Preliminary changes to allow mips target to build.
It compiles, but it doesn't work yet.
Change-Id: I2973a03bd956d8d398b9cfd1047e66fbf3ff439c
diff --git a/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S b/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
index d4e87c0..3ffe059 100644
--- a/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
+++ b/src/oat/runtime/mips/runtime_support_mips.S
@@ -31,80 +31,80 @@
* Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
* Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kSaveAll)
- * callee-save: s0-s8 + ra, 10 total + 2 words
+ * callee-save: $s0-$s8 + $ra, 10 total + 2 words
- addiu sp, sp, 48
- sw ra, 44(sp)
- sw s8, 40(sp)
- sw s7, 36(sp)
- sw s6, 32(sp)
- sw s5, 28(sp)
- sw s4, 24(sp)
- sw s3, 20(sp)
- sw s2, 16(sp)
- sw s1, 12(sp)
- sw s0, 8(sp)
- @ 2 open words, bottom will hold Method*
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48
+ sw $ra, 44($sp)
+ sw $s8, 40($sp)
+ sw $s7, 36($sp)
+ sw $s6, 32($sp)
+ sw $s5, 28($sp)
+ sw $s4, 24($sp)
+ sw $s3, 20($sp)
+ sw $s2, 16($sp)
+ sw $s1, 12($sp)
+ sw $s0, 8($sp)
+ # 2 open words, bottom will hold Method*
* Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
* Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kRefsOnly). Restoration assumes non-moving GC.
* Does not include rSUSPEND or rSELF
- * callee-save: s2-s8 + ra, 8 total + 4 words
+ * callee-save: $s2-$s8 + $ra, 8 total + 4 words
- addiu sp, sp, 48
- sw ra, 44(sp)
- sw s8, 40(sp)
- sw s7, 36(sp)
- sw s6, 32(sp)
- sw s5, 28(sp)
- sw s4, 24(sp)
- sw s3, 20(sp)
- sw s2, 16(sp)
- @ 4 open words, bottom will hold Method*
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48
+ sw $ra, 44($sp)
+ sw $s8, 40($sp)
+ sw $s7, 36($sp)
+ sw $s6, 32($sp)
+ sw $s5, 28($sp)
+ sw $s4, 24($sp)
+ sw $s3, 20($sp)
+ sw $s2, 16($sp)
+ # 4 open words, bottom will hold Method*
- lw ra, 44(sp)
- addiu sp, sp, 48
+ lw $ra, 44($sp)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48
- lw ra, 44(sp)
- jr ra
- addiu sp, sp, 48
+ lw $ra, 44($sp)
+ jr $ra
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48
* Macro that sets up the callee save frame to conform with
* Runtime::CreateCalleeSaveMethod(kRefsAndArgs). Restoration assumes non-moving GC.
- * a1-a3, s2-s8, ra, 11 total + 1
+ * $a1-$a3, $s2-$s8, $ra, 11 total + 1
- addiu sp, sp, 48
- sw ra, 44(sp)
- sw s8, 40(sp)
- sw s7, 36(sp)
- sw s6, 32(sp)
- sw s5, 28(sp)
- sw s4, 24(sp)
- sw s3, 20(sp)
- sw s2, 16(sp)
- sw a3, 12(sp)
- sw a2, 8(sp)
- sw a1, 4(sp)
- @ 1 open word, bottom will hold Method*
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48
+ sw $ra, 44($sp)
+ sw $s8, 40($sp)
+ sw $s7, 36($sp)
+ sw $s6, 32($sp)
+ sw $s5, 28($sp)
+ sw $s4, 24($sp)
+ sw $s3, 20($sp)
+ sw $s2, 16($sp)
+ sw $a3, 12($sp)
+ sw $a2, 8($sp)
+ sw $a1, 4($sp)
+ # 1 open word, bottom will hold Method*
- lw ra, 44(sp) @ restore ra
- lw a1, 4(sp) @ restore non-callee save a1
- lw a2, 8(sp) @ restore non-callee save a2
- lw a3, 12(sp) @ restore non-callee save a3
- addiu sp, sp, 48 @ strip frame
+ lw $ra, 44($sp) # restore $ra
+ lw $a1, 4($sp) # restore non-callee save $a1
+ lw $a2, 8($sp) # restore non-callee save $a2
+ lw $a3, 12($sp) # restore non-callee save $a3
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48 # strip frame
@@ -112,18 +112,18 @@
* exception is Thread::Current()->exception_
- SETUP_SAVE_ALL_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves for throw
- move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode @ artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode(Thread*, SP)
- move a1, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_SAVE_ALL_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves for throw
+ move $a0, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode # artDeliverPendingExceptionFromCode(Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a1, $sp # pass $sp
- lw t0, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) @ load Thread::Current()->exception_
+ lw $t0, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) # load Thread::Current()->exception_
- bnez t0, 1f @ success if no exception is pending
+ bnez $t0, 1f # success if no exception is pending
- jr ra
+ jr $ra
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
- bnez v0, 1f @ success?
