Fast Art interpreter
Add a Dalvik-style fast interpreter to Art.
Three primary deficiencies in the existing Art interpreter
will be addressed:
1. Structural inefficiencies (primarily the bloated
fetch/decode/execute overhead of the C++ interpreter
2. Stack memory wastage. Each managed-language invoke
adds a full copy of the interpreter's compiler-generated
locals on the shared stack. We're at the mercy of
the compiler now in how much memory is wasted here. An
assembly based interpreter can manage memory usage more
3. Shadow frame model, which not only spends twice the memory
to store the Dalvik virtual registers, but causes vreg stores
to happen twice.
This CL mostly deals with #1 (but does provide some stack memory
savings). Subsequent CLs will address the other issues.
Current status:
Passes all run-tests.
Phone boots interpret-only.
2.5x faster than Clang-compiled Art goto interpreter on fetch/decode/execute
microbenchmark, 5x faster than gcc-compiled goto interpreter.
1.6x faster than Clang goto on Caffeinemark overall
2.0x faster than Clang switch on Caffeinemark overall
68% of Dalvik interpreter performance on Caffeinemark (still much slower,
primarily because of poor invoke performance and lack of execute-inline)
Still nearly an order of magnitude slower than Dalvik on invokes
(but slightly better than Art Clang goto interpreter.
Importantly, saves ~200 bytes of stack memory per invoke (but still
wastes ~400 relative to Dalvik).
What's needed:
Remove the (large quantity of) bring-up hackery in place.
Integrate into the build mechanism. I'm still using the old Dalvik manual
build step to generate assembly code from the stub files.
Remove the suspend check hack. For bring-up purposes, I'm using an explicit
suspend check (like the other Art interpreters). However, we should be
doing a Dalvik style suspend check via the table base switch mechanism.
This should be done during the alternative interpreter activation.
General cleanup.
Add CFI info.
Update the new target bring-up README documentation.
Add other targets.
In later CLs:
Consolidate mterp handlers for expensive operations (such as new-instance) with
the code used by the switch interpreter. No need to duplicate the code for
heavyweight operations (but will need some refactoring to align).
Tuning - some fast paths needs to be moved down to the assembly handlers,
rather than being dealt with in the out-of-line code.
JIT profiling. Currently, the fast interpreter is used only in the fast
case - no instrumentation, no transactions and no access checks. We
will want to implement fast + JIT-profiling as the alternate fast
interpreter. All other cases can still fall back to the reference
Improve invoke performance. We're nearly an order of magnitude slower than
Dalvik here. Some of that is unavoidable, but I suspect we can do
Add support for our other targets.
Change-Id: I43e25dc3d786fb87245705ac74a87274ad34fedc
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f56d8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Using instructions from an architecture-specific config file, generate C
+# and assembly source files for the Dalvik interpreter.
+import sys, string, re, time
+from string import Template
+interp_defs_file = "../../dex_instruction_list.h" # need opcode list
+kNumPackedOpcodes = 256
+splitops = False
+verbose = False
+handler_size_bits = -1000
+handler_size_bytes = -1000
+in_op_start = 0 # 0=not started, 1=started, 2=ended
+in_alt_op_start = 0 # 0=not started, 1=started, 2=ended
+default_op_dir = None
+default_alt_stub = None
+opcode_locations = {}
+alt_opcode_locations = {}
+asm_stub_text = []
+fallback_stub_text = []
+label_prefix = ".L" # use ".L" to hide labels from gdb
+alt_label_prefix = ".L_ALT" # use ".L" to hide labels from gdb
+style = None # interpreter style
+generate_alt_table = False
+# Exception class.
+class DataParseError(SyntaxError):
+ "Failure when parsing data file"
+# Set any omnipresent substitution values.
+def getGlobalSubDict():
+ return { "handler_size_bits":handler_size_bits,
+ "handler_size_bytes":handler_size_bytes }
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set interpreter style.
