blob: 1b296ef5c444a1f307b915183254867a69755fbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ctime>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/function_ref.h"
#include "android-base/result.h"
#include "base/os.h"
#include "com_android_apex.h"
#include "com_android_art.h"
#include "exec_utils.h"
#include "odr_artifacts.h"
#include "odr_config.h"
#include "odr_metrics.h"
#include "odrefresh/odrefresh.h"
namespace art {
namespace odrefresh {
class OnDeviceRefresh;
struct BootImages {
static constexpr int kMaxCount = 2;
bool primary_boot_image : 1;
bool boot_image_mainline_extension : 1;
int Count() const;
OdrMetrics::BcpCompilationType GetTypeForMetrics() const;
struct CompilationOptions {
// If not empty, generate the boot images for ISAs in the list.
std::vector<std::pair<InstructionSet, BootImages>> boot_images_to_generate_for_isas;
// If not empty, compile the system server jars in the list.
std::set<std::string> system_server_jars_to_compile;
static CompilationOptions CompileAll(const OnDeviceRefresh& odr);
int CompilationUnitCount() const;
struct CompilationResult {
OdrMetrics::Status status = OdrMetrics::Status::kOK;
std::string error_msg;
int64_t elapsed_time_ms = 0;
std::optional<ExecResult> dex2oat_result;
static CompilationResult Ok() { return {}; }
static CompilationResult Dex2oatOk(int64_t elapsed_time_ms, const ExecResult& dex2oat_result) {
return {.elapsed_time_ms = elapsed_time_ms, .dex2oat_result = dex2oat_result};
static CompilationResult Error(OdrMetrics::Status status, const std::string& error_msg) {
return {.status = status, .error_msg = error_msg};
static CompilationResult Dex2oatError(const std::string& error_msg,
int64_t elapsed_time_ms,
const ExecResult& dex2oat_result) {
return {.status = OdrMetrics::Status::kDex2OatError,
.error_msg = error_msg,
.elapsed_time_ms = elapsed_time_ms,
.dex2oat_result = dex2oat_result};
bool IsOk() { return status == OdrMetrics::Status::kOK; }
void Merge(const CompilationResult& other) {
// Accumulate the compilation time.
elapsed_time_ms += other.elapsed_time_ms;
// Only keep the first failure.
if (status == OdrMetrics::Status::kOK) {
status = other.status;
error_msg = other.error_msg;
dex2oat_result = other.dex2oat_result;
CompilationResult() = default;
class PreconditionCheckResult {
static PreconditionCheckResult NoneOk(OdrMetrics::Trigger trigger) {
return PreconditionCheckResult(trigger,
static PreconditionCheckResult BootImageMainlineExtensionNotOk(OdrMetrics::Trigger trigger) {
return PreconditionCheckResult(trigger,
static PreconditionCheckResult SystemServerNotOk(OdrMetrics::Trigger trigger) {
return PreconditionCheckResult(trigger,
static PreconditionCheckResult AllOk() {
return PreconditionCheckResult(/*trigger=*/std::nullopt,
bool IsAllOk() const { return !trigger_.has_value(); }
OdrMetrics::Trigger GetTrigger() const { return trigger_.value(); }
bool IsPrimaryBootImageOk() const { return primary_boot_image_ok_; }
bool IsBootImageMainlineExtensionOk() const { return boot_image_mainline_extension_ok_; }
bool IsSystemServerOk() const { return system_server_ok_; }
// Use static factory methods instead.
PreconditionCheckResult(std::optional<OdrMetrics::Trigger> trigger,
bool primary_boot_image_ok,
bool boot_image_mainline_extension_ok,
bool system_server_ok)
: trigger_(trigger),
system_server_ok_(system_server_ok) {}
// Indicates why the precondition is not okay, or `std::nullopt` if it's okay.
std::optional<OdrMetrics::Trigger> trigger_;
bool primary_boot_image_ok_;
bool boot_image_mainline_extension_ok_;
bool system_server_ok_;
class OnDeviceRefresh final {
explicit OnDeviceRefresh(const OdrConfig& config);
// Constructor with injections. For testing and internal use only.
OnDeviceRefresh(const OdrConfig& config,
const std::string& cache_info_filename,
std::unique_ptr<ExecUtils> exec_utils,
android::base::function_ref<bool()> check_compilation_space);
// Returns the exit code and specifies what should be compiled in `compilation_options`.
