| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "parsed_options.h" |
| |
| #include <sstream> |
| |
| #include <android-base/logging.h> |
| |
| #include "base/file_utils.h" |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "base/stringpiece.h" |
| #include "debugger.h" |
| #include "gc/heap.h" |
| #include "monitor.h" |
| #include "runtime.h" |
| #include "ti/agent.h" |
| #include "trace.h" |
| #include "utils.h" |
| |
| #include "cmdline_parser.h" |
| #include "runtime_options.h" |
| |
| namespace art { |
| |
| using MemoryKiB = Memory<1024>; |
| |
| ParsedOptions::ParsedOptions() |
| : hook_is_sensitive_thread_(nullptr), |
| hook_vfprintf_(vfprintf), |
| hook_exit_(exit), |
| hook_abort_(nullptr) { // We don't call abort(3) by default; see |
| // Runtime::Abort |
| } |
| |
| bool ParsedOptions::Parse(const RuntimeOptions& options, |
| bool ignore_unrecognized, |
| RuntimeArgumentMap* runtime_options) { |
| CHECK(runtime_options != nullptr); |
| |
| ParsedOptions parser; |
| return parser.DoParse(options, ignore_unrecognized, runtime_options); |
| } |
| |
| using RuntimeParser = CmdlineParser<RuntimeArgumentMap, RuntimeArgumentMap::Key>; |
| |
| // Yes, the stack frame is huge. But we get called super early on (and just once) |
| // to pass the command line arguments, so we'll probably be ok. |
| // Ideas to avoid suppressing this diagnostic are welcome! |
| #pragma GCC diagnostic push |
| #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wframe-larger-than=" |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<RuntimeParser> ParsedOptions::MakeParser(bool ignore_unrecognized) { |
| using M = RuntimeArgumentMap; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<RuntimeParser::Builder> parser_builder = |
| std::unique_ptr<RuntimeParser::Builder>(new RuntimeParser::Builder()); |
| |
| parser_builder-> |
| Define("-Xzygote") |
| .IntoKey(M::Zygote) |
| .Define("-help") |
| .IntoKey(M::Help) |
| .Define("-showversion") |
| .IntoKey(M::ShowVersion) |
| .Define("-Xbootclasspath:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::BootClassPath) |
| .Define("-Xbootclasspath-locations:_") |
| .WithType<ParseStringList<':'>>() // std::vector<std::string>, split by : |
| .IntoKey(M::BootClassPathLocations) |
| .Define({"-classpath _", "-cp _"}) |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::ClassPath) |
| .Define("-Ximage:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::Image) |
| .Define("-Xcheck:jni") |
| .IntoKey(M::CheckJni) |
| .Define("-Xjniopts:forcecopy") |
| .IntoKey(M::JniOptsForceCopy) |
| .Define("-XjdwpProvider:_") |
| .WithType<JdwpProvider>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JdwpProvider) |
| .Define({"-Xrunjdwp:_", "-agentlib:jdwp=_", "-XjdwpOptions:_"}) |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JdwpOptions) |
| // TODO Re-enable -agentlib: once I have a good way to transform the values. |
| // .Define("-agentlib:_") |
| // .WithType<std::vector<ti::Agent>>().AppendValues() |
| // .IntoKey(M::AgentLib) |
| .Define("-agentpath:_") |
| .WithType<std::list<ti::AgentSpec>>().AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::AgentPath) |
| .Define("-Xms_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::MemoryInitialSize) |
| .Define("-Xmx_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::MemoryMaximumSize) |
| .Define("-XX:HeapGrowthLimit=_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::HeapGrowthLimit) |
| .Define("-XX:HeapMinFree=_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::HeapMinFree) |
| .Define("-XX:HeapMaxFree=_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::HeapMaxFree) |
| .Define("-XX:NonMovingSpaceCapacity=_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::NonMovingSpaceCapacity) |
| .Define("-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=_") |
| .WithType<double>().WithRange(0.1, 0.9) |
| .IntoKey(M::HeapTargetUtilization) |
| .Define("-XX:ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier=_") |
| .WithType<double>().WithRange(0.1, 5.0) |
| .IntoKey(M::ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier) |
| .Define("-XX:ParallelGCThreads=_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::ParallelGCThreads) |
| .Define("-XX:ConcGCThreads=_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::ConcGCThreads) |
| .Define("-Xss_") |
| .WithType<Memory<1>>() |
| .IntoKey(M::StackSize) |
| .Define("-XX:MaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation=_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::MaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation) |
| .Define("-XX:LongPauseLogThreshold=_") // in ms |
| .WithType<MillisecondsToNanoseconds>() // store as ns |
| .IntoKey(M::LongPauseLogThreshold) |
| .Define("-XX:LongGCLogThreshold=_") // in ms |
| .WithType<MillisecondsToNanoseconds>() // store as ns |
| .IntoKey(M::LongGCLogThreshold) |
| .Define("-XX:DumpGCPerformanceOnShutdown") |
| .IntoKey(M::DumpGCPerformanceOnShutdown) |
| .Define("-XX:DumpJITInfoOnShutdown") |
| .IntoKey(M::DumpJITInfoOnShutdown) |
