| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #include "base/locks.h" |
| #include "jni.h" |
| #include "obj_ptr.h" |
| #include "read_barrier_option.h" |
| |
| namespace art { |
| |
| class ArtField; |
| class ArtMethod; |
| |
| namespace mirror { |
| class Class; |
| } // namespace mirror |
| |
| namespace detail { |
| |
| template <typename MemberType, MemberType** kMember> |
| struct ClassFromMember { |
| template <ReadBarrierOption kReadBarrierOption = kWithReadBarrier> |
| static ObjPtr<mirror::Class> Get() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| |
| mirror::Class* operator->() const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| }; |
| |
| template <typename MemberType, MemberType** kMember> |
| bool operator==(const ClassFromMember<MemberType, kMember> lhs, ObjPtr<mirror::Class> rhs) |
| REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| |
| template <typename MemberType, MemberType** kMember> |
| bool operator==(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> lhs, const ClassFromMember<MemberType, kMember> rhs) |
| REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| |
| template <typename MemberType, MemberType** kMember> |
| bool operator!=(const ClassFromMember<MemberType, kMember> lhs, ObjPtr<mirror::Class> rhs) |
| REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| |
| template <typename MemberType, MemberType** kMember> |
| bool operator!=(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> lhs, const ClassFromMember<MemberType, kMember> rhs) |
| REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| |
| } // namespace detail |
| |
| // Various classes used in JNI. We cache them so we don't have to keep looking them up. |
| |
| struct WellKnownClasses { |
| public: |
| // Run before native methods are registered. |
| static void Init(JNIEnv* env); |
| // Run after native methods are registered. |
| static void LateInit(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| static void Clear(); |
| |
| static void HandleJniIdTypeChange(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| static void InitStringInit(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> string_class, |
| ObjPtr<mirror::Class> string_builder_class) |
| REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| static ArtMethod* StringInitToStringFactory(ArtMethod* method); |
| static uint32_t StringInitToEntryPoint(ArtMethod* method); |
| |
| static ObjPtr<mirror::Class> ToClass(jclass global_jclass) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_); |
| |
| private: |
| static void InitFieldsAndMethodsOnly(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| template <ArtMethod** kMethod> |
| using ClassFromMethod = detail::ClassFromMember<ArtMethod, kMethod>; |
| |
| template <ArtField** kField> |
| using ClassFromField = detail::ClassFromMember<ArtField, kField>; |
| |
| public: |
| static jclass dalvik_annotation_optimization_CriticalNative; |
| static jclass dalvik_annotation_optimization_FastNative; |
| static jclass dalvik_annotation_optimization_NeverCompile; |
| static jclass dalvik_annotation_optimization_NeverInline; |
| static jclass dalvik_system_EmulatedStackFrame; |
| static jclass java_lang_annotation_Annotation__array; |
| static jclass java_lang_Daemons; |
| static jclass java_lang_Error; |
| static jclass java_lang_IllegalAccessError; |
| static jclass java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError; |
| static jclass java_lang_Object; |
| static jclass java_lang_OutOfMemoryError; |
| static jclass java_lang_reflect_InvocationTargetException; |
| static jclass java_lang_reflect_Parameter; |
| static jclass java_lang_reflect_Parameter__array; |
| static jclass java_lang_reflect_Proxy; |
| static jclass java_lang_RuntimeException; |
| static jclass java_lang_StackOverflowError; |
| static jclass java_lang_String; |
| static jclass java_lang_StringFactory; |
| static jclass java_lang_System; |
| static jclass java_lang_Void; |
| static jclass libcore_reflect_AnnotationMember__array; |
| |
| static ArtMethod* dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader_getLdLibraryPath; |
| static ArtMethod* dalvik_system_DelegateLastClassLoader_init; // Only for the declaring class. |
| static ArtMethod* dalvik_system_DexClassLoader_init; // Only for the declaring class. |
| static ArtMethod* dalvik_system_InMemoryDexClassLoader_init; // Only for the declaring class. |
| static ArtMethod* dalvik_system_PathClassLoader_init; // Only for the declaring class. |
| static ArtMethod* dalvik_system_VMRuntime_hiddenApiUsed; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Boolean_valueOf; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_BootClassLoader_init; // Only for the declaring class. |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Byte_valueOf; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Character_valueOf; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_ClassLoader_loadClass; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_ClassNotFoundException_init; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_Daemons_start; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_Daemons_stop; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_Daemons_waitForDaemonStart; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Double_doubleToRawLongBits; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Double_valueOf; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Float_floatToRawIntBits; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Float_valueOf; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Integer_valueOf; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_asType; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle_invokeExact; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_invoke_MethodHandles_lookup; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_invoke_MethodHandles_Lookup_findConstructor; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Long_valueOf; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_ref_FinalizerReference_add; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_ref_ReferenceQueue_add; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_reflect_InvocationTargetException_init; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_reflect_Parameter_init; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_reflect_Proxy_init; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_reflect_Proxy_invoke; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_Runtime_nativeLoad; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Short_valueOf; |
