Fast Art interpreter
Add a Dalvik-style fast interpreter to Art.
Three primary deficiencies in the existing Art interpreter
will be addressed:
1. Structural inefficiencies (primarily the bloated
fetch/decode/execute overhead of the C++ interpreter
2. Stack memory wastage. Each managed-language invoke
adds a full copy of the interpreter's compiler-generated
locals on the shared stack. We're at the mercy of
the compiler now in how much memory is wasted here. An
assembly based interpreter can manage memory usage more
3. Shadow frame model, which not only spends twice the memory
to store the Dalvik virtual registers, but causes vreg stores
to happen twice.
This CL mostly deals with #1 (but does provide some stack memory
savings). Subsequent CLs will address the other issues.
Current status:
Passes all run-tests.
Phone boots interpret-only.
2.5x faster than Clang-compiled Art goto interpreter on fetch/decode/execute
microbenchmark, 5x faster than gcc-compiled goto interpreter.
1.6x faster than Clang goto on Caffeinemark overall
2.0x faster than Clang switch on Caffeinemark overall
68% of Dalvik interpreter performance on Caffeinemark (still much slower,
primarily because of poor invoke performance and lack of execute-inline)
Still nearly an order of magnitude slower than Dalvik on invokes
(but slightly better than Art Clang goto interpreter.
Importantly, saves ~200 bytes of stack memory per invoke (but still
wastes ~400 relative to Dalvik).
What's needed:
Remove the (large quantity of) bring-up hackery in place.
Integrate into the build mechanism. I'm still using the old Dalvik manual
build step to generate assembly code from the stub files.
Remove the suspend check hack. For bring-up purposes, I'm using an explicit
suspend check (like the other Art interpreters). However, we should be
doing a Dalvik style suspend check via the table base switch mechanism.
This should be done during the alternative interpreter activation.
General cleanup.
Add CFI info.
Update the new target bring-up README documentation.
Add other targets.
In later CLs:
Consolidate mterp handlers for expensive operations (such as new-instance) with
the code used by the switch interpreter. No need to duplicate the code for
heavyweight operations (but will need some refactoring to align).
Tuning - some fast paths needs to be moved down to the assembly handlers,
rather than being dealt with in the out-of-line code.
JIT profiling. Currently, the fast interpreter is used only in the fast
case - no instrumentation, no transactions and no access checks. We
will want to implement fast + JIT-profiling as the alternate fast
interpreter. All other cases can still fall back to the reference
Improve invoke performance. We're nearly an order of magnitude slower than
Dalvik here. Some of that is unavoidable, but I suspect we can do
Add support for our other targets.
Change-Id: I43e25dc3d786fb87245705ac74a87274ad34fedc
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/Makefile_mterp b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/Makefile_mterp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c30ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/Makefile_mterp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Makefile for the Art fast interpreter. This is not currently
+# integrated into the build system.
+SHELL := /bin/sh
+# Build system has TARGET_ARCH=arm, but we can support the exact architecture
+# if it is worthwhile.
+# To generate sources:
+# for arch in arm arm64 x86 x86_64 mips mips64
+# do
+# TARGET_ARCH_EXT=$arch make -f Makefile-mterp
+# done
+OUTPUT_DIR := out
+# Accumulate all possible dependencies for the generated files in a very
+# conservative fashion. If it's not one of the generated files in "out",
+# assume it's a dependency.
+ $(shell find . -path ./$(OUTPUT_DIR) -prune -o -type f -print) \
+# Source files generated by the script. There's always one C and one
+# assembly file, though in practice one or the other could be empty.
+ $(OUTPUT_DIR)/interp_asm_$(TARGET_ARCH_EXT).S
+target: $(GEN_SOURCES)
+ @mkdir -p out
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/README.txt b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19e02be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+rt "mterp" README
+NOTE: Find rebuilding instructions at the bottom of this file.
+==== Overview ====
+Every configuration has a "config-*" file that controls how the sources
+are generated. The sources are written into the "out" directory, where
+they are picked up by the Android build system.
+The best way to become familiar with the interpreter is to look at the
+generated files in the "out" directory.
+==== Config file format ====
+The config files are parsed from top to bottom. Each line in the file
+may be blank, hold a comment (line starts with '#'), or be a command.
+The commands are:
+ handler-style <computed-goto|jump-table>
+ Specify which style of interpreter to generate. In computed-goto,
+ each handler is allocated a fixed region, allowing transitions to
+ be done via table-start-address + (opcode * handler-size). With
+ jump-table style, handlers may be of any length, and the generated
+ table is an array of pointers to the handlers. This command is required,
+ and must be the first command in the config file.
+ handler-size <bytes>
+ Specify the size of the fixed region, in bytes. On most platforms
+ this will need to be a power of 2. For jump-table implementations,
+ this command is ignored.
+ import <filename>
+ The specified file is included immediately, in its entirety. No
+ substitutions are performed. ".cpp" and ".h" files are copied to the
+ C output, ".S" files are copied to the asm output.
+ asm-alt-stub <filename>
+ When present, this command will cause the generation of an alternate
+ set of entry points (for computed-goto interpreters) or an alternate
+ jump table (for jump-table interpreters).
+ fallback-stub <filename>
+ Specifies a file to be used for the special FALLBACK tag on the "op"
+ command below. Intended to be used to transfer control to an alternate
+ interpreter to single-step a not-yet-implemented opcode. Note: should
+ note be used on RETURN-class instructions.
+ op-start <directory>
+ Indicates the start of the opcode list. Must precede any "op"
+ commands. The specified directory is the default location to pull
+ instruction files from.
+ op <opcode> <directory>|FALLBACK
+ Can only appear after "op-start" and before "op-end". Overrides the
+ default source file location of the specified opcode. The opcode
+ definition will come from the specified file, e.g. "op OP_NOP arm"
+ will load from "arm/OP_NOP.S". A substitution dictionary will be
+ applied (see below). If the special "FALLBACK" token is used instead of
+ a directory name, the source file specified in fallback-stub will instead
+ be used for this opcode.
+ alt <opcode> <directory>
+ Can only appear after "op-start" and before "op-end". Similar to the
+ "op" command above, but denotes a source file to override the entry
+ in the alternate handler table. The opcode definition will come from
+ the specified file, e.g. "alt OP_NOP arm" will load from
+ "arm/ALT_OP_NOP.S". A substitution dictionary will be applied
+ (see below).
+ op-end
+ Indicates the end of the opcode list. All kNumPackedOpcodes
+ opcodes are emitted when this is seen, followed by any code that
+ didn't fit inside the fixed-size instruction handler space.
+The order of "op" and "alt" directives are not significant; the generation
+tool will extract ordering info from the VM sources.
+Typically the form in which most opcodes currently exist is used in
+the "op-start" directive.
+==== Instruction file format ====
+The assembly instruction files are simply fragments of assembly sources.
+The starting label will be provided by the generation tool, as will
+declarations for the segment type and alignment. The expected target
+assembler is GNU "as", but others will work (may require fiddling with
+some of the pseudo-ops emitted by the generation tool).
+A substitution dictionary is applied to all opcode fragments as they are
+appended to the output. Substitutions can look like "$value" or "${value}".
+The dictionary always includes:
+ $opcode - opcode name, e.g. "OP_NOP"
+ $opnum - opcode number, e.g. 0 for OP_NOP
+ $handler_size_bytes - max size of an instruction handler, in bytes
+ $handler_size_bits - max size of an instruction handler, log 2
+Both C and assembly sources will be passed through the C pre-processor,
+so you can take advantage of C-style comments and preprocessor directives
+like "#define".
+Some generator operations are available.
+ %include "filename" [subst-dict]
+ Includes the file, which should look like "arm/OP_NOP.S". You can
+ specify values for the substitution dictionary, using standard Python
+ syntax. For example, this:
+ %include "arm/unop.S" {"result":"r1"}
+ would insert "arm/unop.S" at the current file position, replacing
+ occurrences of "$result" with "r1".
+ %default <subst-dict>
+ Specify default substitution dictionary values, using standard Python
+ syntax. Useful if you want to have a "base" version and variants.
+ %break
+ Identifies the split between the main portion of the instruction
+ handler (which must fit in "handler-size" bytes) and the "sister"
+ code, which is appended to the end of the instruction handler block.
+ In jump table implementations, %break is ignored.
+The generation tool does *not* print a warning if your instructions
+exceed "handler-size", but the VM will abort on startup if it detects an
+oversized handler. On architectures with fixed-width instructions this
+is easy to work with, on others this you will need to count bytes.
+==== Using C constants from assembly sources ====
+The file "art/runtime/asm_support.h" has some definitions for constant
+values, structure sizes, and struct member offsets. The format is fairly
+restricted, as simple macros are used to massage it for use with both C
+(where it is verified) and assembly (where the definitions are used).
+If a constant in the file becomes out of sync, the VM will log an error
+message and abort during startup.
+==== Development tips ====
+If you need to debug the initial piece of an opcode handler, and your
+debug code expands it beyond the handler size limit, you can insert a
+generic header at the top:
+ b ${opcode}_start
+If you already have a %break, it's okay to leave it in place -- the second
+%break is ignored.
+==== Rebuilding ====
+If you change any of the source file fragments, you need to rebuild the
+combined source files in the "out" directory. Make sure the files in
+"out" are editable, then:
+ $ cd mterp
+ $ ./
+The ultimate goal is to have the build system generate the necessary
+output files without requiring this separate step, but we're not yet
+ready to require Python in the build.
+==== Interpreter Control ====
+The mterp fast interpreter achieves much of its performance advantage
+over the C++ interpreter through its efficient mechanism of
+transitioning from one Dalvik bytecode to the next. Mterp for ARM targets
+uses a computed-goto mechanism, in which the handler entrypoints are
+located at the base of the handler table + (opcode * 128).
+In normal operation, the dedicated register rIBASE
+(r8 for ARM, edx for x86) holds a mainHandlerTable. If we need to switch
+to a mode that requires inter-instruction checking, rIBASE is changed
+to altHandlerTable. Note that this change is not immediate. What is actually
+changed is the value of curHandlerTable - which is part of the interpBreak
+structure. Rather than explicitly check for changes, each thread will
+blindly refresh rIBASE at backward branches, exception throws and returns.
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/alt_stub.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/alt_stub.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ae0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/alt_stub.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (${opnum} * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/bincmp.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/bincmp.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..474bc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/bincmp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ mov${revcmp} r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ mov${revcmp} r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eeb72ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+%default {"preinstr":"", "result":"r0", "chkzero":"0"}
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if $chkzero
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ $result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG $result, r9 @ vAA<- $result
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binop2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binop2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d09a43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binop2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%default {"preinstr":"", "result":"r0", "chkzero":"0"}
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if $chkzero
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ $result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG $result, r9 @ vAA<- $result
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopLit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopLit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..065394e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopLit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default {"result":"r0", "chkzero":"0"}
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if $chkzero
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $instr @ $result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG $result, r9 @ vAA<- $result
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopLit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopLit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0b3c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopLit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%default {"preinstr":"", "result":"r0", "chkzero":"0"}
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if $chkzero
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ $result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG $result, r9 @ vAA<- $result
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopWide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopWide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57d43c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopWide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+%default {"preinstr":"", "result0":"r0", "result1":"r1", "chkzero":"0"}
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if $chkzero
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {$result0,$result1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- $result0/$result1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopWide2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopWide2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e855f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/binopWide2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+%default {"preinstr":"", "result0":"r0", "result1":"r1", "chkzero":"0"}
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if $chkzero
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {$result0,$result1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- $result0/$result1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/entry.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/entry.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5ffc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/entry.S
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Interpreter entry point.
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .global ExecuteMterpImpl
+ .type ExecuteMterpImpl, %function
+ * On entry:
+ * r0 Thread* self/
+ * r1 code_item
+ * r2 ShadowFrame
+ * r3 JValue* result_register
+ *
+ */
+ .fnstart
+ .save {r4-r10,fp,lr}
+ stmfd sp!, {r4-r10,fp,lr} @ save 9 regs
+ .pad #4
+ sub sp, sp, #4 @ align 64
+ /* Remember the return register */
+ /* Remember the code_item */
+ /* set up "named" registers */
+ mov rSELF, r0
+ add rFP, r2, #SHADOWFRAME_VREGS_OFFSET @ point to insns[] (i.e. - the dalivk byte code).
+ add rREFS, rFP, r0, lsl #2 @ point to reference array in shadow frame
+ ldr r0, [r2, #SHADOWFRAME_DEX_PC_OFFSET] @ Get starting dex_pc.
+ add rPC, r1, #CODEITEM_INSNS_OFFSET @ Point to base of insns[]
+ add rPC, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ Create direct pointer to 1st dex opcode
+ /* Starting ibase */
+ /* start executing the instruction at rPC */
+ FETCH_INST @ load rINST from rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fallback.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fallback.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44e7e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fallback.S
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..594ee03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating-point operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "s2 = s0 op s1". Because we
+ * use the "softfp" ABI, this must be an instruction, not a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-float, sub-float, mul-float, div-float
+ */
+ /* floatop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $instr @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinop2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinop2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b052a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinop2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "s2 = s0 op s1".
+ *
+ * For: add-float/2addr, sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ flds s0, [r9] @ s0<- vA
+ $instr @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinopWide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinopWide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bed817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinopWide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit double-precision floating point binary operation.
+ * Provide an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * for: add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double
+ */
+ /* doubleop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $instr @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinopWide2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinopWide2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f56986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/fbinopWide2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * For: add-double/2addr, sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr,
+ * div-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fldd d0, [r9] @ d0<- vA
+ $instr @ d2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/footer.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/footer.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75e0037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/footer.S
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Common subroutines and data
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ * We've detected a condition that will result in an exception, but the exception
+ * has not yet been thrown. Just bail out to the reference interpreter to deal with it.
+ * TUNING: for consistency, we may want to just go ahead and handle these here.
+ */
+#define MTERP_LOGGING 0
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogDivideByZeroException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogArrayIndexException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogNegativeArraySizeException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogNoSuchMethodException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogNullObjectException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogExceptionThrownException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogSuspendFallback
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ * If we're here, something is out of the ordinary. If there is a pending
+ * exception, handle it. Otherwise, roll back and retry with the reference
+ * interpreter.
+ */
+ cmp r0, #0 @ Exception pending?
+ beq MterpFallback @ If not, fall back to reference interpreter.
+ /* intentional fallthrough - handle pending exception. */
+ * On return from a runtime helper routine, we've found a pending exception.
+ * Can we handle it here - or need to bail out to caller?
+ *
+ */
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpHandleException @ (self, shadow_frame)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpExceptionReturn @ no local catch, back to caller.
+ ldr r0, [rFP, #OFF_FP_CODE_ITEM]
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC]
+ add rPC, rPC, r1, lsl #1 @ generate new dex_pc_ptr
+ str rPC, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR]
+ /* resume execution at catch block */
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
+ * Check for suspend check request. Assumes rINST already loaded, rPC advanced and
+ * still needs to get the opcode and branch to it, and flags are in lr.
+ */
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ blne MterpSuspendCheck @ (self)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ * Bail out to reference interpreter.
+ */
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogFallback
+ mov r0, #0 @ signal retry with reference interpreter.
+ b MterpDone
+ * We pushed some registers on the stack in ExecuteMterpImpl, then saved
+ * SP and LR. Here we restore SP, restore the registers, and then restore
+ * LR to PC.
+ *
+ * On entry:
+ * uint32_t* rFP (should still be live, pointer to base of vregs)
+ */
+ str r0, [r2]
+ str r1, [r2, #4]
+ mov r0, #1 @ signal return to caller.
+ b MterpDone
+ str r0, [r2]
+ str r1, [r2, #4]
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ blne MterpSuspendCheck @ (self)
+ mov r0, #1 @ signal return to caller.
+ add sp, sp, #4 @ un-align 64
+ ldmfd sp!, {r4-r10,fp,pc} @ restore 9 regs and return
+ .fnend
+ .size ExecuteMterpImpl, .-ExecuteMterpImpl
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a0859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary floating-point operation. Provide an "instr"
+ * line that specifies an instruction that performs "s1 = op s0".
+ *
+ * for: int-to-float, float-to-int
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ flds s0, [r3] @ s0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ $instr @ s1<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fsts s1, [r9] @ vA<- s1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funopNarrower.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funopNarrower.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9daec28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funopNarrower.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 64bit-to-32bit unary floating point operation. Provide an
+ * "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs "s0 = op d0".
+ *
+ * For: double-to-int, double-to-float
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ fldd d0, [r3] @ d0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ $instr @ s0<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fsts s0, [r9] @ vA<- s0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funopWider.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funopWider.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087a1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/funopWider.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic 32bit-to-64bit floating point unary operation. Provide an
+ * "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs "d0 = op s0".
+ *
+ * For: int-to-double, float-to-double
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ flds s0, [r3] @ s0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ $instr @ d0<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fstd d0, [r9] @ vA<- d0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/header.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/header.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14319d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/header.S
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ Art assembly interpreter notes:
+ First validate assembly code by implementing ExecuteXXXImpl() style body (doesn't
+ handle invoke, allows higher-level code to create frame & shadow frame.
+ Once that's working, support direct entry code & eliminate shadow frame (and
+ excess locals allocation.
+ Some (hopefully) temporary ugliness. We'll treat rFP as pointing to the
+ base of the vreg array within the shadow frame. Access the other fields,
+ dex_pc_, method_ and number_of_vregs_ via negative offsets. For now, we'll continue
+ the shadow frame mechanism of double-storing object references - via rFP &
+ number_of_vregs_.
+ */
+ARM EABI general notes:
+r0-r3 hold first 4 args to a method; they are not preserved across method calls
+r4-r8 are available for general use
+r9 is given special treatment in some situations, but not for us
+r10 (sl) seems to be generally available
+r11 (fp) is used by gcc (unless -fomit-frame-pointer is set)
+r12 (ip) is scratch -- not preserved across method calls
+r13 (sp) should be managed carefully in case a signal arrives
+r14 (lr) must be preserved
+r15 (pc) can be tinkered with directly
+r0 holds returns of <= 4 bytes
+r0-r1 hold returns of 8 bytes, low word in r0
+Callee must save/restore r4+ (except r12) if it modifies them. If VFP
+is present, registers s16-s31 (a/k/a d8-d15, a/k/a q4-q7) must be preserved,
+s0-s15 (d0-d7, q0-a3) do not need to be.
+Stack is "full descending". Only the arguments that don't fit in the first 4
+registers are placed on the stack. "sp" points at the first stacked argument
+(i.e. the 5th arg).
+VFP: single-precision results in s0, double-precision results in d0.
+In the EABI, "sp" must be 64-bit aligned on entry to a function, and any
+64-bit quantities (long long, double) must be 64-bit aligned.
+Mterp and ARM notes:
+The following registers have fixed assignments:
+ reg nick purpose
+ r4 rPC interpreted program counter, used for fetching instructions
+ r5 rFP interpreted frame pointer, used for accessing locals and args
+ r6 rSELF self (Thread) pointer
+ r7 rINST first 16-bit code unit of current instruction
+ r8 rIBASE interpreted instruction base pointer, used for computed goto
+ r11 rREFS base of object references in shadow frame (ideally, we'll get rid of this later).
+Macros are provided for common operations. Each macro MUST emit only
+one instruction to make instruction-counting easier. They MUST NOT alter
+unspecified registers or condition codes.
+ * This is a #include, not a %include, because we want the C pre-processor
+ * to expand the macros into assembler assignment statements.
+ */
+#include "asm_support.h"
+/* During bringup, we'll use the shadow frame model instead of rFP */
+/* single-purpose registers, given names for clarity */
+#define rPC r4
+#define rFP r5
+#define rSELF r6
+#define rINST r7
+#define rIBASE r8
+#define rREFS r11
+ * Instead of holding a pointer to the shadow frame, we keep rFP at the base of the vregs. So,
+ * to access other shadow frame fields, we need to use a backwards offset. Define those here.
+ */
+ *
+ * The reference interpreter performs explicit suspect checks, which is somewhat wasteful.
+ * Dalvik's interpreter folded suspend checks into the jump table mechanism, and eventually
+ * mterp should do so as well.
+ */
+#define MTERP_SUSPEND 0
+ * "export" the PC to dex_pc field in the shadow frame, f/b/o future exception objects. Must
+ * be done *before* something throws.
+ *
+ * It's okay to do this more than once.
+ *
+ * NOTE: the fast interpreter keeps track of dex pc as a direct pointer to the mapped
+ * dex byte codes. However, the rest of the runtime expects dex pc to be an instruction
+ * offset into the code_items_[] array. For effiency, we will "export" the
+ * current dex pc as a direct pointer using the EXPORT_PC macro, and rely on GetDexPC
+ * to convert to a dex pc when needed.
+ */
+.macro EXPORT_PC
+ str rPC, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR]
+.macro EXPORT_DEX_PC tmp
+ ldr \tmp, [rFP, #OFF_FP_CODE_ITEM]
+ str rPC, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR]
+ sub \tmp, rPC, \tmp
+ asr \tmp, #1
+ str \tmp, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC]
+ * Fetch the next instruction from rPC into rINST. Does not advance rPC.
+ */
+.macro FETCH_INST
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC]
+ * Fetch the next instruction from the specified offset. Advances rPC
+ * to point to the next instruction. "_count" is in 16-bit code units.
+ *
+ * Because of the limited size of immediate constants on ARM, this is only
+ * suitable for small forward movements (i.e. don't try to implement "goto"
+ * with this).
+ *
+ * This must come AFTER anything that can throw an exception, or the
+ * exception catch may miss. (This also implies that it must come after
+ */
+.macro FETCH_ADVANCE_INST count
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]!
+ * The operation performed here is similar to FETCH_ADVANCE_INST, except the
+ * src and dest registers are parameterized (not hard-wired to rPC and rINST).
+ */
+.macro PREFETCH_ADVANCE_INST dreg, sreg, count
+ ldrh \dreg, [\sreg, #((\count)*2)]!
+ * Similar to FETCH_ADVANCE_INST, but does not update rPC. Used to load
+ * rINST ahead of possible exception point. Be sure to manually advance rPC
+ * later.
+ */
+.macro PREFETCH_INST count
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]
+/* Advance rPC by some number of code units. */
+.macro ADVANCE count
+ add rPC, #((\count)*2)
+ * Fetch the next instruction from an offset specified by _reg. Updates
+ * rPC to point to the next instruction. "_reg" must specify the distance
+ * in bytes, *not* 16-bit code units, and may be a signed value.
+ *
+ * We want to write "ldrh rINST, [rPC, _reg, lsl #1]!", but some of the
+ * bits that hold the shift distance are used for the half/byte/sign flags.
+ * In some cases we can pre-double _reg for free, so we require a byte offset
+ * here.
+ */
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC, \reg]!
+ * Fetch a half-word code unit from an offset past the current PC. The
+ * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
+ *
+ * The "_S" variant works the same but treats the value as signed.
+ */
+.macro FETCH reg, count
+ ldrh \reg, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]
+.macro FETCH_S reg, count
+ ldrsh \reg, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]
+ * Fetch one byte from an offset past the current PC. Pass in the same
+ * "_count" as you would for FETCH, and an additional 0/1 indicating which
+ * byte of the halfword you want (lo/hi).
