blob: 57839dc98021d1f41a831aba1b4287afc164f664 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "load_store_elimination.h"
#include "base/arena_bit_vector.h"
#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_allocator.h"
#include "base/scoped_arena_containers.h"
#include "escape.h"
#include "load_store_analysis.h"
#include "reference_type_propagation.h"
* The general algorithm of load-store elimination (LSE).
* We use load-store analysis to collect a list of heap locations and perform
* alias analysis of those heap locations. LSE then keeps track of a list of
* heap values corresponding to the heap locations and stores that put those
* values in these locations. In phase 1, we visit basic blocks in reverse post
* order and for each basic block, visit instructions sequentially, recording
* heap values and looking for loads and stores to eliminate without relying on
* loop Phis. In phase, we look for loads that can be replaced by creating loop
* Phis or using a loop-invariant value. In phase 3, we determine which stores
* are dead and can be eliminated and based on that information we re-evaluate
* whether some kept stores are storing the same value as the value in the heap
* location; such stores are also marked for elimination. In phase 4, we commit
* the changes, replacing loads marked for elimination in previous processing
* and removing stores not marked for keeping. We also remove allocations that
* are no longer needed.
* 1. Walk over blocks and their instructions.
* The initial set of heap values for a basic block is
* - For a loop header of an irreducible loop, all heap values are unknown.
* - For a loop header of a normal loop, all values unknown at the end of the
* preheader are initialized to unknown, other heap values are set to Phi
* placeholders as we cannot determine yet whether these values are known on
* all back-edges. We use Phi placeholders also for array heap locations with
* index defined inside the loop but this helps only when the value remains
* zero from the array allocation throughout the loop.
* - For other basic blocks, we merge incoming values from the end of all
* predecessors. If any incoming value is unknown, the start value for this
* block is also unknown. Otherwise, if all the incoming values are the same
* (including the case of a single predecessor), the incoming value is used.
* Otherwise, we use a Phi placeholder to indicate different incoming values.
* We record whether such Phi placeholder depends on a loop Phi placeholder.
* For each instruction in the block
* - If the instruction is a load from a heap location with a known value not
* dependent on a loop Phi placeholder, the load can be eliminated, either by
* using an existing instruction or by creating new Phi(s) instead. In order
* to maintain the validity of all heap locations during the optimization
* phase, we only record substitutes at this phase and the real elimination
* is delayed till the end of LSE. Loads that require a loop Phi placeholder
* replacement are recorded for processing later.
* - If the instruction is a store, it updates the heap value for the heap
* location with the stored value and records the store itself so that we can
* mark it for keeping if the value becomes observable. Heap values are
* invalidated for heap locations that may alias with the store instruction's
* heap location and their recorded stores are marked for keeping as they are
* now potentially observable. The store instruction can be eliminated unless
* the value stored is later needed e.g. by a load from the same/aliased heap
* location or the heap location persists at method return/deoptimization.
* - A store that stores the same value as the heap value is eliminated.
* - For newly instantiated instances, their heap values are initialized to
* language defined default values.
* - Finalizable objects are considered as persisting at method
* return/deoptimization.
* - Some instructions such as invokes are treated as loading and invalidating
* all the heap values, depending on the instruction's side effects.
* - SIMD graphs (with VecLoad and VecStore instructions) are also handled. Any
* partial overlap access among ArrayGet/ArraySet/VecLoad/Store is seen as
* alias and no load/store is eliminated in such case.
* - Currently this LSE algorithm doesn't handle graph with try-catch, due to
* the special block merging structure.
* The time complexity of the initial phase has several components. The total
* time for the initialization of heap values for all blocks is
* O(heap_locations * edges)
* and the time complexity for simple instruction processing is
* O(instructions).
* See the description of phase 3 for additional complexity due to matching of
* existing Phis for replacing loads.
* 2. Process loads that depend on loop Phi placeholders.
* We go over these loads to determine whether they can be eliminated. We look
* for the set of all Phi placeholders that feed the load and depend on a loop
* Phi placeholder and, if we find no unknown value, we construct the necessary
* Phi(s) or, if all other inputs are identical, i.e. the location does not
* change in the loop, just use that input. If we do find an unknown input, this
* must be from a loop back-edge and we replace the loop Phi placeholder with
* unknown value and re-process loads and stores that previously depended on
* loop Phi placeholders. This shall find at least one load of an unknown value
* which is now known to be unreplaceable or a new unknown value on a back-edge
* and we repeat this process until each load is either marked for replacement
* or found to be unreplaceable. As we mark at least one additional loop Phi
* placeholder as unreplacable in each iteration, this process shall terminate.
* The depth-first search for Phi placeholders in FindLoopPhisToMaterialize()
* is limited by the number of Phi placeholders and their dependencies we need
* to search with worst-case time complexity
* O(phi_placeholder_dependencies) .
* The dependencies are usually just the Phi placeholders' potential inputs,
* but if we use TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithDefault() for default value
* replacement search, there are additional dependencies to consider, see below.
* In the successful case (no unknown inputs found) we use the Floyd-Warshal
* algorithm to determine transitive closures for each found Phi placeholder,
* and then match or materialize Phis from the smallest transitive closure,
* so that we can determine if such subset has a single other input. This has
* time complexity
* O(phi_placeholders_found^3) .
* Note that successful TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithDefault() does not
* contribute to this as such Phi placeholders are replaced immediately.
* The total time of all such successful cases has time complexity
* O(phi_placeholders^3)
* because the found sets are disjoint and `Sum(n_i^3) <= Sum(n_i)^3`. Similar
* argument applies to the searches used to find all successful cases, so their
* total contribution is also just an insignificant
* O(phi_placeholder_dependencies) .
* The materialization of Phis has an insignificant total time complexity
* O(phi_placeholders * edges) .
* If we find an unknown input, we re-process heap values and loads with a time
* complexity that's the same as the phase 1 in the worst case. Adding this to
* the depth-first search time complexity yields
* O(phi_placeholder_dependencies + heap_locations * edges + instructions)
* for a single iteration. We can ignore the middle term as it's proprotional
* to the number of Phi placeholder inputs included in the first term. Using
* the upper limit of number of such iterations, the total time complexity is
* O((phi_placeholder_dependencies + instructions) * phi_placeholders) .
* The upper bound of Phi placeholder inputs is
* heap_locations * edges
* but if we use TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithDefault(), the dependencies
* include other heap locations in predecessor blocks with the upper bound of
* heap_locations^2 * edges .
* Using the estimate
* edges <= blocks^2
* and
* phi_placeholders <= heap_locations * blocks ,
* the worst-case time complexity of the
* O(phi_placeholder_dependencies * phi_placeholders)
* term from unknown input cases is actually
* O(heap_locations^3 * blocks^3) ,
* exactly as the estimate for the Floyd-Warshal parts of successful cases.
* Adding the other term from the unknown input cases (to account for the case
* with significantly more instructions than blocks and heap locations), the
* phase 2 time complexity is
* O(heap_locations^3 * blocks^3 + heap_locations * blocks * instructions) .
* See the description of phase 3 for additional complexity due to matching of
* existing Phis for replacing loads.
* 3. Determine which stores to keep and which to eliminate.
* During instruction processing in phase 1 and re-processing in phase 2, we are
* keeping a record of the stores and Phi placeholders that become observable
* and now propagate the observable Phi placeholders to all actual stores that
* feed them. Having determined observable stores, we look for stores that just
* overwrite the old value with the same. Since ignoring non-observable stores
* actually changes the old values in heap locations, we need to recalculate
* Phi placeholder replacements but we proceed similarly to the previous phase.
* We look for the set of all Phis that feed the old value replaced by the store
* (but ignoring whether they depend on a loop Phi) and, if we find no unknown
* value, we try to match existing Phis (we do not create new Phis anymore) or,
* if all other inputs are identical, i.e. the location does not change in the
* loop, just use that input. If this succeeds and the old value is identical to
* the value we're storing, such store shall be eliminated.
* The work is similar to the phase 2, except that we're not re-processing loads
* and stores anymore, so the time complexity of phase 3 is
* O(heap_locations^3 * blocks^3) .
* There is additional complexity in matching existing Phis shared between the
* phases 1, 2 and 3. We are never trying to match two or more Phis at the same
* time (this could be difficult and slow), so each matching attempt is just
* looking at Phis in the block (both old Phis and newly created Phis) and their
* inputs. As we create at most `heap_locations` Phis in each block, the upper
* bound on the number of Phis we look at is
* heap_locations * (old_phis + heap_locations)
* and the worst-case time complexity is
* O(heap_locations^2 * edges + heap_locations * old_phis * edges) .
* The first term is lower than one term in phase 2, so the relevant part is
* O(heap_locations * old_phis * edges) .
* 4. Replace loads and remove unnecessary stores and singleton allocations.
* A special type of objects called singletons are instantiated in the method
* and have a single name, i.e. no aliases. Singletons have exclusive heap
* locations since they have no aliases. Singletons are helpful in narrowing
* down the life span of a heap location such that they do not always need to
* participate in merging heap values. Allocation of a singleton can be
* eliminated if that singleton is not used and does not persist at method
* return/deoptimization.
* The time complexity of this phase is
* O(instructions + instruction_uses) .
* FIXME: The time complexity described above assumes that FindSubstitute()
* is O(1) but it is currently O(removed_loads_.size()); this can be fixed
* by introducing a vector of replacements indexed by instruction id.
