blob: a7d288120db0b7f0db0b9f2280096eb927ec592d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/array_ref.h"
#include "base/globals.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/mman.h" // For the PROT_* and MAP_* constants.
#include "base/value_object.h"
#include "dex_file_structs.h"
#include "dex_file_types.h"
#include "jni.h"
#include "modifiers.h"
namespace art {
class ClassDataItemIterator;
class ClassIterator;
class CompactDexFile;
class DexInstructionIterator;
enum InvokeType : uint32_t;
template <typename Iter> class IterationRange;
class MemMap;
class OatDexFile;
class Signature;
class StandardDexFile;
class ZipArchive;
namespace hiddenapi {
enum class Domain : char;
} // namespace hiddenapi
// Owns the physical storage that backs one or more DexFiles (that is, it can be shared).
// It frees the storage (e.g. closes file) when all DexFiles that use it are all closed.
// The memory range must include all data used by the DexFiles including any shared data.
// It might also include surrounding non-dex data (e.g. it might represent vdex file).
class DexFileContainer {
DexFileContainer() { }
virtual ~DexFileContainer() {}
virtual bool IsReadOnly() const = 0;
// Make the underlying writeable. Return true on success (memory can be written).
virtual bool EnableWrite() = 0;
// Make the underlying read-only. Return true on success (memory is read-only now).
virtual bool DisableWrite() = 0;
virtual const uint8_t* Begin() const = 0;
virtual const uint8_t* End() const = 0;
size_t Size() const { return End() - Begin(); }
// TODO: Remove. This is only used by dexlayout to override the data section of the dex header,
// and redirect it to intermediate memory buffer at completely unrelated memory location.
virtual ArrayRef<const uint8_t> Data() const { return {}; }
bool IsZip() const { return is_zip_; }
void SetIsZip() { is_zip_ = true; }
virtual bool IsFileMap() const { return false; }
bool is_zip_ = false;
class MemoryDexFileContainer : public DexFileContainer {
MemoryDexFileContainer(const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) : begin_(begin), end_(end) {}
MemoryDexFileContainer(const uint8_t* begin, size_t size) : begin_(begin), end_(begin + size) {}
bool IsReadOnly() const override { return true; }
bool EnableWrite() override { return false; }
bool DisableWrite() override { return false; }
const uint8_t* Begin() const override { return begin_; }
const uint8_t* End() const override { return end_; }
const uint8_t* const begin_;
const uint8_t* const end_;
// Dex file is the API that exposes native dex files (ordinary dex files) and CompactDex.
// Originally, the dex file format used by ART was mostly the same as APKs. The only change was
// quickened opcodes and layout optimizations.
// Since ART needs to support both native dex files and CompactDex files, the DexFile interface
// provides an abstraction to facilitate this.
class DexFile {
// Number of bytes in the dex file magic.
static constexpr size_t kDexMagicSize = 4;
static constexpr size_t kDexVersionLen = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kDexContainerVersion = 41;
// First Dex format version enforcing class definition ordering rules.
static constexpr uint32_t kClassDefinitionOrderEnforcedVersion = 37;
static constexpr size_t kSha1DigestSize = 20;
static constexpr uint32_t kDexEndianConstant = 0x12345678;
// The value of an invalid index.
static constexpr uint16_t kDexNoIndex16 = 0xFFFF;
static constexpr uint32_t kDexNoIndex32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
using Magic = std::array<uint8_t, 8>;
struct Sha1 : public std::array<uint8_t, kSha1DigestSize> {
std::string ToString() const;
// Raw header_item.
struct Header {
Magic magic_ = {};
uint32_t checksum_ = 0; // See also location_checksum_
Sha1 signature_ = {};
uint32_t file_size_ = 0; // size of entire file
uint32_t header_size_ = 0; // offset to start of next section
uint32_t endian_tag_ = 0;
uint32_t link_size_ = 0; // unused
uint32_t link_off_ = 0; // unused
uint32_t map_off_ = 0; // map list offset from data_off_
uint32_t string_ids_size_ = 0; // number of StringIds
uint32_t string_ids_off_ = 0; // file offset of StringIds array
uint32_t type_ids_size_ = 0; // number of TypeIds, we don't support more than 65535
uint32_t type_ids_off_ = 0; // file offset of TypeIds array
uint32_t proto_ids_size_ = 0; // number of ProtoIds, we don't support more than 65535
uint32_t proto_ids_off_ = 0; // file offset of ProtoIds array
uint32_t field_ids_size_ = 0; // number of FieldIds
uint32_t field_ids_off_ = 0; // file offset of FieldIds array
uint32_t method_ids_size_ = 0; // number of MethodIds
uint32_t method_ids_off_ = 0; // file offset of MethodIds array
uint32_t class_defs_size_ = 0; // number of ClassDefs
uint32_t class_defs_off_ = 0; // file offset of ClassDef array
uint32_t data_size_ = 0; // size of data section
uint32_t data_off_ = 0; // file offset of data section
// Decode the dex magic version
uint32_t GetVersion() const;
// Get the header_size that is expected for this version.
uint32_t GetExpectedHeaderSize() const;
// Returns true for standard DEX version 41 or newer.
bool HasDexContainer() const;
// Returns offset of this header within the container.
