blob: 2ee34f251686ebc43692dd6ad54945b8ee15e2d6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "base/arena_allocator.h"
#include "base/common_art_test.h"
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "dex/compact_dex_file.h"
#include "dex/dex_file.h"
#include "dex/dex_file_loader.h"
#include "dex/method_reference.h"
#include "dex/type_reference.h"
#include "profile/profile_compilation_info.h"
#include "profile/profile_test_helper.h"
#include "ziparchive/zip_writer.h"
namespace art {
using ItemMetadata = FlattenProfileData::ItemMetadata;
class ProfileCompilationInfoTest : public CommonArtTest, public ProfileTestHelper {
void SetUp() override {
allocator_.reset(new ArenaAllocator(&pool_));
dex1 = BuildDex("location1", /*location_checksum=*/ 1, "LUnique1;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 101);
dex2 = BuildDex("location2", /*location_checksum=*/ 2, "LUnique2;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 102);
dex3 = BuildDex("location3", /*location_checksum=*/ 3, "LUnique3;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 103);
dex4 = BuildDex("location4", /*location_checksum=*/ 4, "LUnique4;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 104);
dex1_checksum_missmatch = BuildDex("location1",
/*location_checksum=*/ 12,
/*num_method_ids=*/ 101);
dex1_renamed = BuildDex("location1-renamed",
/*location_checksum=*/ 1,
/*num_method_ids=*/ 101);
dex2_renamed = BuildDex("location2-renamed",
/*location_checksum=*/ 2,
/*num_method_ids=*/ 102);
uint32_t GetFd(const ScratchFile& file) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(file.GetFd());
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness GetMethod(
const ProfileCompilationInfo& info,
const DexFile* dex,
uint16_t method_idx,
const ProfileSampleAnnotation& annotation = ProfileSampleAnnotation::kNone) {
return info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex, method_idx), annotation);
// Creates the default inline caches used in tests.
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> GetTestInlineCaches() {
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches;
// Monomorphic
for (uint16_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < 11; dex_pc++) {
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0))};
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ false, types));
// Polymorphic
for (uint16_t dex_pc = 11; dex_pc < 22; dex_pc++) {
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0)),
TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(1)),
TypeReference(dex3, dex::TypeIndex(2))};
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ false, types));
// Megamorphic
for (uint16_t dex_pc = 22; dex_pc < 33; dex_pc++) {
// We need 5 types to make the cache megamorphic.
// The `is_megamorphic` flag shall be `false`; it is not used for testing.
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(1)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(2)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(3)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(4))};
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ false, types));
// Missing types
for (uint16_t dex_pc = 33; dex_pc < 44; dex_pc++) {
std::vector<TypeReference> types;
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ true, types));
return inline_caches;
void MakeMegamorphic(/*out*/std::vector<ProfileInlineCache>* inline_caches) {
for (ProfileInlineCache& cache : *inline_caches) {
uint16_t k = 5;
while (cache.classes.size() < ProfileCompilationInfo::kIndividualInlineCacheSize) {
TypeReference type_ref(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(k++));
if (std::find(cache.classes.begin(), cache.classes.end(), type_ref) ==
cache.classes.end()) {
void SetIsMissingTypes(/*out*/std::vector<ProfileInlineCache>* inline_caches) {
for (ProfileInlineCache& cache : *inline_caches) {
*(const_cast<bool*>(&(cache.is_missing_types))) = true;
void TestProfileLoadFromZip(const char* zip_entry,
size_t zip_flags,
bool should_succeed,
bool should_succeed_with_empty_profile = false) {
// Create a valid profile.
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Prepare the profile content for zipping.
std::vector<uint8_t> data(profile.GetFile()->GetLength());
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->PreadFully(, data.size(), /*offset=*/ 0));
// Zip the profile content.
ScratchFile zip;
FILE* file = fopen(zip.GetFile()->GetPath().c_str(), "wb");
ZipWriter writer(file);
writer.StartEntry(zip_entry, zip_flags);
writer.WriteBytes(, data.size());
// Verify loading from the zip archive.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
ASSERT_EQ(should_succeed, loaded_info.Load(zip.GetFile()->GetPath(), false));
if (should_succeed) {
if (should_succeed_with_empty_profile) {
} else {
bool IsEmpty(const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
return info.IsEmpty();
void SizeStressTest(bool random) {
ProfileCompilationInfo boot_profile(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
ProfileCompilationInfo reg_profile(/*for_boot_image=*/ false);
static constexpr size_t kNumDexFiles = 5;
std::vector<const DexFile*> dex_files;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumDexFiles; i++) {
dex_files.push_back(BuildDex(std::to_string(i), i, "LC;", kMaxMethodIds));
// Set a few flags on a 2 different methods in each of the profile.
for (const DexFile* dex_file : dex_files) {
for (uint32_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < kMaxMethodIds; method_idx++) {
for (uint32_t flag_index = 0; flag_index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex; flag_index++) {
if (!random || rand() % 2 == 0) {
static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << flag_index)));
for (uint32_t flag_index = 0; flag_index <= kMaxHotnessFlagRegularIndex; flag_index++) {
if (!random || rand() % 2 == 0) {
static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << flag_index)));
ScratchFile boot_file;
ScratchFile reg_file;
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_boot(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_reg;
static constexpr size_t kMaxMethodIds = 65535;
static constexpr size_t kMaxClassIds = 65535;
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex =
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxHotnessFlagRegularIndex =
// Cannot sizeof the actual arrays so hard code the values here.
