blob: 4b56dc2a16fbd1f06ab72219ccb707c183f32ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "nativeloader"
#include "public_libraries.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <android-base/result.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#include <android/sysprop/VndkProperties.sysprop.h>
#include "utils.h"
namespace android::nativeloader {
using android::base::ErrnoError;
using android::base::Result;
using internal::ConfigEntry;
using internal::ParseConfig;
using internal::ParseJniConfig;
using std::literals::string_literals::operator""s;
namespace {
constexpr const char* kDefaultPublicLibrariesFile = "/etc/public.libraries.txt";
constexpr const char* kExtendedPublicLibrariesFilePrefix = "public.libraries-";
constexpr const char* kExtendedPublicLibrariesFileSuffix = ".txt";
constexpr const char* kJniConfigFile = "/linkerconfig/jni.config.txt";
constexpr const char* kVendorPublicLibrariesFile = "/vendor/etc/public.libraries.txt";
constexpr const char* kLlndkLibrariesFile = "/apex/{}/etc/llndk.libraries.{}.txt";
constexpr const char* kVndkLibrariesFile = "/apex/{}/etc/vndksp.libraries.{}.txt";
const std::vector<const std::string> kArtApexPublicLibraries = {
constexpr const char* kArtApexLibPath = "/apex/" LIB;
constexpr const char* kNeuralNetworksApexPublicLibrary = "";
constexpr const char* kStatsdApexPublicLibrary = "";
// TODO(b/130388701): do we need this?
std::string root_dir() {
static const char* android_root_env = getenv("ANDROID_ROOT");
return android_root_env != nullptr ? android_root_env : "/system";
bool debuggable() {
static bool debuggable = android::base::GetBoolProperty("ro.debuggable", false);
return debuggable;
std::string vndk_version_str(bool use_product_vndk) {
if (use_product_vndk) {
static std::string product_vndk_version = get_vndk_version(true);
return product_vndk_version;
} else {
static std::string vendor_vndk_version = get_vndk_version(false);
return vendor_vndk_version;
// For debuggable platform builds use ANDROID_ADDITIONAL_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES environment
// variable to add libraries to the list. This is intended for platform tests only.
std::string additional_public_libraries() {
if (debuggable()) {
const char* val = getenv("ANDROID_ADDITIONAL_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES");
return val ? val : "";
return "";
// insert vndk version in every {} placeholder
void InsertVndkVersionStr(std::string* file_name, bool use_product_vndk) {
CHECK(file_name != nullptr);
auto version = vndk_version_str(use_product_vndk);
size_t pos = file_name->find("{}");
while (pos != std::string::npos) {
file_name->replace(pos, 2, version);
pos = file_name->find("{}", pos + version.size());
const std::function<Result<bool>(const struct ConfigEntry&)> always_true =
[](const struct ConfigEntry&) -> Result<bool> { return true; };
Result<std::vector<std::string>> ReadConfig(
const std::string& configFile,
const std::function<Result<bool>(const ConfigEntry& /* entry */)>& filter_fn) {
std::string file_content;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(configFile, &file_content)) {
return ErrnoError();
Result<std::vector<std::string>> result = ParseConfig(file_content, filter_fn);
if (!result.ok()) {
return Errorf("Cannot parse {}: {}", configFile, result.error().message());
return result;
void ReadExtensionLibraries(const char* dirname, std::vector<std::string>* sonames) {
std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> dir(opendir(dirname), closedir);
if (dir != nullptr) {
// Failing to opening the dir is not an error, which can happen in
// webview_zygote.
while (struct dirent* ent = readdir(dir.get())) {
if (ent->d_type != DT_REG && ent->d_type != DT_LNK) {
const std::string filename(ent->d_name);
std::string_view fn = filename;
if (android::base::ConsumePrefix(&fn, kExtendedPublicLibrariesFilePrefix) &&
android::base::ConsumeSuffix(&fn, kExtendedPublicLibrariesFileSuffix)) {
const std::string company_name(fn);
const std::string config_file_path = dirname + "/"s + filename;
"Error extracting company name from public native library list file path \"%s\"",
auto ret = ReadConfig(
config_file_path, [&company_name](const struct ConfigEntry& entry) -> Result<bool> {
if (android::base::StartsWith(entry.soname, "lib") &&
android::base::EndsWith(entry.soname, "." + company_name + ".so")) {
return true;
} else {
return Errorf("Library name \"{}\" does not end with the company name {}.",
entry.soname, company_name);
if (ret.ok()) {
sonames->insert(sonames->end(), ret->begin(), ret->end());
} else {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Error reading public native library list from \"%s\": %s",
config_file_path.c_str(), ret.error().message().c_str());
static std::string InitDefaultPublicLibraries(bool for_preload) {
std::string config_file = root_dir() + kDefaultPublicLibrariesFile;
auto sonames =
ReadConfig(config_file, [&for_preload](const struct ConfigEntry& entry) -> Result<bool> {
if (for_preload) {
return !entry.nopreload;
} else {
return true;
if (!sonames.ok()) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Error reading public native library list from \"%s\": %s",
config_file.c_str(), sonames.error().message().c_str());
return "";
std::string additional_libs = additional_public_libraries();
if (!additional_libs.empty()) {
auto vec = base::Split(additional_libs, ":");
std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::back_inserter(*sonames));
// If this is for preloading libs, don't remove the libs from APEXes.
if (for_preload) {
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
// Remove the public libs in the art namespace.
// These libs are listed in, but we don't want the rest of android
// in default namespace to dlopen the libs.
// For example, is exposed to classloader namespace from art namespace.
// Unfortunately, it does not have stable C symbols, and default namespace should only use
// stable symbols in http://b/120786417
for (const std::string& lib_name : kArtApexPublicLibraries) {
std::string path(kArtApexLibPath);
struct stat s;
// Do nothing if the path in /apex does not exist.
// Runtime APEX must be mounted since libnativeloader is in the same APEX
if (stat(path.c_str(), &s) != 0) {
auto it = std::find(sonames->begin(), sonames->end(), lib_name);
if (it != sonames->end()) {
// Remove the public libs in the nnapi namespace.
auto it = std::find(sonames->begin(), sonames->end(), kNeuralNetworksApexPublicLibrary);
if (it != sonames->end()) {
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
static std::string InitArtPublicLibraries() {
CHECK_GT((int)kArtApexPublicLibraries.size(), 0);
std::string list = android::base::Join(kArtApexPublicLibraries, ":");
std::string additional_libs = additional_public_libraries();
if (!additional_libs.empty()) {
list = list + ':' + additional_libs;
return list;
static std::string InitVendorPublicLibraries() {
// This file is optional, quietly ignore if the file does not exist.
auto sonames = ReadConfig(kVendorPublicLibrariesFile, always_true);
if (!sonames.ok()) {
return "";
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
// read /system/etc/public.libraries-<companyname>.txt,
// /system_ext/etc/public.libraries-<companyname>.txt and
// /product/etc/public.libraries-<companyname>.txt which contain partner defined
// system libs that are exposed to apps. The libs in the txt files must be
// named as lib<name>.<companyname>.so.
static std::string InitExtendedPublicLibraries() {
std::vector<std::string> sonames;
ReadExtensionLibraries("/system/etc", &sonames);
ReadExtensionLibraries("/system_ext/etc", &sonames);
ReadExtensionLibraries("/product/etc", &sonames);
return android::base::Join(sonames, ':');
static std::string InitLlndkLibrariesVendor() {
std::string config_file = kLlndkLibrariesFile;
InsertVndkVersionStr(&config_file, false);
auto sonames = ReadConfig(config_file, always_true);
if (!sonames.ok()) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: %s", config_file.c_str(), sonames.error().message().c_str());
return "";
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
static std::string InitLlndkLibrariesProduct() {
if (!is_product_vndk_version_defined()) {
return "";
std::string config_file = kLlndkLibrariesFile;
InsertVndkVersionStr(&config_file, true);
auto sonames = ReadConfig(config_file, always_true);
if (!sonames.ok()) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: %s", config_file.c_str(), sonames.error().message().c_str());
return "";
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
static std::string InitVndkspLibrariesVendor() {
std::string config_file = kVndkLibrariesFile;
InsertVndkVersionStr(&config_file, false);
auto sonames = ReadConfig(config_file, always_true);
if (!sonames.ok()) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s", sonames.error().message().c_str());