* It also assumes that the HeapLocationCollector finds a heap location for
* an instruction in O(1) time but it is currently O(heap_locations); this
* can be fixed by adding a hash map to the HeapLocationCollector.
namespace art {
// Use HGraphDelegateVisitor for which all VisitInvokeXXX() delegate to VisitInvoke().
class LSEVisitor final : private HGraphDelegateVisitor {
LSEVisitor(HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
OptimizingCompilerStats* stats);
void Run();
class PhiPlaceholder {
PhiPlaceholder(uint32_t block_id, uint32_t heap_location)
: block_id_(block_id),
heap_location_(dchecked_integral_cast<uint32_t>(heap_location)) {}
uint32_t GetBlockId() const {
return block_id_;
size_t GetHeapLocation() const {
return heap_location_;
uint32_t block_id_;
uint32_t heap_location_;
class Value {
enum class Type {
static Value Invalid() {
Value value;
value.type_ = Type::kInvalid;
value.instruction_ = nullptr;
return value;
// An unknown heap value. Loads with such a value in the heap location cannot be eliminated.
// A heap location can be set to an unknown heap value when:
// - it is coming from outside the method,
// - it is killed due to aliasing, or side effects, or merging with an unknown value.
static Value Unknown() {
Value value;
value.type_ = Type::kUnknown;
value.instruction_ = nullptr;
return value;
// Default heap value after an allocation.
// A heap location can be set to that value right after an allocation.
static Value Default() {
Value value;
value.type_ = Type::kDefault;
value.instruction_ = nullptr;
return value;
static Value ForInstruction(HInstruction* instruction) {
Value value;
value.type_ = Type::kInstruction;
value.instruction_ = instruction;
return value;
static Value ForNonLoopPhiPlaceholder(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder) {
Value value;
value.type_ = Type::kNeedsNonLoopPhi;
value.phi_placeholder_ = phi_placeholder;
return value;
static Value ForLoopPhiPlaceholder(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder) {
Value value;
value.type_ = Type::kNeedsLoopPhi;
value.phi_placeholder_ = phi_placeholder;
return value;
static Value ForPhiPlaceholder(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder, bool needs_loop_phi) {
return needs_loop_phi ? ForLoopPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder)
: ForNonLoopPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder);
bool IsValid() const {
return !IsInvalid();
bool IsInvalid() const {
return type_ == Type::kInvalid;
bool IsUnknown() const {
return type_ == Type::kUnknown;
bool IsDefault() const {
return type_ == Type::kDefault;
bool IsInstruction() const {
return type_ == Type::kInstruction;
bool NeedsNonLoopPhi() const {
return type_ == Type::kNeedsNonLoopPhi;
bool NeedsLoopPhi() const {
return type_ == Type::kNeedsLoopPhi;
bool NeedsPhi() const {
return NeedsNonLoopPhi() || NeedsLoopPhi();
HInstruction* GetInstruction() const {
return instruction_;
const PhiPlaceholder* GetPhiPlaceholder() const {
return phi_placeholder_;
bool Equals(Value other) const {
// Only valid values can be compared.
if (type_ != other.type_) {
// Default values are equal to zero bit pattern instructions.
return (IsDefault() && other.IsInstruction() && IsZeroBitPattern(other.GetInstruction())) ||
(other.IsDefault() && IsInstruction() && IsZeroBitPattern(GetInstruction()));
} else {
// Note: Two unknown values are considered different.
return IsDefault() ||
(IsInstruction() && GetInstruction() == other.GetInstruction()) ||
(NeedsPhi() && GetPhiPlaceholder() == other.GetPhiPlaceholder());
bool Equals(HInstruction* instruction) const {
return Equals(ForInstruction(instruction));
Type type_;
union {
HInstruction* instruction_;
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder_;
// Get Phi placeholder index for access to `phi_placeholder_replacements_`
// and "visited" bit vectors during depth-first searches.
size_t PhiPlaceholderIndex(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder) const {
return static_cast<size_t>(phi_placeholder -;
size_t PhiPlaceholderIndex(Value phi_placeholder) const {
return PhiPlaceholderIndex(phi_placeholder.GetPhiPlaceholder());
const PhiPlaceholder* GetPhiPlaceholder(uint32_t block_id, size_t idx) const {
size_t phi_placeholders_begin = phi_placeholders_begin_for_block_[block_id];
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholders_begin + idx];
DCHECK_EQ(phi_placeholder->GetBlockId(), block_id);
DCHECK_EQ(phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation(), idx);
return phi_placeholder;
Value Replacement(Value value) const {
Value replacement = phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(value)];
DCHECK(replacement.IsUnknown() || replacement.IsInstruction());
DCHECK(replacement.IsUnknown() ||
FindSubstitute(replacement.GetInstruction()) == replacement.GetInstruction());
return replacement;
Value ReplacementOrValue(Value value) const {
if (value.NeedsPhi() && phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(value)].IsValid()) {
return Replacement(value);
} else {
DCHECK(!value.IsInstruction() ||
FindSubstitute(value.GetInstruction()) == value.GetInstruction());
return value;
static ScopedArenaVector<PhiPlaceholder> CreatePhiPlaceholders(
HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator);
static ScopedArenaVector<size_t> CreatePhiPlaceholdersBeginForBlock(
HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator);
// The record of a heap value and instruction(s) that feed that value.
struct ValueRecord {
Value value;
Value stored_by;
HTypeConversion* FindOrAddTypeConversionIfNecessary(HInstruction* instruction,
HInstruction* value,
DataType::Type expected_type) {
// Should never add type conversion into boolean value.
if (expected_type == DataType::Type::kBool ||
DataType::IsTypeConversionImplicit(value->GetType(), expected_type) ||
// TODO: This prevents type conversion of default values but we can still insert
// type conversion of other constants and there is no constant folding pass after LSE.
IsZeroBitPattern(value)) {
return nullptr;
// Check if there is already a suitable TypeConversion we can reuse.
for (const HUseListNode<HInstruction*>& use : value->GetUses()) {
if (use.GetUser()->IsTypeConversion() &&
use.GetUser()->GetType() == expected_type &&
// TODO: We could move the TypeConversion to a common dominator
// if it does not cross irreducible loop header.
use.GetUser()->GetBlock()->Dominates(instruction->GetBlock()) &&
// Don't share across irreducible loop headers.
// TODO: can be more fine-grained than this by testing each dominator.
(use.GetUser()->GetBlock() == instruction->GetBlock() ||
!GetGraph()->HasIrreducibleLoops())) {
if (use.GetUser()->GetBlock() == instruction->GetBlock() &&
use.GetUser()->GetBlock()->GetInstructions().FoundBefore(instruction, use.GetUser())) {
// Move the TypeConversion before the instruction.
return use.GetUser()->AsTypeConversion();
// We must create a new TypeConversion instruction.
HTypeConversion* type_conversion = new (GetGraph()->GetAllocator()) HTypeConversion(
expected_type, value, instruction->GetDexPc());
instruction->GetBlock()->InsertInstructionBefore(type_conversion, instruction);
return type_conversion;
// Find an instruction's substitute if it's a removed load.
// Return the same instruction if it should not be removed.
HInstruction* FindSubstitute(HInstruction* instruction) const {
if (!IsLoad(instruction)) {
return instruction;
for (size_t i = 0u, size = removed_loads_.size(); i != size; ++i) {
if (removed_loads_[i] == instruction) {
HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[i];
// The substitute list is a flat hierarchy.
DCHECK_EQ(FindSubstitute(substitute), substitute);
return substitute;
return instruction;
void AddRemovedLoad(HInstruction* load, HInstruction* heap_value) {
DCHECK_EQ(FindSubstitute(load), load);
DCHECK_EQ(FindSubstitute(heap_value), heap_value) <<
"Unexpected heap_value that has a substitute " << heap_value->DebugName();
// The load expects to load the heap value as type load->GetType().
// However the tracked heap value may not be of that type. An explicit
// type conversion may be needed.
// There are actually three types involved here:
// (1) tracked heap value's type (type A)
// (2) heap location (field or element)'s type (type B)
// (3) load's type (type C)
// We guarantee that type A stored as type B and then fetched out as
// type C is the same as casting from type A to type C directly, since
// type B and type C will have the same size which is guaranteed in
// HInstanceFieldGet/HStaticFieldGet/HArrayGet/HVecLoad's SetType().
// So we only need one type conversion from type A to type C.
HTypeConversion* type_conversion = FindOrAddTypeConversionIfNecessary(
load, heap_value, load->GetType());
type_conversion != nullptr ? type_conversion : heap_value);
static bool IsLoad(HInstruction* instruction) {
// Unresolved load is not treated as a load.
return instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() ||
instruction->IsStaticFieldGet() ||
instruction->IsVecLoad() ||
static bool IsStore(HInstruction* instruction) {
// Unresolved store is not treated as a store.
return instruction->IsInstanceFieldSet() ||
instruction->IsArraySet() ||
instruction->IsVecStore() ||
// Check if it is allowed to use default values or Phis for the specified load.
static bool IsDefaultOrPhiAllowedForLoad(HInstruction* instruction) {
// Using defaults for VecLoads requires to create additional vector operations.
// As there are some issues with scheduling vector operations it is better to avoid creating
// them.
return !instruction->IsVecOperation();
// Keep the store referenced by the instruction, or all stores that feed a Phi placeholder.
// This is necessary if the stored heap value can be observed.
void KeepStores(Value value) {
if (value.IsUnknown()) {
if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
} else {
HInstruction* instruction = value.GetInstruction();
// If a heap location X may alias with heap location at `loc_index`
// and heap_values of that heap location X holds a store, keep that store.
