| This is a test checking the modifier (access flags) handling of ART. |
| |
| The classes are pre-compiled and modified with ASM. |
| |
| To reproduce, compile the source files. Asm.java needs the ASM libraries (core and tree). Then |
| run Asm.java, which produces Inf.out and NonInf.out. Rename these to class files and put them |
| into the classes directory (this assumes the ASM libraries are names asm.jar and asm-tree.jar). |
| Finally, compile with jack/jill or dx, and run baksmali. |
| |
| javac Inf.java NonInf.java Main.java |
| javac -cp asm.jar:asm-tree.jar:. Asm.java |
| java -cp asm.jar:asm-tree.jar:. Asm |
| mv Inf.out classes/Inf.class |
| mv NonInf.out classes/NonInf.class |
| mv Main.class A.class A\$B.class A\$C.class classes/ |
| dx --debug --dex --output=classes.dex classes |
| baksmali classes.dex |
| mv out/*.smali smali/ |