blob: af782a981aa7e22963031d41be7b531a6fbe3e14 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base/casts.h"
#include "dex_file.h"
#include "dex/compact_dex_debug_info.h"
namespace art {
// CompactDex is a currently ART internal dex file format that aims to reduce storage/RAM usage.
class CompactDexFile : public DexFile {
static constexpr uint8_t kDexMagic[kDexMagicSize] = { 'c', 'd', 'e', 'x' };
static constexpr uint8_t kDexMagicVersion[] = {'0', '0', '1', '\0'};
enum class FeatureFlags : uint32_t {
kDefaultMethods = 0x1,
class Header : public DexFile::Header {
uint32_t GetFeatureFlags() const {
return feature_flags_;
uint32_t feature_flags_ = 0u;
// Position in the compact dex file for the debug info table data starts.
uint32_t debug_info_offsets_pos_ = 0u;
// Offset into the debug info table data where the lookup table is.
uint32_t debug_info_offsets_table_offset_ = 0u;
// Base offset of where debug info starts in the dex file.
uint32_t debug_info_base_ = 0u;
friend class CompactDexFile;
friend class CompactDexWriter;
// Like the standard code item except without a debug info offset.
struct CodeItem : public DexFile::CodeItem {
static constexpr size_t kAlignment = sizeof(uint32_t);
CodeItem() = default;
uint16_t registers_size_; // the number of registers used by this code
// (locals + parameters)
uint16_t ins_size_; // the number of words of incoming arguments to the method
// that this code is for
uint16_t outs_size_; // the number of words of outgoing argument space required
// by this code for method invocation
uint16_t tries_size_; // the number of try_items for this instance. If non-zero,
// then these appear as the tries array just after the
// insns in this instance.
uint32_t insns_size_in_code_units_; // size of the insns array, in 2 byte code units
uint16_t insns_[1]; // actual array of bytecode.
ART_FRIEND_TEST(CodeItemAccessorsTest, TestDexInstructionsAccessor);
friend class CodeItemDataAccessor;
friend class CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor;
friend class CodeItemInstructionAccessor;
friend class CompactDexFile;
friend class CompactDexWriter;
// Write the compact dex specific magic.
static void WriteMagic(uint8_t* magic);
// Write the current version, note that the input is the address of the magic.
static void WriteCurrentVersion(uint8_t* magic);
// Returns true if the byte string points to the magic value.
static bool IsMagicValid(const uint8_t* magic);
virtual bool IsMagicValid() const OVERRIDE;
// Returns true if the byte string after the magic is the correct value.
static bool IsVersionValid(const uint8_t* magic);
virtual bool IsVersionValid() const OVERRIDE;
const Header& GetHeader() const {
return down_cast<const Header&>(DexFile::GetHeader());
virtual bool SupportsDefaultMethods() const OVERRIDE;
uint32_t GetCodeItemSize(const DexFile::CodeItem& item) const OVERRIDE;
uint32_t GetDebugInfoOffset(uint32_t dex_method_index) const {
return debug_info_offsets_.GetDebugInfoOffset(dex_method_index);
CompactDexFile(const uint8_t* base,
size_t size,
const std::string& location,
uint32_t location_checksum,
const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
DexFileContainer* container);
CompactDexDebugInfoOffsetTable::Accessor debug_info_offsets_;
friend class DexFile;
friend class DexFileLoader;
} // namespace art