// Returns 0 for older dex versions without container.
uint32_t HeaderOffset() const;
// Returns size of the whole container.
// Returns file_size_ for older dex versions without container.
uint32_t ContainerSize() const;
// Set the DEX container fields to the given values.
// Must be [0, file_size_) for older dex versions.
void SetDexContainer(size_t header_offset, size_t container_size);
struct HeaderV41 : public Header {
uint32_t container_size_ = 0; // total size of all dex files in the container.
uint32_t header_offset_ = 0; // offset of this dex's header in the container.
// Map item type codes.
enum MapItemType : uint16_t { // private
kDexTypeHeaderItem = 0x0000,
kDexTypeStringIdItem = 0x0001,
kDexTypeTypeIdItem = 0x0002,
kDexTypeProtoIdItem = 0x0003,
kDexTypeFieldIdItem = 0x0004,
kDexTypeMethodIdItem = 0x0005,
kDexTypeClassDefItem = 0x0006,
kDexTypeCallSiteIdItem = 0x0007,
kDexTypeMethodHandleItem = 0x0008,
kDexTypeMapList = 0x1000,
kDexTypeTypeList = 0x1001,
kDexTypeAnnotationSetRefList = 0x1002,
kDexTypeAnnotationSetItem = 0x1003,
kDexTypeClassDataItem = 0x2000,
kDexTypeCodeItem = 0x2001,
kDexTypeStringDataItem = 0x2002,
kDexTypeDebugInfoItem = 0x2003,
kDexTypeAnnotationItem = 0x2004,
kDexTypeEncodedArrayItem = 0x2005,
kDexTypeAnnotationsDirectoryItem = 0x2006,
kDexTypeHiddenapiClassData = 0xF000,
// MethodHandle Types
enum class MethodHandleType : uint16_t { // private
kStaticPut = 0x0000, // a setter for a given static field.
kStaticGet = 0x0001, // a getter for a given static field.
kInstancePut = 0x0002, // a setter for a given instance field.
kInstanceGet = 0x0003, // a getter for a given instance field.
kInvokeStatic = 0x0004, // an invoker for a given static method.
kInvokeInstance = 0x0005, // invoke_instance : an invoker for a given instance method. This
// can be any non-static method on any class (or interface) except
// for “<init>”.
kInvokeConstructor = 0x0006, // an invoker for a given constructor.
kInvokeDirect = 0x0007, // an invoker for a direct (special) method.
kInvokeInterface = 0x0008, // an invoker for an interface method.
kLast = kInvokeInterface
// Annotation constants.
enum {
kDexVisibilityBuild = 0x00, /* annotation visibility */
kDexVisibilityRuntime = 0x01,
kDexVisibilitySystem = 0x02,
kDexAnnotationByte = 0x00,
kDexAnnotationShort = 0x02,
kDexAnnotationChar = 0x03,
kDexAnnotationInt = 0x04,
kDexAnnotationLong = 0x06,
kDexAnnotationFloat = 0x10,
kDexAnnotationDouble = 0x11,
kDexAnnotationMethodType = 0x15,
kDexAnnotationMethodHandle = 0x16,
kDexAnnotationString = 0x17,
kDexAnnotationType = 0x18,
kDexAnnotationField = 0x19,
kDexAnnotationMethod = 0x1a,
kDexAnnotationEnum = 0x1b,
kDexAnnotationArray = 0x1c,
kDexAnnotationAnnotation = 0x1d,
kDexAnnotationNull = 0x1e,
kDexAnnotationBoolean = 0x1f,
kDexAnnotationValueTypeMask = 0x1f, /* low 5 bits */
kDexAnnotationValueArgShift = 5,
enum AnnotationResultStyle { // private
struct AnnotationValue;
// Closes a .dex file.
virtual ~DexFile();
const std::string& GetLocation() const {
return location_;
// For DexFiles directly from .dex files, this is the checksum from the DexFile::Header.
// For DexFiles opened from a zip files, this will be the ZipEntry CRC32 of classes.dex.
uint32_t GetLocationChecksum() const {
return location_checksum_;
Sha1 GetSha1() const { return header_->signature_; }
const Header& GetHeader() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return *header_;
// Decode the dex magic version
uint32_t GetDexVersion() const {
return GetHeader().GetVersion();
// Returns true if this is DEX V41 or later (i.e. supports container).
// Returns true even if the container contains just a single DEX file.
bool HasDexContainer() const { return GetHeader().HasDexContainer(); }
// Returns the whole memory range of the DEX V41 container.
// Returns just the range of the DEX file for V40 or older.
ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetDexContainerRange() const {
return {Begin() - header_->HeaderOffset(), header_->ContainerSize()};
bool IsDexContainerFirstEntry() const { return Begin() == GetDexContainerRange().begin(); }
bool IsDexContainerLastEntry() const { return End() == GetDexContainerRange().end(); }
// Returns true if the byte string points to the magic value.
virtual bool IsMagicValid() const = 0;
// Returns true if the byte string after the magic is the correct value.
virtual bool IsVersionValid() const = 0;
// Returns true if the dex file supports default methods.
virtual bool SupportsDefaultMethods() const = 0;
// Returns the maximum size in bytes needed to store an equivalent dex file strictly conforming to
// the dex file specification. That is the size if we wanted to get rid of all the
// quickening/compact-dexing/etc.
// TODO This should really be an exact size! b/72402467
virtual size_t GetDequickenedSize() const = 0;
// Returns the number of string identifiers in the .dex file.
size_t NumStringIds() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return header_->string_ids_size_;
// Returns the StringId at the specified index.
const dex::StringId& GetStringId(dex::StringIndex idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(idx.index_, NumStringIds()) << GetLocation();
return string_ids_[idx.index_];
dex::StringIndex GetIndexForStringId(const dex::StringId& string_id) const {
CHECK_GE(&string_id, string_ids_) << GetLocation();
CHECK_LT(&string_id, string_ids_ + header_->string_ids_size_) << GetLocation();
return dex::StringIndex(&string_id - string_ids_);
int32_t GetStringLength(const dex::StringId& string_id) const;
// Returns a pointer to the UTF-8 string data referred to by the given string_id as well as the
// length of the string when decoded as a UTF-16 string. Note the UTF-16 length is not the same
// as the string length of the string data.
const char* GetStringDataAndUtf16Length(const dex::StringId& string_id,
uint32_t* utf16_length) const;
const char* GetStringData(const dex::StringId& string_id) const;
// Index version of GetStringDataAndUtf16Length.
const char* StringDataAndUtf16LengthByIdx(dex::StringIndex idx, uint32_t* utf16_length) const;
const char* StringDataByIdx(dex::StringIndex idx) const;
std::string_view StringViewByIdx(dex::StringIndex idx) const;
// Looks up a string id for a given modified utf8 string.
const dex::StringId* FindStringId(const char* string) const;
const dex::TypeId* FindTypeId(const char* string) const;
const dex::TypeId* FindTypeId(std::string_view string) const {
return FindTypeId(std::string(string).c_str());
// Returns the number of type identifiers in the .dex file.
uint32_t NumTypeIds() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return header_->type_ids_size_;
bool IsTypeIndexValid(dex::TypeIndex idx) const {
return idx.IsValid() && idx.index_ < NumTypeIds();
// Returns the TypeId at the specified index.
const dex::TypeId& GetTypeId(dex::TypeIndex idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(idx.index_, NumTypeIds()) << GetLocation();
return type_ids_[idx.index_];
dex::TypeIndex GetIndexForTypeId(const dex::TypeId& type_id) const {
CHECK_GE(&type_id, type_ids_) << GetLocation();
CHECK_LT(&type_id, type_ids_ + header_->type_ids_size_) << GetLocation();
size_t result = &type_id - type_ids_;
DCHECK_LT(result, 65536U) << GetLocation();
return dex::TypeIndex(static_cast<uint16_t>(result));
// Get the descriptor string associated with a given type index.
const char* StringByTypeIdx(dex::TypeIndex idx, uint32_t* unicode_length) const;
const char* StringByTypeIdx(dex::TypeIndex idx) const;
// Returns the type descriptor string of a type id.
const char* GetTypeDescriptor(const dex::TypeId& type_id) const;
std::string_view GetTypeDescriptorView(const dex::TypeId& type_id) const;
// Looks up a type for the given string index
const dex::TypeId* FindTypeId(dex::StringIndex string_idx) const;
// Returns the number of field identifiers in the .dex file.
size_t NumFieldIds() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return header_->field_ids_size_;
// Returns the FieldId at the specified index.
const dex::FieldId& GetFieldId(uint32_t idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(idx, NumFieldIds()) << GetLocation();
return field_ids_[idx];
uint32_t GetIndexForFieldId(const dex::FieldId& field_id) const {
CHECK_GE(&field_id, field_ids_) << GetLocation();
CHECK_LT(&field_id, field_ids_ + header_->field_ids_size_) << GetLocation();
return &field_id - field_ids_;
// Looks up a field by its declaring class, name and type
const dex::FieldId* FindFieldId(const dex::TypeId& declaring_klass,
const dex::StringId& name,
const dex::TypeId& type) const;
// Return the code-item offset associated with the class and method or nullopt
// if the method does not exist or has no code.