// They should not change anyway.
static constexpr int kProfileMagicSize = 4;
static constexpr int kProfileVersionSize = 4;
MallocArenaPool pool_;
std::unique_ptr<ArenaAllocator> allocator_;
const DexFile* dex1;
const DexFile* dex2;
const DexFile* dex3;
const DexFile* dex4;
const DexFile* dex1_checksum_missmatch;
const DexFile* dex1_renamed;
const DexFile* dex2_renamed;
// Cache of inline caches generated during tests.
// This makes it easier to pass data between different utilities and ensure that
// caches are destructed at the end of the test.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap>> used_inline_caches;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddClasses) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
// Add all classes with a `TypeId` in `dex1`.
uint32_t num_type_ids1 = dex1->NumTypeIds();
for (uint32_t type_index = 0; type_index != num_type_ids1; ++type_index) {
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(type_index)));
// Add classes without `TypeId` in `dex1`.
for (uint32_t type_index = num_type_ids1; type_index != DexFile::kDexNoIndex16; ++type_index) {
std::string descriptor = "LX" + std::to_string(type_index) + ";";
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddClass(*dex1, descriptor));
// Fail to add another class without `TypeId` in `dex1` as we have
// run out of available artificial type indexes.
ASSERT_FALSE(info.AddClass(*dex1, "LCannotAddThis;"));
// Add all classes with a `TypeId` in `dex2`.
uint32_t num_type_ids2 = dex2->NumTypeIds();
for (uint32_t type_index = 0; type_index != num_type_ids2; ++type_index) {
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddClass(*dex2, dex::TypeIndex(type_index)));
// Fail to add another class without `TypeId` in `dex2` as we have
// run out of available artificial type indexes when adding types for `dex1`.
ASSERT_FALSE(info.AddClass(*dex2, "LCannotAddThis;"));
// Add classes without `TypeId` in `dex2` for which we already have articial indexes.
ASSERT_EQ(num_type_ids1, num_type_ids2);
for (uint32_t type_index = num_type_ids2; type_index != DexFile::kDexNoIndex16; ++type_index) {
std::string descriptor = "LX" + std::to_string(type_index) + ";";
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddClass(*dex2, descriptor));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SaveFd) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
// Save a few methods.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Save more methods.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex3, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back everything we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info2;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMethodsAndClassesFail) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 1));
// Trying to add info for an existing file but with a different checksum.
ASSERT_FALSE(AddMethod(&info, dex1_checksum_missmatch, /*method_idx=*/ 2));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeFail) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info1, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 1));
// Use the same file, change the checksum.
ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info2, dex1_checksum_missmatch, /*method_idx=*/ 2));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeFdFail) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info1, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 1));
// Use the same file, change the checksum.
ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info2, dex1_checksum_missmatch, /*method_idx=*/ 2));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SaveMaxMethods) {
ScratchFile profile;
const DexFile* dex_max1 = BuildDex("location-max1",
/*location_checksum=*/ 5,
const DexFile* dex_max2 = BuildDex("location-max2",
/*location_checksum=*/ 6,
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
// Save the maximum number of methods
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex_max1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex_max2, /*method_idx=*/ i));
// Save the maximum number of classes
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max(); i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&saved_info, dex_max1, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&saved_info, dex_max2, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SaveEmpty) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadEmpty) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo empty_info;
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, BadMagic) {
ScratchFile profile;
uint8_t buffer[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(buffer, sizeof(buffer)));
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, BadVersion) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileMagic, kProfileMagicSize));
uint8_t version[] = { 'v', 'e', 'r', 's', 'i', 'o', 'n' };
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(version, sizeof(version)));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, Incomplete) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileMagic, kProfileMagicSize));
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileVersion, kProfileVersionSize));
// Write that we have one section info.
const uint32_t file_section_count = 1u;
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(&file_section_count, sizeof(file_section_count)));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, TooLongDexLocation) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileMagic, kProfileMagicSize));
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileVersion, kProfileVersionSize));
// Write that we have one section info.
const uint32_t file_section_count = 1u;
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(&file_section_count, sizeof(file_section_count)));
constexpr size_t kInvalidDexFileLocationLength = 1025u;
constexpr uint32_t kDexFilesOffset =
kProfileMagicSize + kProfileVersionSize + sizeof(file_section_count) + 4u * sizeof(uint32_t);
constexpr uint32_t kDexFilesSize =
sizeof(ProfileIndexType) + // number of dex files
3u * sizeof(uint32_t) + // numeric data
kInvalidDexFileLocationLength + 1u; // null-terminated string
const uint32_t section_info[] = {
0u, // type = kDexFiles
0u, // inflated size = 0
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(section_info, sizeof(section_info)));
ProfileIndexType num_dex_files = 1u;
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(&num_dex_files, sizeof(num_dex_files)));
uint32_t numeric_data[3] = {
1234u, // checksum
1u, // num_type_ids
2u, // num_method_ids
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(numeric_data, sizeof(numeric_data)));
std::string dex_location(kInvalidDexFileLocationLength, 'a');
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(dex_location.c_str(), dex_location.size() + 1u));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, UnexpectedContent) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
uint8_t random_data[] = { 1, 2, 3};
int64_t file_length = profile.GetFile()->GetLength();
ASSERT_GT(file_length, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->PwriteFully(random_data, sizeof(random_data), file_length));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
file_length + static_cast<int64_t>(sizeof(random_data)));
// Extra data at the end of the file is OK, loading the profile should succeed.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SaveInlineCaches) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Add methods with inline caches.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
// Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the
// class from the inline caches.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
// Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex4, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness1 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex1, loaded_hotness1, loaded_info));
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness2 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex4, /*method_idx=*/ 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex4, loaded_hotness2, loaded_info));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MegamorphicInlineCaches) {
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Add methods with inline caches.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Make the inline caches megamorphic and add them to the profile again.