// It's needed for a dependent load that's not eliminated since any store
// that may put value into the load's heap location needs to be kept.
void KeepStoresIfAliasedToLocation(ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values,
size_t loc_index) {
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
if (i == loc_index) {
// We use this function when reading a location with unknown value and
// therefore we cannot know what exact store wrote that unknown value.
// But we can have a phi placeholder here marking multiple stores to keep.
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
} else if (heap_location_collector_.MayAlias(i, loc_index)) {
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
// `instruction` is being removed. Try to see if the null check on it
// can be removed. This can happen if the same value is set in two branches
// but not in dominators. Such as:
// int[] a = foo();
// if () {
// a[0] = 2;
// } else {
// a[0] = 2;
// }
// // a[0] can now be replaced with constant 2, and the null check on it can be removed.
void TryRemovingNullCheck(HInstruction* instruction) {
HInstruction* prev = instruction->GetPrevious();
if ((prev != nullptr) && prev->IsNullCheck() && (prev == instruction->InputAt(0))) {
// Previous instruction is a null check for this instruction. Remove the null check.
HInstruction* GetDefaultValue(DataType::Type type) {
switch (type) {
case DataType::Type::kReference:
return GetGraph()->GetNullConstant();
case DataType::Type::kBool:
case DataType::Type::kUint8:
case DataType::Type::kInt8:
case DataType::Type::kUint16:
case DataType::Type::kInt16:
case DataType::Type::kInt32:
return GetGraph()->GetIntConstant(0);
case DataType::Type::kInt64:
return GetGraph()->GetLongConstant(0);
case DataType::Type::kFloat32:
return GetGraph()->GetFloatConstant(0);
case DataType::Type::kFloat64:
return GetGraph()->GetDoubleConstant(0);
bool CanValueBeKeptIfSameAsNew(Value value,
HInstruction* new_value,
HInstruction* new_value_set_instr) {
// For field/array set location operations, if the value is the same as the new_value
// it can be kept even if aliasing happens. All aliased operations will access the same memory
// range.
// For vector values, this is not true. For example:
// packed_data = [0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD]; <-- Different values in each lane.
// VecStore array[i ,i+1,i+2,i+3] = packed_data;
// VecStore array[i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4] = packed_data; <-- We are here (partial overlap).
// VecLoad vx = array[i,i+1,i+2,i+3]; <-- Cannot be eliminated because the value
// here is not packed_data anymore.
// TODO: to allow such 'same value' optimization on vector data,
// LSA needs to report more fine-grain MAY alias information:
// (1) May alias due to two vector data partial overlap.
// e.g. a[i..i+3] and a[i+1,..,i+4].
// (2) May alias due to two vector data may complete overlap each other.
// e.g. a[i..i+3] and b[i..i+3].
// (3) May alias but the exact relationship between two locations is unknown.
// e.g. a[i..i+3] and b[j..j+3], where values of a,b,i,j are all unknown.
// This 'same value' optimization can apply only on case (2).
if (new_value_set_instr->IsVecOperation()) {
return false;
return value.Equals(new_value);
Value PrepareLoopValue(HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx);
Value PrepareLoopStoredBy(HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx);
void PrepareLoopRecords(HBasicBlock* block);
Value MergePredecessorValues(HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx);
void MergePredecessorRecords(HBasicBlock* block);
void MaterializeNonLoopPhis(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder, DataType::Type type);
void VisitGetLocation(HInstruction* instruction, size_t idx);
void VisitSetLocation(HInstruction* instruction, size_t idx, HInstruction* value);
void VisitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block) override;
enum class Phase {
bool TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithDefault(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
DataType::Type type,
/*inout*/ArenaBitVector* phi_placeholders_to_materialize);
bool TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithSingleInput(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
/*inout*/ArenaBitVector* phi_placeholders_to_materialize);
const PhiPlaceholder* FindLoopPhisToMaterialize(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
/*out*/ArenaBitVector* phi_placeholders_to_materialize,
DataType::Type type,
bool can_use_default_or_phi);
bool MaterializeLoopPhis(const ScopedArenaVector<size_t>& phi_placeholder_indexes,
DataType::Type type,
Phase phase);
bool MaterializeLoopPhis(const ArenaBitVector& phi_placeholders_to_materialize,
DataType::Type type,
Phase phase);
const PhiPlaceholder* TryToMaterializeLoopPhis(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
HInstruction* load);
void ProcessLoopPhiWithUnknownInput(const PhiPlaceholder* loop_phi_with_unknown_input);
void ProcessLoadsRequiringLoopPhis();
void SearchPhiPlaceholdersForKeptStores();
void UpdateValueRecordForStoreElimination(/*inout*/ValueRecord* value_record);
void FindOldValueForPhiPlaceholder(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder, DataType::Type type);
void FindStoresWritingOldValues();
void VisitInstanceFieldGet(HInstanceFieldGet* instruction) override {
HInstruction* object = instruction->InputAt(0);
const FieldInfo& field = instruction->GetFieldInfo();
VisitGetLocation(instruction, heap_location_collector_.GetFieldHeapLocation(object, &field));
void VisitInstanceFieldSet(HInstanceFieldSet* instruction) override {
HInstruction* object = instruction->InputAt(0);
const FieldInfo& field = instruction->GetFieldInfo();
HInstruction* value = instruction->InputAt(1);
size_t idx = heap_location_collector_.GetFieldHeapLocation(object, &field);
VisitSetLocation(instruction, idx, value);
void VisitStaticFieldGet(HStaticFieldGet* instruction) override {
HInstruction* cls = instruction->InputAt(0);
const FieldInfo& field = instruction->GetFieldInfo();
VisitGetLocation(instruction, heap_location_collector_.GetFieldHeapLocation(cls, &field));
void VisitStaticFieldSet(HStaticFieldSet* instruction) override {
HInstruction* cls = instruction->InputAt(0);
const FieldInfo& field = instruction->GetFieldInfo();
HInstruction* value = instruction->InputAt(1);
size_t idx = heap_location_collector_.GetFieldHeapLocation(cls, &field);
VisitSetLocation(instruction, idx, value);
void VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) override {
VisitGetLocation(instruction, heap_location_collector_.GetArrayHeapLocation(instruction));
void VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) override {
size_t idx = heap_location_collector_.GetArrayHeapLocation(instruction);
VisitSetLocation(instruction, idx, instruction->GetValue());
void VisitVecLoad(HVecLoad* instruction) override {
VisitGetLocation(instruction, heap_location_collector_.GetArrayHeapLocation(instruction));
void VisitVecStore(HVecStore* instruction) override {
size_t idx = heap_location_collector_.GetArrayHeapLocation(instruction);
VisitSetLocation(instruction, idx, instruction->GetValue());
void VisitDeoptimize(HDeoptimize* instruction) override {
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values =
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
Value* stored_by = &heap_values[i].stored_by;
if (stored_by->IsUnknown()) {
// Stores are generally observeable after deoptimization, except
// for singletons that don't escape in the deoptimization environment.
bool observable = true;
ReferenceInfo* info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
if (info->IsSingleton()) {
HInstruction* reference = info->GetReference();
// Finalizable objects always escape.
if (!reference->IsNewInstance() || !reference->AsNewInstance()->IsFinalizable()) {
// Check whether the reference for a store is used by an environment local of
// the HDeoptimize. If not, the singleton is not observed after deoptimization.
const HUseList<HEnvironment*>& env_uses = reference->GetEnvUses();
observable = std::any_of(
[instruction](const HUseListNode<HEnvironment*>& use) {
return use.GetUser()->GetHolder() == instruction;
if (observable) {
*stored_by = Value::Unknown();
// Keep necessary stores before exiting a method via return/throw.
void HandleExit(HBasicBlock* block) {
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
if (!ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
void VisitReturn(HReturn* instruction) override {
void VisitReturnVoid(HReturnVoid* return_void) override {
void VisitThrow(HThrow* throw_instruction) override {
void HandleInvoke(HInstruction* instruction) {
SideEffects side_effects = instruction->GetSideEffects();
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values =
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo();
if (ref_info->IsSingleton()) {
// Singleton references cannot be seen by the callee.
} else {
if (side_effects.DoesAnyRead() || side_effects.DoesAnyWrite()) {
// Previous stores may become visible (read) and/or impossible for LSE to track (write).
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
if (side_effects.DoesAnyWrite()) {
// The value may be clobbered.
heap_values[i].value = Value::Unknown();
void VisitInvoke(HInvoke* invoke) override {
void VisitClinitCheck(HClinitCheck* clinit) override {
// Class initialization check can result in class initializer calling arbitrary methods.
void VisitUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet(HUnresolvedInstanceFieldGet* instruction) override {
// Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
void VisitUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet(HUnresolvedInstanceFieldSet* instruction) override {
// Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
void VisitUnresolvedStaticFieldGet(HUnresolvedStaticFieldGet* instruction) override {
// Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
void VisitUnresolvedStaticFieldSet(HUnresolvedStaticFieldSet* instruction) override {
// Conservatively treat it as an invocation.
void VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* new_instance) override {
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_instance);
if (ref_info == nullptr) {
// new_instance isn't used for field accesses. No need to process it.
if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable() && !new_instance->NeedsChecks()) {
// new_instance can potentially be eliminated.
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values =
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
HInstruction* ref =
size_t offset = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetOffset();
if (ref == new_instance && offset >= mirror::kObjectHeaderSize) {
// Instance fields except the header fields are set to default heap values.
heap_values[i].value = Value::Default();
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
void VisitNewArray(HNewArray* new_array) override {
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.FindReferenceInfoOf(new_array);
if (ref_info == nullptr) {
// new_array isn't used for array accesses. No need to process it.
if (ref_info->IsSingletonAndRemovable()) {
if (new_array->GetLength()->IsIntConstant() &&
new_array->GetLength()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() >= 0) {
// new_array can potentially be eliminated.
