blob: 812fbbe6049897c8e6541438594b65c67fdc8993 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "oat_file_assistant.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/file.h"
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "android-base/properties.h"
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "android-base/strings.h"
#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/compiler_filter.h"
#include "base/file_utils.h"
#include "base/globals.h"
#include "base/logging.h" // For VLOG.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/os.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/string_view_cpp20.h"
#include "base/systrace.h"
#include "base/utils.h"
#include "base/zip_archive.h"
#include "class_linker.h"
#include "class_loader_context.h"
#include "dex/art_dex_file_loader.h"
#include "dex/dex_file_loader.h"
#include "exec_utils.h"
#include "gc/heap.h"
#include "gc/space/image_space.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "oat.h"
#include "oat_file_assistant_context.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h"
#include "vdex_file.h"
#include "zlib.h"
namespace art {
using ::android::base::ConsumePrefix;
using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
static constexpr const char* kAnonymousDexPrefix = "Anonymous-DexFile@";
static constexpr const char* kVdexExtension = ".vdex";
static constexpr const char* kDmExtension = ".dm";
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const OatFileAssistant::OatStatus status) {
switch (status) {
case OatFileAssistant::kOatCannotOpen:
stream << "kOatCannotOpen";
case OatFileAssistant::kOatDexOutOfDate:
stream << "kOatDexOutOfDate";
case OatFileAssistant::kOatBootImageOutOfDate:
stream << "kOatBootImageOutOfDate";
case OatFileAssistant::kOatUpToDate:
stream << "kOatUpToDate";
case OatFileAssistant::kOatContextOutOfDate:
stream << "kOaContextOutOfDate";
return stream;
OatFileAssistant::OatFileAssistant(const char* dex_location,
const InstructionSet isa,
ClassLoaderContext* context,
bool load_executable,
bool only_load_trusted_executable,
OatFileAssistantContext* ofa_context)
: OatFileAssistant(dex_location,
/*zip_fd=*/-1) {}
OatFileAssistant::OatFileAssistant(const char* dex_location,
const InstructionSet isa,
ClassLoaderContext* context,
bool load_executable,
bool only_load_trusted_executable,
OatFileAssistantContext* ofa_context,
int vdex_fd,
int oat_fd,
int zip_fd)
: context_(context),
odex_(this, /*is_oat_location=*/false),
oat_(this, /*is_oat_location=*/true),
vdex_for_odex_(this, /*is_oat_location=*/false),
vdex_for_oat_(this, /*is_oat_location=*/true),
dm_for_odex_(this, /*is_oat_location=*/false),
dm_for_oat_(this, /*is_oat_location=*/true),
zip_fd_(zip_fd) {
CHECK(dex_location != nullptr) << "OatFileAssistant: null dex location";
CHECK_IMPLIES(load_executable, context != nullptr) << "Loading executable without a context";
if (zip_fd < 0) {
CHECK_LE(oat_fd, 0) << "zip_fd must be provided with valid oat_fd. zip_fd=" << zip_fd
<< " oat_fd=" << oat_fd;
CHECK_LE(vdex_fd, 0) << "zip_fd must be provided with valid vdex_fd. zip_fd=" << zip_fd
<< " vdex_fd=" << vdex_fd;
} else {
Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();
if (load_executable_ && runtime == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "OatFileAssistant: Load executable specified, "
<< "but no active runtime is found. Will not attempt to load executable.";
load_executable_ = false;
if (load_executable_ && isa != kRuntimeISA) {
LOG(WARNING) << "OatFileAssistant: Load executable specified, "
<< "but isa is not kRuntimeISA. Will not attempt to load executable.";
load_executable_ = false;
if (ofa_context == nullptr) {
CHECK(runtime != nullptr) << "runtime_options is not provided, and no active runtime is found.";
ofa_context_ = std::make_unique<OatFileAssistantContext>(runtime);
} else {
ofa_context_ = ofa_context;
if (runtime == nullptr) {
// We need `MemMap` for mapping files. We don't have to initialize it when there is a runtime
// because the runtime initializes it.
// Get the odex filename.
std::string error_msg;
std::string odex_file_name;
if (DexLocationToOdexFilename(dex_location_, isa_, &odex_file_name, &error_msg)) {
odex_.Reset(odex_file_name, UseFdToReadFiles(), zip_fd, vdex_fd, oat_fd);
std::string vdex_file_name = GetVdexFilename(odex_file_name);
// We dup FDs as the odex_ will claim ownership.
std::string dm_file_name = GetDmFilename(dex_location_);
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to determine odex file name: " << error_msg;
if (!UseFdToReadFiles()) {
// Get the oat filename.