+def setHandlerStyle(tokens):
+ global style
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("handler-style requires one argument")
+ style = tokens[1]
+ if style != "computed-goto":
+ raise DataParseError("handler-style (%s) invalid" % style)
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set handler_size_bytes to the value of tokens[1], and handler_size_bits to
+# log2(handler_size_bytes). Throws an exception if "bytes" is not 0 or
+# a power of two.
+def setHandlerSize(tokens):
+ global handler_size_bits, handler_size_bytes
+ if style != "computed-goto":
+ print "Warning: handler-size valid only for computed-goto interpreters"
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("handler-size requires one argument")
+ if handler_size_bits != -1000:
+ raise DataParseError("handler-size may only be set once")
+ # compute log2(n), and make sure n is 0 or a power of 2
+ handler_size_bytes = bytes = int(tokens[1])
+ bits = -1
+ while bytes > 0:
+ bytes //= 2 # halve with truncating division
+ bits += 1
+ if handler_size_bytes == 0 or handler_size_bytes != (1 << bits):
+ raise DataParseError("handler-size (%d) must be power of 2" \
+ % orig_bytes)
+ handler_size_bits = bits
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Copy a file in to asm output file.
+def importFile(tokens):
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ source = tokens[1]
+ if source.endswith(".S"):
+ appendSourceFile(tokens[1], getGlobalSubDict(), asm_fp, None)
+ else:
+ raise DataParseError("don't know how to import %s (expecting .cpp/.S)"
+ % source)
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Copy a file in to the C or asm output file.
+def setAsmStub(tokens):
+ global asm_stub_text
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ try:
+ stub_fp = open(tokens[1])
+ asm_stub_text = stub_fp.readlines()
+ except IOError, err:
+ stub_fp.close()
+ raise DataParseError("unable to load asm-stub: %s" % str(err))
+ stub_fp.close()
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Copy a file in to the C or asm output file.
+def setFallbackStub(tokens):
+ global fallback_stub_text
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ try:
+ stub_fp = open(tokens[1])
+ fallback_stub_text = stub_fp.readlines()
+ except IOError, err:
+ stub_fp.close()
+ raise DataParseError("unable to load fallback-stub: %s" % str(err))
+ stub_fp.close()
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Record location of default alt stub
+def setAsmAltStub(tokens):
+ global default_alt_stub, generate_alt_table
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ default_alt_stub = tokens[1]
+ generate_alt_table = True
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Start of opcode list.
+def opStart(tokens):
+ global in_op_start
+ global default_op_dir
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("opStart takes a directory name argument")
+ if in_op_start != 0:
+ raise DataParseError("opStart can only be specified once")
+ default_op_dir = tokens[1]
+ in_op_start = 1
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set location of a single alt opcode's source file.
+def altEntry(tokens):
+ global generate_alt_table
+ if len(tokens) != 3:
+ raise DataParseError("alt requires exactly two arguments")
+ if in_op_start != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("alt statements must be between opStart/opEnd")
+ try:
+ index = opcodes.index(tokens[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise DataParseError("unknown opcode %s" % tokens[1])
+ if alt_opcode_locations.has_key(tokens[1]):
+ print "Note: alt overrides earlier %s (%s -> %s)" \
+ % (tokens[1], alt_opcode_locations[tokens[1]], tokens[2])
+ alt_opcode_locations[tokens[1]] = tokens[2]
+ generate_alt_table = True
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set location of a single opcode's source file.
+def opEntry(tokens):
+ #global opcode_locations
+ if len(tokens) != 3:
+ raise DataParseError("op requires exactly two arguments")
+ if in_op_start != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("op statements must be between opStart/opEnd")
+ try:
+ index = opcodes.index(tokens[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise DataParseError("unknown opcode %s" % tokens[1])
+ if opcode_locations.has_key(tokens[1]):
+ print "Note: op overrides earlier %s (%s -> %s)" \
+ % (tokens[1], opcode_locations[tokens[1]], tokens[2])
+ opcode_locations[tokens[1]] = tokens[2]
+# Parse arch config file --
+# End of opcode list; emit instruction blocks.
