blob: 5839c60d0a5376ec9a982ed689aa5469c8e4c29e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "local_reference_table-inl.h"
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "class_root-inl.h"
#include "common_runtime_test.h"
#include "mirror/class-alloc-inl.h"
#include "mirror/object-inl.h"
#include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h"
namespace art {
namespace jni {
using android::base::StringPrintf;
class LocalReferenceTableTest : public CommonRuntimeTest {
LocalReferenceTableTest() {
use_boot_image_ = true; // Make the Runtime creation cheaper.
static void CheckDump(LocalReferenceTable* lrt, size_t num_objects, size_t num_unique)
void BasicTest(bool check_jni, size_t max_count);
void BasicHolesTest(bool check_jni, size_t max_count);
void BasicResizeTest(bool check_jni, size_t max_count);
void TestAddRemove(bool check_jni, size_t max_count, size_t fill_count = 0u);
void TestAddRemoveMixed(bool start_check_jni);
void LocalReferenceTableTest::CheckDump(
LocalReferenceTable* lrt, size_t num_objects, size_t num_unique) {
std::ostringstream oss;
if (num_objects == 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(oss.str().find("java.lang.Object"), std::string::npos) << oss.str();
} else if (num_objects == 1) {
EXPECT_NE(oss.str().find("1 of java.lang.Object"), std::string::npos) << oss.str();
} else {
EXPECT_NE(oss.str().find(StringPrintf("%zd of java.lang.Object (%zd unique instances)",
num_objects, num_unique)),
<< "\n Expected number of objects: " << num_objects
<< "\n Expected unique objects: " << num_unique << "\n"
<< oss.str();
void LocalReferenceTableTest::BasicTest(bool check_jni, size_t max_count) {
// This will lead to error messages in the log.
ScopedLogSeverity sls(LogSeverity::FATAL);
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
StackHandleScope<5> hs(soa.Self());
Handle<mirror::Class> c = hs.NewHandle(GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>());
ASSERT_TRUE(c != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj0 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj0 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj1 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj1 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj2 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj2 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj3 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj3 != nullptr);
std::string error_msg;
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie = kLRTFirstSegment;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
if (check_jni) {
IndirectRef bad_iref = (IndirectRef) 0x11110;
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie, bad_iref)) << "unexpectedly successful removal";
// Add three, check, remove in the order in which they were added.
IndirectRef iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
IndirectRef iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
IndirectRef iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref2 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
EXPECT_OBJ_PTR_EQ(obj0.Get(), lrt.Get(iref0));
EXPECT_OBJ_PTR_EQ(obj1.Get(), lrt.Get(iref1));
EXPECT_OBJ_PTR_EQ(obj2.Get(), lrt.Get(iref2));
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1));
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref2));
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
// Table should be empty now.
EXPECT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity());
// Check that the entry off the end of the list is not valid.
// (CheckJNI shall abort for such entries.)
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref0, &error_msg));
// Add three, remove in the opposite order.
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref2 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref2));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1));
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
// Table should be empty now.
ASSERT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity());
// Add three, remove middle / middle / bottom / top. (Second attempt
// to remove middle should fail.)
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref2 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
ASSERT_EQ(3U, lrt.Capacity());
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
if (check_jni) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
// Check that the reference to the hole is not valid.
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref1, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref2));
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
// Table should be empty now.
ASSERT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity());
// Add four entries. Remove #1, add new entry, verify that table size
// is still 4 (i.e. holes are getting filled). Remove #1 and #3, verify
// that we delete one and don't hole-compact the other.
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref2 != nullptr);
IndirectRef iref3 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj3.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref3 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 4, 4);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1));
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(4U, lrt.Capacity()) << "hole not filled";
CheckDump(&lrt, 4, 4);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1));
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref3));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
ASSERT_EQ(3U, lrt.Capacity()) << "should be 3 after two deletions";
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref2));
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity()) << "not empty after split remove";
// Add an entry, remove it, add a new entry, and try to use the original
// iref. They have the same slot number but are for different objects.
// With the extended checks in place, this should fail.
