blob: d9a18323fb585c343421b5e8f1b8df5563bfc344 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "jni.h"
#include "indirect_reference_table.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "reference_table.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace art {
class ClassLoader;
class Mutex;
class Runtime;
class SharedLibrary;
class Thread;
struct JavaVMExt {
JavaVMExt(Runtime* runtime, bool check_jni, bool verbose_jni);
* Load native code from the specified absolute pathname. Per the spec,
* if we've already loaded a library with the specified pathname, we
* return without doing anything.
* TODO: for better results we should canonicalize the pathname. For fully
* correct results we should stat to get the inode and compare that. The
* existing implementation is fine so long as everybody is using
* System.loadLibrary.
* The library will be associated with the specified class loader. The JNI
* spec says we can't load the same library into more than one class loader.
* Returns true on success. On failure, returns false and sets *detail to a
* human-readable description of the error or NULL if no detail is
* available; ownership of the string is transferred to the caller.
bool LoadNativeLibrary(const std::string& path, ClassLoader* class_loader, char** detail);
// Must be first to correspond with JNIEnv.
const struct JNIInvokeInterface* fns;
Runtime* runtime;
bool check_jni;
bool verbose_jni;
// Used to hold references to pinned primitive arrays.
ReferenceTable pin_table;
// JNI global references.
Mutex* globals_lock;
IndirectReferenceTable globals;
// JNI weak global references.
Mutex* weak_globals_lock;
IndirectReferenceTable weak_globals;
std::map<std::string, SharedLibrary*> libraries;
struct JNIEnvExt {
JNIEnvExt(Thread* self, bool check_jni);
// Must be first to correspond with JavaVM.
const struct JNINativeInterface* fns;
Thread* self;
bool check_jni;
// Are we in a "critical" JNI call?
bool critical;
// Entered JNI monitors, for bulk exit on thread detach.
ReferenceTable monitors;
// JNI local references.
IndirectReferenceTable locals;
} // namespace art