blob: 90b99bc6f83405aa162710e419fcd804c7a68cdd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vector>
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "buffered_output_stream.h"
#include "elf_utils.h"
#include "file_output_stream.h"
namespace art {
class CodeOutput {
virtual bool Write(OutputStream* out) = 0;
virtual ~CodeOutput() {}
// Writes ELF file.
// The main complication is that the sections often want to reference
// each other. We solve this by writing the ELF file in two stages:
// * Sections are asked about their size, and overall layout is calculated.
// * Sections do the actual writes which may use offsets of other sections.
template <typename ElfTypes>
class ElfBuilder FINAL {
using Elf_Addr = typename ElfTypes::Addr;
using Elf_Off = typename ElfTypes::Off;
using Elf_Word = typename ElfTypes::Word;
using Elf_Sword = typename ElfTypes::Sword;
using Elf_Ehdr = typename ElfTypes::Ehdr;
using Elf_Shdr = typename ElfTypes::Shdr;
using Elf_Sym = typename ElfTypes::Sym;
using Elf_Phdr = typename ElfTypes::Phdr;
using Elf_Dyn = typename ElfTypes::Dyn;
// Base class of all sections.
class Section {
Section(const std::string& name, Elf_Word type, Elf_Word flags,
const Section* link, Elf_Word info, Elf_Word align, Elf_Word entsize)
: header_(), section_index_(0), name_(name), link_(link) {
header_.sh_type = type;
header_.sh_flags = flags;
header_.sh_info = info;
header_.sh_addralign = align;
header_.sh_entsize = entsize;
virtual ~Section() {}
// Returns the size of the content of this section. It is used to
// calculate file offsets of all sections before doing any writes.
virtual Elf_Word GetSize() const = 0;
// Write the content of this section to the given file.
// This must write exactly the number of bytes returned by GetSize().
// Offsets of all sections are known when this method is called.
virtual bool Write(File* elf_file) = 0;
Elf_Word GetLink() const {
return (link_ != nullptr) ? link_->GetSectionIndex() : 0;
const Elf_Shdr* GetHeader() const {
return &header_;
Elf_Shdr* GetHeader() {
return &header_;
Elf_Word GetSectionIndex() const {
DCHECK_NE(section_index_, 0u);
return section_index_;
void SetSectionIndex(Elf_Word section_index) {
section_index_ = section_index;
const std::string& GetName() const {
return name_;
Elf_Shdr header_;
Elf_Word section_index_;
const std::string name_;
const Section* const link_;
// Writer of .dynamic section.
class DynamicSection FINAL : public Section {
void AddDynamicTag(Elf_Sword tag, Elf_Word value, const Section* section) {
DCHECK_NE(tag, static_cast<Elf_Sword>(DT_NULL));
dynamics_.push_back({tag, value, section});
DynamicSection(const std::string& name, Section* link)
: Section(name, SHT_DYNAMIC, SHF_ALLOC,
link, 0, kPageSize, sizeof(Elf_Dyn)) {}
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
return (dynamics_.size() + 1 /* DT_NULL */) * sizeof(Elf_Dyn);
bool Write(File* elf_file) OVERRIDE {
std::vector<Elf_Dyn> buffer;
buffer.reserve(dynamics_.size() + 1u);
for (const ElfDynamicState& it : dynamics_) {
if (it.section_ != nullptr) {
// We are adding an address relative to a section.
{it.tag_, {it.value_ + it.section_->GetHeader()->sh_addr}});
} else {
buffer.push_back({it.tag_, {it.value_}});
buffer.push_back({DT_NULL, {0}});
return WriteArray(elf_file,, buffer.size());
struct ElfDynamicState {
Elf_Sword tag_;
Elf_Word value_;
const Section* section_;
std::vector<ElfDynamicState> dynamics_;
// Section with content based on simple memory buffer.
// The buffer can be optionally patched before writing.
