blob: 892d8c6f6b86847bb244fd7be9caa06378be9007 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "art_method.h"
#include <stdint.h>
namespace art {
namespace lambda {
class ArtLambdaMethod {
// Construct an art lambda method.
// The target method is the one invoked by invoke-lambda.
// The type descriptor describes the types of variables captured, e.g. "ZFLObject;\FI;[Z"
// The shorty drops the object name and treats arrays as objects, e.g. "ZFL\L"
// Innate lambda means that the lambda was originally created via invoke-lambda.
// -- Non-innate lambdas (learned lambdas) come from a regular class that was boxed to lambda.
// (Ownership of strings is retained by the caller and the lifetime should exceed this class).
ArtLambdaMethod(ArtMethod* target_method,
const char* captured_variables_type_descriptor,
const char* captured_variables_shorty_,
bool innate_lambda = true);
// Get the target method for this lambda that would be used by the invoke-lambda dex instruction.
ArtMethod* GetArtMethod() const {
return method_;
// Get the compile-time size of lambda closures for this method in bytes.
// This is circular (that is, it includes the size of the ArtLambdaMethod pointer).
// One should also check if the size is dynamic since nested lambdas have a runtime size.
size_t GetStaticClosureSize() const {
return closure_size_;
// Get the type descriptor for the list of captured variables.
// e.g. "ZFLObject;\FI;[Z" means a captured int, float, class Object, lambda FI, array of ints
const char* GetCapturedVariablesTypeDescriptor() const {
return captured_variables_type_descriptor_;
// Get the shorty 'field' type descriptor list of captured variables.
// This follows the same rules as a string of ShortyFieldType in the dex specification.
// Every captured variable is represented by exactly one character.
// - Objects become 'L'.
// - Arrays become 'L'.
// - Lambdas become '\'.
const char* GetCapturedVariablesShortyTypeDescriptor() const {
return captured_variables_shorty_;
// Will the size of this lambda change at runtime?
// Only returns true if there is a nested lambda that we can't determine statically the size of.
bool IsDynamicSize() const {
return dynamic_size_;
// Will the size of this lambda always be constant at runtime?
// This generally means there's no nested lambdas, or we were able to successfully determine
// their size statically at compile time.
bool IsStaticSize() const {
return !IsDynamicSize();
// Is this a lambda that was originally created via invoke-lambda?
// -- Non-innate lambdas (learned lambdas) come from a regular class that was boxed to lambda.
bool IsInnateLambda() const {
return innate_lambda_;
// How many variables were captured?
// (Each nested lambda counts as 1 captured var regardless of how many captures it itself has).
size_t GetNumberOfCapturedVariables() const {
return strlen(captured_variables_shorty_);
// TODO: ArtMethod, or at least the entry points should be inlined into this struct
// to avoid an extra indirect load when doing invokes.
// Target method that invoke-lambda will jump to.
ArtMethod* method_;
// How big the closure is (in bytes). Only includes the constant size.
size_t closure_size_;
// The type descriptor for the captured variables, e.g. "IS" for [int, short]
const char* captured_variables_type_descriptor_;
// The shorty type descriptor for captured vars, (e.g. using 'L' instead of 'LObject;')
const char* captured_variables_shorty_;
// Whether or not the size is dynamic. If it is, copiers need to read the Closure size at runtime.
bool dynamic_size_;
// True if this lambda was originally made with create-lambda,
// false if it came from a class instance (through new-instance and then unbox-lambda).
bool innate_lambda_;
} // namespace lambda
} // namespace art