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info_extra;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches_extra = GetTestInlineCaches();
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info_extra, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches_extra));
ScratchFile extra_profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, extra_profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Merge the profiles so that we have the same view as the file.
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness1 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches_extra, dex1, loaded_hotness1, loaded_info));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MissingTypesInlineCaches) {
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Add methods with inline caches.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Make some inline caches megamorphic and add them to the profile again.
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info_extra;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches_extra = GetTestInlineCaches();
for (uint16_t method_idx = 5; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info_extra, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
// Mark all inline caches with missing types and add them to the profile again.
// This will verify that all inline caches (megamorphic or not) should be marked as missing types.
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> missing_types = GetTestInlineCaches();
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info_extra, dex1, method_idx, missing_types));
ScratchFile extra_profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, extra_profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Merge the profiles so that we have the same view as the file.
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness1 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(missing_types, dex1, loaded_hotness1, loaded_info));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, InvalidChecksumInInlineCache) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches1 = GetTestInlineCaches();
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches2 = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Modify the checksum to trigger a mismatch.
std::vector<TypeReference>* types = const_cast<std::vector<TypeReference>*>(
types->front().dex_file = dex1_checksum_missmatch;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0, inline_caches1));
// The dex files referenced in inline infos do not matter. We are recoding class
// references across dex files by looking up the descriptor in the referencing
// method's dex file. If not found, we create an artificial type index.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0, inline_caches2));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, InlineCacheAcrossDexFiles) {
ScratchFile profile;
const char kDex1Class[] = "LUnique1;";
const dex::TypeId* dex1_tid = dex1->FindTypeId(kDex1Class);
ASSERT_TRUE(dex1_tid != nullptr);
dex::TypeIndex dex1_tidx = dex1->GetIndexForTypeId(*dex1_tid);
ASSERT_FALSE(dex2->FindTypeId(kDex1Class) != nullptr);
const uint16_t dex_pc = 33u;
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {TypeReference(dex1, dex1_tidx)};
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches {
ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ false, types)
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0, inline_caches));
Hotness hotness = GetMethod(info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex2, hotness, info));
const ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap* inline_cache_map = hotness.GetInlineCacheMap();
ASSERT_TRUE(inline_cache_map != nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, inline_cache_map->size());
ASSERT_EQ(dex_pc, inline_cache_map->begin()->first);
const ProfileCompilationInfo::DexPcData& dex_pc_data = inline_cache_map->begin()->second;
ASSERT_EQ(1u, dex_pc_data.classes.size());
dex::TypeIndex type_index = *dex_pc_data.classes.begin();
ASSERT_STREQ(kDex1Class, info.GetTypeDescriptor(dex2, type_index));
// Verify that profiles behave correctly even if the methods are added in a different
// order and with a different dex profile indices for the dex files.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeInlineCacheTriggerReindex) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileCompilationInfo info_reindexed;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches;
for (uint16_t dex_pc = 1; dex_pc < 5; dex_pc++) {
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0)),
TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(1))};
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ false, types));
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches_reindexed;
for (uint16_t dex_pc = 1; dex_pc < 5; dex_pc++) {
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {
TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(1)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0))};
inline_caches_reindexed.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(dex_pc, /*missing_types=*/ false, types));
// Profile 1 and Profile 2 get the same methods but in different order.
// This will trigger a different dex numbers.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex2, method_idx, inline_caches));
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info_reindexed, dex2, method_idx, inline_caches_reindexed));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info_reindexed, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches_reindexed));
ProfileCompilationInfo info_backup;
// Merging should have no effect as we're adding the exact same stuff.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness1 = GetMethod(info, dex1, method_idx);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex1, loaded_hotness1, info));
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness2 = GetMethod(info, dex2, method_idx);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex2, loaded_hotness2, info));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMoreDexFileThanLimitRegular) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
// Save a few methods.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < std::numeric_limits<ProfileIndexType>::max(); i++) {
std::string location = std::to_string(i);
const DexFile* dex = BuildDex(location, /*location_checksum=*/ 1, "LC;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex, /*method_idx=*/ 0));
// Add an extra dex file.
const DexFile* dex = BuildDex("-1", /*location_checksum=*/ 1, "LC;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 1);
ASSERT_FALSE(AddMethod(&info, dex, /*method_idx=*/ 0));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMoreDexFileThanLimitBoot) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info(/*for_boot_image=*/true);
// Save a few methods.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < std::numeric_limits<ProfileIndexType>::max(); i++) {
std::string location = std::to_string(i);
const DexFile* dex = BuildDex(location, /*location_checksum=*/ 1, "LC;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex, /*method_idx=*/ 0));
// Add an extra dex file.
const DexFile* dex = BuildDex("-1", /*location_checksum=*/ 1, "LC;", /*num_method_ids=*/ 1);
ASSERT_FALSE(AddMethod(&info, dex, /*method_idx=*/ 0));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MegamorphicInlineCachesMerge) {
// Create a megamorphic inline cache.