+ */
+.macro FETCH_B reg, count, byte
+ ldrb \reg, [rPC, #((\count)*2+(\byte))]
+ * Put the instruction's opcode field into the specified register.
+ */
+.macro GET_INST_OPCODE reg
+ and \reg, rINST, #255
+ * Put the prefetched instruction's opcode field into the specified register.
+ */
+.macro GET_PREFETCHED_OPCODE oreg, ireg
+ and \oreg, \ireg, #255
+ * Begin executing the opcode in _reg. Because this only jumps within the
+ * interpreter, we don't have to worry about pre-ARMv5 THUMB interwork.
+ */
+.macro GOTO_OPCODE reg
+ add pc, rIBASE, \reg, lsl #${handler_size_bits}
+.macro GOTO_OPCODE_BASE base,reg
+ add pc, \base, \reg, lsl #${handler_size_bits}
+ * Get/set the 32-bit value from a Dalvik register.
+ */
+.macro GET_VREG reg, vreg
+ ldr \reg, [rFP, \vreg, lsl #2]
+.macro SET_VREG reg, vreg
+ str \reg, [rFP, \vreg, lsl #2]
+ mov \reg, #0
+ str \reg, [rREFS, \vreg, lsl #2]
+.macro SET_VREG_OBJECT reg, vreg, tmpreg
+ str \reg, [rFP, \vreg, lsl #2]
+ str \reg, [rREFS, \vreg, lsl #2]
+ * Convert a virtual register index into an address.
+ */
+.macro VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR reg, vreg
+ add \reg, rFP, \vreg, lsl #2 /* WARNING/FIXME: handle shadow frame vreg zero if store */
+ * Refresh handler table.
+ */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/invoke.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/invoke.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7575865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/invoke.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%default { "helper":"UndefinedInvokeHandler" }
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl $helper
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9332bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide.S" {"instr":"faddd d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3242c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"faddd d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb7967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop.S" {"instr":"fadds s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0067b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop2addr.S" {"instr":"fadds s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dcae7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"add r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea98f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"add r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5763ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"add r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b84684a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"add r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..093223e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"preinstr":"adds r0, r0, r2", "instr":"adc r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c11e0af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_add_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"preinstr":"adds r0, r0, r2", "instr":"adc r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cc4d66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget.S
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%default { "load":"ldr", "shift":"2", "is_object":"0", "data_offset":"MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
+ /*
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-object, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #$shift @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $load r2, [r0, #$data_offset] @ r2<- vBB[vCC]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f678dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aget.S" { "load":"ldrb", "shift":"0", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a304650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aget.S" { "load":"ldrsb", "shift":"0", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4908306
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aget.S" { "load":"ldrh", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e0aab5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ /*
+ * Array object get. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ bl artAGetObjectFromMterp @ (array, index)
+ cmp r1, #0
+ bne MterpException
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b71e659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aget.S" { "load":"ldrsh", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caaec71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aget_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ /*
+ * Array get, 64 bits. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Arrays of long/double are 64-bit aligned, so it's okay to use LDRD.
+ */
+ /* aget-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #3 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldrd r2, [r0, #MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2/r3<- vBB[vCC]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r2-r3} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r2/r3
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c16d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"and r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fbab02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"and r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..541e9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"and r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5783e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"and r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad5158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"preinstr":"and r0, r0, r2", "instr":"and r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23ea44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_and_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"preinstr":"and r0, r0, r2", "instr":"and r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a511fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default { "store":"str", "shift":"2", "data_offset":"MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
+ /*
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: this assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #$shift @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r9 @ r2<- vAA
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ $store r2, [r0, #$data_offset] @ vBB[vCC]<- r2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e86663f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aput.S" { "store":"strb", "shift":"0", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83694b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aput.S" { "store":"strb", "shift":"0", "data_offset":"MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3551cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aput.S" { "store":"strh", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c539916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /*
+ * Store an object into an array. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ bl MterpAputObject
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a0590e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_aput.S" { "store":"strh", "shift":"1", "data_offset":"MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49839d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_aput_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ /*
+ * Array put, 64 bits. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Arrays of long/double are 64-bit aligned, so it's okay to use STRD.
+ */
+ /* aput-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #3 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldmia r9, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vAA/vAA+1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ strd r2, [r0, #MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2/r3<- vBB[vCC]
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_array_length.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_array_length.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b1682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_array_length.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /*
+ * Return the length of an array.
+ */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r1 @ r0<- vB (object ref)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ is object null?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yup, fail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- array length
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r3, r2 @ vB<- length
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_check_cast.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_check_cast.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e3ac70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_check_cast.S
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ /*
+ * Check to see if a cast from one class to another is allowed.
+ */
+ /* check-cast vAA, class@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- BBBB
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- object
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- method
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl MterpCheckCast @ (index, obj, method, self)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmp_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmp_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4c0ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmp_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ /*
+ * Compare two 64-bit values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the destination
+ * register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * We load the full values with LDM, but in practice many values could
+ * be resolved by only looking at the high word. This could be made
+ * faster or slower by splitting the LDM into a pair of LDRs.
+ *
+ * If we just wanted to set condition flags, we could do this:
+ * subs ip, r0, r2
+ * sbcs ip, r1, r3
+ * subeqs ip, r0, r2
+ * Leaving { <0, 0, >0 } in ip. However, we have to set it to a specific
+ * integer value, which we can do with 2 conditional mov/mvn instructions
+ * (set 1, set -1; if they're equal we already have 0 in ip), giving
+ * us a constant 5-cycle path plus a branch at the end to the
+ * instruction epilogue code. The multi-compare approach below needs
+ * 2 or 3 cycles + branch if the high word doesn't match, 6 + branch
+ * in the worst case (the 64-bit values are equal).
+ */
+ /* cmp-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare (vBB+1, vCC+1)
+ blt .L${opcode}_less @ signed compare on high part
+ bgt .L${opcode}_greater
+ subs r1, r0, r2 @ r1<- r0 - r2
+ bhi .L${opcode}_greater @ unsigned compare on low part
+ bne .L${opcode}_less
+ b .L${opcode}_finish @ equal; r1 already holds 0
+ mvn r1, #0 @ r1<- -1
+ @ Want to cond code the next mov so we can avoid branch, but don't see it;
+ @ instead, we just replicate the tail end.
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, #1 @ r1<- 1
+ @ fall through to _finish
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b05c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return 1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fcmped d0, d1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r0, #1 @ r0<- 1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ mvnmi r0, #0 @ (less than) r1<- -1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5d2df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpg_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return 1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ fcmpes s0, s1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r0, #1 @ r0<- 1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ mvnmi r0, #0 @ (less than) r1<- -1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpl_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpl_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee53b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpl_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else {
+ * return -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fcmped d0, d1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mvn r0, #0 @ r0<- -1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ movgt r0, #1 @ (greater than) r1<- 1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpl_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpl_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64535b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_cmpl_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else {
+ * return -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ fcmpes s0, s1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mvn r0, #0 @ r0<- -1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ movgt r0, #1 @ (greater than) r1<- 1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de3e3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ /* const vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (low
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (high
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r3 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59c6dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ /* const/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssBBBB (sign-extended
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r3 @ vAA<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_4.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_4.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c177bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_4.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ /* const/4 vA, #+B */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsl #16 @ r1<- Bxxx0000
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r1, asr #28 @ r1<- sssssssB (sign-extended)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r0 @ fp[A]<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_class.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_class.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b111f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_class.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /* const/class vAA, Class@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- BBBB
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpConstClass @ (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_high16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_high16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..460d546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_high16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ /* const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000 */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- 0000BBBB (zero-extended
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ mov r0, r0, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBB0000
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r3 @ vAA<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_string.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_string.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8302a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_string.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- BBBB
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpConstString @ (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ fail?
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ let reference interpreter deal with it.
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_string_jumbo.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_string_jumbo.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a3d0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_string_jumbo.S
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBBBBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (low
+ FETCH r2, 2 @ r2<- BBBB (high
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r2, lsl #16 @ r1<- BBBBbbbb
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpConstString @ (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ PREFETCH_INST 3 @ advance rPC
+ cmp r0, #0 @ fail?
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ let reference interpreter deal with it.
+ ADVANCE 3 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cdc426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /* const-wide vAA, #+HHHHhhhhBBBBbbbb */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (low)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (low middle)
+ FETCH r2, 3 @ r2<- hhhh (high middle)
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb (low word)
+ FETCH r3, 4 @ r3<- HHHH (high)
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ orr r1, r2, r3, lsl #16 @ r1<- HHHHhhhh (high word)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 5 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bfc17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ /* const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssBBBB (sign-extended
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ mov r1, r0, asr #31 @ r1<- ssssssss
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_32.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_32.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36d4628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_32.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /* const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- 0000bbbb (low)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ FETCH_S r2, 2 @ r2<- ssssBBBB (high)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r2, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r1, r0, asr #31 @ r1<- ssssssss
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_high16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_high16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee592d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_const_wide_high16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ /* const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000 */
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- 0000BBBB (zero-extended)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ mov r0, #0 @ r0<- 00000000
+ mov r1, r1, lsl #16 @ r1<- BBBB0000
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5147550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide.S" {"instr":"fdivd d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b812f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"fdivd d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f24d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop.S" {"instr":"fdivs s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1dbf01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop2addr.S" {"instr":"fdivs s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..251064b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9be4cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int/2addr
+ *
+ */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9bc7d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int/lit16
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2dbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int/lit8
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f21a84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_ldivmod", "chkzero":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e172b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_div_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_ldivmod", "chkzero":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e327000
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/funopNarrower.S" {"instr":"fcvtsd s0, d0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa035de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/funopNarrower.S" {"instr":"ftosizd s0, d0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b100810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_double_to_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+@include "arm/unopWide.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_d2lz"}
+%include "arm/unopWide.S" {"instr":"bl d2l_doconv"}
+ * Convert the double in r0/r1 to a long in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * We have to clip values to long min/max per the specification. The
+ * expected common case is a "reasonable" value that converts directly
+ * to modest integer. The EABI convert function isn't doing this for us.
+ */
+ stmfd sp!, {r4, r5, lr} @ save regs
+ mov r3, #0x43000000 @ maxlong, as a double (high word)
+ add r3, #0x00e00000 @ 0x43e00000
+ mov r2, #0 @ maxlong, as a double (low word)
+ sub sp, sp, #4 @ align for EABI
+ mov r4, r0 @ save a copy of r0
+ mov r5, r1 @ and r1
+ bl __aeabi_dcmpge @ is arg >= maxlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ mvnne r0, #0 @ return maxlong (7fffffffffffffff)
+ mvnne r1, #0x80000000
+ bne 1f
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r5
+ mov r3, #0xc3000000 @ minlong, as a double (high word)
+ add r3, #0x00e00000 @ 0xc3e00000
+ mov r2, #0 @ minlong, as a double (low word)
+ bl __aeabi_dcmple @ is arg <= minlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ movne r0, #0 @ return minlong (8000000000000000)
+ movne r1, #0x80000000
+ bne 1f
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r5
+ mov r2, r4 @ compare against self
+ mov r3, r5
+ bl __aeabi_dcmpeq @ is arg == self?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ zero == no
+ moveq r1, #0 @ return zero for NaN
+ beq 1f
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r5
+ bl __aeabi_d2lz @ convert double to long
+ add sp, sp, #4
+ ldmfd sp!, {r4, r5, pc}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_fill_array_data.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_fill_array_data.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1ca85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_fill_array_data.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /* fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r1, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r1<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vAA (array object)
+ add r1, rPC, r1, lsl #1 @ r1<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2 (array data off.)
+ bl MterpFillArrayData @ (obj, payload)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 means an exception is thrown
+ beq MterpPossibleException @ exception?
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_filled_new_array.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_filled_new_array.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1075f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_filled_new_array.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%default { "helper":"MterpFilledNewArray" }
+ /*
+ * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
+ *
+ * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl $helper
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_filled_new_array_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_filled_new_array_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16567af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_filled_new_array_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_filled_new_array.S" { "helper":"MterpFilledNewArrayRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb1892b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/funopWider.S" {"instr":"fcvtds d0, s0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aab8716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/funop.S" {"instr":"ftosizs s1, s0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24416d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_float_to_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+@include "arm/unopWider.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_f2lz"}
+%include "arm/unopWider.S" {"instr":"bl f2l_doconv"}
+ * Convert the float in r0 to a long in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * We have to clip values to long min/max per the specification. The
+ * expected common case is a "reasonable" value that converts directly
+ * to modest integer. The EABI convert function isn't doing this for us.
+ */
+ stmfd sp!, {r4, lr}
+ mov r1, #0x5f000000 @ (float)maxlong
+ mov r4, r0
+ bl __aeabi_fcmpge @ is arg >= maxlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ mvnne r0, #0 @ return maxlong (7fffffff)
+ mvnne r1, #0x80000000
+ ldmnefd sp!, {r4, pc}
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, #0xdf000000 @ (float)minlong
+ bl __aeabi_fcmple @ is arg <= minlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ movne r0, #0 @ return minlong (80000000)
+ movne r1, #0x80000000
+ ldmnefd sp!, {r4, pc}
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r4
+ bl __aeabi_fcmpeq @ is arg == self?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ zero == no
+ moveq r1, #0 @ return zero for NaN
+ ldmeqfd sp!, {r4, pc}
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ bl __aeabi_f2lz @ convert float to long
+ ldmfd sp!, {r4, pc}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b3632a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto.S
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ /*
+ * Unconditional branch, 8-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto +AA */
+ /* tuning: use sbfx for 6t2+ targets */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAxx0000
+ movs r1, r0, asr #24 @ r1<- ssssssAA (sign-extended)
+ add r2, r1, r1 @ r2<- byte offset, set flags
+ @ If backwards branch refresh rIBASE
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAxx0000
+ movs r1, r0, asr #24 @ r1<- ssssssAA (sign-extended)
+ add r2, r1, r1 @ r2<- byte offset, set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ @ If backwards branch refresh rIBASE
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2231acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ /*
+ * Unconditional branch, 16-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/16 +AAAA */
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssAAAA (sign-extended)
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset, flags set
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssAAAA (sign-extended)
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset, flags set
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto_32.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto_32.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b72ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_goto_32.S
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ /*
+ * Unconditional branch, 32-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ *
+ * Unlike most opcodes, this one is allowed to branch to itself, so
+ * our "backward branch" test must be "<=0" instead of "<0". Because
+ * we need the V bit set, we'll use an adds to convert from Dalvik
+ * offset to byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/32 +AAAAAAAA */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- aaaa (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- AAAA (hi)
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAAAaaaa
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrle rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- aaaa (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- AAAA (hi)
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAAAaaaa
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ble MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_eq.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_eq.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5685686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_eq.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"ne" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_eqz.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_eqz.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9c0f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_eqz.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"ne" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ge.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ge.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a0307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ge.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"lt" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gez.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gez.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981cdec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gez.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"lt" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gt.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gt.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca50cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gt.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"le" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gtz.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gtz.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c621812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_gtz.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"le" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_le.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_le.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e060f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_le.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"gt" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_lez.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_lez.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f92be23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_lez.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"gt" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_lt.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_lt.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..213344d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_lt.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"ge" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ltz.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ltz.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfd4e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ltz.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"ge" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ne.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ne.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a58b4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_ne.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/bincmp.S" { "revcmp":"eq" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_nez.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_nez.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d864ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_if_nez.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/zcmp.S" { "revcmp":"eq" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f777b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget.S
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0", "helper":"artGet32InstanceFromCode"}
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl $helper
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628f40a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetBooleanInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_boolean_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_boolean_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ae4843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_boolean_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"ldrb" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e08e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetByteInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_byte_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_byte_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b3083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_byte_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"ldrsb" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8da66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetCharInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_char_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_char_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b44d8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_char_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"ldrh" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf2e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget.S" { "is_object":"1", "helper":"artGetObjInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_object_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_object_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f8dc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_object_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget_quick.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9229afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%default { "load":"ldr", "is_object":"0" }
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ $load r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..460f045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget.S" { "helper":"artGetShortInstanceFromCode" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_short_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_short_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1831b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_short_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iget_quick.S" { "load":"ldrsh" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8d2f41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ /*
+ * 64-bit instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget-wide
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGet64InstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+ add r3, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[A]
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ fp[A]<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_wide_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_wide_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d6976e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iget_wide_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /* iget-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH ip, 1 @ ip<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldrd r0, [r3, ip] @ r0<- obj.field (64 bits, aligned)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r3, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[A]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ fp[A]<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_instance_of.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_instance_of.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94108c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_instance_of.S
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ /*
+ * Check to see if an object reference is an instance of a class.
+ *
+ * Most common situation is a non-null object, being compared against
+ * an already-resolved class.
+ */
+ /* instance-of vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- vB (object)
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- method
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ bl MterpInstanceOf @ (index, obj, method, self)
+ cmp r1, #0 @ exception pending?
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vA<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..059d5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unop.S" {"instr":"sxtb r0, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a0c19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unop.S" {"instr":"uxth r0, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..810c2e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/funopWider.S" {"instr":"fsitod d0, s0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f41654c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/funop.S" {"instr":"fsitos s1, s0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5aed8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unopWider.S" {"instr":"mov r1, r0, asr #31"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..717bd96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_int_to_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unop.S" {"instr":"sxth r0, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_direct.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_direct.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1edf221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_direct.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeDirect" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_direct_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_direct_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3097b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_direct_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeDirectRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_interface.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_interface.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6d565b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_interface.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeInterface" }
+ /*
+ * Handle an interface method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-interface, invoke-interface/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_interface_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_interface_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8443b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_interface_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeInterfaceRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_static.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_static.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3cefcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_static.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeStatic" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_static_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_static_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd60d7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_static_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeStaticRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_super.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_super.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ef2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_super.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeSuper" }
+ /*
+ * Handle a "super" method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-super, invoke-super/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_super_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_super_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4fb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_super_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeSuperRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b893ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtual" }
+ /*
+ * Handle a virtual method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-virtual, invoke-virtual/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020e8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtualQuick" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_range.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_range.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b42a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_range.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtualRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f2ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/invoke.S" { "helper":"MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d224cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0", "handler":"artSet32InstanceFromMterp" }
+ /*
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern $handler
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl $handler
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9e8589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet8InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_boolean_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_boolean_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a2777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_boolean_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput_quick.S" { "store":"strb" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9e8589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet8InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_byte_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_byte_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a2777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_byte_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput_quick.S" { "store":"strb" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5046f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet16InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_char_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_char_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5212fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_char_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput_quick.S" { "store":"strh" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d942e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpIputObject
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_object_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_object_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876b3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_object_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ bl MterpIputObjectQuick
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c8150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%default { "store":"str" }
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- fp[A]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $store r0, [r3, r1] @ obj.field<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5046f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput.S" { "handler":"artSet16InstanceFromMterp" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_short_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_short_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5212fc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_short_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_iput_quick.S" { "store":"strh" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bbd63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ /* iput-wide vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_wide_quick.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_wide_quick.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2fc9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_iput_wide_quick.S
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ /* iput-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r3, 1 @ r3<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ cmp r2, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ add r0, rFP, r0, lsl #2 @ r0<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r0, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[A]/fp[A+1]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ strd r0, [r2, r3] @ obj.field<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d48a2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialised 64-bit floating point operation.
+ *
+ * Note: The result will be returned in d2.
+ *
+ * For: long-to-double
+ */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ vldr d0, [r3] @ d0<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ vcvt.f64.s32 d1, s1 @ d1<- (double)(vAAh)
+ vcvt.f64.u32 d2, s0 @ d2<- (double)(vAAl)
+ vldr d3, constval$opcode
+ vmla.f64 d2, d1, d3 @ d2<- vAAh*2^32 + vAAl
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ vstr.64 d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* literal pool helper */
+ .8byte 0x41f0000000000000
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efa5a66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unopNarrower.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_l2f"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e91f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_long_to_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* we ignore the high word, making this equivalent to a 32-bit reg move */
+%include "arm/op_move.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_monitor_enter.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_monitor_enter.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c34f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_monitor_enter.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /*
+ * Synchronize on an object.
+ */
+ /* monitor-enter vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA (object)
+ mov r1, rSELF @ r1<- self
+ bl artLockObjectFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpException
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_monitor_exit.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_monitor_exit.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7cef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_monitor_exit.S
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ /*
+ * Unlock an object.
+ *
+ * Exceptions that occur when unlocking a monitor need to appear as
+ * if they happened at the following instruction. See the Dalvik
+ * instruction spec.
+ */
+ /* monitor-exit vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA (object)
+ mov r1, rSELF @ r0<- self
+ bl artUnlockObjectFromCode @ r0<- success for unlock(self, obj)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ failed?
+ bne MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ before throw: advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfecc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B from 15:12
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A from 11:8
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[B]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78138a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for: move/16, move-object/16 */
+ /* op vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- AAAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[BBBB]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[AAAA]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[AAAA]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_exception.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_exception.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0242e26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_exception.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ /* move-exception vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ mov r1, #0 @ r1<- 0
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r3, r2 @ fp[AA]<- exception obj
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ str r1, [rSELF, #THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET] @ clear exception
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_from16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_from16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e79417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_from16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for: move/from16, move-object/from16 */
+ /* op vAA, vBBBB */
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- BBBB
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[BBBB]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[AA]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[AA]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16de57b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_move.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2534300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_move_16.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object_from16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object_from16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0cf02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_object_from16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_move_from16.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2586a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0" }
+ /* for: move-result, move-result-object */
+ /* op vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldr r0, [rFP, #OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER] @ get pointer to result JType.
+ ldr r0, [r0] @ r0 <- result.i.
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2, r1 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643296a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_move_result.S" {"is_object":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64103c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_result_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ /* move-result-wide vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AA]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- retval.j
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[AA]<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1345b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /* move-wide vA, vB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[B]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[A]<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide_16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide_16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..133a4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide_16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /* move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ FETCH r3, 2 @ r3<- BBBB
+ FETCH r2, 1 @ r2<- AAAA
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BBBB]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AAAA]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[BBBB]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[AAAA]<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide_from16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide_from16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ae785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_move_wide_from16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /* move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ FETCH r3, 1 @ r3<- BBBB
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BBBB]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AA]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[BBBB]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[AA]<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..530e85a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide.S" {"instr":"fmuld d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da1abc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"fmuld d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a72e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop.S" {"instr":"fmuls s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb5101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop2addr.S" {"instr":"fmuls s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6151d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"mul r0, r1, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66a797d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"mul r0, r1, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e40c43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+%include "arm/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"mul r0, r1, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbafae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"mul r0, r1, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e83778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ /*
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply.
+ *
+ * Consider WXxYZ (r1r0 x r3r2) with a long multiply:
+ * WX
+ * x YZ
+ * --------
+ * ZW ZX
+ * YW YX
+ *
+ * The low word of the result holds ZX, the high word holds
+ * (ZW+YX) + (the high overflow from ZX). YW doesn't matter because
+ * it doesn't fit in the low 64 bits.
+ *
+ * Unlike most ARM math operations, multiply instructions have
+ * restrictions on using the same register more than once (Rd and Rm
+ * cannot be the same).