// The resulting address can be either absolute memory
// address or offset relative to the pointer location.
class RawSection FINAL : public Section {
RawSection(const std::string& name, Elf_Word type, Elf_Word flags,
const Section* link, Elf_Word info, Elf_Word align, Elf_Word entsize,
const Section* patch_base = nullptr, bool patch_relative = false,
bool patch_64bit = (sizeof(Elf_Addr) == sizeof(Elf64_Addr)))
: Section(name, type, flags, link, info, align, entsize),
patched(false), patch_base_(patch_base),
patch_relative_(patch_relative), patch_64bit_(patch_64bit) {
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
return buffer_.size();
bool Write(File* elf_file) OVERRIDE {
if (!patch_locations_.empty()) {
DCHECK(patch_base_ != nullptr);
DCHECK(!patched); // Do not patch twice.
if (patch_relative_) {
if (patch_64bit_) {
Patch<true, uint64_t>();
} else {
Patch<true, uint32_t>();
} else {
if (patch_64bit_) {
Patch<false, uint64_t>();
} else {
Patch<false, uint32_t>();
patched = true;
return WriteArray(elf_file,, buffer_.size());
bool IsEmpty() const {
return buffer_.size() == 0;
std::vector<uint8_t>* GetBuffer() {
return &buffer_;
void SetBuffer(const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer) {
buffer_ = buffer;
std::vector<uintptr_t>* GetPatchLocations() {
return &patch_locations_;
template <bool RelativeAddress = false, typename PatchedAddress = Elf_Addr>
void Patch() {
Elf_Addr base_addr = patch_base_->GetHeader()->sh_addr;
Elf_Addr addr = this->GetHeader()->sh_addr;
for (uintptr_t patch_location : patch_locations_) {
typedef __attribute__((__aligned__(1))) PatchedAddress UnalignedAddress;
auto* to_patch = reinterpret_cast<UnalignedAddress*>( + patch_location);
*to_patch = (base_addr + *to_patch) - (RelativeAddress ? (addr + patch_location) : 0);
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer_;
std::vector<uintptr_t> patch_locations_;
bool patched;
const Section* patch_base_;
bool patch_relative_;
bool patch_64bit_;
// Writer of .rodata section or .text section.
// The write is done lazily using the provided CodeOutput.
class OatSection FINAL : public Section {
OatSection(const std::string& name, Elf_Word type, Elf_Word flags,
const Section* link, Elf_Word info, Elf_Word align,
Elf_Word entsize, Elf_Word size, CodeOutput* code_output)
: Section(name, type, flags, link, info, align, entsize),
size_(size), code_output_(code_output) {
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
return size_;
bool Write(File* elf_file) OVERRIDE {
// The BufferedOutputStream class contains the buffer as field,
// therefore it is too big to allocate on the stack.
std::unique_ptr<BufferedOutputStream> output_stream(
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(elf_file)));
return code_output_->Write(output_stream.get());
Elf_Word size_;
CodeOutput* code_output_;
// Writer of .bss section.
class NoBitsSection FINAL : public Section {
NoBitsSection(const std::string& name, Elf_Word size)
: Section(name, SHT_NOBITS, SHF_ALLOC, nullptr, 0, kPageSize, 0),
size_(size) {
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
return size_;
bool Write(File* elf_file ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) OVERRIDE {
LOG(ERROR) << "This section should not be written to the ELF file";
return false;
Elf_Word size_;
// Writer of .dynstr .strtab and .shstrtab sections.
class StrtabSection FINAL : public Section {
StrtabSection(const std::string& name, Elf_Word flags)
: Section(name, SHT_STRTAB, flags, nullptr, 0, 1, 1) {
buffer_.reserve(4 * KB);
// The first entry of strtab must be empty string.
buffer_ += '\0';
Elf_Word AddName(const std::string& name) {
Elf_Word offset = buffer_.size();
buffer_ += name;
buffer_ += '\0';
return offset;
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
return buffer_.size();
bool Write(File* elf_file) OVERRIDE {
return WriteArray(elf_file,, buffer_.size());
std::string buffer_;
class HashSection;
// Writer of .dynsym and .symtab sections.
class SymtabSection FINAL : public Section {
// Add a symbol with given name to this symtab. The symbol refers to
// 'relative_addr' within the given section and has the given attributes.