+ bnez $v0, 1f # success?
- jr ra @ return on success
+ jr $ra # return on success
@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@
- beqz v0, 1f @ success?
+ beqz $v0, 1f # success?
- jr ra @ return on success
+ jr $ra # return on success
@@ -152,93 +152,93 @@
.global art_update_debugger
.extern artUpdateDebuggerFromCode
- * On entry, a0 and a1 must be preserved, a2 is dex PC
+ * On entry, $a0 and $a1 must be preserved, $a2 is dex PC
- move a3, a0 @ stash away a0 so that it's saved as if it were an argument
+ move $a3, $a0 # stash away $a0 so that it's saved as if it were an argument
- move a0, a2 @ arg0 is dex PC
- move a1, rSELF @ arg1 is Thread*
- move a2, sp @ arg2 is sp
- jal artUpdateDebuggerFromCode @ artUpdateDebuggerFromCode(int32_t, Thread*, Method**)
+ move $a0, $a2 # arg0 is dex PC
+ move $a1, rSELF # arg1 is Thread*
+ move $a2, $sp # arg2 is $sp
+ jal artUpdateDebuggerFromCode # artUpdateDebuggerFromCode(int32_t, Thread*, Method**)
- jr ra
- move a0, a3 @ restore original a0
+ jr $ra
+ move $a0, $a3 # restore original $a0
.global art_do_long_jump
- * On entry a0 is uint32_t* gprs_ and a1 is uint32_t* fprs_
+ * On entry $a0 is uint32_t* gprs_ and $a1 is uint32_t* fprs_
* FIXME: just guessing about the shape of the jmpbuf. Where will pc be?
- l.s f0, 0(a1)
- l.s f1, 4(a1)
- l.s f2, 8(a1)
- l.s f3, 12(a1)
- l.s f4, 16(a1)
- l.s f5, 20(a1)
- l.s f6, 24(a1)
- l.s f7, 28(a1)
- l.s f8, 32(a1)
- l.s f9, 36(a1)
- l.s f10, 40(a1)
- l.s f11, 44(a1)
- l.s f12, 48(a1)
- l.s f13, 52(a1)
- l.s f14, 56(a1)
- l.s f15, 60(a1)
- l.s f16, 64(a1)
- l.s f17, 68(a1)
- l.s f18, 72(a1)
- l.s f19, 76(a1)
- l.s f20, 80(a1)
- l.s f21, 84(a1)
- l.s f22, 88(a1)
- l.s f23, 92(a1)
- l.s f24, 96(a1)
- l.s f25, 100(a1)
- l.s f26, 104(a1)
- l.s f27, 108(a1)
- l.s f28, 112(a1)
- l.s f29, 116(a1)
- l.s f30, 120(a1)
- l.s f31, 124(a1)
- lw at, 4(a0)
- lw v0, 8(a0)
- lw v1, 12(a0)
- lw a1, 20(a0)
- lw a2, 24(a0)
- lw a3, 28(a0)
- lw t0, 32(a0)
- lw t1, 36(a0)
- lw t2, 40(a0)
- lw t3, 44(a0)
- lw t4, 48(a0)
- lw t5, 52(a0)
- lw t6, 56(a0)
- lw t7, 60(a0)
- lw s0, 64(a0)
- lw s1, 68(a0)
- lw s2, 72(a0)
- lw s3, 76(a0)
- lw s4, 80(a0)
- lw s5, 84(a0)
- lw s6, 88(a0)
- lw s7, 92(a0)
- lw t8, 96(a0)
- lw t9, 100(a0)
- lw k0, 104(a0)
- lw k1, 108(a0)
- lw gp, 112(a0)
- lw sp, 116(a0)
- lw fp, 120(a0)
- lw ra, 124(a0)
- lw a0, 16(a0)
- move v0, rzero @ clear result registers r0 and r1
- jr ra @ do long jump
- move v1, rzero
+ l.s $f0, 0($a1)
+ l.s $f1, 4($a1)
+ l.s $f2, 8($a1)
+ l.s $f3, 12($a1)
+ l.s $f4, 16($a1)
+ l.s $f5, 20($a1)
+ l.s $f6, 24($a1)
+ l.s $f7, 28($a1)
+ l.s $f8, 32($a1)
+ l.s $f9, 36($a1)
+ l.s $f10, 40($a1)
+ l.s $f11, 44($a1)
+ l.s $f12, 48($a1)
+ l.s $f13, 52($a1)
+ l.s $f14, 56($a1)
+ l.s $f15, 60($a1)
+ l.s $f16, 64($a1)
+ l.s $f17, 68($a1)
+ l.s $f18, 72($a1)
+ l.s $f19, 76($a1)
+ l.s $f20, 80($a1)
+ l.s $f21, 84($a1)
+ l.s $f22, 88($a1)
+ l.s $f23, 92($a1)
+ l.s $f24, 96($a1)
+ l.s $f25, 100($a1)
+ l.s $f26, 104($a1)
+ l.s $f27, 108($a1)
+ l.s $f28, 112($a1)