+ */
+ /* mul-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ mul ip, r2, r1 @ ip<- ZxW
+ umull r9, r10, r2, r0 @ r9/r10 <- ZxX
+ mla r2, r0, r3, ip @ r2<- YxX + (ZxW)
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ add r10, r2, r10 @ r10<- r10 + low(ZxW + (YxX))
+ add r0, rFP, r0, lsl #2 @ r0<- &fp[AA]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r0, {r9-r10} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r9/r10
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..789dbd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_mul_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ /*
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply, "/2addr" version.
+ *
+ * See op_mul_long for an explanation.
+ *
+ * We get a little tight on registers, so to avoid looking up &fp[A]
+ * again we stuff it into rINST.
+ */
+ /* mul-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add rINST, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ rINST<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia rINST, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mul ip, r2, r1 @ ip<- ZxW
+ umull r9, r10, r2, r0 @ r9/r10 <- ZxX
+ mla r2, r0, r3, ip @ r2<- YxX + (ZxW)
+ mov r0, rINST @ r0<- &fp[A] (free up rINST)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r10, r2, r10 @ r10<- r10 + low(ZxW + (YxX))
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r0, {r9-r10} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r9/r10
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33e609c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unopWide.S" {"instr":"add r1, r1, #0x80000000"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..993583f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unop.S" {"instr":"add r0, r0, #0x80000000"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec0b253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unop.S" {"instr":"rsb r0, r0, #0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dab2eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_neg_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unopWide.S" {"preinstr":"rsbs r0, r0, #0", "instr":"rsc r1, r1, #0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_new_array.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_new_array.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb792c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_new_array.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ /*
+ * Allocate an array of objects, specified with the array class
+ * and a count.
+ *
+ * The verifier guarantees that this is an array class, so we don't
+ * check for it here.
+ */
+ /* new-array vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpNewArray
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_new_instance.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_new_instance.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95d4be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_new_instance.S
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ /*
+ * Create a new instance of a class.
+ */
+ /* new-instance vAA, class@BBBB */
+ mov r1, rSELF
+ mov r2, rINST
+ bl MterpNewInstance @ (shadow_frame, self, inst_data)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_nop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_nop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0f88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_nop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance to next instr, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute it
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_not_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_not_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..816485a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_not_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unop.S" {"instr":"mvn r0, r0"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_not_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_not_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49a5905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_not_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unopWide.S" {"preinstr":"mvn r0, r0", "instr":"mvn r1, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b046e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"orr r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..493c59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"orr r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a01db8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"orr r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d85038
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"orr r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..048c45c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"preinstr":"orr r0, r0, r2", "instr":"orr r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9395346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_or_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"preinstr":"orr r0, r0, r2", "instr":"orr r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_packed_switch.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_packed_switch.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e3370e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_packed_switch.S
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+%default { "func":"MterpDoPackedSwitch" }
+ /*
+ * Handle a packed-switch or sparse-switch instruction. In both cases
+ * we decode it and hand it off to a helper function.
+ *
+ * We don't really expect backward branches in a switch statement, but
+ * they're perfectly legal, so we check for them here.
+ *
+ * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
+ */
+ /* op vAA, +BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vAA
+ add r0, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ r0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ bl $func @ r0<- code-unit branch offset
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset; clear V
+ ldrle rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vAA
+ add r0, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ r0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ bl $func @ r0<- code-unit branch offset
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset; clear V
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ble MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b539221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* EABI doesn't define a double remainder function, but libm does */
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"instr":"bl fmod"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..372ef1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* EABI doesn't define a double remainder function, but libm does */
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"bl fmod"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd10de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* EABI doesn't define a float remainder function, but libm does */
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"bl fmodf"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c5fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* EABI doesn't define a float remainder function, but libm does */
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"bl fmodf"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff62573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op, r0-r2 changed
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba5751a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int/2addr
+ *
+ */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4edb187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int/lit16
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3888361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+%default {}
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int/lit8
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC)
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b1c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* ldivmod returns quotient in r0/r1 and remainder in r2/r3 */
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_ldivmod", "result0":"r2", "result1":"r3", "chkzero":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f87d493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rem_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* ldivmod returns quotient in r0/r1 and remainder in r2/r3 */
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_ldivmod", "result0":"r2", "result1":"r3", "chkzero":"1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4ffd04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ /*
+ * Return a 32-bit value.
+ *
+ * for: return, return-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c490730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_return.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_void.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_void.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6dfd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_void.S
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r0, #0
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_void_no_barrier.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_void_no_barrier.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7322940
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_void_no_barrier.S
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ mov r0, #0
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2881c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_return_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ /*
+ * Return a 64-bit value.
+ */
+ /* return-wide vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AA]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1 <- vAA/vAA+1
+ b MterpReturn
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rsub_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rsub_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1508dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rsub_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/* this op is "rsub-int", but can be thought of as "rsub-int/lit16" */
+%include "arm/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"rsb r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rsub_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rsub_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ee11e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_rsub_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"rsb r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b81f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+%default { "is_object":"0", "helper":"artGet32StaticFromCode" }
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern $helper
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl $helper
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if $is_object
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebfb44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetBooleanStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d76862e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetByteStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7fcfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetCharStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e7d075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sget.S" {"is_object":"1", "helper":"artGetObjStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e80f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sget.S" {"helper":"artGetShortStaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97db05f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sget_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ /*
+ * SGET_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sget-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGet64StaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGet64StaticFromCode
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e4c768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, asl r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4286577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, asl r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a48bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, asl r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc8a679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r3, r0, #255 @ r3<- BB
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #8 @ r0<- CC
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BB]
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vCC
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r1, r1, asl r2 @ r1<- r1 << r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r1, r1, r0, lsr r3 @ r1<- r1 | (r0 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ movpl r1, r0, asl ip @ if r2 >= 32, r1<- r0 << (r2-32)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r0, r0, asl r2 @ r0<- r0 << r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd7668d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shl_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r3 @ r2<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mov r1, r1, asl r2 @ r1<- r1 << r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r1, r1, r0, lsr r3 @ r1<- r1 | (r0 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ movpl r1, r0, asl ip @ if r2 >= 32, r1<- r0 << (r2-32)
+ mov r0, r0, asl r2 @ r0<- r0 << r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6317605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, asr r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc8632f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, asr r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60fe5fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, asr r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0edf90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r3, r0, #255 @ r3<- BB
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #8 @ r0<- CC
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BB]
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vCC
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r0<- r0 & 0x3f
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ movpl r0, r1, asr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >> (r2-32)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r1, asr r2 @ r1<- r1 >> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffeaf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_shr_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shr-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r3 @ r2<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ movpl r0, r1, asr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >> (r2-32)
+ mov r1, r1, asr r2 @ r1<- r1 >> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sparse_switch.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sparse_switch.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f7a42b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sparse_switch.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_packed_switch.S" { "func":"MterpDoSparseSwitch" }
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e0c1a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%default { "helper":"artSet32StaticFromCode"}
+ /*
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<= fp[AA]
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl $helper
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_boolean.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_boolean.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3bbf2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_boolean.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet8StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_byte.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_byte.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3bbf2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_byte.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet8StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_char.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_char.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d65cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_char.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet16StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_object.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_object.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d3a9a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_object.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpSputObject
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_short.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_short.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8d65cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_short.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/op_sput.S" {"helper":"artSet16StaticFromCode"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_wide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_wide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adbcffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sput_wide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ /*
+ * SPUT_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sput-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_double.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_double.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69bcc67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_double.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide.S" {"instr":"fsubd d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_double_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_double_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ea59fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_double_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinopWide2addr.S" {"instr":"fsubd d2, d0, d1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_float.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_float.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f17a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_float.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop.S" {"instr":"fsubs s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_float_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_float_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f4aac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_float_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/fbinop2addr.S" {"instr":"fsubs s2, s0, s1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efb9e10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"sub r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d3036b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"sub r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f1eb6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"preinstr":"subs r0, r0, r2", "instr":"sbc r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e9da05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_sub_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"preinstr":"subs r0, r0, r2", "instr":"sbc r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_throw.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_throw.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be49ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_throw.S
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ /*
+ * Throw an exception object in the current thread.
+ */
+ /* throw vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r2 @ r1<- vAA (exception object)
+ cmp r1, #0 @ null object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, throw an NPE instead
+ str r1, [rSELF, #THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET] @ thread->exception<- obj
+ b MterpException
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_3e.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_3e.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_3e.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_3f.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_3f.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_3f.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_40.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_40.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_40.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_41.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_41.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_41.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_42.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_42.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_42.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_43.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_43.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_43.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_73.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_73.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_73.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_79.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_79.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_79.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_7a.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_7a.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_7a.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f3.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f3.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f3.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f4.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f4.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f4.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f5.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f5.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f5.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f6.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f6.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f6.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f7.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f7.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f7.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f9.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f9.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_f9.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fa.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fa.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fa.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fb.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fb.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fb.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fc.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fc.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fc.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fd.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fd.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fd.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fe.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fe.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_fe.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_ff.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_ff.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10948dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_unused_ff.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/unused.S"
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a74361b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, lsr r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2d1d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, lsr r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a4435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"preinstr":"and r1, r1, #31", "instr":"mov r0, r0, lsr r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f64c861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance.
+ */
+ /* ushr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r3, r0, #255 @ r3<- BB
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #8 @ r0<- CC
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BB]
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vCC
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r0<- r0 & 0x3f
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ movpl r0, r1, lsr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >>> (r2-32)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r1, lsr r2 @ r1<- r1 >>> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbab08d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_ushr_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* ushr-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r3 @ r2<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ movpl r0, r1, lsr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >>> (r2-32)
+ mov r1, r1, lsr r2 @ r1<- r1 >>> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd7a4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop.S" {"instr":"eor r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..196a665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binop2addr.S" {"instr":"eor r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_lit16.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_lit16.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39f2a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_lit16.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit16.S" {"instr":"eor r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_lit8.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_lit8.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46bb712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_int_lit8.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopLit8.S" {"instr":"eor r0, r0, r1"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_long.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f830d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_long.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide.S" {"preinstr":"eor r0, r0, r2", "instr":"eor r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_long_2addr.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_long_2addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5ed88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/op_xor_long_2addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%include "arm/binopWide2addr.S" {"preinstr":"eor r0, r0, r2", "instr":"eor r1, r1, r3"}
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unop.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unop.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56518b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unop.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%default {"preinstr":""}
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $instr @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopNarrower.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopNarrower.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5fc027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopNarrower.S
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+%default {"preinstr":""}
+ /*
+ * Generic 64bit-to-32bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1", where
+ * "result" is a 32-bit quantity in r0.
+ *
+ * For: long-to-float, double-to-int, double-to-float
+ *
+ * (This would work for long-to-int, but that instruction is actually
+ * an exact match for op_move.)
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vB/vB+1
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 9-10 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopWide.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopWide.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b8739c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopWide.S
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+%default {"preinstr":""}
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: neg-long, not-long, neg-double, long-to-double, double-to-long
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ $instr @ r0/r1<- op, r2-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-11 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopWider.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopWider.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..657a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unopWider.S
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%default {"preinstr":""}
+ /*
+ * Generic 32bit-to-64bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0", where
+ * "result" is a 64-bit quantity in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * For: int-to-long, int-to-double, float-to-long, float-to-double
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ $preinstr @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ $instr @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vA/vA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 9-10 instructions */
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unused.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unused.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffa00be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/unused.S
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/zcmp.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/zcmp.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e9ef55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/arm/zcmp.S
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ mov${revcmp} r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ mov${revcmp} r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_arm b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_arm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..436dcd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_arm
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration for ARMv7-A targets.
+handler-style computed-goto
+handler-size 128
+# source for alternate entry stub
+asm-alt-stub arm/alt_stub.S
+# file header and basic definitions
+import arm/header.S
+# arch-specific entry point to interpreter
+import arm/entry.S
+# Stub to switch to alternate interpreter
+fallback-stub arm/fallback.S
+# opcode list; argument to op-start is default directory
+op-start arm
+ # (override example:) op op_sub_float_2addr arm-vfp
+ # (fallback example:) op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_nop FALLBACK
+ # op op_move FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ # op op_return FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ # op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ # op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ # op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ # op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ # op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ # op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ # op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ # op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ # op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ # op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ # op op_throw FALLBACK
+ # op op_goto FALLBACK
+ # op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ # op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ # op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ # op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ # op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ # op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ # op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ # op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_lambda FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op op_capture_variable FALLBACK
+ op op_create_lambda FALLBACK
+ op op_liberate_variable FALLBACK
+ op op_box_lambda FALLBACK
+ op op_unbox_lambda FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ # op op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+# common subroutines for asm
+import arm/footer.S
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_arm64 b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_arm64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef3c721
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_arm64
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration for ARM64
+handler-style computed-goto
+handler-size 128
+# source for alternate entry stub
+asm-alt-stub arm64/alt_stub.S
+# file header and basic definitions
+import arm64/header.S
+# arch-specific entry point to interpreter
+import arm64/entry.S
+# Stub to switch to alternate interpreter
+fallback-stub arm64/fallback.S
+# opcode list; argument to op-start is default directory
+op-start arm64
+ # (override example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR arm-vfp
+ # (fallback example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR FALLBACK
+ op op_nop FALLBACK
+ op op_move FALLBACK
+ op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ op op_return FALLBACK
+ op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const FALLBACK
+ op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ op op_throw FALLBACK
+ op op_goto FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ op op_aget FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_aput FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iget FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iput FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sget FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sput FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f3 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f5 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f6 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f7 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f8 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f9 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+# common subroutines for asm
+import arm64/footer.S
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_mips b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_mips
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1221f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_mips
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration for MIPS_32
+handler-style computed-goto
+handler-size 128
+# source for alternate entry stub
+asm-alt-stub mips/alt_stub.S
+# file header and basic definitions
+import mips/header.S
+# arch-specific entry point to interpreter
+import mips/entry.S
+# Stub to switch to alternate interpreter
+fallback-stub mips/fallback.S
+# opcode list; argument to op-start is default directory
+op-start mips
+ # (override example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR arm-vfp
+ # (fallback example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR FALLBACK
+ op op_nop FALLBACK
+ op op_move FALLBACK
+ op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ op op_return FALLBACK
+ op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const FALLBACK
+ op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ op op_throw FALLBACK
+ op op_goto FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ op op_aget FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_aput FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iget FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iput FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sget FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sput FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f3 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f5 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f6 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f7 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f8 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f9 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+# common subroutines for asm
+import mips/footer.S
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_mips64 b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_mips64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f804ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_mips64
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration for MIPS_64
+handler-style computed-goto
+handler-size 128
+# source for alternate entry stub
+asm-alt-stub mips64/alt_stub.S
+# file header and basic definitions
+import mips64/header.S
+# arch-specific entry point to interpreter
+import mips64/entry.S
+# Stub to switch to alternate interpreter
+fallback-stub mips64/fallback.S
+# opcode list; argument to op-start is default directory
+op-start mips64
+ # (override example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR arm-vfp
+ # (fallback example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR FALLBACK
+ op op_nop FALLBACK
+ op op_move FALLBACK
+ op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ op op_return FALLBACK
+ op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const FALLBACK
+ op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ op op_throw FALLBACK
+ op op_goto FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ op op_aget FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_aput FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iget FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iput FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sget FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sput FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f3 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f5 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f6 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f7 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f8 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f9 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+# common subroutines for asm
+import mips64/footer.S
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86 b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..277817d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration for X86
+handler-style computed-goto
+handler-size 128
+# source for alternate entry stub
+asm-alt-stub x86/alt_stub.S
+# file header and basic definitions
+import x86/header.S
+# arch-specific entry point to interpreter
+import x86/entry.S
+# Stub to switch to alternate interpreter
+fallback-stub x86/fallback.S
+# opcode list; argument to op-start is default directory
+op-start x86
+ # (override example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR arm-vfp
+ # (fallback example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR FALLBACK
+ op op_nop FALLBACK
+ op op_move FALLBACK
+ op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ op op_return FALLBACK
+ op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const FALLBACK
+ op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ op op_throw FALLBACK
+ op op_goto FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ op op_aget FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_aput FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iget FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iput FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sget FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sput FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f3 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f5 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f6 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f7 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f8 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f9 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+# common subroutines for asm
+import x86/footer.S
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86_64 b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86_64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a002dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/config_x86_64
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Configuration for X86_64
+handler-style computed-goto
+handler-size 128
+# source for alternate entry stub
+asm-alt-stub x86_64/alt_stub.S
+# file header and basic definitions
+import x86_64/header.S
+# arch-specific entry point to interpreter
+import x86_64/entry.S
+# Stub to switch to alternate interpreter
+fallback-stub x86_64/fallback.S
+# opcode list; argument to op-start is default directory
+op-start x86_64
+ # (override example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR arm-vfp
+ # (fallback example:) op OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR FALLBACK
+ op op_nop FALLBACK
+ op op_move FALLBACK
+ op op_move_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_from16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_object_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_move_result_object FALLBACK
+ op op_move_exception FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void FALLBACK
+ op op_return FALLBACK
+ op op_return_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_return_object FALLBACK
+ op op_const_4 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const FALLBACK
+ op op_const_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_const_wide_high16 FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string FALLBACK
+ op op_const_string_jumbo FALLBACK
+ op op_const_class FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_enter FALLBACK
+ op op_monitor_exit FALLBACK
+ op op_check_cast FALLBACK
+ op op_instance_of FALLBACK
+ op op_array_length FALLBACK
+ op op_new_instance FALLBACK
+ op op_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array FALLBACK
+ op op_filled_new_array_range FALLBACK
+ op op_fill_array_data FALLBACK
+ op op_throw FALLBACK
+ op op_goto FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_16 FALLBACK
+ op op_goto_32 FALLBACK
+ op op_packed_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_sparse_switch FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpl_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmpg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_cmp_long FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eq FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ne FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ge FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gt FALLBACK
+ op op_if_le FALLBACK
+ op op_if_eqz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_nez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_ltz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gez FALLBACK
+ op op_if_gtz FALLBACK
+ op op_if_lez FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3e FALLBACK
+ op_unused_3f FALLBACK
+ op_unused_40 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_41 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_42 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_43 FALLBACK
+ op op_aget FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_aput FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_aput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iget FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_iput FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sget FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sget_short FALLBACK
+ op op_sput FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_wide FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_object FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_boolean FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_char FALLBACK
+ op op_sput_short FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface FALLBACK
+ op op_return_void_no_barrier FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_super_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_direct_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_static_range FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_interface_range FALLBACK
+ op_unused_79 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_7a FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_int FALLBACK
+ op op_not_int FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_long FALLBACK
+ op op_not_long FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_float FALLBACK
+ op op_neg_double FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_long_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_float_to_double FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_int FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_long FALLBACK
+ op op_double_to_float FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_byte FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_char FALLBACK
+ op op_int_to_short FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_and_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_or_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_long_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_float_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_sub_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_div_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_double_2addr FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit16 FALLBACK
+ op op_add_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rsub_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_mul_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_div_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_rem_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_and_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_or_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_xor_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shl_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_shr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_ushr_int_lit8 FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_wide_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_object_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_invoke_virtual_range_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iput_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_boolean_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_byte_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_char_quick FALLBACK
+ op op_iget_short_quick FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f3 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f4 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f5 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f6 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f7 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f8 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_f9 FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fa FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fb FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fc FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fd FALLBACK
+ op_unused_fe FALLBACK
+ op_unused_ff FALLBACK
+# common subroutines for asm
+import x86_64/footer.S
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f56d8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Using instructions from an architecture-specific config file, generate C
+# and assembly source files for the Dalvik interpreter.
+import sys, string, re, time
+from string import Template
+interp_defs_file = "../../dex_instruction_list.h" # need opcode list
+kNumPackedOpcodes = 256
+splitops = False
+verbose = False
+handler_size_bits = -1000
+handler_size_bytes = -1000
+in_op_start = 0 # 0=not started, 1=started, 2=ended
+in_alt_op_start = 0 # 0=not started, 1=started, 2=ended
+default_op_dir = None
+default_alt_stub = None
+opcode_locations = {}
+alt_opcode_locations = {}
+asm_stub_text = []
+fallback_stub_text = []
+label_prefix = ".L" # use ".L" to hide labels from gdb
+alt_label_prefix = ".L_ALT" # use ".L" to hide labels from gdb
+style = None # interpreter style
+generate_alt_table = False
+# Exception class.
+class DataParseError(SyntaxError):
+ "Failure when parsing data file"
+# Set any omnipresent substitution values.
+def getGlobalSubDict():
+ return { "handler_size_bits":handler_size_bits,
+ "handler_size_bytes":handler_size_bytes }
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set interpreter style.
+def setHandlerStyle(tokens):
+ global style
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("handler-style requires one argument")
+ style = tokens[1]
+ if style != "computed-goto":
+ raise DataParseError("handler-style (%s) invalid" % style)
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set handler_size_bytes to the value of tokens[1], and handler_size_bits to
+# log2(handler_size_bytes). Throws an exception if "bytes" is not 0 or
+# a power of two.
+def setHandlerSize(tokens):
+ global handler_size_bits, handler_size_bytes
+ if style != "computed-goto":
+ print "Warning: handler-size valid only for computed-goto interpreters"
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("handler-size requires one argument")
+ if handler_size_bits != -1000:
+ raise DataParseError("handler-size may only be set once")
+ # compute log2(n), and make sure n is 0 or a power of 2
+ handler_size_bytes = bytes = int(tokens[1])
+ bits = -1
+ while bytes > 0:
+ bytes //= 2 # halve with truncating division
+ bits += 1
+ if handler_size_bytes == 0 or handler_size_bytes != (1 << bits):
+ raise DataParseError("handler-size (%d) must be power of 2" \
+ % orig_bytes)
+ handler_size_bits = bits
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Copy a file in to asm output file.
+def importFile(tokens):
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ source = tokens[1]
+ if source.endswith(".S"):
+ appendSourceFile(tokens[1], getGlobalSubDict(), asm_fp, None)
+ else:
+ raise DataParseError("don't know how to import %s (expecting .cpp/.S)"
+ % source)
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Copy a file in to the C or asm output file.
+def setAsmStub(tokens):
+ global asm_stub_text
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ try:
+ stub_fp = open(tokens[1])
+ asm_stub_text = stub_fp.readlines()
+ except IOError, err:
+ stub_fp.close()
+ raise DataParseError("unable to load asm-stub: %s" % str(err))
+ stub_fp.close()
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Copy a file in to the C or asm output file.
+def setFallbackStub(tokens):
+ global fallback_stub_text
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ try:
+ stub_fp = open(tokens[1])
+ fallback_stub_text = stub_fp.readlines()
+ except IOError, err:
+ stub_fp.close()
+ raise DataParseError("unable to load fallback-stub: %s" % str(err))
+ stub_fp.close()
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Record location of default alt stub
+def setAsmAltStub(tokens):
+ global default_alt_stub, generate_alt_table
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("import requires one argument")
+ default_alt_stub = tokens[1]
+ generate_alt_table = True
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Start of opcode list.
