blob: 4d16378c58dd43d0e1279257f878828321c8a7c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Keep the __jit_debug_register_code symbol as a unique symbol during ICF for architectures where
// we use gold as the linker (arm, x86, x86_64). The symbol is used by the debuggers to detect when
// new jit code is generated. We don't want it to be called when a different function with the same
// (empty) body is called.
package {
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "art_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
default_applicable_licenses: ["art_license"],
// These are defaults for native shared libaries that are expected to be
// in stack traces often.
cc_defaults {
name: "libart_nativeunwind_defaults",
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
cc_library_headers {
name: "libart_headers",
defaults: ["art_defaults"],
host_supported: true,
export_include_dirs: ["."],
// ART's macros.h depends on libbase's macros.h.
// Note: runtime_options.h depends on cmdline. But we don't really want to export this
// generically. dex2oat takes care of it itself.
header_libs: [
export_header_lib_headers: [
// We optimize Thread::Current() with a direct TLS access. This requires
// access to a platform specific Bionic header.
target: {
android: {
header_libs: ["bionic_libc_platform_headers"],
export_header_lib_headers: ["bionic_libc_platform_headers"],
linux_bionic: {
header_libs: ["bionic_libc_platform_headers"],
export_header_lib_headers: ["bionic_libc_platform_headers"],
apex_available: [
// Generated headers target required by libart.
cc_library_headers {
name: "libart_generated_headers",
defaults: ["art_defaults"],
host_supported: true,
// asm_support_gen.h (used by asm_support.h) is generated with cpp-define-generator
generated_headers: ["cpp-define-generator-asm-support"],
// export our headers so the libart(d)-gtest targets can use it as well.
export_generated_headers: ["cpp-define-generator-asm-support"],
apex_available: [
// Common dependencies for `libart-runtime_deps` and `libartd-runtime_deps`.
cc_defaults {
name: "libart-runtime_common_deps",
defaults: ["art_defaults"],
host_supported: true,
target: {
android: {
header_libs: [
"libnativeloader-headers", // For dlext_namespaces.h
shared_libs: [
"libz", // For adler32.
static_libs: [
host: {
shared_libs: [
"libz", // For adler32.
header_libs: [
// `libart-runtime` doesn't depend on all `libart-compiler` headers, it only requires
// `jit_create` to initialize the JIT compiler.
export_header_lib_headers: [
shared_libs: [
"libbase", // For common macros.
"liblzma", // libelffile(d) dependency; must be repeated here since it's a static lib.
static_libs: ["libodrstatslog"],
cc_defaults {
name: "libart-runtime_deps",
defaults: ["libart-runtime_common_deps"],
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
export_shared_lib_headers: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libartd-runtime_deps",
defaults: ["libart-runtime_common_deps"],
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
export_shared_lib_headers: [
// Common defaults for `libart_defaults`, `libartd_defaults` and `libart-runtime_common_defaults`.
cc_defaults {
name: "libart_common_defaults",
defaults: [
host_supported: true,
target: {
android_arm: {
android_arm64: {
android_x86: {
android_x86_64: {
runtime_libs: [
// Libraries loaded at runtime. Exceptions:
// - libart(d) and libopenjdk(d).so cannot be listed here
// due to cyclic dependency.
// - is only loaded to handle dependency order in VM
// startup (see Runtime::InitNativeMethods), but its API is internal
// to and not used by ART/libcore. Therefore it's not
// listed here to avoid visibility issues. Instead it's linked from
// the ART module namespace through an entry in requireNativeLibs in
// manifest-art.json.
