| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: doThrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"doThrow" with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException.run() @ line = 149 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Doing nothing! |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchBaseTestException" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 197 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 201 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException.run() @ line = 216 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Doing nothing! |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchTestException" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 222 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 226 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow" with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$DoNothingHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: doThrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"doThrow" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException.run() @ line = 149 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Throwing BaseTestException and catching it! |
| Caught art.Test1929$BaseTestException: "ThrowBaseHandler during throw from public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140" |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchBaseTestException" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 197 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 201 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException.run() @ line = 216 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Throwing BaseTestException and catching it! |
| Caught art.Test1929$BaseTestException: "ThrowBaseHandler during throw from public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207" |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchTestException" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 222 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 226 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowCatchBase" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: doThrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"doThrow" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException.run() @ line = 149 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Throwing BaseTestException! |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Caught error art.Test1929$BaseTestException:"ThrowBaseHandler during throw from public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 197 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 201 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException.run() @ line = 216 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Throwing BaseTestException! |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Caught error art.Test1929$BaseTestException:"ThrowBaseHandler during throw from public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 222 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 226 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowBaseTestExceptionHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: doThrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"doThrow" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowClass": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException.run() @ line = 149 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Throwing TestExceptionNoRethrow! |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Caught error art.Test1929$TestExceptionNoRethrow:"ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler during throw from public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestException() @ line = 140" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 161 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 197 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 201 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchBaseTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestException |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException.run() @ line = 216 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Throwing TestExceptionNoRethrow! |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Caught error art.Test1929$TestExceptionNoRethrow:"ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler during throw from public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestException() @ line = 207" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestException": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionTwice |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929$Impl.throwCatchTestExceptionTwiceImpl() @ line = 179 |
| public static void art.Test1929.throwCatchTestExceptionTwice() @ line = 222 |
| public void art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice.run() @ line = 226 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 280 |
| Caught art.Test1929$TestException: "throwCatchTestExceptionTwice" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": No error caught with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionTwice": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Running breakpoint with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| main: public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 caught class art.Test1929$TestException: throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow |
| Current Stack: |
| private static native art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.nativeGetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = -1 |
| public static art.StackTrace$StackFrameData[] art.StackTrace.GetStackTrace(java.lang.Thread) @ line = 60 |
| private static void art.Test1929.PrintStack() @ line = 52 |
| public static void art.Test1929.ExceptionCatchEvent(java.lang.Thread,java.lang.reflect.Executable,long,java.lang.Throwable) @ line = 65 |
| public static void art.Test1929.run() throws java.lang.Exception @ line = 283 |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Caught error art.Test1929$TestException:"throwCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow" with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |
| Test "art.Test1929$DoThrowCatchTestExceptionNoRethrow": Finished running with handler "art.Test1929$ThrowTestExceptionNoRethrowHandler" |