+def opStart(tokens):
+ global in_op_start
+ global default_op_dir
+ if len(tokens) != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("opStart takes a directory name argument")
+ if in_op_start != 0:
+ raise DataParseError("opStart can only be specified once")
+ default_op_dir = tokens[1]
+ in_op_start = 1
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set location of a single alt opcode's source file.
+def altEntry(tokens):
+ global generate_alt_table
+ if len(tokens) != 3:
+ raise DataParseError("alt requires exactly two arguments")
+ if in_op_start != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("alt statements must be between opStart/opEnd")
+ try:
+ index = opcodes.index(tokens[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise DataParseError("unknown opcode %s" % tokens[1])
+ if alt_opcode_locations.has_key(tokens[1]):
+ print "Note: alt overrides earlier %s (%s -> %s)" \
+ % (tokens[1], alt_opcode_locations[tokens[1]], tokens[2])
+ alt_opcode_locations[tokens[1]] = tokens[2]
+ generate_alt_table = True
+# Parse arch config file --
+# Set location of a single opcode's source file.
+def opEntry(tokens):
+ #global opcode_locations
+ if len(tokens) != 3:
+ raise DataParseError("op requires exactly two arguments")
+ if in_op_start != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("op statements must be between opStart/opEnd")
+ try:
+ index = opcodes.index(tokens[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise DataParseError("unknown opcode %s" % tokens[1])
+ if opcode_locations.has_key(tokens[1]):
+ print "Note: op overrides earlier %s (%s -> %s)" \
+ % (tokens[1], opcode_locations[tokens[1]], tokens[2])
+ opcode_locations[tokens[1]] = tokens[2]
+# Parse arch config file --
+# End of opcode list; emit instruction blocks.
+def opEnd(tokens):
+ global in_op_start
+ if len(tokens) != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("opEnd takes no arguments")
+ if in_op_start != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("opEnd must follow opStart, and only appear once")
+ in_op_start = 2
+ loadAndEmitOpcodes()
+ if splitops == False:
+ if generate_alt_table:
+ loadAndEmitAltOpcodes()
+def genaltop(tokens):
+ if in_op_start != 2:
+ raise DataParseError("alt-op can be specified only after op-end")
+ if len(tokens) != 1:
+ raise DataParseError("opEnd takes no arguments")
+ if generate_alt_table:
+ loadAndEmitAltOpcodes()
+# Extract an ordered list of instructions from the VM sources. We use the
+# "goto table" definition macro, which has exactly kNumPackedOpcodes
+# entries.
+def getOpcodeList():
+ opcodes = []
+ opcode_fp = open(interp_defs_file)
+ opcode_re = re.compile(r"^\s*V\((....), (\w+),.*", re.DOTALL)
+ for line in opcode_fp:
+ match = opcode_re.match(line)
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ opcodes.append("op_" +
+ opcode_fp.close()
+ if len(opcodes) != kNumPackedOpcodes:
+ print "ERROR: found %d opcodes in Interp.h (expected %d)" \
+ % (len(opcodes), kNumPackedOpcodes)
+ raise SyntaxError, "bad opcode count"
+ return opcodes
+def emitAlign():
+ if style == "computed-goto":
+ asm_fp.write(" .balign %d\n" % handler_size_bytes)
+# Load and emit opcodes for all kNumPackedOpcodes instructions.
+def loadAndEmitOpcodes():
+ sister_list = []
+ assert len(opcodes) == kNumPackedOpcodes
+ need_dummy_start = False
+ start_label = "artMterpAsmInstructionStart"
+ end_label = "artMterpAsmInstructionEnd"
+ # point MterpAsmInstructionStart at the first handler or stub
+ asm_fp.write("\n .global %s\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write(" .type %s, %%function\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write("%s = " % start_label + label_prefix + "_op_nop\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .text\n\n")
+ for i in xrange(kNumPackedOpcodes):
+ op = opcodes[i]
+ if opcode_locations.has_key(op):
+ location = opcode_locations[op]
+ else:
+ location = default_op_dir
+ if location == "FALLBACK":
+ emitFallback(i)
+ else:
+ loadAndEmitAsm(location, i, sister_list)
+ # For a 100% C implementation, there are no asm handlers or stubs. We
+ # need to have the MterpAsmInstructionStart label point at op_nop, and it's
+ # too annoying to try to slide it in after the alignment psuedo-op, so
+ # we take the low road and just emit a dummy op_nop here.
+ if need_dummy_start:
+ emitAlign()
+ asm_fp.write(label_prefix + "_op_nop: /* dummy */\n");
+ emitAlign()
+ asm_fp.write(" .size %s, .-%s\n" % (start_label, start_label))
+ asm_fp.write(" .global %s\n" % end_label)
+ asm_fp.write("%s:\n" % end_label)
+ if style == "computed-goto":
+ emitSectionComment("Sister implementations", asm_fp)
+ asm_fp.write(" .global artMterpAsmSisterStart\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .type artMterpAsmSisterStart, %function\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .text\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .balign 4\n")
+ asm_fp.write("artMterpAsmSisterStart:\n")
+ asm_fp.writelines(sister_list)
+ asm_fp.write("\n .size artMterpAsmSisterStart, .-artMterpAsmSisterStart\n")
+ asm_fp.write(" .global artMterpAsmSisterEnd\n")
+ asm_fp.write("artMterpAsmSisterEnd:\n\n")
+# Load an alternate entry stub
+def loadAndEmitAltStub(source, opindex):
+ op = opcodes[opindex]
+ if verbose:
+ print " alt emit %s --> stub" % source
+ dict = getGlobalSubDict()
+ dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex })
+ emitAsmHeader(asm_fp, dict, alt_label_prefix)
+ appendSourceFile(source, dict, asm_fp, None)
+# Load and emit alternate opcodes for all kNumPackedOpcodes instructions.
+def loadAndEmitAltOpcodes():
+ assert len(opcodes) == kNumPackedOpcodes
+ start_label = "artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart"
+ end_label = "artMterpAsmAltInstructionEnd"
+ # point MterpAsmInstructionStart at the first handler or stub
+ asm_fp.write("\n .global %s\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write(" .type %s, %%function\n" % start_label)
+ asm_fp.write(" .text\n\n")
+ asm_fp.write("%s = " % start_label + label_prefix + "_ALT_op_nop\n")
+ for i in xrange(kNumPackedOpcodes):
+ op = opcodes[i]
+ if alt_opcode_locations.has_key(op):
+ source = "%s/alt_%s.S" % (alt_opcode_locations[op], op)
+ else:
+ source = default_alt_stub
+ loadAndEmitAltStub(source, i)
+ emitAlign()
+ asm_fp.write(" .size %s, .-%s\n" % (start_label, start_label))
+ asm_fp.write(" .global %s\n" % end_label)
+ asm_fp.write("%s:\n" % end_label)
+# Load an assembly fragment and emit it.
+def loadAndEmitAsm(location, opindex, sister_list):
+ op = opcodes[opindex]
+ source = "%s/%s.S" % (location, op)
+ dict = getGlobalSubDict()
+ dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex })
+ if verbose:
+ print " emit %s --> asm" % source
+ emitAsmHeader(asm_fp, dict, label_prefix)
+ appendSourceFile(source, dict, asm_fp, sister_list)
+# Emit fallback fragment
+def emitFallback(opindex):
+ op = opcodes[opindex]
+ dict = getGlobalSubDict()
+ dict.update({ "opcode":op, "opnum":opindex })
+ emitAsmHeader(asm_fp, dict, label_prefix)
+ for line in fallback_stub_text:
+ asm_fp.write(line)
+ asm_fp.write("\n")
+# Output the alignment directive and label for an assembly piece.
+def emitAsmHeader(outfp, dict, prefix):
+ outfp.write("/* ------------------------------ */\n")
+ # The alignment directive ensures that the handler occupies
+ # at least the correct amount of space. We don't try to deal
+ # with overflow here.
+ emitAlign()
+ # Emit a label so that gdb will say the right thing. We prepend an
+ # underscore so the symbol name doesn't clash with the Opcode enum.
+ outfp.write(prefix + "_%(opcode)s: /* 0x%(opnum)02x */\n" % dict)
+# Output a generic instruction stub that updates the "glue" struct and
+# calls the C implementation.
+def emitAsmStub(outfp, dict):
+ emitAsmHeader(outfp, dict, label_prefix)
+ for line in asm_stub_text:
+ templ = Template(line)
+ outfp.write(templ.substitute(dict))
+# Append the file specified by "source" to the open "outfp". Each line will
+# be template-replaced using the substitution dictionary "dict".
+# If the first line of the file starts with "%" it is taken as a directive.
+# A "%include" line contains a filename and, optionally, a Python-style
+# dictionary declaration with substitution strings. (This is implemented
+# with recursion.)
+# If "sister_list" is provided, and we find a line that contains only "&",
+# all subsequent lines from the file will be appended to sister_list instead
+# of copied to the output.
+# This may modify "dict".
+def appendSourceFile(source, dict, outfp, sister_list):
+ outfp.write("/* File: %s */\n" % source)
+ infp = open(source, "r")
+ in_sister = False
+ for line in infp:
+ if line.startswith("%include"):
+ # Parse the "include" line
+ tokens = line.strip().split(' ', 2)
+ if len(tokens) < 2:
+ raise DataParseError("malformed %%include in %s" % source)
+ alt_source = tokens[1].strip("\"")
+ if alt_source == source:
+ raise DataParseError("self-referential %%include in %s"
+ % source)
+ new_dict = dict.copy()
+ if len(tokens) == 3:
+ new_dict.update(eval(tokens[2]))
+ #print " including src=%s dict=%s" % (alt_source, new_dict)
+ appendSourceFile(alt_source, new_dict, outfp, sister_list)
+ continue
+ elif line.startswith("%default"):
+ # copy keywords into dictionary
+ tokens = line.strip().split(' ', 1)
+ if len(tokens) < 2:
+ raise DataParseError("malformed %%default in %s" % source)
+ defaultValues = eval(tokens[1])
+ for entry in defaultValues:
+ dict.setdefault(entry, defaultValues[entry])
+ continue
+ elif line.startswith("%break") and sister_list != None:
+ # allow more than one %break, ignoring all following the first
+ if style == "computed-goto" and not in_sister:
+ in_sister = True
+ sister_list.append("\n/* continuation for %(opcode)s */\n"%dict)
+ continue
+ # perform keyword substitution if a dictionary was provided
+ if dict != None:
+ templ = Template(line)
+ try:
+ subline = templ.substitute(dict)
+ except KeyError, err:
+ raise DataParseError("keyword substitution failed in %s: %s"
+ % (source, str(err)))
+ except:
+ print "ERROR: substitution failed: " + line
+ raise
+ else:
+ subline = line
+ # write output to appropriate file
+ if in_sister:
+ sister_list.append(subline)
+ else:
+ outfp.write(subline)
+ outfp.write("\n")
+ infp.close()
+# Emit a C-style section header comment.
+def emitSectionComment(str, fp):
+ equals = "========================================" \
+ "==================================="
+ fp.write("\n/*\n * %s\n * %s\n * %s\n */\n" %
+ (equals, str, equals))
+# ===========================================================================
+# "main" code
+# Check args.
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ print "Usage: %s target-arch output-dir" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(2)
+target_arch = sys.argv[1]
+output_dir = sys.argv[2]
+# Extract opcode list.
+opcodes = getOpcodeList()
+#for op in opcodes:
+# print " %s" % op
+# Open config file.
+ config_fp = open("config_%s" % target_arch)
+ print "Unable to open config file 'config_%s'" % target_arch
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Open and prepare output files.
+ asm_fp = open("%s/mterp_%s.S" % (output_dir, target_arch), "w")
+ print "Unable to open output files"
+ print "Make sure directory '%s' exists and existing files are writable" \
+ % output_dir
+ # Ideally we'd remove the files to avoid confusing "make", but if they
+ # failed to open we probably won't be able to remove them either.
+ sys.exit(1)
+print "Generating %s" % (
+file_header = """/*
+ * This file was generated automatically by for '%s'.
+ *
+ * --> DO NOT EDIT <--
+ */
+""" % (target_arch)
+# Process the config file.
+failed = False
+ for line in config_fp:
+ line = line.strip() # remove CRLF, leading spaces
+ tokens = line.split(' ') # tokenize
+ #print "%d: %s" % (len(tokens), tokens)
+ if len(tokens[0]) == 0:
+ #print " blank"
+ pass
+ elif tokens[0][0] == '#':
+ #print " comment"
+ pass
+ else:
+ if tokens[0] == "handler-size":
+ setHandlerSize(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "import":
+ importFile(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "asm-stub":
+ setAsmStub(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "asm-alt-stub":
+ setAsmAltStub(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "op-start":
+ opStart(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "op-end":
+ opEnd(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "alt":
+ altEntry(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "op":
+ opEntry(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "handler-style":
+ setHandlerStyle(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "alt-ops":
+ genaltop(tokens)
+ elif tokens[0] == "split-ops":
+ splitops = True
+ elif tokens[0] == "fallback-stub":
+ setFallbackStub(tokens)
+ else:
+ raise DataParseError, "unrecognized command '%s'" % tokens[0]
+ if style == None:
+ print "tokens[0] = %s" % tokens[0]
+ raise DataParseError, "handler-style must be first command"
+except DataParseError, err:
+ print "Failed: " + str(err)
+ # TODO: remove output files so "make" doesn't get confused
+ failed = True
+ asm_fp.close()
+ asm_fp = None
+# Done!
+if asm_fp:
+ asm_fp.close()
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..060fe76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Mterp entry point and support functions.
+ */
+#include "interpreter/interpreter_common.h"
+#include "entrypoints/entrypoint_utils-inl.h"
+#include "mterp.h"
+namespace art {
+namespace interpreter {
+ * Verify some constants used by the mterp interpreter.
+ */
+void CheckMterpAsmConstants() {
+ /*
+ * If we're using computed goto instruction transitions, make sure
+ * none of the handlers overflows the 128-byte limit. This won't tell
+ * which one did, but if any one is too big the total size will
+ * overflow.
+ */
+ const int width = 128;
+ int interp_size = (uintptr_t) artMterpAsmInstructionEnd -
+ (uintptr_t) artMterpAsmInstructionStart;
+ if ((interp_size == 0) || (interp_size != (art::kNumPackedOpcodes * width))) {
+ LOG(art::FATAL) << "ERROR: unexpected asm interp size " << interp_size
+ << "(did an instruction handler exceed " << width << " bytes?)";
+ }
+void InitMterpTls(Thread* self) {
+ self->SetMterpDefaultIBase(artMterpAsmInstructionStart);
+ self->SetMterpAltIBase(artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart);
+ self->SetMterpCurrentIBase(artMterpAsmInstructionStart);
+ * Find the matching case. Returns the offset to the handler instructions.
+ *
+ * Returns 3 if we don't find a match (it's the size of the sparse-switch
+ * instruction).
+ */
+extern "C" int32_t MterpDoSparseSwitch(const uint16_t* switchData, int32_t testVal) {
+ const int kInstrLen = 3;
+ uint16_t size;
+ const int32_t* keys;
+ const int32_t* entries;
+ /*
+ * Sparse switch data format:
+ * ushort ident = 0x0200 magic value
+ * ushort size number of entries in the table; > 0
+ * int keys[size] keys, sorted low-to-high; 32-bit aligned
+ * int targets[size] branch targets, relative to switch opcode
+ *
+ * Total size is (2+size*4) 16-bit code units.
+ */
+ uint16_t signature = *switchData++;
+ DCHECK_EQ(signature, static_cast<uint16_t>(art::Instruction::kSparseSwitchSignature));
+ size = *switchData++;
+ /* The keys are guaranteed to be aligned on a 32-bit boundary;
+ * we can treat them as a native int array.
+ */
+ keys = reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(switchData);
+ /* The entries are guaranteed to be aligned on a 32-bit boundary;
+ * we can treat them as a native int array.
+ */
+ entries = keys + size;
+ /*
+ * Binary-search through the array of keys, which are guaranteed to
+ * be sorted low-to-high.
+ */
+ int lo = 0;
+ int hi = size - 1;
+ while (lo <= hi) {
+ int mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
+ int32_t foundVal = keys[mid];
+ if (testVal < foundVal) {
+ hi = mid - 1;
+ } else if (testVal > foundVal) {
+ lo = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ return entries[mid];
+ }
+ }
+ return kInstrLen;
+extern "C" int32_t MterpDoPackedSwitch(const uint16_t* switchData, int32_t testVal) {
+ const int kInstrLen = 3;
+ /*
+ * Packed switch data format:
+ * ushort ident = 0x0100 magic value
+ * ushort size number of entries in the table
+ * int first_key first (and lowest) switch case value
+ * int targets[size] branch targets, relative to switch opcode
+ *
+ * Total size is (4+size*2) 16-bit code units.
+ */
+ uint16_t signature = *switchData++;
+ DCHECK_EQ(signature, static_cast<uint16_t>(art::Instruction::kPackedSwitchSignature));
+ uint16_t size = *switchData++;
+ int32_t firstKey = *switchData++;
+ firstKey |= (*switchData++) << 16;
+ int index = testVal - firstKey;
+ if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
+ return kInstrLen;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The entries are guaranteed to be aligned on a 32-bit boundary;
+ * we can treat them as a native int array.
+ */
+ const int32_t* entries = reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(switchData);
+ return entries[index];
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeVirtual(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kVirtual, false, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeSuper(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kSuper, false, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeInterface(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kInterface, false, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeDirect(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kDirect, false, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeStatic(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kStatic, false, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeVirtualRange(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kVirtual, true, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeSuperRange(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kSuper, true, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeInterfaceRange(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kInterface, true, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeDirectRange(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kDirect, true, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeStaticRange(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvoke<kStatic, true, false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeVirtualQuick(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvokeVirtualQuick<false>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" bool MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr, uint16_t inst_data )
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ JValue* result_register = shadow_frame->GetResultRegister();
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoInvokeVirtualQuick<true>(
+ self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data, result_register);
+extern "C" void MterpThreadFenceForConstructor() {
+ QuasiAtomic::ThreadFenceForConstructor();
+extern "C" bool MterpConstString(uint32_t index, uint32_t tgt_vreg, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ String* s = ResolveString(self, *shadow_frame, index);
+ if (UNLIKELY(s == nullptr)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(tgt_vreg, s);
+ return false;
+extern "C" bool MterpConstClass(uint32_t index, uint32_t tgt_vreg, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame,
+ Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ Class* c = ResolveVerifyAndClinit(index, shadow_frame->GetMethod(), self, false, false);
+ if (UNLIKELY(c == nullptr)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(tgt_vreg, c);
+ return false;
+extern "C" bool MterpCheckCast(uint32_t index, Object* obj, art::ArtMethod* method,
+ Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ Class* c = ResolveVerifyAndClinit(index, method, self, false, false);
+ if (UNLIKELY(c == nullptr)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(obj != nullptr && !obj->InstanceOf(c))) {
+ ThrowClassCastException(c, obj->GetClass());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+extern "C" bool MterpInstanceOf(uint32_t index, Object* obj, art::ArtMethod* method,
+ Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ Class* c = ResolveVerifyAndClinit(index, method, self, false, false);
+ if (UNLIKELY(c == nullptr)) {
+ return false; // Caller will check for pending exception. Return value unimportant.
+ }
+ return (obj != nullptr) && obj->InstanceOf(c);
+extern "C" bool MterpFillArrayData(Object* obj, const Instruction::ArrayDataPayload* payload)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ return FillArrayData(obj, payload);
+extern "C" bool MterpNewInstance(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, Thread* self, uint32_t inst_data)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ Object* obj = nullptr;
+ Class* c = ResolveVerifyAndClinit(inst->VRegB_21c(), shadow_frame->GetMethod(),
+ self, false, false);
+ if (LIKELY(c != nullptr)) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(c->IsStringClass())) {
+ gc::AllocatorType allocator_type = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator();
+ mirror::SetStringCountVisitor visitor(0);
+ obj = String::Alloc<true>(self, 0, allocator_type, visitor);
+ } else {
+ obj = AllocObjectFromCode<false, true>(
+ inst->VRegB_21c(), shadow_frame->GetMethod(), self,
+ Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator());
+ }
+ }
+ if (UNLIKELY(obj == nullptr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ obj->GetClass()->AssertInitializedOrInitializingInThread(self);
+ shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(inst->VRegA_21c(inst_data), obj);
+ return true;
+extern "C" bool MterpSputObject(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ uint32_t inst_data, Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoFieldPut<StaticObjectWrite, Primitive::kPrimNot, false, false>
+ (self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data);
+extern "C" bool MterpIputObject(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ uint32_t inst_data, Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoFieldPut<InstanceObjectWrite, Primitive::kPrimNot, false, false>
+ (self, *shadow_frame, inst, inst_data);
+extern "C" bool MterpIputObjectQuick(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ uint32_t inst_data)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoIPutQuick<Primitive::kPrimNot, false>(*shadow_frame, inst, inst_data);
+extern "C" bool MterpAputObject(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ uint32_t inst_data)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ Object* a = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(inst->VRegB_23x());
+ if (UNLIKELY(a == nullptr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ int32_t index = shadow_frame->GetVReg(inst->VRegC_23x());
+ Object* val = shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(inst->VRegA_23x(inst_data));
+ ObjectArray<Object>* array = a->AsObjectArray<Object>();
+ if (array->CheckIsValidIndex(index) && array->CheckAssignable(val)) {
+ array->SetWithoutChecks<false>(index, val);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+extern "C" bool MterpFilledNewArray(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoFilledNewArray<false, false, false>(inst, *shadow_frame, self,
+ shadow_frame->GetResultRegister());
+extern "C" bool MterpFilledNewArrayRange(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ return DoFilledNewArray<true, false, false>(inst, *shadow_frame, self,
+ shadow_frame->GetResultRegister());
+extern "C" bool MterpNewArray(ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint16_t* dex_pc_ptr,
+ uint32_t inst_data, Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(dex_pc_ptr);
+ int32_t length = shadow_frame->GetVReg(inst->VRegB_22c(inst_data));
+ Object* obj = AllocArrayFromCode<false, true>(
+ inst->VRegC_22c(), length, shadow_frame->GetMethod(), self,
+ Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->GetCurrentAllocator());
+ if (UNLIKELY(obj == nullptr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(inst->VRegA_22c(inst_data), obj);
+ return true;
+extern "C" bool MterpHandleException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ DCHECK(self->IsExceptionPending());
+ const instrumentation::Instrumentation* const instrumentation =
+ Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation();
+ uint32_t found_dex_pc = FindNextInstructionFollowingException(self, *shadow_frame,
+ shadow_frame->GetDexPC(),
+ instrumentation);
+ if (found_dex_pc == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // OK - we can deal with it. Update and continue.