void AddSymbol(const std::string& name, const Section* section,
Elf_Addr addr, bool is_relative, Elf_Word size,
uint8_t binding, uint8_t type, uint8_t other = 0) {
CHECK(section != nullptr);
Elf_Word name_idx = strtab_->AddName(name);
symbols_.push_back({ name, section, addr, size, is_relative,
MakeStInfo(binding, type), other, name_idx });
SymtabSection(const std::string& name, Elf_Word type, Elf_Word flags,
StrtabSection* strtab)
: Section(name, type, flags, strtab, 0, sizeof(Elf_Word), sizeof(Elf_Sym)),
strtab_(strtab) {
bool IsEmpty() const {
return symbols_.empty();
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
return (1 /* NULL */ + symbols_.size()) * sizeof(Elf_Sym);
bool Write(File* elf_file) OVERRIDE {
std::vector<Elf_Sym> buffer;
buffer.reserve(1u + symbols_.size());
buffer.push_back(Elf_Sym()); // NULL.
for (const ElfSymbolState& it : symbols_) {
Elf_Sym sym = Elf_Sym();
sym.st_name = it.name_idx_;
if (it.is_relative_) {
sym.st_value = it.addr_ + it.section_->GetHeader()->sh_addr;
} else {
sym.st_value = it.addr_;
sym.st_size = it.size_;
sym.st_other = it.other_;
sym.st_shndx = it.section_->GetSectionIndex();
sym.st_info = it.info_;
return WriteArray(elf_file,, buffer.size());
struct ElfSymbolState {
const std::string name_;
const Section* section_;
Elf_Addr addr_;
Elf_Word size_;
bool is_relative_;
uint8_t info_;
uint8_t other_;
Elf_Word name_idx_; // index in the strtab.
static inline constexpr uint8_t MakeStInfo(uint8_t binding, uint8_t type) {
return ((binding) << 4) + ((type) & 0xf);
// The symbols in the same order they will be in the symbol table.
std::vector<ElfSymbolState> symbols_;
StrtabSection* strtab_;
friend class HashSection;
// TODO: Consider removing.
// We use it only for the dynsym section which has only 5 symbols.
// We do not use it for symtab, and we probably do not have to
// since we use those symbols only to print backtraces.
class HashSection FINAL : public Section {
HashSection(const std::string& name, Elf_Word flags, SymtabSection* symtab)
: Section(name, SHT_HASH, flags, symtab,
0, sizeof(Elf_Word), sizeof(Elf_Word)),
symtab_(symtab) {
Elf_Word GetSize() const OVERRIDE {
Elf_Word nbuckets = GetNumBuckets();
Elf_Word chain_size = symtab_->symbols_.size() + 1 /* NULL */;
return (2 /* header */ + nbuckets + chain_size) * sizeof(Elf_Word);
bool Write(File* const elf_file) OVERRIDE {
// Here is how The ELF hash table works.
// There are 3 arrays to worry about.
// * The symbol table where the symbol information is.
// * The bucket array which is an array of indexes into the symtab and chain.
// * The chain array which is also an array of indexes into the symtab and chain.
// Lets say the state is something like this.
// +--------+ +--------+ +-----------+
// | symtab | | bucket | | chain |
// | null | | 1 | | STN_UNDEF |
// | <sym1> | | 4 | | 2 |
// | <sym2> | | | | 5 |
// | <sym3> | | | | STN_UNDEF |
// | <sym4> | | | | 3 |
// | <sym5> | | | | STN_UNDEF |
// +--------+ +--------+ +-----------+
// The lookup process (in python psudocode) is
// def GetSym(name):
// # NB STN_UNDEF == 0
// indx = bucket[elfhash(name) % num_buckets]
// while indx != STN_UNDEF:
// if GetSymbolName(symtab[indx]) == name:
// return symtab[indx]
// indx = chain[indx]
// Between bucket and chain arrays every symtab index must be present exactly
// once (except for STN_UNDEF, which must be present 1 + num_bucket times).
const auto& symbols = symtab_->symbols_;
// Select number of buckets.
// This is essentially arbitrary.
Elf_Word nbuckets = GetNumBuckets();
// 1 is for the implicit NULL symbol.
Elf_Word chain_size = (symbols.size() + 1);
std::vector<Elf_Word> hash;
uint32_t bucket_offset = hash.size();
uint32_t chain_offset = bucket_offset + nbuckets;
hash.resize(hash.size() + nbuckets + chain_size, 0);
Elf_Word* buckets = + bucket_offset;
Elf_Word* chain = + chain_offset;
// Set up the actual hash table.
for (Elf_Word i = 0; i < symbols.size(); i++) {
// Add 1 since we need to have the null symbol that is not in the symbols
// list.