+ l.s $f29, 116($a1)
+ l.s $f30, 120($a1)
+ l.s $f31, 124($a1)
+ lw $at, 4($a0)
+ lw $v0, 8($a0)
+ lw $v1, 12($a0)
+ lw $a1, 20($a0)
+ lw $a2, 24($a0)
+ lw $a3, 28($a0)
+ lw $t0, 32($a0)
+ lw $t1, 36($a0)
+ lw $t2, 40($a0)
+ lw $t3, 44($a0)
+ lw $t4, 48($a0)
+ lw $t5, 52($a0)
+ lw $t6, 56($a0)
+ lw $t7, 60($a0)
+ lw $s0, 64($a0)
+ lw $s1, 68($a0)
+ lw $s2, 72($a0)
+ lw $s3, 76($a0)
+ lw $s4, 80($a0)
+ lw $s5, 84($a0)
+ lw $s6, 88($a0)
+ lw $s7, 92($a0)
+ lw $t8, 96($a0)
+ lw $t9, 100($a0)
+ lw $k0, 104($a0)
+ lw $k1, 108($a0)
+ lw $gp, 112($a0)
+ lw $sp, 116($a0)
+ lw $fp, 120($a0)
+ lw $ra, 124($a0)
+ lw $a0, 16($a0)
+ move $v0, $zero # clear result registers r0 and r1
+ jr $ra # do long jump
+ move $v1, $zero
.global art_deliver_exception_from_code
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artDeliverExceptionFromCode @ artDeliverExceptionFromCode(Throwable*, Thread*, SP)
- move a2, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a1, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artDeliverExceptionFromCode # artDeliverExceptionFromCode(Throwable*, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a2, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_throw_null_pointer_exception_from_code
.extern artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@
- move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode @ artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode(Thread*, SP)
- move a1, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a0, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode # artThrowNullPointerExceptionFromCode(Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a1, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_throw_div_zero_from_code
.extern artThrowDivZeroFromCode
@@ -273,9 +273,9 @@
- move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowDivZeroFromCode @ artThrowDivZeroFromCode(Thread*, SP)
- move a1, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a0, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artThrowDivZeroFromCode # artThrowDivZeroFromCode(Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a1, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_throw_array_bounds_from_code
.extern artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode
@@ -285,9 +285,9 @@
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode @ artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode(index, limit, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode # artThrowArrayBoundsFromCode(index, limit, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_throw_stack_overflow_from_code
.extern artThrowStackOverflowFromCode
@@ -297,21 +297,9 @@
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowStackOverflowFromCode @ artThrowStackOverflowFromCode(method, Thread*, SP)
- move a2, sp @ pass SP
- .global art_throw_neg_array_size_from_code
- .extern artThrowNegArraySizeFromCode
- /*
- * Called by managed code to create and deliver a NegativeArraySizeException.