} else {
// new_array may throw NegativeArraySizeException. Keep it.
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values =
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
HeapLocation* location = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i);
HInstruction* ref = location->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
if (ref == new_array && location->GetIndex() != nullptr) {
// Array elements are set to default heap values.
heap_values[i].value = Value::Default();
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector_;
// Use local allocator for allocating memory.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator_;
// Phi placeholders used for keeping track of values and stores for multiple predecessors.
ScopedArenaVector<PhiPlaceholder> phi_placeholders_;
// The start of the Phi placeholders in the `phi_placeholders_`
// for each block with multiple predecessors.
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> phi_placeholders_begin_for_block_;
// One array of heap value records for each block.
ScopedArenaVector<ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>> heap_values_for_;
// We record the instructions that should be eliminated but may be
// used by heap locations. They'll be removed in the end.
ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> removed_loads_;
ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> substitute_instructions_for_loads_;
// We record loads and stores for re-processing when we find a loop Phi placeholder
// with unknown value from a predecessor, and also for removing stores that are
// found to be dead, i.e. not marked in `kept_stores_` at the end.
struct LoadStoreRecord {
HInstruction* load_or_store;
size_t heap_location_index;
ScopedArenaVector<LoadStoreRecord> loads_and_stores_;
// Record stores to keep in a bit vector indexed by instruction ID.
ArenaBitVector kept_stores_;
// When we need to keep all stores that feed a Phi placeholder, we just record the
// index of that placeholder for processing after graph traversal.
ArenaBitVector phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_;
// Loads that would require a loop Phi to replace are recorded for processing
// later as we do not have enough information from back-edges to determine if
// a suitable Phi can be found or created when we visit these loads.
ScopedArenaHashMap<HInstruction*, ValueRecord> loads_requiring_loop_phi_;
// For stores, record the old value records that were replaced and the stored values.
struct StoreRecord {
ValueRecord old_value_record;
HInstruction* stored_value;
ScopedArenaHashMap<HInstruction*, StoreRecord> store_records_;
// Replacements for Phi placeholders.
// The unknown heap value is used to mark Phi placeholders that cannot be replaced.
ScopedArenaVector<Value> phi_placeholder_replacements_;
ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> singleton_new_instances_;
ScopedArenaVector<LSEVisitor::PhiPlaceholder> LSEVisitor::CreatePhiPlaceholders(
HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator) {
size_t num_phi_placeholders = 0u;
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
for (HBasicBlock* block : graph->GetReversePostOrder()) {
if (block->GetPredecessors().size() >= 2u) {
num_phi_placeholders += num_heap_locations;
ScopedArenaVector<PhiPlaceholder> phi_placeholders(allocator->Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
for (HBasicBlock* block : graph->GetReversePostOrder()) {
if (block->GetPredecessors().size() >= 2u) {
// Create Phi placeholders referencing the block by the block ID.
DCHECK_LE(num_heap_locations, phi_placeholders.capacity() - phi_placeholders.size());
uint32_t block_id = block->GetBlockId();
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != num_heap_locations; ++idx) {
phi_placeholders.push_back(PhiPlaceholder(block_id, idx));
return phi_placeholders;
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> LSEVisitor::CreatePhiPlaceholdersBeginForBlock(
HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator) {
size_t num_phi_placeholders = 0u;
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> phi_placeholders_begin_for_block(graph->GetBlocks().size(),
for (HBasicBlock* block : graph->GetReversePostOrder()) {
if (block->GetPredecessors().size() >= 2u) {
phi_placeholders_begin_for_block[block->GetBlockId()] = num_phi_placeholders;
num_phi_placeholders += num_heap_locations;
return phi_placeholders_begin_for_block;
LSEVisitor::LSEVisitor(HGraph* graph,
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector,
OptimizingCompilerStats* stats)
: HGraphDelegateVisitor(graph, stats),
phi_placeholders_(CreatePhiPlaceholders(graph, heap_location_collector, &allocator_)),
CreatePhiPlaceholdersBeginForBlock(graph, heap_location_collector, &allocator_)),
// We may add new instructions (default values, Phis) but we're not adding stores,
// so we do not need the following BitVector to be expandable.
/*start_bits=*/ graph->GetCurrentInstructionId(),
/*expandable=*/ false,
/*expandable=*/ false,
singleton_new_instances_(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE)) {
// Clear bit vectors.
LSEVisitor::Value LSEVisitor::PrepareLoopValue(HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx) {
// If the pre-header value is known (which implies that the reference dominates this
// block), use a Phi placeholder for the value in the loop header. If all predecessors
// are later found to have a known value, we can replace loads from this location,
// either with the pre-header value or with a new Phi. For array locations, the index
// may be defined inside the loop but the only known value in that case should be the
// default value or a Phi placeholder that can be replaced only with the default value.
HLoopInformation* loop_info = block->GetLoopInformation();
uint32_t pre_header_block_id = loop_info->GetPreHeader()->GetBlockId();
Value pre_header_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[pre_header_block_id][idx].value);
if (pre_header_value.IsUnknown()) {
return Value::Unknown();
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
// Check that the reference indeed dominates this loop.
HeapLocation* location = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx);
HInstruction* ref = location->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
CHECK(ref->GetBlock() != block && ref->GetBlock()->Dominates(block));
// Check that the index, if defined inside the loop, tracks a default value
// or a Phi placeholder requiring a loop Phi.
HInstruction* index = location->GetIndex();
if (index != nullptr && loop_info->Contains(*index->GetBlock())) {
CHECK(pre_header_value.NeedsLoopPhi() || pre_header_value.Equals(Value::Default()));
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
return ReplacementOrValue(Value::ForLoopPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder));
LSEVisitor::Value LSEVisitor::PrepareLoopStoredBy(HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx) {
// Use the Phi placeholder for `stored_by` to make sure all incoming stores are kept
// if the value in the location escapes. This is not applicable to singletons that are
// defined inside the loop as they shall be dead in the loop header.
ReferenceInfo* ref_info = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->GetReferenceInfo();
if (ref_info->IsSingleton() &&
block->GetLoopInformation()->Contains(*ref_info->GetReference()->GetBlock())) {
return Value::Unknown();
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
return Value::ForLoopPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder);
void LSEVisitor::PrepareLoopRecords(HBasicBlock* block) {
int block_id = block->GetBlockId();
HBasicBlock* pre_header = block->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& pre_header_heap_values =
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector_.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
DCHECK_EQ(num_heap_locations, pre_header_heap_values.size());
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block_id];
// Don't eliminate loads in irreducible loops.
if (block->GetLoopInformation()->IsIrreducible()) {
{ /*value=*/ Value::Unknown(), /*stored_by=*/ Value::Unknown() });
// Also keep the stores before the loop header, including in blocks that were not visited yet.
for (size_t idx = 0u; idx != num_heap_locations; ++idx) {
KeepStores(Value::ForLoopPhiPlaceholder(GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx)));
// Fill `heap_values` based on values from pre-header.
for (size_t idx = 0u; idx != num_heap_locations; ++idx) {
heap_values.push_back({ PrepareLoopValue(block, idx), PrepareLoopStoredBy(block, idx) });
LSEVisitor::Value LSEVisitor::MergePredecessorValues(HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx) {
ArrayRef<HBasicBlock* const> predecessors(block->GetPredecessors());
Value merged_value =
for (size_t i = 1u, size = predecessors.size(); i != size; ++i) {
if (merged_value.IsUnknown()) {
Value pred_value =
if (pred_value.IsUnknown()) {
merged_value = Value::Unknown();
} else if (!pred_value.Equals(merged_value)) {
// There are conflicting known values. We may still be able to replace loads with a Phi.
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
// Propagate the need for a new loop Phi from all predecessors.
bool needs_loop_phi = merged_value.NeedsLoopPhi() || pred_value.NeedsLoopPhi();
merged_value = ReplacementOrValue(Value::ForPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder, needs_loop_phi));
return merged_value;
void LSEVisitor::MergePredecessorRecords(HBasicBlock* block) {
if (block->IsExitBlock()) {
// Exit block doesn't really merge values since the control flow ends in
// its predecessors. Each predecessor needs to make sure stores are kept
// if necessary.
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector_.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
if (block->GetPredecessors().empty()) {
{ /*value=*/ Value::Unknown(), /*stored_by=*/ Value::Unknown() });
for (size_t idx = 0u; idx != num_heap_locations; ++idx) {
Value merged_value = MergePredecessorValues(block, idx);
if (kIsDebugBuild) {
if (merged_value.NeedsPhi()) {
uint32_t block_id = merged_value.GetPhiPlaceholder()->GetBlockId();
} else if (merged_value.IsInstruction()) {
ArrayRef<HBasicBlock* const> predecessors(block->GetPredecessors());
Value merged_stored_by = heap_values_for_[predecessors[0]->GetBlockId()][idx].stored_by;
if (merged_value.IsDefault()) {
[this, idx](HBasicBlock* predecessor) {
uint32_t predecessor_block_id = predecessor->GetBlockId();
return heap_values_for_[predecessor_block_id][idx].stored_by.IsUnknown();
} else if (predecessors.size() >= 2u &&
!std::all_of(predecessors.begin() + 1,
[this, idx, merged_stored_by](HBasicBlock* predecessor) {
uint32_t predecessor_block_id = predecessor->GetBlockId();
return heap_values_for_[predecessor_block_id][idx].stored_by.Equals(
})) {
// Use the Phi placeholder to track that we need to keep stores from all predecessors.