+ shadow_frame->SetDexPC(found_dex_pc);
+ return true;
+extern "C" void MterpCheckBefore(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ if (inst->Opcode(inst_data) == Instruction::MOVE_EXCEPTION) {
+ self->AssertPendingException();
+ } else {
+ self->AssertNoPendingException();
+ }
+extern "C" void MterpLogDivideByZeroException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "DivideByZero: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+extern "C" void MterpLogArrayIndexException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "ArrayIndex: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+extern "C" void MterpLogNegativeArraySizeException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "NegativeArraySize: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+extern "C" void MterpLogNoSuchMethodException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "NoSuchMethod: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+extern "C" void MterpLogExceptionThrownException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "ExceptionThrown: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+extern "C" void MterpLogNullObjectException(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "NullObject: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+extern "C" void MterpLogFallback(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ LOG(INFO) << "Fallback: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data) << ", Suspend Pending?: "
+ << self->IsExceptionPending();
+extern "C" void MterpLogSuspendFallback(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, uint32_t flags)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self);
+ const Instruction* inst = Instruction::At(shadow_frame->GetDexPCPtr());
+ uint16_t inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0);
+ if (flags & kCheckpointRequest) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Checkpoint fallback: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+ } else if (flags & kSuspendRequest) {
+ LOG(INFO) << "Suspend fallback: " << inst->Opcode(inst_data);
+ }
+extern "C" void MterpSuspendCheck(Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ self->AllowThreadSuspension();
+extern "C" int artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp(uint32_t field_idx, ArtMethod* referrer,
+ uint64_t* new_value, Thread* self)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ScopedQuickEntrypointChecks sqec(self);
+ ArtField* field = FindFieldFast(field_idx, referrer, StaticPrimitiveWrite,
+ sizeof(int64_t));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr)) {
+ // Compiled code can't use transactional mode.
+ field->Set64<false>(field->GetDeclaringClass(), *new_value);
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ field = FindFieldFromCode<StaticPrimitiveWrite, true>(field_idx, referrer, self, sizeof(int64_t));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr)) {
+ // Compiled code can't use transactional mode.
+ field->Set64<false>(field->GetDeclaringClass(), *new_value);
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ return -1; // failure
+extern "C" int artSet8InstanceFromMterp(uint32_t field_idx, mirror::Object* obj, uint8_t new_value,
+ ArtMethod* referrer)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ArtField* field = FindFieldFast(field_idx, referrer, InstancePrimitiveWrite,
+ sizeof(int8_t));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr && obj != nullptr)) {
+ Primitive::Type type = field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimBoolean) {
+ field->SetBoolean<false>(obj, new_value);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(Primitive::kPrimByte, type);
+ field->SetByte<false>(obj, new_value);
+ }
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ return -1; // failure
+extern "C" int artSet16InstanceFromMterp(uint32_t field_idx, mirror::Object* obj, uint16_t new_value,
+ ArtMethod* referrer)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ArtField* field = FindFieldFast(field_idx, referrer, InstancePrimitiveWrite,
+ sizeof(int16_t));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr && obj != nullptr)) {
+ Primitive::Type type = field->GetTypeAsPrimitiveType();
+ if (type == Primitive::kPrimChar) {
+ field->SetChar<false>(obj, new_value);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(Primitive::kPrimShort, type);
+ field->SetShort<false>(obj, new_value);
+ }
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ return -1; // failure
+extern "C" int artSet32InstanceFromMterp(uint32_t field_idx, mirror::Object* obj,
+ uint32_t new_value, ArtMethod* referrer)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ArtField* field = FindFieldFast(field_idx, referrer, InstancePrimitiveWrite,
+ sizeof(int32_t));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr && obj != nullptr)) {
+ field->Set32<false>(obj, new_value);
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ return -1; // failure
+extern "C" int artSet64InstanceFromMterp(uint32_t field_idx, mirror::Object* obj,
+ uint64_t* new_value, ArtMethod* referrer)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ArtField* field = FindFieldFast(field_idx, referrer, InstancePrimitiveWrite,
+ sizeof(int64_t));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr && obj != nullptr)) {
+ field->Set64<false>(obj, *new_value);
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ return -1; // failure
+extern "C" int artSetObjInstanceFromMterp(uint32_t field_idx, mirror::Object* obj,
+ mirror::Object* new_value, ArtMethod* referrer)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ ArtField* field = FindFieldFast(field_idx, referrer, InstanceObjectWrite,
+ sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>));
+ if (LIKELY(field != nullptr && obj != nullptr)) {
+ field->SetObj<false>(obj, new_value);
+ return 0; // success
+ }
+ return -1; // failure
+extern "C" mirror::Object* artAGetObjectFromMterp(mirror::Object* arr, int32_t index)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ if (UNLIKELY(arr == nullptr)) {
+ ThrowNullPointerExceptionFromInterpreter();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ ObjectArray<Object>* array = arr->AsObjectArray<Object>();
+ if (LIKELY(array->CheckIsValidIndex(index))) {
+ return array->GetWithoutChecks(index);
+ } else {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+} // namespace interpreter
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/mterp.h b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/mterp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d21e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/mterp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Mterp assembly handler bases
+ */
+extern "C" void* artMterpAsmInstructionStart[];
+extern "C" void* artMterpAsmInstructionEnd[];
+extern "C" void* artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart[];
+extern "C" void* artMterpAsmAltInstructionEnd[];
+namespace art {
+namespace interpreter {
+void InitMterpTls(Thread* self);
+void CheckMterpAsmConstants();
+} // namespace interpreter
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7337e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "../interpreter_common.h"
+ * Stub definitions for targets without mterp implementations.
+ */
+namespace art {
+namespace interpreter {
+ * Call this during initialization to verify that the values in asm-constants.h
+ * are still correct.
+ */
+void CheckMterpAsmConstants() {
+ // Dummy version when mterp not implemented.
+void InitMterpTls(Thread* self) {
+ self->SetMterpDefaultIBase(nullptr);
+ self->SetMterpCurrentIBase(nullptr);
+ self->SetMterpAltIBase(nullptr);
+ * The platform-specific implementation must provide this.
+ */
+extern "C" bool ExecuteMterpImpl(Thread* self, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
+ ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result_register)
+ SHARED_REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+ UNUSED(self); UNUSED(shadow_frame); UNUSED(code_item); UNUSED(result_register);
+ return false;
+} // namespace interpreter
+} // namespace art
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33036e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/out/mterp_arm.S
@@ -0,0 +1,12245 @@
+ * This file was generated automatically by for 'arm'.
+ *
+ * --> DO NOT EDIT <--
+ */
+/* File: arm/header.S */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ Art assembly interpreter notes:
+ First validate assembly code by implementing ExecuteXXXImpl() style body (doesn't
+ handle invoke, allows higher-level code to create frame & shadow frame.
+ Once that's working, support direct entry code & eliminate shadow frame (and
+ excess locals allocation.
+ Some (hopefully) temporary ugliness. We'll treat rFP as pointing to the
+ base of the vreg array within the shadow frame. Access the other fields,
+ dex_pc_, method_ and number_of_vregs_ via negative offsets. For now, we'll continue
+ the shadow frame mechanism of double-storing object references - via rFP &
+ number_of_vregs_.
+ */
+ARM EABI general notes:
+r0-r3 hold first 4 args to a method; they are not preserved across method calls
+r4-r8 are available for general use
+r9 is given special treatment in some situations, but not for us
+r10 (sl) seems to be generally available
+r11 (fp) is used by gcc (unless -fomit-frame-pointer is set)
+r12 (ip) is scratch -- not preserved across method calls
+r13 (sp) should be managed carefully in case a signal arrives
+r14 (lr) must be preserved
+r15 (pc) can be tinkered with directly
+r0 holds returns of <= 4 bytes
+r0-r1 hold returns of 8 bytes, low word in r0
+Callee must save/restore r4+ (except r12) if it modifies them. If VFP
+is present, registers s16-s31 (a/k/a d8-d15, a/k/a q4-q7) must be preserved,
+s0-s15 (d0-d7, q0-a3) do not need to be.
+Stack is "full descending". Only the arguments that don't fit in the first 4
+registers are placed on the stack. "sp" points at the first stacked argument
+(i.e. the 5th arg).
+VFP: single-precision results in s0, double-precision results in d0.
+In the EABI, "sp" must be 64-bit aligned on entry to a function, and any
+64-bit quantities (long long, double) must be 64-bit aligned.
+Mterp and ARM notes:
+The following registers have fixed assignments:
+ reg nick purpose
+ r4 rPC interpreted program counter, used for fetching instructions
+ r5 rFP interpreted frame pointer, used for accessing locals and args
+ r6 rSELF self (Thread) pointer
+ r7 rINST first 16-bit code unit of current instruction
+ r8 rIBASE interpreted instruction base pointer, used for computed goto
+ r11 rREFS base of object references in shadow frame (ideally, we'll get rid of this later).
+Macros are provided for common operations. Each macro MUST emit only
+one instruction to make instruction-counting easier. They MUST NOT alter
+unspecified registers or condition codes.
+ * This is a #include, not a %include, because we want the C pre-processor
+ * to expand the macros into assembler assignment statements.
+ */
+#include "asm_support.h"
+/* During bringup, we'll use the shadow frame model instead of rFP */
+/* single-purpose registers, given names for clarity */
+#define rPC r4
+#define rFP r5
+#define rSELF r6
+#define rINST r7
+#define rIBASE r8
+#define rREFS r11
+ * Instead of holding a pointer to the shadow frame, we keep rFP at the base of the vregs. So,
+ * to access other shadow frame fields, we need to use a backwards offset. Define those here.
+ */
+ *
+ * The reference interpreter performs explicit suspect checks, which is somewhat wasteful.
+ * Dalvik's interpreter folded suspend checks into the jump table mechanism, and eventually
+ * mterp should do so as well.
+ */
+#define MTERP_SUSPEND 0
+ * "export" the PC to dex_pc field in the shadow frame, f/b/o future exception objects. Must
+ * be done *before* something throws.
+ *
+ * It's okay to do this more than once.
+ *
+ * NOTE: the fast interpreter keeps track of dex pc as a direct pointer to the mapped
+ * dex byte codes. However, the rest of the runtime expects dex pc to be an instruction
+ * offset into the code_items_[] array. For effiency, we will "export" the
+ * current dex pc as a direct pointer using the EXPORT_PC macro, and rely on GetDexPC
+ * to convert to a dex pc when needed.
+ */
+.macro EXPORT_PC
+ str rPC, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR]
+.macro EXPORT_DEX_PC tmp
+ ldr \tmp, [rFP, #OFF_FP_CODE_ITEM]
+ str rPC, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR]
+ sub \tmp, rPC, \tmp
+ asr \tmp, #1
+ str \tmp, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC]
+ * Fetch the next instruction from rPC into rINST. Does not advance rPC.
+ */
+.macro FETCH_INST
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC]
+ * Fetch the next instruction from the specified offset. Advances rPC
+ * to point to the next instruction. "_count" is in 16-bit code units.
+ *
+ * Because of the limited size of immediate constants on ARM, this is only
+ * suitable for small forward movements (i.e. don't try to implement "goto"
+ * with this).
+ *
+ * This must come AFTER anything that can throw an exception, or the
+ * exception catch may miss. (This also implies that it must come after
+ */
+.macro FETCH_ADVANCE_INST count
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]!
+ * The operation performed here is similar to FETCH_ADVANCE_INST, except the
+ * src and dest registers are parameterized (not hard-wired to rPC and rINST).
+ */
+.macro PREFETCH_ADVANCE_INST dreg, sreg, count
+ ldrh \dreg, [\sreg, #((\count)*2)]!
+ * Similar to FETCH_ADVANCE_INST, but does not update rPC. Used to load
+ * rINST ahead of possible exception point. Be sure to manually advance rPC
+ * later.
+ */
+.macro PREFETCH_INST count
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]
+/* Advance rPC by some number of code units. */
+.macro ADVANCE count
+ add rPC, #((\count)*2)
+ * Fetch the next instruction from an offset specified by _reg. Updates
+ * rPC to point to the next instruction. "_reg" must specify the distance
+ * in bytes, *not* 16-bit code units, and may be a signed value.
+ *
+ * We want to write "ldrh rINST, [rPC, _reg, lsl #1]!", but some of the
+ * bits that hold the shift distance are used for the half/byte/sign flags.
+ * In some cases we can pre-double _reg for free, so we require a byte offset
+ * here.
+ */
+ ldrh rINST, [rPC, \reg]!
+ * Fetch a half-word code unit from an offset past the current PC. The
+ * "_count" value is in 16-bit code units. Does not advance rPC.
+ *
+ * The "_S" variant works the same but treats the value as signed.
+ */
+.macro FETCH reg, count
+ ldrh \reg, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]
+.macro FETCH_S reg, count
+ ldrsh \reg, [rPC, #((\count)*2)]
+ * Fetch one byte from an offset past the current PC. Pass in the same
+ * "_count" as you would for FETCH, and an additional 0/1 indicating which
+ * byte of the halfword you want (lo/hi).
+ */
+.macro FETCH_B reg, count, byte
+ ldrb \reg, [rPC, #((\count)*2+(\byte))]
+ * Put the instruction's opcode field into the specified register.
+ */
+.macro GET_INST_OPCODE reg
+ and \reg, rINST, #255
+ * Put the prefetched instruction's opcode field into the specified register.
+ */
+.macro GET_PREFETCHED_OPCODE oreg, ireg
+ and \oreg, \ireg, #255
+ * Begin executing the opcode in _reg. Because this only jumps within the
+ * interpreter, we don't have to worry about pre-ARMv5 THUMB interwork.
+ */
+.macro GOTO_OPCODE reg
+ add pc, rIBASE, \reg, lsl #7
+.macro GOTO_OPCODE_BASE base,reg
+ add pc, \base, \reg, lsl #7
+ * Get/set the 32-bit value from a Dalvik register.
+ */
+.macro GET_VREG reg, vreg
+ ldr \reg, [rFP, \vreg, lsl #2]
+.macro SET_VREG reg, vreg
+ str \reg, [rFP, \vreg, lsl #2]
+ mov \reg, #0
+ str \reg, [rREFS, \vreg, lsl #2]
+.macro SET_VREG_OBJECT reg, vreg, tmpreg
+ str \reg, [rFP, \vreg, lsl #2]
+ str \reg, [rREFS, \vreg, lsl #2]
+ * Convert a virtual register index into an address.
+ */
+.macro VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR reg, vreg
+ add \reg, rFP, \vreg, lsl #2 /* WARNING/FIXME: handle shadow frame vreg zero if store */
+ * Refresh handler table.
+ */
+/* File: arm/entry.S */
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * Interpreter entry point.
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ .global ExecuteMterpImpl
+ .type ExecuteMterpImpl, %function
+ * On entry:
+ * r0 Thread* self/
+ * r1 code_item
+ * r2 ShadowFrame
+ * r3 JValue* result_register
+ *
+ */
+ .fnstart
+ .save {r4-r10,fp,lr}
+ stmfd sp!, {r4-r10,fp,lr} @ save 9 regs
+ .pad #4
+ sub sp, sp, #4 @ align 64
+ /* Remember the return register */
+ /* Remember the code_item */
+ /* set up "named" registers */
+ mov rSELF, r0
+ add rFP, r2, #SHADOWFRAME_VREGS_OFFSET @ point to insns[] (i.e. - the dalivk byte code).
+ add rREFS, rFP, r0, lsl #2 @ point to reference array in shadow frame
+ ldr r0, [r2, #SHADOWFRAME_DEX_PC_OFFSET] @ Get starting dex_pc.
+ add rPC, r1, #CODEITEM_INSNS_OFFSET @ Point to base of insns[]
+ add rPC, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ Create direct pointer to 1st dex opcode
+ /* Starting ibase */
+ /* start executing the instruction at rPC */
+ FETCH_INST @ load rINST from rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
+ .global artMterpAsmInstructionStart
+ .type artMterpAsmInstructionStart, %function
+artMterpAsmInstructionStart = .L_op_nop
+ .text
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_nop: /* 0x00 */
+/* File: arm/op_nop.S */
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance to next instr, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute it
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move: /* 0x01 */
+/* File: arm/op_move.S */
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B from 15:12
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A from 11:8
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[B]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_from16: /* 0x02 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_from16.S */
+ /* for: move/from16, move-object/from16 */
+ /* op vAA, vBBBB */
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- BBBB
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[BBBB]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[AA]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[AA]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_16: /* 0x03 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_16.S */
+ /* for: move/16, move-object/16 */
+ /* op vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- AAAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[BBBB]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[AAAA]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[AAAA]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_wide: /* 0x04 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_wide.S */
+ /* move-wide vA, vB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[B]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[A]<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_wide_from16: /* 0x05 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_wide_from16.S */
+ /* move-wide/from16 vAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ FETCH r3, 1 @ r3<- BBBB
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BBBB]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AA]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[BBBB]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[AA]<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_wide_16: /* 0x06 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_wide_16.S */
+ /* move-wide/16 vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ /* NOTE: regs can overlap, e.g. "move v6,v7" or "move v7,v6" */
+ FETCH r3, 2 @ r3<- BBBB
+ FETCH r2, 1 @ r2<- AAAA
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BBBB]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AAAA]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[BBBB]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[AAAA]<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_object: /* 0x07 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_object.S */
+/* File: arm/op_move.S */
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B from 15:12
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A from 11:8
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[B]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_object_from16: /* 0x08 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_object_from16.S */
+/* File: arm/op_move_from16.S */
+ /* for: move/from16, move-object/from16 */
+ /* op vAA, vBBBB */
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- BBBB
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[BBBB]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[AA]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[AA]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_object_16: /* 0x09 */
+/* File: arm/op_move_object_16.S */
+/* File: arm/op_move_16.S */
+ /* for: move/16, move-object/16 */
+ /* op vAAAA, vBBBB */
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- AAAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[BBBB]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[AAAA]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[AAAA]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_result: /* 0x0a */
+/* File: arm/op_move_result.S */
+ /* for: move-result, move-result-object */
+ /* op vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldr r0, [rFP, #OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER] @ get pointer to result JType.
+ ldr r0, [r0] @ r0 <- result.i.
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2, r1 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_result_wide: /* 0x0b */
+/* File: arm/op_move_result_wide.S */
+ /* move-result-wide vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AA]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- retval.j
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ stmia r2, {r0-r1} @ fp[AA]<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_result_object: /* 0x0c */
+/* File: arm/op_move_result_object.S */
+/* File: arm/op_move_result.S */
+ /* for: move-result, move-result-object */
+ /* op vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldr r0, [rFP, #OFF_FP_RESULT_REGISTER] @ get pointer to result JType.
+ ldr r0, [r0] @ r0 <- result.i.
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2, r1 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_move_exception: /* 0x0d */
+/* File: arm/op_move_exception.S */
+ /* move-exception vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ mov r1, #0 @ r1<- 0
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r3, r2 @ fp[AA]<- exception obj
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ str r1, [rSELF, #THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET] @ clear exception
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_void: /* 0x0e */
+/* File: arm/op_return_void.S */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r0, #0
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return: /* 0x0f */
+/* File: arm/op_return.S */
+ /*
+ * Return a 32-bit value.
+ *
+ * for: return, return-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_wide: /* 0x10 */
+/* File: arm/op_return_wide.S */
+ /*
+ * Return a 64-bit value.
+ */
+ /* return-wide vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[AA]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1 <- vAA/vAA+1
+ b MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_object: /* 0x11 */
+/* File: arm/op_return_object.S */
+/* File: arm/op_return.S */
+ /*
+ * Return a 32-bit value.
+ *
+ * for: return, return-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA */
+ .extern MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ bl MterpThreadFenceForConstructor
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_4: /* 0x12 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_4.S */
+ /* const/4 vA, #+B */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsl #16 @ r1<- Bxxx0000
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r1, asr #28 @ r1<- sssssssB (sign-extended)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r0 @ fp[A]<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_16: /* 0x13 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_16.S */
+ /* const/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssBBBB (sign-extended
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r3 @ vAA<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const: /* 0x14 */
+/* File: arm/op_const.S */
+ /* const vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (low
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (high
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r3 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_high16: /* 0x15 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_high16.S */
+ /* const/high16 vAA, #+BBBB0000 */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- 0000BBBB (zero-extended
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ mov r0, r0, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBB0000
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r3 @ vAA<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide_16: /* 0x16 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_wide_16.S */
+ /* const-wide/16 vAA, #+BBBB */
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssBBBB (sign-extended
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ mov r1, r0, asr #31 @ r1<- ssssssss
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide_32: /* 0x17 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_wide_32.S */
+ /* const-wide/32 vAA, #+BBBBbbbb */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- 0000bbbb (low)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ FETCH_S r2, 2 @ r2<- ssssBBBB (high)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r2, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r1, r0, asr #31 @ r1<- ssssssss
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide: /* 0x18 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_wide.S */
+ /* const-wide vAA, #+HHHHhhhhBBBBbbbb */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (low)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (low middle)
+ FETCH r2, 3 @ r2<- hhhh (high middle)
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb (low word)
+ FETCH r3, 4 @ r3<- HHHH (high)
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ orr r1, r2, r3, lsl #16 @ r1<- HHHHhhhh (high word)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 5 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_wide_high16: /* 0x19 */
+/* File: arm/op_const_wide_high16.S */
+ /* const-wide/high16 vAA, #+BBBB000000000000 */
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- 0000BBBB (zero-extended)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ mov r0, #0 @ r0<- 00000000
+ mov r1, r1, lsl #16 @ r1<- BBBB0000
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_string: /* 0x1a */
+/* File: arm/op_const_string.S */
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- BBBB
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpConstString @ (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ fail?
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ let reference interpreter deal with it.
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_string_jumbo: /* 0x1b */
+/* File: arm/op_const_string_jumbo.S */
+ /* const/string vAA, String@BBBBBBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (low
+ FETCH r2, 2 @ r2<- BBBB (high
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r2, lsl #16 @ r1<- BBBBbbbb
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpConstString @ (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ PREFETCH_INST 3 @ advance rPC
+ cmp r0, #0 @ fail?
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ let reference interpreter deal with it.
+ ADVANCE 3 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_const_class: /* 0x1c */
+/* File: arm/op_const_class.S */
+ /* const/class vAA, Class@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- BBBB
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpConstClass @ (index, tgt_reg, shadow_frame, self)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_monitor_enter: /* 0x1d */
+/* File: arm/op_monitor_enter.S */
+ /*
+ * Synchronize on an object.
+ */
+ /* monitor-enter vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA (object)
+ mov r1, rSELF @ r1<- self
+ bl artLockObjectFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpException
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_monitor_exit: /* 0x1e */
+/* File: arm/op_monitor_exit.S */
+ /*
+ * Unlock an object.
+ *
+ * Exceptions that occur when unlocking a monitor need to appear as
+ * if they happened at the following instruction. See the Dalvik
+ * instruction spec.
+ */
+ /* monitor-exit vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vAA (object)
+ mov r1, rSELF @ r0<- self
+ bl artUnlockObjectFromCode @ r0<- success for unlock(self, obj)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ failed?
+ bne MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ before throw: advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_check_cast: /* 0x1f */
+/* File: arm/op_check_cast.S */
+ /*
+ * Check to see if a cast from one class to another is allowed.
+ */
+ /* check-cast vAA, class@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- BBBB
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #8 @ r1<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- object
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- method
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl MterpCheckCast @ (index, obj, method, self)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_instance_of: /* 0x20 */
+/* File: arm/op_instance_of.S */
+ /*
+ * Check to see if an object reference is an instance of a class.
+ *
+ * Most common situation is a non-null object, being compared against
+ * an already-resolved class.