+def opEnd(tokens):
+ global in_op_start
+ if len(tokens) != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("opEnd takes no arguments")
+ if in_op_start != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("opEnd must follow opStart, and only appear once")
+ in_op_start = 2
+ loadAndEmitOpcodes()
+ if splitops == False:
+ if generate_alt_table:
+ loadAndEmitAltOpcodes()
+def genaltop(tokens):
+ if in_op_start != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("alt-op can be specified only after op-end")
+ if len(tokens) != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("opEnd takes no arguments")
+ if generate_alt_table:
+ loadAndEmitAltOpcodes()
+# Extract an ordered list of instructions from the VM sources. We use the
+# "goto table" definition macro, which has exactly kNumPackedOpcodes
+# entries.
+def getOpcodeList():
+ opcodes = []
+ opcode_fp = open(interp_defs_file)
+ opcode_re = re.compile(r"^\s*V\((....), (\w+),.*", re.DOTALL)
+ for line in opcode_fp:
+ match = opcode_re.match(line)
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ opcodes.append("op_" +
+ opcode_fp.close()
+ if len(opcodes) != kNumPackedOpcodes:
+ print "ERROR: found %d opcodes in Interp.h (expected %d)" \
+ % (len(opcodes), kNumPackedOpcodes)
+ raise SyntaxError, "bad opcode count"
+ return opcodes
+def emitAlign():
+ if style == "computed-goto":
+ asm_fp.write(" .balign %d\n" % handler_size_bytes)
+# Load and emit opcodes for all kNumPackedOpcodes instructions.
+def loadAndEmitOpcodes():
+ sister_list = []
+ assert len(opcodes) == kNumPackedOpcodes
+ need_dummy_start = False
+ start_label = "artMterpAsmInstructionStart"
+ end_label = "artMterpAsmInstructionEnd"
+ # point MterpAsmInstructionStart at the first handler or stub
+ asm_fp.write("\n .global %s\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write(" .type %s, %%function\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write("%s = " % start_label + label_prefix + "_op_nop\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .text\n\n")
+ for i in xrange(kNumPackedOpcodes):
+ op = opcodes[i]
+ if opcode_locations.has_key(op):
+ location = opcode_locations[op]
+ else:
+ location = default_op_dir
+ if location == "FALLBACK":
+ emitFallback(i)
+ else:
+ loadAndEmitAsm(location, i, sister_list)
+ # For a 100% C implementation, there are no asm handlers or stubs. We
+ # need to have the MterpAsmInstructionStart label point at op_nop, and it's
+ # too annoying to try to slide it in after the alignment psuedo-op, so
+ # we take the low road and just emit a dummy op_nop here.
+ if need_dummy_start:
+ emitAlign()
+ asm_fp.write(label_prefix + "_op_nop: /* dummy */\n");
+ emitAlign()
+ asm_fp.write(" .size %s, .-%s\n" % (start_label, start_label))
+ asm_fp.write(" .global %s\n" % end_label)
+ asm_fp.write("%s:\n" % end_label)
+ if style == "computed-goto":
+ emitSectionComment("Sister implementations", asm_fp)
+ asm_fp.write(" .global artMterpAsmSisterStart\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .type artMterpAsmSisterStart, %function\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .text\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .balign 4\n")
+ asm_fp.write("artMterpAsmSisterStart:\n")
+ asm_fp.writelines(sister_list)
+ asm_fp.write("\n .size artMterpAsmSisterStart, .-artMterpAsmSisterStart\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .global artMterpAsmSisterEnd\n")
+ asm_fp.write("artMterpAsmSisterEnd:\n\n")
+# Load an alternate entry stub
+def loadAndEmitAltStub(source, opindex):
+ op = opcodes[opindex]
+ if verbose:
+ print " alt emit %s --> stub" % source
+ dict = getGlobalSubDict()
+ dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex })
+ emitAsmHeader(asm_fp, dict, alt_label_prefix)
+ appendSourceFile(source, dict, asm_fp, None)
+# Load and emit alternate opcodes for all kNumPackedOpcodes instructions.
