blob: 079fff91b6cb2a0388e6e2f3b2fac9090ff0ae1f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dead_code_elimination.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "driver/compiler_options.h"
#include "graph_checker.h"
#include "optimizing_unit_test.h"
#include "pretty_printer.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace art HIDDEN {
class DeadCodeEliminationTest : public CommonCompilerTest, public OptimizingUnitTestHelper {
void TestCode(const std::vector<uint16_t>& data,
const std::string& expected_before,
const std::string& expected_after);
void DeadCodeEliminationTest::TestCode(const std::vector<uint16_t>& data,
const std::string& expected_before,
const std::string& expected_after) {
HGraph* graph = CreateCFG(data);
ASSERT_NE(graph, nullptr);
StringPrettyPrinter printer_before(graph);
std::string actual_before = printer_before.str();
ASSERT_EQ(actual_before, expected_before);
HDeadCodeElimination(graph, /* stats= */ nullptr, "dead_code_elimination").Run();
GraphChecker graph_checker(graph);
StringPrettyPrinter printer_after(graph);
std::string actual_after = printer_after.str();
ASSERT_EQ(actual_after, expected_after);
* Small three-register program.
* 16-bit
* offset
* ------
* v1 <- 1 0. const/4 v1, #+1
* v0 <- 0 1. const/4 v0, #+0
* if v1 >= 0 goto L1 2. if-gez v1, +3
* v0 <- v1 4. move v0, v1
* L1: v2 <- v0 + v1 5. add-int v2, v0, v1
* return-void 7. return
TEST_F(DeadCodeEliminationTest, AdditionAndConditionalJump) {
const std::vector<uint16_t> data = THREE_REGISTERS_CODE_ITEM(
Instruction::CONST_4 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 12,
Instruction::CONST_4 | 0 << 8 | 0 << 12,
Instruction::IF_GEZ | 1 << 8, 3,
Instruction::MOVE | 0 << 8 | 1 << 12,
Instruction::ADD_INT | 2 << 8, 0 | 1 << 8,
std::string expected_before =
"BasicBlock 0, succ: 1\n"
" 3: IntConstant [9, 8, 5]\n"
" 4: IntConstant [8, 5]\n"
" 1: SuspendCheck\n"
" 2: Goto 1\n"
"BasicBlock 1, pred: 0, succ: 5, 2\n"
" 5: GreaterThanOrEqual(3, 4) [6]\n"
" 6: If(5)\n"
"BasicBlock 2, pred: 1, succ: 3\n"
" 7: Goto 3\n"
"BasicBlock 3, pred: 5, 2, succ: 4\n"
" 8: Phi(4, 3) [9]\n"
" 9: Add(8, 3)\n"
" 10: ReturnVoid\n"
"BasicBlock 4, pred: 3\n"
" 11: Exit\n"
"BasicBlock 5, pred: 1, succ: 3\n"
" 0: Goto 3\n";
// Expected difference after dead code elimination.
diff_t expected_diff = {
{ " 3: IntConstant [9, 8, 5]\n", " 3: IntConstant [5]\n" },
{ " 4: IntConstant [8, 5]\n", " 4: IntConstant [5]\n" },
{ " 8: Phi(4, 3) [9]\n", removed },
{ " 9: Add(8, 3)\n", removed }
std::string expected_after = Patch(expected_before, expected_diff);
TestCode(data, expected_before, expected_after);
* Three-register program with jumps leading to the creation of many
* blocks.
* The intent of this test is to ensure that all dead instructions are
* actually pruned at compile-time, thanks to the (backward)
* post-order traversal of the the dominator tree.
* 16-bit
* offset
* ------
* v0 <- 0 0. const/4 v0, #+0
* v1 <- 1 1. const/4 v1, #+1
* v2 <- v0 + v1 2. add-int v2, v0, v1
* goto L2 4. goto +4
* L1: v1 <- v0 + 3 5. add-int/lit16 v1, v0, #+3
* goto L3 7. goto +4
* L2: v0 <- v2 + 2 8. add-int/lit16 v0, v2, #+2
* goto L1 10. goto +(-5)
* L3: v2 <- v1 + 4 11. add-int/lit16 v2, v1, #+4
* return 13. return-void
TEST_F(DeadCodeEliminationTest, AdditionsAndInconditionalJumps) {
const std::vector<uint16_t> data = THREE_REGISTERS_CODE_ITEM(
Instruction::CONST_4 | 0 << 8 | 0 << 12,
Instruction::CONST_4 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 12,
Instruction::ADD_INT | 2 << 8, 0 | 1 << 8,
Instruction::GOTO | 4 << 8,
Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT16 | 1 << 8 | 0 << 12, 3,
Instruction::GOTO | 4 << 8,
Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT16 | 0 << 8 | 2 << 12, 2,
static_cast<uint16_t>(Instruction::GOTO | 0xFFFFFFFB << 8),
Instruction::ADD_INT_LIT16 | 2 << 8 | 1 << 12, 4,
std::string expected_before =
"BasicBlock 0, succ: 1\n"
" 2: IntConstant [4]\n"
" 3: IntConstant [4]\n"
" 6: IntConstant [7]\n"
" 9: IntConstant [10]\n"
" 12: IntConstant [13]\n"
" 0: SuspendCheck\n"
" 1: Goto 1\n"
"BasicBlock 1, pred: 0, succ: 3\n"
" 4: Add(2, 3) [7]\n"
" 5: Goto 3\n"
"BasicBlock 2, pred: 3, succ: 4\n"
" 10: Add(7, 9) [13]\n"
" 11: Goto 4\n"
"BasicBlock 3, pred: 1, succ: 2\n"
" 7: Add(4, 6) [10]\n"
" 8: Goto 2\n"
"BasicBlock 4, pred: 2, succ: 5\n"
" 13: Add(10, 12)\n"
" 14: ReturnVoid\n"
"BasicBlock 5, pred: 4\n"
" 15: Exit\n";
std::string expected_after =
"BasicBlock 0, succ: 1\n"
" 0: SuspendCheck\n"
" 1: Goto 1\n"
"BasicBlock 1, pred: 0, succ: 5\n"
" 14: ReturnVoid\n"
"BasicBlock 5, pred: 1\n"
" 15: Exit\n";
TestCode(data, expected_before, expected_after);
} // namespace art