- */
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowNegArraySizeFromCode @ artThrowNegArraySizeFromCode(size, Thread*, SP)
- move a2, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a1, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artThrowStackOverflowFromCode # artThrowStackOverflowFromCode(method, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a2, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_throw_no_such_method_from_code
.extern artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode
@@ -321,9 +309,9 @@
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode @ artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode(method_idx, Thread*, SP)
- move a2, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a1, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode # artThrowNoSuchMethodFromCode(method_idx, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a2, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_throw_verification_error_from_code
.extern artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode
@@ -333,19 +321,19 @@
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- b artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode @ artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode(kind, ref, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode # artThrowVerificationErrorFromCode(kind, ref, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
* All generated callsites for interface invokes and invocation slow paths will load arguments
- * as usual - except instead of loading arg0/a0 with the target Method*, arg0/a0 will contain
+ * as usual - except instead of loading arg0/$a0 with the target Method*, arg0/$a0 will contain
* the method_idx. This wrapper will save arg1-arg3, load the caller's Method*, align the
* stack and call the appropriate C helper.
- * NOTE: "this" is first visable argument of the target, and so can be found in arg1/a1.
+ * NOTE: "this" is first visable argument of the target, and so can be found in arg1/$a1.
- * The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a 64-bit result in v0/v1 consisting
- * of the target Method* in v0 and method->code_ in v1.
+ * The helper will attempt to locate the target and return a 64-bit result in $v0/$v1 consisting
+ * of the target Method* in $v0 and method->code_ in $v1.
* If unsuccessful, the helper will return NULL/NULL. There will bea pending exception in the
* thread and we branch to another stub to deliver it.
@@ -357,16 +345,16 @@
.global \c_name
.extern \cxx_name
- SETUP_REF_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case allocation triggers GC
- lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass caller Method*
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
- jal \cxx_name @ (method_idx, this, caller, Thread*, SP)
- move t0, v1 @ save v0->code_
+ SETUP_REF_AND_ARGS_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case allocation triggers GC
+ lw $a2, 48($sp) # pass caller Method*
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
+ jal \cxx_name # (method_idx, this, caller, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $t0, $v1 # save $v0->code_
- bnez v0, 1f
+ bnez $v0, 1f
- jr t0
+ jr $t0
@@ -387,24 +375,24 @@
- @ save registers that may contain arguments and LR that will be crushed by a call
- addiu sp, sp, -32
- sw a0, 28(sp)
- sw a1, 24(sp)
- sw a2, 20(sp)
- sw a3, 16(sp)
- sw ra, 12(sp)
- move a0, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artWorkAroundAppJniBugs @ (Thread*, SP)
- move a1, sp @ pass SP
- move t0, v0 @ save target address
- lw a0, 28(sp)
- lw a1, 24(sp)
- lw a2, 20(sp)
- lw a3, 16(sp)
- lw ra, 12(sp)
- jr t0 @ tail call into JNI routine
- addiu sp, sp, 32
+ # save registers that may contain arguments and LR that will be crushed by a call
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -32
+ sw $a0, 28($sp)
+ sw $a1, 24($sp)
+ sw $a2, 20($sp)
+ sw $a3, 16($sp)
+ sw $ra, 12($sp)
+ move $a0, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artWorkAroundAppJniBugs # (Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a1, $sp # pass $sp
+ move $t0, $v0 # save target address
+ lw $a0, 28($sp)
+ lw $a1, 24($sp)
+ lw $a2, 20($sp)
+ lw $a3, 16($sp)
+ lw $ra, 12($sp)
+ jr $t0 # tail call into JNI routine
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 32
.global art_handle_fill_data_from_code
.extern artHandleFillArrayDataFromCode
@@ -414,14 +402,14 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artHandleFillArrayDataFromCode @ (Array*, const DexFile::Payload*, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artHandleFillArrayDataFromCode # (Array*, const DexFile::Payload*, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
- bnez v0, 1f @ success?