std::string oat_file_name;
if (DexLocationToOatFilename(dex_location_,
&error_msg)) {
oat_.Reset(oat_file_name, /*use_fd=*/false);
std::string vdex_file_name = GetVdexFilename(oat_file_name);
vdex_for_oat_.Reset(vdex_file_name, UseFdToReadFiles(), zip_fd, vdex_fd, oat_fd);
std::string dm_file_name = GetDmFilename(dex_location);
dm_for_oat_.Reset(dm_file_name, UseFdToReadFiles(), zip_fd, vdex_fd, oat_fd);
} else if (kIsTargetAndroid) {
// No need to warn on host. We are probably in oatdump, where we only need OatFileAssistant to
// validate BCP checksums.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to determine oat file name for dex location " << dex_location_ << ": "
<< error_msg;
std::unique_ptr<OatFileAssistant> OatFileAssistant::Create(
const std::string& filename,
const std::string& isa_str,
const std::optional<std::string>& context_str,
bool load_executable,
bool only_load_trusted_executable,
OatFileAssistantContext* ofa_context,
/*out*/ std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext>* context,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg) {
InstructionSet isa = GetInstructionSetFromString(isa_str.c_str());
if (isa == InstructionSet::kNone) {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("Instruction set '%s' is invalid", isa_str.c_str());
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ClassLoaderContext> tmp_context = nullptr;
if (context_str.has_value()) {
tmp_context = ClassLoaderContext::Create(context_str.value());
if (tmp_context == nullptr) {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("Class loader context '%s' is invalid", context_str->c_str());
return nullptr;
if (!tmp_context->OpenDexFiles(android::base::Dirname(filename),
/*only_read_checksums=*/true)) {
*error_msg =
StringPrintf("Failed to load class loader context files for '%s' with context '%s'",
return nullptr;
auto assistant = std::make_unique<OatFileAssistant>(filename.c_str(),
*context = std::move(tmp_context);
return assistant;
bool OatFileAssistant::UseFdToReadFiles() { return zip_fd_ >= 0; }
bool OatFileAssistant::IsInBootClassPath() {
// Note: We check the current boot class path, regardless of the ISA
// specified by the user. This is okay, because the boot class path should
// be the same for all ISAs.
// TODO: Can we verify the boot class path is the same for all ISAs?
for (const std::string& boot_class_path_location :
GetRuntimeOptions().boot_class_path_locations) {
if (boot_class_path_location == dex_location_) {
VLOG(oat) << "Dex location " << dex_location_ << " is in boot class path";
return true;
return false;
OatFileAssistant::DexOptTrigger OatFileAssistant::GetDexOptTrigger(
CompilerFilter::Filter target_compiler_filter, bool profile_changed, bool downgrade) {
if (downgrade) {
// The caller's intention is to downgrade the compiler filter. We should only re-compile if the
// target compiler filter is worse than the current one.
return DexOptTrigger{.targetFilterIsWorse = true};
// This is the usual case. The caller's intention is to see if a better oat file can be generated.
DexOptTrigger dexopt_trigger{
.targetFilterIsBetter = true, .primaryBootImageBecomesUsable = true, .needExtraction = true};
if (profile_changed && CompilerFilter::DependsOnProfile(target_compiler_filter)) {
// Since the profile has been changed, we should re-compile even if the compilation does not
// make the compiler filter better.
dexopt_trigger.targetFilterIsSame = true;
return dexopt_trigger;
int OatFileAssistant::GetDexOptNeeded(CompilerFilter::Filter target_compiler_filter,
bool profile_changed,
bool downgrade) {
OatFileInfo& info = GetBestInfo();
if (info.CheckDisableCompactDexExperiment()) { // TODO(b/256664509): Clean this up.
VLOG(oat) << "Should recompile: disable cdex experiment";
return kDex2OatFromScratch;
DexOptNeeded dexopt_needed = info.GetDexOptNeeded(
target_compiler_filter, GetDexOptTrigger(target_compiler_filter, profile_changed, downgrade));
if (dexopt_needed != kNoDexOptNeeded && (&info == &dm_for_oat_ || &info == &dm_for_odex_)) {
// The usable vdex file is in the DM file. This information cannot be encoded in the integer.
// Return kDex2OatFromScratch so that neither the vdex in the "oat" location nor the vdex in the
// "odex" location will be picked by installd.
return kDex2OatFromScratch;
if (info.IsOatLocation() || dexopt_needed == kDex2OatFromScratch) {
return dexopt_needed;
return -dexopt_needed;
bool OatFileAssistant::GetDexOptNeeded(CompilerFilter::Filter target_compiler_filter,
DexOptTrigger dexopt_trigger,
/*out*/ DexOptStatus* dexopt_status) {
OatFileInfo& info = GetBestInfo();
if (info.CheckDisableCompactDexExperiment()) { // TODO(b/256664509): Clean this up.
dexopt_status->location_ = kLocationNoneOrError;
return true;
DexOptNeeded dexopt_needed = info.GetDexOptNeeded(target_compiler_filter, dexopt_trigger);
if (info.IsUseable()) {
if (&info == &dm_for_oat_ || &info == &dm_for_odex_) {
dexopt_status->location_ = kLocationDm;
} else if (info.IsOatLocation()) {
dexopt_status->location_ = kLocationOat;
} else {
dexopt_status->location_ = kLocationOdex;
} else {
dexopt_status->location_ = kLocationNoneOrError;
return dexopt_needed != kNoDexOptNeeded;
bool OatFileAssistant::IsUpToDate() { return GetBestInfo().Status() == kOatUpToDate; }
std::unique_ptr<OatFile> OatFileAssistant::GetBestOatFile() {
return GetBestInfo().ReleaseFileForUse();
std::string OatFileAssistant::GetStatusDump() {
std::ostringstream status;
bool oat_file_exists = false;
bool odex_file_exists = false;
if (oat_.Status() != kOatCannotOpen) {
// If we can open the file, Filename should not return null.