+ */
+ /* instance-of vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- vB (object)
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- method
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ bl MterpInstanceOf @ (index, obj, method, self)
+ cmp r1, #0 @ exception pending?
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vA<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_array_length: /* 0x21 */
+/* File: arm/op_array_length.S */
+ /*
+ * Return the length of an array.
+ */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r1 @ r0<- vB (object ref)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ is object null?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yup, fail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- array length
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r3, r2 @ vB<- length
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_new_instance: /* 0x22 */
+/* File: arm/op_new_instance.S */
+ /*
+ * Create a new instance of a class.
+ */
+ /* new-instance vAA, class@BBBB */
+ mov r1, rSELF
+ mov r2, rINST
+ bl MterpNewInstance @ (shadow_frame, self, inst_data)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_new_array: /* 0x23 */
+/* File: arm/op_new_array.S */
+ /*
+ * Allocate an array of objects, specified with the array class
+ * and a count.
+ *
+ * The verifier guarantees that this is an array class, so we don't
+ * check for it here.
+ */
+ /* new-array vA, vB, class@CCCC */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpNewArray
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_filled_new_array: /* 0x24 */
+/* File: arm/op_filled_new_array.S */
+ /*
+ * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
+ *
+ * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpFilledNewArray
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl MterpFilledNewArray
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_filled_new_array_range: /* 0x25 */
+/* File: arm/op_filled_new_array_range.S */
+/* File: arm/op_filled_new_array.S */
+ /*
+ * Create a new array with elements filled from registers.
+ *
+ * for: filled-new-array, filled-new-array/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, type@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpFilledNewArrayRange
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl MterpFilledNewArrayRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_fill_array_data: /* 0x26 */
+/* File: arm/op_fill_array_data.S */
+ /* fill-array-data vAA, +BBBBBBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r1, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r1<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vAA (array object)
+ add r1, rPC, r1, lsl #1 @ r1<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2 (array data off.)
+ bl MterpFillArrayData @ (obj, payload)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 means an exception is thrown
+ beq MterpPossibleException @ exception?
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 3 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_throw: /* 0x27 */
+/* File: arm/op_throw.S */
+ /*
+ * Throw an exception object in the current thread.
+ */
+ /* throw vAA */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r2 @ r1<- vAA (exception object)
+ cmp r1, #0 @ null object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, throw an NPE instead
+ str r1, [rSELF, #THREAD_EXCEPTION_OFFSET] @ thread->exception<- obj
+ b MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_goto: /* 0x28 */
+/* File: arm/op_goto.S */
+ /*
+ * Unconditional branch, 8-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto +AA */
+ /* tuning: use sbfx for 6t2+ targets */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAxx0000
+ movs r1, r0, asr #24 @ r1<- ssssssAA (sign-extended)
+ add r2, r1, r1 @ r2<- byte offset, set flags
+ @ If backwards branch refresh rIBASE
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAxx0000
+ movs r1, r0, asr #24 @ r1<- ssssssAA (sign-extended)
+ add r2, r1, r1 @ r2<- byte offset, set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ @ If backwards branch refresh rIBASE
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_goto_16: /* 0x29 */
+/* File: arm/op_goto_16.S */
+ /*
+ * Unconditional branch, 16-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/16 +AAAA */
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssAAAA (sign-extended)
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset, flags set
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH_S r0, 1 @ r0<- ssssAAAA (sign-extended)
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset, flags set
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_goto_32: /* 0x2a */
+/* File: arm/op_goto_32.S */
+ /*
+ * Unconditional branch, 32-bit offset.
+ *
+ * The branch distance is a signed code-unit offset, which we need to
+ * double to get a byte offset.
+ *
+ * Unlike most opcodes, this one is allowed to branch to itself, so
+ * our "backward branch" test must be "<=0" instead of "<0". Because
+ * we need the V bit set, we'll use an adds to convert from Dalvik
+ * offset to byte offset.
+ */
+ /* goto/32 +AAAAAAAA */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- aaaa (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- AAAA (hi)
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAAAaaaa
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrle rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- aaaa (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- AAAA (hi)
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- AAAAaaaa
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ble MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_packed_switch: /* 0x2b */
+/* File: arm/op_packed_switch.S */
+ /*
+ * Handle a packed-switch or sparse-switch instruction. In both cases
+ * we decode it and hand it off to a helper function.
+ *
+ * We don't really expect backward branches in a switch statement, but
+ * they're perfectly legal, so we check for them here.
+ *
+ * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
+ */
+ /* op vAA, +BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vAA
+ add r0, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ r0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ bl MterpDoPackedSwitch @ r0<- code-unit branch offset
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset; clear V
+ ldrle rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vAA
+ add r0, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ r0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ bl MterpDoPackedSwitch @ r0<- code-unit branch offset
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset; clear V
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ble MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sparse_switch: /* 0x2c */
+/* File: arm/op_sparse_switch.S */
+/* File: arm/op_packed_switch.S */
+ /*
+ * Handle a packed-switch or sparse-switch instruction. In both cases
+ * we decode it and hand it off to a helper function.
+ *
+ * We don't really expect backward branches in a switch statement, but
+ * they're perfectly legal, so we check for them here.
+ *
+ * for: packed-switch, sparse-switch
+ */
+ /* op vAA, +BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vAA
+ add r0, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ r0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ bl MterpDoSparseSwitch @ r0<- code-unit branch offset
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset; clear V
+ ldrle rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh handler base
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- bbbb (lo)
+ FETCH r1, 2 @ r1<- BBBB (hi)
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ orr r0, r0, r1, lsl #16 @ r0<- BBBBbbbb
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vAA
+ add r0, rPC, r0, lsl #1 @ r0<- PC + BBBBbbbb*2
+ bl MterpDoSparseSwitch @ r0<- code-unit branch offset
+ adds r1, r0, r0 @ r1<- byte offset; clear V
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ble MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpl_float: /* 0x2d */
+/* File: arm/op_cmpl_float.S */
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else {
+ * return -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ fcmpes s0, s1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mvn r0, #0 @ r0<- -1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ movgt r0, #1 @ (greater than) r1<- 1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpg_float: /* 0x2e */
+/* File: arm/op_cmpg_float.S */
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return 1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ fcmpes s0, s1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r0, #1 @ r0<- 1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ mvnmi r0, #0 @ (less than) r1<- -1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpl_double: /* 0x2f */
+/* File: arm/op_cmpl_double.S */
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else {
+ * return -1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fcmped d0, d1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mvn r0, #0 @ r0<- -1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ movgt r0, #1 @ (greater than) r1<- 1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmpg_double: /* 0x30 */
+/* File: arm/op_cmpg_double.S */
+ /*
+ * Compare two floating-point values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the
+ * destination register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * int compare(x, y) {
+ * if (x == y) {
+ * return 0;
+ * } else if (x < y) {
+ * return -1;
+ * } else if (x > y) {
+ * return 1;
+ * } else {
+ * return 1;
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fcmped d0, d1 @ compare (vBB, vCC)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r0, #1 @ r0<- 1 (default)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fmstat @ export status flags
+ mvnmi r0, #0 @ (less than) r1<- -1
+ moveq r0, #0 @ (equal) r1<- 0
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_cmp_long: /* 0x31 */
+/* File: arm/op_cmp_long.S */
+ /*
+ * Compare two 64-bit values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the destination
+ * register based on the results of the comparison.
+ *
+ * We load the full values with LDM, but in practice many values could
+ * be resolved by only looking at the high word. This could be made
+ * faster or slower by splitting the LDM into a pair of LDRs.
+ *
+ * If we just wanted to set condition flags, we could do this:
+ * subs ip, r0, r2
+ * sbcs ip, r1, r3
+ * subeqs ip, r0, r2
+ * Leaving { <0, 0, >0 } in ip. However, we have to set it to a specific
+ * integer value, which we can do with 2 conditional mov/mvn instructions
+ * (set 1, set -1; if they're equal we already have 0 in ip), giving
+ * us a constant 5-cycle path plus a branch at the end to the
+ * instruction epilogue code. The multi-compare approach below needs
+ * 2 or 3 cycles + branch if the high word doesn't match, 6 + branch
+ * in the worst case (the 64-bit values are equal).
+ */
+ /* cmp-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare (vBB+1, vCC+1)
+ blt .Lop_cmp_long_less @ signed compare on high part
+ bgt .Lop_cmp_long_greater
+ subs r1, r0, r2 @ r1<- r0 - r2
+ bhi .Lop_cmp_long_greater @ unsigned compare on low part
+ bne .Lop_cmp_long_less
+ b .Lop_cmp_long_finish @ equal; r1 already holds 0
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_eq: /* 0x32 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_eq.S */
+/* File: arm/bincmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movne r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movne r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_ne: /* 0x33 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_ne.S */
+/* File: arm/bincmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ moveq r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ moveq r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_lt: /* 0x34 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_lt.S */
+/* File: arm/bincmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movge r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movge r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_ge: /* 0x35 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_ge.S */
+/* File: arm/bincmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movlt r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movlt r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_gt: /* 0x36 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_gt.S */
+/* File: arm/bincmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movle r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movle r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_le: /* 0x37 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_le.S */
+/* File: arm/bincmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic two-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * For: if-eq, if-ne, if-lt, if-ge, if-gt, if-le
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vA, vB, +CCCC */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movgt r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ GET_VREG r3, r1 @ r3<- vB
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, r3 @ compare (vA, vB)
+ movgt r1, #2 @ r1<- BYTE branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r2, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes, check sign
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r2 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_eqz: /* 0x38 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_eqz.S */
+/* File: arm/zcmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movne r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movne r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_nez: /* 0x39 */
+/* File: arm/op_if_nez.S */
+/* File: arm/zcmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ moveq r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ moveq r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_ltz: /* 0x3a */
+/* File: arm/op_if_ltz.S */
+/* File: arm/zcmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movge r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movge r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_gez: /* 0x3b */
+/* File: arm/op_if_gez.S */
+/* File: arm/zcmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movlt r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movlt r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_gtz: /* 0x3c */
+/* File: arm/op_if_gtz.S */
+/* File: arm/zcmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movle r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movle r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_if_lez: /* 0x3d */
+/* File: arm/op_if_lez.S */
+/* File: arm/zcmp.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic one-operand compare-and-branch operation. Provide a "revcmp"
+ * fragment that specifies the *reverse* comparison to perform, e.g.
+ * for "if-le" you would use "gt".
+ *
+ * for: if-eqz, if-nez, if-ltz, if-gez, if-gtz, if-lez
+ */
+ /* if-cmp vAA, +BBBB */
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movgt r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ ldrmi rIBASE, [rSELF, #THREAD_CURRENT_IBASE_OFFSET] @ refresh table base
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vAA
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- branch offset, in code units
+ cmp r2, #0 @ compare (vA, 0)
+ movgt r1, #2 @ r1<- inst branch dist for not-taken
+ adds r1, r1, r1 @ convert to bytes & set flags
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST_RB r1 @ update rPC, load rINST
+ bmi MterpCheckSuspendAndContinue
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_3e: /* 0x3e */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_3e.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_3f: /* 0x3f */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_3f.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_40: /* 0x40 */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_40.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_41: /* 0x41 */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_41.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_42: /* 0x42 */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_42.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_43: /* 0x43 */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_43.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget: /* 0x44 */
+/* File: arm/op_aget.S */
+ /*
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-object, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #2 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldr r2, [r0, #MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2<- vBB[vCC]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_wide: /* 0x45 */
+/* File: arm/op_aget_wide.S */
+ /*
+ * Array get, 64 bits. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Arrays of long/double are 64-bit aligned, so it's okay to use LDRD.
+ */
+ /* aget-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #3 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldrd r2, [r0, #MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2/r3<- vBB[vCC]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r2-r3} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r2/r3
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_object: /* 0x46 */
+/* File: arm/op_aget_object.S */
+ /*
+ * Array object get. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * for: aget-object
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ bl artAGetObjectFromMterp @ (array, index)
+ cmp r1, #0
+ bne MterpException
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_boolean: /* 0x47 */
+/* File: arm/op_aget_boolean.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aget.S */
+ /*
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-object, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #0 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldrb r2, [r0, #MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2<- vBB[vCC]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_byte: /* 0x48 */
+/* File: arm/op_aget_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aget.S */
+ /*
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-object, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #0 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldrsb r2, [r0, #MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2<- vBB[vCC]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_char: /* 0x49 */
+/* File: arm/op_aget_char.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aget.S */
+ /*
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-object, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #1 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldrh r2, [r0, #MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2<- vBB[vCC]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aget_short: /* 0x4a */
+/* File: arm/op_aget_short.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aget.S */
+ /*
+ * Array get, 32 bits or less. vAA <- vBB[vCC].
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aget, aget-object, aget-boolean, aget-byte, aget-char, aget-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #1 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldrsh r2, [r0, #MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2<- vBB[vCC]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r9 @ vAA<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput: /* 0x4b */
+/* File: arm/op_aput.S */
+ /*
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: this assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #2 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r9 @ r2<- vAA
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ str r2, [r0, #MIRROR_INT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ vBB[vCC]<- r2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_wide: /* 0x4c */
+/* File: arm/op_aput_wide.S */
+ /*
+ * Array put, 64 bits. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Arrays of long/double are 64-bit aligned, so it's okay to use STRD.
+ */
+ /* aput-wide vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #3 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ ldmia r9, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vAA/vAA+1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ strd r2, [r0, #MIRROR_WIDE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ r2/r3<- vBB[vCC]
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_object: /* 0x4d */
+/* File: arm/op_aput_object.S */
+ /*
+ * Store an object into an array. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ bl MterpAputObject
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpPossibleException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_boolean: /* 0x4e */
+/* File: arm/op_aput_boolean.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aput.S */
+ /*
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: this assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #0 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r9 @ r2<- vAA
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ strb r2, [r0, #MIRROR_BOOLEAN_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ vBB[vCC]<- r2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_byte: /* 0x4f */
+/* File: arm/op_aput_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aput.S */
+ /*
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: this assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #0 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r9 @ r2<- vAA
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ strb r2, [r0, #MIRROR_BYTE_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ vBB[vCC]<- r2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_char: /* 0x50 */
+/* File: arm/op_aput_char.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aput.S */
+ /*
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: this assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #1 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r9 @ r2<- vAA
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ strh r2, [r0, #MIRROR_CHAR_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ vBB[vCC]<- r2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_aput_short: /* 0x51 */
+/* File: arm/op_aput_short.S */
+/* File: arm/op_aput.S */
+ /*
+ * Array put, 32 bits or less. vBB[vCC] <- vAA.
+ *
+ * Note: using the usual FETCH/and/shift stuff, this fits in exactly 17
+ * instructions. We use a pair of FETCH_Bs instead.
+ *
+ * for: aput, aput-boolean, aput-byte, aput-char, aput-short
+ *
+ * NOTE: this assumes data offset for arrays is the same for all non-wide types.
+ * If this changes, specialize.
+ */
+ /* op vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH_B r2, 1, 0 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ FETCH_B r3, 1, 1 @ r3<- CC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB (array object)
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC (requested index)
+ cmp r0, #0 @ null array object?
+ beq common_errNullObject @ yes, bail
+ ldr r3, [r0, #MIRROR_ARRAY_LENGTH_OFFSET] @ r3<- arrayObj->length
+ add r0, r0, r1, lsl #1 @ r0<- arrayObj + index*width
+ cmp r1, r3 @ compare unsigned index, length
+ bcs common_errArrayIndex @ index >= length, bail
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r9 @ r2<- vAA
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ strh r2, [r0, #MIRROR_SHORT_ARRAY_DATA_OFFSET] @ vBB[vCC]<- r2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget: /* 0x52 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget.S */
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGet32InstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_wide: /* 0x53 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_wide.S */
+ /*
+ * 64-bit instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget-wide
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGet64InstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+ add r3, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[A]
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ fp[A]<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_object: /* 0x54 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_object.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget.S */
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGetObjInstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_boolean: /* 0x55 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_boolean.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget.S */
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGetBooleanInstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_byte: /* 0x56 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget.S */
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGetByteInstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_char: /* 0x57 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_char.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget.S */
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGetCharInstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_short: /* 0x58 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_short.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget.S */
+ /*
+ * General instance field get.
+ *
+ * for: iget, iget-object, iget-boolean, iget-byte, iget-char, iget-short
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r2<- referrer
+ mov r3, rSELF @ r3<- self
+ bl artGetShortInstanceFromCode
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException @ bail out
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput: /* 0x59 */
+/* File: arm/op_iput.S */
+ /*
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet32InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet32InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_wide: /* 0x5a */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_wide.S */
+ /* iput-wide vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet64InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_object: /* 0x5b */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_object.S */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpIputObject
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_boolean: /* 0x5c */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_boolean.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput.S */
+ /*
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_byte: /* 0x5d */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput.S */
+ /*
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet8InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_char: /* 0x5e */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_char.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput.S */
+ /*
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_short: /* 0x5f */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_short.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput.S */
+ /*
+ * General 32-bit instance field put.
+ *
+ * for: iput, iput-object, iput-boolean, iput-byte, iput-char, iput-short
+ */
+ /* op vA, vB, field@CCCC */
+ .extern artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref CCCC
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ GET_VREG r1, r1 @ r1<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[A]
+ ldr r3, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD] @ r3<- referrer
+ bl artSet16InstanceFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0
+ bne MterpPossibleException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget: /* 0x60 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget.S */
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGet32StaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGet32StaticFromCode
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_wide: /* 0x61 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget_wide.S */
+ /*
+ * SGET_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sget-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGet64StaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGet64StaticFromCode
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_object: /* 0x62 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget_object.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sget.S */
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetObjStaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGetObjStaticFromCode
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_boolean: /* 0x63 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget_boolean.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sget.S */
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetBooleanStaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGetBooleanStaticFromCode
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_byte: /* 0x64 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sget.S */
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetByteStaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGetByteStaticFromCode
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_char: /* 0x65 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget_char.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sget.S */
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetCharStaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGetCharStaticFromCode
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sget_short: /* 0x66 */
+/* File: arm/op_sget_short.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sget.S */
+ /*
+ * General SGET handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sget, sget-object, sget-boolean, sget-byte, sget-char, sget-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artGetShortStaticFromCode
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rSELF
+ bl artGetShortStaticFromCode
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r2<- AA
+ cmp r3, #0 @ Fail to resolve?
+ bne MterpException @ bail out
+.if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[AA]<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput: /* 0x67 */
+/* File: arm/op_sput.S */
+ /*
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<= fp[AA]
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet32StaticFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_wide: /* 0x68 */
+/* File: arm/op_sput_wide.S */
+ /*
+ * SPUT_WIDE handler wrapper.
+ *
+ */
+ /* sput-wide vAA, field@BBBB */
+ .extern artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet64IndirectStaticFromMterp
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_object: /* 0x69 */
+/* File: arm/op_sput_object.S */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ bl MterpSputObject
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_boolean: /* 0x6a */
+/* File: arm/op_sput_boolean.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sput.S */
+ /*
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<= fp[AA]
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet8StaticFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_byte: /* 0x6b */
+/* File: arm/op_sput_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sput.S */
+ /*
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<= fp[AA]
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet8StaticFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_char: /* 0x6c */
+/* File: arm/op_sput_char.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sput.S */
+ /*
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<= fp[AA]
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet16StaticFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sput_short: /* 0x6d */
+/* File: arm/op_sput_short.S */
+/* File: arm/op_sput.S */
+ /*
+ * General SPUT handler wrapper.
+ *
+ * for: sput, sput-boolean, sput-byte, sput-char, sput-short
+ */
+ /* op vAA, field@BBBB */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- field ref BBBB
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #8 @ r3<- AA
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<= fp[AA]
+ ldr r2, [rFP, #OFF_FP_METHOD]
+ mov r3, rSELF
+ PREFETCH_INST 2 @ Get next inst, but don't advance rPC
+ bl artSet16StaticFromCode
+ cmp r0, #0 @ 0 on success, -1 on failure
+ bne MterpException
+ ADVANCE 2 @ Past exception point - now advance rPC
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual: /* 0x6e */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_virtual.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtual
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeVirtual
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ /*
+ * Handle a virtual method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-virtual, invoke-virtual/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_super: /* 0x6f */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_super.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeSuper
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeSuper
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ /*
+ * Handle a "super" method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-super, invoke-super/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op vAA, {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_direct: /* 0x70 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_direct.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeDirect
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeDirect
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_static: /* 0x71 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_static.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeStatic
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeStatic
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_interface: /* 0x72 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_interface.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeInterface
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeInterface
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ /*
+ * Handle an interface method call.
+ *
+ * for: invoke-interface, invoke-interface/range
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_return_void_no_barrier: /* 0x73 */
+/* File: arm/op_return_void_no_barrier.S */
+ mov r0, #0
+ mov r1, #0
+ b MterpReturn
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual_range: /* 0x74 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_virtual_range.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtualRange
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeVirtualRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_super_range: /* 0x75 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_super_range.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeSuperRange
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeSuperRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_direct_range: /* 0x76 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_direct_range.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeDirectRange
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeDirectRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_static_range: /* 0x77 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_static_range.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeStaticRange
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeStaticRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_interface_range: /* 0x78 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_interface_range.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeInterfaceRange
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeInterfaceRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_79: /* 0x79 */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_79.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_7a: /* 0x7a */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_7a.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_int: /* 0x7b */
+/* File: arm/op_neg_int.S */
+/* File: arm/unop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ rsb r0, r0, #0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_not_int: /* 0x7c */
+/* File: arm/op_not_int.S */
+/* File: arm/unop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mvn r0, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_long: /* 0x7d */
+/* File: arm/op_neg_long.S */
+/* File: arm/unopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: neg-long, not-long, neg-double, long-to-double, double-to-long
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ rsbs r0, r0, #0 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ rsc r1, r1, #0 @ r0/r1<- op, r2-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-11 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_not_long: /* 0x7e */
+/* File: arm/op_not_long.S */
+/* File: arm/unopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: neg-long, not-long, neg-double, long-to-double, double-to-long
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mvn r0, r0 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mvn r1, r1 @ r0/r1<- op, r2-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-11 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_float: /* 0x7f */
+/* File: arm/op_neg_float.S */
+/* File: arm/unop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r0, r0, #0x80000000 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_neg_double: /* 0x80 */
+/* File: arm/op_neg_double.S */
+/* File: arm/unopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: neg-long, not-long, neg-double, long-to-double, double-to-long
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ add r1, r1, #0x80000000 @ r0/r1<- op, r2-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-11 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_long: /* 0x81 */
+/* File: arm/op_int_to_long.S */
+/* File: arm/unopWider.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32bit-to-64bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0", where
+ * "result" is a 64-bit quantity in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * For: int-to-long, int-to-double, float-to-long, float-to-double
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r0, asr #31 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vA/vA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 9-10 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_float: /* 0x82 */
+/* File: arm/op_int_to_float.S */
+/* File: arm/funop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary floating-point operation. Provide an "instr"
+ * line that specifies an instruction that performs "s1 = op s0".