std::optional<uint32_t> GetCodeItemOffset(const dex::ClassDef& class_def,
uint32_t dex_method_idx) const;
// Return the code-item offset associated with the class and method or
// LOG(FATAL) if the method does not exist or has no code.
uint32_t FindCodeItemOffset(const dex::ClassDef& class_def,
uint32_t dex_method_idx) const;
virtual uint32_t GetCodeItemSize(const dex::CodeItem& disk_code_item) const = 0;
// Returns the declaring class descriptor string of a field id.
const char* GetFieldDeclaringClassDescriptor(const dex::FieldId& field_id) const {
const dex::TypeId& type_id = GetTypeId(field_id.class_idx_);
return GetTypeDescriptor(type_id);
// Returns the class descriptor string of a field id.
const char* GetFieldTypeDescriptor(const dex::FieldId& field_id) const;
std::string_view GetFieldTypeDescriptorView(const dex::FieldId& field_id) const;
// Returns the name of a field id.
const char* GetFieldName(const dex::FieldId& field_id) const;
std::string_view GetFieldNameView(const dex::FieldId& field_id) const;
// Returns the number of method identifiers in the .dex file.
size_t NumMethodIds() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return header_->method_ids_size_;
// Returns the MethodId at the specified index.
const dex::MethodId& GetMethodId(uint32_t idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(idx, NumMethodIds()) << GetLocation();
return method_ids_[idx];
uint32_t GetIndexForMethodId(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const {
CHECK_GE(&method_id, method_ids_) << GetLocation();
CHECK_LT(&method_id, method_ids_ + header_->method_ids_size_) << GetLocation();
return &method_id - method_ids_;
// Looks up a method by its declaring class, name and proto_id
const dex::MethodId* FindMethodId(const dex::TypeId& declaring_klass,
const dex::StringId& name,
const dex::ProtoId& signature) const;
const dex::MethodId* FindMethodIdByIndex(dex::TypeIndex declaring_klass,
dex::StringIndex name,
dex::ProtoIndex signature) const;
// Returns the declaring class descriptor string of a method id.
const char* GetMethodDeclaringClassDescriptor(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const;
// Returns the prototype of a method id.
const dex::ProtoId& GetMethodPrototype(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const {
return GetProtoId(method_id.proto_idx_);
// Returns a representation of the signature of a method id.
const Signature GetMethodSignature(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const;
// Returns a representation of the signature of a proto id.
const Signature GetProtoSignature(const dex::ProtoId& proto_id) const;
// Returns the name of a method id.
const char* GetMethodName(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const;
const char* GetMethodName(const dex::MethodId& method_id, uint32_t* utf_length) const;
const char* GetMethodName(uint32_t idx) const;
const char* GetMethodName(uint32_t idx, uint32_t* utf_length) const;
std::string_view GetMethodNameView(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const;
std::string_view GetMethodNameView(uint32_t idx) const;
// Returns the shorty of a method by its index.
const char* GetMethodShorty(uint32_t idx) const;
// Returns the shorty of a method id.
const char* GetMethodShorty(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const;
const char* GetMethodShorty(const dex::MethodId& method_id, uint32_t* length) const;
std::string_view GetMethodShortyView(const dex::MethodId& method_id) const;
// Returns the number of class definitions in the .dex file.
uint32_t NumClassDefs() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return header_->class_defs_size_;
// Returns the ClassDef at the specified index.
const dex::ClassDef& GetClassDef(uint16_t idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(idx, NumClassDefs()) << GetLocation();
return class_defs_[idx];
uint16_t GetIndexForClassDef(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) const {
CHECK_GE(&class_def, class_defs_) << GetLocation();
CHECK_LT(&class_def, class_defs_ + header_->class_defs_size_) << GetLocation();
return &class_def - class_defs_;
// Returns the class descriptor string of a class definition.
const char* GetClassDescriptor(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) const;
// Looks up a class definition by its type index.
const dex::ClassDef* FindClassDef(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) const;
const dex::TypeList* GetInterfacesList(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) const {
return DataPointer<dex::TypeList>(class_def.interfaces_off_);
uint32_t NumMethodHandles() const {
return num_method_handles_;
const dex::MethodHandleItem& GetMethodHandle(uint32_t idx) const {
CHECK_LT(idx, NumMethodHandles());
return method_handles_[idx];
uint32_t NumCallSiteIds() const {
return num_call_site_ids_;
const dex::CallSiteIdItem& GetCallSiteId(uint32_t idx) const {
CHECK_LT(idx, NumCallSiteIds());
return call_site_ids_[idx];
// Returns a pointer to the raw memory mapped class_data_item
const uint8_t* GetClassData(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) const {
return DataPointer<uint8_t>(class_def.class_data_off_);
// Return the code item for a provided offset.