| static jmethodID java_lang_String_charAt; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Thread_dispatchUncaughtException; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Thread_init; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_Thread_run; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_ThreadGroup_add; |
| static ArtMethod* java_lang_ThreadGroup_threadTerminated; |
| static ArtMethod* java_nio_Buffer_isDirect; |
| static ArtMethod* java_nio_DirectByteBuffer_init; |
| static ArtMethod* java_util_function_Consumer_accept; |
| static ArtMethod* libcore_reflect_AnnotationFactory_createAnnotation; |
| static ArtMethod* libcore_reflect_AnnotationMember_init; |
| static ArtMethod* org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_DdmServer_broadcast; |
| static ArtMethod* org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_DdmServer_dispatch; |
| |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader_pathList; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader_sharedLibraryLoaders; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader_sharedLibraryLoadersAfter; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_DexFile_cookie; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_DexFile_fileName; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_DexPathList_dexElements; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element_dexFile; |
| static ArtField* dalvik_system_VMRuntime_nonSdkApiUsageConsumer; |
| static ArtField* java_io_FileDescriptor_descriptor; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ClassLoader_parent; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_parkBlocker; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_daemon; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_group; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_lock; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_name; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_priority; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_nativePeer; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_systemDaemon; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Thread_unparkedBeforeStart; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ThreadGroup_groups; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ThreadGroup_ngroups; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ThreadGroup_mainThreadGroup; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ThreadGroup_name; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ThreadGroup_parent; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_ThreadGroup_systemThreadGroup; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Throwable_cause; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Throwable_detailMessage; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Throwable_stackTrace; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Throwable_stackState; |
| static ArtField* java_lang_Throwable_suppressedExceptions; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_Buffer_address; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_Buffer_capacity; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_Buffer_elementSizeShift; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_Buffer_limit; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_Buffer_position; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_ByteBuffer_hb; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_ByteBuffer_isReadOnly; |
| static ArtField* java_nio_ByteBuffer_offset; |
| |
| static ArtField* java_util_Collections_EMPTY_LIST; |
| static ArtField* libcore_util_EmptyArray_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT; |
| static ArtField* org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_Chunk_data; |
| static ArtField* org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_Chunk_length; |
| static ArtField* org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_Chunk_offset; |
| static ArtField* org_apache_harmony_dalvik_ddmc_Chunk_type; |
| |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader_pathList> |
| dalvik_system_BaseDexClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromMethod<&dalvik_system_DelegateLastClassLoader_init> |
| dalvik_system_DelegateLastClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromMethod<&dalvik_system_DexClassLoader_init> |
| dalvik_system_DexClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&dalvik_system_DexFile_cookie> dalvik_system_DexFile; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&dalvik_system_DexPathList_dexElements> dalvik_system_DexPathList; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element_dexFile> |
| dalvik_system_DexPathList__Element; |
| static constexpr ClassFromMethod<&dalvik_system_InMemoryDexClassLoader_init> |
| dalvik_system_InMemoryDexClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromMethod<&dalvik_system_PathClassLoader_init> |
| dalvik_system_PathClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromMethod<&java_lang_BootClassLoader_init> java_lang_BootClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&java_lang_ClassLoader_parent> java_lang_ClassLoader; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&java_lang_Thread_daemon> java_lang_Thread; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&java_lang_ThreadGroup_groups> java_lang_ThreadGroup; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&java_lang_Throwable_cause> java_lang_Throwable; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&java_nio_Buffer_address> java_nio_Buffer; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&java_util_Collections_EMPTY_LIST> java_util_Collections; |
| static constexpr ClassFromField<&libcore_util_EmptyArray_STACK_TRACE_ELEMENT> |
| libcore_util_EmptyArray; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace art |
| |