| .Define("-XX:IgnoreMaxFootprint") |
| .IntoKey(M::IgnoreMaxFootprint) |
| .Define("-XX:LowMemoryMode") |
| .IntoKey(M::LowMemoryMode) |
| .Define("-XX:UseTLAB") |
| .WithValue(true) |
| .IntoKey(M::UseTLAB) |
| .Define({"-XX:EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM", "-XX:DisableHSpaceCompactForOOM"}) |
| .WithValues({true, false}) |
| .IntoKey(M::EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM) |
| .Define("-XX:DumpNativeStackOnSigQuit:_") |
| .WithType<bool>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"false", false}, {"true", true}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::DumpNativeStackOnSigQuit) |
| .Define("-XX:MadviseRandomAccess:_") |
| .WithType<bool>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"false", false}, {"true", true}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::MadviseRandomAccess) |
| .Define("-Xusejit:_") |
| .WithType<bool>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"false", false}, {"true", true}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::UseJitCompilation) |
| .Define("-Xjitinitialsize:_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITCodeCacheInitialCapacity) |
| .Define("-Xjitmaxsize:_") |
| .WithType<MemoryKiB>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITCodeCacheMaxCapacity) |
| .Define("-Xjitthreshold:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITCompileThreshold) |
| .Define("-Xjitwarmupthreshold:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITWarmupThreshold) |
| .Define("-Xjitosrthreshold:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITOsrThreshold) |
| .Define("-Xjitprithreadweight:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITPriorityThreadWeight) |
| .Define("-Xjittransitionweight:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JITInvokeTransitionWeight) |
| .Define("-Xjitsaveprofilinginfo") |
| .WithType<ProfileSaverOptions>() |
| .AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::ProfileSaverOpts) |
| .Define("-Xps-_") // profile saver options -Xps-<key>:<value> |
| .WithType<ProfileSaverOptions>() |
| .AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::ProfileSaverOpts) // NOTE: Appends into same key as -Xjitsaveprofilinginfo |
| .Define("-XX:HspaceCompactForOOMMinIntervalMs=_") // in ms |
| .WithType<MillisecondsToNanoseconds>() // store as ns |
| .IntoKey(M::HSpaceCompactForOOMMinIntervalsMs) |
| .Define("-D_") |
| .WithType<std::vector<std::string>>().AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::PropertiesList) |
| .Define("-Xjnitrace:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::JniTrace) |
| .Define("-Xpatchoat:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::PatchOat) |
| .Define({"-Xrelocate", "-Xnorelocate"}) |
| .WithValues({true, false}) |
| .IntoKey(M::Relocate) |
| .Define({"-Xdex2oat", "-Xnodex2oat"}) |
| .WithValues({true, false}) |
| .IntoKey(M::Dex2Oat) |
| .Define({"-Ximage-dex2oat", "-Xnoimage-dex2oat"}) |
| .WithValues({true, false}) |
| .IntoKey(M::ImageDex2Oat) |
| .Define("-Xint") |
| .WithValue(true) |
| .IntoKey(M::Interpret) |
| .Define("-Xgc:_") |
| .WithType<XGcOption>() |
| .IntoKey(M::GcOption) |
| .Define("-XX:LargeObjectSpace=_") |
| .WithType<gc::space::LargeObjectSpaceType>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"disabled", gc::space::LargeObjectSpaceType::kDisabled}, |
| {"freelist", gc::space::LargeObjectSpaceType::kFreeList}, |
| {"map", gc::space::LargeObjectSpaceType::kMap}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::LargeObjectSpace) |
| .Define("-XX:LargeObjectThreshold=_") |
| .WithType<Memory<1>>() |
| .IntoKey(M::LargeObjectThreshold) |
| .Define("-XX:BackgroundGC=_") |
| .WithType<BackgroundGcOption>() |
| .IntoKey(M::BackgroundGc) |
| .Define("-XX:+DisableExplicitGC") |
| .IntoKey(M::DisableExplicitGC) |
| .Define("-verbose:_") |
| .WithType<LogVerbosity>() |
| .IntoKey(M::Verbose) |
| .Define("-Xlockprofthreshold:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::LockProfThreshold) |
| .Define("-Xstackdumplockprofthreshold:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::StackDumpLockProfThreshold) |
| .Define("-Xusetombstonedtraces") |
| .WithValue(true) |
| .IntoKey(M::UseTombstonedTraces) |
| .Define("-Xstacktracefile:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::StackTraceFile) |
| .Define("-Xmethod-trace") |
| .IntoKey(M::MethodTrace) |
| .Define("-Xmethod-trace-file:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::MethodTraceFile) |
| .Define("-Xmethod-trace-file-size:_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::MethodTraceFileSize) |
| .Define("-Xmethod-trace-stream") |
| .IntoKey(M::MethodTraceStreaming) |
| .Define("-Xprofile:_") |
| .WithType<TraceClockSource>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"threadcpuclock", TraceClockSource::kThreadCpu}, |
| {"wallclock", TraceClockSource::kWall}, |
| {"dualclock", TraceClockSource::kDual}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::ProfileClock) |
