| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package com.android.server.art; |
| |
| import static com.android.server.art.ArtManagerLocal.ScheduleBackgroundDexoptJobCallback; |
| import static com.android.server.art.model.ArtFlags.ScheduleStatus; |
| import static com.android.server.art.model.Config.Callback; |
| |
| import android.annotation.NonNull; |
| import android.annotation.Nullable; |
| import android.app.job.JobInfo; |
| import android.app.job.JobParameters; |
| import android.app.job.JobScheduler; |
| import android.content.ComponentName; |
| import android.content.Context; |
| import android.os.CancellationSignal; |
| import android.os.SystemClock; |
| import android.os.SystemProperties; |
| import android.util.Log; |
| |
| import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; |
| import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; |
| import com.android.server.LocalManagerRegistry; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.ArtFlags; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.Config; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DexoptResult; |
| import com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerLocal; |
| |
| import com.google.auto.value.AutoValue; |
| |
| import java.util.Objects; |
| import java.util.Optional; |
| import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; |
| import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; |
| |
| /** @hide */ |
| public class BackgroundDexoptJob { |
| private static final String TAG = "BackgroundDexoptJob"; |
| |
| /** |
| * "android" is the package name for a <service> declared in |
| * frameworks/base/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml |
| */ |
| private static final String JOB_PKG_NAME = Utils.PLATFORM_PACKAGE_NAME; |
| /** An arbitrary number. Must be unique among all jobs owned by the system uid. */ |
| private static final int JOB_ID = 27873780; |
| |
| @VisibleForTesting public static final long JOB_INTERVAL_MS = TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1); |
| |
| @NonNull private final Injector mInjector; |
| |
| @GuardedBy("this") @Nullable private CompletableFuture<Result> mRunningJob = null; |
| @GuardedBy("this") @Nullable private CancellationSignal mCancellationSignal = null; |
| @GuardedBy("this") @NonNull private Optional<Integer> mLastStopReason = Optional.empty(); |
| |
| public BackgroundDexoptJob(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull ArtManagerLocal artManagerLocal, |
| @NonNull Config config) { |
| this(new Injector(context, artManagerLocal, config)); |
| } |
| |
| @VisibleForTesting |
| public BackgroundDexoptJob(@NonNull Injector injector) { |
| mInjector = injector; |
| } |
| |
| /** Handles {@link BackgroundDexoptJobService#onStartJob(JobParameters)}. */ |
| public boolean onStartJob( |
| @NonNull BackgroundDexoptJobService jobService, @NonNull JobParameters params) { |
| start().thenAcceptAsync(result -> { |
| writeStats(result); |
| // This is a periodic job, where the interval is specified in the `JobInfo`. "true" |
| // means to execute again during a future idle maintenance window in the same |
| // interval, while "false" means not to execute again during a future idle maintenance |
| // window in the same interval but to execute again in the next interval. |
| // This call will be ignored if `onStopJob` is called. |
| boolean wantsReschedule = result instanceof CompletedResult |
| && ((CompletedResult) result).dexoptResult().getFinalStatus() |
| == DexoptResult.DEXOPT_CANCELLED; |
| jobService.jobFinished(params, wantsReschedule); |
| }); |
| // "true" means the job will continue running until `jobFinished` is called. |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| /** Handles {@link BackgroundDexoptJobService#onStopJob(JobParameters)}. */ |
| public boolean onStopJob(@NonNull JobParameters params) { |
| synchronized (this) { |
| mLastStopReason = Optional.of(params.getStopReason()); |
| } |
| cancel(); |
| // "true" means to execute again during a future idle maintenance window in the same |
| // interval. |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| /** Handles {@link ArtManagerLocal#scheduleBackgroundDexoptJob()}. */ |
| public @ScheduleStatus int schedule() { |
| if (this != BackgroundDexoptJobService.getJob()) { |
| throw new IllegalStateException("This job cannot be scheduled"); |
| } |
| |
| if (SystemProperties.getBoolean("pm.dexopt.disable_bg_dexopt", false /* def */)) { |
| Log.i(TAG, "Job is disabled by system property 'pm.dexopt.disable_bg_dexopt'"); |
| } |
| |
| JobInfo.Builder builder = |
| new JobInfo |
| .Builder(JOB_ID, |
| new ComponentName( |
| JOB_PKG_NAME, BackgroundDexoptJobService.class.getName())) |
| .setPeriodic(JOB_INTERVAL_MS) |
| .setRequiresDeviceIdle(true) |
| .setRequiresCharging(true) |
| .setRequiresBatteryNotLow(true); |
| |
| Callback<ScheduleBackgroundDexoptJobCallback, Void> callback = |
| mInjector.getConfig().getScheduleBackgroundDexoptJobCallback(); |
| if (callback != null) { |
| Utils.executeAndWait( |
| callback.executor(), () -> { callback.get().onOverrideJobInfo(builder); }); |
| } |
| |
| JobInfo info = builder.build(); |
| if (info.isRequireStorageNotLow()) { |
| // See the javadoc of |
| // `ArtManagerLocal.ScheduleBackgroundDexoptJobCallback.onOverrideJobInfo` for details. |
| throw new IllegalStateException("'setRequiresStorageNotLow' must not be set"); |
| } |
| |
| return mInjector.getJobScheduler().schedule(info) == JobScheduler.RESULT_SUCCESS |
| } |
| |
| /** Handles {@link ArtManagerLocal#unscheduleBackgroundDexoptJob()}. */ |
| public void unschedule() { |
