blob: a0bc9f46dd7c5b6420af8532cbb115fcca2b1aba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Test arithmetic operations.
public class FloatMath {
static void convTest() {
float f;
double d;
int i;
long l;
/* float --> int */
f = 1234.5678f;
i = (int) f;
Main.assertTrue(i == 1234);
f = -1234.5678f;
i = (int) f;
Main.assertTrue(i == -1234);
/* float --> long */
f = 1238.5678f;
l = (long) f;
Main.assertTrue(l == 1238);
f = -1238.5678f;
l = (long) f;
Main.assertTrue(l == -1238);
/* float --> double */
f = 1238.5678f;
d = (double) f;
Main.assertTrue(d > 1238.567 && d < 1238.568);
/* double --> int */
d = 1234.5678;
i = (int) d;
Main.assertTrue(i == 1234);
d = -1234.5678;
i = (int) d;
Main.assertTrue(i == -1234);
/* double --> long */
d = 5678956789.0123;
l = (long) d;
Main.assertTrue(l == 5678956789L);
d = -5678956789.0123;
l = (long) d;
Main.assertTrue(l == -5678956789L);
/* double --> float */
d = 1238.5678;
f = (float) d;
Main.assertTrue(f > 1238.567 && f < 1238.568);
/* int --> long */
i = 7654;
l = (long) i;
Main.assertTrue(l == 7654L);
i = -7654;
l = (long) i;
Main.assertTrue(l == -7654L);
/* int --> float */
i = 1234;
f = (float) i;
Main.assertTrue(f > 1233.9f && f < 1234.1f);
i = -1234;
f = (float) i;
Main.assertTrue(f < -1233.9f && f > -1234.1f);
/* int --> double */
i = 1238;
d = (double) i;
Main.assertTrue(d > 1237.9f && d < 1238.1f);
i = -1238;
d = (double) i;
Main.assertTrue(d < -1237.9f && d > -1238.1f);
/* long --> int (with truncation) */
l = 5678956789L;
i = (int) l;
Main.assertTrue(i == 1383989493);
l = -5678956789L;
i = (int) l;
Main.assertTrue(i == -1383989493);
/* long --> float */
l = 5678956789L;
f = (float) l;
Main.assertTrue(f > 5.6789564E9 && f < 5.6789566E9);
l = -5678956789L;
f = (float) l;
Main.assertTrue(f < -5.6789564E9 && f > -5.6789566E9);
/* long --> double */
l = 6678956789L;
d = (double) l;
Main.assertTrue(d > 6.6789567E9 && d < 6.6789568E9);
l = -6678956789L;
d = (double) l;
Main.assertTrue(d < -6.6789567E9 && d > -6.6789568E9);
* We pass in the arguments and return the results so the compiler
* doesn't do the math for us.
static float[] floatOperTest(float x, float y) {
float[] results = new float[9];
/* this seems to generate "op-float" instructions */
results[0] = x + y;
results[1] = x - y;
results[2] = x * y;
results[3] = x / y;
results[4] = x % -y;
/* this seems to generate "op-float/2addr" instructions */
results[8] = x + (((((x + y) - y) * y) / y) % y);
return results;
static void floatOperCheck(float[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] > 69996.99f && results[0] < 69997.01f);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] > 70002.99f && results[1] < 70003.01f);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] > -210000.01f && results[2] < -209999.99f);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] > -23333.34f && results[3] < -23333.32f);
Main.assertTrue(results[4] > 0.999f && results[4] < 1.001f);
Main.assertTrue(results[8] > 70000.99f && results[8] < 70001.01f);
* We pass in the arguments and return the results so the compiler
* doesn't do the math for us.
static double[] doubleOperTest(double x, double y) {
double[] results = new double[9];
/* this seems to generate "op-double" instructions */
results[0] = x + y;
results[1] = x - y;
results[2] = x * y;
results[3] = x / y;
results[4] = x % -y;
/* this seems to generate "op-double/2addr" instructions */
results[8] = x + (((((x + y) - y) * y) / y) % y);
return results;
static void doubleOperCheck(double[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] > 69996.99 && results[0] < 69997.01);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] > 70002.99 && results[1] < 70003.01);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] > -210000.01 && results[2] < -209999.99);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] > -23333.34 && results[3] < -23333.32);
Main.assertTrue(results[4] > 0.999 && results[4] < 1.001);
Main.assertTrue(results[8] > 70000.99 && results[8] < 70001.01);
* Try to cause some unary operations.