Elf_Word index = i + 1;
Elf_Word hash_val = static_cast<Elf_Word>(elfhash(symbols[i].name_.c_str())) % nbuckets;
if (buckets[hash_val] == 0) {
buckets[hash_val] = index;
} else {
hash_val = buckets[hash_val];
CHECK_LT(hash_val, chain_size);
while (chain[hash_val] != 0) {
hash_val = chain[hash_val];
CHECK_LT(hash_val, chain_size);
chain[hash_val] = index;
// Check for loops. Works because if this is non-empty then there must be
// another cell which already contains the same symbol index as this one,
// which means some symbol has more then one name, which isn't allowed.
CHECK_EQ(chain[index], static_cast<Elf_Word>(0));
return WriteArray(elf_file,, hash.size());
Elf_Word GetNumBuckets() const {
const auto& symbols = symtab_->symbols_;
if (symbols.size() < 8) {
return 2;
} else if (symbols.size() < 32) {
return 4;
} else if (symbols.size() < 256) {
return 16;
} else {
// Have about 32 ids per bucket.
return RoundUp(symbols.size()/32, 2);
// from bionic
static inline unsigned elfhash(const char *_name) {
const unsigned char *name = (const unsigned char *) _name;
unsigned h = 0, g;
while (*name) {
h = (h << 4) + *name++;
g = h & 0xf0000000;
h ^= g;
h ^= g >> 24;
return h;
SymtabSection* symtab_;
ElfBuilder(InstructionSet isa,
Elf_Word rodata_size, CodeOutput* rodata_writer,
Elf_Word text_size, CodeOutput* text_writer,
Elf_Word bss_size)
: isa_(isa),
dynstr_(".dynstr", SHF_ALLOC),
dynsym_(".dynsym", SHT_DYNSYM, SHF_ALLOC, &dynstr_),
hash_(".hash", SHF_ALLOC, &dynsym_),
rodata_(".rodata", SHT_PROGBITS, SHF_ALLOC,
nullptr, 0, kPageSize, 0, rodata_size, rodata_writer),
nullptr, 0, kPageSize, 0, text_size, text_writer),
bss_(".bss", bss_size),
dynamic_(".dynamic", &dynsym_),
strtab_(".strtab", 0),
symtab_(".symtab", SHT_SYMTAB, 0, &strtab_),
shstrtab_(".shstrtab", 0) {
~ElfBuilder() {}
OatSection* GetText() { return &text_; }
SymtabSection* GetSymtab() { return &symtab_; }
bool Write(File* elf_file) {
// Since the .text section of an oat file contains relative references to .rodata
// and (optionally) .bss, we keep these 2 or 3 sections together. This creates
// a non-traditional layout where the .bss section is mapped independently of the
// .dynamic section and needs its own program header with LOAD RW.
// The basic layout of the elf file. Order may be different in final output.
// +-------------------------+
// | Elf_Ehdr |
// +-------------------------+
// | Elf_Phdr PHDR |
// | Elf_Phdr LOAD R | .dynsym .dynstr .hash .eh_frame .eh_frame_hdr .rodata
// | Elf_Phdr LOAD R X | .text
// | Elf_Phdr LOAD RW | .bss (Optional)
// | Elf_Phdr LOAD RW | .dynamic
// | Elf_Phdr DYNAMIC | .dynamic
// | Elf_Phdr EH_FRAME R | .eh_frame_hdr
// +-------------------------+
// | .dynsym |
// | Elf_Sym STN_UNDEF |
// | Elf_Sym oatdata |
// | Elf_Sym oatexec |
// | Elf_Sym oatlastword |
// | Elf_Sym oatbss | (Optional)
// | Elf_Sym oatbsslastword | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+
// | .dynstr |
// | names for .dynsym |
// +-------------------------+
// | .hash |
// | hashtable for dynsym |
// +-------------------------+
// | .eh_frame | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+
// | .eh_frame_hdr | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+
// | .rodata |
// | oatdata..oatexec-4 |
// +-------------------------+
// | .text |
// | oatexec..oatlastword |
// +-------------------------+
// | .dynamic |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_HASH |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_STRTAB |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_SYMTAB |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_SYMENT |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_STRSZ |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_SONAME |
// | Elf_Dyn DT_NULL |
// +-------------------------+ (Optional)
// | .symtab | (Optional)
// | program symbols | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+ (Optional)
// | .strtab | (Optional)
// | names for .symtab | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+ (Optional)
// | .debug_info | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+ (Optional)
// | .debug_abbrev | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+ (Optional)
// | .debug_str | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+ (Optional)
// | .debug_line | (Optional)
// +-------------------------+
// | .shstrtab |
// | names of sections |
// +-------------------------+
// | Elf_Shdr null |
// | Elf_Shdr .dynsym |
// | Elf_Shdr .dynstr |
// | Elf_Shdr .hash |
// | Elf_Shdr .eh_frame | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .eh_frame_hdr | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .rodata |
// | Elf_Shdr .text |
// | Elf_Shdr .bss | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .dynamic |
// | Elf_Shdr .symtab | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .strtab | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .debug_info | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .debug_abbrev | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .debug_str | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .debug_line | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .oat_patches | (Optional)
// | Elf_Shdr .shstrtab |
// +-------------------------+
constexpr bool debug_logging_ = false;
// Create a list of all section which we want to write.