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
if (check_jni) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0)) << "mismatched del succeeded";
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1)) << "switched del failed";
ASSERT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity()) << "switching del not empty";
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
// Same as above, but with the same object. A more rigorous checker
// (e.g. with slot serialization) will catch this.
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref1 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
if (iref0 != iref1) {
// Try 0, should not work.
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0)) << "temporal del succeeded";
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref1)) << "temporal cleanup failed";
ASSERT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity()) << "temporal del not empty";
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
// Stale reference is not valid.
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
CheckDump(&lrt, 1, 1);
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0));
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref0, &error_msg)) << "stale lookup succeeded";
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
// Test table resizing.
// These ones fit...
static const size_t kTableInitial = max_count / 2;
IndirectRef manyRefs[kTableInitial];
for (size_t i = 0; i < kTableInitial; i++) {
manyRefs[i] = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(manyRefs[i] != nullptr) << "Failed adding " << i;
CheckDump(&lrt, i + 1, 1);
// ...this one causes overflow.
iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(iref0 != nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(kTableInitial + 1, lrt.Capacity());
CheckDump(&lrt, kTableInitial + 1, 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kTableInitial; i++) {
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, manyRefs[i])) << "failed removing " << i;
CheckDump(&lrt, kTableInitial - i, 1);
// Because of removal order, should have 11 entries, 10 of them holes.
ASSERT_EQ(kTableInitial + 1, lrt.Capacity());
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref0)) << "multi-remove final failed";
ASSERT_EQ(0U, lrt.Capacity()) << "multi-del not empty";
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, BasicTest) {
BasicTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ 20u);
BasicTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, BasicTestCheckJNI) {
BasicTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ 20u);
BasicTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
void LocalReferenceTableTest::BasicHolesTest(bool check_jni, size_t max_count) {
// Test the explicitly named cases from the LRT implementation:
// 1) Segment with holes (current_num_holes_ > 0), push new segment, add/remove reference
// 2) Segment with holes (current_num_holes_ > 0), pop segment, add/remove reference
// 3) Segment with holes (current_num_holes_ > 0), push new segment, pop segment, add/remove
// reference
// 4) Empty segment, push new segment, create a hole, pop a segment, add/remove a reference
// 5) Base segment, push new segment, create a hole, pop a segment, push new segment, add/remove
// reference
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
StackHandleScope<6> hs(soa.Self());
Handle<mirror::Class> c = hs.NewHandle(GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>());
ASSERT_TRUE(c != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj0 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj0 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj1 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj1 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj2 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj2 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj3 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj3 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj4 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj4 != nullptr);
std::string error_msg;
// 1) Segment with holes (current_num_holes_ > 0), push new segment, add/remove reference.
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
IndirectRef iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, iref1));
// New segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref3 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj3.Get(), &error_msg);
// Must not have filled the previous hole.
EXPECT_EQ(lrt.Capacity(), 4u);
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref1, &error_msg));
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
UNUSED(iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3);
// 2) Segment with holes (current_num_holes_ > 0), pop segment, add/remove reference
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
IndirectRef iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
// New segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref3 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj3.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref2));
// Pop segment.
IndirectRef iref4 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj4.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_EQ(lrt.Capacity(), 2u);
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref2, &error_msg));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
UNUSED(iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3, iref4);
// 3) Segment with holes (current_num_holes_ > 0), push new segment, pop segment, add/remove
// reference.
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
IndirectRef iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
// New segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref1));
// New segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref3 = lrt.Add(cookie2, obj3.Get(), &error_msg);
// Pop segment.
IndirectRef iref4 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj4.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_EQ(lrt.Capacity(), 3u);
if (check_jni) {
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref1, &error_msg));
CheckDump(&lrt, 3, 3);
UNUSED(iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3, iref4);
// 4) Empty segment, push new segment, create a hole, pop a segment, add/remove a reference.
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
IndirectRef iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
// New segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref1));
// Emptied segment, push new one.
const LRTSegmentState cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref3 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref4 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj3.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref3));
// Pop segment.
IndirectRef iref5 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj4.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_EQ(lrt.Capacity(), 2u);
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref3, &error_msg));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
UNUSED(iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3, iref4, iref5);
// 5) Base segment, push new segment, create a hole, pop a segment, push new segment, add/remove
// reference
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
IndirectRef iref0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
// New segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref1 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref2 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj1.Get(), &error_msg);
IndirectRef iref3 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj2.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref2));
// Pop segment.
