blob: 8fec4de0a439eba489d13c655c29f5515d6305f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public class Main {
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signByte(byte) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signByte(byte) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
private static int signByte(byte x) {
return Integer.signum(x);
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signShort(short) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signShort(short) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
private static int signShort(short x) {
return Integer.signum(x);
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signChar(char) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signChar(char) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
private static int signChar(char x) {
return Integer.signum(x);
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signInt(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signInt(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
private static int signInt(int x) {
return Integer.signum(x);
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signLong(long) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signLong(long) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
private static int signLong(long x) {
return Long.signum(x);
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signBoolean(boolean) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Zero:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK-DAG: <<One:i\d+>> IntConstant 1
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Phi:i\d+>> Phi [<<One>>,<<Zero>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare [<<Phi>>,<<Zero>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signBoolean(boolean) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signBoolean(boolean) select_generator (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arg:z\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Zero:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK-DAG: <<One:i\d+>> IntConstant 1
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Zero>>,<<One>>,<<Arg>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare [<<Sel>>,<<Zero>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signBoolean(boolean) select_generator (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Phi
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signBoolean(boolean) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arg:z\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Zero:i\d+>> IntConstant 0
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Result:i\d+>> Compare [<<Arg>>,<<Zero>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Result>>]
/// CHECK-START: int Main.signBoolean(boolean) instruction_simplifier$after_bce (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
private static int signBoolean(boolean x) {
// Note: D8 would replace the ternary expression `x ? 1 : 0` with `x`
// but explicit `if` is preserved.
int src_x;
if (x) {
src_x = 1;
} else {
src_x = 0;
return Integer.signum(src_x);
public static void testSignBoolean() throws Exception {
expectEquals(0, signBoolean(false));
expectEquals(1, signBoolean(true));
public static void testSignByte() {
expectEquals(-1, signByte((byte)Byte.MIN_VALUE));
expectEquals(-1, signByte((byte)-64));
expectEquals(-1, signByte((byte)-1));
expectEquals(0, signByte((byte)0));
expectEquals(1, signByte((byte)1));
expectEquals(1, signByte((byte)64));
expectEquals(1, signByte((byte)Byte.MAX_VALUE));
public static void testSignShort() {
expectEquals(-1, signShort((short)Short.MIN_VALUE));
expectEquals(-1, signShort((short)-12345));
expectEquals(-1, signShort((short)-1));
expectEquals(0, signShort((short)0));
expectEquals(1, signShort((short)1));
expectEquals(1, signShort((short)12345));
expectEquals(1, signShort((short)Short.MAX_VALUE));
public static void testSignChar() {
expectEquals(0, signChar((char)0));
expectEquals(1, signChar((char)1));
expectEquals(1, signChar((char)12345));
expectEquals(1, signChar((char)Character.MAX_VALUE));
public static void testSignInt() {
expectEquals(-1, signInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
expectEquals(-1, signInt(-12345));
expectEquals(-1, signInt(-1));
expectEquals(0, signInt(0));
expectEquals(1, signInt(1));
expectEquals(1, signInt(12345));
expectEquals(1, signInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
for (int i = -11; i <= 11; i++) {
int expected = 0;
if (i < 0) expected = -1;
else if (i > 0) expected = 1;
expectEquals(expected, signInt(i));
public static void testSignLong() {
expectEquals(-1, signLong(Long.MIN_VALUE));
expectEquals(-1, signLong(-12345L));
expectEquals(-1, signLong(-1L));
expectEquals(0, signLong(0L));
expectEquals(1, signLong(1L));
expectEquals(1, signLong(12345L));
expectEquals(1, signLong(Long.MAX_VALUE));
expectEquals(-1, signLong(0x800000007FFFFFFFL));
expectEquals(-1, signLong(0x80000000FFFFFFFFL));
expectEquals(1, signLong(0x000000007FFFFFFFL));
expectEquals(1, signLong(0x00000000FFFFFFFFL));
expectEquals(1, signLong(0x7FFFFFFF7FFFFFFFL));
expectEquals(1, signLong(0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL));
for (long i = -11L; i <= 11L; i++) {
int expected = 0;
if (i < 0) expected = -1;
else if (i > 0) expected = 1;
expectEquals(expected, signLong(i));
for (long i = Long.MIN_VALUE; i <= Long.MIN_VALUE + 11L; i++) {
expectEquals(-1, signLong(i));
for (long i = Long.MAX_VALUE; i >= Long.MAX_VALUE - 11L; i--) {
expectEquals(1, signLong(i));
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
private static void expectEquals(int expected, int result) {
if (expected != result) {
throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);