blob: 0e88517006b7e4a966899f7932a389e299f52a4e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Functional tests for detecting min/max.
public class TestMinMax {
// Direct intrinsics.
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minI(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Con:i\d+>> IntConstant 20
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Par>>,<<Con>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minI(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.minI(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x14
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, #0x14
// Check that the constant generation was handled by VIXL.
/// CHECK: mov w16, #0x14
/// CHECK: csel {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, w16, lt
public static int minI(int a) {
return Math.min(a, 20);
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.minL(long) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:j\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Con:j\d+>> LongConstant 20
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:j\d+>> Min [<<Par>>,<<Con>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.minL(long) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.minL(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x14
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, #0x14
// Check that the constant generation was handled by VIXL.
/// CHECK: mov x16, #0x14
/// CHECK: csel {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, x16, lt
public static long minL(long a) {
return Math.min(a, 20L);
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.maxI(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Con:i\d+>> IntConstant 20
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Par>>,<<Con>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.maxI(int) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.maxI(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x14
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, #0x14
// Check that the constant generation was handled by VIXL.
/// CHECK: mov w16, #0x14
/// CHECK: csel {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, w16, gt
public static int maxI(int a) {
return Math.max(a, 20);
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.maxL(long) builder (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:j\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Con:j\d+>> LongConstant 20
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:j\d+>> Max [<<Par>>,<<Con>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.maxL(long) builder (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.maxL(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x14
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, #0x14
// Check that the constant generation was handled by VIXL.
/// CHECK: mov x16, #0x14
/// CHECK: csel {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, x16, gt
public static long maxL(long a) {
return Math.max(a, 20L);
// Special Cases
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.minIntConstantZero(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x0
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, #0x0 (0)
/// CHECK: csel {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, wzr, lt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int minIntConstantZero(int a) {
return Math.min(a, 0);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.minIntConstantOne(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x1
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinc {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, wzr, lt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int minIntConstantOne(int a) {
return Math.min(a, 1);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.minIntConstantMinusOne(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0xffffffff
/// CHECK: cmn {{w\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinv {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, wzr, lt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int minIntConstantMinusOne(int a) {
return Math.min(a, -1);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.minLongConstantZero(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x0
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, #0x0 (0)
/// CHECK: csel {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, xzr, lt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long minLongConstantZero(long a) {
return Math.min(a, 0L);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.minLongConstantOne(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x1
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinc {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, xzr, lt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long minLongConstantOne(long a) {
return Math.min(a, 1L);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.minLongConstantMinusOne(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0xffffffffffffffff
/// CHECK: cmn {{x\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinv {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, xzr, lt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long minLongConstantMinusOne(long a) {
return Math.min(a, -1L);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.maxIntConstantZero(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x0
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, #0x0 (0)
/// CHECK: csel {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, wzr, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int maxIntConstantZero(int a) {
return Math.max(a, 0);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.maxIntConstantOne(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x1
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinc {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, wzr, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int maxIntConstantOne(int a) {
return Math.max(a, 1);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.maxIntConstantMinusOne(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0xffffffff
/// CHECK: cmn {{w\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinv {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, wzr, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int maxIntConstantMinusOne(int a) {
return Math.max(a, -1);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: int TestMinMax.maxIntLargeConstant(int) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x2001
/// CHECK: cmp {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}
// Check that constant generation was not handled by VIXL.
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{w\d+}}, #0x2001
/// CHECK: csel {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, {{w\d+}}, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static int maxIntLargeConstant(int a) {
return Math.max(a, 8193);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.maxLongConstantZero(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x0
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, #0x0 (0)
/// CHECK: csel {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, xzr, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long maxLongConstantZero(long a) {
return Math.max(a, 0L);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.maxLongConstantOne(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x1
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinc {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, xzr, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long maxLongConstantOne(long a) {
return Math.max(a, 1L);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.maxLongConstantMinusOne(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0xffffffffffffffff
/// CHECK: cmn {{x\d+}}, #0x1 (1)
/// CHECK: csinv {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, xzr, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long maxLongConstantMinusOne(long a) {
return Math.max(a, -1L);
/// CHECK-START-ARM64: long TestMinMax.maxLongLargeConstant(long) disassembly (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: InvokeStaticOrDirect
/// CHECK: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x2001
/// CHECK: cmp {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}
// Check that constant generation was not handled by VIXL.