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = GetPhiPlaceholder(block->GetBlockId(), idx);
merged_stored_by = Value::ForNonLoopPhiPlaceholder(phi_placeholder);
heap_values.push_back({ merged_value, merged_stored_by });
static HInstruction* FindOrConstructNonLoopPhi(
HBasicBlock* block,
const ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*>& phi_inputs,
DataType::Type type) {
for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(block->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
HInstruction* phi = phi_it.Current();
DCHECK_EQ(phi->InputCount(), phi_inputs.size());
auto cmp = [](HInstruction* lhs, const HUserRecord<HInstruction*>& rhs) {
return lhs == rhs.GetInstruction();
if (std::equal(phi_inputs.begin(), phi_inputs.end(), phi->GetInputRecords().begin(), cmp)) {
return phi;
ArenaAllocator* allocator = block->GetGraph()->GetAllocator();
HPhi* phi = new (allocator) HPhi(allocator, kNoRegNumber, phi_inputs.size(), type);
for (size_t i = 0, size = phi_inputs.size(); i != size; ++i) {
DCHECK_NE(phi_inputs[i]->GetType(), DataType::Type::kVoid) << phi_inputs[i]->DebugName();
phi->SetRawInputAt(i, phi_inputs[i]);
if (type == DataType::Type::kReference) {
// Update reference type information. Pass invalid handles, these are not used for Phis.
ReferenceTypePropagation rtp_fixup(block->GetGraph(),
/* is_first_run= */ false);
return phi;
void LSEVisitor::MaterializeNonLoopPhis(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
DataType::Type type) {
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
// Reuse the same vector for collecting phi inputs.
ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> phi_inputs(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
ScopedArenaVector<const PhiPlaceholder*> work_queue(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
const PhiPlaceholder* current_phi_placeholder = work_queue.back();
if (phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(current_phi_placeholder)].IsValid()) {
// This Phi placeholder was pushed to the `work_queue` followed by another Phi placeholder
// that directly or indirectly depends on it, so it was already processed as part of the
// other Phi placeholder's dependencies before this one got back to the top of the stack.
uint32_t current_block_id = current_phi_placeholder->GetBlockId();
HBasicBlock* current_block = blocks[current_block_id];
DCHECK_GE(current_block->GetPredecessors().size(), 2u);
// Non-loop Phis cannot depend on a loop Phi, so we should not see any loop header here.
// And the only way for such merged value to reach a different heap location is through
// a load at which point we materialize the Phi. Therefore all non-loop Phi placeholders
// seen here are tied to one heap location.
DCHECK_EQ(current_phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation(), idx);
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : current_block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value pred_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (pred_value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
// We need to process the Phi placeholder first.
} else if (pred_value.IsDefault()) {
} else {
if (phi_inputs.size() == current_block->GetPredecessors().size()) {
// All inputs are available. Find or construct the Phi replacement.
phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(current_phi_placeholder)] =
Value::ForInstruction(FindOrConstructNonLoopPhi(current_block, phi_inputs, type));
// Remove the block from the queue.
DCHECK_EQ(current_phi_placeholder, work_queue.back());
void LSEVisitor::VisitGetLocation(HInstruction* instruction, size_t idx) {
DCHECK_NE(idx, HeapLocationCollector::kHeapLocationNotFound);
uint32_t block_id = instruction->GetBlock()->GetBlockId();
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block_id];
ValueRecord& record = heap_values[idx];
DCHECK(record.value.IsUnknown() || record.value.Equals(ReplacementOrValue(record.value)));
loads_and_stores_.push_back({ instruction, idx });
if ((record.value.IsDefault() || record.value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) &&
!IsDefaultOrPhiAllowedForLoad(instruction)) {
record.value = Value::Unknown();
if (record.value.IsDefault()) {
HInstruction* constant = GetDefaultValue(instruction->GetType());
AddRemovedLoad(instruction, constant);
record.value = Value::ForInstruction(constant);
} else if (record.value.IsUnknown()) {
// Load isn't eliminated. Put the load as the value into the HeapLocation.
// This acts like GVN but with better aliasing analysis.
record.value = Value::ForInstruction(instruction);
KeepStoresIfAliasedToLocation(heap_values, idx);
} else if (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
// We do not know yet if the value is known for all back edges. Record for future processing.
loads_requiring_loop_phi_.insert(std::make_pair(instruction, record));
} else {
// This load can be eliminated but we may need to construct non-loop Phis.
if (record.value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
MaterializeNonLoopPhis(record.value.GetPhiPlaceholder(), instruction->GetType());
record.value = Replacement(record.value);
HInstruction* heap_value = FindSubstitute(record.value.GetInstruction());
AddRemovedLoad(instruction, heap_value);
void LSEVisitor::VisitSetLocation(HInstruction* instruction, size_t idx, HInstruction* value) {
DCHECK_NE(idx, HeapLocationCollector::kHeapLocationNotFound);
DCHECK(!IsStore(value)) << value->DebugName();
// value may already have a substitute.
value = FindSubstitute(value);
HBasicBlock* block = instruction->GetBlock();
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
ValueRecord& record = heap_values[idx];
DCHECK(!record.value.IsInstruction() ||
FindSubstitute(record.value.GetInstruction()) == record.value.GetInstruction());
if (record.value.Equals(value)) {
// Store into the heap location with the same value.
// This store can be eliminated right away.
store_records_.insert(std::make_pair(instruction, StoreRecord{record, value}));
loads_and_stores_.push_back({ instruction, idx });
// If the `record.stored_by` specified a store from this block, it shall be removed
// at the end, except for throwing ArraySet; it cannot be marked for keeping in
// `kept_stores_` anymore after we update the `record.stored_by` below.
DCHECK(!record.stored_by.IsInstruction() ||
record.stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetBlock() != block ||
record.stored_by.GetInstruction()->CanThrow() ||
if (instruction->CanThrow()) {
// Previous stores can become visible.
// We cannot remove a possibly throwing store.
// After marking it as kept, it does not matter if we track it in `stored_by` or not.
// Update the record.
auto it = loads_requiring_loop_phi_.find(value);
if (it != loads_requiring_loop_phi_.end()) {
// Propapate the Phi placeholder to the record.
record.value = it->second.value;
} else {
record.value = Value::ForInstruction(value);
// Track the store in the value record. If the value is loaded or needed after
// return/deoptimization later, this store isn't really redundant.
record.stored_by = Value::ForInstruction(instruction);
// This store may kill values in other heap locations due to aliasing.
for (size_t i = 0u, size = heap_values.size(); i != size; ++i) {
if (i == idx ||
heap_values[i].value.IsUnknown() ||
CanValueBeKeptIfSameAsNew(heap_values[i].value, value, instruction) ||
!heap_location_collector_.MayAlias(i, idx)) {
// Kill heap locations that may alias and keep previous stores to these locations.
heap_values[i].stored_by = Value::Unknown();
heap_values[i].value = Value::Unknown();
void LSEVisitor::VisitBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block) {
// Populate the heap_values array for this block.
// TODO: try to reuse the heap_values array from one predecessor if possible.
if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
} else {
// Visit instructions.
bool LSEVisitor::TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithDefault(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
DataType::Type type,
/*inout*/ArenaBitVector* phi_placeholders_to_materialize) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
ArenaBitVector visited(&allocator,
/*start_bits=*/ phi_placeholders_.size(),
/*expandable=*/ false,
ScopedArenaVector<const PhiPlaceholder*> work_queue(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
// Use depth first search to check if any non-Phi input is unknown.
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector_.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
const PhiPlaceholder* current_phi_placeholder = work_queue.back();
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[current_phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
DCHECK_GE(block->GetPredecessors().size(), 2u);
size_t idx = current_phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
// Visit the predecessor Phi placeholder if it's not visited yet.
if (!visited.IsBitSet(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value))) {
} else if (!value.Equals(Value::Default())) {
return false; // Report failure.
if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
// For back-edges we need to check all locations that write to the same array,
// even those that LSA declares non-aliasing, such as `a[i]` and `a[i + 1]`
// as they may actually refer to the same locations for different iterations.
for (size_t i = 0; i != num_heap_locations; ++i) {
if (i == idx ||
heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(i)->GetReferenceInfo() !=
heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->GetReferenceInfo()) {
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : block->GetPredecessors()) {
// Check if there were any writes to this location.
// Note: We could simply process the values but due to the vector operation
// carve-out (see `IsDefaultOrPhiAllowedForLoad()`), a vector load can cause
// the value to change and not be equal to default. To work around this and
// allow replacing the non-vector load of loop-invariant default values
// anyway, skip over paths that do not have any writes.
ValueRecord record = heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][i];
while (record.stored_by.NeedsLoopPhi() &&
blocks[record.stored_by.GetPhiPlaceholder()->GetBlockId()]->IsLoopHeader()) {
HLoopInformation* loop_info =
record = heap_values_for_[loop_info->GetPreHeader()->GetBlockId()][i];
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(record.value);
if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
// Visit the predecessor Phi placeholder if it's not visited yet.
if (!visited.IsBitSet(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value))) {
} else if (!value.Equals(Value::Default())) {
return false; // Report failure.
// Record replacement and report success.
