blob: 6bc30218bf15d639a6c51855ec393215c1f91ddb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "object.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "class_linker.h"
#include "class_loader.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "heap.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "dex_cache.h"
#include "dex_file.h"
#include "runtime.h"
namespace art {
Array* Array::Alloc(Class* array_class, int32_t component_count, size_t component_size) {
DCHECK_GE(component_count, 0);
size_t size = SizeOf(component_count, component_size);
Array* array = down_cast<Array*>(Heap::AllocObject(array_class, size));
if (array != NULL) {
return array;
Array* Array::Alloc(Class* array_class, int32_t component_count) {
return Alloc(array_class, component_count, array_class->GetComponentSize());
Array* Array::AllocFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method, int32_t component_count) {
// TODO: throw on negative component_count
Class* klass = method->dex_cache_resolved_types_->Get(type_idx);
if (klass == NULL) {
klass = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveType(type_idx, method);
if (klass == NULL || !klass->IsArrayClass()) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
return NULL;
return Array::Alloc(klass, component_count);
Object* Class::AllocObjectFromCode(uint32_t type_idx, Method* method) {
Class* klass = method->dex_cache_resolved_types_->Get(type_idx);
if (klass == NULL) {
klass = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveType(type_idx, method);
if (klass == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
return NULL;
return klass->AllocObject();
Object* Class::AllocObject() {
return Heap::AllocObject(this, this->object_size_);
bool Class::CanPutArrayElementNoThrow(const Class* elementClass, const Class* arrayClass) {
return false;
bool Class::Implements(const Class* klass) const {
DCHECK(klass != NULL);
// All interfaces implemented directly and by our superclass, and
// recursively all super-interfaces of those interfaces, are listed
// in iftable_, so we can just do a linear scan through that.
for (size_t i = 0; i < iftable_count_; i++) {
if (iftable_[i].GetInterface() == klass) {
return true;
return false;
// Determine whether "this" is assignable from "klazz", where both of these
// are array classes.
// Consider an array class, e.g. Y[][], where Y is a subclass of X.
// Y[][] = Y[][] --> true (identity)
// X[][] = Y[][] --> true (element superclass)
// Y = Y[][] --> false
// Y[] = Y[][] --> false
// Object = Y[][] --> true (everything is an object)
// Object[] = Y[][] --> true
// Object[][] = Y[][] --> true
// Object[][][] = Y[][] --> false (too many []s)
// Serializable = Y[][] --> true (all arrays are Serializable)
// Serializable[] = Y[][] --> true
// Serializable[][] = Y[][] --> false (unless Y is Serializable)
// Don't forget about primitive types.
// int[] instanceof Object[] --> false
bool Class::IsArrayAssignableFromArray(const Class* klass) const {
DCHECK_GT(array_rank_, 0);
DCHECK_GT(klass->array_rank_, 0);
DCHECK(component_type_ != NULL);
DCHECK(klass->component_type_ != NULL);
if (array_rank_ > klass->array_rank_) {
// Too many []s.
return false;
if (array_rank_ == klass->array_rank_) {
return component_type_->IsAssignableFrom(klass->component_type_);
DCHECK_LT(array_rank_, klass->array_rank_);
// The thing we might be assignable from has more dimensions. We
// must be an Object or array of Object, or a standard array
// interface or array of standard array interfaces (the standard
// interfaces being java/lang/Cloneable and java/io/Serializable).
if (component_type_->IsInterface()) {
// See if we implement our component type. We know the
// base element is an interface; if the array class implements
// it, we know it's a standard array interface.
return Implements(component_type_);
// See if this is an array of Object, Object[], etc. We know
// that the superclass of an array is always Object, so we
// just compare the element type to that.
Class* java_lang_Object = GetSuperClass();
DCHECK(java_lang_Object != NULL);
DCHECK(java_lang_Object->GetSuperClass() == NULL);
return (component_type_ == java_lang_Object);
bool Class::IsAssignableFromArray(const Class* klass) const {
DCHECK(!IsInterface()); // handled first in IsAssignableFrom
if (!IsArrayClass()) {
// If "this" is not also an array, it must be Object.
// klass's super should be java_lang_Object, since it is an array.