| if (this != BackgroundDexoptJobService.getJob()) { |
| throw new IllegalStateException("This job cannot be unscheduled"); |
| } |
| |
| mInjector.getJobScheduler().cancel(JOB_ID); |
| } |
| |
| @NonNull |
| public synchronized CompletableFuture<Result> start() { |
| if (mRunningJob != null) { |
| Log.i(TAG, "Job is already running"); |
| return mRunningJob; |
| } |
| |
| mCancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| mLastStopReason = Optional.empty(); |
| mRunningJob = new CompletableFuture().supplyAsync(() -> { |
| Log.i(TAG, "Job started"); |
| try { |
| return run(mCancellationSignal); |
| } catch (RuntimeException e) { |
| Log.e(TAG, "Fatal error", e); |
| return new FatalErrorResult(); |
| } finally { |
| Log.i(TAG, "Job finished"); |
| synchronized (this) { |
| mRunningJob = null; |
| mCancellationSignal = null; |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| return mRunningJob; |
| } |
| |
| public synchronized void cancel() { |
| if (mRunningJob == null) { |
| Log.i(TAG, "Job is not running"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| mCancellationSignal.cancel(); |
| Log.i(TAG, "Job cancelled"); |
| } |
| |
| @Nullable |
| public synchronized CompletableFuture<Result> get() { |
| return mRunningJob; |
| } |
| |
| @NonNull |
| private CompletedResult run(@NonNull CancellationSignal cancellationSignal) { |
| // TODO(b/254013427): Cleanup dex use info. |
| long startTimeMs = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); |
| DexoptResult dexoptResult; |
| try (var snapshot = mInjector.getPackageManagerLocal().withFilteredSnapshot()) { |
| dexoptResult = mInjector.getArtManagerLocal().dexoptPackages(snapshot, |
| ReasonMapping.REASON_BG_DEXOPT, cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */); |
| |
| // For simplicity, we don't support cancelling the following operation in the middle. |
| // This is fine because it typically takes only a few seconds. |
| if (!cancellationSignal.isCanceled()) { |
| // We do the cleanup after dexopt so that it doesn't affect the `getSizeBeforeBytes` |
| // field in the result that we send to callbacks. Admittedly, this will cause us to |
| // lose some chance to dexopt when the storage is very low, but it's fine because we |
| // can still dexopt in the next run. |
| long freedBytes = mInjector.getArtManagerLocal().cleanup(snapshot); |
| Log.i(TAG, String.format("Freed %d bytes", freedBytes)); |
| } |
| } |
| return CompletedResult.create(dexoptResult, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTimeMs); |
| } |
| |
| private void writeStats(@NonNull Result result) { |
| Optional<Integer> stopReason; |
| synchronized (this) { |
| stopReason = mLastStopReason; |
| } |
| if (result instanceof CompletedResult) { |
| var completedResult = (CompletedResult) result; |
| ArtStatsLog.write(ArtStatsLog.BACKGROUND_DEXOPT_JOB_ENDED, |
| getStatusForStats(completedResult, stopReason), |
| stopReason.orElse(JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED), |
| completedResult.durationMs(), 0 /* deprecated */); |
| } else if (result instanceof FatalErrorResult) { |
| ArtStatsLog.write(ArtStatsLog.BACKGROUND_DEXOPT_JOB_ENDED, |
| JobParameters.STOP_REASON_UNDEFINED, 0 /* durationMs */, 0 /* deprecated */); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private int getStatusForStats(@NonNull CompletedResult result, Optional<Integer> stopReason) { |
| if (result.dexoptResult().getFinalStatus() == DexoptResult.DEXOPT_CANCELLED) { |
| if (stopReason.isPresent()) { |
| return ArtStatsLog |
| } else { |
| } |
| } |
| |
| boolean isSkippedDueToStorageLow = |
| result.dexoptResult() |
| .getPackageDexoptResults() |
| .stream() |
| .flatMap(packageResult |
| -> packageResult.getDexContainerFileDexoptResults().stream()) |
| .anyMatch(fileResult -> fileResult.isSkippedDueToStorageLow()); |
| if (isSkippedDueToStorageLow) { |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| static abstract class Result {} |
| static class FatalErrorResult extends Result {} |
| |
| @AutoValue |
| static abstract class CompletedResult extends Result { |
| abstract @NonNull DexoptResult dexoptResult(); |
| abstract long durationMs(); |
| |
| @NonNull |
| static CompletedResult create(@NonNull DexoptResult dexoptResult, long durationMs) { |
| return new AutoValue_BackgroundDexoptJob_CompletedResult(dexoptResult, durationMs); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Injector pattern for testing purpose. |
| * |
| * @hide |
| */ |
| @VisibleForTesting |
| public static class Injector { |
| @NonNull private final Context mContext; |
| @NonNull private final ArtManagerLocal mArtManagerLocal; |
| @NonNull private final Config mConfig; |
| |
| Injector(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull ArtManagerLocal artManagerLocal, |
| @NonNull Config config) { |
| mContext = context; |
| mArtManagerLocal = artManagerLocal; |
| mConfig = config; |
| |
| // Call the getters for various dependencies, to ensure correct initialization order. |
| getPackageManagerLocal(); |
| getJobScheduler(); |
| } |
| |
| @NonNull |
| public ArtManagerLocal getArtManagerLocal() { |
| return mArtManagerLocal; |
| } |
| |
| @NonNull |
| public PackageManagerLocal getPackageManagerLocal() { |
| return Objects.requireNonNull( |
| LocalManagerRegistry.getManager(PackageManagerLocal.class)); |
| } |
| |
| @NonNull |
| public Config getConfig() { |
| return mConfig; |
| } |
| |
| @NonNull |
| public JobScheduler getJobScheduler() { |
| return Objects.requireNonNull(mContext.getSystemService(JobScheduler.class)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |