blob: 1a922fde657a7b8e6d267544a6b9645cbdfb1f7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Additional visibility to add to the prebuilt modules that are part of
// the snapshots of the ART sdk/module_exports to ensure that they are
// visible to each other.
prebuilt_visibility = [
// TODO(b/155921753): Restrict this when prebuilts are in their proper
// locations.
// The SDK for the art module apex.
sdk {
name: "art-module-sdk",
host_supported: true,
prebuilt_visibility: prebuilt_visibility,
target: {
// Both android and host linux but not windows or darwin.
linux: {
native_header_libs: [
native_shared_libs: [
native_libs: [
// TODO(b/142944043): Convert to APEX stubs and export as a shared lib, once linker support is in place.
native_static_libs: [
android: {
java_header_libs: [
// Needed by any module that builds against any non-numeric
// sdk_version other than "none".
// This is actually only used for compiling Java 8 and kotlin.
// Java 9 uses system modules which encapsulates this
// internally.
// Needed by any module that builds against any non-numeric
// sdk_version other than "none" or "core_platform".
// This is actually only used for compiling Java 8 and kotlin.
// Java 9 uses system modules which encapsulates this
// internally.
// Needed by any module that builds against an sdk_version of
// "core_platform".
// This is actually only used for compiling Java 8 and kotlin.
// Java 9 uses system modules which encapsulates this
// internally.
java_sdk_libs: [
java_system_modules: [
native_header_libs: [
native_shared_libs: [
native_static_libs: [
darwin: {
enabled: false,
// Exported host tools and libraries.
module_exports {
name: "art-module-host-exports",
host_supported: true,
// TODO(b/173186484) - remove once art-notices-for-framework-stubs-jar has been removed.
device_supported: true,
prebuilt_visibility: prebuilt_visibility,
target: {
android: {
java_libs: [
// TODO(b/173186484) - embed notices in stubs and remove this.
// Needed for android_stubs_current et al.
host: {
// Set in because the top level compile_multilib
// property is fixed to "both" in the sdk/module_exports
// implementation and cannot be overridden any other way.
compile_multilib: "64",
java_libs: [
// Needed for grpc-grpc-java
native_binaries: [
darwin: {
enabled: false,
// Exported tests and supporting libraries
module_exports {
name: "art-module-test-exports",
host_supported: true,
prebuilt_visibility: prebuilt_visibility,
target: {
android: {
java_libs: [
// Needed for CtsJvmtiDeviceRunTestAppBase.
// Needed for robolectric.
// Needed for CtsLibcore...TestCases
// Needed for CtsLibcoreOkHttpTestCases
java_tests: [
// Needed for CtsJdwpTestCases.
// Needed for CtsLibcoreOjTestCases
// Needed for CtsLibcoreJsr166TestCases
// Needed for CtsLibcoreTestCases
native_shared_libs: [
darwin: {
enabled: false,