const dex::CodeItem* GetCodeItem(const uint32_t code_off) const {
// May be null for native or abstract methods.
return DataPointer<dex::CodeItem>(code_off);
const char* GetReturnTypeDescriptor(const dex::ProtoId& proto_id) const;
// Returns the number of prototype identifiers in the .dex file.
size_t NumProtoIds() const {
DCHECK(header_ != nullptr) << GetLocation();
return header_->proto_ids_size_;
// Returns the ProtoId at the specified index.
const dex::ProtoId& GetProtoId(dex::ProtoIndex idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(idx.index_, NumProtoIds()) << GetLocation();
return proto_ids_[idx.index_];
dex::ProtoIndex GetIndexForProtoId(const dex::ProtoId& proto_id) const {
CHECK_GE(&proto_id, proto_ids_) << GetLocation();
CHECK_LT(&proto_id, proto_ids_ + header_->proto_ids_size_) << GetLocation();
return dex::ProtoIndex(&proto_id - proto_ids_);
// Looks up a proto id for a given return type and signature type list
const dex::ProtoId* FindProtoId(dex::TypeIndex return_type_idx,
const dex::TypeIndex* signature_type_idxs,
uint32_t signature_length) const;
const dex::ProtoId* FindProtoId(dex::TypeIndex return_type_idx,
const std::vector<dex::TypeIndex>& signature_type_idxs) const {
return FindProtoId(return_type_idx, &signature_type_idxs[0], signature_type_idxs.size());
// Given a signature place the type ids into the given vector, returns true on success
bool CreateTypeList(std::string_view signature,
dex::TypeIndex* return_type_idx,
std::vector<dex::TypeIndex>* param_type_idxs) const;
// Returns the short form method descriptor for the given prototype.
const char* GetShorty(dex::ProtoIndex proto_idx) const;
std::string_view GetShortyView(dex::ProtoIndex proto_idx) const;
std::string_view GetShortyView(const dex::ProtoId& proto_id) const;
const dex::TypeList* GetProtoParameters(const dex::ProtoId& proto_id) const {
return DataPointer<dex::TypeList>(proto_id.parameters_off_);
const uint8_t* GetEncodedStaticFieldValuesArray(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) const {
return DataPointer<uint8_t>(class_def.static_values_off_);
const uint8_t* GetCallSiteEncodedValuesArray(const dex::CallSiteIdItem& call_site_id) const {
return DataBegin() + call_site_id.data_off_;
dex::ProtoIndex GetProtoIndexForCallSite(uint32_t call_site_idx) const;
static const dex::TryItem* GetTryItems(const DexInstructionIterator& code_item_end,
uint32_t offset);
// Get the base of the encoded data for the given DexCode.
static const uint8_t* GetCatchHandlerData(const DexInstructionIterator& code_item_end,
uint32_t tries_size,
uint32_t offset);
// Find which try region is associated with the given address (ie dex pc). Returns -1 if none.
static int32_t FindTryItem(const dex::TryItem* try_items, uint32_t tries_size, uint32_t address);
// Get the pointer to the start of the debugging data
const uint8_t* GetDebugInfoStream(uint32_t debug_info_off) const {
// Check that the offset is in bounds.
// Note that although the specification says that 0 should be used if there
// is no debug information, some applications incorrectly use 0xFFFFFFFF.
return (debug_info_off == 0 || debug_info_off >= DataSize()) ? nullptr :
DataBegin() + debug_info_off;
struct PositionInfo {
PositionInfo() = default;
uint32_t address_ = 0; // In 16-bit code units.
uint32_t line_ = 0; // Source code line number starting at 1.
const char* source_file_ = nullptr; // nullptr if the file from ClassDef still applies.
bool prologue_end_ = false;
bool epilogue_begin_ = false;
struct LocalInfo {
LocalInfo() = default;
const char* name_ = nullptr; // E.g., list. It can be nullptr if unknown.
const char* descriptor_ = nullptr; // E.g., Ljava/util/LinkedList;
const char* signature_ = nullptr; // E.g., java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.Integer>
uint32_t start_address_ = 0; // PC location where the local is first defined.
uint32_t end_address_ = 0; // PC location where the local is no longer defined.
uint16_t reg_ = 0; // Dex register which stores the values.
bool is_live_ = false; // Is the local defined and live.