Class* java_lang_Object = klass->GetSuperClass();
DCHECK(java_lang_Object != NULL);
DCHECK(java_lang_Object->GetSuperClass() == NULL);
return this == java_lang_Object;
return IsArrayAssignableFromArray(klass);
bool Class::IsSubClass(const Class* klass) const {
const Class* current = this;
do {
if (current == klass) {
return true;
current = current->GetSuperClass();
} while (current != NULL);
return false;
bool Class::IsInSamePackage(const String* descriptor_string_1,
const String* descriptor_string_2) {
const std::string descriptor1(descriptor_string_1->ToModifiedUtf8());
const std::string descriptor2(descriptor_string_2->ToModifiedUtf8());
size_t i = 0;
while (descriptor1[i] != '\0' && descriptor1[i] == descriptor2[i]) {
if (descriptor1.find('/', i) != StringPiece::npos ||
descriptor2.find('/', i) != StringPiece::npos) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
#if 0
bool Class::IsInSamePackage(const StringPiece& descriptor1,
const StringPiece& descriptor2) {
size_t size = std::min(descriptor1.size(), descriptor2.size());
std::pair<StringPiece::const_iterator, StringPiece::const_iterator> pos;
pos = std::mismatch(descriptor1.begin(), descriptor1.begin() + size,
return !(*(pos.second).rfind('/') != npos && descriptor2.rfind('/') != npos);
bool Class::IsInSamePackage(const Class* that) const {
const Class* klass1 = this;
const Class* klass2 = that;
if (klass1 == klass2) {
return true;
// Class loaders must match.
if (klass1->GetClassLoader() != klass2->GetClassLoader()) {
return false;
// Arrays are in the same package when their element classes are.
if (klass1->IsArrayClass()) {
klass1 = klass1->GetComponentType();
if (klass2->IsArrayClass()) {
klass2 = klass2->GetComponentType();
// Compare the package part of the descriptor string.
return IsInSamePackage(klass1->descriptor_, klass2->descriptor_);
uint32_t Field::Get32StaticFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer) {
Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer);
if (field == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
return 0;
return field->Get32(NULL);
void Field::Set32StaticFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, uint32_t new_value) {
Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer);
if (field == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
field->Set32(NULL, new_value);
uint64_t Field::Get64StaticFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer) {
Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer);
if (field == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
return 0;
return field->Get64(NULL);
void Field::Set64StaticFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, uint64_t new_value) {
Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer);
if (field == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
field->Set64(NULL, new_value);
Object* Field::GetObjStaticFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer) {
Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer);
if (field == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
return 0;
return field->GetObj(NULL);
void Field::SetObjStaticFromCode(uint32_t field_idx, const Method* referrer, Object* new_value) {
Field* field = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->ResolveField(field_idx, referrer);
if (field == NULL) {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "throw an error";
field->SetObj(NULL, new_value);
uint32_t Field::Get32(const Object* object) const {
CHECK((object == NULL) == IsStatic());
if (IsStatic()) {
object = declaring_class_;
// TODO: volatile
return object->GetField32(GetOffset());
void Field::Set32(Object* object, uint32_t new_value) const {
CHECK((object == NULL) == IsStatic());
if (IsStatic()) {
object = declaring_class_;
// TODO: volatile
object->SetField32(GetOffset(), new_value);
uint64_t Field::Get64(const Object* object) const {
CHECK((object == NULL) == IsStatic());
if (IsStatic()) {
object = declaring_class_;
// TODO: volatile
return object->GetField64(GetOffset());
void Field::Set64(Object* object, uint64_t new_value) const {
CHECK((object == NULL) == IsStatic());
if (IsStatic()) {
object = declaring_class_;
// TODO: volatile
object->SetField64(GetOffset(), new_value);
Object* Field::GetObj(const Object* object) const {
CHECK((object == NULL) == IsStatic());
if (IsStatic()) {
object = declaring_class_;
// TODO: volatile
return object->GetFieldObject(GetOffset());
void Field::SetObj(Object* object, Object* new_value) const {
CHECK((object == NULL) == IsStatic());
if (IsStatic()) {
object = declaring_class_;
// TODO: volatile
object->SetFieldObject(GetOffset(), new_value);
bool Field::GetBoolean(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'Z');
return Get32(object);
void Field::SetBoolean(Object* object, bool z) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'Z');
Set32(object, z);
int8_t Field::GetByte(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'B');
return Get32(object);
void Field::SetByte(Object* object, int8_t b) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'B');
Set32(object, b);
uint16_t Field::GetChar(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'C');
return Get32(object);
void Field::SetChar(Object* object, uint16_t c) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'C');
Set32(object, c);
uint16_t Field::GetShort(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'S');
return Get32(object);
void Field::SetShort(Object* object, uint16_t s) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'S');
Set32(object, s);
int32_t Field::GetInt(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'I');
return Get32(object);
void Field::SetInt(Object* object, int32_t i) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'I');
Set32(object, i);
int64_t Field::GetLong(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'J');
return Get64(object);