+ bnez $v0, 1f # success?
- jr ra @ return on success
+ jr $ra # return on success
@@ -433,10 +421,10 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case we block
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artLockObjectFromCode @ (Object* obj, Thread*, SP)
- move a2, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case we block
+ move $a1, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artLockObjectFromCode # (Object* obj, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a2, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_unlock_object_from_code
@@ -446,10 +434,10 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artUnlockObjectFromCode @ (Object* obj, Thread*, SP)
- move a2, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
+ move $a1, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artUnlockObjectFromCode # (Object* obj, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a2, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_check_cast_from_code
@@ -459,10 +447,10 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artCheckCastFromCode @ (Class* a, Class* b, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artCheckCastFromCode # (Class* a, Class* b, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_can_put_array_element_from_code
@@ -473,10 +461,10 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artCanPutArrayElementFromCode @ (Object* element, Class* array_class, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case exception allocation triggers GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artCanPutArrayElementFromCode # (Object* element, Class* array_class, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_initialize_static_storage_from_code
@@ -488,11 +476,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artInitializeStaticStorageFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artInitializeStaticStorageFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, $sp)
jal artInitializeStaticStorageFromCode
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_initialize_type_from_code
@@ -502,11 +490,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artInitializeTypeFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artInitializeTypeFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, $sp)
jal artInitializeTypeFromCode
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_initialize_type_and_verify_access_from_code
@@ -517,11 +505,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artInitializeTypeFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artInitializeTypeFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* referrer, Thread*, $sp)
jal artInitializeTypeAndVerifyAccessFromCode
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_get32_static_from_code
@@ -531,11 +519,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artGet32StaticFromCode @ (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a1, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artGet32StaticFromCode # (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_get64_static_from_code
@@ -545,11 +533,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artGet64StaticFromCode @ (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a1, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artGet64StaticFromCode # (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_get_obj_static_from_code
@@ -559,11 +547,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artGetObjStaticFromCode @ (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a1, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artGetObjStaticFromCode # (uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_get32_instance_from_code
@@ -573,11 +561,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artGet32InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a2, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artGet32InstanceFromCode # (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_get64_instance_from_code
@@ -587,11 +575,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artGet64InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a2, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artGet64InstanceFromCode # (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_get_obj_instance_from_code
@@ -601,11 +589,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artGetObjInstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a2, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artGetObjInstanceFromCode # (field_idx, Object*, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_set32_static_from_code
@@ -615,11 +603,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artSet32StaticFromCode @ (field_idx, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a2, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artSet32StaticFromCode # (field_idx, new_val, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_set64_static_from_code
@@ -629,14 +617,14 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a1, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move t0, sp @ save SP
- addui sp, sp, -16
- sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
- jal artSet64StaticFromCode @ (field_idx, referrer, new_val, Thread*, SP)
- sw t0, 4(sp)
- addui sp, #16 @ release out args
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a1, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $t0, $sp # save $sp
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16
+ sw rSELF, 0($sp) # pass Thread::Current and $sp
+ jal artSet64StaticFromCode # (field_idx, referrer, new_val, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $t0, 4($sp)
+ addiu $sp, #16 # release out args
.global art_set_obj_static_from_code
@@ -646,11 +634,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a2, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artSetObjStaticFromCode @ (field_idx, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a2, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artSetObjStaticFromCode # (field_idx, new_val, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_set32_instance_from_code