/// CHECK-NOT: mov {{x\d+}}, #0x2001
/// CHECK: csel {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, {{x\d+}}, gt
/// CHECK: ret
public static long maxLongLargeConstant(long a) {
return Math.max(a, 8193L);
// Different types.
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min1(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> GreaterThanOrEqual [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min1(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min1(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min1(int a, int b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min2(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> GreaterThan [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min2(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min2(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min2(int a, int b) {
return a <= b ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min3(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min3(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min3(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min3(int a, int b) {
return a > b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min4(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min4(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min4(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min4(int a, int b) {
return a >= b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min5(short, short) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:s\d+>>,<<Op2:s\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min5(short, short) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min5(short, short) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min5(short a, short b) {
return a >= b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min6(byte, byte) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:b\d+>>,<<Op2:b\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min6(byte, byte) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min6(byte, byte) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min6(byte a, byte b) {
return a >= b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.min7(long, long) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:j\d+>>,<<Op2:j\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:j\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.min7(long, long) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:j\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.min7(long, long) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static long min7(long a, long b) {
return a >= b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max1(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> GreaterThanOrEqual [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max1(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max1(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max1(int a, int b) {
return a < b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max2(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> GreaterThan [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op2>>,<<Op1>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max2(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max2(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max2(int a, int b) {
return a <= b ? b : a;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max3(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max3(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max3(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max3(int a, int b) {
return a > b ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max4(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:i\d+>>,<<Op2:i\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max4(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max4(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max4(int a, int b) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max5(short, short) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:s\d+>>,<<Op2:s\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max5(short, short) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max5(short, short) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max5(short a, short b) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max6(byte, byte) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:b\d+>>,<<Op2:b\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max6(byte, byte) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max6(byte, byte) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max6(byte a, byte b) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.max7(long, long) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Op1:j\d+>>,<<Op2:j\d+>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:j\d+>> Select [<<Op1>>,<<Op2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.max7(long, long) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:j\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: long TestMinMax.max7(long, long) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static long max7(long a, long b) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
// Complications.
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min0(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Ar1:i\d+>> ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},{{i\d+}}]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Ar2:i\d+>> ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},{{i\d+}}]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> GreaterThan [<<Ar1>>,<<Ar2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Ar1>>,<<Ar2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min0(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.min0(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int min0(int[] a, int[] b) {
// Repeat of array references needs finding the common subexpressions
// prior to doing the select and min/max recognition.
return a[0] <= b[0] ? a[0] : b[0];
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max0(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Ar1:i\d+>> ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},{{i\d+}}]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Ar2:i\d+>> ArrayGet [{{l\d+}},{{i\d+}}]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd:z\d+>> LessThan [<<Ar1>>,<<Ar2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel:i\d+>> Select [<<Ar1>>,<<Ar2>>,<<Cnd>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max0(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.max0(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int max0(int[] a, int[] b) {
// Repeat of array references needs finding the common subexpressions
// prior to doing the select and min/max recognition.
return a[0] >= b[0] ? a[0] : b[0];
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax1(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<P100:i\d+>> IntConstant 100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<M100:i\d+>> IntConstant -100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd1:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [<<Par>>,<<P100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel1:i\d+>> Select [<<P100>>,<<Par>>,<<Cnd1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd2:z\d+>> GreaterThanOrEqual [<<Sel1>>,<<M100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel2:i\d+>> Select [<<M100>>,<<Sel1>>,<<Cnd2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel2>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax1(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<P100:i\d+>> IntConstant 100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<M100:i\d+>> IntConstant -100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Par>>,<<P100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Min>>,<<M100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax1(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int minmax1(int x) {
// Simple if-if gives clean select sequence.
if (x > 100) {
x = 100;
if (x < -100) {
x = -100;
return x;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax2(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (before)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<P100:i\d+>> IntConstant 100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<M100:i\d+>> IntConstant -100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd1:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [<<Par>>,<<P100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd2:z\d+>> GreaterThanOrEqual [<<Par>>,<<M100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel1:i\d+>> Select [<<M100>>,<<Par>>,<<Cnd2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel2:i\d+>> Select [<<P100>>,<<Sel1>>,<<Cnd1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Sel2>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax2(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<P100:i\d+>> IntConstant 100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<M100:i\d+>> IntConstant -100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Par>>,<<M100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Max>>,<<P100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax2(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int minmax2(int x) {
// Simple if-else requires inspecting bounds of resulting selects.
