blob: 595a0567c149bbf8496cc45ca8171b11c9adb207 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
interface Itf {
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface();
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface2();
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface3();
public class Main implements Itf {
public static void assertEquals(Object expected, Object actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new Error("Expected " + expected + ", got " + actual);
public static void assertEquals(int expected, int actual) {
if (expected != actual) {
throw new Error("Expected " + expected + ", got " + actual);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Main[] mains = new Main[3];
Itf[] itfs = new Itf[3];
itfs[0] = mains[0] = new Main();
itfs[1] = mains[1] = new Subclass();
itfs[2] = mains[2] = new OtherSubclass();
// Make $noinline$testInvokeVirtual and $noinline$testInvokeInterface hot to get them jitted.
// We pass Main and Subclass to get polymorphic inlining based on calling
// the same method.
for (int i = 0; i < 0x30000; ++i) {
// At this point, the JIT should have compiled both methods, and inline
// sameInvokeVirtual and sameInvokeInterface.
assertEquals(Main.class, $noinline$testInvokeVirtual(mains[0]));
assertEquals(Main.class, $noinline$testInvokeVirtual(mains[1]));
assertEquals(Itf.class, $noinline$testInvokeInterface(itfs[0]));
assertEquals(Itf.class, $noinline$testInvokeInterface(itfs[1]));
assertEquals(Itf.class, $noinline$testInvokeInterface2(itfs[0]));
assertEquals(Itf.class, $noinline$testInvokeInterface2(itfs[1]));
// This will trigger a deoptimization of the compiled code.
assertEquals(OtherSubclass.class, $noinline$testInvokeVirtual(mains[2]));
assertEquals(OtherSubclass.class, $noinline$testInvokeInterface(itfs[2]));
assertEquals(null, $noinline$testInvokeInterface2(itfs[2]));
// Run this once to make sure we execute the JITted code.
assertEquals(0x60000 + 1, counter);
public Class<?> sameInvokeVirtual() {
field.getClass(); // null check to ensure we get an inlined frame in the CodeInfo.
return Main.class;
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface() {
field.getClass(); // null check to ensure we get an inlined frame in the CodeInfo.
return Itf.class;
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface2() {
field.getClass(); // null check to ensure we get an inlined frame in the CodeInfo.
return Itf.class;
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface3() {
field.getClass(); // null check to ensure we get an inlined frame in the CodeInfo.
return Itf.class;
public static Class<?> $noinline$testInvokeInterface(Itf i) {
return i.sameInvokeInterface();
public static Class<?> $noinline$testInvokeInterface2(Itf i) {
// Make three interface calls that will do a ClassTableGet to ensure bogus code
// generation of ClassTableGet will crash.
return i.sameInvokeInterface3();
public static Class<?> $noinline$testInvokeVirtual(Main m) {
return m.sameInvokeVirtual();
public static void $noinline$testInlineToSameTarget(Main m) {
if (doThrow) throw new Error("");
public Object field = new Object();
public static void ensureJittedAndPolymorphicInline(String methodName) {
if (!ensureJittedAndPolymorphicInline566(methodName)) {
throw new Error("Didn't find an inlined method in " + methodName);
public static native boolean ensureJittedAndPolymorphicInline566(String methodName);
public void increment() {
field.getClass(); // null check to ensure we get an inlined frame in the CodeInfo
public static int counter = 0;
public static boolean doThrow = false;
class Subclass extends Main {
class OtherSubclass extends Main {
public Class<?> sameInvokeVirtual() {
return OtherSubclass.class;
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface() {
return OtherSubclass.class;
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface2() {
return null;
public Class<?> sameInvokeInterface3() {
return null;