// This is the order in which they will be written.
std::vector<Section*> sections;
for (Section* section : other_sections_) {
if ((section->GetHeader()->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0) {
if (bss_.GetSize() != 0u) {
if (!symtab_.IsEmpty()) {
for (Section* section : other_sections_) {
if ((section->GetHeader()->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) {
// The first section index is 1. Index 0 is reserved for NULL.
// Section index is used for relative symbols and for section links.
sections[i]->SetSectionIndex(i + 1);
// Add section name to .shstrtab.
Elf_Word name_offset = shstrtab_.AddName(sections[i]->GetName());
sections[i]->GetHeader()->sh_name = name_offset;
// The running program does not have access to section headers
// and the loader is not supposed to use them either.
// The dynamic sections therefore replicates some of the layout
// information like the address and size of .rodata and .text.
// It also contains other metadata like the SONAME.
// The .dynamic section is found using the PT_DYNAMIC program header.
// We do not know the number of headers until the final stages of write.
// It is easiest to just reserve a fixed amount of space for them.
constexpr size_t kMaxProgramHeaders = 7;
constexpr size_t kProgramHeadersOffset = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
constexpr size_t kProgramHeadersSize = sizeof(Elf_Phdr) * kMaxProgramHeaders;
// Layout of all sections - determine the final file offsets and addresses.
// This must be done after we have built all sections and know their size.
Elf_Off file_offset = kProgramHeadersOffset + kProgramHeadersSize;
Elf_Addr load_address = file_offset;
std::vector<Elf_Shdr> section_headers;
section_headers.reserve(1u + sections.size());
section_headers.push_back(Elf_Shdr()); // NULL at index 0.
for (auto* section : sections) {
Elf_Shdr* header = section->GetHeader();
Elf_Off alignment = header->sh_addralign > 0 ? header->sh_addralign : 1;
header->sh_size = section->GetSize();
header->sh_link = section->GetLink();
// Allocate memory for the section in the file.
if (header->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
header->sh_offset = RoundUp(file_offset, alignment);
file_offset = header->sh_offset + header->sh_size;
// Allocate memory for the section during program execution.
if ((header->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC) != 0) {
header->sh_addr = RoundUp(load_address, alignment);
load_address = header->sh_addr + header->sh_size;
if (debug_logging_) {
LOG(INFO) << "Section " << section->GetName() << ":" << std::hex
<< " offset=0x" << header->sh_offset
<< " addr=0x" << header->sh_addr
<< " size=0x" << header->sh_size;
// Collect section headers into continuous array for convenience.
Elf_Off section_headers_offset = RoundUp(file_offset, sizeof(Elf_Word));
// Create program headers now that we know the layout of the whole file.
// Each segment contains one or more sections which are mapped together.
// Not all sections are mapped during the execution of the program.