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches;
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(1)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(2)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(3)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(4))};
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(0, /*missing_types=*/ false, types));
ProfileCompilationInfo info_megamorphic;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info_megamorphic, dex1, 0, inline_caches));
// Create a profile with no inline caches (for the same method).
ProfileCompilationInfo info_no_inline_cache;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info_no_inline_cache, dex1, 0));
// Merge the megamorphic cache into the empty one.
ScratchFile profile;
// Saving profile should work without crashing (b/35644850).
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MissingTypesInlineCachesMerge) {
// Create an inline cache with missing types
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches;
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {};
inline_caches.push_back(ProfileInlineCache(0, /*missing_types=*/ true, types));
ProfileCompilationInfo info_missing_types;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info_missing_types, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0, inline_caches));
// Create a profile with no inline caches (for the same method).
ProfileCompilationInfo info_no_inline_cache;
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info_no_inline_cache, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0));
// Merge the missing type cache into the empty one.
// Everything should be saved without errors.
ScratchFile profile;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SampledMethodsTest) {
ProfileCompilationInfo test_info;
AddMethod(&test_info, dex1, 1, Hotness::kFlagStartup);
AddMethod(&test_info, dex1, 5, Hotness::kFlagPostStartup);
AddMethod(&test_info, dex2, 2, Hotness::kFlagStartup);
AddMethod(&test_info, dex2, 4, Hotness::kFlagPostStartup);
auto run_test = [&dex1 = dex1, &dex2 = dex2](const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 2)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 4)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 1)).IsStartup());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 3)).IsStartup());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 5)).IsPostStartup());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 6)).IsStartup());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex2, 2)).IsStartup());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex2, 4)).IsPostStartup());
// Save the profile.
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Load the profile and make sure we can read the data and it matches what we expect.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Test that the bitmap gets merged properly.
EXPECT_FALSE(test_info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 11)).IsStartup());
ProfileCompilationInfo merge_info;
AddMethod(&merge_info, dex1, 11, Hotness::kFlagStartup);
EXPECT_TRUE(test_info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 11)).IsStartup());
// Test bulk adding.
std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex(OpenTestDexFile("ManyMethods"));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
std::vector<uint16_t> hot_methods = {1, 3, 5};
std::vector<uint16_t> startup_methods = {1, 2};
std::vector<uint16_t> post_methods = {0, 2, 6};
ASSERT_GE(dex->NumMethodIds(), 7u);
info.AddMethodsForDex(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(Hotness::kFlagHot | Hotness::kFlagStartup),
for (uint16_t id : hot_methods) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), id)).IsHot());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), id)).IsStartup());
for (uint16_t id : startup_methods) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), id)).IsStartup());
for (uint16_t id : post_methods) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), id)).IsPostStartup());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 6)).IsPostStartup());
// Check that methods that shouldn't have been touched are OK.
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 0)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 4)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 7)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 1)).IsPostStartup());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 4)).IsStartup());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex.get(), 6)).IsStartup());
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadFromZipCompress) {
ZipWriter::kCompress | ZipWriter::kAlign32,
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadFromZipUnCompress) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadFromZipUnAligned) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadFromZipFailBadZipEntry) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, LoadFromZipFailBadProfile) {
// Create a bad profile.
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileMagic, kProfileMagicSize));
ProfileCompilationInfo::kProfileVersion, kProfileVersionSize));
// Write that we have one section info.
const uint32_t file_section_count = 1u;
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->WriteFully(&file_section_count, sizeof(file_section_count)));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Prepare the profile content for zipping.
std::vector<uint8_t> data(profile.GetFile()->GetLength());
ASSERT_TRUE(profile.GetFile()->PreadFully(, data.size(), /*offset=*/ 0));
// Zip the profile content.
ScratchFile zip;
FILE* file = fopen(zip.GetFile()->GetPath().c_str(), "wb");
ZipWriter writer(file);
writer.StartEntry("", ZipWriter::kAlign32);
writer.WriteBytes(, data.size());
// Check that we failed to load.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, UpdateProfileKeyOk) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex1_renamed));
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex2_renamed));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
AddMethod(&info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
// Update the profile keys based on the original dex files
bool updated = false;
ASSERT_TRUE(info.UpdateProfileKeys(dex_files, &updated));
// Verify that we find the methods when searched with the original dex files.
for (const std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness =
GetMethod(info, dex.get(), /*method_idx=*/ 0);
// Release the ownership as this is held by the test class;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, UpdateProfileKeyOkWithAnnotation) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex1_renamed));
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex2_renamed));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileSampleAnnotation annotation("test.package");
AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0, Hotness::kFlagHot, annotation);
AddMethod(&info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0, Hotness::kFlagHot, annotation);
// Update the profile keys based on the original dex files
bool updated = false;
ASSERT_TRUE(info.UpdateProfileKeys(dex_files, &updated));
// Verify that we find the methods when searched with the original dex files.
for (const std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness =
GetMethod(info, dex.get(), /*method_idx=*/ 0, annotation);
// Release the ownership as this is held by the test class;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, UpdateProfileKeyOkButNoUpdate) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex1));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
AddMethod(&info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
// Update the profile keys based on the original dex files.
bool updated = false;
ASSERT_TRUE(info.UpdateProfileKeys(dex_files, &updated));
// Verify that we did not perform any update and that we cannot find anything with the new
// location.
for (const std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness =
GetMethod(info, dex.get(), /*method_idx=*/ 0);
// Verify that we can find the original entry.