if (x > 100) {
x = 100;
} else if (x < -100) {
x = -100;
return x;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax3(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<P100:i\d+>> IntConstant 100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<M100:i\d+>> IntConstant -100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Par>>,<<M100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Max>>,<<P100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax3(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int minmax3(int x) {
return (x > 100) ? 100 : ((x < -100) ? -100 : x);
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax4(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<P100:i\d+>> IntConstant 100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<M100:i\d+>> IntConstant -100
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Par>>,<<P100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Min>>,<<M100>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Max>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmax4(int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-NOT: Select
public static int minmax4(int x) {
return (x < -100) ? -100 : ((x > 100) ? 100 : x);
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmaxCSEScalar(int, int) select_generator (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par1:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par2:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd1:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel1:i\d+>> Select [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>,<<Cnd1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd2:z\d+>> GreaterThanOrEqual [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel2:i\d+>> Select [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>,<<Cnd2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add1:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel1>>,<<Sel2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add2:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel1>>,<<Add1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add3:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel2>>,<<Add2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add4:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel1>>,<<Add3>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add5:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel2>>,<<Add4>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Add5>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmaxCSEScalar(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par1:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par2:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add1:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add2:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Add1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add3:i\d+>> Add [<<Min>>,<<Add2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add4:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Add3>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add5:i\d+>> Add [<<Min>>,<<Add4>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Add5>>]
public static int minmaxCSEScalar(int x, int y) {
int t1 = (x > y) ? x : y;
int t2 = (x < y) ? x : y;
int t3 = (x > y) ? x : y;
int t4 = (x < y) ? x : y;
int t5 = (x > y) ? x : y;
int t6 = (x < y) ? x : y;
// Make sure min/max is CSEed.
return t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmaxCSEArray(int[], int[]) select_generator (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arr1:i\d+>> ArrayGet
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arr2:i\d+>> ArrayGet
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd1:z\d+>> LessThanOrEqual [<<Arr1>>,<<Arr2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel1:i\d+>> Select [<<Arr1>>,<<Arr2>>,<<Cnd1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Cnd2:z\d+>> GreaterThanOrEqual [<<Arr1>>,<<Arr2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Sel2:i\d+>> Select [<<Arr1>>,<<Arr2>>,<<Cnd2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add1:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel1>>,<<Sel2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add2:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel1>>,<<Add1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add3:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel2>>,<<Add2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add4:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel1>>,<<Add3>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add5:i\d+>> Add [<<Sel2>>,<<Add4>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Add5>>]
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmaxCSEArray(int[], int[]) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arr1:i\d+>> ArrayGet
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Arr2:i\d+>> ArrayGet
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Arr1>>,<<Arr2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Arr1>>,<<Arr2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add1:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add2:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Add1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add3:i\d+>> Add [<<Min>>,<<Add2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add4:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Add3>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add5:i\d+>> Add [<<Min>>,<<Add4>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Add5>>]
public static int minmaxCSEArray(int[] x, int[] y) {
int t1 = (x[0] > y[0]) ? x[0] : y[0];
int t2 = (x[0] < y[0]) ? x[0] : y[0];
int t3 = (x[0] > y[0]) ? x[0] : y[0];
int t4 = (x[0] < y[0]) ? x[0] : y[0];
int t5 = (x[0] > y[0]) ? x[0] : y[0];
int t6 = (x[0] < y[0]) ? x[0] : y[0];
// Make sure min/max is CSEed.
return t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 + t5 + t6;
/// CHECK-START: int TestMinMax.minmaxCSEScalarAndCond(int, int) instruction_simplifier$after_gvn (after)
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par1:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Par2:i\d+>> ParameterValue
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Max:i\d+>> Max [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Min:i\d+>> Min [<<Par1>>,<<Par2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Add>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add1:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Min>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add2:i\d+>> Add [<<Max>>,<<Add1>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: <<Add3:i\d+>> Add [<<Min>>,<<Add2>>]
/// CHECK-DAG: Return [<<Add3>>]
public static int minmaxCSEScalarAndCond(int x, int y) {
int t1 = (x > y) ? x : y;
int t2 = (x < y) ? x : y;
if (x == y)
return t1 + t2;
int t3 = (x > y) ? x : y;
int t4 = (x < y) ? x : y;
// Make sure min/max is CSEed.