| .Define("-Xcompiler:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::Compiler) |
| .Define("-Xcompiler-option _") |
| .WithType<std::vector<std::string>>() |
| .AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::CompilerOptions) |
| .Define("-Ximage-compiler-option _") |
| .WithType<std::vector<std::string>>() |
| .AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::ImageCompilerOptions) |
| .Define("-Xverify:_") |
| .WithType<verifier::VerifyMode>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"none", verifier::VerifyMode::kNone}, |
| {"remote", verifier::VerifyMode::kEnable}, |
| {"all", verifier::VerifyMode::kEnable}, |
| {"softfail", verifier::VerifyMode::kSoftFail}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::Verify) |
| .Define("-XX:NativeBridge=_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::NativeBridge) |
| .Define("-Xzygote-max-boot-retry=_") |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::ZygoteMaxFailedBoots) |
| .Define("-Xno-dex-file-fallback") |
| .IntoKey(M::NoDexFileFallback) |
| .Define("-Xno-sig-chain") |
| .IntoKey(M::NoSigChain) |
| .Define("--cpu-abilist=_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::CpuAbiList) |
| .Define("-Xfingerprint:_") |
| .WithType<std::string>() |
| .IntoKey(M::Fingerprint) |
| .Define("-Xexperimental:_") |
| .WithType<ExperimentalFlags>() |
| .AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::Experimental) |
| .Define("-Xforce-nb-testing") |
| .IntoKey(M::ForceNativeBridge) |
| .Define("-Xplugin:_") |
| .WithType<std::vector<Plugin>>().AppendValues() |
| .IntoKey(M::Plugins) |
| .Define("-XX:ThreadSuspendTimeout=_") // in ms |
| .WithType<MillisecondsToNanoseconds>() // store as ns |
| .IntoKey(M::ThreadSuspendTimeout) |
| .Define("-XX:GlobalRefAllocStackTraceLimit=_") // Number of free slots to enable tracing. |
| .WithType<unsigned int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::GlobalRefAllocStackTraceLimit) |
| .Define("-XX:SlowDebug=_") |
| .WithType<bool>() |
| .WithValueMap({{"false", false}, {"true", true}}) |
| .IntoKey(M::SlowDebug) |
| .Define("-Xtarget-sdk-version:_") |
| .WithType<int>() |
| .IntoKey(M::TargetSdkVersion) |
| .Define("-Xno-hidden-api-checks") |
| .IntoKey(M::NoHiddenApiChecks) |
| .Define("-Xuse-stderr-logger") |
| .IntoKey(M::UseStderrLogger) |
| .Ignore({ |
| "-ea", "-da", "-enableassertions", "-disableassertions", "--runtime-arg", "-esa", |
| "-dsa", "-enablesystemassertions", "-disablesystemassertions", "-Xrs", "-Xint:_", |
| "-Xdexopt:_", "-Xnoquithandler", "-Xjnigreflimit:_", "-Xgenregmap", "-Xnogenregmap", |
| "-Xverifyopt:_", "-Xcheckdexsum", "-Xincludeselectedop", "-Xjitop:_", |
| "-Xincludeselectedmethod", "-Xjitthreshold:_", |
| "-Xjitblocking", "-Xjitmethod:_", "-Xjitclass:_", "-Xjitoffset:_", |
| "-Xjitconfig:_", "-Xjitcheckcg", "-Xjitverbose", "-Xjitprofile", |
| "-Xjitdisableopt", "-Xjitsuspendpoll", "-XX:mainThreadStackSize=_"}) |
| .IgnoreUnrecognized(ignore_unrecognized); |
| |
| // TODO: Move Usage information into this DSL. |
| |
| return std::unique_ptr<RuntimeParser>(new RuntimeParser(parser_builder->Build())); |
| } |
| |
| #pragma GCC diagnostic pop |
| |
| // Remove all the special options that have something in the void* part of the option. |
| // If runtime_options is not null, put the options in there. |
| // As a side-effect, populate the hooks from options. |
| bool ParsedOptions::ProcessSpecialOptions(const RuntimeOptions& options, |
| RuntimeArgumentMap* runtime_options, |
| std::vector<std::string>* out_options) { |
| using M = RuntimeArgumentMap; |
| |
| // TODO: Move the below loop into JNI |
| // Handle special options that set up hooks |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i) { |
| const std::string option(options[i].first); |
| // TODO: support -Djava.class.path |
| if (option == "bootclasspath") { |
| auto boot_class_path = static_cast<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>>*>( |
| const_cast<void*>(options[i].second)); |
| |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::BootClassPathDexList, boot_class_path); |
| } |
| } else if (option == "compilercallbacks") { |
| CompilerCallbacks* compiler_callbacks = |
| reinterpret_cast<CompilerCallbacks*>(const_cast<void*>(options[i].second)); |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::CompilerCallbacksPtr, compiler_callbacks); |
| } |
| } else if (option == "imageinstructionset") { |
| const char* isa_str = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(options[i].second); |
| auto&& image_isa = GetInstructionSetFromString(isa_str); |
| if (image_isa == InstructionSet::kNone) { |
| Usage("%s is not a valid instruction set.", isa_str); |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::ImageInstructionSet, image_isa); |
| } |
| } else if (option == "sensitiveThread") { |
| const void* hook = options[i].second; |
| bool (*hook_is_sensitive_thread)() = reinterpret_cast<bool (*)()>(const_cast<void*>(hook)); |
| |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::HookIsSensitiveThread, hook_is_sensitive_thread); |