// PT_LOAD does the mapping. Other PT_* types allow the program to locate
// interesting parts of memory and their addresses overlap with PT_LOAD.
std::vector<Elf_Phdr> program_headers;
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_PHDR, PF_R,
kProgramHeadersOffset, kProgramHeadersSize, sizeof(Elf_Word)));
// Create the main LOAD R segment which spans all sections up to .rodata.
const Elf_Shdr* rodata = rodata_.GetHeader();
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_LOAD, PF_R,
0, rodata->sh_offset + rodata->sh_size, rodata->sh_addralign));
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_LOAD, PF_R | PF_X, text_));
if (bss_.GetHeader()->sh_size != 0u) {
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_LOAD, PF_R | PF_W, bss_));
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_LOAD, PF_R | PF_W, dynamic_));
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_DYNAMIC, PF_R | PF_W, dynamic_));
const Section* eh_frame_hdr = FindSection(".eh_frame_hdr");
if (eh_frame_hdr != nullptr) {
const Section* eh_frame = FindSection(".eh_frame");
// Check layout: eh_frame is before eh_frame_hdr and there is no gap.
CHECK(eh_frame != nullptr);
CHECK_LE(eh_frame->GetHeader()->sh_offset, eh_frame_hdr->GetHeader()->sh_offset);
CHECK_EQ(eh_frame->GetHeader()->sh_offset + eh_frame->GetHeader()->sh_size,
program_headers.push_back(MakeProgramHeader(PT_GNU_EH_FRAME, PF_R, *eh_frame_hdr));
CHECK_LE(program_headers.size(), kMaxProgramHeaders);
// Create the main ELF header.
Elf_Ehdr elf_header = MakeElfHeader(isa_);
elf_header.e_phoff = kProgramHeadersOffset;
elf_header.e_shoff = section_headers_offset;
elf_header.e_phnum = program_headers.size();
elf_header.e_shnum = section_headers.size();
elf_header.e_shstrndx = shstrtab_.GetSectionIndex();
// Write all headers and section content to the file.
// Depending on the implementations of Section::Write, this
// might be just memory copies or some more elaborate operations.
if (!WriteArray(elf_file, &elf_header, 1)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write the ELF header";
return false;
if (!WriteArray(elf_file,, program_headers.size())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write the program headers";
return false;
for (Section* section : sections) {
const Elf_Shdr* header = section->GetHeader();
if (header->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS) {
if (!SeekTo(elf_file, header->sh_offset) || !section->Write(elf_file)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write section " << section->GetName();
return false;
Elf_Word current_offset = lseek(elf_file->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR);
CHECK_EQ(current_offset, header->sh_offset + header->sh_size)
<< "The number of bytes written does not match GetSize()";
if (!SeekTo(elf_file, section_headers_offset) ||
!WriteArray(elf_file,, section_headers.size())) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to write the section headers";
return false;
return true;
// Adds the given section to the builder. It does not take ownership.
void RegisterSection(Section* section) {
const Section* FindSection(const char* name) {
for (const auto* section : other_sections_) {
if (section->GetName() == name) {
return section;
return nullptr;
static bool SeekTo(File* elf_file, Elf_Word offset) {
DCHECK_LE(lseek(elf_file->Fd(), 0, SEEK_CUR), static_cast<off_t>(offset))
<< "Seeking backwards";
if (static_cast<off_t>(offset) != lseek(elf_file->Fd(), offset, SEEK_SET)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to seek in file " << elf_file->GetPath();
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
static bool WriteArray(File* elf_file, const T* data, size_t count) {
DCHECK(data != nullptr);
if (!elf_file->WriteFully(data, count * sizeof(T))) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write to file " << elf_file->GetPath();
return false;
return true;
// Helper - create segment header based on memory range.
static Elf_Phdr MakeProgramHeader(Elf_Word type, Elf_Word flags,
Elf_Off offset, Elf_Word size, Elf_Word align) {
Elf_Phdr phdr = Elf_Phdr();
phdr.p_type = type;
phdr.p_flags = flags;
phdr.p_offset = offset;
phdr.p_vaddr = offset;
phdr.p_paddr = offset;
phdr.p_filesz = size;
phdr.p_memsz = size;
phdr.p_align = align;
return phdr;
// Helper - create segment header based on section header.
static Elf_Phdr MakeProgramHeader(Elf_Word type, Elf_Word flags,
const Section& section) {
const Elf_Shdr* shdr = section.GetHeader();
// Only run-time allocated sections should be in segment headers.
