blob: 09a7ce402b60d6c7f2108ce37161a195ccb83c80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/locks.h"
#include "base/mem_map.h"
#include "runtime_globals.h"
namespace art {
namespace mirror {
class Class;
class Object;
} // namespace mirror
namespace gc {
namespace accounting {
template<size_t kAlignment>
class SpaceBitmap {
using ScanCallback = void(mirror::Object* obj, void* finger, void* arg);
using SweepCallback = void(size_t ptr_count, mirror::Object** ptrs, void* arg);
// Initialize a space bitmap so that it points to a bitmap large enough to cover a heap at
// heap_begin of heap_capacity bytes, where objects are guaranteed to be kAlignment-aligned.
static SpaceBitmap Create(const std::string& name, uint8_t* heap_begin, size_t heap_capacity);
// Initialize a space bitmap using the provided mem_map as the live bits. Takes ownership of the
// mem map. The address range covered starts at heap_begin and is of size equal to heap_capacity.
// Objects are kAlignement-aligned.
static SpaceBitmap CreateFromMemMap(const std::string& name,
MemMap&& mem_map,
uint8_t* heap_begin,
size_t heap_capacity);
// Return the bitmap word index corresponding to memory offset (relative to
// `HeapBegin()`) `offset`.
// See also SpaceBitmap::OffsetBitIndex.
// <offset> is the difference from .base to a pointer address.
// <index> is the index of .bits that contains the bit representing
// <offset>.
static constexpr size_t OffsetToIndex(size_t offset) {
return offset / kAlignment / kBitsPerIntPtrT;
// Return the memory offset (relative to `HeapBegin()`) corresponding to
// bitmap word index `index`.
template<typename T>
static constexpr T IndexToOffset(T index) {
return static_cast<T>(index * kAlignment * kBitsPerIntPtrT);
// Return the bit within the bitmap word index corresponding to
// memory offset (relative to `HeapBegin()`) `offset`.
// See also SpaceBitmap::OffsetToIndex.
ALWAYS_INLINE static constexpr uintptr_t OffsetBitIndex(uintptr_t offset) {
return (offset / kAlignment) % kBitsPerIntPtrT;
// Return the word-wide bit mask corresponding to `OffsetBitIndex(offset)`.
// Bits are packed in the obvious way.
static constexpr uintptr_t OffsetToMask(uintptr_t offset) {
return static_cast<size_t>(1) << OffsetBitIndex(offset);
// Set the bit corresponding to `obj` in the bitmap and return the previous value of that bit.
bool Set(const mirror::Object* obj) ALWAYS_INLINE {
return Modify<true>(obj);
// Clear the bit corresponding to `obj` in the bitmap and return the previous value of that bit.
bool Clear(const mirror::Object* obj) ALWAYS_INLINE {
return Modify<false>(obj);
// Returns true if the object was previously marked.
bool AtomicTestAndSet(const mirror::Object* obj);
// Fill the bitmap with zeroes. Returns the bitmap's memory to the system as a side-effect.
void Clear();
// Clear a range covered by the bitmap using madvise if possible.
void ClearRange(const mirror::Object* begin, const mirror::Object* end);
// Test whether `obj` is part of the bitmap (i.e. return whether the bit
// corresponding to `obj` has been set in the bitmap).
// Precondition: `obj` is within the range of pointers that this bitmap could
// potentially cover (i.e. `this->HasAddress(obj)` is true)
bool Test(const mirror::Object* obj) const;
// Return true iff <obj> is within the range of pointers that this bitmap could potentially cover,
// even if a bit has not been set for it.
bool HasAddress(const void* obj) const {
// If obj < heap_begin_ then offset underflows to some very large value past the end of the
// bitmap.
const uintptr_t offset = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(obj) - heap_begin_;
const size_t index = OffsetToIndex(offset);
return index < bitmap_size_ / sizeof(intptr_t);
template <typename Visitor>
void VisitRange(uintptr_t visit_begin, uintptr_t visit_end, const Visitor& visitor) const {
for (; visit_begin < visit_end; visit_begin += kAlignment) {
// Find first object while scanning bitmap backwards from visit_begin -> visit_end.
// Covers [visit_end, visit_begin] range.
mirror::Object* FindPrecedingObject(uintptr_t visit_begin, uintptr_t visit_end = 0) const;
// Visit the live objects in the range [visit_begin, visit_end). If kVisitOnce
// is true, then only the first live object will be visited.
// TODO: Use lock annotations when clang is fixed.
// REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
template <bool kVisitOnce = false, typename Visitor>
void VisitMarkedRange(uintptr_t visit_begin, uintptr_t visit_end, Visitor&& visitor) const
// Visit all of the set bits in HeapBegin(), HeapLimit().
template <typename Visitor>
void VisitAllMarked(Visitor&& visitor) const {
VisitMarkedRange(HeapBegin(), HeapLimit(), visitor);
// Visits set bits in address order. The callback is not permitted to change the bitmap bits or
// max during the traversal.
template <typename Visitor>
void Walk(Visitor&& visitor)
REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
// Walk through the bitmaps in increasing address order, and find the object pointers that
// correspond to garbage objects. Call <callback> zero or more times with lists of these object
// pointers. The callback is not permitted to increase the max of either bitmap.
static void SweepWalk(const SpaceBitmap& live, const SpaceBitmap& mark, uintptr_t base,
uintptr_t max, SweepCallback* thunk, void* arg);
void CopyFrom(SpaceBitmap* source_bitmap);
// Starting address of our internal storage.
Atomic<uintptr_t>* Begin() {
return bitmap_begin_;
// Size of our internal storage
size_t Size() const {
return bitmap_size_;
// Size in bytes of the memory that the bitmaps spans.
uint64_t HeapSize() const {
return IndexToOffset<uint64_t>(Size() / sizeof(intptr_t));
void SetHeapSize(size_t bytes) {
// TODO: Un-map the end of the mem map.
heap_limit_ = heap_begin_ + bytes;
bitmap_size_ = OffsetToIndex(bytes) * sizeof(intptr_t);
CHECK_EQ(HeapSize(), bytes);
uintptr_t HeapBegin() const {
return heap_begin_;
// The maximum address which the bitmap can span. (HeapBegin() <= object < HeapLimit()).
uint64_t HeapLimit() const {
return heap_limit_;
// Set the max address which can covered by the bitmap.
void SetHeapLimit(uintptr_t new_end);
std::string GetName() const {
return name_;
void SetName(const std::string& name) {
name_ = name;
std::string Dump() const;
// Helper function for computing bitmap size based on a 64 bit capacity.
static size_t ComputeBitmapSize(uint64_t capacity);
static size_t ComputeHeapSize(uint64_t bitmap_bytes);
// TODO: heap_end_ is initialized so that the heap bitmap is empty, this doesn't require the -1,
// however, we document that this is expected on heap_end_
SpaceBitmap() = default;
SpaceBitmap(SpaceBitmap&&) noexcept = default;
SpaceBitmap& operator=(SpaceBitmap&&) noexcept = default;
bool IsValid() const {
return bitmap_begin_ != nullptr;
// Copy a view of the other bitmap without taking ownership of the underlying data.
void CopyView(SpaceBitmap& other) {
bitmap_begin_ = other.bitmap_begin_;
bitmap_size_ = other.bitmap_size_;
heap_begin_ = other.heap_begin_;
heap_limit_ = other.heap_limit_;
name_ = other.name_;
// TODO: heap_end_ is initialized so that the heap bitmap is empty, this doesn't require the -1,
// however, we document that this is expected on heap_end_
SpaceBitmap(const std::string& name,
MemMap&& mem_map,
uintptr_t* bitmap_begin,
size_t bitmap_size,
const void* heap_begin,
size_t heap_capacity);
// Change the value of the bit corresponding to `obj` in the bitmap
// to `kSetBit` and return the previous value of that bit.
template<bool kSetBit>
bool Modify(const mirror::Object* obj);
// Backing storage for bitmap.
MemMap mem_map_;
// This bitmap itself, word sized for efficiency in scanning.
Atomic<uintptr_t>* bitmap_begin_ = nullptr;
// Size of this bitmap.
size_t bitmap_size_ = 0u;
// The start address of the memory covered by the bitmap, which corresponds to the word
// containing the first bit in the bitmap.
uintptr_t heap_begin_ = 0u;
// The end address of the memory covered by the bitmap. This may not be on a word boundary.
uintptr_t heap_limit_ = 0u;
// Name of this bitmap.
std::string name_;
using ContinuousSpaceBitmap = SpaceBitmap<kObjectAlignment>;
using LargeObjectBitmap = SpaceBitmap<kLargeObjectAlignment>;
template<size_t kAlignment>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& stream, const SpaceBitmap<kAlignment>& bitmap);
} // namespace accounting
} // namespace gc
} // namespace art