| } |
| } else if (option == "vfprintf") { |
| const void* hook = options[i].second; |
| if (hook == nullptr) { |
| Usage("vfprintf argument was nullptr"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| int (*hook_vfprintf)(FILE *, const char*, va_list) = |
| reinterpret_cast<int (*)(FILE *, const char*, va_list)>(const_cast<void*>(hook)); |
| |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::HookVfprintf, hook_vfprintf); |
| } |
| hook_vfprintf_ = hook_vfprintf; |
| } else if (option == "exit") { |
| const void* hook = options[i].second; |
| if (hook == nullptr) { |
| Usage("exit argument was nullptr"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| void(*hook_exit)(jint) = reinterpret_cast<void(*)(jint)>(const_cast<void*>(hook)); |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::HookExit, hook_exit); |
| } |
| hook_exit_ = hook_exit; |
| } else if (option == "abort") { |
| const void* hook = options[i].second; |
| if (hook == nullptr) { |
| Usage("abort was nullptr\n"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| void(*hook_abort)() = reinterpret_cast<void(*)()>(const_cast<void*>(hook)); |
| if (runtime_options != nullptr) { |
| runtime_options->Set(M::HookAbort, hook_abort); |
| } |
| hook_abort_ = hook_abort; |
| } else { |
| // It is a regular option, that doesn't have a known 'second' value. |
| // Push it on to the regular options which will be parsed by our parser. |
| if (out_options != nullptr) { |
| out_options->push_back(option); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| // Intended for local changes only. |
| static void MaybeOverrideVerbosity() { |
| // gLogVerbosity.class_linker = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.collector = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.compiler = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.deopt = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.gc = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.heap = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.jdwp = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.jit = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.jni = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.monitor = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.oat = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.profiler = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.signals = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.simulator = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.startup = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.third_party_jni = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.threads = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| // gLogVerbosity.verifier = true; // TODO: don't check this in! |
| } |
| |
| bool ParsedOptions::DoParse(const RuntimeOptions& options, |
| bool ignore_unrecognized, |
| RuntimeArgumentMap* runtime_options) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i) { |
| if (true && options[0].first == "-Xzygote") { |
| LOG(INFO) << "option[" << i << "]=" << options[i].first; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto parser = MakeParser(ignore_unrecognized); |
| |
| // Convert to a simple string list (without the magic pointer options) |
| std::vector<std::string> argv_list; |
| if (!ProcessSpecialOptions(options, nullptr, &argv_list)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| CmdlineResult parse_result = parser->Parse(argv_list); |
| |
| // Handle parse errors by displaying the usage and potentially exiting. |
| if (parse_result.IsError()) { |
| if (parse_result.GetStatus() == CmdlineResult::kUsage) { |
| UsageMessage(stdout, "%s\n", parse_result.GetMessage().c_str()); |
| Exit(0); |
| } else if (parse_result.GetStatus() == CmdlineResult::kUnknown && !ignore_unrecognized) { |
| Usage("%s\n", parse_result.GetMessage().c_str()); |
| return false; |
| } else { |
| Usage("%s\n", parse_result.GetMessage().c_str()); |
| Exit(0); |
| } |
| |
| } |
| |
| using M = RuntimeArgumentMap; |
| RuntimeArgumentMap args = parser->ReleaseArgumentsMap(); |
| |
| // -help, -showversion, etc. |
| if (args.Exists(M::Help)) { |
| Usage(nullptr); |
| return false; |
| } else if (args.Exists(M::ShowVersion)) { |
| UsageMessage(stdout, |
| "ART version %s %s\n", |
| Runtime::GetVersion(), |
| GetInstructionSetString(kRuntimeISA)); |
| Exit(0); |
| } else if (args.Exists(M::BootClassPath)) { |
| LOG(INFO) << "setting boot class path to " << *args.Get(M::BootClassPath); |
| } |
| |
| if (args.GetOrDefault(M::UseJitCompilation) && args.GetOrDefault(M::Interpret)) { |
| Usage("-Xusejit:true and -Xint cannot be specified together"); |
| Exit(0); |
| } |
| |
| // Set a default boot class path if we didn't get an explicit one via command line. |
| if (getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH") != nullptr) { |
| args.SetIfMissing(M::BootClassPath, std::string(getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH"))); |
| } |
| |
| // Set a default class path if we didn't get an explicit one via command line. |