// Common defaults for `libart-runtime_defaults` and `libartd-runtime_defaults`.
cc_defaults {
name: "libart-runtime_common_defaults",
defaults: ["libart_common_defaults"],
srcs: [
arch: {
arm: {
srcs: [
arm64: {
srcs: [
riscv64: {
srcs: [
x86: {
srcs: [
avx: {
asflags: ["-DMTERP_USE_AVX"],
avx2: {
asflags: ["-DMTERP_USE_AVX"],
x86_64: {
srcs: [
// Note that the is not a mistake. This file is
// shared between the x86 and x86_64 architectures.
avx: {
asflags: ["-DMTERP_USE_AVX"],
avx2: {
asflags: ["-DMTERP_USE_AVX"],
target: {
android: {
srcs: [
generated_sources: [
tidy_disabled_srcs: [":art-apex-cache-info"],
host: {
srcs: [
cflags: [
generated_sources: [
whole_static_libs: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libart-runtime_defaults",
defaults: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libartd-runtime_defaults",
defaults: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libart_defaults",
defaults: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libartd_defaults",
defaults: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libart_static_base_defaults",
whole_static_libs: [
"liblzma", // libelffile dependency; must be repeated here since it's a static lib.
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
bionic: {
whole_static_libs: [
"libasync_safe", // libunwindstack dependency on Bionic.
cc_defaults {
name: "libart_static_defaults",
defaults: [
whole_static_libs: [
cc_defaults {
name: "libartd_static_defaults",
defaults: [
whole_static_libs: [
// libart_static_defaults for standalone gtests.
// Doesn't link libsigchain_fake.
// Uses libart-(runtime/compiler)-for-test instead of libart-runtime/compiler.
cc_defaults {
name: "libart-for-test_static_defaults",
defaults: [
whole_static_libs: [
// libartd_static_defaults for gtests.
// Doesn't link libsigchain_fake.
// Note that `libartd-runtime-for-test` is not required here, because `libartd-runtime`
// doesn't use LTO.
cc_defaults {
name: "libartd-for-test_static_defaults",
defaults: [
whole_static_libs: [
gensrcs {
name: "art_operator_srcs",
cmd: "$(location generate_operator_out) art/runtime $(in) > $(out)",
tools: ["generate_operator_out"],
srcs: [
output_extension: "",
// We always build dex2oat and dependencies, even if the host build is otherwise disabled, since
// they are used to cross compile for the target.
// Release version of the ART runtime library.
art_cc_library_static {
name: "libart-runtime",
defaults: ["libart-runtime_defaults"],
apex_available: [
// This lib doesn't go into, but the libart-broken
// needs to have the same apex_available list as its dependencies in order
// to compile against their sources. Then that change comes back up to affect
// libart as well, because it also needs to have the same apex_available as its
// dependencies.
target: {
android: {
lto: {
thin: true,
// For static linking with gtests. Same as `libart-runtime`, but without LTO.
// When gtests static link a library with LTO enabled, they are also built with LTO.
// This makes the build process use a lot of memory. b/277207452
art_cc_library_static {
name: "libart-runtime-for-test",
defaults: ["libart-runtime_defaults"],
// Debug version of the ART runtime library.
art_cc_library_static {
name: "libartd-runtime",
defaults: ["libartd-runtime_defaults"],
apex_available: [
// TODO(b/183882457): This lib doesn't go into, but
// apex_available lists need to be the same for internal libs to avoid
// stubs, and this depends on libsigchain.
// Release version of the ART runtime library, bundled with `libart-compiler` for JIT support.
art_cc_library {
name: "libart",
defaults: ["libart_defaults"],
whole_static_libs: [
apex_available: [
// This lib doesn't go into, but the libart-broken
// needs to have the same apex_available list as its dependencies in order
// to compile against their sources. Then that change comes back up to affect
// libart as well, because it also needs to have the same apex_available as its
// dependencies.
afdo: true,
target: {
android: {
lto: {
thin: true,
art_cc_library {
name: "libart-unstripped",
defaults: ["libart_defaults"],
whole_static_libs: [
apex_available: [
// This lib doesn't go into, but the libart-broken
// needs to have the same apex_available list as its dependencies in order
// to compile against their sources. Then that change comes back up to affect
// libart as well, because it also needs to have the same apex_available as its
// dependencies.
strip: {
none: true,
// "Broken" version of the libart, used only for testing.
art_cc_test_library {
name: "libart-broken",
defaults: [
stem: "libart",
gtest: false,
whole_static_libs: [
apex_available: [
// libart-broken only goes into, but the libart-broken
// needs to have the same apex_available list as its dependencies in order
// to compile against their sources.