// Callback for "new locals table entry".
using DexDebugNewLocalCb = void (*)(void* context, const LocalInfo& entry);
const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* GetAnnotationsDirectory(const dex::ClassDef& class_def)
const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem>(class_def.annotations_off_);
const dex::AnnotationSetItem* GetClassAnnotationSet(const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* anno_dir)
const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationSetItem>(anno_dir->class_annotations_off_);
const dex::FieldAnnotationsItem* GetFieldAnnotations(
const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* anno_dir) const {
return (anno_dir->fields_size_ == 0)
? nullptr
: reinterpret_cast<const dex::FieldAnnotationsItem*>(&anno_dir[1]);
const dex::MethodAnnotationsItem* GetMethodAnnotations(
const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* anno_dir) const {
if (anno_dir->methods_size_ == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Skip past the header and field annotations.
const uint8_t* addr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&anno_dir[1]);
addr += anno_dir->fields_size_ * sizeof(dex::FieldAnnotationsItem);
return reinterpret_cast<const dex::MethodAnnotationsItem*>(addr);
const dex::ParameterAnnotationsItem* GetParameterAnnotations(
const dex::AnnotationsDirectoryItem* anno_dir) const {
if (anno_dir->parameters_size_ == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Skip past the header, field annotations, and method annotations.
const uint8_t* addr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&anno_dir[1]);
addr += anno_dir->fields_size_ * sizeof(dex::FieldAnnotationsItem);
addr += anno_dir->methods_size_ * sizeof(dex::MethodAnnotationsItem);
return reinterpret_cast<const dex::ParameterAnnotationsItem*>(addr);
const dex::AnnotationSetItem* GetFieldAnnotationSetItem(
const dex::FieldAnnotationsItem& anno_item) const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationSetItem>(anno_item.annotations_off_);
const dex::AnnotationSetItem* GetMethodAnnotationSetItem(
const dex::MethodAnnotationsItem& anno_item) const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationSetItem>(anno_item.annotations_off_);
const dex::AnnotationSetRefList* GetParameterAnnotationSetRefList(
const dex::ParameterAnnotationsItem* anno_item) const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationSetRefList>(anno_item->annotations_off_);
ALWAYS_INLINE const dex::AnnotationItem* GetAnnotationItemAtOffset(uint32_t offset) const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationItem>(offset);
ALWAYS_INLINE const dex::HiddenapiClassData* GetHiddenapiClassDataAtOffset(uint32_t offset)
const {
return DataPointer<dex::HiddenapiClassData>(offset);
ALWAYS_INLINE const dex::HiddenapiClassData* GetHiddenapiClassData() const {
return hiddenapi_class_data_;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool HasHiddenapiClassData() const {
return hiddenapi_class_data_ != nullptr;
const dex::AnnotationItem* GetAnnotationItem(const dex::AnnotationSetItem* set_item,
uint32_t index) const {
DCHECK_LE(index, set_item->size_);
return GetAnnotationItemAtOffset(set_item->entries_[index]);
const dex::AnnotationSetItem* GetSetRefItemItem(const dex::AnnotationSetRefItem* anno_item)
const {
return DataPointer<dex::AnnotationSetItem>(anno_item->annotations_off_);
// Debug info opcodes and constants
enum {
DBG_SET_FILE = 0x09,
// Returns false if there is no debugging information or if it cannot be decoded.
template<typename NewLocalCallback, typename IndexToStringData, typename TypeIndexToStringData>
static bool DecodeDebugLocalInfo(const uint8_t* stream,
const std::string& location,
const char* declaring_class_descriptor,
const std::vector<const char*>& arg_descriptors,
const std::string& method_name,
bool is_static,
uint16_t registers_size,
uint16_t ins_size,
uint16_t insns_size_in_code_units,
const IndexToStringData& index_to_string_data,
const TypeIndexToStringData& type_index_to_string_data,
const NewLocalCallback& new_local) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
template<typename NewLocalCallback>
bool DecodeDebugLocalInfo(uint32_t registers_size,
uint32_t ins_size,
uint32_t insns_size_in_code_units,
uint32_t debug_info_offset,
bool is_static,
uint32_t method_idx,
const NewLocalCallback& new_local) const;
// Returns false if there is no debugging information or if it cannot be decoded.