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness =
GetMethod(info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
// Release the ownership as this is held by the test class;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, UpdateProfileKeyFail) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex1_renamed));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
// Add a method index using the location we want to rename to.
// This will cause the rename to fail because an existing entry would already have that name.
AddMethod(&info, dex1_renamed, /*method_idx=*/ 0);
bool updated = false;
ASSERT_FALSE(info.UpdateProfileKeys(dex_files, &updated));
// Release the ownership as this is held by the test class;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoading) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Add methods with inline caches.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
// Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the class from the inline caches.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex2, method_idx, inline_caches));
// Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex4, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Filter out dex locations. Keep only dex_location1 and dex_location3.
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
[&dex1 = dex1, &dex3 = dex3](const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum) -> bool {
return (dex_location == dex1->GetLocation() && checksum == dex1->GetLocationChecksum())
|| (dex_location == dex3->GetLocation() && checksum == dex3->GetLocationChecksum());
ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
// Verify that we filtered out locations during load.
// Note that `dex3` did not have any data recorded in the profile.
ASSERT_EQ(1u, loaded_info.GetNumberOfDexFiles());
// Dex location 2 and 4 should have been filtered out
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ASSERT_FALSE(GetMethod(loaded_info, dex2, method_idx).IsHot());
ASSERT_FALSE(GetMethod(loaded_info, dex4, method_idx).IsHot());
// Dex location 1 should have all all the inline caches referencing dex location 2 set to
// missing types.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
// The methods for dex location 1 should be in the profile data.
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness1 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex1, method_idx);
// Verify the inline cache. Note that references to other dex files are translated
// to use type indexes within the referencing dex file and artificial type indexes
// referencing "extra descriptors" are used when there is no `dex::TypeId` for
// these types. `EqualInlineCaches()` compares descriptors when necessary.
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex1, loaded_hotness1, loaded_info));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoadingRemoveAll) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Add methods with inline caches.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
// Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the class from the inline caches.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex2, method_idx, inline_caches));
// Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex4, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Remove all elements.
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
[](const std::string&, uint32_t) -> bool { return false; };
ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
// Verify that we filtered out everything.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoadingKeepAll) {
ScratchFile profile;
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = GetTestInlineCaches();
// Add methods with inline caches.
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
// Add a method which is part of the same dex file as one of the
// class from the inline caches.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex1, method_idx, inline_caches));
// Add a method which is outside the set of dex files.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&saved_info, dex4, method_idx, inline_caches));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Keep all elements.
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
[](const std::string&, uint32_t) -> bool { return true; };
ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness1 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex1, method_idx);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex1, loaded_hotness1, loaded_info));
for (uint16_t method_idx = 0; method_idx < 10; method_idx++) {
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_hotness2 =
GetMethod(loaded_info, dex4, method_idx);
ASSERT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(inline_caches, dex4, loaded_hotness2, loaded_info));
// Regression test: we were failing to do a filtering loading when the filtered dex file
// contained profiled classes.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FilteredLoadingWithClasses) {
ScratchFile profile;
const DexFile* dex1_1000 = BuildDex("location1_1000",
/*location_checksum=*/ 7,
/*num_method_ids=*/ 1u,
/*num_class_ids=*/ 1000u);
const DexFile* dex2_1000 = BuildDex("location2_1000",
/*location_checksum=*/ 8,
/*num_method_ids=*/ 1u,
/*num_class_ids=*/ 1000u);
// Save a profile with 2 dex files containing just classes.
ProfileCompilationInfo saved_info;
uint16_t item_count = 1000;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < item_count; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&saved_info, dex1_1000, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&saved_info, dex2_1000, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Filter out dex locations: keep only `dex2_1000->GetLocation()`.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
ProfileCompilationInfo::ProfileLoadFilterFn filter_fn =
[dex2_1000](const std::string& dex_location, uint32_t checksum) -> bool {
return dex_location == dex2_1000->GetLocation() &&
checksum == dex2_1000->GetLocationChecksum();
ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_info.Load(GetFd(profile), true, filter_fn));
// Compute the expectation.
ProfileCompilationInfo expected_info;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < item_count; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&expected_info, dex2_1000, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
// Validate the expectation.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, ClearData) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, ClearDataAndSave) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i));
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, InitProfiles) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileCompilationInfo info1(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, VersionEquality) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info(/*for_boot_image=*/ false);
ProfileCompilationInfo info1(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AllMethodFlags) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex; index++) {
AddMethod(&info, dex1, index, static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index));
auto run_test = [&dex1 = dex1](const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex; index++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, index)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, index))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index))) << index << " "
<< info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, index)).GetFlags();
// Save the profile.
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Load the profile and make sure we can read the data and it matches what we expect.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AllMethodFlagsOnOneMethod) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
// Set all flags on a single method.
for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex; index++) {
AddMethod(&info, dex1, 0, static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index));
auto run_test = [&dex1 = dex1](const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex; index++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
// Save the profile.