// Push segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookie1_second = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef iref4 = lrt.Add(cookie1, obj3.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_EQ(lrt.Capacity(), 2u);
EXPECT_FALSE(lrt.IsValidReference(iref3, &error_msg));
CheckDump(&lrt, 2, 2);
UNUSED(iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3, iref4);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, BasicHolesTest) {
BasicHolesTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, 20u);
BasicHolesTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicHolesTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, BasicHolesTestCheckJNI) {
BasicHolesTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, 20u);
BasicHolesTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicHolesTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
void LocalReferenceTableTest::BasicResizeTest(bool check_jni, size_t max_count) {
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
StackHandleScope<2> hs(soa.Self());
Handle<mirror::Class> c = hs.NewHandle(GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>());
ASSERT_TRUE(c != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj0 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj0 != nullptr);
std::string error_msg;
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
CheckDump(&lrt, 0, 0);
const LRTSegmentState cookie = kLRTFirstSegment;
for (size_t i = 0; i != max_count + 1; ++i) {
lrt.Add(cookie, obj0.Get(), &error_msg);
EXPECT_EQ(lrt.Capacity(), max_count + 1);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, BasicResizeTest) {
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, 20u);
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ gPageSize / sizeof(LrtEntry));
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, BasicResizeTestCheckJNI) {
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, 20u);
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
BasicResizeTest(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ gPageSize / sizeof(LrtEntry));
void LocalReferenceTableTest::TestAddRemove(bool check_jni, size_t max_count, size_t fill_count) {
// This will lead to error messages in the log.
ScopedLogSeverity sls(LogSeverity::FATAL);
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
StackHandleScope<9> hs(soa.Self());
Handle<mirror::Class> c = hs.NewHandle(GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>());
ASSERT_TRUE(c != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj0 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj0 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj0x = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj0x != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj1 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj1 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj1x = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj1x != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj2 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj2 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj2x = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj2x != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj3 = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj3 != nullptr);
Handle<mirror::Object> obj3x = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(obj3x != nullptr);
std::string error_msg;
LocalReferenceTable lrt(check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(max_count, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
for (size_t i = 0; i != fill_count; ++i) {
IndirectRef iref = lrt.Add(cookie0, c.Get(), &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(iref != nullptr) << error_msg;
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1u, lrt.Capacity());
EXPECT_OBJ_PTR_EQ(c.Get(), lrt.Get(iref));
IndirectRef iref0, iref1, iref2, iref3;
#define ADD_REF(iref, cookie, obj, expected_capacity) \
do { \
(iref) = lrt.Add(cookie, (obj).Get(), &error_msg); \
ASSERT_TRUE((iref) != nullptr) << error_msg; \
ASSERT_EQ(fill_count + (expected_capacity), lrt.Capacity()); \
EXPECT_OBJ_PTR_EQ((obj).Get(), lrt.Get(iref)); \
} while (false)
#define REMOVE_REF(cookie, iref, expected_capacity) \
do { \
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie, iref)); \
ASSERT_EQ(fill_count + (expected_capacity), lrt.Capacity()); \
} while (false)
#define POP_SEGMENT(cookie, expected_capacity) \
do { \
lrt.SetSegmentState(cookie); \
ASSERT_EQ(fill_count + (expected_capacity), lrt.Capacity()); \
} while (false)
const LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
ADD_REF(iref0, cookie1, obj0, 1u);
ADD_REF(iref1, cookie1, obj1, 2u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref1, 1u); // Remove top entry.
if (check_jni) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref1));
ADD_REF(iref1, cookie1, obj1x, 2u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref0, 2u); // Create hole.
IndirectRef obsolete_iref0 = iref0;
if (check_jni) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref0));
ADD_REF(iref0, cookie1, obj0x, 2u); // Reuse hole
if (check_jni) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, obsolete_iref0));
// Test addition to the second segment without a hole in the first segment.
// Also test removal from the wrong segment here.
LRTSegmentState cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Create second segment.
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie2, iref0)); // Cannot remove from inactive segment.
ADD_REF(iref2, cookie2, obj2, 3u);
POP_SEGMENT(cookie2, 2u); // Pop the second segment.
if (check_jni) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, iref2)); // Cannot remove from popped segment.
// Test addition to the second segment with a hole in the first.
// Use one more reference in the first segment to allow hitting the small table
// overflow path either above or here, based on the provided `fill_count`.
ADD_REF(iref2, cookie2, obj2x, 3u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref1, 3u); // Create hole.
cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Create second segment.
ADD_REF(iref3, cookie2, obj3, 4u);
POP_SEGMENT(cookie2, 3u); // Pop the second segment.
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref2, 1u); // Remove top entry, prune previous entry.
ADD_REF(iref1, cookie1, obj1, 2u);
cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Create second segment.
ADD_REF(iref2, cookie2, obj2, 3u);
ADD_REF(iref3, cookie2, obj3, 4u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie2, iref2, 4u); // Create hole in second segment.
POP_SEGMENT(cookie2, 2u); // Pop the second segment with hole.
ADD_REF(iref2, cookie1, obj2x, 3u); // Prune free list, use new entry.
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref2, 2u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref0, 2u); // Create hole.
cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Create second segment.
ADD_REF(iref2, cookie2, obj2, 3u);
ADD_REF(iref3, cookie2, obj3x, 4u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie2, iref2, 4u); // Create hole in second segment.
POP_SEGMENT(cookie2, 2u); // Pop the second segment with hole.
ADD_REF(iref0, cookie1, obj0, 2u); // Prune free list, use remaining entry from free list.
REMOVE_REF(cookie1, iref0, 2u); // Create hole.
cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Create second segment.
ADD_REF(iref2, cookie2, obj2x, 3u);
ADD_REF(iref3, cookie2, obj3, 4u);
REMOVE_REF(cookie2, iref2, 4u); // Create hole in second segment.
REMOVE_REF(cookie2, iref3, 2u); // Remove top entry, prune previous entry, keep hole above.
POP_SEGMENT(cookie2, 2u); // Pop the empty second segment.
ADD_REF(iref0, cookie1, obj0x, 2u); // Reuse hole.
#undef ADD_REF
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, TestAddRemove) {
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ 20u);
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
static_assert(kSmallLrtEntries >= 4u);
for (size_t fill_count = kSmallLrtEntries - 4u; fill_count != kSmallLrtEntries; ++fill_count) {
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ false, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries, fill_count);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, TestAddRemoveCheckJNI) {
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ 20u);
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries);
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ 2u * kSmallLrtEntries);
static_assert(kSmallLrtEntries >= 4u);
for (size_t fill_count = kSmallLrtEntries - 4u; fill_count != kSmallLrtEntries; ++fill_count) {
TestAddRemove(/*check_jni=*/ true, /*max_count=*/ kSmallLrtEntries, fill_count);
void LocalReferenceTableTest::TestAddRemoveMixed(bool start_check_jni) {
// This will lead to error messages in the log.
ScopedLogSeverity sls(LogSeverity::FATAL);
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
static constexpr size_t kMaxUniqueRefs = 16;
StackHandleScope<kMaxUniqueRefs + 1u> hs(soa.Self());
Handle<mirror::Class> c = hs.NewHandle(GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>());
ASSERT_TRUE(c != nullptr);
std::array<Handle<mirror::Object>, kMaxUniqueRefs> objs;
for (size_t i = 0u; i != kMaxUniqueRefs; ++i) {
objs[i] = hs.NewHandle(c->AllocObject(soa.Self()));
ASSERT_TRUE(objs[i] != nullptr);
std::string error_msg;
std::array<IndirectRef, kMaxUniqueRefs> irefs;
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
#define ADD_REF(iref, cookie, obj) \
do { \
(iref) = lrt.Add(cookie, (obj).Get(), &error_msg); \
ASSERT_TRUE((iref) != nullptr) << error_msg; \
EXPECT_OBJ_PTR_EQ((obj).Get(), lrt.Get(iref)); \
} while (false)
for (size_t split = 1u; split < kMaxUniqueRefs - 1u; ++split) {
for (size_t total = split + 1u; total < kMaxUniqueRefs; ++total) {
for (size_t deleted_at_start = 0u; deleted_at_start + 1u < split; ++deleted_at_start) {
LocalReferenceTable lrt(/*check_jni=*/ start_check_jni);
bool success = lrt.Initialize(kSmallLrtEntries, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
for (size_t i = 0; i != split; ++i) {
ADD_REF(irefs[i], cookie0, objs[i]);
ASSERT_EQ(i + 1u, lrt.Capacity());
for (size_t i = 0; i != deleted_at_start; ++i) {
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, irefs[i]));
if (lrt.IsCheckJniEnabled()) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, irefs[i]));
ASSERT_EQ(split, lrt.Capacity());
// Check top index instead of `Capacity()` after changing the CheckJNI setting.