template<typename DexDebugNewPosition, typename IndexToStringData>
static bool DecodeDebugPositionInfo(const uint8_t* stream,
const IndexToStringData& index_to_string_data,
const DexDebugNewPosition& position_functor);
const char* GetSourceFile(const dex::ClassDef& class_def) const {
if (!class_def.source_file_idx_.IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return StringDataByIdx(class_def.source_file_idx_);
bool IsReadOnly() const;
bool EnableWrite() const;
bool DisableWrite() const;
const uint8_t* Begin() const { return begin_; }
const uint8_t* End() const { return Begin() + Size(); }
size_t Size() const { return header_->file_size_; }
size_t SizeIncludingSharedData() const { return GetDexContainerRange().end() - Begin(); }
static ArrayRef<const uint8_t> GetDataRange(const uint8_t* data, DexFileContainer* container);
const uint8_t* DataBegin() const { return; }
size_t DataSize() const { return data_.size(); }
template <typename T>
const T* DataPointer(size_t offset) const {
DCHECK_LT(offset, DataSize()) << "Offset past end of data section";
return (offset != 0u) ? reinterpret_cast<const T*>(DataBegin() + offset) : nullptr;
const OatDexFile* GetOatDexFile() const {
return oat_dex_file_;
// Used by oat writer.
void SetOatDexFile(const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file) const {
oat_dex_file_ = oat_dex_file;
// Read MapItems and validate/set remaining offsets.
const dex::MapList* GetMapList() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const dex::MapList*>(DataBegin() + header_->map_off_);
// Utility methods for reading integral values from a buffer.
static int32_t ReadSignedInt(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth);
static uint32_t ReadUnsignedInt(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth, bool fill_on_right);
static int64_t ReadSignedLong(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth);
static uint64_t ReadUnsignedLong(const uint8_t* ptr, int zwidth, bool fill_on_right);
// Recalculates the checksum of the dex file. Does not use the current value in the header.
virtual uint32_t CalculateChecksum() const;
static uint32_t CalculateChecksum(const uint8_t* begin, size_t size);
static uint32_t ChecksumMemoryRange(const uint8_t* begin, size_t size);
// Number of bytes at the beginning of the dex file header which are skipped
// when computing the adler32 checksum of the entire file.
static constexpr uint32_t kNumNonChecksumBytes = OFFSETOF_MEMBER(DexFile::Header, signature_);
// Appends a human-readable form of the method at an index.
void AppendPrettyMethod(uint32_t method_idx, bool with_signature, std::string* result) const;
// Returns a human-readable form of the field at an index.
std::string PrettyField(uint32_t field_idx, bool with_type = true) const;
// Returns a human-readable form of the type at an index.
std::string PrettyType(dex::TypeIndex type_idx) const;
ALWAYS_INLINE std::string PrettyMethod(uint32_t method_idx, bool with_signature = true) const {
std::string result;
AppendPrettyMethod(method_idx, with_signature, &result);
return result;
// Not virtual for performance reasons.
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsCompactDexFile() const {
return is_compact_dex_;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsStandardDexFile() const {
return !is_compact_dex_;
ALWAYS_INLINE const StandardDexFile* AsStandardDexFile() const;
ALWAYS_INLINE const CompactDexFile* AsCompactDexFile() const;
hiddenapi::Domain GetHiddenapiDomain() const { return hiddenapi_domain_; }
void SetHiddenapiDomain(hiddenapi::Domain value) const { hiddenapi_domain_ = value; }
bool IsInMainSection(const void* addr) const {
return Begin() <= addr && addr < Begin() + Size();
bool IsInDataSection(const void* addr) const {
return DataBegin() <= addr && addr < DataBegin() + DataSize();
const std::shared_ptr<DexFileContainer>& GetContainer() const { return container_; }
IterationRange<ClassIterator> GetClasses() const;
template <typename Visitor>
static uint32_t DecodeDebugInfoParameterNames(const uint8_t** debug_info,
const Visitor& visitor);
static inline bool StringEquals(const DexFile* df1, dex::StringIndex sidx1,
const DexFile* df2, dex::StringIndex sidx2);
// First Dex format version supporting default methods.
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultMethodsVersion = 37;
DexFile(const uint8_t* base,
const std::string& location,
uint32_t location_checksum,
const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file,
// Shared since several dex files may be stored in the same logical container.
std::shared_ptr<DexFileContainer> container,
bool is_compact_dex);
template <typename T>
const T* GetSection(const uint32_t* offset, DexFileContainer* container);
// Top-level initializer that calls other Init methods.
bool Init(std::string* error_msg);
// Returns true if the header magic and version numbers are of the expected values.
bool CheckMagicAndVersion(std::string* error_msg) const;
// Initialize section info for sections only found in map. Returns true on success.
void InitializeSectionsFromMapList();
// The base address of the memory mapping.
const uint8_t* const begin_;
size_t unused_size_ = 0; // Preserve layout for DRM (b/305203031).
// Data memory range: Most dex offsets are relative to this memory range.
// Standard dex: same as (begin_, size_).
// Dex container: all dex files (starting from the first header).
// Compact: shared data which is located after all non-shared data.
// This is different to the "data section" in the standard dex header.
ArrayRef<const uint8_t> const data_;
// Typically the dex file name when available, alternatively some identifying string.