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Load the profile and make sure we can read the data and it matches what we expect.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MethodFlagsMerge) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info1(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
ProfileCompilationInfo info2(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
// Set a few flags on a 2 different methods in each of the profile.
for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 4; index++) {
AddMethod(&info1, dex1, 0, static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index));
AddMethod(&info2, dex1, 1, static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index));
// Set a few more flags on the method 1.
for (uint32_t index = kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 4 + 1;
index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 2;
index++) {
AddMethod(&info2, dex1, 1, static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index));
auto run_test = [&dex1 = dex1](const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
// Assert that the flags were merged correctly for both methods.
for (uint32_t index = 0; index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 4; index++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 1)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 1))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
// Assert that no flags were merged unnecessary.
for (uint32_t index = kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 4 + 1;
index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 2;
index++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 1)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 1))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
// Assert that no extra flags were added.
for (uint32_t index = kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex / 2 + 1;
index <= kMaxHotnessFlagBootIndex;
index++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 0))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, 1))
.HasFlagSet(static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(1 << index)));
// Save the profile.
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Load the profile and make sure we can read the data and it matches what we expect.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SizeStressTestAllIn) {
SizeStressTest(/*random=*/ false);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, SizeStressTestAllInRandom) {
SizeStressTest(/*random=*/ true);
// Verifies that we correctly add methods to the profile according to their flags.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMethodsProfileMethodInfoBasic) {
std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex(OpenTestDexFile("ManyMethods"));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
MethodReference hot(dex.get(), 0);
MethodReference hot_startup(dex.get(), 1);
MethodReference startup(dex.get(), 2);
// Add methods
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(hot), Hotness::kFlagHot));
static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(Hotness::kFlagHot | Hotness::kFlagStartup)));
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(startup), Hotness::kFlagStartup));
// Verify the profile recorded them correctly.
EXPECT_EQ(info.GetMethodHotness(hot).GetFlags(), Hotness::kFlagHot);
static_cast<uint32_t>(Hotness::kFlagHot | Hotness::kFlagStartup));
EXPECT_EQ(info.GetMethodHotness(startup).GetFlags(), Hotness::kFlagStartup);
// Verifies that we correctly add inline caches to the profile only for hot methods.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMethodsProfileMethodInfoInlineCaches) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
MethodReference hot(dex1, 0);
MethodReference startup(dex1, 2);
// Add inline caches with the methods. The profile should record only the one for the hot method.
std::vector<TypeReference> types = {};
ProfileMethodInfo::ProfileInlineCache ic(/*dex_pc*/ 0, /*missing_types*/true, types);
std::vector<ProfileMethodInfo::ProfileInlineCache> inline_caches = {ic};
info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(hot, inline_caches), Hotness::kFlagHot);
info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(startup, inline_caches), Hotness::kFlagStartup);
// Check the hot method's inline cache.
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness hot_hotness = GetMethod(info, dex1, hot.index);
ASSERT_EQ(hot_hotness.GetInlineCacheMap()->size(), 1u);
// Check there's no inline caches for the startup method.
ASSERT_FALSE(GetMethod(info, dex1, startup.index).IsHot());
// Verifies that we correctly add methods to the profile according to their flags.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMethodsProfileMethodInfoFail) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
MethodReference hot(dex1, 0);
MethodReference bad_ref(dex1, kMaxMethodIds);
std::vector<ProfileMethodInfo> pmis = {ProfileMethodInfo(hot), ProfileMethodInfo(bad_ref)};
ASSERT_FALSE(info.AddMethods(pmis, Hotness::kFlagHot));
// Verify that we can add methods with annotations.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddAnnotationsToMethods) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
// Save a few methods using different annotations, some overlapping, some not.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 5; i < 15; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
auto run_test = [&dex1 = dex1, &psa1 = psa1, &psa2 = psa2](const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
// Check that all methods are in.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa1).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa1).IsHot());
for (uint16_t i = 5; i < 15; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa2).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa2).IsHot());
// Check that the non-overlapping methods are not added with a wrong annotation.
for (uint16_t i = 10; i < 15; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa1).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa1).IsHot());
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa2).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa2).IsHot());
// Check that when querying without an annotation only the first one is searched.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i)).IsHot());
// ... this should be false because they belong the second appearance of dex1.
for (uint16_t i = 10; i < 15; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i)).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i)).IsHot());
// Check that the methods cannot be found with a non existing annotation.
MethodReference ref(dex1, 0);
ProfileSampleAnnotation not_existing("A");
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(ref, not_existing).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(ref, not_existing).IsHot());
// Run the test before save.
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Run the test after save and load.
// Verify that we can add classes with annotations.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddAnnotationsToClasses) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
// Save a few classes using different annotations, some overlapping, some not.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 3; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
auto run_test = [&dex1 = dex1, &psa1 = psa1, &psa2 = psa2](const ProfileCompilationInfo& info) {
// Check that all classes are in.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 3; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
// Check that the non-overlapping classes are not added with a wrong annotation.
for (uint16_t i = 7; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
// Check that when querying without an annotation only the first one is searched.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
// ... this should be false because they belong the second appearance of dex1.
for (uint16_t i = 7; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
// Check that the classes cannot be found with a non existing annotation.
EXPECT_FALSE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(0), ProfileSampleAnnotation("new_test")));
// Run the test before save.
ScratchFile profile;
ASSERT_EQ(0, profile.GetFile()->Flush());
// Check that we get back what we saved.
ProfileCompilationInfo loaded_info;
// Run the test after save and load.