uint32_t split_top_index = lrt.GetSegmentState().top_index;
uint32_t last_top_index = split_top_index;
for (size_t i = split; i != total; ++i) {
ADD_REF(irefs[i], cookie0, objs[i]);
ASSERT_LT(last_top_index, lrt.GetSegmentState().top_index);
last_top_index = lrt.GetSegmentState().top_index;
for (size_t i = split; i != total; ++i) {
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, irefs[i]));
if (lrt.IsCheckJniEnabled()) {
ASSERT_FALSE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, irefs[i]));
if (i + 1u != total) {
ASSERT_LE(last_top_index, lrt.GetSegmentState().top_index);
} else {
ASSERT_GT(last_top_index, lrt.GetSegmentState().top_index);
ASSERT_LE(split_top_index, lrt.GetSegmentState().top_index);
#undef ADD_REF
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, TestAddRemoveMixed) {
TestAddRemoveMixed(/*start_check_jni=*/ false);
TestAddRemoveMixed(/*start_check_jni=*/ true);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, RegressionTestB276210372) {
LocalReferenceTable lrt(/*check_jni=*/ false);
std::string error_msg;
bool success = lrt.Initialize(kSmallLrtEntries, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c = GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>();
// Create the first segment with two references.
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
IndirectRef ref0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(ref0 != nullptr);
IndirectRef ref1 = lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(ref1 != nullptr);
// Create a second segment with a hole, then pop it.
const LRTSegmentState cookieA = lrt.GetSegmentState();
IndirectRef ref2a = lrt.Add(cookieA, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(ref2a != nullptr);
IndirectRef ref3a = lrt.Add(cookieA, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(ref3a != nullptr);
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookieA, ref2a));
// Create a hole in the first segment.
// There was previously a bug that `Remove()` would not prune the popped free entries,
// so the new free entry would point to the hole in the popped segment. The code below
// would then overwrite that hole with a new segment, pop that segment, reuse the good
// free entry and then crash trying to prune the overwritten hole. b/276210372
EXPECT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, ref0));
// Create a second segment again and overwite the old hole, then pop the segment.
const LRTSegmentState cookieB = lrt.GetSegmentState();
ASSERT_EQ(cookieB.top_index, cookieA.top_index);
IndirectRef ref2b = lrt.Add(cookieB, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(ref2b != nullptr);
// Reuse the hole in first segment.
IndirectRef reused0 = lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(reused0 != nullptr);
// Add a new reference.
IndirectRef new_ref = lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(new_ref != nullptr);
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, RegressionTestB276864369) {
LocalReferenceTable lrt(/*check_jni=*/ false);
std::string error_msg;
bool success = lrt.Initialize(kSmallLrtEntries, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c = GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>();
// Add refs to fill all small tables and one bigger table.
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
const size_t refs_per_page = gPageSize / sizeof(LrtEntry);
std::vector<IndirectRef> refs;
for (size_t i = 0; i != 2 * refs_per_page; ++i) {
refs.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs.back() != nullptr);
// We had a bug in `Trim()` where we would try to skip one more table than available
// if the capacity was exactly at the end of table. If the next table was not allocated,
// we would hit a `DCHECK()` in `dchecked_vector<>` in debug mode but in release
// mode we would proceed to use memory outside the allocated chunk. b/276864369
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, Trim) {
LocalReferenceTable lrt(/*check_jni=*/ false);
std::string error_msg;
bool success = lrt.Initialize(kSmallLrtEntries, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c = GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>();
// Add refs to fill all small tables.