CHECK_NE(shdr->sh_flags & SHF_ALLOC, 0u);
Elf_Phdr phdr = Elf_Phdr();
phdr.p_type = type;
phdr.p_flags = flags;
phdr.p_offset = shdr->sh_offset;
phdr.p_vaddr = shdr->sh_addr;
phdr.p_paddr = shdr->sh_addr;
phdr.p_filesz = shdr->sh_type != SHT_NOBITS ? shdr->sh_size : 0u;
phdr.p_memsz = shdr->sh_size;
phdr.p_align = shdr->sh_addralign;
return phdr;
static Elf_Ehdr MakeElfHeader(InstructionSet isa) {
Elf_Ehdr elf_header = Elf_Ehdr();
switch (isa) {
case kArm:
// Fall through.
case kThumb2: {
elf_header.e_machine = EM_ARM;
elf_header.e_flags = EF_ARM_EABI_VER5;
case kArm64: {
elf_header.e_machine = EM_AARCH64;
elf_header.e_flags = 0;
case kX86: {
elf_header.e_machine = EM_386;
elf_header.e_flags = 0;
case kX86_64: {
elf_header.e_machine = EM_X86_64;
elf_header.e_flags = 0;
case kMips: {
elf_header.e_machine = EM_MIPS;
elf_header.e_flags = (EF_MIPS_NOREORDER |
case kMips64: {
elf_header.e_machine = EM_MIPS;
elf_header.e_flags = (EF_MIPS_NOREORDER |
case kNone: {
LOG(FATAL) << "No instruction set";
elf_header.e_ident[EI_MAG0] = ELFMAG0;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_MAG1] = ELFMAG1;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_MAG2] = ELFMAG2;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_MAG3] = ELFMAG3;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_CLASS] = (sizeof(Elf_Addr) == sizeof(Elf32_Addr))
elf_header.e_ident[EI_DATA] = ELFDATA2LSB;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_VERSION] = EV_CURRENT;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_OSABI] = ELFOSABI_LINUX;
elf_header.e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION] = 0;
elf_header.e_type = ET_DYN;
elf_header.e_version = 1;
elf_header.e_entry = 0;
elf_header.e_ehsize = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
elf_header.e_phentsize = sizeof(Elf_Phdr);
elf_header.e_shentsize = sizeof(Elf_Shdr);
elf_header.e_phoff = sizeof(Elf_Ehdr);
return elf_header;
void BuildDynamicSection(const std::string& elf_file_path) {
std::string soname(elf_file_path);
size_t directory_separator_pos = soname.rfind('/');
if (directory_separator_pos != std::string::npos) {
soname = soname.substr(directory_separator_pos + 1);
// NB: We must add the name before adding DT_STRSZ.
Elf_Word soname_offset = dynstr_.AddName(soname);
dynamic_.AddDynamicTag(DT_HASH, 0, &hash_);
dynamic_.AddDynamicTag(DT_STRTAB, 0, &dynstr_);
dynamic_.AddDynamicTag(DT_SYMTAB, 0, &dynsym_);
dynamic_.AddDynamicTag(DT_SYMENT, sizeof(Elf_Sym), nullptr);
dynamic_.AddDynamicTag(DT_STRSZ, dynstr_.GetSize(), nullptr);
dynamic_.AddDynamicTag(DT_SONAME, soname_offset, nullptr);
void BuildDynsymSection() {
dynsym_.AddSymbol("oatdata", &rodata_, 0, true,
rodata_.GetSize(), STB_GLOBAL, STT_OBJECT);
dynsym_.AddSymbol("oatexec", &text_, 0, true,
text_.GetSize(), STB_GLOBAL, STT_OBJECT);
dynsym_.AddSymbol("oatlastword", &text_, text_.GetSize() - 4,
if (bss_.GetSize() != 0u) {
dynsym_.AddSymbol("oatbss", &bss_, 0, true,
bss_.GetSize(), STB_GLOBAL, STT_OBJECT);
dynsym_.AddSymbol("oatbsslastword", &bss_, bss_.GetSize() - 4,
InstructionSet isa_;
StrtabSection dynstr_;
SymtabSection dynsym_;
HashSection hash_;
OatSection rodata_;
OatSection text_;
NoBitsSection bss_;
DynamicSection dynamic_;
StrtabSection strtab_;
SymtabSection symtab_;
std::vector<Section*> other_sections_;
StrtabSection shstrtab_;
} // namespace art