// Verify we can merge samples with annotations.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeWithAnnotations) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info1, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info1, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 3; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info2, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info2, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info2, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info2, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info2, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
// Check that all items are in.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa1).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 3; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa2).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex2, i), psa2).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
// Check that the non-overlapping items are not added with a wrong annotation.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa2).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex2, i), psa2).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_FALSE(info.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
// Verify we can merge samples with annotations.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeWithInlineCaches) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info1(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
ProfileCompilationInfo info2(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
// TODO This should be something other than 'kNone'
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1(ProfileSampleAnnotation::kNone);
std::vector<TypeReference> dex1_type_12 { TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(1)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(2)) };
std::vector<TypeReference> dex1_type_48 { TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(4)),
TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(8)) };
std::vector<TypeReference> dex2_type_12 { TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(1)),
TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(2)) };
std::vector<TypeReference> dex2_type_48 { TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(4)),
TypeReference(dex2, dex::TypeIndex(8)) };
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> ic1 { ProfileInlineCache(
/*pc=*/ 12,
/*missing_types=*/ false,
/*profile_classes=*/ dex1_type_12),
/*pc=*/ 15,
/*missing_types=*/ false,
/*profile_classes=*/ dex1_type_48) };
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> ic2 { ProfileInlineCache(
/*pc=*/ 12,
/*missing_types=*/ false,
/*profile_classes=*/ dex2_type_48),
/*pc=*/ 15,
/*missing_types=*/ false,
/*profile_classes=*/ dex2_type_12) };
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info1, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, ic1, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info1, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info1, dex2, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info2, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, ic2, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info2, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info2, dex2, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ProfileCompilationInfo info_12(/*for_boot_image=*/ true);
// Check that all items are in.
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
EXPECT_TRUE(info_12.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex1, i), psa1).IsInProfile());
EXPECT_TRUE(info_12.ContainsClass(*dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness loaded_ic_12 =
GetMethod(info_12, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i);
std::vector<TypeReference> cls_pc12;
cls_pc12.resize(dex1_type_12.size() + dex2_type_48.size(),
TypeReference(nullptr, dex::TypeIndex(-1)));
auto copy_end_12 = std::copy(dex1_type_12.begin(), dex1_type_12.end(), cls_pc12.begin());
std::copy(dex2_type_48.begin(), dex2_type_48.end(), copy_end_12);
std::vector<TypeReference> cls_pc15;
cls_pc15.resize(dex2_type_12.size() + dex1_type_48.size(),
TypeReference(nullptr, dex::TypeIndex(-1)));
auto copy_end_15 = std::copy(dex2_type_12.begin(), dex2_type_12.end(), cls_pc15.begin());
std::copy(dex1_type_48.begin(), dex1_type_48.end(), copy_end_15);
std::vector<ProfileInlineCache> expected{ ProfileInlineCache(
/*pc=*/ 12,
/*missing_types=*/ false,
/*profile_classes=*/ cls_pc12),
/*pc=*/ 15,
/*missing_types=*/ false,
/*profile_classes=*/ cls_pc15) };
EXPECT_EQ(loaded_ic_12.GetInlineCacheMap()->size(), expected.size());
EXPECT_TRUE(EqualInlineCaches(expected, dex1, loaded_ic_12, info_12)) << i;
// Verify the bulk extraction API.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, ExtractInfoWithAnnations) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
std::set<dex::TypeIndex> expected_classes;
std::set<uint16_t> expected_hot_methods;
std::set<uint16_t> expected_startup_methods;
std::set<uint16_t> expected_post_startup_methods;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
for (uint16_t i = 5; i < 15; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagStartup, psa1));
std::set<dex::TypeIndex> classes;
std::set<uint16_t> hot_methods;
std::set<uint16_t> startup_methods;
std::set<uint16_t> post_startup_methods;
*dex1, &classes, &hot_methods, &startup_methods, &post_startup_methods, psa1));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_classes, classes);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_hot_methods, hot_methods);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_startup_methods, startup_methods);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_post_startup_methods, post_startup_methods);
// Verify the behavior for adding methods with annotations and different dex checksums.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, AddMethodsWithAnnotationAndDifferentChecksum) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
MethodReference ref(dex1, 0);
MethodReference ref_checksum_missmatch(dex1_checksum_missmatch, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(ref), Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
// Adding a method with a different dex checksum and the same annotation should fail.
ASSERT_FALSE(info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(ref_checksum_missmatch), Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
// However, a method with a different dex checksum and a different annotation should be ok.
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(ref_checksum_missmatch), Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
// Verify the behavior for searching method with annotations and different dex checksums.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, FindMethodsWithAnnotationAndDifferentChecksum) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
MethodReference ref(dex1, 0);
MethodReference ref_checksum_missmatch(dex1_checksum_missmatch, 0);
ASSERT_TRUE(info.AddMethod(ProfileMethodInfo(ref), Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
// The method should be in the profile when searched with the correct data.
EXPECT_TRUE(info.GetMethodHotness(ref, psa1).IsInProfile());
// We should get a negative result if the dex checksum does not match.
