blob: 8a93afb87278caa5f223056a531e064d8bd58b6c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "compiler_internals.h"
#include "utils/arena_object.h"
namespace art {
class LocalValueNumbering;
class MirFieldInfo;
class GlobalValueNumbering : public DeletableArenaObject<kArenaAllocMisc> {
enum Mode {
static bool Skip(CompilationUnit* cu) {
return (cu->disable_opt & (1u << kGlobalValueNumbering)) != 0u ||
cu->mir_graph->GetMaxNestedLoops() > kMaxAllowedNestedLoops;
// Instance and static field id map is held by MIRGraph to avoid multiple recalculations
// when doing LVN.
template <typename Container> // Container of MirIFieldLoweringInfo or MirSFieldLoweringInfo.
static uint16_t* PrepareGvnFieldIds(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
const Container& field_infos);
GlobalValueNumbering(CompilationUnit* cu, ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator, Mode mode);
// Prepare LVN for the basic block.
LocalValueNumbering* PrepareBasicBlock(BasicBlock* bb,
ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator = nullptr);
// Finish processing the basic block.
bool FinishBasicBlock(BasicBlock* bb);
// Checks that the value names didn't overflow.
bool Good() const {
return last_value_ < kNoValue;
// Allow modifications.
void StartPostProcessing();
bool CanModify() const {
return modifications_allowed_ && Good();
static constexpr uint16_t kNoValue = 0xffffu;
// Allocate a new value name.
uint16_t NewValueName();
// Key is concatenation of opcode, operand1, operand2 and modifier, value is value name.
typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<uint64_t, uint16_t> ValueMap;
static uint64_t BuildKey(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier) {
return (static_cast<uint64_t>(op) << 48 | static_cast<uint64_t>(operand1) << 32 |
static_cast<uint64_t>(operand2) << 16 | static_cast<uint64_t>(modifier));
// Look up a value in the global value map, adding a new entry if there was none before.
uint16_t LookupValue(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier) {
uint16_t res;
uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
ValueMap::iterator lb = global_value_map_.lower_bound(key);
if (lb != global_value_map_.end() && lb->first == key) {
res = lb->second;
} else {
res = NewValueName();
global_value_map_.PutBefore(lb, key, res);
return res;
// Look up a value in the global value map, don't add a new entry if there was none before.
uint16_t FindValue(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier) {
uint16_t res;
uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
ValueMap::iterator lb = global_value_map_.lower_bound(key);
if (lb != global_value_map_.end() && lb->first == key) {
res = lb->second;
} else {
res = kNoValue;
return res;
// Check if the exact value is stored in the global value map.
bool HasValue(uint16_t op, uint16_t operand1, uint16_t operand2, uint16_t modifier,
uint16_t value) const {
DCHECK(value != 0u || !Good());
DCHECK_LE(value, last_value_);
// This is equivalent to value == LookupValue(op, operand1, operand2, modifier)
// except that it doesn't add an entry to the global value map if it's not there.
uint64_t key = BuildKey(op, operand1, operand2, modifier);
ValueMap::const_iterator it = global_value_map_.find(key);
return (it != global_value_map_.end() && it->second == value);
// Get an instance field id.
uint16_t GetIFieldId(MIR* mir) {
return GetMirGraph()->GetGvnIFieldId(mir);
// Get a static field id.
uint16_t GetSFieldId(MIR* mir) {
return GetMirGraph()->GetGvnSFieldId(mir);
// Get an instance field type based on field id.
uint16_t GetIFieldType(uint16_t field_id) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(GetMirGraph()->GetIFieldLoweringInfo(field_id).MemAccessType());
// Get a static field type based on field id.
uint16_t GetSFieldType(uint16_t field_id) {
return static_cast<uint16_t>(GetMirGraph()->GetSFieldLoweringInfo(field_id).MemAccessType());
struct ArrayLocation {
uint16_t base;
uint16_t index;
struct ArrayLocationComparator {
bool operator()(const ArrayLocation& lhs, const ArrayLocation& rhs) const {
if (lhs.base != rhs.base) {
return lhs.base < rhs.base;
return lhs.index < rhs.index;
typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<ArrayLocation, uint16_t, ArrayLocationComparator> ArrayLocationMap;
// Get an array location.
uint16_t GetArrayLocation(uint16_t base, uint16_t index);
// Get the array base from an array location.