CheckArtifactsAreUpToDate(OdrMetrics& metrics,
/*out*/ CompilationOptions* compilation_options) const;
WARN_UNUSED ExitCode Compile(OdrMetrics& metrics,
const CompilationOptions& compilation_options) const;
WARN_UNUSED bool RemoveArtifactsDirectory() const;
// Returns a set of all system server jars.
std::set<std::string> AllSystemServerJars() const {
return {all_systemserver_jars_.begin(), all_systemserver_jars_.end()};
const OdrConfig& Config() const { return config_; }
time_t GetExecutionTimeUsed() const;
time_t GetExecutionTimeRemaining() const;
time_t GetSubprocessTimeout() const;
// Gets the `ApexInfo` for active APEXes.
std::optional<std::vector<com::android::apex::ApexInfo>> GetApexInfoList() const;
// Reads the ART APEX cache information (if any) found in the output artifact directory.
android::base::Result<com::android::art::CacheInfo> ReadCacheInfo() const;
// Writes ART APEX cache information to `kOnDeviceRefreshOdrefreshArtifactDirectory`.
android::base::Result<void> WriteCacheInfo() const;
std::vector<com::android::art::Component> GenerateBootClasspathComponents() const;
std::vector<com::android::art::Component> GenerateDex2oatBootClasspathComponents() const;
std::vector<com::android::art::SystemServerComponent> GenerateSystemServerComponents() const;
// Returns the list of BCP jars in the ART module.
std::vector<std::string> GetArtBcpJars() const;
// Returns the list of BCP jars for the boot image framework extension.
std::vector<std::string> GetFrameworkBcpJars() const;
// Returns the list of BCP jars for the boot image mainline extension.
std::vector<std::string> GetMainlineBcpJars() const;
// Returns the symbolic primary boot image location (without ISA). If `minimal` is true, returns
// the symbolic location of the minimal boot image.
std::string GetPrimaryBootImage(bool on_system, bool minimal) const;
// Returns the real primary boot image location (with ISA). If `minimal` is true, returns the
// real location of the minimal boot image.
std::string GetPrimaryBootImagePath(bool on_system, bool minimal, InstructionSet isa) const;
// Returns the symbolic boot image framework extension location (without ISA). Note that this only
// applies to boot images on /system.
std::string GetSystemBootImageFrameworkExtension() const;
// Returns the real boot image framework extension location (with ISA). Note that this only
// applies to boot images on /system.
std::string GetSystemBootImageFrameworkExtensionPath(InstructionSet isa) const;
// Returns the symbolic boot image mainline extension location (without ISA).
std::string GetBootImageMainlineExtension(bool on_system) const;
// Returns the real boot image mainline extension location (with ISA).
std::string GetBootImageMainlineExtensionPath(bool on_system, InstructionSet isa) const;
// Returns the best combination of symbolic boot image locations (without ISA) based on file
// existence.
std::vector<std::string> GetBestBootImages(InstructionSet isa,
bool include_mainline_extension) const;
std::string GetSystemServerImagePath(bool on_system, const std::string& jar_path) const;
// Removes files that are not in the list.
android::base::Result<void> CleanupArtifactDirectory(
OdrMetrics& metrics, const std::vector<std::string>& artifacts_to_keep) const;
// Loads artifacts to memory and writes them back. This is a workaround for old versions of
// odsign, which encounters "file exists" error when it adds existing artifacts to fs-verity. This
// function essentially removes existing artifacts from fs-verity to avoid the error.
android::base::Result<void> RefreshExistingArtifacts() const;
// Returns whether the primary boot image is present.
// If `on_system` is true, checks both the primary boot image and the framework extension on
// /system.
// If `minimal` is true, checks the minimal boot image.
// If `checked_artifacts` is present, adds checked artifacts to `checked_artifacts`.
WARN_UNUSED bool PrimaryBootImageExist(
bool on_system,
bool minimal,
InstructionSet isa,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts = nullptr) const;
// Returns whether the boot image mainline extension exists.
WARN_UNUSED bool BootImageMainlineExtensionExist(
bool on_system,
InstructionSet isa,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts = nullptr) const;
// Checks whether all system_server artifacts are present. The artifacts are checked in their
// order of compilation. Returns true if all are present, false otherwise.
// Adds the paths to the jars that are missing artifacts in `jars_with_missing_artifacts`.
