isa(), target.isInDalvikCache());
if (options.needsToBePublic()
&& mInjector.getArtd().getArtifactsVisibility(existingArtifactsPath)
== FileVisibility.NOT_OTHER_READABLE) {
// Typically, this happens after an app starts being used by other apps.
// This case should be the same as force as we have no choice but to trigger a new
// dexopt.
dexoptTrigger |=
return dexoptTrigger;
private ArtdDexoptResult dexoptFile(@NonNull DexoptTarget<DexInfoType> target,
@Nullable ProfilePath profile, @NonNull GetDexoptNeededResult getDexoptNeededResult,
@NonNull PermissionSettings permissionSettings, @PriorityClass int priorityClass,
@NonNull DexoptOptions dexoptOptions, IArtdCancellationSignal artdCancellationSignal)
throws RemoteException {
OutputArtifacts outputArtifacts = AidlUtils.buildOutputArtifacts(target.dexInfo().dexPath(),
target.isa(), target.isInDalvikCache(), permissionSettings);
VdexPath inputVdex =
getInputVdex(getDexoptNeededResult, target.dexInfo().dexPath(), target.isa());
DexMetadataPath dmFile = getDmFile(target.dexInfo());
if (dmFile != null
&& ReasonMapping.REASONS_FOR_INSTALL.contains(dexoptOptions.compilationReason)) {
// If the DM file is passed to dex2oat, then add the "-dm" suffix to the reason (e.g.,
// "install-dm").
// Note that this only applies to reasons for app install because the goal is to give
// Play a signal that a DM file is downloaded at install time. We actually pass the DM
// file regardless of the compilation reason, but we don't append a suffix when the
// compilation reason is not a reason for app install.
// Also note that the "-dm" suffix does NOT imply anything in the DM file being used by
// dex2oat. dex2oat may ignore some contents of the DM file when appropriate. The
// compilation reason can still be "install-dm" even if dex2oat left all contents of the
// DM file unused or an empty DM file is passed to dex2oat.
dexoptOptions.compilationReason = dexoptOptions.compilationReason + "-dm";
return mInjector.getArtd().dexopt(outputArtifacts, target.dexInfo().dexPath(), target.isa(),
target.dexInfo().classLoaderContext(), target.compilerFilter(), profile, inputVdex,
dmFile, priorityClass, dexoptOptions, artdCancellationSignal);
private VdexPath getInputVdex(@NonNull GetDexoptNeededResult getDexoptNeededResult,
@NonNull String dexPath, @NonNull String isa) {
if (!getDexoptNeededResult.isVdexUsable) {
return null;
switch (getDexoptNeededResult.artifactsLocation) {
case ArtifactsLocation.DALVIK_CACHE:
return VdexPath.artifactsPath(
AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath(dexPath, isa, true /* isInDalvikCache */));
case ArtifactsLocation.NEXT_TO_DEX:
return VdexPath.artifactsPath(
AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath(dexPath, isa, false /* isInDalvikCache */));
case ArtifactsLocation.DM:
// The DM file is passed to dex2oat as a separate flag whenever it exists.
return null;
// This should never happen as the value is got from artd.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unknown artifacts location " + getDexoptNeededResult.artifactsLocation);
private DexMetadataPath getDmFile(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo) throws RemoteException {
DexMetadataPath path = buildDmPath(dexInfo);
if (path == null) {
return null;
try {
if (mInjector.getArtd().getDmFileVisibility(path) != FileVisibility.NOT_FOUND) {
return path;
} catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to check DM file for " + dexInfo.dexPath(), e);
return null;
private boolean commitProfileChanges(@NonNull TmpProfilePath profile) throws RemoteException {
try {
return true;
} catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to commit profile changes " + AidlUtils.toString(profile.finalPath),
return false;
private ProfilePath mergeProfiles(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo,
@Nullable ProfilePath referenceProfile) throws RemoteException {
OutputProfile output = buildOutputProfile(dexInfo, false /* isPublic */);
try {
if (mInjector.getArtd().mergeProfiles(getCurProfiles(dexInfo), referenceProfile, output,
List.of(dexInfo.dexPath()), new MergeProfileOptions())) {
return ProfilePath.tmpProfilePath(output.profilePath);
} catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
"Failed to merge profiles " + AidlUtils.toString(output.profilePath.finalPath),
return null;
private void cleanupCurProfiles(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo) throws RemoteException {
for (ProfilePath profile : getCurProfiles(dexInfo)) {
// Methods to be implemented by child classes.
