| JNI_OnLoad called |
| ABC.XYZ = 12, GetStaticIntField(DEF.class, 'XYZ') = 12 |
| Super.<init> |
| Super.<init> |
| Subclass.<init> |
| Super.<init> |
| Super.<init> |
| Subclass.<init> |
| Super.<init> |
| RUNNING super object, super class, super nonstatic |
| Super.nonstaticMethod |
| PASSED super object, super class, super nonstatic |
| Super.<init> |
| RUNNING super object, sub class, super nonstatic |
| Super.nonstaticMethod |
| PASSED super object, sub class, super nonstatic |
| Super.<init> |
| Subclass.<init> |
| RUNNING sub object, super class, super nonstatic |
| Super.nonstaticMethod |
| PASSED sub object, super class, super nonstatic |
| Super.<init> |
| Subclass.<init> |
| RUNNING sub object, sub class, super nonstatic |
| Super.nonstaticMethod |
| PASSED sub object, sub class, super nonstatic |
| Super.<init> |
| Subclass.<init> |
| RUNNING sub object, sub class, sub nonstatic |
| Subclass.nonstaticMethod |
| PASSED sub object, sub class, sub nonstatic |
| Calling method ConcreteClass->JniCallNonOverridenDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| DefaultInterface.JniCallNonOverridenDefaultMethod |
| Calling method ConcreteClass->JniCallOverridenDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| ConcreteClass.JniCallOverridenDefaultMethod |
| Calling method ConcreteClass->JniCallOverridenDefaultMethodWithSuper on object of type ConcreteClass |
| ConcreteClass.JniCallOverridenDefaultMethodWithSuper |
| DefaultInterface.JniCallOverridenDefaultMethod |
| Calling method ConcreteClass->JniCallOverridenAbstractMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| ConcreteClass.JniCallOverridenAbstractMethod |
| Calling method ConcreteClass->JniCallConflictDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| EXCEPTION OCCURED: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Conflicting default method implementations void ConflictInterface.JniCallConflictDefaultMethod() |
| Calling method ConcreteClass->JniCallSoftConflictMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| DefaultInterface.JniCallSoftConflictMethod |
| Calling method DefaultInterface->JniCallNonOverridenDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| DefaultInterface.JniCallNonOverridenDefaultMethod |
| Calling method DefaultInterface->JniCallOverridenDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| ConcreteClass.JniCallOverridenDefaultMethod |
| Calling method DefaultInterface->JniCallOverridenAbstractMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| ConcreteClass.JniCallOverridenAbstractMethod |
| Calling method DefaultInterface->JniCallConflictDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| EXCEPTION OCCURED: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Conflicting default method implementations void ConflictInterface.JniCallConflictDefaultMethod() |
| Calling method DefaultInterface->JniCallSoftConflictMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| DefaultInterface.JniCallSoftConflictMethod |
| Calling method AbstractInterface->JniCallSoftConflictMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| DefaultInterface.JniCallSoftConflictMethod |
| Calling method ConflictInterface->JniCallConflictDefaultMethod on object of type ConcreteClass |
| EXCEPTION OCCURED: java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Conflicting default method implementations void ConflictInterface.JniCallConflictDefaultMethod() |
| hi-lambda: λ |
| hi-default δλ |
| hi-default δλ |
| Clinit Lookup: ClassWithoutClinit: <NSME Exception> |
| Clinit Lookup: ClassWithClinit: Main$ClassWithClinit()(Class: class java.lang.reflect.Constructor) |
| Got UnsatisfiedLinkError for duplicate loadLibrary |