HInstruction* replacement = GetDefaultValue(type);
for (uint32_t phi_placeholder_index : visited.Indexes()) {
phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_index] = Value::ForInstruction(replacement);
return true;
bool LSEVisitor::TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithSingleInput(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
/*inout*/ArenaBitVector* phi_placeholders_to_materialize) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
ArenaBitVector visited(&allocator,
/*start_bits=*/ phi_placeholders_.size(),
/*expandable=*/ false,
ScopedArenaVector<const PhiPlaceholder*> work_queue(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
// Use depth first search to check if any non-Phi input is unknown.
HInstruction* replacement = nullptr;
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
const PhiPlaceholder* current_phi_placeholder = work_queue.back();
HBasicBlock* current_block = blocks[current_phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
DCHECK_GE(current_block->GetPredecessors().size(), 2u);
size_t idx = current_phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : current_block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
// Visit the predecessor Phi placeholder if it's not visited yet.
if (!visited.IsBitSet(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value))) {
} else {
if (!value.IsInstruction() ||
(replacement != nullptr && replacement != value.GetInstruction())) {
return false; // Report failure.
replacement = value.GetInstruction();
// Record replacement and report success.
DCHECK(replacement != nullptr);
for (uint32_t phi_placeholder_index : visited.Indexes()) {
phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_index] = Value::ForInstruction(replacement);
return true;
const LSEVisitor::PhiPlaceholder* LSEVisitor::FindLoopPhisToMaterialize(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
/*inout*/ArenaBitVector* phi_placeholders_to_materialize,
DataType::Type type,
bool can_use_default_or_phi) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
ScopedArenaVector<const PhiPlaceholder*> work_queue(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
// Use depth first search to check if any non-Phi input is unknown.
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
const PhiPlaceholder* current_phi_placeholder = work_queue.back();
if (!phi_placeholders_to_materialize->IsBitSet(PhiPlaceholderIndex(current_phi_placeholder))) {
// Replaced by `TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWith{Default,SingleInput}()`.
HBasicBlock* current_block = blocks[current_phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
DCHECK_GE(current_block->GetPredecessors().size(), 2u);
size_t idx = current_phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
if (current_block->IsLoopHeader()) {
// If the index is defined inside the loop, it may reference different elements of the
// array on each iteration. Since we do not track if all elements of an array are set
// to the same value explicitly, the only known value in pre-header can be the default
// value from NewArray or a Phi placeholder depending on a default value from some outer
// loop pre-header. This Phi placeholder can be replaced only by the default value.
HInstruction* index = heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->GetIndex();
if (index != nullptr && current_block->GetLoopInformation()->Contains(*index->GetBlock())) {
if (can_use_default_or_phi &&
phi_placeholders_to_materialize)) {
} else {
return current_phi_placeholder; // Report the loop Phi placeholder.
// A similar situation arises with the index defined outside the loop if we cannot use
// default values or Phis, i.e. for vector loads, as we can only replace the Phi
// placeholder with a single instruction defined before the loop.
if (!can_use_default_or_phi) {
if (TryReplacingLoopPhiPlaceholderWithSingleInput(current_phi_placeholder,
phi_placeholders_to_materialize)) {
} else {
return current_phi_placeholder; // Report the loop Phi placeholder.
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : current_block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (value.IsUnknown()) {
// We cannot create a Phi for this loop Phi placeholder.
return current_phi_placeholder; // Report the loop Phi placeholder.
if (value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
// Visit the predecessor Phi placeholder if it's not visited yet.
if (!phi_placeholders_to_materialize->IsBitSet(PhiPlaceholderIndex(value))) {
// There are no unknown values feeding this Phi, so we can construct the Phis if needed.
return nullptr;
bool LSEVisitor::MaterializeLoopPhis(const ScopedArenaVector<size_t>& phi_placeholder_indexes,
DataType::Type type,
Phase phase) {
// Materialize all predecessors that do not need a loop Phi and determine if all inputs
// other than loop Phis are the same.
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
Value other_value = Value::Invalid();
for (size_t phi_placeholder_index : phi_placeholder_indexes) {
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholder_index];
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
DCHECK_GE(block->GetPredecessors().size(), 2u);
size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
DCHECK(phase == Phase::kLoadElimination);
MaterializeNonLoopPhis(value.GetPhiPlaceholder(), type);
value = Replacement(value);
if (!value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
if (other_value.IsInvalid()) {
// The first other value we found.
other_value = value;
} else if (!other_value.IsUnknown()) {
// Check if the current `value` differs from the previous `other_value`.
if (!value.Equals(other_value)) {
other_value = Value::Unknown();
if (!other_value.IsUnknown()) {
HInstruction* replacement =
(other_value.IsDefault()) ? GetDefaultValue(type) : other_value.GetInstruction();
for (size_t phi_placeholder_index : phi_placeholder_indexes) {
phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_index] = Value::ForInstruction(replacement);
return true;
// If we're materializing only a single Phi, try to match it with an existing Phi.
// (Matching multiple Phis would need investigation. It may be prohibitively slow.)
// This also covers the case when after replacing a previous set of Phi placeholders,
// we continue with a Phi placeholder that does not really need a loop Phi anymore.
if (phi_placeholder_indexes.size() == 1u) {
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholder_indexes[0]];
size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
HBasicBlock* block = GetGraph()->GetBlocks()[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
ArrayRef<HBasicBlock* const> predecessors(block->GetPredecessors());
for (HInstructionIterator phi_it(block->GetPhis()); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
HInstruction* phi = phi_it.Current();
DCHECK_EQ(phi->InputCount(), predecessors.size());
ArrayRef<HUserRecord<HInstruction*>> phi_inputs = phi->GetInputRecords();
auto cmp = [=](const HUserRecord<HInstruction*>& lhs, HBasicBlock* rhs) {
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[rhs->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (value.NeedsPhi()) {
DCHECK(value.GetPhiPlaceholder() == phi_placeholder);
return lhs.GetInstruction() == phi;
} else {
DCHECK(value.IsDefault() || value.IsInstruction());
return value.Equals(lhs.GetInstruction());
if (std::equal(phi_inputs.begin(), phi_inputs.end(), predecessors.begin(), cmp)) {
phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_indexes[0]] = Value::ForInstruction(phi);
return true;
if (phase == Phase::kStoreElimination) {
// We're not creating Phis during the final store elimination phase.
return false;
// There are different inputs to the Phi chain. Create the Phis.
ArenaAllocator* allocator = GetGraph()->GetAllocator();
for (size_t phi_placeholder_index : phi_placeholder_indexes) {
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholder_index];
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_index] = Value::ForInstruction(
new (allocator) HPhi(allocator, kNoRegNumber, block->GetPredecessors().size(), type));
// Fill the Phi inputs.
for (size_t phi_placeholder_index : phi_placeholder_indexes) {
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholder_index];
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
HInstruction* phi = phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_index].GetInstruction();
for (size_t i = 0, size = block->GetPredecessors().size(); i != size; ++i) {
HBasicBlock* predecessor = block->GetPredecessors()[i];
Value value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
HInstruction* input = value.IsDefault() ? GetDefaultValue(type) : value.GetInstruction();
DCHECK_NE(input->GetType(), DataType::Type::kVoid);
phi->SetRawInputAt(i, input);
// Add the Phis to their blocks.
for (size_t phi_placeholder_index : phi_placeholder_indexes) {
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[phi_placeholder_index];
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
if (type == DataType::Type::kReference) {
ScopedArenaAllocator local_allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
ScopedArenaVector<HInstruction*> phis(local_allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
for (size_t phi_placeholder_index : phi_placeholder_indexes) {
// Update reference type information. Pass invalid handles, these are not used for Phis.
ReferenceTypePropagation rtp_fixup(GetGraph(),
/* is_first_run= */ false);
rtp_fixup.Visit(ArrayRef<HInstruction* const>(phis));
return true;
bool LSEVisitor::MaterializeLoopPhis(const ArenaBitVector& phi_placeholders_to_materialize,
DataType::Type type,
Phase phase) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
// We want to recognize when a subset of these loop Phis that do not need other
// loop Phis, i.e. a transitive closure, has only one other instruction as an input,
// i.e. that instruction can be used instead of each Phi in the set. See for example
// Main.testLoop{5,6,7,8}() in the test 530-checker-lse. To do that, we shall
// materialize these loop Phis from the smallest transitive closure.
// Construct a matrix of loop phi placeholder dependencies. To reduce the memory usage,
// assign new indexes to the Phi placeholders, making the matrix dense.
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> matrix_indexes(phi_placeholders_.size(),
static_cast<size_t>(-1), // Invalid.
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> phi_placeholder_indexes(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
size_t num_phi_placeholders = phi_placeholders_to_materialize.NumSetBits();
for (uint32_t marker_index : phi_placeholders_to_materialize.Indexes()) {
matrix_indexes[marker_index] = phi_placeholder_indexes.size();
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
ScopedArenaVector<ArenaBitVector*> dependencies(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
for (size_t matrix_index = 0; matrix_index != num_phi_placeholders; ++matrix_index) {
static constexpr bool kExpandable = false;
ArenaBitVector::Create(&allocator, num_phi_placeholders, kExpandable, kArenaAllocLSE));
ArenaBitVector* current_dependencies = dependencies.back();
current_dependencies->SetBit(matrix_index); // Count the Phi placeholder as its own dependency.
const PhiPlaceholder* current_phi_placeholder =
HBasicBlock* current_block = blocks[current_phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
DCHECK_GE(current_block->GetPredecessors().size(), 2u);
size_t idx = current_phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : current_block->GetPredecessors()) {
Value pred_value = ReplacementOrValue(heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()][idx].value);
if (pred_value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
size_t pred_value_index = PhiPlaceholderIndex(pred_value);
DCHECK_NE(matrix_indexes[pred_value_index], static_cast<size_t>(-1));
// Use the Floyd-Warshall algorithm to determine all transitive dependencies.
for (size_t k = 0; k != num_phi_placeholders; ++k) {
for (size_t i = 0; i != num_phi_placeholders; ++i) {
for (size_t j = 0; j != num_phi_placeholders; ++j) {
if (dependencies[i]->IsBitSet(k) && dependencies[k]->IsBitSet(j)) {
// Count the number of transitive dependencies for each replaceable Phi placeholder.