// Debug version of the ART runtime library, bundled with `libartd-compiler` for JIT support.
art_cc_library {
name: "libartd",
defaults: ["libartd_defaults"],
whole_static_libs: [
apex_available: [
// TODO(b/183882457): This lib doesn't go into, but
// apex_available lists need to be the same for internal libs to avoid
// stubs, and this depends on libsigchain.
art_cc_defaults {
name: "libart-runtime-gtest-defaults",
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
tidy_timeout_srcs: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
header_libs: [
art_cc_library_static {
name: "libart-runtime-gtest",
defaults: [
art_cc_library_static {
name: "libartd-runtime-gtest",
defaults: [
art_cc_defaults {
name: "art_runtime_tests_defaults",
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
data: [
tidy_timeout_srcs: [
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
static_libs: [
header_libs: [
"art_cmdlineparser_headers", // For parsed_options_test.
// Version of ART gtest `art_runtime_tests` bundled with the ART APEX on target.
// TODO(b/192274705): Remove this module when the migration to standalone ART gtests is complete.
art_cc_test {
name: "art_runtime_tests",
defaults: [
target: {
host: {
required: ["dex2oatd"],
// Standalone version of ART gtest `art_runtime_tests`, not bundled with the ART APEX on target.
art_cc_test {
name: "art_standalone_runtime_tests",
defaults: [
data: [":generate-boot-image"],
target: {
host: {
required: ["dex2oat"],
// Some tests are currently failing (observed on
// `aosp_cf_x86_64_phone-userdebug`); use a special test configuration for
// `art_standalone_runtime_tests` to filter them out for now.
// TODO(b/204649079): Investigate these failures and re-enable these tests.
test_config: "art_standalone_runtime_tests.xml",
genrule {
name: "libart_mterp.x86ng",
out: ["mterp_x86ng.S"],
srcs: [
tool_files: [
cmd: "$(location interpreter/mterp/ $(out) $(in)",
genrule {
name: "libart_mterp.x86_64ng",
out: ["mterp_x86_64ng.S"],
srcs: [
tool_files: [
cmd: "$(location interpreter/mterp/ $(out) $(in)",
genrule {
name: "libart_mterp.arm64ng",
out: ["mterp_arm64ng.S"],
srcs: [
tool_files: [
cmd: "$(location interpreter/mterp/ $(out) $(in)",
genrule {
name: "libart_mterp.armng",
out: ["mterp_armng.S"],
srcs: [
tool_files: [
cmd: "$(location interpreter/mterp/ $(out) $(in)",
genrule {
name: "libart_mterp.riscv64",
out: ["mterp_riscv64.S"],
srcs: [
tool_files: [
cmd: "$(location interpreter/mterp/ $(out) $(in)",
cc_library_static {
name: "libstatslog_art",
defaults: ["art_defaults"],
generated_sources: ["statslog_art.cpp"],
generated_headers: ["statslog_art.h"],
export_generated_headers: ["statslog_art.h"],
shared_libs: [
apex_available: [
genrule {
name: "statslog_art.h",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --header $(genDir)/statslog_art.h --module art --namespace art,metrics,statsd",
out: [
genrule {
name: "statslog_art.cpp",
tools: ["stats-log-api-gen"],
cmd: "$(location stats-log-api-gen) --cpp $(genDir)/statslog_art.cpp --module art --namespace art,metrics,statsd --importHeader statslog_art.h",
out: [