+def loadAndEmitAltOpcodes():
+ assert len(opcodes) == kNumPackedOpcodes
+ start_label = "artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart"
+ end_label = "artMterpAsmAltInstructionEnd"
+ # point MterpAsmInstructionStart at the first handler or stub
+ asm_fp.write("\n .global %s\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write(" .type %s, %%function\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write(" .text\n\n")
+ asm_fp.write("%s = " % start_label + label_prefix + "_ALT_op_nop\n")
+ for i in xrange(kNumPackedOpcodes):
+ op = opcodes[i]
+ if alt_opcode_locations.has_key(op):
+ source = "%s/alt_%s.S" % (alt_opcode_locations[op], op)
+ else:
+ source = default_alt_stub
+ loadAndEmitAltStub(source, i)
+ emitAlign()
+ asm_fp.write(" .size %s, .-%s\n" % (start_label, start_label))
+ asm_fp.write(" .global %s\n" % end_label)
+ asm_fp.write("%s:\n" % end_label)
+# Load an assembly fragment and emit it.
+def loadAndEmitAsm(location, opindex, sister_list):
+ op = opcodes[opindex]
+ source = "%s/%s.S" % (location, op)
+ dict = getGlobalSubDict()
+ dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex })
+ if verbose:
+ print " emit %s --> asm" % source
+ emitAsmHeader(asm_fp, dict, label_prefix)
+ appendSourceFile(source, dict, asm_fp, sister_list)
+# Emit fallback fragment
+def emitFallback(opindex):
+ op = opcodes[opindex]
+ dict = getGlobalSubDict()
+ dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex })
+ emitAsmHeader(asm_fp, dict, label_prefix)
+ for line in fallback_stub_text:
+ asm_fp.write(line)
+ asm_fp.write("\n")
+# Output the alignment directive and label for an assembly piece.
+def emitAsmHeader(outfp, dict, prefix):
+ outfp.write("/* ------------------------------ */\n")
+ # The alignment directive ensures that the handler occupies
+ # at least the correct amount of space. We don't try to deal
+ # with overflow here.
+ emitAlign()
+ # Emit a label so that gdb will say the right thing. We prepend an
+ # underscore so the symbol name doesn't clash with the Opcode enum.
+ outfp.write(prefix + "_%(opcode)s: /* 0x%(opnum)02x */\n" % dict)
+# Output a generic instruction stub that updates the "glue" struct and
+# calls the C implementation.
+def emitAsmStub(outfp, dict):
+ emitAsmHeader(outfp, dict, label_prefix)
+ for line in asm_stub_text:
+ templ = Template(line)
+ outfp.write(templ.substitute(dict))
+# Append the file specified by "source" to the open "outfp". Each line will
+# be template-replaced using the substitution dictionary "dict".
+# If the first line of the file starts with "%" it is taken as a directive.
+# A "%include" line contains a filename and, optionally, a Python-style
+# dictionary declaration with substitution strings. (This is implemented
+# with recursion.)
+# If "sister_list" is provided, and we find a line that contains only "&",
+# all subsequent lines from the file will be appended to sister_list instead
+# of copied to the output.
+# This may modify "dict".