EXPECT_FALSE(info.GetMethodHotness(ref_checksum_missmatch, psa1).IsInProfile());
// If we search without annotation we should have the same behaviour.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, ClearDataAndAdjustVersionRegularToBoot) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0, Hotness::kFlagHot);
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, ClearDataAndAdjustVersionBootToRegular) {
ProfileCompilationInfo info(/*for_boot_image=*/true);
AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ 0, Hotness::kFlagHot);
template<class T>
static std::list<T> sort(const std::list<T>& list) {
std::list<T> copy(list);
return copy;
// Verify we can extract profile data
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, ExtractProfileData) {
// Setup test data
ProfileCompilationInfo info;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Add dex1 data with different annotations so that we can check the annotation count.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagStartup, psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex2, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
// dex3 will not be used in the data extraction
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info, dex3, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa2));
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex1));
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex2));
// Run the test: extract the data for dex1 and dex2
std::unique_ptr<FlattenProfileData> flattenProfileData = info.ExtractProfileData(dex_files);
// Check the results
ASSERT_TRUE(flattenProfileData != nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(flattenProfileData->GetMaxAggregationForMethods(), 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(flattenProfileData->GetMaxAggregationForClasses(), 2u);
const SafeMap<MethodReference, ItemMetadata>& methods = flattenProfileData->GetMethodData();
const SafeMap<TypeReference, ItemMetadata>& classes = flattenProfileData->GetClassData();
ASSERT_EQ(methods.size(), 20u); // 10 methods in dex1, 10 in dex2
ASSERT_EQ(classes.size(), 10u); // 10 methods in dex1
std::list<ProfileSampleAnnotation> expectedAnnotations1({psa1, psa2});
std::list<ProfileSampleAnnotation> expectedAnnotations2({psa2});
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Check dex1 methods.
auto mIt1 = methods.find(MethodReference(dex1, i));
ASSERT_TRUE(mIt1 != methods.end());
ASSERT_EQ(mIt1->second.GetFlags(), Hotness::kFlagHot | Hotness::kFlagStartup);
ASSERT_EQ(sort(mIt1->second.GetAnnotations()), expectedAnnotations1);
// Check dex1 classes
auto cIt1 = classes.find(TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
ASSERT_TRUE(cIt1 != classes.end());
ASSERT_EQ(cIt1->second.GetFlags(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(sort(cIt1->second.GetAnnotations()), expectedAnnotations1);
// Check dex2 methods.
auto mIt2 = methods.find(MethodReference(dex2, i));
ASSERT_TRUE(mIt2 != methods.end());
ASSERT_EQ(mIt2->second.GetFlags(), Hotness::kFlagHot);
ASSERT_EQ(sort(mIt2->second.GetAnnotations()), expectedAnnotations2);
// Release the ownership as this is held by the test class;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
// Verify we can merge 2 previously flatten data.
TEST_F(ProfileCompilationInfoTest, MergeFlattenData) {
// Setup test data: two profiles with different content which will be used
// to extract FlattenProfileData, later to be merged.
ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
ProfileCompilationInfo info2;
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa1("test1");
ProfileSampleAnnotation psa2("test2");
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Add dex1 data with different annotations so that we can check the annotation count.
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info1, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagHot, psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info2, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa1));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(&info1, dex1, /*method_idx=*/ i, Hotness::kFlagStartup, psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddClass(&info1, dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i), psa2));
ASSERT_TRUE(AddMethod(i % 2 == 0 ? &info1 : &info2, dex2,
/*method_idx=*/ i,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files;
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex1));
dex_files.push_back(std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>(dex2));
// Run the test: extract the data for dex1 and dex2 and then merge it into
std::unique_ptr<FlattenProfileData> flattenProfileData1 = info1.ExtractProfileData(dex_files);
std::unique_ptr<FlattenProfileData> flattenProfileData2 = info2.ExtractProfileData(dex_files);
// Check the results
ASSERT_EQ(flattenProfileData1->GetMaxAggregationForMethods(), 2u);
ASSERT_EQ(flattenProfileData1->GetMaxAggregationForClasses(), 2u);
const SafeMap<MethodReference, ItemMetadata>& methods = flattenProfileData1->GetMethodData();
const SafeMap<TypeReference, ItemMetadata>& classes = flattenProfileData1->GetClassData();
ASSERT_EQ(methods.size(), 20u); // 10 methods in dex1, 10 in dex2
ASSERT_EQ(classes.size(), 10u); // 10 methods in dex1
std::list<ProfileSampleAnnotation> expectedAnnotations1({psa1, psa2});
std::list<ProfileSampleAnnotation> expectedAnnotations2({psa2});
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Check dex1 methods.
auto mIt1 = methods.find(MethodReference(dex1, i));
ASSERT_TRUE(mIt1 != methods.end());
ASSERT_EQ(mIt1->second.GetFlags(), Hotness::kFlagHot | Hotness::kFlagStartup);
ASSERT_EQ(sort(mIt1->second.GetAnnotations()), expectedAnnotations1);
// Check dex1 classes
auto cIt1 = classes.find(TypeReference(dex1, dex::TypeIndex(i)));
ASSERT_TRUE(cIt1 != classes.end());
ASSERT_EQ(cIt1->second.GetFlags(), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(sort(cIt1->second.GetAnnotations()).size(), expectedAnnotations1.size());
ASSERT_EQ(sort(cIt1->second.GetAnnotations()), expectedAnnotations1);
// Check dex2 methods.
auto mIt2 = methods.find(MethodReference(dex2, i));
ASSERT_TRUE(mIt2 != methods.end());
ASSERT_EQ(mIt2->second.GetFlags(), Hotness::kFlagHot);
ASSERT_EQ(sort(mIt2->second.GetAnnotations()), expectedAnnotations2);
// Release the ownership as this is held by the test class;
for (std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>& dex : dex_files) {
} // namespace art