void Field::SetLong(Object* object, int64_t j) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'J');
Set64(object, j);
float Field::GetFloat(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'F');
JValue float_bits;
float_bits.i = Get32(object);
return float_bits.f;
void Field::SetFloat(Object* object, float f) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'F');
JValue float_bits;
float_bits.f = f;
Set32(object, float_bits.i);
double Field::GetDouble(const Object* object) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'D');
JValue double_bits;
double_bits.j = Get64(object);
return double_bits.d;
void Field::SetDouble(Object* object, double d) const {
CHECK_EQ(GetType(), 'D');
JValue double_bits;
double_bits.d = d;
Set64(object, double_bits.j);
Object* Field::GetObject(const Object* object) const {
CHECK(GetType() == 'L' || GetType() == '[');
return GetObj(object);
void Field::SetObject(Object* object, Object* l) const {
CHECK(GetType() == 'L' || GetType() == '[');
SetObj(object, l);
uint32_t Method::NumArgRegisters() const {
CHECK(shorty_ != NULL);
uint32_t num_registers = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < shorty_.length(); ++i) {
char ch = shorty_[i];
if (ch == 'D' || ch == 'J') {
num_registers += 2;
} else {
num_registers += 1;
return num_registers;
size_t Method::NumArgArrayBytes() const {
const StringPiece& shorty = GetShorty();
size_t num_bytes = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < shorty.size(); ++i) {
char ch = shorty[i];
if (ch == 'D' || ch == 'J') {
num_bytes += 8;
} else if (ch == 'L') {
// Argument is a reference or an array. The shorty descriptor
// does not distinguish between these types.
num_bytes += sizeof(Object*);
} else {
num_bytes += 4;
return num_bytes;
// The number of reference arguments to this method including implicit this
// pointer
size_t Method::NumReferenceArgs() const {
size_t result = IsStatic() ? 0 : 1; // The implicit this pointer.
for (int i = 1; i < shorty_.length(); i++) {
if ((shorty_[i] == 'L') || (shorty_[i] == '[')) {
return result;
// The number of long or double arguments
size_t Method::NumLongOrDoubleArgs() const {
size_t result = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < shorty_.length(); i++) {
if ((shorty_[i] == 'D') || (shorty_[i] == 'J')) {
return result;
// The number of reference arguments to this method before the given parameter
// index
size_t Method::NumReferenceArgsBefore(unsigned int param) const {
CHECK_LT(param, NumArgs());
unsigned int result = IsStatic() ? 0 : 1;
for (unsigned int i = 1; (i < (unsigned int)shorty_.length()) &&
(i < (param + 1)); i++) {
if ((shorty_[i] == 'L') || (shorty_[i] == '[')) {
return result;
// Is the given method parameter a reference?
bool Method::IsParamAReference(unsigned int param) const {
CHECK_LT(param, NumArgs());
if (IsStatic()) {
param++; // 0th argument must skip return value at start of the shorty
} else if (param == 0) {
return true; // this argument
return ((shorty_[param] == 'L') || (shorty_[param] == '['));
// Is the given method parameter a long or double?
bool Method::IsParamALongOrDouble(unsigned int param) const {
CHECK_LT(param, NumArgs());
if (IsStatic()) {
param++; // 0th argument must skip return value at start of the shorty
} else if (param == 0) {
return false; // this argument
return (shorty_[param] == 'J') || (shorty_[param] == 'D');
static size_t ShortyCharToSize(char x) {
switch (x) {
case 'V': return 0;
case '[': return kPointerSize;
case 'L': return kPointerSize;
case 'D': return 8;
case 'J': return 8;
default: return 4;
size_t Method::ParamSize(unsigned int param) const {
CHECK_LT(param, NumArgs());
if (IsStatic()) {
param++; // 0th argument must skip return value at start of the shorty
} else if (param == 0) {
return kPointerSize; // this argument
return ShortyCharToSize(shorty_[param]);
size_t Method::ReturnSize() const {
return ShortyCharToSize(shorty_[0]);
bool Method::HasSameNameAndDescriptor(const Method* that) const {
return (this->GetName()->Equals(that->GetName()) &&
Method* Class::FindVirtualMethodForInterface(Method* method) {
Class* declaring_class = method->GetDeclaringClass();
// TODO cache to improve lookup speed
for (size_t i = 0; i < iftable_count_; i++) {
InterfaceEntry& interface_entry = iftable_[i];
if (interface_entry.GetInterface() == declaring_class) {
return vtable_->Get(interface_entry.method_index_array_[method->method_index_]);
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Need to throw an error of some kind";
return NULL;
Method* Class::FindDeclaredDirectMethod(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& signature) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumDirectMethods(); ++i) {
Method* method = GetDirectMethod(i);
if (method->GetName()->Equals(name) &&
method->GetSignature()->Equals(signature)) {
return method;
return NULL;
Method* Class::FindDirectMethod(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& signature) {
for (Class* klass = this; klass != NULL; klass = klass->GetSuperClass()) {
Method* method = klass->FindDeclaredDirectMethod(name, signature);
if (method != NULL) {
return method;
return NULL;
Method* Class::FindDeclaredVirtualMethod(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& signature) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumVirtualMethods(); ++i) {
Method* method = GetVirtualMethod(i);
if (method->GetName()->Equals(name) &&
method->GetSignature()->Equals(signature)) {
return method;
return NULL;
Method* Class::FindVirtualMethod(const StringPiece& name,
const StringPiece& descriptor) {
for (Class* klass = this; klass != NULL; klass = klass->GetSuperClass()) {
Method* method = klass->FindDeclaredVirtualMethod(name, descriptor);
if (method != NULL) {
return method;
return NULL;
Field* Class::FindDeclaredInstanceField(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& descriptor) {
// Is the field in this class?