// The ClassLinker will use this to match DexFiles the boot class
// path to DexCache::GetLocation when loading from an image.
const std::string location_;
const uint32_t location_checksum_;
// Points to the header section.
const Header* const header_;
// Points to the base of the string identifier list.
const dex::StringId* const string_ids_;
// Points to the base of the type identifier list.
const dex::TypeId* const type_ids_;
// Points to the base of the field identifier list.
const dex::FieldId* const field_ids_;
// Points to the base of the method identifier list.
const dex::MethodId* const method_ids_;
// Points to the base of the prototype identifier list.
const dex::ProtoId* const proto_ids_;
// Points to the base of the class definition list.
const dex::ClassDef* const class_defs_;
// Points to the base of the method handles list.
const dex::MethodHandleItem* method_handles_;
// Number of elements in the method handles list.
size_t num_method_handles_;
// Points to the base of the call sites id list.
const dex::CallSiteIdItem* call_site_ids_;
// Number of elements in the call sites list.
size_t num_call_site_ids_;
// Points to the base of the hiddenapi class data item_, or nullptr if the dex
// file does not have one.
const dex::HiddenapiClassData* hiddenapi_class_data_;
// If this dex file was loaded from an oat file, oat_dex_file_ contains a
// pointer to the OatDexFile it was loaded from. Otherwise oat_dex_file_ is
// null.
mutable const OatDexFile* oat_dex_file_;
// Manages the underlying memory allocation.
std::shared_ptr<DexFileContainer> container_;
// If the dex file is a compact dex file. If false then the dex file is a standard dex file.
const bool is_compact_dex_;
// The domain this dex file belongs to for hidden API access checks.
// It is decleared `mutable` because the domain is assigned after the DexFile
// has been created and can be changed later by the runtime.
mutable hiddenapi::Domain hiddenapi_domain_;
friend class DexFileLoader;
friend class DexFileVerifierTest;
friend class OatWriter;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DexFile& dex_file);
// Iterate over a dex file's ProtoId's paramters
class DexFileParameterIterator {
DexFileParameterIterator(const DexFile& dex_file, const dex::ProtoId& proto_id)
: dex_file_(dex_file) {
type_list_ = dex_file_.GetProtoParameters(proto_id);
if (type_list_ != nullptr) {
size_ = type_list_->Size();
bool HasNext() const { return pos_ < size_; }
size_t Size() const { return size_; }
void Next() { ++pos_; }
dex::TypeIndex GetTypeIdx() {
return type_list_->GetTypeItem(pos_).type_idx_;
const char* GetDescriptor() {
return dex_file_.StringByTypeIdx(dex::TypeIndex(GetTypeIdx()));
const DexFile& dex_file_;
const dex::TypeList* type_list_ = nullptr;
uint32_t size_ = 0;
uint32_t pos_ = 0;
class EncodedArrayValueIterator {
EncodedArrayValueIterator(const DexFile& dex_file, const uint8_t* array_data);
bool HasNext() const { return pos_ < array_size_; }
WARN_UNUSED bool MaybeNext();
ALWAYS_INLINE void Next() {
bool ok = MaybeNext();
DCHECK(ok) << "Unknown type: " << GetValueType();
enum ValueType {
kByte = 0x00,
kShort = 0x02,
kChar = 0x03,
kInt = 0x04,
kLong = 0x06,
kFloat = 0x10,
kDouble = 0x11,
kMethodType = 0x15,
kMethodHandle = 0x16,
kString = 0x17,
kType = 0x18,
kField = 0x19,
kMethod = 0x1a,
kEnum = 0x1b,
kArray = 0x1c,
kAnnotation = 0x1d,
kNull = 0x1e,
kBoolean = 0x1f,
kEndOfInput = 0xff,
ValueType GetValueType() const { return type_; }
const jvalue& GetJavaValue() const { return jval_; }
static constexpr uint8_t kEncodedValueTypeMask = 0x1f; // 0b11111
static constexpr uint8_t kEncodedValueArgShift = 5;
const DexFile& dex_file_;
size_t array_size_; // Size of array.
size_t pos_; // Current position.
const uint8_t* ptr_; // Pointer into encoded data array.
ValueType type_; // Type of current encoded value.
jvalue jval_; // Value of current encoded value.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, EncodedArrayValueIterator::ValueType code);
class EncodedStaticFieldValueIterator : public EncodedArrayValueIterator {
EncodedStaticFieldValueIterator(const DexFile& dex_file,
const dex::ClassDef& class_def)
: EncodedArrayValueIterator(dex_file,
class CallSiteArrayValueIterator : public EncodedArrayValueIterator {
CallSiteArrayValueIterator(const DexFile& dex_file,
const dex::CallSiteIdItem& call_site_id)
: EncodedArrayValueIterator(dex_file,
uint32_t Size() const { return array_size_; }
} // namespace art