+def appendSourceFile(source, dict, outfp, sister_list):
+ outfp.write("/* File: %s */\n" % source)
+ infp = open(source, "r")
+ in_sister = False
+ for line in infp:
+ if line.startswith("%include"):
+ # Parse the "include" line
+ tokens = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
+ if len(tokens) < 2:
+ raise DataParseError("malformed %%include in %s" % source)
+ alt_source = tokens[1].strip("\"")
+ if alt_source == source:
+ raise DataParseError("self-referential %%include in %s"
+ % source)
+ new_dict = dict.copy()
+ if len(tokens) == 3:
+ new_dict.update(eval(tokens[2]))
+ #print " including src=%s dict=%s" % (alt_source, new_dict)
+ appendSourceFile(alt_source, new_dict, outfp, sister_list)
+ continue
+ elif line.startswith("%default"):
+ # copy keywords into dictionary
+ tokens = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
+ if len(tokens) < 2:
+ raise DataParseError("malformed %%default in %s" % source)
+ defaultValues = eval(tokens[1])
+ for entry in defaultValues:
+ dict.setdefault(entry, defaultValues[entry])
+ continue
+ elif line.startswith("%break") and sister_list != None:
+ # allow more than one %break, ignoring all following the first
+ if style == "computed-goto" and not in_sister:
+ in_sister = True
+ sister_list.append("\n/* continuation for %(opcode)s */\n"%dict)
+ continue
+ # perform keyword substitution if a dictionary was provided
+ if dict != None:
+ templ = Template(line)
+ try:
+ subline = templ.substitute(dict)
+ except KeyError, err:
+ raise DataParseError("keyword substitution failed in %s: %s"
+ % (source, str(err)))
+ except:
+ print "ERROR: substitution failed: " + line
+ raise
+ else:
+ subline = line
+ # write output to appropriate file
+ if in_sister:
+ sister_list.append(subline)
+ else:
+ outfp.write(subline)
+ outfp.write("\n")
+ infp.close()
+# Emit a C-style section header comment.
+def emitSectionComment(str, fp):
+ equals = "========================================" \
+ "==================================="
+ fp.write("\n/*\n * %s\n * %s\n * %s\n */\n" %
+ (equals, str, equals))
+# ===========================================================================
+# "main" code
+# Check args.
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ print "Usage: %s target-arch output-dir" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(2)
+target_arch = sys.argv[1]
+output_dir = sys.argv[2]
+# Extract opcode list.
+opcodes = getOpcodeList()
+#for op in opcodes:
+# print " %s" % op
+# Open config file.
+ config_fp = open("config_%s" % target_arch)
+ print "Unable to open config file 'config_%s'" % target_arch
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Open and prepare output files.
+ asm_fp = open("%s/mterp_%s.S" % (output_dir, target_arch), "w")
+ print "Unable to open output files"
+ print "Make sure directory '%s' exists and existing files are writable" \
+ % output_dir
+ # Ideally we'd remove the files to avoid confusing "make", but if they
+ # failed to open we probably won't be able to remove them either.
+ sys.exit(1)
+print "Generating %s" % (
+file_header = """/*
+ * This file was generated automatically by for '%s'.
+ *
+ * --> DO NOT EDIT <--
+ */
+""" % (target_arch)
+# Process the config file.
+failed = False
+ for line in config_fp:
+ line = line.strip() # remove CRLF, leading spaces
+ tokens = line.split(' ') # tokenize
+ #print "%d: %s" % (len(tokens), tokens)
+ if len(tokens[0]) == 0:
+ #print " blank"
+ pass
+ elif tokens[0][0] == '#':
+ #print " comment"
+ pass
+ else:
+ if tokens[0] == "handler-size":
+ setHandlerSize(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "import":
+ importFile(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "asm-stub":
+ setAsmStub(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "asm-alt-stub":
+ setAsmAltStub(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "op-start":
+ opStart(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "op-end":
+ opEnd(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "alt":
+ altEntry(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "op":
+ opEntry(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "handler-style":
+ setHandlerStyle(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "alt-ops":
+ genaltop(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "split-ops":
+ splitops = True
+ elif tokens[0] == "fallback-stub":
+ setFallbackStub(tokens)
+ else:
+ raise DataParseError, "unrecognized command '%s'" % tokens[0]
+ if style == None:
+ print "tokens[0] = %s" % tokens[0]
+ raise DataParseError, "handler-style must be first command"
+except DataParseError, err:
+ print "Failed: " + str(err)
+ # TODO: remove output files so "make" doesn't get confused
+ failed = True
+ asm_fp.close()
+ asm_fp = None
+# Done!
+if asm_fp:
+ asm_fp.close()