blob: 5aa53ff8fea25f1b4e807cecc23f495afd57c05e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include "base/histogram-inl.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/runtime_debug.h"
#include "base/timing_logger.h"
#include "compilation_kind.h"
#include "handle.h"
#include "offsets.h"
#include "interpreter/mterp/nterp.h"
#include "jit/debugger_interface.h"
#include "jit/profile_saver_options.h"
#include "obj_ptr.h"
#include "thread_pool.h"
namespace art {
class ArtMethod;
class ClassLinker;
class DexFile;
class OatDexFile;
struct RuntimeArgumentMap;
union JValue;
namespace mirror {
class Object;
class Class;
class ClassLoader;
class DexCache;
class String;
} // namespace mirror
namespace jit {
class JitCodeCache;
class JitMemoryRegion;
class JitOptions;
static constexpr int16_t kJitCheckForOSR = -1;
static constexpr int16_t kJitHotnessDisabled = -2;
// At what priority to schedule jit threads. 9 is the lowest foreground priority on device.
// See android/os/
static constexpr int kJitPoolThreadPthreadDefaultPriority = 9;
// We check whether to jit-compile the method every Nth invoke.
// The tests often use threshold of 1000 (and thus 500 to start profiling).
static constexpr uint32_t kJitSamplesBatchSize = 512; // Must be power of 2.
class JitOptions {
static JitOptions* CreateFromRuntimeArguments(const RuntimeArgumentMap& options);
uint16_t GetCompileThreshold() const {
return compile_threshold_;
uint16_t GetWarmupThreshold() const {
return warmup_threshold_;
uint16_t GetOsrThreshold() const {
return osr_threshold_;
uint16_t GetPriorityThreadWeight() const {
return priority_thread_weight_;
uint16_t GetInvokeTransitionWeight() const {
return invoke_transition_weight_;
size_t GetCodeCacheInitialCapacity() const {
return code_cache_initial_capacity_;
size_t GetCodeCacheMaxCapacity() const {
return code_cache_max_capacity_;
bool DumpJitInfoOnShutdown() const {
return dump_info_on_shutdown_;
const ProfileSaverOptions& GetProfileSaverOptions() const {
return profile_saver_options_;
bool GetSaveProfilingInfo() const {
return profile_saver_options_.IsEnabled();
int GetThreadPoolPthreadPriority() const {
return thread_pool_pthread_priority_;
bool UseJitCompilation() const {
return use_jit_compilation_;
bool UseTieredJitCompilation() const {
return use_tiered_jit_compilation_;
void SetUseJitCompilation(bool b) {
use_jit_compilation_ = b;
void SetSaveProfilingInfo(bool save_profiling_info) {
void SetWaitForJitNotificationsToSaveProfile(bool value) {
void SetJitAtFirstUse() {
use_jit_compilation_ = true;
compile_threshold_ = 0;
void SetUseBaselineCompiler() {
use_baseline_compiler_ = true;
bool UseBaselineCompiler() const {
return use_baseline_compiler_;
// We add the sample in batches of size kJitSamplesBatchSize.
// This method rounds the threshold so that it is multiple of the batch size.
static uint32_t RoundUpThreshold(uint32_t threshold);
bool use_jit_compilation_;
bool use_tiered_jit_compilation_;
bool use_baseline_compiler_;
size_t code_cache_initial_capacity_;
size_t code_cache_max_capacity_;
uint32_t compile_threshold_;
uint32_t warmup_threshold_;
uint32_t osr_threshold_;
uint16_t priority_thread_weight_;
uint16_t invoke_transition_weight_;
bool dump_info_on_shutdown_;
int thread_pool_pthread_priority_;
ProfileSaverOptions profile_saver_options_;
: use_jit_compilation_(false),
thread_pool_pthread_priority_(kJitPoolThreadPthreadDefaultPriority) {}
// Implemented and provided by the compiler library.
class JitCompilerInterface {
virtual ~JitCompilerInterface() {}
virtual bool CompileMethod(
Thread* self, JitMemoryRegion* region, ArtMethod* method, CompilationKind compilation_kind)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0;
virtual void TypesLoaded(mirror::Class**, size_t count)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0;
virtual bool GenerateDebugInfo() = 0;
virtual void ParseCompilerOptions() = 0;
virtual std::vector<uint8_t> PackElfFileForJIT(ArrayRef<const JITCodeEntry*> elf_files,
ArrayRef<const void*> removed_symbols,
bool compress,
/*out*/ size_t* num_symbols) = 0;
// Data structure holding information to perform an OSR.
struct OsrData {
// The native PC to jump to.