@@ -660,14 +648,14 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a4, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move t0, sp @ save SP
- addui sp, sp, -16
- sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
- jal artSet32InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw t0, 4(sp)
- addiu sp, sp, 16 @ release out args
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a3, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $t0, $sp # save $sp
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16
+ sw rSELF, 0($sp) # pass Thread::Current and $sp
+ jal artSet32InstanceFromCode # (field_idx, Object*, new_val, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $t0, 4($sp)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # release out args
.global art_set64_instance_from_code
@@ -677,13 +665,13 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move t0, sp @ save SP
- addui sp, sp, -16
- sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
- jal artSet64InstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, new_val, Thread*, SP)
- sw t0, 4(sp)
- addiu sp, sp, 16 @ release out args
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $t0, $sp # save $sp
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16
+ sw rSELF, 0($sp) # pass Thread::Current and $sp
+ jal artSet64InstanceFromCode # (field_idx, Object*, new_val, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $t0, 4($sp)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # release out args
.global art_set_obj_instance_from_code
@@ -693,14 +681,14 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- lw a3, 48(sp) @ pass referrer's Method*
- move t0, sp @ save SP
- addui sp, sp, -16
- sw rSELF, 0(sp) @ pass Thread::Current and sp
- jal artSetObjInstanceFromCode @ (field_idx, Object*, new_val, referrer, Thread*, SP)
- sw t0, 4(sp)
- addiu sp, sp, 16 @ release out args
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ lw $a3, 48($sp) # pass referrer's Method*
+ move $t0, $sp # save $sp
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16
+ sw rSELF, 0($sp) # pass Thread::Current and $sp
+ jal artSetObjInstanceFromCode # (field_idx, Object*, new_val, referrer, Thread*, $sp)
+ sw $t0, 4($sp)
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # release out args
.global art_resolve_string_from_code
@@ -713,11 +701,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artResolveStringFromCode(Method* referrer, uint32_t string_idx, Thread*, SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artResolveStringFromCode(Method* referrer, uint32_t string_idx, Thread*, $sp)
jal artResolveStringFromCode
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_alloc_object_from_code
@@ -727,10 +715,10 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artAllocObjectFromCode @ (uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artAllocObjectFromCode # (uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_alloc_object_from_code_with_access_check
@@ -741,10 +729,10 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jal artAllocObjectFromCodeWithAccessCheck @ (uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, Thread*, SP)
- move a3, sp @ pass SP
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artAllocObjectFromCodeWithAccessCheck # (uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a3, $sp # pass $sp
.global art_alloc_array_from_code
@@ -754,11 +742,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a3, r9 @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artAllocArrayFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t component_count, Thread*, SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artAllocArrayFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t component_count, Thread*, $sp)
jal artAllocArrayFromCode
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_alloc_array_from_code_with_access_check
@@ -769,11 +757,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck(type_idx, method, component_count, Thread*, SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck(type_idx, method, component_count, Thread*, $sp)
jal artAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_check_and_alloc_array_from_code
@@ -783,11 +771,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t count, Thread* , SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t count, Thread* , $sp)
jal artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCode
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_check_and_alloc_array_from_code_with_access_check
@@ -797,11 +785,11 @@
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves in case of GC
- move a3, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- @ artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck(type_idx, method, count, Thread* , SP)
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves in case of GC
+ move $a3, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ # artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck(type_idx, method, count, Thread* , $sp)
jal artCheckAndAllocArrayFromCodeWithAccessCheck
- sw sp, 0(sp) @ pass SP
+ sw $sp, 0($sp) # pass $sp
.global art_test_suspend
@@ -811,16 +799,16 @@
- bnez a0, 1f
- jr ra
+ bnez $a0, 1f
+ jr $ra
- move a0, rSELF
- SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME @ save callee saves for stack crawl
- jal artTestSuspendFromCode @ (Thread*, SP)
- move a1, sp
+ move $a0, rSELF
+ SETUP_REF_ONLY_CALLEE_SAVE_FRAME # save callee saves for stack crawl
+ jal artTestSuspendFromCode # (Thread*, $sp)
+ move $a1, $sp
.global art_proxy_invoke_handler
@@ -832,18 +820,18 @@
- sw a0, 0(sp) @ place proxy method at bottom of frame
- move a2, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- jalr artProxyInvokeHandler @ (Method* proxy method, receiver, Thread*, args...)