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> num_dependencies(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
for (size_t matrix_index = 0; matrix_index != num_phi_placeholders; ++matrix_index) {
// Pick a Phi placeholder with the smallest number of transitive dependencies and
// materialize it and its dependencies. Repeat until we have materialized all.
ScopedArenaVector<size_t> current_subset(allocator.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
size_t remaining_phi_placeholders = num_phi_placeholders;
while (remaining_phi_placeholders != 0u) {
auto it = std::min_element(num_dependencies.begin(), num_dependencies.end());
DCHECK_LE(*it, remaining_phi_placeholders);
size_t current_matrix_index = std::distance(num_dependencies.begin(), it);
ArenaBitVector* current_dependencies = dependencies[current_matrix_index];
size_t current_num_dependencies = num_dependencies[current_matrix_index];
for (uint32_t matrix_index : current_dependencies->Indexes()) {
if (!MaterializeLoopPhis(current_subset, type, phase)) {
DCHECK(phase == Phase::kStoreElimination);
// This is the final store elimination phase and we shall not be able to eliminate any
// stores that depend on the current subset, so mark these Phi placeholders unreplaceable.
for (uint32_t matrix_index = 0; matrix_index != num_phi_placeholders; ++matrix_index) {
if (dependencies[matrix_index]->IsBitSet(current_matrix_index)) {
phi_placeholder_replacements_[phi_placeholder_indexes[matrix_index]] = Value::Unknown();
return false;
for (uint32_t matrix_index = 0; matrix_index != num_phi_placeholders; ++matrix_index) {
if (current_dependencies->IsBitSet(matrix_index)) {
// Mark all dependencies as done by incrementing their `num_dependencies[.]`,
// so that they shall never be the minimum again.
num_dependencies[matrix_index] = num_phi_placeholders;
} else if (dependencies[matrix_index]->IsBitSet(current_matrix_index)) {
// Remove dependencies from other Phi placeholders.
num_dependencies[matrix_index] -= current_num_dependencies;
remaining_phi_placeholders -= current_num_dependencies;
return true;
const LSEVisitor::PhiPlaceholder* LSEVisitor::TryToMaterializeLoopPhis(
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
HInstruction* load) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
// Find Phi placeholders to materialize.
ArenaBitVector phi_placeholders_to_materialize(
&allocator, phi_placeholders_.size(), /*expandable=*/ false, kArenaAllocLSE);
DataType::Type type = load->GetType();
bool can_use_default_or_phi = IsDefaultOrPhiAllowedForLoad(load);
const PhiPlaceholder* loop_phi_with_unknown_input = FindLoopPhisToMaterialize(
phi_placeholder, &phi_placeholders_to_materialize, type, can_use_default_or_phi);
if (loop_phi_with_unknown_input != nullptr) {
return loop_phi_with_unknown_input; // Return failure.
bool success =
MaterializeLoopPhis(phi_placeholders_to_materialize, type, Phase::kLoadElimination);
// Report success.
return nullptr;
// Re-process loads and stores in successors from the `loop_phi_with_unknown_input`. This may
// find one or more loads from `loads_requiring_loop_phi_` which cannot be replaced by Phis and
// propagate the load(s) as the new value(s) to successors; this may uncover new elimination
// opportunities. If we find no such load, we shall at least propagate an unknown value to some
// heap location that is needed by another loop Phi placeholder.
void LSEVisitor::ProcessLoopPhiWithUnknownInput(const PhiPlaceholder* loop_phi_with_unknown_input) {
size_t loop_phi_with_unknown_input_index = PhiPlaceholderIndex(loop_phi_with_unknown_input);
phi_placeholder_replacements_[loop_phi_with_unknown_input_index] = Value::Unknown();
uint32_t block_id = loop_phi_with_unknown_input->GetBlockId();
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*> reverse_post_order = GetGraph()->GetReversePostOrder();
size_t reverse_post_order_index = 0;
size_t reverse_post_order_size = reverse_post_order.size();
size_t loads_and_stores_index = 0u;
size_t loads_and_stores_size = loads_and_stores_.size();
// Skip blocks and instructions before the block containing the loop phi with unknown input.
DCHECK_NE(reverse_post_order_index, reverse_post_order_size);
while (reverse_post_order[reverse_post_order_index]->GetBlockId() != block_id) {
HBasicBlock* block = reverse_post_order[reverse_post_order_index];
while (loads_and_stores_index != loads_and_stores_size &&
loads_and_stores_[loads_and_stores_index].load_or_store->GetBlock() == block) {
DCHECK_NE(reverse_post_order_index, reverse_post_order_size);
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
// FIXME: This is currently incompatible with calls to AddRemovedLoad();
// that function should change also for performance reasons as
// searches in `removed_loads_` are O(n).
// ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
// Reuse one temporary vector for all remaining blocks.
size_t num_heap_locations = heap_location_collector_.GetNumberOfHeapLocations();
ScopedArenaVector<Value> local_heap_values(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
auto get_initial_value = [this](HBasicBlock* block, size_t idx) {
Value value;
if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
if (block->GetLoopInformation()->IsIrreducible()) {
value = Value::Unknown();
} else {
value = PrepareLoopValue(block, idx);
} else {
value = MergePredecessorValues(block, idx);
DCHECK(value.IsUnknown() || ReplacementOrValue(value).Equals(value));
return value;
// Process remaining blocks and instructions.
bool found_unreplaceable_load = false;
bool replaced_heap_value_with_unknown = false;
for (; reverse_post_order_index != reverse_post_order_size; ++reverse_post_order_index) {
HBasicBlock* block = reverse_post_order[reverse_post_order_index];
if (block->IsExitBlock()) {
// We shall reconstruct only the heap values that we need for processing loads and stores.
local_heap_values.resize(num_heap_locations, Value::Invalid());
for (; loads_and_stores_index != loads_and_stores_size; ++loads_and_stores_index) {
HInstruction* load_or_store = loads_and_stores_[loads_and_stores_index].load_or_store;
size_t idx = loads_and_stores_[loads_and_stores_index].heap_location_index;
if (load_or_store->GetBlock() != block) {
break; // End of instructions from the current block.
bool is_store = load_or_store->GetSideEffects().DoesAnyWrite();
DCHECK_EQ(is_store, IsStore(load_or_store));
HInstruction* stored_value = nullptr;
if (is_store) {
auto it = store_records_.find(load_or_store);
DCHECK(it != store_records_.end());
stored_value = it->second.stored_value;
auto it = loads_requiring_loop_phi_.find(
stored_value != nullptr ? stored_value : load_or_store);
if (it == loads_requiring_loop_phi_.end()) {
continue; // This load or store never needed a loop Phi.
ValueRecord& record = it->second;
if (!is_store) {
// Process the load unless it has previously been marked unreplaceable.
if (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
if (local_heap_values[idx].IsInvalid()) {
local_heap_values[idx] = get_initial_value(block, idx);
if (local_heap_values[idx].IsUnknown()) {
// This load cannot be replaced. Keep stores that feed the Phi placeholder
// (no aliasing since then, otherwise the Phi placeholder would not have been
// propagated as a value to this load) and store the load as the new heap value.
found_unreplaceable_load = true;
record.value = Value::Unknown();
local_heap_values[idx] = Value::ForInstruction(load_or_store);
} else if (local_heap_values[idx].NeedsLoopPhi()) {
// The load may still be replaced with a Phi later.
} else {
// This load can be eliminated but we may need to construct non-loop Phis.
if (local_heap_values[idx].NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
local_heap_values[idx] = Replacement(local_heap_values[idx]);
record.value = local_heap_values[idx];
HInstruction* heap_value = local_heap_values[idx].GetInstruction();
AddRemovedLoad(load_or_store, heap_value);
} else {
// Process the store by updating `local_heap_values[idx]`. The last update shall
// be propagated to the `heap_values[idx].value` if it previously needed a loop Phi
// at the end of the block.
Value replacement = ReplacementOrValue(record.value);
if (replacement.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
// No replacement yet, use the Phi placeholder from the load.
local_heap_values[idx] = record.value;
} else {
// If the load fetched a known value, use it, otherwise use the load.
local_heap_values[idx] = Value::ForInstruction(
replacement.IsUnknown() ? stored_value : replacement.GetInstruction());
// All heap values that previously needed a loop Phi at the end of the block
// need to be updated for processing successors.
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()];
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != num_heap_locations; ++idx) {
if (heap_values[idx].value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
if (local_heap_values[idx].IsValid()) {
heap_values[idx].value = local_heap_values[idx];
} else {
heap_values[idx].value = get_initial_value(block, idx);
if (heap_values[idx].value.IsUnknown()) {
replaced_heap_value_with_unknown = true;
DCHECK(found_unreplaceable_load || replaced_heap_value_with_unknown);
void LSEVisitor::ProcessLoadsRequiringLoopPhis() {
// Note: The vector operations carve-out (see `IsDefaultOrPhiAllowedForLoad()`) can possibly
// make the result of the processing depend on the order in which we process these loads.