const uint8_t* native_pc;
// The frame size of the compiled code to jump to.
size_t frame_size;
// The dynamically allocated memory of size `frame_size` to copy to stack.
void* memory[0];
static constexpr MemberOffset NativePcOffset() {
return MemberOffset(OFFSETOF_MEMBER(OsrData, native_pc));
static constexpr MemberOffset FrameSizeOffset() {
return MemberOffset(OFFSETOF_MEMBER(OsrData, frame_size));
static constexpr MemberOffset MemoryOffset() {
return MemberOffset(OFFSETOF_MEMBER(OsrData, memory));
class Jit {
static constexpr size_t kDefaultPriorityThreadWeightRatio = 1000;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultInvokeTransitionWeightRatio = 500;
// How frequently should the interpreter check to see if OSR compilation is ready.
static constexpr int16_t kJitRecheckOSRThreshold = 101; // Prime number to avoid patterns.
virtual ~Jit();
// Create JIT itself.
static Jit* Create(JitCodeCache* code_cache, JitOptions* options);
bool CompileMethod(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self, CompilationKind compilation_kind, bool prejit)
const JitCodeCache* GetCodeCache() const {
return code_cache_;
JitCodeCache* GetCodeCache() {
return code_cache_;
JitCompilerInterface* GetJitCompiler() const {
return jit_compiler_;
void CreateThreadPool();
void DeleteThreadPool();
void WaitForWorkersToBeCreated();
// Dump interesting info: #methods compiled, code vs data size, compile / verify cumulative
// loggers.
void DumpInfo(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!lock_);
// Add a timing logger to cumulative_timings_.
void AddTimingLogger(const TimingLogger& logger);
void AddMemoryUsage(ArtMethod* method, size_t bytes)
uint16_t OSRMethodThreshold() const {
return options_->GetOsrThreshold();
uint16_t HotMethodThreshold() const {
return options_->GetCompileThreshold();
uint16_t WarmMethodThreshold() const {
return options_->GetWarmupThreshold();
uint16_t PriorityThreadWeight() const {
return options_->GetPriorityThreadWeight();
// Return whether we should do JIT compilation. Note this will returns false
// if we only need to save profile information and not compile methods.
bool UseJitCompilation() const {
return options_->UseJitCompilation();
bool GetSaveProfilingInfo() const {
return options_->GetSaveProfilingInfo();
// Wait until there is no more pending compilation tasks.
void WaitForCompilationToFinish(Thread* self);
// Profiling methods.
void MethodEntered(Thread* thread, ArtMethod* method)
ALWAYS_INLINE void AddSamples(Thread* self,
ArtMethod* method,
uint16_t samples,
bool with_backedges)
void NotifyInterpreterToCompiledCodeTransition(Thread* self, ArtMethod* caller)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
if (!IgnoreSamplesForMethod(caller)) {
AddSamples(self, caller, options_->GetInvokeTransitionWeight(), false);
void NotifyCompiledCodeToInterpreterTransition(Thread* self, ArtMethod* callee)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
if (!IgnoreSamplesForMethod(callee)) {
AddSamples(self, callee, options_->GetInvokeTransitionWeight(), false);
// Starts the profile saver if the config options allow profile recording.
// The profile will be stored in the specified `filename` and will contain
// information collected from the given `code_paths` (a set of dex locations).
void StartProfileSaver(const std::string& filename,
const std::vector<std::string>& code_paths);
void StopProfileSaver();
void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!lock_);
static void NewTypeLoadedIfUsingJit(mirror::Class* type)
// If debug info generation is turned on then write the type information for types already loaded
// into the specified class linker to the jit debug interface,
void DumpTypeInfoForLoadedTypes(ClassLinker* linker);
// Return whether we should try to JIT compiled code as soon as an ArtMethod is invoked.
bool JitAtFirstUse();
// Return whether we can invoke JIT code for `method`.
bool CanInvokeCompiledCode(ArtMethod* method);
// Return whether the runtime should use a priority thread weight when sampling.
static bool ShouldUsePriorityThreadWeight(Thread* self);
// Return the information required to do an OSR jump. Return null if the OSR
// cannot be done.