CHECK(oat_.Filename() != nullptr);
oat_file_exists = true;
status << *oat_.Filename() << "[status=" << oat_.Status() << ", ";
const OatFile* file = oat_.GetFile();
if (file == nullptr) {
// If the file is null even though the status is not kOatCannotOpen, it
// means we must have a vdex file with no corresponding oat file. In
// this case we cannot determine the compilation filter. Indicate that
// we have only the vdex file instead.
status << "vdex-only";
} else {
status << "compilation_filter=" << CompilerFilter::NameOfFilter(file->GetCompilerFilter());
if (odex_.Status() != kOatCannotOpen) {
// If we can open the file, Filename should not return null.
CHECK(odex_.Filename() != nullptr);
odex_file_exists = true;
if (oat_file_exists) {
status << "] ";
status << *odex_.Filename() << "[status=" << odex_.Status() << ", ";
const OatFile* file = odex_.GetFile();
if (file == nullptr) {
status << "vdex-only";
} else {
status << "compilation_filter=" << CompilerFilter::NameOfFilter(file->GetCompilerFilter());
if (!oat_file_exists && !odex_file_exists) {
status << "invalid[";
status << "]";
return status.str();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> OatFileAssistant::LoadDexFiles(
const OatFile& oat_file, const char* dex_location) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
if (LoadDexFiles(oat_file, dex_location, &dex_files)) {
return dex_files;
} else {
return std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>();
bool OatFileAssistant::LoadDexFiles(const OatFile& oat_file,
const std::string& dex_location,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>* out_dex_files) {
// Load the main dex file.
std::string error_msg;
const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = oat_file.GetOatDexFile(dex_location.c_str(), &error_msg);
if (oat_dex_file == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << error_msg;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file = oat_dex_file->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
if (dex_file.get() == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open dex file from oat dex file: " << error_msg;
return false;
// Load the rest of the multidex entries
for (size_t i = 1;; i++) {
std::string multidex_dex_location = DexFileLoader::GetMultiDexLocation(i, dex_location.c_str());
oat_dex_file = oat_file.GetOatDexFile(multidex_dex_location.c_str());
if (oat_dex_file == nullptr) {
// There are no more multidex entries to load.
dex_file = oat_dex_file->OpenDexFile(&error_msg);
if (dex_file.get() == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to open dex file from oat dex file: " << error_msg;
return false;
return true;
std::optional<bool> OatFileAssistant::HasDexFiles(std::string* error_msg) {
ScopedTrace trace("HasDexFiles");
std::optional<std::uint32_t> checksum;
if (!GetRequiredDexChecksum(&checksum, error_msg)) {
return std::nullopt;
return checksum.has_value();
OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::OdexFileStatus() { return odex_.Status(); }
OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::OatFileStatus() { return oat_.Status(); }
bool OatFileAssistant::DexChecksumUpToDate(const OatFile& file, std::string* error_msg) {
if (!file.ContainsDexCode()) {
// We've already checked during oat file creation that the dex files loaded
// from external files have the same checksums as the ones in the vdex file.
return true;
ScopedTrace trace("DexChecksumUpToDate");
std::optional<std::uint32_t> dex_checksum;
if (!GetRequiredDexChecksum(&dex_checksum, error_msg)) {
return false;
if (!dex_checksum.has_value()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Required dex checksums not found. Assuming dex checksums are up to date.";
return true;
std::vector<const OatDexFile*> oat_dex_files;
uint32_t number_of_dex_files = file.GetOatHeader().GetDexFileCount();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < number_of_dex_files; i++) {
std::string dex = DexFileLoader::GetMultiDexLocation(i, dex_location_.c_str());
const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file = file.GetOatDexFile(dex.c_str());
if (oat_dex_file == nullptr) {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("failed to find %s in %s", dex.c_str(), file.GetLocation().c_str());
return false;
uint32_t oat_checksum = DexFileLoader::GetMultiDexChecksum(oat_dex_files);
if (dex_checksum != oat_checksum) {
VLOG(oat) << "Checksum does not match: " << std::hex << file.GetLocation() << " ("
<< oat_checksum << ") vs " << dex_location_ << " (" << *dex_checksum << ")";
return false;
return true;
OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::GivenOatFileStatus(const OatFile& file) {
// Verify the ART_USE_READ_BARRIER state.
// TODO: Don't fully reject files due to read barrier state. If they contain
// compiled code and are otherwise okay, we should return something like
// kOatRelocationOutOfDate. If they don't contain compiled code, the read
// barrier state doesn't matter.
if (file.GetOatHeader().IsConcurrentCopying() != gUseReadBarrier) {
return kOatCannotOpen;
// Verify the dex checksum.
std::string error_msg;
if (!DexChecksumUpToDate(file, &error_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << error_msg;
return kOatDexOutOfDate;
CompilerFilter::Filter current_compiler_filter = file.GetCompilerFilter();
// Verify the image checksum
if (file.IsBackedByVdexOnly()) {
VLOG(oat) << "Image checksum test skipped for vdex file " << file.GetLocation();
} else if (CompilerFilter::DependsOnImageChecksum(current_compiler_filter)) {
if (!ValidateBootClassPathChecksums(file)) {
VLOG(oat) << "Oat image checksum does not match image checksum.";
return kOatBootImageOutOfDate;
if (!gc::space::ImageSpace::ValidateApexVersions(
&error_msg)) {
VLOG(oat) << error_msg;
return kOatBootImageOutOfDate;
} else {
VLOG(oat) << "Image checksum test skipped for compiler filter " << current_compiler_filter;
// The constraint is only enforced if the zip has uncompressed dex code.
if (only_load_trusted_executable_ &&
!LocationIsTrusted(file.GetLocation(), !GetRuntimeOptions().deny_art_apex_data_files) &&
file.ContainsDexCode() && ZipFileOnlyContainsUncompressedDex()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Not loading " << dex_location_
<< ": oat file has dex code, but APK has uncompressed dex code";
return kOatDexOutOfDate;
if (!ClassLoaderContextIsOkay(file)) {
return kOatContextOutOfDate;
return kOatUpToDate;
bool OatFileAssistant::AnonymousDexVdexLocation(const std::vector<const DexFile::Header*>& headers,
InstructionSet isa,
/* out */ std::string* dex_location,
/* out */ std::string* vdex_filename) {
// Normally, OatFileAssistant should not assume that there is an active runtime. However, we
// reference the runtime here. This is okay because we are in a static function that is unrelated
// to other parts of OatFileAssistant.
DCHECK(Runtime::Current() != nullptr);
uint32_t checksum = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
for (const DexFile::Header* header : headers) {
checksum = adler32_combine(
checksum, header->checksum_, header->file_size_ - DexFile::kNumNonChecksumBytes);
const std::string& data_dir = Runtime::Current()->GetProcessDataDirectory();
if (data_dir.empty() || Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {
*dex_location = StringPrintf("%s%u", kAnonymousDexPrefix, checksum);
return false;
*dex_location = StringPrintf("%s/%s%u.jar", data_dir.c_str(), kAnonymousDexPrefix, checksum);
std::string odex_filename;
std::string error_msg;
if (!DexLocationToOdexFilename(*dex_location, isa, &odex_filename, &error_msg)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Could not get odex filename for " << *dex_location << ": " << error_msg;
return false;
*vdex_filename = GetVdexFilename(odex_filename);
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::IsAnonymousVdexBasename(const std::string& basename) {
DCHECK(basename.find('/') == std::string::npos);
// `basename` must have format: <kAnonymousDexPrefix><checksum><kVdexExtension>
if (basename.size() < strlen(kAnonymousDexPrefix) + strlen(kVdexExtension) + 1 ||
!android::base::StartsWith(basename, kAnonymousDexPrefix) ||
!android::base::EndsWith(basename, kVdexExtension)) {
return false;
// Check that all characters between the prefix and extension are decimal digits.
for (size_t i = strlen(kAnonymousDexPrefix); i < basename.size() - strlen(kVdexExtension); ++i) {
if (!std::isdigit(basename[i])) {
return false;
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::DexLocationToOdexFilename(const std::string& location,
InstructionSet isa,
std::string* odex_filename,
std::string* error_msg) {
CHECK(odex_filename != nullptr);
CHECK(error_msg != nullptr);
// For a DEX file on /apex, check if there is an odex file on /system. If so, and the file exists,
// use it.
if (LocationIsOnApex(location)) {
const std::string system_file = GetSystemOdexFilenameForApex(location, isa);
if (OS::FileExists(system_file.c_str(), /*check_file_type=*/true)) {
*odex_filename = system_file;
return true;
} else if (errno != ENOENT) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not check odex file " << system_file;
// The odex file name is formed by replacing the dex_location extension with
// .odex and inserting an oat/<isa> directory. For example:
// location = /foo/bar/baz.jar
// odex_location = /foo/bar/oat/<isa>/baz.odex
// Find the directory portion of the dex location and add the oat/<isa>
// directory.
size_t pos = location.rfind('/');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
*error_msg = "Dex location " + location + " has no directory.";
return false;
std::string dir = location.substr(0, pos + 1);
// Add the oat directory.
dir += "oat";
// Add the isa directory
dir += "/" + std::string(GetInstructionSetString(isa));
// Get the base part of the file without the extension.
std::string file = location.substr(pos + 1);
pos = file.rfind('.');
std::string base = pos != std::string::npos ? file.substr(0, pos) : file;
*odex_filename = dir + "/" + base + ".odex";
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::DexLocationToOatFilename(const std::string& location,
InstructionSet isa,
std::string* oat_filename,
std::string* error_msg) {
DCHECK(Runtime::Current() != nullptr);
return DexLocationToOatFilename(
location, isa, Runtime::Current()->DenyArtApexDataFiles(), oat_filename, error_msg);
bool OatFileAssistant::DexLocationToOatFilename(const std::string& location,
InstructionSet isa,
bool deny_art_apex_data_files,
std::string* oat_filename,
std::string* error_msg) {
CHECK(oat_filename != nullptr);
CHECK(error_msg != nullptr);
// Check if `location` could have an oat file in the ART APEX data directory. If so, and the
// file exists, use it.
const std::string apex_data_file = GetApexDataOdexFilename(location, isa);
if (!apex_data_file.empty() && !deny_art_apex_data_files) {
if (OS::FileExists(apex_data_file.c_str(), /*check_file_type=*/true)) {
*oat_filename = apex_data_file;
return true;
} else if (errno != ENOENT) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Could not check odex file " << apex_data_file;
// If ANDROID_DATA is not set, return false instead of aborting.