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
const size_t refs_per_page = gPageSize / sizeof(LrtEntry);
std::vector<IndirectRef> refs0;
for (size_t i = 0; i != refs_per_page; ++i) {
refs0.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs0.back() != nullptr);
// Nothing to trim.
// Add refs to fill the next, page-sized table.
std::vector<IndirectRef> refs1;
LRTSegmentState cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
for (size_t i = 0; i != refs_per_page; ++i) {
refs1.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie1, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs1.back() != nullptr);
// Nothing to trim.
// Pop one reference and try to trim, there is no page to trim.
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie1, refs1.back()));
IndirectReferenceTable::ClearIndirectRefKind<LrtEntry*>(refs1[refs1.size() - 2u])->IsNull());
// Pop the entire segment with the page-sized table and trim, clearing the page.
for (IndirectRef ref : refs1) {
// Add refs to fill the page-sized table and half of the next one.
cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Push a new segment.
for (size_t i = 0; i != 2 * refs_per_page; ++i) {
refs1.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie1, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs1.back() != nullptr);
// Add refs to fill the other half of the table with two pages.
std::vector<IndirectRef> refs2;
const LRTSegmentState cookie2 = lrt.GetSegmentState();
for (size_t i = 0; i != refs_per_page; ++i) {
refs2.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie2, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs2.back() != nullptr);
// Nothing to trim.
// Pop the last segment with one page worth of references and trim that page.
for (IndirectRef ref : refs2) {
for (IndirectRef ref : refs1) {
// Pop the middle segment with two pages worth of references, and trim those pages.
for (IndirectRef ref : refs1) {
// Pop the first segment with small tables and try to trim. Small tables are never trimmed.
for (IndirectRef ref : refs0) {
// Fill small tables and one more reference, then another segment up to 4 pages.
for (size_t i = 0; i != refs_per_page + 1u; ++i) {
refs0.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs0.back() != nullptr);
cookie1 = lrt.GetSegmentState(); // Push a new segment.
for (size_t i = 0; i != 3u * refs_per_page - 1u; ++i) {
refs1.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie1, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs1.back() != nullptr);
// Nothing to trim.
// Pop the middle segment, trim two pages.
for (IndirectRef ref : refs0) {
ASSERT_EQ(refs0.size(), lrt.Capacity());
for (IndirectRef ref : ArrayRef<IndirectRef>(refs1).SubArray(0u, refs_per_page - 1u)) {
// Popped but not trimmed as these are at the same page as the last entry in `refs0`.
for (IndirectRef ref : ArrayRef<IndirectRef>(refs1).SubArray(refs_per_page - 1u)) {
TEST_F(LocalReferenceTableTest, PruneBeforeTrim) {
LocalReferenceTable lrt(/*check_jni=*/ false);
std::string error_msg;
bool success = lrt.Initialize(kSmallLrtEntries, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(success) << error_msg;
ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c = GetClassRoot<mirror::Object>();
// Add refs to fill all small tables and one bigger table.
const LRTSegmentState cookie0 = kLRTFirstSegment;
const size_t refs_per_page = gPageSize / sizeof(LrtEntry);
std::vector<IndirectRef> refs;
for (size_t i = 0; i != 2 * refs_per_page; ++i) {
refs.push_back(lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg));
ASSERT_TRUE(refs.back() != nullptr);
// Nothing to trim.
// Create a hole in the last page.
IndirectRef removed = refs[refs.size() - 2u];
ASSERT_TRUE(lrt.Remove(cookie0, removed));
// Pop the entire segment and trim. Small tables are not pruned.
for (IndirectRef ref : ArrayRef<IndirectRef>(refs).SubArray(0u, refs_per_page)) {
for (IndirectRef ref : ArrayRef<IndirectRef>(refs).SubArray(refs_per_page)) {
// Add a new reference and check that it reused the first slot rather than the old hole.
IndirectRef new_ref = lrt.Add(cookie0, c, &error_msg);
ASSERT_TRUE(new_ref != nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(new_ref, removed);
ASSERT_EQ(new_ref, refs[0]);
} // namespace jni
} // namespace art