- addui a3, sp, 12 @ pointer to r2/r3/LR/caller's Method**/out-args as second arg
- lw t0, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) @ load Thread::Current()->exception_
-@FIXME - offsets here are probably wrong
- lw ra, 44(sp) @ restore ra
- lw v0, 12(sp)
- lw v1, 14(sp)
- bnez r0, 1f
- addui sp, sp, 48 @ pop frame
- jr ra
+ sw $a0, 0($sp) # place proxy method at bottom of frame
+ move $a2, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ jal artProxyInvokeHandler # (Method* proxy method, receiver, Thread*, args...)
+ addiu $a3, $sp, 12 # pointer to r2/r3/LR/caller's Method**/out-args as second arg
+ lw $t0, THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET(rSELF) # load Thread::Current()->exception_
+#FIXME - offsets here are probably wrong
+ lw $ra, 44($sp) # restore $ra
+ lw $v0, 12($sp)
+ lw $v1, 14($sp)
+ bnez $t0, 1f
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 48 # pop frame
+ jr $ra
@@ -855,21 +843,21 @@
- addui sp, sp, -16
- sw a0, 0(sp)
- sw a1, 4(sp)
- sw a2, 8(sp)
- sw a3, 12(sp)
- move a2, ra @ pass ra
- jalr artTraceMethodEntryFromCode @ (Method*, Thread*, LR)
- move a1, rSELF @ pass Thread::Current
- move t0, v0 @ t0 holds reference to code
- lw a0, 0(sp)
- lw a1, 4(sp)
- lw a2, 8(sp)
- lw a3, 12(sp)
- jalr t0 @ call method
- addui sp, sp, 16
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16
+ sw $a0, 0($sp)
+ sw $a1, 4($sp)
+ sw $a2, 8($sp)
+ sw $a3, 12($sp)
+ move $a2, $ra # pass $ra
+ jal artTraceMethodEntryFromCode # (Method*, Thread*, LR)
+ move $a1, rSELF # pass Thread::Current
+ move $t0, $v0 # $t0 holds reference to code
+ lw $a0, 0($sp)
+ lw $a1, 4($sp)
+ lw $a2, 8($sp)
+ lw $a3, 12($sp)
+ jalr $t0 # call method
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16
/* intentional fallthrough */
.global art_trace_exit_from_code
@@ -879,15 +867,15 @@
- addui sp, sp, -16
- sw v0, 0(sp)
- jalr artTraceMethodExitFromCode @ ()
- sw v1, 4(sp)
- move ra, v0 @ restore link register
- lw v0, 0(sp)
- lw v1, 4(sp)
- jr ra @ return
- addui sp, sp, 16
+ addiu $sp, $sp, -16
+ sw $v0, 0($sp)
+ jal artTraceMethodExitFromCode # ()
+ sw $v1, 4($sp)
+ move $ra, $v0 # restore link register
+ lw $v0, 0($sp)
+ lw $v1, 4($sp)
+ jr $ra # return
+ addiu $sp, $sp, 16
.global art_shl_long
@@ -896,23 +884,23 @@
* distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to ignore all but the low
* 6 bits.