// To make sure the result is deterministic, iterate over `loads_and_stores_` instead of the
// `loads_requiring_loop_phi_` indexed by non-deterministic pointers.
for (const LoadStoreRecord& load_store_record : loads_and_stores_) {
auto it = loads_requiring_loop_phi_.find(load_store_record.load_or_store);
if (it == loads_requiring_loop_phi_.end()) {
HInstruction* load = it->first;
ValueRecord& record = it->second;
while (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi() &&
phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(record.value)].IsInvalid()) {
const PhiPlaceholder* loop_phi_with_unknown_input =
TryToMaterializeLoopPhis(record.value.GetPhiPlaceholder(), load);
DCHECK_EQ(loop_phi_with_unknown_input != nullptr,
if (loop_phi_with_unknown_input != nullptr) {
// The load could have been marked as unreplaceable (and stores marked for keeping)
// or marked for replacement with an instruction in ProcessLoopPhiWithUnknownInput().
DCHECK(record.value.IsUnknown() || record.value.IsInstruction() || record.value.NeedsLoopPhi());
if (record.value.NeedsLoopPhi()) {
record.value = Replacement(record.value);
HInstruction* heap_value = record.value.GetInstruction();
AddRemovedLoad(load, heap_value);
void LSEVisitor::SearchPhiPlaceholdersForKeptStores() {
ScopedArenaVector<uint32_t> work_queue(allocator_.Adapter(kArenaAllocLSE));
size_t start_size = phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.NumSetBits();
work_queue.reserve(((start_size * 3u) + 1u) / 2u); // Reserve 1.5x start size, rounded up.
for (uint32_t index : phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.Indexes()) {
const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& blocks = GetGraph()->GetBlocks();
while (!work_queue.empty()) {
const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder = &phi_placeholders_[work_queue.back()];
size_t idx = phi_placeholder->GetHeapLocation();
HBasicBlock* block = blocks[phi_placeholder->GetBlockId()];
for (HBasicBlock* predecessor : block->GetPredecessors()) {
ScopedArenaVector<ValueRecord>& heap_values = heap_values_for_[predecessor->GetBlockId()];
// For loop back-edges we must also preserve all stores to locations that may alias
// with the location `idx`.
// TODO: Review whether we need to keep stores to aliased locations from pre-header.
// TODO: Review in light of testLoop29(); may need to handle locations that LSA considers
// non-aliasing.
// TODO: Add tests cases around this.
bool is_back_edge =
block->IsLoopHeader() && predecessor != block->GetLoopInformation()->GetPreHeader();
size_t start = is_back_edge ? 0u : idx;
size_t end = is_back_edge ? heap_values.size() : idx + 1u;
for (size_t i = start; i != end; ++i) {
Value stored_by = heap_values[i].stored_by;
if (!stored_by.IsUnknown() && (i == idx || heap_location_collector_.MayAlias(i, idx))) {
if (stored_by.NeedsPhi()) {
size_t phi_placeholder_index = PhiPlaceholderIndex(stored_by);
if (!phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.IsBitSet(phi_placeholder_index)) {
} else {
void LSEVisitor::UpdateValueRecordForStoreElimination(/*inout*/ValueRecord* value_record) {
while (value_record->stored_by.IsInstruction() &&
!kept_stores_.IsBitSet(value_record->stored_by.GetInstruction()->GetId())) {
auto it = store_records_.find(value_record->stored_by.GetInstruction());
DCHECK(it != store_records_.end());
*value_record = it->second.old_value_record;
if (value_record->stored_by.NeedsPhi() &&
PhiPlaceholderIndex(value_record->stored_by))) {
// Some stores feeding this heap location may have been eliminated. Use the `stored_by`
// Phi placeholder to recalculate the actual value.
value_record->value = value_record->stored_by;
value_record->value = ReplacementOrValue(value_record->value);
if (value_record->value.NeedsNonLoopPhi()) {
// Treat all Phi placeholders as requiring loop Phis at this point.
// We do not want MaterializeLoopPhis() to call MaterializeNonLoopPhis().
value_record->value = Value::ForLoopPhiPlaceholder(value_record->value.GetPhiPlaceholder());
void LSEVisitor::FindOldValueForPhiPlaceholder(const PhiPlaceholder* phi_placeholder,
DataType::Type type) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
ArenaBitVector visited(&allocator,
/*start_bits=*/ phi_placeholders_.size(),
/*expandable=*/ false,
// Find Phi placeholders to try and match against existing Phis or other replacement values.
ArenaBitVector phi_placeholders_to_materialize(
&allocator, phi_placeholders_.size(), /*expandable=*/ false, kArenaAllocLSE);
const PhiPlaceholder* loop_phi_with_unknown_input = FindLoopPhisToMaterialize(
phi_placeholder, &phi_placeholders_to_materialize, type, /*can_use_default_or_phi=*/ true);
if (loop_phi_with_unknown_input != nullptr) {
// Mark the unreplacable placeholder as well as the input Phi placeholder as unreplaceable.
phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(phi_placeholder)] = Value::Unknown();
phi_placeholder_replacements_[PhiPlaceholderIndex(loop_phi_with_unknown_input)] =
bool success =
MaterializeLoopPhis(phi_placeholders_to_materialize, type, Phase::kStoreElimination);
void LSEVisitor::FindStoresWritingOldValues() {
// The Phi placeholder replacements have so far been used for eliminating loads,
// tracking values that would be stored if all stores were kept. As we want to
// compare actual old values after removing unmarked stores, prune the Phi
// placeholder replacements that can be fed by values we may not actually store.
// Replacements marked as unknown can be kept as they are fed by some unknown
// value and would end up as unknown again if we recalculated them.
for (size_t i = 0, size = phi_placeholder_replacements_.size(); i != size; ++i) {
if (!phi_placeholder_replacements_[i].IsUnknown() &&
!phi_placeholders_to_search_for_kept_stores_.IsBitSet(i)) {
phi_placeholder_replacements_[i] = Value::Invalid();
// Update heap values at end of blocks.
for (HBasicBlock* block : GetGraph()->GetReversePostOrder()) {
for (ValueRecord& value_record : heap_values_for_[block->GetBlockId()]) {
// Use local allocator to reduce peak memory usage.
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(allocator_.GetArenaStack());
// Mark the stores we want to eliminate in a separate bit vector.
ArenaBitVector eliminated_stores(&allocator,
/*start_bits=*/ GetGraph()->GetCurrentInstructionId(),
/*expandable=*/ false,
for (auto& entry : store_records_) {
HInstruction* store = entry.first;
StoreRecord& store_record = entry.second;
if (!kept_stores_.IsBitSet(store->GetId())) {
continue; // Ignore stores that are not kept.
if (store_record.old_value_record.value.NeedsPhi()) {
DataType::Type type = store_record.stored_value->GetType();
FindOldValueForPhiPlaceholder(store_record.old_value_record.value.GetPhiPlaceholder(), type);
store_record.old_value_record.value = ReplacementOrValue(store_record.old_value_record.value);
HInstruction* stored_value = FindSubstitute(store_record.stored_value);
if (store_record.old_value_record.value.Equals(stored_value)) {
// Commit the stores to eliminate by removing them from `kept_stores_`.
void LSEVisitor::Run() {
// 1. Process blocks and instructions in reverse post order.
for (HBasicBlock* block : GetGraph()->GetReversePostOrder()) {
// 2. Process loads that require loop Phis, trying to find/create replacements.
// 3. Determine which stores to keep and which to eliminate.
// Finish marking stores for keeping.
// Find stores that write the same value as is already present in the location.
// 4. Replace loads and remove unnecessary stores and singleton allocations.
// Remove recorded load instructions that should be eliminated.
size_t size = removed_loads_.size();
DCHECK_EQ(size, substitute_instructions_for_loads_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
HInstruction* load = removed_loads_[i];
DCHECK(load != nullptr);
DCHECK(load->GetBlock() != nullptr) << load->DebugName() << "@" << load->GetDexPc();
HInstruction* substitute = substitute_instructions_for_loads_[i];
DCHECK(substitute != nullptr);
// We proactively retrieve the substitute for a removed load, so
// a load that has a substitute should not be observed as a heap
// location value.
DCHECK_EQ(FindSubstitute(substitute), substitute);
// Remove all the stores we can.
for (const LoadStoreRecord& record : loads_and_stores_) {
bool is_store = record.load_or_store->GetSideEffects().DoesAnyWrite();
DCHECK_EQ(is_store, IsStore(record.load_or_store));
if (is_store && !kept_stores_.IsBitSet(record.load_or_store->GetId())) {
// Eliminate singleton-classified instructions:
// * - Constructor fences (they never escape this thread).
// * - Allocations (if they are unused).
for (HInstruction* new_instance : singleton_new_instances_) {
size_t removed = HConstructorFence::RemoveConstructorFences(new_instance);
if (!new_instance->HasNonEnvironmentUses()) {
bool LoadStoreElimination::Run() {
if (graph_->IsDebuggable() || graph_->HasTryCatch()) {
// Debugger may set heap values or trigger deoptimization of callers.
// Try/catch support not implemented yet.
// Skip this optimization.
return false;
ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(graph_->GetArenaStack());
LoadStoreAnalysis lsa(graph_, &allocator);
const HeapLocationCollector& heap_location_collector = lsa.GetHeapLocationCollector();
if (heap_location_collector.GetNumberOfHeapLocations() == 0) {
// No HeapLocation information from LSA, skip this optimization.
return false;
LSEVisitor lse_visitor(graph_, heap_location_collector, stats_);
return true;
} // namespace art