OsrData* PrepareForOsr(ArtMethod* method, uint32_t dex_pc, uint32_t* vregs)
// If an OSR compiled version is available for `method`,
// and `dex_pc + dex_pc_offset` is an entry point of that compiled
// version, this method will jump to the compiled code, let it run,
// and return true afterwards. Return false otherwise.
static bool MaybeDoOnStackReplacement(Thread* thread,
ArtMethod* method,
uint32_t dex_pc,
int32_t dex_pc_offset,
JValue* result)
// Load the compiler library.
static bool LoadCompilerLibrary(std::string* error_msg);
ThreadPool* GetThreadPool() const {
return thread_pool_.get();
// Stop the JIT by waiting for all current compilations and enqueued compilations to finish.
void Stop();
// Start JIT threads.
void Start();
// Transition to a child state.
void PostForkChildAction(bool is_system_server, bool is_zygote);
// Prepare for forking.
void PreZygoteFork();
// Adjust state after forking.
void PostZygoteFork();
// Called when system finishes booting.
void BootCompleted();
// Compile methods from the given profile (.prof extension). If `add_to_queue`
// is true, methods in the profile are added to the JIT queue. Otherwise they are compiled
// directly.
// Return the number of methods added to the queue.
uint32_t CompileMethodsFromProfile(Thread* self,
const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
const std::string& profile_path,
Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
bool add_to_queue);
// Compile methods from the given boot profile (.bprof extension). If `add_to_queue`
// is true, methods in the profile are added to the JIT queue. Otherwise they are compiled
// directly.
// Return the number of methods added to the queue.
uint32_t CompileMethodsFromBootProfile(Thread* self,
const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
const std::string& profile_path,
Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
bool add_to_queue);
// Register the dex files to the JIT. This is to perform any compilation/optimization
// at the point of loading the dex files.
void RegisterDexFiles(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>& dex_files,
jobject class_loader);
// Called by the compiler to know whether it can directly encode the
// method/class/string.
bool CanEncodeMethod(ArtMethod* method, bool is_for_shared_region) const
bool CanEncodeClass(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> cls, bool is_for_shared_region) const
bool CanEncodeString(ObjPtr<mirror::String> string, bool is_for_shared_region) const
bool CanAssumeInitialized(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> cls, bool is_for_shared_region) const
// Map boot image methods after all compilation in zygote has been done.
void MapBootImageMethods() REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Notify to other processes that the zygote is done profile compiling boot
// class path methods.
void NotifyZygoteCompilationDone();
void EnqueueOptimizedCompilation(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self);
void EnqueueCompilationFromNterp(ArtMethod* method, Thread* self)
Jit(JitCodeCache* code_cache, JitOptions* options);
// Whether we should not add hotness counts for the given method.
bool IgnoreSamplesForMethod(ArtMethod* method)
// Compile an individual method listed in a profile. If `add_to_queue` is
// true and the method was resolved, return true. Otherwise return false.
bool CompileMethodFromProfile(Thread* self,
ClassLinker* linker,
uint32_t method_idx,
Handle<mirror::DexCache> dex_cache,
Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader,
bool add_to_queue,
bool compile_after_boot)
// Compile the method if the number of samples passes a threshold.
// Returns false if we can not compile now - don't increment the counter and retry later.
bool MaybeCompileMethod(Thread* self,
ArtMethod* method,
uint32_t old_count,
uint32_t new_count,
bool with_backedges)
static bool BindCompilerMethods(std::string* error_msg);
// JIT compiler
static void* jit_library_handle_;
static JitCompilerInterface* jit_compiler_;
static JitCompilerInterface* (*jit_load_)(void);
template <typename T> static bool LoadSymbol(T*, const char* symbol, std::string* error_msg);
// JIT resources owned by runtime.
jit::JitCodeCache* const code_cache_;
const JitOptions* const options_;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> thread_pool_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OatDexFile>> type_lookup_tables_;
Mutex boot_completed_lock_;
bool boot_completed_ GUARDED_BY(boot_completed_lock_) = false;
std::deque<Task*> tasks_after_boot_ GUARDED_BY(boot_completed_lock_);
// Performance monitoring.
CumulativeLogger cumulative_timings_;
Histogram<uint64_t> memory_use_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
// In the JIT zygote configuration, after all compilation is done, the zygote
// will copy its contents of the boot image to the zygote_mapping_methods_,
// which will be picked up by processes that will map the memory
// in-place within the boot image mapping.
// zygote_mapping_methods_ is shared memory only usable by the zygote and not
// inherited by child processes. We create it eagerly to ensure other
// processes cannot seal writable the file.
MemMap zygote_mapping_methods_;
// The file descriptor created through memfd_create pointing to memory holding
// boot image methods. Created by the zygote, and inherited by child
// processes. The descriptor will be closed in each process (including the
// zygote) once they don't need it.
android::base::unique_fd fd_methods_;
// The size of the memory pointed by `fd_methods_`. Cached here to avoid
// recomputing it.
size_t fd_methods_size_;
// Helper class to stop the JIT for a given scope. This will wait for the JIT to quiesce.
class ScopedJitSuspend {
bool was_on_;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace art