blob: 963449268e2c0c6fd20008bb34c94d8eab23aa96 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fault_handler.h"
#include <sys/ucontext.h>
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
#include "art_method.h"
#include "base/enums.h"
#include "base/hex_dump.h"
#include "base/logging.h" // For VLOG.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "registers_arm64.h"
#include "runtime_globals.h"
#include "thread-current-inl.h"
extern "C" void art_quick_throw_stack_overflow();
extern "C" void art_quick_throw_null_pointer_exception_from_signal();
extern "C" void art_quick_implicit_suspend();
// ARM64 specific fault handler functions.
namespace art {
uintptr_t FaultManager::GetFaultPc(siginfo_t* siginfo, void* context) {
// SEGV_MTEAERR (Async MTE fault) is delivered at an arbitrary point after the actual fault.
// Register contents, including PC and SP, are unrelated to the fault and can only confuse ART
// signal handlers.
if (siginfo->si_signo == SIGSEGV && siginfo->si_code == SEGV_MTEAERR) {
VLOG(signals) << "Async MTE fault";
return 0u;
struct ucontext* uc = reinterpret_cast<struct ucontext*>(context);
struct sigcontext* sc = reinterpret_cast<struct sigcontext*>(&uc->uc_mcontext);
if (sc->sp == 0) {
VLOG(signals) << "Missing SP";
return 0u;
return sc->pc;
uintptr_t FaultManager::GetFaultSp(void* context) {
struct ucontext* uc = reinterpret_cast<struct ucontext*>(context);
struct sigcontext* sc = reinterpret_cast<struct sigcontext*>(&uc->uc_mcontext);
return sc->sp;
bool NullPointerHandler::Action(int sig ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, siginfo_t* info, void* context) {
uintptr_t fault_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(info->si_addr);
if (!IsValidFaultAddress(fault_address)) {
return false;
// For null checks in compiled code we insert a stack map that is immediately
// after the load/store instruction that might cause the fault and we need to
// pass the return PC to the handler. For null checks in Nterp, we similarly
// need the return PC to recognize that this was a null check in Nterp, so
// that the handler can get the needed data from the Nterp frame.
struct ucontext* uc = reinterpret_cast<struct ucontext*>(context);
struct sigcontext* sc = reinterpret_cast<struct sigcontext*>(&uc->uc_mcontext);
ArtMethod** sp = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod**>(sc->sp);
uintptr_t return_pc = sc->pc + 4u;
if (!IsValidMethod(*sp) || !IsValidReturnPc(sp, return_pc)) {
return false;
// Push the return PC to the stack and pass the fault address in LR.
sc->sp -= sizeof(uintptr_t);
*reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(sc->sp) = return_pc;
sc->regs[30] = fault_address;
// Arrange for the signal handler to return to the NPE entrypoint.
sc->pc = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(art_quick_throw_null_pointer_exception_from_signal);
VLOG(signals) << "Generating null pointer exception";
return true;
// A suspend check is done using the following instruction:
// 0x...: f94002b5 ldr x21, [x21, #0]
// To check for a suspend check, we examine the instruction that caused the fault (at PC).
bool SuspensionHandler::Action(int sig ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, siginfo_t* info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
void* context) {
constexpr uint32_t kSuspendCheckRegister = 21;
constexpr uint32_t checkinst =
0xf9400000 | (kSuspendCheckRegister << 5) | (kSuspendCheckRegister << 0);
struct ucontext* uc = reinterpret_cast<struct ucontext*>(context);
struct sigcontext* sc = reinterpret_cast<struct sigcontext*>(&uc->uc_mcontext);
uint32_t inst = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(sc->pc);
VLOG(signals) << "checking suspend; inst: " << std::hex << inst << " checkinst: " << checkinst;
if (inst != checkinst) {
// The instruction is not good, not ours.
return false;
// This is a suspend check.
VLOG(signals) << "suspend check match";
// Set LR so that after the suspend check it will resume after the
// `ldr x21, [x21,#0]` instruction that triggered the suspend check.
sc->regs[30] = sc->pc + 4;
// Arrange for the signal handler to return to `art_quick_implicit_suspend()`.
sc->pc = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(art_quick_implicit_suspend);
// Now remove the suspend trigger that caused this fault.
VLOG(signals) << "removed suspend trigger invoking test suspend";
return true;
bool StackOverflowHandler::Action(int sig ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, siginfo_t* info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
void* context) {
struct ucontext* uc = reinterpret_cast<struct ucontext*>(context);
struct sigcontext* sc = reinterpret_cast<struct sigcontext*>(&uc->uc_mcontext);
VLOG(signals) << "stack overflow handler with sp at " << std::hex << &uc;
VLOG(signals) << "sigcontext: " << std::hex << sc;
uintptr_t sp = sc->sp;
VLOG(signals) << "sp: " << std::hex << sp;
uintptr_t fault_addr = sc->fault_address;
VLOG(signals) << "fault_addr: " << std::hex << fault_addr;
VLOG(signals) << "checking for stack overflow, sp: " << std::hex << sp <<
", fault_addr: " << fault_addr;
uintptr_t overflow_addr = sp - GetStackOverflowReservedBytes(InstructionSet::kArm64);
// Check that the fault address is the value expected for a stack overflow.
if (fault_addr != overflow_addr) {
VLOG(signals) << "Not a stack overflow";
return false;
VLOG(signals) << "Stack overflow found";
// Now arrange for the signal handler to return to art_quick_throw_stack_overflow.
// The value of LR must be the same as it was when we entered the code that
// caused this fault. This will be inserted into a callee save frame by
// the function to which this handler returns (art_quick_throw_stack_overflow).
sc->pc = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(art_quick_throw_stack_overflow);
// The kernel will now return to the address in sc->pc.
return true;
} // namespace art