// Interfaces are not relevant because they can't contain instance fields.
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumInstanceFields(); ++i) {
Field* f = GetInstanceField(i);
if (f->GetName()->Equals(name) && f->GetDescriptor() == descriptor) {
return f;
return NULL;
Field* Class::FindInstanceField(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& descriptor) {
// Is the field in this class, or any of its superclasses?
// Interfaces are not relevant because they can't contain instance fields.
for (Class* c = this; c != NULL; c = c->GetSuperClass()) {
Field* f = c->FindDeclaredInstanceField(name, descriptor);
if (f != NULL) {
return f;
return NULL;
Field* Class::FindDeclaredStaticField(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& descriptor) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < NumStaticFields(); ++i) {
Field* f = GetStaticField(i);
if (f->GetName()->Equals(name) && f->GetDescriptor() == descriptor) {
return f;
return NULL;
Field* Class::FindStaticField(const StringPiece& name, const StringPiece& descriptor) {
// Is the field in this class (or its interfaces), or any of its
// superclasses (or their interfaces)?
for (Class* c = this; c != NULL; c = c->GetSuperClass()) {
// Is the field in this class?
Field* f = c->FindDeclaredStaticField(name, descriptor);
if (f != NULL) {
return f;
// Is this field in any of this class' interfaces?
for (size_t i = 0; i < c->NumInterfaces(); ++i) {
Class* interface = c->GetInterface(i);
f = interface->FindDeclaredStaticField(name, descriptor);
if (f != NULL) {
return f;
return NULL;
template<typename T>
PrimitiveArray<T>* PrimitiveArray<T>::Alloc(size_t length) {
DCHECK(array_class_ != NULL);
Array* raw_array = Array::Alloc(array_class_, length, sizeof(T));
return down_cast<PrimitiveArray<T>*>(raw_array);
template <typename T> Class* PrimitiveArray<T>::array_class_ = NULL;
// Explicitly instantiate all the primitive array types.
template class PrimitiveArray<uint8_t>; // BooleanArray
template class PrimitiveArray<int8_t>; // ByteArray
template class PrimitiveArray<uint16_t>; // CharArray
template class PrimitiveArray<double>; // DoubleArray
template class PrimitiveArray<float>; // FloatArray
template class PrimitiveArray<int32_t>; // IntArray
template class PrimitiveArray<int64_t>; // LongArray
template class PrimitiveArray<int16_t>; // ShortArray
// TODO: get global references for these
Class* String::java_lang_String_ = NULL;
void String::SetClass(Class* java_lang_String) {
CHECK(java_lang_String_ == NULL);
CHECK(java_lang_String != NULL);
java_lang_String_ = java_lang_String;
void String::ResetClass() {
CHECK(java_lang_String_ != NULL);
java_lang_String_ = NULL;
Class* StackTraceElement::java_lang_StackTraceElement_ = NULL;
void StackTraceElement::SetClass(Class* java_lang_StackTraceElement) {
CHECK(java_lang_StackTraceElement_ == NULL);
CHECK(java_lang_StackTraceElement != NULL);
java_lang_StackTraceElement_ = java_lang_StackTraceElement;
void StackTraceElement::ResetClass() {
CHECK(java_lang_StackTraceElement_ != NULL);
java_lang_StackTraceElement_ = NULL;
static const char* kClassStatusNames[] = {
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Class::Status& rhs) {
if (rhs >= Class::kStatusError && rhs <= Class::kStatusInitialized) {
os << kClassStatusNames[rhs + 1];
} else {
os << "Class::Status[" << static_cast<int>(rhs) << "]";
return os;
} // namespace art