| if (getenv("CLASSPATH") != nullptr) { |
| args.SetIfMissing(M::ClassPath, std::string(getenv("CLASSPATH"))); |
| } |
| |
| // Default to number of processors minus one since the main GC thread also does work. |
| args.SetIfMissing(M::ParallelGCThreads, gc::Heap::kDefaultEnableParallelGC ? |
| static_cast<unsigned int>(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF) - 1u) : 0u); |
| |
| // -verbose: |
| { |
| LogVerbosity *log_verbosity = args.Get(M::Verbose); |
| if (log_verbosity != nullptr) { |
| gLogVerbosity = *log_verbosity; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| MaybeOverrideVerbosity(); |
| |
| SetRuntimeDebugFlagsEnabled(args.Get(M::SlowDebug)); |
| |
| // -Xprofile: |
| Trace::SetDefaultClockSource(args.GetOrDefault(M::ProfileClock)); |
| |
| if (!ProcessSpecialOptions(options, &args, nullptr)) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| { |
| // If not set, background collector type defaults to homogeneous compaction. |
| // If foreground is GSS, use GSS as background collector. |
| // If not low memory mode, semispace otherwise. |
| |
| gc::CollectorType background_collector_type_; |
| gc::CollectorType collector_type_ = (XGcOption{}).collector_type_; |
| bool low_memory_mode_ = args.Exists(M::LowMemoryMode); |
| |
| background_collector_type_ = args.GetOrDefault(M::BackgroundGc); |
| { |
| XGcOption* xgc = args.Get(M::GcOption); |
| if (xgc != nullptr && xgc->collector_type_ != gc::kCollectorTypeNone) { |
| collector_type_ = xgc->collector_type_; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (background_collector_type_ == gc::kCollectorTypeNone) { |
| if (collector_type_ != gc::kCollectorTypeGSS) { |
| background_collector_type_ = low_memory_mode_ ? |
| gc::kCollectorTypeSS : gc::kCollectorTypeHomogeneousSpaceCompact; |
| } else { |
| background_collector_type_ = collector_type_; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| args.Set(M::BackgroundGc, BackgroundGcOption { background_collector_type_ }); |
| } |
| |
| // If a reference to the dalvik core.jar snuck in, replace it with |
| // the art specific version. This can happen with on device |
| // boot.art/boot.oat generation by GenerateImage which relies on the |
| // value of BOOTCLASSPATH. |
| #if defined(ART_TARGET) |
| std::string core_jar("/core.jar"); |
| std::string core_libart_jar("/core-libart.jar"); |
| #else |
| // The host uses hostdex files. |
| std::string core_jar("/core-hostdex.jar"); |
| std::string core_libart_jar("/core-libart-hostdex.jar"); |
| #endif |
| auto boot_class_path_string = args.GetOrDefault(M::BootClassPath); |
| |
| size_t core_jar_pos = boot_class_path_string.find(core_jar); |
| if (core_jar_pos != std::string::npos) { |
| boot_class_path_string.replace(core_jar_pos, core_jar.size(), core_libart_jar); |
| args.Set(M::BootClassPath, boot_class_path_string); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| auto&& boot_class_path = args.GetOrDefault(M::BootClassPath); |
| auto&& boot_class_path_locations = args.GetOrDefault(M::BootClassPathLocations); |
| if (args.Exists(M::BootClassPathLocations)) { |
| size_t boot_class_path_count = ParseStringList<':'>::Split(boot_class_path).Size(); |
| |
| if (boot_class_path_count != boot_class_path_locations.Size()) { |
| Usage("The number of boot class path files does not match" |
| " the number of boot class path locations given\n" |
| " boot class path files (%zu): %s\n" |
| " boot class path locations (%zu): %s\n", |
| boot_class_path.size(), boot_class_path_string.c_str(), |
| boot_class_path_locations.Size(), boot_class_path_locations.Join().c_str()); |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!args.Exists(M::CompilerCallbacksPtr) && !args.Exists(M::Image)) { |
| std::string image = GetAndroidRoot(); |
| image += "/framework/boot.art"; |
| args.Set(M::Image, image); |
| } |
| |
| // 0 means no growth limit, and growth limit should be always <= heap size |
| if (args.GetOrDefault(M::HeapGrowthLimit) <= 0u || |
| args.GetOrDefault(M::HeapGrowthLimit) > args.GetOrDefault(M::MemoryMaximumSize)) { |
| args.Set(M::HeapGrowthLimit, args.GetOrDefault(M::MemoryMaximumSize)); |
| } |
| |
| *runtime_options = std::move(args); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void ParsedOptions::Exit(int status) { |
| hook_exit_(status); |
| } |
| |
| void ParsedOptions::Abort() { |
| hook_abort_(); |
| } |
| |
| void ParsedOptions::UsageMessageV(FILE* stream, const char* fmt, va_list ap) { |
| hook_vfprintf_(stream, fmt, ap); |
| } |
| |
| void ParsedOptions::UsageMessage(FILE* stream, const char* fmt, ...) { |
| va_list ap; |
| va_start(ap, fmt); |
| UsageMessageV(stream, fmt, ap); |
| va_end(ap); |
| } |
| |
| void ParsedOptions::Usage(const char* fmt, ...) { |
| bool error = (fmt != nullptr); |
| FILE* stream = error ? stderr : stdout; |
| |
| if (fmt != nullptr) { |
| va_list ap; |
| va_start(ap, fmt); |
| UsageMessageV(stream, fmt, ap); |
| va_end(ap); |
| } |
| |
| const char* program = "dalvikvm"; |