static float unopTest(float f) {
f = -f;
return f;
static int[] convI(long l, float f, double d, float zero) {
int[] results = new int[6];
results[0] = (int) l;
results[1] = (int) f;
results[2] = (int) d;
results[3] = (int) (1.0f / zero); // +inf
results[4] = (int) (-1.0f / zero); // -inf
results[5] = (int) ((1.0f / zero) / (1.0f / zero)); // NaN
return results;
static void checkConvI(int[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 0x44332211);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 123);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == -3);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == 0x7fffffff);
Main.assertTrue(results[4] == 0x80000000);
Main.assertTrue(results[5] == 0);
static long[] convL(int i, float f, double d, double zero) {
long[] results = new long[6];
results[0] = (long) i;
results[1] = (long) f;
results[2] = (long) d;
results[3] = (long) (1.0 / zero); // +inf
results[4] = (long) (-1.0 / zero); // -inf
results[5] = (long) ((1.0 / zero) / (1.0 / zero)); // NaN
return results;
static void checkConvL(long[] results) {
Main.assertTrue(results[0] == 0xFFFFFFFF88776655L);
Main.assertTrue(results[1] == 123);
Main.assertTrue(results[2] == -3);
Main.assertTrue(results[3] == 0x7fffffffffffffffL);
Main.assertTrue(results[4] == 0x8000000000000000L);
Main.assertTrue(results[5] == 0);
static float[] convF(int i, long l, double d) {
float[] results = new float[3];
results[0] = (float) i;
results[1] = (float) l;
results[2] = (float) d;
return results;
static void checkConvF(float[] results) {
// TODO: Main.assertTrue values
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
System.out.println(" " + i + ": " + results[i]);
System.out.println("-2.0054409E9, -8.6133031E18, -3.1415927");
static double[] convD(int i, long l, float f) {
double[] results = new double[3];
results[0] = (double) i;
results[1] = (double) l;
results[2] = (double) f;
return results;
static void checkConvD(double[] results) {
// TODO: Main.assertTrue values
for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
System.out.println(" " + i + ": " + results[i]);
System.out.println("-2.005440939E9, -8.6133032459203287E18, 123.4560012817382");
static void checkConsts() {
float f = 10.0f; // const/special
Main.assertTrue(f > 9.9 && f < 10.1);
double d = 10.0; // const-wide/special
Main.assertTrue(d > 9.9 && d < 10.1);
* Determine if two floating point numbers are approximately equal.
* (Assumes that floating point is generally working, so we can't use
* this for the first set of tests.)
static boolean approxEqual(float a, float b, float maxDelta) {
if (a > b)
return (a - b) < maxDelta;
return (b - a) < maxDelta;
static boolean approxEqual(double a, double b, double maxDelta) {
if (a > b)
return (a - b) < maxDelta;
return (b - a) < maxDelta;
* Test some java.lang.Math functions.
* The method arguments are positive values.
static void jlmTests(float ff, double dd) {
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.abs(ff), ff, 0.001f));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.abs(-ff), ff, 0.001f));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.min(ff, -5.0f), -5.0f, 0.001f));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.max(ff, -5.0f), ff, 0.001f));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.abs(dd), dd, 0.001));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.abs(-dd), dd, 0.001));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.min(dd, -5.0), -5.0, 0.001));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(Math.max(dd, -5.0), dd, 0.001));
double sq = Math.sqrt(dd);
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(sq*sq, dd, 0.001));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(0.5403023058681398, Math.cos(1.0), 0.00000001));
Main.assertTrue(approxEqual(0.8414709848078965, Math.sin(1.0), 0.00000001));
public static void run() {
float[] floatResults;
double[] doubleResults;
int[] intResults;
long[] longResults;
floatResults = floatOperTest(70000.0f, -3.0f);
doubleResults = doubleOperTest(70000.0, -3.0);
intResults = convI(0x8877665544332211L, 123.456f, -3.1415926535, 0.0f);
longResults = convL(0x88776655, 123.456f, -3.1415926535, 0.0);
floatResults = convF(0x88776655, 0x8877665544332211L, -3.1415926535);
doubleResults = convD(0x88776655, 0x8877665544332211L, 123.456f);
jlmTests(3.14159f, 123456.78987654321);