return t1 + t2 + t3 + t4;
public static void main() {
// Intrinsics.
expectEquals(10, minI(10));
expectEquals(20, minI(25));
expectEquals(-1, minIntConstantZero(-1));
expectEquals(0, minIntConstantZero(1));
expectEquals(0, minIntConstantOne(0));
expectEquals(1, minIntConstantOne(2));
expectEquals(-2, minIntConstantMinusOne(-2));
expectEquals(-1, minIntConstantMinusOne(0));
expectEquals(10L, minL(10L));
expectEquals(20L, minL(25L));
expectEquals(-1L, minLongConstantZero(-1L));
expectEquals(0L, minLongConstantZero(1L));
expectEquals(0L, minLongConstantOne(0L));
expectEquals(1L, minLongConstantOne(2L));
expectEquals(-2L, minLongConstantMinusOne(-2L));
expectEquals(-1L, minLongConstantMinusOne(0L));
expectEquals(20, maxI(10));
expectEquals(25, maxI(25));
expectEquals(0, maxIntConstantZero(-1));
expectEquals(1, maxIntConstantZero(1));
expectEquals(1, maxIntConstantOne(0));
expectEquals(2, maxIntConstantOne(2));
expectEquals(-1, maxIntConstantMinusOne(-2));
expectEquals(0, maxIntConstantMinusOne(0));
expectEquals(8193, maxIntLargeConstant(8192));
expectEquals(9000, maxIntLargeConstant(9000));
expectEquals(20L, maxL(10L));
expectEquals(25L, maxL(25L));
expectEquals(0L, maxLongConstantZero(-1L));
expectEquals(1L, maxLongConstantZero(1L));
expectEquals(1L, maxLongConstantOne(0L));
expectEquals(2L, maxLongConstantOne(2L));
expectEquals(-1L, maxLongConstantMinusOne(-2L));
expectEquals(0L, maxLongConstantMinusOne(0L));
expectEquals(8193L, maxLongLargeConstant(8192L));
expectEquals(9000L, maxLongLargeConstant(9000L));
// Types.
expectEquals(10, min1(10, 20));
expectEquals(10, min2(10, 20));
expectEquals(10, min3(10, 20));
expectEquals(10, min4(10, 20));
expectEquals(10, min5((short) 10, (short) 20));
expectEquals(10, min6((byte) 10, (byte) 20));
expectEquals(10L, min7(10L, 20L));
expectEquals(20, max1(10, 20));
expectEquals(20, max2(10, 20));
expectEquals(20, max3(10, 20));
expectEquals(20, max4(10, 20));
expectEquals(20, max5((short) 10, (short) 20));
expectEquals(20, max6((byte) 10, (byte) 20));
expectEquals(20L, max7(10L, 20L));
// Complications.
int[] a = { 10 };
int[] b = { 20 };
expectEquals(10, min0(a, b));
expectEquals(20, max0(a, b));
expectEquals(-100, minmax1(-200));
expectEquals(10, minmax1(10));
expectEquals(100, minmax1(200));
expectEquals(-100, minmax2(-200));
expectEquals(10, minmax2(10));
expectEquals(100, minmax2(200));
expectEquals(-100, minmax3(-200));
expectEquals(10, minmax3(10));
expectEquals(100, minmax3(200));
expectEquals(-100, minmax4(-200));
expectEquals(10, minmax4(10));
expectEquals(100, minmax4(200));
expectEquals(90, minmaxCSEScalar(10, 20));
expectEquals(90, minmaxCSEArray(a, b));
expectEquals(20, minmaxCSEScalarAndCond(10, 10));
expectEquals(60, minmaxCSEScalarAndCond(10, 20));
System.out.println("TestMinMax passed");
private static void expectEquals(int expected, int result) {
if (expected != result) {
throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);
private static void expectEquals(long expected, long result) {
if (expected != result) {
throw new Error("Expected: " + expected + ", found: " + result);