+ *
+ * for: int-to-float, float-to-int
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ flds s0, [r3] @ s0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fsitos s1, s0 @ s1<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fsts s1, [r9] @ vA<- s1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_double: /* 0x83 */
+/* File: arm/op_int_to_double.S */
+/* File: arm/funopWider.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32bit-to-64bit floating point unary operation. Provide an
+ * "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs "d0 = op s0".
+ *
+ * For: int-to-double, float-to-double
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ flds s0, [r3] @ s0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fsitod d0, s0 @ d0<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fstd d0, [r9] @ vA<- d0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_long_to_int: /* 0x84 */
+/* File: arm/op_long_to_int.S */
+/* we ignore the high word, making this equivalent to a 32-bit reg move */
+/* File: arm/op_move.S */
+ /* for move, move-object, long-to-int */
+ /* op vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B from 15:12
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A from 11:8
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_VREG r2, r1 @ r2<- fp[B]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ ip<- opcode from rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r2, r0 @ fp[A]<- r2
+ .endif
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ execute next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_long_to_float: /* 0x85 */
+/* File: arm/op_long_to_float.S */
+/* File: arm/unopNarrower.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64bit-to-32bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1", where
+ * "result" is a 32-bit quantity in r0.
+ *
+ * For: long-to-float, double-to-int, double-to-float
+ *
+ * (This would work for long-to-int, but that instruction is actually
+ * an exact match for op_move.)
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vB/vB+1
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl __aeabi_l2f @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 9-10 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_long_to_double: /* 0x86 */
+/* File: arm/op_long_to_double.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialised 64-bit floating point operation.
+ *
+ * Note: The result will be returned in d2.
+ *
+ * For: long-to-double
+ */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ vldr d0, [r3] @ d0<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ vcvt.f64.s32 d1, s1 @ d1<- (double)(vAAh)
+ vcvt.f64.u32 d2, s0 @ d2<- (double)(vAAl)
+ vldr d3, constvalop_long_to_double
+ vmla.f64 d2, d1, d3 @ d2<- vAAh*2^32 + vAAl
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ vstr.64 d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* literal pool helper */
+ .8byte 0x41f0000000000000
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_float_to_int: /* 0x87 */
+/* File: arm/op_float_to_int.S */
+/* File: arm/funop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary floating-point operation. Provide an "instr"
+ * line that specifies an instruction that performs "s1 = op s0".
+ *
+ * for: int-to-float, float-to-int
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ flds s0, [r3] @ s0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ ftosizs s1, s0 @ s1<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fsts s1, [r9] @ vA<- s1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_float_to_long: /* 0x88 */
+/* File: arm/op_float_to_long.S */
+@include "arm/unopWider.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_f2lz"}
+/* File: arm/unopWider.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32bit-to-64bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0", where
+ * "result" is a 64-bit quantity in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * For: int-to-long, int-to-double, float-to-long, float-to-double
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ bl f2l_doconv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vA/vA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 9-10 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_float_to_double: /* 0x89 */
+/* File: arm/op_float_to_double.S */
+/* File: arm/funopWider.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32bit-to-64bit floating point unary operation. Provide an
+ * "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs "d0 = op s0".
+ *
+ * For: int-to-double, float-to-double
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ flds s0, [r3] @ s0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fcvtds d0, s0 @ d0<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fstd d0, [r9] @ vA<- d0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_double_to_int: /* 0x8a */
+/* File: arm/op_double_to_int.S */
+/* File: arm/funopNarrower.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64bit-to-32bit unary floating point operation. Provide an
+ * "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs "s0 = op d0".
+ *
+ * For: double-to-int, double-to-float
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ fldd d0, [r3] @ d0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ ftosizd s0, d0 @ s0<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fsts s0, [r9] @ vA<- s0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_double_to_long: /* 0x8b */
+/* File: arm/op_double_to_long.S */
+@include "arm/unopWide.S" {"instr":"bl __aeabi_d2lz"}
+/* File: arm/unopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0/r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * For: neg-long, not-long, neg-double, long-to-double, double-to-long
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl d2l_doconv @ r0/r1<- op, r2-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-11 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_double_to_float: /* 0x8c */
+/* File: arm/op_double_to_float.S */
+/* File: arm/funopNarrower.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64bit-to-32bit unary floating point operation. Provide an
+ * "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs "s0 = op d0".
+ *
+ * For: double-to-int, double-to-float
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ fldd d0, [r3] @ d0<- vB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fcvtsd s0, d0 @ s0<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ fsts s0, [r9] @ vA<- s0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_byte: /* 0x8d */
+/* File: arm/op_int_to_byte.S */
+/* File: arm/unop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ sxtb r0, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_char: /* 0x8e */
+/* File: arm/op_int_to_char.S */
+/* File: arm/unop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ uxth r0, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_int_to_short: /* 0x8f */
+/* File: arm/op_int_to_short.S */
+/* File: arm/unop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = op r0".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call.
+ *
+ * for: neg-int, not-int, neg-float, int-to-float, float-to-int,
+ * int-to-byte, int-to-char, int-to-short
+ */
+ /* unop vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r3 @ r0<- vB
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ sxth r0, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 8-9 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int: /* 0x90 */
+/* File: arm/op_add_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ add r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_int: /* 0x91 */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ sub r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int: /* 0x92 */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_int.S */
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mul r0, r1, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int: /* 0x93 */
+/* File: arm/op_div_int.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int: /* 0x94 */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_int.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op, r0-r2 changed
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int: /* 0x95 */
+/* File: arm/op_and_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ and r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int: /* 0x96 */
+/* File: arm/op_or_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ orr r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int: /* 0x97 */
+/* File: arm/op_xor_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ eor r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_int: /* 0x98 */
+/* File: arm/op_shl_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, asl r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_int: /* 0x99 */
+/* File: arm/op_shr_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, asr r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_int: /* 0x9a */
+/* File: arm/op_ushr_int.S */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_long: /* 0x9b */
+/* File: arm/op_add_long.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ adds r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ adc r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_long: /* 0x9c */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_long.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ subs r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ sbc r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_long: /* 0x9d */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_long.S */
+ /*
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply.
+ *
+ * Consider WXxYZ (r1r0 x r3r2) with a long multiply:
+ * WX
+ * x YZ
+ * --------
+ * ZW ZX
+ * YW YX
+ *
+ * The low word of the result holds ZX, the high word holds
+ * (ZW+YX) + (the high overflow from ZX). YW doesn't matter because
+ * it doesn't fit in the low 64 bits.
+ *
+ * Unlike most ARM math operations, multiply instructions have
+ * restrictions on using the same register more than once (Rd and Rm
+ * cannot be the same).
+ */
+ /* mul-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ mul ip, r2, r1 @ ip<- ZxW
+ umull r9, r10, r2, r0 @ r9/r10 <- ZxX
+ mla r2, r0, r3, ip @ r2<- YxX + (ZxW)
+ mov r0, rINST, lsr #8 @ r0<- AA
+ add r10, r2, r10 @ r10<- r10 + low(ZxW + (YxX))
+ add r0, rFP, r0, lsl #2 @ r0<- &fp[AA]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r0, {r9-r10} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r9/r10
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_long: /* 0x9e */
+/* File: arm/op_div_long.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 1
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl __aeabi_ldivmod @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_long: /* 0x9f */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_long.S */
+/* ldivmod returns quotient in r0/r1 and remainder in r2/r3 */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 1
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl __aeabi_ldivmod @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r2,r3} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r2/r3
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_long: /* 0xa0 */
+/* File: arm/op_and_long.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ and r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_long: /* 0xa1 */
+/* File: arm/op_or_long.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ orr r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_long: /* 0xa2 */
+/* File: arm/op_xor_long.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ eor r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ eor r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_long: /* 0xa3 */
+/* File: arm/op_shl_long.S */
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r3, r0, #255 @ r3<- BB
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #8 @ r0<- CC
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BB]
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vCC
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r1, r1, asl r2 @ r1<- r1 << r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r1, r1, r0, lsr r3 @ r1<- r1 | (r0 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ movpl r1, r0, asl ip @ if r2 >= 32, r1<- r0 << (r2-32)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r0, r0, asl r2 @ r0<- r0 << r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_long: /* 0xa4 */
+/* File: arm/op_shr_long.S */
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r3, r0, #255 @ r3<- BB
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #8 @ r0<- CC
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BB]
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vCC
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r0<- r0 & 0x3f
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ movpl r0, r1, asr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >> (r2-32)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r1, asr r2 @ r1<- r1 >> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_long: /* 0xa5 */
+/* File: arm/op_ushr_long.S */
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift. This is different from the generic 32/64-bit
+ * binary operations because vAA/vBB are 64-bit but vCC (the shift
+ * distance) is 32-bit. Also, Dalvik requires us to mask off the low
+ * 6 bits of the shift distance.
+ */
+ /* ushr-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r3, r0, #255 @ r3<- BB
+ mov r0, r0, lsr #8 @ r0<- CC
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[BB]
+ GET_VREG r2, r0 @ r2<- vCC
+ ldmia r3, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r0<- r0 & 0x3f
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ movpl r0, r1, lsr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >>> (r2-32)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mov r1, r1, lsr r2 @ r1<- r1 >>> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_float: /* 0xa6 */
+/* File: arm/op_add_float.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating-point operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "s2 = s0 op s1". Because we
+ * use the "softfp" ABI, this must be an instruction, not a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-float, sub-float, mul-float, div-float
+ */
+ /* floatop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fadds s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_float: /* 0xa7 */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_float.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating-point operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "s2 = s0 op s1". Because we
+ * use the "softfp" ABI, this must be an instruction, not a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-float, sub-float, mul-float, div-float
+ */
+ /* floatop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fsubs s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_float: /* 0xa8 */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_float.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating-point operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "s2 = s0 op s1". Because we
+ * use the "softfp" ABI, this must be an instruction, not a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-float, sub-float, mul-float, div-float
+ */
+ /* floatop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fmuls s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_float: /* 0xa9 */
+/* File: arm/op_div_float.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating-point operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "s2 = s0 op s1". Because we
+ * use the "softfp" ABI, this must be an instruction, not a function call.
+ *
+ * For: add-float, sub-float, mul-float, div-float
+ */
+ /* floatop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vCC
+ flds s0, [r2] @ s0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fdivs s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_float: /* 0xaa */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_float.S */
+/* EABI doesn't define a float remainder function, but libm does */
+/* File: arm/binop.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus. Note that we
+ * *don't* check for (INT_MIN / -1) here, because the ARM math lib
+ * handles it correctly.
+ *
+ * For: add-int, sub-int, mul-int, div-int, rem-int, and-int, or-int,
+ * xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int, add-float, sub-float,
+ * mul-float, div-float, rem-float
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vCC
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl fmodf @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 11-14 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_double: /* 0xab */
+/* File: arm/op_add_double.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit double-precision floating point binary operation.
+ * Provide an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * for: add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double
+ */
+ /* doubleop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ faddd d2, d0, d1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_double: /* 0xac */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_double.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit double-precision floating point binary operation.
+ * Provide an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * for: add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double
+ */
+ /* doubleop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fsubd d2, d0, d1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_double: /* 0xad */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_double.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit double-precision floating point binary operation.
+ * Provide an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * for: add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double
+ */
+ /* doubleop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fmuld d2, d0, d1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_double: /* 0xae */
+/* File: arm/op_div_double.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit double-precision floating point binary operation.
+ * Provide an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * for: add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double
+ */
+ /* doubleop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vCC
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r2, r2 @ r2<- &vBB
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vCC
+ fldd d0, [r2] @ d0<- vBB
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fdivd d2, d0, d1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vAA
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_double: /* 0xaf */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_double.S */
+/* EABI doesn't define a double remainder function, but libm does */
+/* File: arm/binopWide.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
+ * specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * for: add-long, sub-long, div-long, rem-long, and-long, or-long,
+ * xor-long, add-double, sub-double, mul-double, div-double,
+ * rem-double
+ *
+ * IMPORTANT: you may specify "chkzero" or "preinstr" but not both.
+ */
+ /* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
+ FETCH r0, 1 @ r0<- CCBB
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r0, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ mov r3, r0, lsr #8 @ r3<- CC
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[AA]
+ add r2, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r2<- &fp[BB]
+ add r3, rFP, r3, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[CC]
+ ldmia r2, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r3, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vCC/vCC+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl fmod @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 14-17 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int_2addr: /* 0xb0 */
+/* File: arm/op_add_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ add r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_int_2addr: /* 0xb1 */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ sub r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int_2addr: /* 0xb2 */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_int_2addr.S */
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mul r0, r1, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int_2addr: /* 0xb3 */
+/* File: arm/op_div_int_2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int/2addr
+ *
+ */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int_2addr: /* 0xb4 */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_int_2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int/2addr
+ *
+ */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int_2addr: /* 0xb5 */
+/* File: arm/op_and_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ and r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int_2addr: /* 0xb6 */
+/* File: arm/op_or_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ orr r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int_2addr: /* 0xb7 */
+/* File: arm/op_xor_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ eor r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_int_2addr: /* 0xb8 */
+/* File: arm/op_shl_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, asl r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_int_2addr: /* 0xb9 */
+/* File: arm/op_shr_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, asr r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_int_2addr: /* 0xba */
+/* File: arm/op_ushr_int_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_long_2addr: /* 0xbb */
+/* File: arm/op_add_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ adds r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ adc r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_long_2addr: /* 0xbc */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ subs r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ sbc r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_long_2addr: /* 0xbd */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_long_2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Signed 64-bit integer multiply, "/2addr" version.
+ *
+ * See op_mul_long for an explanation.
+ *
+ * We get a little tight on registers, so to avoid looking up &fp[A]
+ * again we stuff it into rINST.
+ */
+ /* mul-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add rINST, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ rINST<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia rINST, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mul ip, r2, r1 @ ip<- ZxW
+ umull r9, r10, r2, r0 @ r9/r10 <- ZxX
+ mla r2, r0, r3, ip @ r2<- YxX + (ZxW)
+ mov r0, rINST @ r0<- &fp[A] (free up rINST)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r10, r2, r10 @ r10<- r10 + low(ZxW + (YxX))
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r0, {r9-r10} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r9/r10
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_long_2addr: /* 0xbe */
+/* File: arm/op_div_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 1
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl __aeabi_ldivmod @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_long_2addr: /* 0xbf */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_long_2addr.S */
+/* ldivmod returns quotient in r0/r1 and remainder in r2/r3 */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 1
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl __aeabi_ldivmod @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r2,r3} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r2/r3
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_long_2addr: /* 0xc0 */
+/* File: arm/op_and_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ and r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_long_2addr: /* 0xc1 */
+/* File: arm/op_or_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ orr r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_long_2addr: /* 0xc2 */
+/* File: arm/op_xor_long_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ eor r0, r0, r2 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ eor r1, r1, r3 @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_long_2addr: /* 0xc3 */
+/* File: arm/op_shl_long_2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shl-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r3 @ r2<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mov r1, r1, asl r2 @ r1<- r1 << r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r1, r1, r0, lsr r3 @ r1<- r1 | (r0 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ movpl r1, r0, asl ip @ if r2 >= 32, r1<- r0 << (r2-32)
+ mov r0, r0, asl r2 @ r0<- r0 << r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_long_2addr: /* 0xc4 */
+/* File: arm/op_shr_long_2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* shr-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r3 @ r2<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ movpl r0, r1, asr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >> (r2-32)
+ mov r1, r1, asr r2 @ r1<- r1 >> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_long_2addr: /* 0xc5 */
+/* File: arm/op_ushr_long_2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Long integer shift, 2addr version. vA is 64-bit value/result, vB is
+ * 32-bit shift distance.
+ */
+ /* ushr-long/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r2, r3 @ r2<- vB
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ and r2, r2, #63 @ r2<- r2 & 0x3f
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r2 @ r0<- r2 >> r2
+ rsb r3, r2, #32 @ r3<- 32 - r2
+ orr r0, r0, r1, asl r3 @ r0<- r0 | (r1 << (32-r2))
+ subs ip, r2, #32 @ ip<- r2 - 32
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ movpl r0, r1, lsr ip @ if r2 >= 32, r0<-r1 >>> (r2-32)
+ mov r1, r1, lsr r2 @ r1<- r1 >>> r2
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0-r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_float_2addr: /* 0xc6 */
+/* File: arm/op_add_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "s2 = s0 op s1".
+ *
+ * For: add-float/2addr, sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ flds s0, [r9] @ s0<- vA
+ fadds s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_float_2addr: /* 0xc7 */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "s2 = s0 op s1".
+ *
+ * For: add-float/2addr, sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ flds s0, [r9] @ s0<- vA
+ fsubs s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_float_2addr: /* 0xc8 */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "s2 = s0 op s1".
+ *
+ * For: add-float/2addr, sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ flds s0, [r9] @ s0<- vA
+ fmuls s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_float_2addr: /* 0xc9 */
+/* File: arm/op_div_float_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "s2 = s0 op s1".
+ *
+ * For: add-float/2addr, sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ flds s1, [r3] @ s1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ flds s0, [r9] @ s0<- vA
+ fdivs s2, s0, s1 @ s2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fsts s2, [r9] @ vAA<- s2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_float_2addr: /* 0xca */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_float_2addr.S */
+/* EABI doesn't define a float remainder function, but libm does */
+/* File: arm/binop2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
+ * rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
+ * shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
+ * sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r1, r3 @ r1<- vB
+ GET_VREG r0, r9 @ r0<- vA
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl fmodf @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_double_2addr: /* 0xcb */
+/* File: arm/op_add_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * For: add-double/2addr, sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr,
+ * div-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fldd d0, [r9] @ d0<- vA
+ faddd d2, d0, d1 @ d2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_sub_double_2addr: /* 0xcc */
+/* File: arm/op_sub_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * For: add-double/2addr, sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr,
+ * div-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fldd d0, [r9] @ d0<- vA
+ fsubd d2, d0, d1 @ d2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_double_2addr: /* 0xcd */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * For: add-double/2addr, sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr,
+ * div-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fldd d0, [r9] @ d0<- vA
+ fmuld d2, d0, d1 @ d2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_double_2addr: /* 0xce */
+/* File: arm/op_div_double_2addr.S */
+/* File: arm/fbinopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit floating point "/2addr" binary operation. Provide
+ * an "instr" line that specifies an instruction that performs
+ * "d2 = d0 op d1".
+ *
+ * For: add-double/2addr, sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr,
+ * div-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r3, rINST, lsr #12 @ r3<- B
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- A+
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r3, r3 @ r3<- &vB
+ and r9, r9, #15 @ r9<- A
+ fldd d1, [r3] @ d1<- vB
+ VREG_INDEX_TO_ADDR r9, r9 @ r9<- &vA
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ fldd d0, [r9] @ d0<- vA
+ fdivd d2, d0, d1 @ d2<- op
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ fstd d2, [r9] @ vAA<- d2
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_double_2addr: /* 0xcf */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_double_2addr.S */
+/* EABI doesn't define a double remainder function, but libm does */
+/* File: arm/binopWide2addr.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 64-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0-r1 op r2-r3".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-long/2addr, sub-long/2addr, div-long/2addr, rem-long/2addr,
+ * and-long/2addr, or-long/2addr, xor-long/2addr, add-double/2addr,
+ * sub-double/2addr, mul-double/2addr, div-double/2addr,
+ * rem-double/2addr
+ */
+ /* binop/2addr vA, vB */
+ mov r1, rINST, lsr #12 @ r1<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ add r1, rFP, r1, lsl #2 @ r1<- &fp[B]
+ add r9, rFP, r9, lsl #2 @ r9<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r1, {r2-r3} @ r2/r3<- vBB/vBB+1
+ ldmia r9, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- vAA/vAA+1
+ .if 0
+ orrs ip, r2, r3 @ second arg (r2-r3) is zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 1 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ bl fmod @ result<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r9, {r0,r1} @ vAA/vAA+1<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 12-15 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int_lit16: /* 0xd0 */
+/* File: arm/op_add_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rsub_int: /* 0xd1 */
+/* File: arm/op_rsub_int.S */
+/* this op is "rsub-int", but can be thought of as "rsub-int/lit16" */
+/* File: arm/binopLit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ rsb r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int_lit16: /* 0xd2 */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_int_lit16.S */
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+/* File: arm/binopLit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ mul r0, r1, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int_lit16: /* 0xd3 */
+/* File: arm/op_div_int_lit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int/lit16
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int_lit16: /* 0xd4 */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_int_lit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int/lit16
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int_lit16: /* 0xd5 */
+/* File: arm/op_and_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int_lit16: /* 0xd6 */
+/* File: arm/op_or_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ orr r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int_lit16: /* 0xd7 */
+/* File: arm/op_xor_int_lit16.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit16.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int, mul-int/lit16, div-int/lit16,
+ * rem-int/lit16, and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
+ */
+ /* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
+ FETCH_S r1, 1 @ r1<- ssssCCCC (sign-extended)
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ ubfx r9, rINST, #8, #4 @ r9<- A
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vB
+ .if 0
+ cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ eor r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-13 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_add_int_lit8: /* 0xd8 */
+/* File: arm/op_add_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ add r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rsub_int_lit8: /* 0xd9 */
+/* File: arm/op_rsub_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ rsb r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_mul_int_lit8: /* 0xda */
+/* File: arm/op_mul_int_lit8.S */
+/* must be "mul r0, r1, r0" -- "r0, r0, r1" is illegal */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mul r0, r1, r0 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_div_int_lit8: /* 0xdb */
+/* File: arm/op_div_int_lit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r0 = r0 div r1". The selection between sdiv or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * div-int/lit8
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idiv @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_rem_int_lit8: /* 0xdc */
+/* File: arm/op_rem_int_lit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Specialized 32-bit binary operation
+ *
+ * Performs "r1 = r0 rem r1". The selection between sdiv block or the gcc helper
+ * depends on the compile time value of __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__ (defined for
+ * ARMv7 CPUs that have hardware division support).
+ *
+ * NOTE: idivmod returns quotient in r0 and remainder in r1
+ *
+ * rem-int/lit8
+ *
+ */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC)
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+#ifdef __ARM_ARCH_EXT_IDIV__
+ sdiv r2, r0, r1
+ mls r1, r1, r2, r0 @ r1<- op
+ bl __aeabi_idivmod @ r1<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_and_int_lit8: /* 0xdd */
+/* File: arm/op_and_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ and r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_or_int_lit8: /* 0xde */
+/* File: arm/op_or_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ orr r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_xor_int_lit8: /* 0xdf */
+/* File: arm/op_xor_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ eor r0, r0, r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shl_int_lit8: /* 0xe0 */
+/* File: arm/op_shl_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, asl r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_shr_int_lit8: /* 0xe1 */
+/* File: arm/op_shr_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, asr r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_ushr_int_lit8: /* 0xe2 */
+/* File: arm/op_ushr_int_lit8.S */
+/* File: arm/binopLit8.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
+ * that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
+ * This could be an ARM instruction or a function call. (If the result
+ * comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
+ *
+ * If "chkzero" is set to 1, we perform a divide-by-zero check on
+ * vCC (r1). Useful for integer division and modulus.