// This can occur for preopt when using a class loader context.
if (GetAndroidDataSafe(error_msg).empty()) {
*error_msg = "GetAndroidDataSafe failed: " + *error_msg;
return false;
std::string dalvik_cache;
bool have_android_data = false;
bool dalvik_cache_exists = false;
bool is_global_cache = false;
if (!dalvik_cache_exists) {
*error_msg = "Dalvik cache directory does not exist";
return false;
// TODO: The oat file assistant should be the definitive place for
// determining the oat file name from the dex location, not
// GetDalvikCacheFilename.
return GetDalvikCacheFilename(location.c_str(), dalvik_cache.c_str(), oat_filename, error_msg);
bool OatFileAssistant::GetRequiredDexChecksum(std::optional<uint32_t>* checksum,
std::string* error) {
if (!required_dex_checksums_attempted_) {
required_dex_checksums_attempted_ = true;
File file(zip_fd_, /*check_usage=*/false);
ArtDexFileLoader dex_loader(&file, dex_location_);
std::optional<uint32_t> checksum2;
std::string error2;
if (dex_loader.GetMultiDexChecksum(
&checksum2, &error2, &zip_file_only_contains_uncompressed_dex_)) {
cached_required_dex_checksums_ = checksum2;
cached_required_dex_checksums_error_ = std::nullopt;
} else {
cached_required_dex_checksums_ = std::nullopt;
cached_required_dex_checksums_error_ = error2;
file.Release(); // Don't close the file yet (we have only read the checksum).
if (cached_required_dex_checksums_error_.has_value()) {
*error = cached_required_dex_checksums_error_.value();
return false;
if (!cached_required_dex_checksums_.has_value()) {
// The only valid case here is for APKs without dex files.
VLOG(oat) << "No dex file found in " << dex_location_;
*checksum = cached_required_dex_checksums_;
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::ValidateBootClassPathChecksums(OatFileAssistantContext* ofa_context,
InstructionSet isa,
std::string_view oat_checksums,
std::string_view oat_boot_class_path,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg) {
const std::vector<std::string>& bcp_locations =
if (oat_checksums.empty() || oat_boot_class_path.empty()) {
*error_msg = oat_checksums.empty() ? "Empty checksums" : "Empty boot class path";
return false;
size_t oat_bcp_size = gc::space::ImageSpace::CheckAndCountBCPComponents(
oat_boot_class_path, ArrayRef<const std::string>(bcp_locations), error_msg);
if (oat_bcp_size == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
return false;
DCHECK_LE(oat_bcp_size, bcp_locations.size());
size_t bcp_index = 0;
size_t boot_image_index = 0;
bool found_d = false;
while (bcp_index < oat_bcp_size) {
static_assert(gc::space::ImageSpace::kImageChecksumPrefix == 'i', "Format prefix check");
static_assert(gc::space::ImageSpace::kDexFileChecksumPrefix == 'd', "Format prefix check");
if (StartsWith(oat_checksums, "i") && !found_d) {
const std::vector<OatFileAssistantContext::BootImageInfo>& boot_image_info_list =
if (boot_image_index >= boot_image_info_list.size()) {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("Missing boot image for %s, remaining checksums: %s",
return false;
const OatFileAssistantContext::BootImageInfo& boot_image_info =
if (!ConsumePrefix(&oat_checksums, boot_image_info.checksum)) {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("Image checksum mismatch, expected %s to start with %s",
return false;
bcp_index += boot_image_info.component_count;
} else if (StartsWith(oat_checksums, "d")) {
found_d = true;
const std::vector<std::string>* bcp_checksums =
ofa_context->GetBcpChecksums(bcp_index, error_msg);
if (bcp_checksums == nullptr) {
return false;
for (const std::string& checksum : *bcp_checksums) {
if (!ConsumePrefix(&oat_checksums, checksum)) {
*error_msg = StringPrintf(
"Dex checksum mismatch for bootclasspath file %s, expected %s to start with %s",
return false;
} else {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("Unexpected checksums, expected %s to start with %s",
found_d ? "'d'" : "'i' or 'd'");
return false;
if (bcp_index < oat_bcp_size) {
if (!ConsumePrefix(&oat_checksums, ":")) {
if (oat_checksums.empty()) {
*error_msg =
StringPrintf("Checksum too short, missing %zu components", oat_bcp_size - bcp_index);
} else {
*error_msg = StringPrintf("Missing ':' separator at start of %s",
return false;
if (!oat_checksums.empty()) {
*error_msg =
StringPrintf("Checksum too long, unexpected tail: %s", std::string(oat_checksums).c_str());
return false;
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::ValidateBootClassPathChecksums(const OatFile& oat_file) {
// Get the checksums and the BCP from the oat file.