return "";
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
static std::string InitVndkspLibrariesProduct() {
if (!is_product_vndk_version_defined()) {
return "";
std::string config_file = kVndkLibrariesFile;
InsertVndkVersionStr(&config_file, true);
auto sonames = ReadConfig(config_file, always_true);
if (!sonames.ok()) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s", sonames.error().message().c_str());
return "";
return android::base::Join(*sonames, ':');
static std::string InitNeuralNetworksPublicLibraries() {
return kNeuralNetworksApexPublicLibrary;
static std::string InitStatsdPublicLibraries() {
return kStatsdApexPublicLibrary;
static std::map<std::string, std::string> InitApexJniLibraries() {
std::string file_content;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(kJniConfigFile, &file_content)) {
// jni config is optional
return {};
auto config = ParseJniConfig(file_content);
if (!config.ok()) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s: %s", kJniConfigFile, config.error().message().c_str());
// not reach here
return {};
return *config;
} // namespace
const std::string& preloadable_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitDefaultPublicLibraries(/*for_preload*/ true);
return list;
const std::string& default_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitDefaultPublicLibraries(/*for_preload*/ false);
return list;
const std::string& art_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitArtPublicLibraries();
return list;
const std::string& vendor_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitVendorPublicLibraries();
return list;
const std::string& extended_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitExtendedPublicLibraries();
return list;
const std::string& neuralnetworks_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitNeuralNetworksPublicLibraries();
return list;
const std::string& statsd_public_libraries() {
static std::string list = InitStatsdPublicLibraries();
return list;
const std::string& llndk_libraries_product() {
static std::string list = InitLlndkLibrariesProduct();
return list;
const std::string& llndk_libraries_vendor() {
static std::string list = InitLlndkLibrariesVendor();
return list;
const std::string& vndksp_libraries_product() {
static std::string list = InitVndkspLibrariesProduct();
return list;
const std::string& vndksp_libraries_vendor() {
static std::string list = InitVndkspLibrariesVendor();
return list;
const std::string& apex_jni_libraries(const std::string& apex_ns_name) {
static std::map<std::string, std::string> jni_libraries = InitApexJniLibraries();
return jni_libraries[apex_ns_name];
bool is_product_vndk_version_defined() {
return android::sysprop::VndkProperties::product_vndk_version().has_value();
return false;
std::string get_vndk_version(bool is_product_vndk) {
if (is_product_vndk) {
return android::sysprop::VndkProperties::product_vndk_version().value_or("");
return android::sysprop::VndkProperties::vendor_vndk_version().value_or("");
if (is_product_vndk) {
return android::base::GetProperty("ro.product.vndk.version", "");
return android::base::GetProperty("ro.vndk.version", "");
namespace internal {
// Exported for testing
Result<std::vector<std::string>> ParseConfig(
const std::string& file_content,
const std::function<Result<bool>(const ConfigEntry& /* entry */)>& filter_fn) {
std::vector<std::string> lines = base::Split(file_content, "\n");
std::vector<std::string> sonames;
for (auto& line : lines) {
auto trimmed_line = base::Trim(line);
if (trimmed_line[0] == '#' || trimmed_line.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = android::base::Split(trimmed_line, " ");
if (tokens.size() < 1 || tokens.size() > 3) {
return Errorf("Malformed line \"{}\"", line);
struct ConfigEntry entry = {.soname = "", .nopreload = false, .bitness = ALL};
size_t i = tokens.size();
while (i-- > 0) {
if (tokens[i] == "nopreload") {
entry.nopreload = true;
} else if (tokens[i] == "32" || tokens[i] == "64") {
if (entry.bitness != ALL) {
return Errorf("Malformed line \"{}\": bitness can be specified only once", line);
entry.bitness = tokens[i] == "32" ? ONLY_32 : ONLY_64;
} else {
if (i != 0) {
return Errorf("Malformed line \"{}\"", line);
entry.soname = tokens[i];
// skip 32-bit lib on 64-bit process and vice versa
#if defined(__LP64__)
if (entry.bitness == ONLY_32) continue;
if (entry.bitness == ONLY_64) continue;
Result<bool> ret = filter_fn(entry);
if (!ret.ok()) {
return ret.error();
if (*ret) {
// filter_fn has returned true.
return sonames;
Result<std::map<std::string, std::string>> ParseJniConfig(const std::string& file_content) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> entries;
std::vector<std::string> lines = base::Split(file_content, "\n");
for (auto& line : lines) {
auto trimmed_line = base::Trim(line);
if (trimmed_line[0] == '#' || trimmed_line.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> tokens = base::Split(trimmed_line, " ");
if (tokens.size() < 2) {
return Errorf( "Malformed line \"{}\"", line);
entries[tokens[0]] = tokens[1];
return entries;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace android::nativeloader