+ *
+ * For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8, mul-int/lit8, div-int/lit8,
+ * rem-int/lit8, and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
+ * shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
+ */
+ /* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
+ FETCH_S r3, 1 @ r3<- ssssCCBB (sign-extended for CC
+ mov r9, rINST, lsr #8 @ r9<- AA
+ and r2, r3, #255 @ r2<- BB
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- vBB
+ movs r1, r3, asr #8 @ r1<- ssssssCC (sign extended)
+ .if 0
+ @cmp r1, #0 @ is second operand zero?
+ beq common_errDivideByZero
+ .endif
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ and r1, r1, #31 @ optional op; may set condition codes
+ mov r0, r0, lsr r1 @ r0<- op, r0-r3 changed
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ SET_VREG r0, r9 @ vAA<- r0
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ /* 10-12 instructions */
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_quick: /* 0xe3 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldr r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_wide_quick: /* 0xe4 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_wide_quick.S */
+ /* iget-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH ip, 1 @ ip<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldrd r0, [r3, ip] @ r0<- obj.field (64 bits, aligned)
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ add r3, rFP, r2, lsl #2 @ r3<- &fp[A]
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ stmia r3, {r0-r1} @ fp[A]<- r0/r1
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_object_quick: /* 0xe5 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_object_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldr r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if 1
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_quick: /* 0xe6 */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- fp[A]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ str r0, [r3, r1] @ obj.field<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_wide_quick: /* 0xe7 */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_wide_quick.S */
+ /* iput-wide-quick vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r3, 1 @ r3<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r2, r2 @ r2<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r0, rINST, #8, #4 @ r0<- A
+ cmp r2, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ add r0, rFP, r0, lsl #2 @ r0<- &fp[A]
+ ldmia r0, {r0-r1} @ r0/r1<- fp[A]/fp[A+1]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ strd r0, [r2, r3] @ obj.field<- r0/r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_object_quick: /* 0xe8 */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_object_quick.S */
+ mov r1, rPC
+ mov r2, rINST
+ bl MterpIputObjectQuick
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual_quick: /* 0xe9 */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_virtual_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtualQuick
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeVirtualQuick
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_virtual_range_quick: /* 0xea */
+/* File: arm/op_invoke_virtual_range_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/invoke.S */
+ /*
+ * Generic invoke handler wrapper.
+ */
+ /* op vB, {vD, vE, vF, vG, vA}, class@CCCC */
+ /* op {vCCCC..v(CCCC+AA-1)}, meth@BBBB */
+ .extern MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ mov r2, rPC
+ mov r3, rINST
+ bl MterpInvokeVirtualQuickRange
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpException
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_boolean_quick: /* 0xeb */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_boolean_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- fp[A]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ strb r0, [r3, r1] @ obj.field<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_byte_quick: /* 0xec */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_byte_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- fp[A]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ strb r0, [r3, r1] @ obj.field<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_char_quick: /* 0xed */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_char_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- fp[A]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ strh r0, [r3, r1] @ obj.field<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iput_short_quick: /* 0xee */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_short_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iput_quick.S */
+ /* For: iput-quick, iput-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- fp[B], the object pointer
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ GET_VREG r0, r2 @ r0<- fp[A]
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ strh r0, [r3, r1] @ obj.field<- r0
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_boolean_quick: /* 0xef */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_boolean_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldrb r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_byte_quick: /* 0xf0 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_byte_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldrsb r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_char_quick: /* 0xf1 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_char_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldrh r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_iget_short_quick: /* 0xf2 */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_short_quick.S */
+/* File: arm/op_iget_quick.S */
+ /* For: iget-quick, iget-object-quick */
+ /* op vA, vB, offset@CCCC */
+ mov r2, rINST, lsr #12 @ r2<- B
+ FETCH r1, 1 @ r1<- field byte offset
+ GET_VREG r3, r2 @ r3<- object we're operating on
+ ubfx r2, rINST, #8, #4 @ r2<- A
+ cmp r3, #0 @ check object for null
+ beq common_errNullObject @ object was null
+ ldrsh r0, [r3, r1] @ r0<- obj.field
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ .if 0
+ SET_VREG_OBJECT r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .else
+ SET_VREG r0, r2 @ fp[A]<- r0
+ .endif
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_invoke_lambda: /* 0xf3 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_f4: /* 0xf4 */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_f4.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_capture_variable: /* 0xf5 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_create_lambda: /* 0xf6 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_liberate_variable: /* 0xf7 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_box_lambda: /* 0xf8 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unbox_lambda: /* 0xf9 */
+/* Transfer stub to alternate interpreter */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fa: /* 0xfa */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_fa.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fb: /* 0xfb */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_fb.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fc: /* 0xfc */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_fc.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fd: /* 0xfd */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_fd.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_fe: /* 0xfe */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_fe.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_op_unused_ff: /* 0xff */
+/* File: arm/op_unused_ff.S */
+/* File: arm/unused.S */
+ * Bail to reference interpreter to throw.
+ */
+ b MterpFallback
+ .balign 128
+ .size artMterpAsmInstructionStart, .-artMterpAsmInstructionStart
+ .global artMterpAsmInstructionEnd
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Sister implementations
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ .global artMterpAsmSisterStart
+ .type artMterpAsmSisterStart, %function
+ .text
+ .balign 4
+/* continuation for op_cmp_long */
+ mvn r1, #0 @ r1<- -1
+ @ Want to cond code the next mov so we can avoid branch, but don't see it;
+ @ instead, we just replicate the tail end.
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ mov r1, #1 @ r1<- 1
+ @ fall through to _finish
+ FETCH_ADVANCE_INST 2 @ advance rPC, load rINST
+ SET_VREG r1, r9 @ vAA<- r1
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+/* continuation for op_float_to_long */
+ * Convert the float in r0 to a long in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * We have to clip values to long min/max per the specification. The
+ * expected common case is a "reasonable" value that converts directly
+ * to modest integer. The EABI convert function isn't doing this for us.
+ */
+ stmfd sp!, {r4, lr}
+ mov r1, #0x5f000000 @ (float)maxlong
+ mov r4, r0
+ bl __aeabi_fcmpge @ is arg >= maxlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ mvnne r0, #0 @ return maxlong (7fffffff)
+ mvnne r1, #0x80000000
+ ldmnefd sp!, {r4, pc}
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, #0xdf000000 @ (float)minlong
+ bl __aeabi_fcmple @ is arg <= minlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ movne r0, #0 @ return minlong (80000000)
+ movne r1, #0x80000000
+ ldmnefd sp!, {r4, pc}
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r4
+ bl __aeabi_fcmpeq @ is arg == self?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ zero == no
+ moveq r1, #0 @ return zero for NaN
+ ldmeqfd sp!, {r4, pc}
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ bl __aeabi_f2lz @ convert float to long
+ ldmfd sp!, {r4, pc}
+/* continuation for op_double_to_long */
+ * Convert the double in r0/r1 to a long in r0/r1.
+ *
+ * We have to clip values to long min/max per the specification. The
+ * expected common case is a "reasonable" value that converts directly
+ * to modest integer. The EABI convert function isn't doing this for us.
+ */
+ stmfd sp!, {r4, r5, lr} @ save regs
+ mov r3, #0x43000000 @ maxlong, as a double (high word)
+ add r3, #0x00e00000 @ 0x43e00000
+ mov r2, #0 @ maxlong, as a double (low word)
+ sub sp, sp, #4 @ align for EABI
+ mov r4, r0 @ save a copy of r0
+ mov r5, r1 @ and r1
+ bl __aeabi_dcmpge @ is arg >= maxlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ mvnne r0, #0 @ return maxlong (7fffffffffffffff)
+ mvnne r1, #0x80000000
+ bne 1f
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r5
+ mov r3, #0xc3000000 @ minlong, as a double (high word)
+ add r3, #0x00e00000 @ 0xc3e00000
+ mov r2, #0 @ minlong, as a double (low word)
+ bl __aeabi_dcmple @ is arg <= minlong?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ nonzero == yes
+ movne r0, #0 @ return minlong (8000000000000000)
+ movne r1, #0x80000000
+ bne 1f
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r5
+ mov r2, r4 @ compare against self
+ mov r3, r5
+ bl __aeabi_dcmpeq @ is arg == self?
+ cmp r0, #0 @ zero == no
+ moveq r1, #0 @ return zero for NaN
+ beq 1f
+ mov r0, r4 @ recover arg
+ mov r1, r5
+ bl __aeabi_d2lz @ convert double to long
+ add sp, sp, #4
+ ldmfd sp!, {r4, r5, pc}
+ .size artMterpAsmSisterStart, .-artMterpAsmSisterStart
+ .global artMterpAsmSisterEnd
+ .global artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart
+ .type artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart, %function
+ .text
+artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart = .L_ALT_op_nop
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_nop: /* 0x00 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (0 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move: /* 0x01 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (1 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_from16: /* 0x02 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (2 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_16: /* 0x03 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (3 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_wide: /* 0x04 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (4 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_wide_from16: /* 0x05 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (5 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_wide_16: /* 0x06 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (6 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_object: /* 0x07 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (7 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_object_from16: /* 0x08 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (8 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_object_16: /* 0x09 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (9 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_result: /* 0x0a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (10 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_result_wide: /* 0x0b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (11 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_result_object: /* 0x0c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (12 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_move_exception: /* 0x0d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (13 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_void: /* 0x0e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (14 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return: /* 0x0f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (15 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_wide: /* 0x10 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (16 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_object: /* 0x11 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (17 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_4: /* 0x12 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (18 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_16: /* 0x13 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (19 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const: /* 0x14 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (20 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_high16: /* 0x15 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (21 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide_16: /* 0x16 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (22 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide_32: /* 0x17 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (23 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide: /* 0x18 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (24 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_wide_high16: /* 0x19 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (25 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_string: /* 0x1a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (26 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_string_jumbo: /* 0x1b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (27 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_const_class: /* 0x1c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (28 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_monitor_enter: /* 0x1d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (29 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_monitor_exit: /* 0x1e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (30 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_check_cast: /* 0x1f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (31 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_instance_of: /* 0x20 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (32 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_array_length: /* 0x21 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (33 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_new_instance: /* 0x22 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (34 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_new_array: /* 0x23 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (35 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_filled_new_array: /* 0x24 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (36 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_filled_new_array_range: /* 0x25 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (37 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_fill_array_data: /* 0x26 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (38 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_throw: /* 0x27 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (39 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_goto: /* 0x28 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (40 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_goto_16: /* 0x29 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (41 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_goto_32: /* 0x2a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (42 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_packed_switch: /* 0x2b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (43 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sparse_switch: /* 0x2c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (44 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpl_float: /* 0x2d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (45 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpg_float: /* 0x2e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (46 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpl_double: /* 0x2f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (47 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmpg_double: /* 0x30 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (48 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_cmp_long: /* 0x31 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (49 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_eq: /* 0x32 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (50 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_ne: /* 0x33 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (51 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_lt: /* 0x34 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (52 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_ge: /* 0x35 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (53 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_gt: /* 0x36 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (54 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_le: /* 0x37 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (55 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_eqz: /* 0x38 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (56 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_nez: /* 0x39 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (57 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_ltz: /* 0x3a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (58 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_gez: /* 0x3b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (59 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_gtz: /* 0x3c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (60 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_if_lez: /* 0x3d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (61 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_3e: /* 0x3e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (62 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_3f: /* 0x3f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (63 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_40: /* 0x40 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (64 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_41: /* 0x41 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (65 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_42: /* 0x42 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (66 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_43: /* 0x43 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (67 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget: /* 0x44 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (68 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_wide: /* 0x45 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (69 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_object: /* 0x46 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (70 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_boolean: /* 0x47 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (71 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_byte: /* 0x48 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (72 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_char: /* 0x49 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (73 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aget_short: /* 0x4a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (74 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput: /* 0x4b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (75 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_wide: /* 0x4c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (76 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_object: /* 0x4d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (77 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_boolean: /* 0x4e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (78 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_byte: /* 0x4f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (79 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_char: /* 0x50 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (80 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_aput_short: /* 0x51 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (81 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget: /* 0x52 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (82 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_wide: /* 0x53 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (83 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_object: /* 0x54 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (84 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_boolean: /* 0x55 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (85 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_byte: /* 0x56 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (86 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_char: /* 0x57 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (87 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_short: /* 0x58 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (88 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput: /* 0x59 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (89 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_wide: /* 0x5a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (90 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_object: /* 0x5b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (91 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_boolean: /* 0x5c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (92 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_byte: /* 0x5d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (93 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_char: /* 0x5e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (94 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_short: /* 0x5f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (95 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget: /* 0x60 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (96 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_wide: /* 0x61 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (97 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_object: /* 0x62 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (98 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_boolean: /* 0x63 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (99 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_byte: /* 0x64 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (100 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_char: /* 0x65 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (101 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sget_short: /* 0x66 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (102 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput: /* 0x67 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (103 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_wide: /* 0x68 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (104 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_object: /* 0x69 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (105 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_boolean: /* 0x6a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (106 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_byte: /* 0x6b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (107 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_char: /* 0x6c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (108 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sput_short: /* 0x6d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (109 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual: /* 0x6e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (110 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_super: /* 0x6f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (111 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_direct: /* 0x70 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (112 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_static: /* 0x71 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (113 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_interface: /* 0x72 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (114 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_return_void_no_barrier: /* 0x73 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (115 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual_range: /* 0x74 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (116 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_super_range: /* 0x75 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (117 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_direct_range: /* 0x76 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (118 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_static_range: /* 0x77 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (119 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_interface_range: /* 0x78 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (120 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_79: /* 0x79 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (121 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_7a: /* 0x7a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (122 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_int: /* 0x7b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (123 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_not_int: /* 0x7c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (124 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_long: /* 0x7d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (125 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_not_long: /* 0x7e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (126 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_float: /* 0x7f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (127 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_neg_double: /* 0x80 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (128 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_long: /* 0x81 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (129 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_float: /* 0x82 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (130 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_double: /* 0x83 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (131 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_long_to_int: /* 0x84 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (132 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_long_to_float: /* 0x85 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (133 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_long_to_double: /* 0x86 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (134 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_float_to_int: /* 0x87 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (135 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_float_to_long: /* 0x88 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (136 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_float_to_double: /* 0x89 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (137 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_double_to_int: /* 0x8a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (138 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_double_to_long: /* 0x8b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (139 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_double_to_float: /* 0x8c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (140 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_byte: /* 0x8d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (141 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_char: /* 0x8e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (142 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_int_to_short: /* 0x8f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (143 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int: /* 0x90 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (144 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_int: /* 0x91 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (145 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int: /* 0x92 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (146 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int: /* 0x93 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (147 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int: /* 0x94 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (148 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int: /* 0x95 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (149 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int: /* 0x96 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (150 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int: /* 0x97 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (151 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_int: /* 0x98 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (152 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_int: /* 0x99 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (153 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_int: /* 0x9a */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (154 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_long: /* 0x9b */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (155 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_long: /* 0x9c */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (156 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_long: /* 0x9d */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (157 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_long: /* 0x9e */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (158 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_long: /* 0x9f */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (159 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_long: /* 0xa0 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (160 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_long: /* 0xa1 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (161 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_long: /* 0xa2 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (162 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_long: /* 0xa3 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (163 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_long: /* 0xa4 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (164 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_long: /* 0xa5 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (165 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_float: /* 0xa6 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (166 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_float: /* 0xa7 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (167 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_float: /* 0xa8 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (168 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_float: /* 0xa9 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (169 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_float: /* 0xaa */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (170 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_double: /* 0xab */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (171 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_double: /* 0xac */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (172 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_double: /* 0xad */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (173 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_double: /* 0xae */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (174 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_double: /* 0xaf */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (175 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int_2addr: /* 0xb0 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (176 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_int_2addr: /* 0xb1 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (177 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int_2addr: /* 0xb2 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (178 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int_2addr: /* 0xb3 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (179 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int_2addr: /* 0xb4 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (180 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int_2addr: /* 0xb5 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (181 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int_2addr: /* 0xb6 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (182 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int_2addr: /* 0xb7 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (183 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_int_2addr: /* 0xb8 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (184 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_int_2addr: /* 0xb9 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (185 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_int_2addr: /* 0xba */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (186 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_long_2addr: /* 0xbb */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (187 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_long_2addr: /* 0xbc */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (188 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_long_2addr: /* 0xbd */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (189 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_long_2addr: /* 0xbe */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (190 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_long_2addr: /* 0xbf */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (191 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_long_2addr: /* 0xc0 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (192 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_long_2addr: /* 0xc1 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (193 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_long_2addr: /* 0xc2 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (194 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_long_2addr: /* 0xc3 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (195 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_long_2addr: /* 0xc4 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (196 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_long_2addr: /* 0xc5 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (197 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_float_2addr: /* 0xc6 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (198 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_float_2addr: /* 0xc7 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (199 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_float_2addr: /* 0xc8 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (200 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_float_2addr: /* 0xc9 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (201 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_float_2addr: /* 0xca */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (202 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_double_2addr: /* 0xcb */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (203 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_sub_double_2addr: /* 0xcc */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (204 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_double_2addr: /* 0xcd */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (205 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_double_2addr: /* 0xce */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (206 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_double_2addr: /* 0xcf */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (207 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int_lit16: /* 0xd0 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (208 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rsub_int: /* 0xd1 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (209 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int_lit16: /* 0xd2 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (210 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int_lit16: /* 0xd3 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (211 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int_lit16: /* 0xd4 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (212 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int_lit16: /* 0xd5 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (213 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int_lit16: /* 0xd6 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (214 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int_lit16: /* 0xd7 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (215 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_add_int_lit8: /* 0xd8 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (216 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rsub_int_lit8: /* 0xd9 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (217 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_mul_int_lit8: /* 0xda */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (218 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_div_int_lit8: /* 0xdb */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (219 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_rem_int_lit8: /* 0xdc */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (220 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_and_int_lit8: /* 0xdd */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (221 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_or_int_lit8: /* 0xde */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (222 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_xor_int_lit8: /* 0xdf */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (223 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shl_int_lit8: /* 0xe0 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (224 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_shr_int_lit8: /* 0xe1 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (225 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_ushr_int_lit8: /* 0xe2 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (226 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_quick: /* 0xe3 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (227 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_wide_quick: /* 0xe4 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (228 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_object_quick: /* 0xe5 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (229 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_quick: /* 0xe6 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (230 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_wide_quick: /* 0xe7 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (231 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_object_quick: /* 0xe8 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (232 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual_quick: /* 0xe9 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (233 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_virtual_range_quick: /* 0xea */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (234 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_boolean_quick: /* 0xeb */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (235 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_byte_quick: /* 0xec */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (236 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_char_quick: /* 0xed */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (237 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iput_short_quick: /* 0xee */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (238 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_boolean_quick: /* 0xef */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (239 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_byte_quick: /* 0xf0 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (240 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_char_quick: /* 0xf1 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (241 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_iget_short_quick: /* 0xf2 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (242 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_invoke_lambda: /* 0xf3 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (243 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_f4: /* 0xf4 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (244 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_capture_variable: /* 0xf5 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (245 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_create_lambda: /* 0xf6 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (246 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_liberate_variable: /* 0xf7 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (247 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_box_lambda: /* 0xf8 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (248 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unbox_lambda: /* 0xf9 */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (249 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fa: /* 0xfa */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (250 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fb: /* 0xfb */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (251 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fc: /* 0xfc */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (252 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fd: /* 0xfd */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (253 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_fe: /* 0xfe */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (254 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+/* ------------------------------ */
+ .balign 128
+.L_ALT_op_unused_ff: /* 0xff */
+/* File: arm/alt_stub.S */
+ * Inter-instruction transfer stub. Call out to MterpCheckBefore to handle
+ * any interesting requests and then jump to the real instruction
+ * handler. Note that the call to MterpCheckBefore is done as a tail call.
+ */
+ .extern MterpCheckBefore
+ adrl lr, artMterpAsmInstructionStart + (255 * 128) @ Addr of primary handler.
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ b MterpCheckBefore @ (self, shadow_frame) @ Tail call.
+ .balign 128
+ .size artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart, .-artMterpAsmAltInstructionStart
+ .global artMterpAsmAltInstructionEnd
+/* File: arm/footer.S */
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Common subroutines and data
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ .text
+ .align 2
+ * We've detected a condition that will result in an exception, but the exception
+ * has not yet been thrown. Just bail out to the reference interpreter to deal with it.
+ * TUNING: for consistency, we may want to just go ahead and handle these here.
+ */
+#define MTERP_LOGGING 0
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogDivideByZeroException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogArrayIndexException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogNegativeArraySizeException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogNoSuchMethodException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogNullObjectException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogExceptionThrownException
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogSuspendFallback
+ b MterpCommonFallback
+ * If we're here, something is out of the ordinary. If there is a pending
+ * exception, handle it. Otherwise, roll back and retry with the reference
+ * interpreter.
+ */
+ cmp r0, #0 @ Exception pending?
+ beq MterpFallback @ If not, fall back to reference interpreter.
+ /* intentional fallthrough - handle pending exception. */
+ * On return from a runtime helper routine, we've found a pending exception.
+ * Can we handle it here - or need to bail out to caller?
+ *
+ */
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpHandleException @ (self, shadow_frame)
+ cmp r0, #0
+ beq MterpExceptionReturn @ no local catch, back to caller.
+ ldr r0, [rFP, #OFF_FP_CODE_ITEM]
+ ldr r1, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC]
+ add rPC, rPC, r1, lsl #1 @ generate new dex_pc_ptr
+ str rPC, [rFP, #OFF_FP_DEX_PC_PTR]
+ /* resume execution at catch block */
+ /* NOTE: no fallthrough */
+ * Check for suspend check request. Assumes rINST already loaded, rPC advanced and
+ * still needs to get the opcode and branch to it, and flags are in lr.
+ */
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ blne MterpSuspendCheck @ (self)
+ GET_INST_OPCODE ip @ extract opcode from rINST
+ GOTO_OPCODE ip @ jump to next instruction
+ * Bail out to reference interpreter.
+ */
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ bl MterpLogFallback
+ mov r0, #0 @ signal retry with reference interpreter.
+ b MterpDone
+ * We pushed some registers on the stack in ExecuteMterpImpl, then saved
+ * SP and LR. Here we restore SP, restore the registers, and then restore
+ * LR to PC.
+ *
+ * On entry:
+ * uint32_t* rFP (should still be live, pointer to base of vregs)
+ */
+ str r0, [r2]
+ str r1, [r2, #4]
+ mov r0, #1 @ signal return to caller.
+ b MterpDone
+ str r0, [r2]
+ str r1, [r2, #4]
+ mov r0, rSELF
+ blne MterpSuspendCheck @ (self)
+ mov r0, #1 @ signal return to caller.
+ add sp, sp, #4 @ un-align 64
+ ldmfd sp!, {r4-r10,fp,pc} @ restore 9 regs and return
+ .fnend
+ .size ExecuteMterpImpl, .-ExecuteMterpImpl
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a325fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Rebuild for all known targets. Necessary until the stuff in "out" gets
+# generated as part of the build.
+set -e
+# for arch in arm x86 mips arm64 x86_64 mips64; do TARGET_ARCH_EXT=$arch make -f Makefile_mterp; done
+for arch in arm; do TARGET_ARCH_EXT=$arch make -f Makefile_mterp; done