/** Returns true if the artifacts should be written to the global dalvik-cache directory. */
protected abstract boolean isInDalvikCache() throws RemoteException;
/** Returns information about all dex files. */
@NonNull protected abstract List<DexInfoType> getDexInfoList();
/** Returns true if the given dex file should be dexopted. */
protected abstract boolean isDexoptable(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
* Returns true if the artifacts should be shared with other apps. Note that this must imply
* {@link #isDexFilePublic(DexInfoType)}.
protected abstract boolean needsToBeShared(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
* Returns true if the filesystem permission of the dex file has the "read" bit for "others"
* (S_IROTH).
protected abstract boolean isDexFilePublic(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
* Returns a reference profile initialized from an external profile (e.g., a DM profile) if
* one exists, or null otherwise.
protected abstract ProfilePath initReferenceProfile(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo)
throws RemoteException;
/** Returns the permission settings to use for the artifacts of the given dex file. */
protected abstract PermissionSettings getPermissionSettings(
@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo, boolean canBePublic);
/** Returns all ABIs that the given dex file should be compiled for. */
@NonNull protected abstract List<Abi> getAllAbis(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
/** Returns the path to the reference profile of the given dex file. */
@NonNull protected abstract ProfilePath buildRefProfilePath(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
/** Returns true if app image (--app-image-fd) is allowed. */
protected abstract boolean isAppImageAllowed(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
* Returns the data structure that represents the temporary profile to use during processing.
protected abstract OutputProfile buildOutputProfile(
@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo, boolean isPublic);
/** Returns the paths to the current profiles of the given dex file. */
@NonNull protected abstract List<ProfilePath> getCurProfiles(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
* Returns the path to the DM file that should be passed to dex2oat, or null if no DM file
* should be passed.
@Nullable protected abstract DexMetadataPath buildDmPath(@NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo);
abstract static class DexoptTarget<DexInfoType extends DetailedDexInfo> {
abstract @NonNull DexInfoType dexInfo();
abstract @NonNull String isa();
abstract boolean isInDalvikCache();
abstract @NonNull String compilerFilter();
static <DexInfoType extends DetailedDexInfo> Builder<DexInfoType> builder() {
return new AutoValue_Dexopter_DexoptTarget.Builder<DexInfoType>();
abstract static class Builder<DexInfoType extends DetailedDexInfo> {
abstract Builder setDexInfo(@NonNull DexInfoType value);
abstract Builder setIsa(@NonNull String value);
abstract Builder setIsInDalvikCache(boolean value);
abstract Builder setCompilerFilter(@NonNull String value);
abstract DexoptTarget<DexInfoType> build();
abstract static class GetDexoptNeededOptions {
abstract @DexoptFlags int flags();
abstract boolean profileMerged();
abstract boolean needsToBePublic();
static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_Dexopter_GetDexoptNeededOptions.Builder();
abstract static class Builder {
abstract Builder setFlags(@DexoptFlags int value);
abstract Builder setProfileMerged(boolean value);
abstract Builder setNeedsToBePublic(boolean value);
abstract GetDexoptNeededOptions build();
* Injector pattern for testing purpose.
* @hide
@VisibleForTesting(visibility = VisibleForTesting.Visibility.PROTECTED)
public static class Injector {
@NonNull private final Context mContext;
public Injector(@NonNull Context context) {
mContext = context;
// Call the getters for various dependencies, to ensure correct initialization order.
public boolean isSystemUiPackage(@NonNull String packageName) {
return Utils.isSystemUiPackage(mContext, packageName);
public boolean isLauncherPackage(@NonNull String packageName) {
return Utils.isLauncherPackage(mContext, packageName);
public UserManager getUserManager() {
return Objects.requireNonNull(mContext.getSystemService(UserManager.class));
public DexUseManagerLocal getDexUseManager() {
return Objects.requireNonNull(
public IArtd getArtd() {
return Utils.getArtd();
public StorageManager getStorageManager() {
return Objects.requireNonNull(mContext.getSystemService(StorageManager.class));
private PackageManagerLocal getPackageManagerLocal() {
return Objects.requireNonNull(
public long getArtVersion() {
try (var snapshot = getPackageManagerLocal().withUnfilteredSnapshot()) {
Map<String, PackageState> packageStates = snapshot.getPackageStates();
for (String artPackageName : ART_PACKAGE_NAMES) {
PackageState pkgState = packageStates.get(artPackageName);
if (pkgState != null) {
AndroidPackage pkg = Utils.getPackageOrThrow(pkgState);
return pkg.getLongVersionCode();
return -1;