* On entry:
- * a0: low word
- * a1: high word
- * a2: shift count
+ * $a0: low word
+ * $a1: high word
+ * $a2: shift count
/* shl-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
- sll v0, a0, a2 @ rlo<- alo << (shift&31)
- not v1, a2 @ rhi<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
- srl a0, 1
- srl a0, v1 @ alo<- alo >> (32-(shift&31))
- sll v1, a1, a2 @ rhi<- ahi << (shift&31)
- or v1, a0 @ rhi<- rhi | alo
- andi a2, 0x20 @ shift< shift & 0x20
- movn v1, v0, a2 @ rhi<- rlo (if shift&0x20)
- jr ra
- movn v0, zero, a2 @ rlo<- 0 (if shift&0x20)
+ sll $v0, $a0, $a2 # rlo<- alo << (shift&31)
+ not $v1, $a2 # rhi<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
+ srl $a0, 1
+ srl $a0, $v1 # alo<- alo >> (32-(shift&31))
+ sll $v1, $a1, $a2 # rhi<- ahi << (shift&31)
+ or $v1, $a0 # rhi<- rhi | alo
+ andi $a2, 0x20 # shift< shift & 0x20
+ movn $v1, $v0, $a2 # rhi<- rlo (if shift&0x20)
+ jr $ra
+ movn $v0, $zero, $a2 # rlo<- 0 (if shift&0x20)
.global art_shr_long
@@ -921,23 +909,23 @@
* distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to ignore all but the low
* 6 bits.
* On entry:
- * a0: low word
- * a1: high word
- * a2: shift count
+ * $a0: low word
+ * $a1: high word
+ * $a2: shift count
- sra v1, a1, a2 @ rhi<- ahi >> (shift&31)
- srl v0, a0, a2 @ rlo<- alo >> (shift&31)
- sra a3, a1, 31 @ a3<- sign(ah)
- not a0, a2 @ alo<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
- sll a1, 1
- sll a1, a0 @ ahi<- ahi << (32-(shift&31))
- or v0, a1 @ rlo<- rlo | ahi
- andi a2, 0x20 @ shift & 0x20
- movn v0, v1, a2 @ rlo<- rhi (if shift&0x20)
- jr ra
- movn v1, a3, a2 @ rhi<- sign(ahi) (if shift&0x20)
+ sra $v1, $a1, $a2 # rhi<- ahi >> (shift&31)
+ srl $v0, $a0, $a2 # rlo<- alo >> (shift&31)
+ sra $a3, $a1, 31 # $a3<- sign(ah)
+ not $a0, $a2 # alo<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
+ sll $a1, 1
+ sll $a1, $a0 # ahi<- ahi << (32-(shift&31))
+ or $v0, $a1 # rlo<- rlo | ahi
+ andi $a2, 0x20 # shift & 0x20
+ movn $v0, $v1, $a2 # rlo<- rhi (if shift&0x20)
+ jr $ra
+ movn $v1, $a3, $a2 # rhi<- sign(ahi) (if shift&0x20)
.global art_ushr_long
@@ -953,14 +941,24 @@
/* ushr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
- sra v1, a1, a2 @ rhi<- ahi >> (shift&31)
- srl v0, a0, a2 @ rlo<- alo >> (shift&31)
- sra a3, a1, 31 @ a3<- sign(ah)
- not a0, a2 @ alo<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
- sll a1, 1
- sll a1, a0 @ ahi<- ahi << (32-(shift&31))
- or v0, a1 @ rlo<- rlo | ahi
- andi a2, 0x20 @ shift & 0x20
- movn v0, v1, a2 @ rlo<- rhi (if shift&0x20)
- jr ra
- movn v1, a3, a2 @ rhi<- sign(ahi) (if shift&0x20)
+ sra $v1, $a1, $a2 # rhi<- ahi >> (shift&31)
+ srl $v0, $a0, $a2 # rlo<- alo >> (shift&31)
+ sra $a3, $a1, 31 # $a3<- sign(ah)
+ not $a0, $a2 # alo<- 31-shift (shift is 5b)
+ sll $a1, 1
+ sll $a1, $a0 # ahi<- ahi << (32-(shift&31))
+ or $v0, $a1 # rlo<- rlo | ahi
+ andi $a2, 0x20 # shift & 0x20
+ movn $v0, $v1, $a2 # rlo<- rhi (if shift&0x20)
+ jr $ra
+ movn $v1, $a3, $a2 # rhi<- sign(ahi) (if shift&0x20)
+ .global art_indexof
+ jr $ra
+ .global art_string_compareto
+ jr $ra