// If `checked_artifacts` is present, adds checked artifacts to `checked_artifacts`.
bool SystemServerArtifactsExist(
bool on_system,
/*out*/ std::string* error_msg,
/*out*/ std::set<std::string>* jars_missing_artifacts,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts = nullptr) const;
// Returns true if all of the system properties listed in `kSystemProperties` are set to the
// default values. This function is usually called when cache-info.xml does not exist (i.e.,
// compilation has not been done before).
WARN_UNUSED bool CheckSystemPropertiesAreDefault() const;
// Returns true if none of the system properties listed in `kSystemProperties` has changed since
// the last compilation. This function is usually called when cache-info.xml exists.
WARN_UNUSED bool CheckSystemPropertiesHaveNotChanged(
const com::android::art::CacheInfo& cache_info) const;
// Returns true if the system image is built with the right userfaultfd GC flag.
WARN_UNUSED bool CheckBuildUserfaultFdGc() const;
// Returns whether the precondition for using artifacts on /system is met. Note that this function
// does not check the artifacts.
WARN_UNUSED PreconditionCheckResult
CheckPreconditionForSystem(const std::vector<com::android::apex::ApexInfo>& apex_info_list) const;
// Returns whether the precondition for using artifacts on /data is met. Note that this function
// does not check the artifacts.
WARN_UNUSED PreconditionCheckResult
CheckPreconditionForData(const std::vector<com::android::apex::ApexInfo>& apex_info_list) const;
// Checks whether all boot classpath artifacts are up to date. Returns the boot images that need
// to be (re-)generated. If `checked_artifacts` is present, adds checked artifacts to
// `checked_artifacts`.
CheckBootClasspathArtifactsAreUpToDate(OdrMetrics& metrics,
InstructionSet isa,
const PreconditionCheckResult& system_result,
const PreconditionCheckResult& data_result,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts) const;
// Checks whether all system_server artifacts are up to date. The artifacts are checked in their
// order of compilation. Returns the paths to the jars that need to be compiled.
// If `checked_artifacts` is present, adds checked artifacts to `checked_artifacts`.
WARN_UNUSED std::set<std::string> CheckSystemServerArtifactsAreUpToDate(
OdrMetrics& metrics,
const PreconditionCheckResult& system_result,
const PreconditionCheckResult& data_result,
/*out*/ std::vector<std::string>* checked_artifacts) const;
WARN_UNUSED CompilationResult
RunDex2oat(const std::string& staging_dir,
const std::string& debug_message,
InstructionSet isa,
const std::vector<std::string>& dex_files,
const std::vector<std::string>& boot_classpath,
const std::vector<std::string>& input_boot_images,
const OdrArtifacts& artifacts,
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_args,
/*inout*/ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<File>>& readonly_files_raii) const;
WARN_UNUSED CompilationResult
RunDex2oatForBootClasspath(const std::string& staging_dir,
const std::string& debug_name,
InstructionSet isa,
const std::vector<std::string>& dex_files,
const std::vector<std::string>& boot_classpath,
const std::vector<std::string>& input_boot_images,
const std::string& output_path) const;
WARN_UNUSED CompilationResult
CompileBootClasspath(const std::string& staging_dir,
InstructionSet isa,
BootImages boot_images,
const std::function<void()>& on_dex2oat_success) const;
WARN_UNUSED CompilationResult
RunDex2oatForSystemServer(const std::string& staging_dir,
const std::string& dex_file,
const std::vector<std::string>& classloader_context) const;
WARN_UNUSED CompilationResult
CompileSystemServer(const std::string& staging_dir,
const std::set<std::string>& system_server_jars_to_compile,
const std::function<void()>& on_dex2oat_success) const;
// Configuration to use.
const OdrConfig& config_;
// Path to cache information file that is used to speed up artifact checking.
const std::string cache_info_filename_;
// The raw list from DEX2OATBOOTCLASSPATH. This is the list of jars that should be compiled into
// the primary boot image.
std::vector<std::string> dex2oat_boot_classpath_jars_;
// The raw list from BOOTCLASSPATH. This is the list of all BCP jars.
std::vector<std::string> boot_classpath_jars_;
// Set of system_server components in SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH that should be compiled.
std::unordered_set<std::string> systemserver_classpath_jars_;
// List of all system_server components, including those in SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH and those in
// STANDALONE_SYSTEMSERVER_JARS (jars that system_server loads dynamically using separate
// classloaders).
std::vector<std::string> all_systemserver_jars_;
const time_t start_time_;
std::unique_ptr<ExecUtils> exec_utils_;
android::base::function_ref<bool()> check_compilation_space_;
} // namespace odrefresh
} // namespace art