uint16_t GetArrayLocationBase(uint16_t location) const {
return array_location_reverse_map_[location]->first.base;
// Get the array index from an array location.
uint16_t GetArrayLocationIndex(uint16_t location) const {
return array_location_reverse_map_[location]->first.index;
// A set of value names.
typedef ScopedArenaSet<uint16_t> ValueNameSet;
// A map from a set of references to the set id.
typedef ScopedArenaSafeMap<ValueNameSet, uint16_t> RefSetIdMap;
uint16_t GetRefSetId(const ValueNameSet& ref_set) {
uint16_t res = kNoValue;
auto lb = ref_set_map_.lower_bound(ref_set);
if (lb != ref_set_map_.end() && !ref_set_map_.key_comp()(ref_set, lb->first)) {
res = lb->second;
} else {
res = NewValueName();
ref_set_map_.PutBefore(lb, ref_set, res);
return res;
const BasicBlock* GetBasicBlock(uint16_t bb_id) const {
return mir_graph_->GetBasicBlock(bb_id);
static bool HasNullCheckLastInsn(const BasicBlock* pred_bb, BasicBlockId succ_id);
bool NullCheckedInAllPredecessors(const ScopedArenaVector<uint16_t>& merge_names) const;
CompilationUnit* GetCompilationUnit() const {
return cu_;
MIRGraph* GetMirGraph() const {
return mir_graph_;
ScopedArenaAllocator* Allocator() const {
return allocator_;
CompilationUnit* const cu_;
MIRGraph* const mir_graph_;
ScopedArenaAllocator* const allocator_;
// The maximum number of nested loops that we accept for GVN.
static constexpr size_t kMaxAllowedNestedLoops = 6u;
// The number of BBs that we need to process grows exponentially with the number
// of nested loops. Don't allow excessive processing for too many nested loops or
// otherwise expensive methods.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxBbsToProcessMultiplyFactor = 20u;
uint32_t bbs_processed_;
uint32_t max_bbs_to_process_; // Doesn't apply after the main GVN has converged.
// We have 32-bit last_value_ so that we can detect when we run out of value names, see Good().
// We usually don't check Good() until the end of LVN unless we're about to modify code.
uint32_t last_value_;
// Marks whether code modifications are allowed. The initial GVN is done without code
// modifications to settle the value names. Afterwards, we allow modifications and rerun
// LVN once for each BasicBlock.
bool modifications_allowed_;
// Specifies the mode of operation.
Mode mode_;
ValueMap global_value_map_;
ArrayLocationMap array_location_map_;
ScopedArenaVector<const ArrayLocationMap::value_type*> array_location_reverse_map_;
RefSetIdMap ref_set_map_;
ScopedArenaVector<const LocalValueNumbering*> lvns_; // Owning.
std::unique_ptr<LocalValueNumbering> work_lvn_;
ScopedArenaVector<const LocalValueNumbering*> merge_lvns_; // Not owning.
friend class LocalValueNumbering;
friend class GlobalValueNumberingTest;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GlobalValueNumbering::Mode& rhs);
inline void GlobalValueNumbering::StartPostProcessing() {
DCHECK_EQ(mode_, kModeGvn);
mode_ = kModeGvnPostProcessing;
inline uint16_t GlobalValueNumbering::NewValueName() {
DCHECK_NE(mode_, kModeGvnPostProcessing);
return last_value_;
template <typename Container> // Container of MirIFieldLoweringInfo or MirSFieldLoweringInfo.
uint16_t* GlobalValueNumbering::PrepareGvnFieldIds(ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
const Container& field_infos) {
size_t size = field_infos.size();
uint16_t* field_ids = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(allocator->Alloc(size * sizeof(uint16_t),
for (size_t i = 0u; i != size; ++i) {
size_t idx = i;
const MirFieldInfo& cur_info = field_infos[i];
if (cur_info.IsResolved()) {
for (size_t j = 0; j != i; ++j) {
const MirFieldInfo& prev_info = field_infos[j];
if (prev_info.IsResolved() &&
prev_info.DeclaringDexFile() == cur_info.DeclaringDexFile() &&
prev_info.DeclaringFieldIndex() == cur_info.DeclaringFieldIndex()) {
DCHECK_EQ(cur_info.MemAccessType(), prev_info.MemAccessType());
idx = j;
field_ids[i] = idx;
return field_ids;
} // namespace art