const char* oat_boot_class_path_checksums =
const char* oat_boot_class_path =
if (oat_boot_class_path_checksums == nullptr || oat_boot_class_path == nullptr) {
return false;
std::string error_msg;
bool result = ValidateBootClassPathChecksums(GetOatFileAssistantContext(),
if (!result) {
VLOG(oat) << "Failed to verify checksums of oat file " << oat_file.GetLocation()
<< " error: " << error_msg;
return false;
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::IsPrimaryBootImageUsable() {
return !GetOatFileAssistantContext()->GetBootImageInfoList(isa_).empty();
OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo& OatFileAssistant::GetBestInfo() {
ScopedTrace trace("GetBestInfo");
// We first try the odex location, which is the most common.
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("GetBestInfo checking odex next to the dex file ({})",
if (odex_.IsUseable()) {
return odex_;
// If the oat location is useable take it.
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("GetBestInfo checking odex in dalvik-cache ({})", oat_.DisplayFilename());
if (oat_.IsUseable()) {
return oat_;
// No odex/oat available, look for a useable vdex file.
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("GetBestInfo checking vdex next to the dex file ({})",
if (vdex_for_odex_.IsUseable()) {
return vdex_for_odex_;
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("GetBestInfo checking vdex in dalvik-cache ({})",
if (vdex_for_oat_.IsUseable()) {
return vdex_for_oat_;
// A .dm file may be available, look for it.
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("GetBestInfo checking dm ({})", dm_for_odex_.DisplayFilename());
if (dm_for_odex_.IsUseable()) {
return dm_for_odex_;
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("GetBestInfo checking dm ({})", dm_for_oat_.DisplayFilename());
if (dm_for_oat_.IsUseable()) {
return dm_for_oat_;
// No usable artifact. Pick the odex if it exists, or the oat if not.
VLOG(oat) << "GetBestInfo no usable artifacts";
return (odex_.Status() == kOatCannotOpen) ? oat_ : odex_;
std::unique_ptr<gc::space::ImageSpace> OatFileAssistant::OpenImageSpace(const OatFile* oat_file) {
DCHECK(oat_file != nullptr);
std::string art_file = ReplaceFileExtension(oat_file->GetLocation(), "art");
if (art_file.empty()) {
return nullptr;
std::string error_msg;
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
std::unique_ptr<gc::space::ImageSpace> ret =
gc::space::ImageSpace::CreateFromAppImage(art_file.c_str(), oat_file, &error_msg);
if (ret == nullptr && (VLOG_IS_ON(image) || OS::FileExists(art_file.c_str()))) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed to open app image " << art_file.c_str() << " " << error_msg;
return ret;
OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::OatFileInfo(OatFileAssistant* oat_file_assistant,
bool is_oat_location)
: oat_file_assistant_(oat_file_assistant), is_oat_location_(is_oat_location) {}
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::IsOatLocation() { return is_oat_location_; }
const std::string* OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::Filename() {
return filename_provided_ ? &filename_ : nullptr;
const char* OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::DisplayFilename() {
return filename_provided_ ? filename_.c_str() : "unknown";
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::IsUseable() {
ScopedTrace trace("IsUseable");
switch (Status()) {
case kOatCannotOpen:
case kOatDexOutOfDate:
case kOatContextOutOfDate:
case kOatBootImageOutOfDate:
return false;
case kOatUpToDate:
return true;
OatFileAssistant::OatStatus OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::Status() {
ScopedTrace trace("Status");
if (!status_attempted_) {
status_attempted_ = true;
const OatFile* file = GetFile();
if (file == nullptr) {
status_ = kOatCannotOpen;
} else {
status_ = oat_file_assistant_->GivenOatFileStatus(*file);
VLOG(oat) << file->GetLocation() << " is " << status_ << " with filter "
<< file->GetCompilerFilter();
return status_;
OatFileAssistant::DexOptNeeded OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::GetDexOptNeeded(
CompilerFilter::Filter target_compiler_filter, const DexOptTrigger dexopt_trigger) {
if (IsUseable()) {
return ShouldRecompileForFilter(target_compiler_filter, dexopt_trigger) ? kDex2OatForFilter :
// In this case, the oat file is not usable. If the caller doesn't seek for a better compiler
// filter (e.g., the caller wants to downgrade), then we should not recompile.
if (!dexopt_trigger.targetFilterIsBetter) {
return kNoDexOptNeeded;
if (Status() == kOatBootImageOutOfDate) {
return kDex2OatForBootImage;
std::string error_msg;
std::optional<bool> has_dex_files = oat_file_assistant_->HasDexFiles(&error_msg);
if (has_dex_files.has_value()) {
if (*has_dex_files) {
return kDex2OatFromScratch;
} else {
// No dex file, so there is nothing we need to do.
return kNoDexOptNeeded;
} else {
// Unable to open the dex file, so there is nothing we can do.