| UsageMessage(stream, "%s: [options] class [argument ...]\n", program); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "The following standard options are supported:\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -classpath classpath (-cp classpath)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Dproperty=value\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -verbose:tag ('gc', 'jit', 'jni', or 'class')\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -showversion\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -help\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -agentlib:jdwp=options\n"); |
| // TODO add back in once -agentlib actually does something. |
| // UsageMessage(stream, " -agentlib:library=options (Experimental feature, " |
| // "requires -Xexperimental:agent, some features might not be supported)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -agentpath:library_path=options (Experimental feature, " |
| "requires -Xexperimental:agent, some features might not be supported)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "\n"); |
| |
| UsageMessage(stream, "The following extended options are supported:\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xrunjdwp:<options>\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xbootclasspath:bootclasspath\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xcheck:tag (e.g. 'jni')\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XmsN (min heap, must be multiple of 1K, >= 1MB)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XmxN (max heap, must be multiple of 1K, >= 2MB)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XssN (stack size)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xint\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "\n"); |
| |
| UsageMessage(stream, "The following Dalvik options are supported:\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xzygote\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjnitrace:substring (eg NativeClass or nativeMethod)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xstacktracefile:<filename>\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]preverify\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]postverify\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:HeapGrowthLimit=N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:HeapMinFree=N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:HeapMaxFree=N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:NonMovingSpaceCapacity=N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:HeapTargetUtilization=doublevalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier=doublevalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:LowMemoryMode\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xprofile:{threadcpuclock,wallclock,dualclock}\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitthreshold:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "\n"); |
| |
| UsageMessage(stream, "The following unique to ART options are supported:\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]preverify_rosalloc\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]postsweepingverify_rosalloc\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]postverify_rosalloc\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]presweepingverify\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Ximage:filename\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xbootclasspath-locations:bootclasspath\n" |
| " (override the dex locations of the -Xbootclasspath files)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:+DisableExplicitGC\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:ParallelGCThreads=integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:ConcGCThreads=integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:MaxSpinsBeforeThinLockInflation=integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:LongPauseLogThreshold=integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:LongGCLogThreshold=integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:ThreadSuspendTimeout=integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:DumpGCPerformanceOnShutdown\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:DumpJITInfoOnShutdown\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:IgnoreMaxFootprint\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:UseTLAB\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:BackgroundGC=none\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:LargeObjectSpace={disabled,map,freelist}\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:LargeObjectThreshold=N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:DumpNativeStackOnSigQuit=booleanvalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:MadviseRandomAccess:booleanvalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:SlowDebug={false,true}\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xmethod-trace\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xmethod-trace-file:filename"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