LOG(WARNING) << error_msg;
return kNoDexOptNeeded;
const OatFile* OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::GetFile() {
CHECK(!file_released_) << "GetFile called after oat file released.";
if (load_attempted_) {
return file_.get();
load_attempted_ = true;
if (!filename_provided_) {
return nullptr;
if (LocationIsOnArtApexData(filename_) &&
oat_file_assistant_->GetRuntimeOptions().deny_art_apex_data_files) {
LOG(WARNING) << "OatFileAssistant rejected file " << filename_
<< ": ART apexdata is untrusted.";
return nullptr;
std::string error_msg;
bool executable = oat_file_assistant_->load_executable_;
if (android::base::EndsWith(filename_, kVdexExtension)) {
executable = false;
// Check to see if there is a vdex file we can make use of.
std::unique_ptr<VdexFile> vdex;
if (use_fd_) {
if (vdex_fd_ >= 0) {
struct stat s;
int rc = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat(vdex_fd_, &s));
if (rc == -1) {
error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed getting length of the vdex file %s.", strerror(errno));
} else {
vdex = VdexFile::Open(vdex_fd_,
} else {
vdex = VdexFile::Open(filename_,
if (vdex == nullptr) {
VLOG(oat) << "unable to open vdex file " << filename_ << ": " << error_msg;
} else {
} else if (android::base::EndsWith(filename_, kDmExtension)) {
executable = false;
// Check to see if there is a vdex file we can make use of.
std::unique_ptr<ZipArchive> dm_file(ZipArchive::Open(filename_.c_str(), &error_msg));
if (dm_file != nullptr) {
std::unique_ptr<VdexFile> vdex(VdexFile::OpenFromDm(filename_, *dm_file));
if (vdex != nullptr) {
} else {
if (executable && oat_file_assistant_->only_load_trusted_executable_) {
executable = LocationIsTrusted(filename_, /*trust_art_apex_data_files=*/true);
VLOG(oat) << "Loading " << filename_ << " with executable: " << executable;
if (use_fd_) {
if (oat_fd_ >= 0 && vdex_fd_ >= 0) {
ArrayRef<const std::string> dex_locations(&oat_file_assistant_->dex_location_,
} else {
if (file_.get() == nullptr) {
VLOG(oat) << "OatFileAssistant test for existing oat file " << filename_ << ": " << error_msg;
} else {
VLOG(oat) << "Successfully loaded " << filename_ << " with executable: " << executable;
return file_.get();
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::ShouldRecompileForFilter(CompilerFilter::Filter target,
const DexOptTrigger dexopt_trigger) {
const OatFile* file = GetFile();
DCHECK(file != nullptr);
CompilerFilter::Filter current = file->GetCompilerFilter();
if (dexopt_trigger.targetFilterIsBetter && CompilerFilter::IsBetter(target, current)) {
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("Should recompile: targetFilterIsBetter (current: {}, target: {})",
return true;
if (dexopt_trigger.targetFilterIsSame && current == target) {
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("Should recompile: targetFilterIsSame (current: {}, target: {})",
return true;
if (dexopt_trigger.targetFilterIsWorse && CompilerFilter::IsBetter(current, target)) {
VLOG(oat) << ART_FORMAT("Should recompile: targetFilterIsWorse (current: {}, target: {})",
return true;
// Don't regress the compiler filter for the triggers handled below.
if (CompilerFilter::IsBetter(current, target)) {
VLOG(oat) << "Should not recompile: current filter is better";
return false;
if (dexopt_trigger.primaryBootImageBecomesUsable &&
CompilerFilter::IsAotCompilationEnabled(current)) {
// If the oat file has been compiled without an image, and the runtime is
// now running with an image loaded from disk, return that we need to
// re-compile. The recompilation will generate a better oat file, and with an app
// image for profile guided compilation.
// However, don't recompile for "verify". Although verification depends on the boot image, the
// penalty of being verified without a boot image is low. Consider the case where a dex file
// is verified by "ab-ota", we don't want it to be re-verified by "boot-after-ota".
const char* oat_boot_class_path_checksums =
if (oat_boot_class_path_checksums != nullptr &&
!StartsWith(oat_boot_class_path_checksums, "i") &&
oat_file_assistant_->IsPrimaryBootImageUsable()) {
VLOG(oat) << "Should recompile: primaryBootImageBecomesUsable";
return true;
if (dexopt_trigger.needExtraction && !file->ContainsDexCode() &&
!oat_file_assistant_->ZipFileOnlyContainsUncompressedDex()) {
VLOG(oat) << "Should recompile: needExtraction";
return true;
VLOG(oat) << "Should not recompile";
return false;
bool OatFileAssistant::ClassLoaderContextIsOkay(const OatFile& oat_file) const {
if (context_ == nullptr) {
// The caller requests to skip the check.
return true;
if (oat_file.IsBackedByVdexOnly()) {
// Only a vdex file, we don't depend on the class loader context.
return true;
if (!CompilerFilter::IsVerificationEnabled(oat_file.GetCompilerFilter())) {
// If verification is not enabled we don't need to verify the class loader context and we
// assume it's ok.
return true;
ClassLoaderContext::VerificationResult matches =
if (matches == ClassLoaderContext::VerificationResult::kMismatch) {
VLOG(oat) << "ClassLoaderContext check failed. Context was " << oat_file.GetClassLoaderContext()
<< ". The expected context is "
<< context_->EncodeContextForOatFile(android::base::Dirname(dex_location_));
return false;
return true;
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::IsExecutable() {
const OatFile* file = GetFile();
return (file != nullptr && file->IsExecutable());
void OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::Reset() {
load_attempted_ = false;
status_attempted_ = false;
void OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::Reset(
const std::string& filename, bool use_fd, int zip_fd, int vdex_fd, int oat_fd) {
filename_provided_ = true;
filename_ = filename;
use_fd_ = use_fd;
zip_fd_ = zip_fd;
vdex_fd_ = vdex_fd;
oat_fd_ = oat_fd;
std::unique_ptr<OatFile> OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::ReleaseFile() {
file_released_ = true;
return std::move(file_);
std::unique_ptr<OatFile> OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::ReleaseFileForUse() {
ScopedTrace trace("ReleaseFileForUse");
if (Status() == kOatUpToDate) {
return ReleaseFile();
return std::unique_ptr<OatFile>();
// Check if we should reject vdex containing cdex code as part of the
// disable_cdex experiment.
// TODO(b/256664509): Clean this up.
bool OatFileAssistant::OatFileInfo::CheckDisableCompactDexExperiment() {
std::string ph_disable_compact_dex = android::base::GetProperty(kPhDisableCompactDex, "false");
if (ph_disable_compact_dex != "true") {
return false;
const OatFile* oat_file = GetFile();
if (oat_file == nullptr) {
return false;
const VdexFile* vdex_file = oat_file->GetVdexFile();
return vdex_file != nullptr && vdex_file->HasDexSection() &&
// TODO(calin): we could provide a more refined status here
// (e.g. run from uncompressed apk, run with vdex but not oat etc). It will allow us to
// track more experiments but adds extra complexity.
void OatFileAssistant::GetOptimizationStatus(const std::string& filename,
InstructionSet isa,
std::string* out_compilation_filter,
std::string* out_compilation_reason,
OatFileAssistantContext* ofa_context) {
// It may not be possible to load an oat file executable (e.g., selinux restrictions). Load
// non-executable and check the status manually.
OatFileAssistant oat_file_assistant(filename.c_str(),
std::string out_odex_location; // unused
std::string out_odex_status; // unused
&out_odex_location, out_compilation_filter, out_compilation_reason, &out_odex_status);
void OatFileAssistant::GetOptimizationStatus(std::string* out_odex_location,
std::string* out_compilation_filter,
std::string* out_compilation_reason,
std::string* out_odex_status) {
OatFileInfo& oat_file_info = GetBestInfo();
const OatFile* oat_file = oat_file_info.GetFile();
if (oat_file == nullptr) {
std::string error_msg;
std::optional<bool> has_dex_files = HasDexFiles(&error_msg);
if (!has_dex_files.has_value()) {
*out_odex_location = "error";
*out_compilation_filter = "unknown";
*out_compilation_reason = "unknown";
// This happens when we cannot open the APK/JAR.
*out_odex_status = "io-error-no-apk";
} else if (!has_dex_files.value()) {
*out_odex_location = "none";
*out_compilation_filter = "unknown";
*out_compilation_reason = "unknown";
// This happens when the APK/JAR doesn't contain any DEX file.
*out_odex_status = "no-dex-code";
} else {
*out_odex_location = "error";
*out_compilation_filter = "run-from-apk";
*out_compilation_reason = "unknown";
// This mostly happens when we cannot open the oat file.
// Note that it's different than kOatCannotOpen.
// TODO: The design of getting the BestInfo is not ideal, as it's not very clear what's the
// difference between a nullptr and kOatcannotOpen. The logic should be revised and improved.
*out_odex_status = "io-error-no-oat";
*out_odex_location = oat_file->GetLocation();
OatStatus status = oat_file_info.Status();
const char* reason = oat_file->GetCompilationReason();
*out_compilation_reason = reason == nullptr ? "unknown" : reason;
// If the oat file is invalid, the vdex file will be picked, so the status is `kOatUpToDate`. If
// the vdex file is also invalid, then either `oat_file` is nullptr, or `status` is
// `kOatDexOutOfDate`.
DCHECK(status == kOatUpToDate || status == kOatDexOutOfDate);
switch (status) {
case kOatUpToDate:
*out_compilation_filter = CompilerFilter::NameOfFilter(oat_file->GetCompilerFilter());
*out_odex_status = "up-to-date";
case kOatCannotOpen:
case kOatBootImageOutOfDate:
case kOatContextOutOfDate:
// These should never happen, but be robust.
*out_compilation_filter = "unexpected";
*out_compilation_reason = "unexpected";
*out_odex_status = "unexpected";
case kOatDexOutOfDate:
*out_compilation_filter = "run-from-apk-fallback";
*out_odex_status = "apk-more-recent";
LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
bool OatFileAssistant::ZipFileOnlyContainsUncompressedDex() {
// zip_file_only_contains_uncompressed_dex_ is only set during fetching the dex checksums.
std::optional<uint32_t> checksum;
std::string error_msg;
if (!GetRequiredDexChecksum(&checksum, &error_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << error_msg;
return zip_file_only_contains_uncompressed_dex_;
} // namespace art