xmethod-trace-file-size:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-min-save-period-ms:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-save-resolved-classes-delay-ms:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-hot-startup-method-samples:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-min-methods-to-save:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-min-classes-to-save:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-min-notification-before-wake:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-max-notification-before-wake:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xps-profile-path:file-path\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xcompiler:filename\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xcompiler-option dex2oat-option\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Ximage-compiler-option dex2oat-option\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xpatchoat:filename\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xusejit:booleanvalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitinitialsize:N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitmaxsize:N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitwarmupthreshold:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitosrthreshold:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitprithreadweight:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -X[no]relocate\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -X[no]dex2oat (Whether to invoke dex2oat on the application)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -X[no]image-dex2oat (Whether to create and use a boot image)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xno-dex-file-fallback " |
| "(Don't fall back to dex files without oat files)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xplugin:<library.so> " |
| "(Load a runtime plugin, requires -Xexperimental:runtime-plugins)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xexperimental:runtime-plugins" |
| "(Enable new and experimental agent support)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xexperimental:agents" |
| "(Enable new and experimental agent support)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "\n"); |
| |
| UsageMessage(stream, "The following previously supported Dalvik options are ignored:\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -ea[:<package name>... |:<class name>]\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -da[:<package name>... |:<class name>]\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " (-enableassertions, -disableassertions)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -esa\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -dsa\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " (-enablesystemassertions, -disablesystemassertions)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xverify:{none,remote,all,softfail}\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xrs\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xint:portable, -Xint:fast, -Xint:jit\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xdexopt:{none,verified,all,full}\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xnoquithandler\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjniopts:{warnonly,forcecopy}\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjnigreflimit:integervalue\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]precise\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xgc:[no]verifycardtable\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -X[no]genregmap\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xverifyopt:[no]checkmon\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xcheckdexsum\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xincludeselectedop\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitop:hexopvalue[-endvalue][,hexopvalue[-endvalue]]*\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xincludeselectedmethod\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitblocking\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitmethod:signature[,signature]* (eg Ljava/lang/String\\;replace)\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitclass:classname[,classname]*\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitcodecachesize:N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitoffset:offset[,offset]\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitconfig:filename\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitcheckcg\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitverbose\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitprofile\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitdisableopt\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -Xjitsuspendpoll\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, " -XX:mainThreadStackSize=N\n"); |
| UsageMessage(stream, "\n"); |
| |
| Exit((error) ? 1 : 0); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace art |