| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License |
| */ |
| |
| package com.android.server.art; |
| |
| import static android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream; |
| |
| import static com.android.server.art.DexUseManagerLocal.SecondaryDexInfo; |
| import static com.android.server.art.model.DexoptStatus.DexContainerFileDexoptStatus; |
| import static com.android.server.art.testing.TestingUtils.deepEq; |
| import static com.android.server.art.testing.TestingUtils.inAnyOrder; |
| import static com.android.server.art.testing.TestingUtils.inAnyOrderDeepEquals; |
| |
| import static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat; |
| |
| import static org.mockito.AdditionalMatchers.not; |
| import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyString; |
| import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.eq; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.any; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyBoolean; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyInt; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.anyLong; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.argThat; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.isNull; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.lenient; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.never; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.same; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions; |
| import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; |
| |
| import android.apphibernation.AppHibernationManager; |
| import android.os.CancellationSignal; |
| import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; |
| import android.os.Process; |
| import android.os.ServiceSpecificException; |
| import android.os.SystemProperties; |
| import android.os.UserHandle; |
| import android.os.UserManager; |
| import android.os.storage.StorageManager; |
| |
| import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest; |
| |
| import com.android.modules.utils.pm.PackageStateModulesUtils; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.Config; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DeleteResult; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DexoptParams; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DexoptResult; |
| import com.android.server.art.model.DexoptStatus; |
| import com.android.server.art.testing.StaticMockitoRule; |
| import com.android.server.art.testing.TestingUtils; |
| import com.android.server.pm.PackageManagerLocal; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.AndroidPackage; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.AndroidPackageSplit; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageState; |
| import com.android.server.pm.pkg.PackageUserState; |
| |
| import org.junit.Before; |
| import org.junit.Rule; |
| import org.junit.Test; |
| import org.junit.runner.RunWith; |
| import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; |
| import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter; |
| import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; |
| import org.mockito.Mock; |
| |
| import java.io.File; |
| import java.io.FileWriter; |
| import java.io.IOException; |
| import java.io.InputStream; |
| import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; |
| import java.util.List; |
| import java.util.Set; |
| import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool; |
| import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; |
| import java.util.function.Consumer; |
| import java.util.stream.Collectors; |
| |
| @SmallTest |
| @RunWith(Parameterized.class) |
| public class ArtManagerLocalTest { |
| private static final String PKG_NAME = "com.example.foo"; |
| private static final String PKG_NAME_SYS_UI = "com.android.systemui"; |
| private static final String PKG_NAME_HIBERNATING = "com.example.hibernating"; |
| private static final int INACTIVE_DAYS = 1; |
| private static final long CURRENT_TIME_MS = 10000000000l; |
| private static final long RECENT_TIME_MS = |
| CURRENT_TIME_MS - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(INACTIVE_DAYS) + 1; |
| private static final long NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS = |
| CURRENT_TIME_MS - TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(INACTIVE_DAYS) - 1; |
| |
| @Rule |
| public StaticMockitoRule mockitoRule = new StaticMockitoRule( |
| SystemProperties.class, Constants.class, PackageStateModulesUtils.class); |
| |
| @Mock private ArtManagerLocal.Injector mInjector; |
| @Mock private PackageManagerLocal mPackageManagerLocal; |
| @Mock private PackageManagerLocal.FilteredSnapshot mSnapshot; |
| @Mock private IArtd mArtd; |
| @Mock private DexoptHelper mDexoptHelper; |
| @Mock private AppHibernationManager mAppHibernationManager; |
| @Mock private UserManager mUserManager; |
| @Mock private DexUseManagerLocal mDexUseManager; |
| @Mock private StorageManager mStorageManager; |
| private PackageState mPkgState; |
| private AndroidPackage mPkg; |
| private Config mConfig; |
| |
| // True if the primary dex'es are in a readonly partition. |
| @Parameter(0) public boolean mIsInReadonlyPartition; |
| |
| private ArtManagerLocal mArtManagerLocal; |
| |
| @Parameters(name = "isInReadonlyPartition={0}") |
| public static Iterable<? extends Object> data() { |
| return List.of(false, true); |
| } |
| |
| @Before |
| public void setUp() throws Exception { |
| mConfig = new Config(); |
| |
| // Use `lenient()` to suppress `UnnecessaryStubbingException` thrown by the strict stubs. |
| // These are the default test setups. They may or may not be used depending on the code path |
| // that each test case examines. |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getPackageManagerLocal()).thenReturn(mPackageManagerLocal); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getArtd()).thenReturn(mArtd); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getDexoptHelper()).thenReturn(mDexoptHelper); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getConfig()).thenReturn(mConfig); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getAppHibernationManager()).thenReturn(mAppHibernationManager); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getUserManager()).thenReturn(mUserManager); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.isSystemUiPackage(any())).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.isSystemUiPackage(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI)).thenReturn(true); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getDexUseManager()).thenReturn(mDexUseManager); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getCurrentTimeMillis()).thenReturn(CURRENT_TIME_MS); |
| lenient().when(mInjector.getStorageManager()).thenReturn(mStorageManager); |
| |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get(eq("pm.dexopt.install"))).thenReturn("speed-profile"); |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get(eq("pm.dexopt.bg-dexopt"))).thenReturn("speed-profile"); |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get(eq("pm.dexopt.first-boot"))).thenReturn("verify"); |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.get(eq("pm.dexopt.boot-after-mainline-update"))) |
| .thenReturn("verify"); |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get(eq("pm.dexopt.inactive"))).thenReturn("verify"); |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.getInt(eq("pm.dexopt.bg-dexopt.concurrency"), anyInt())) |
| .thenReturn(3); |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.getInt( |
| eq("pm.dexopt.boot-after-mainline-update.concurrency"), anyInt())) |
| .thenReturn(3); |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.getInt(eq("pm.dexopt.inactive.concurrency"), anyInt())) |
| .thenReturn(3); |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.getInt( |
| eq("pm.dexopt.downgrade_after_inactive_days"), anyInt())) |
| .thenReturn(INACTIVE_DAYS); |
| |
| // No ISA translation. |
| lenient() |
| .when(SystemProperties.get(argThat(arg -> arg.startsWith("ro.dalvik.vm.isa.")))) |
| .thenReturn(""); |
| |
| lenient().when(Constants.getPreferredAbi()).thenReturn("arm64-v8a"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getNative64BitAbi()).thenReturn("arm64-v8a"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getNative32BitAbi()).thenReturn("armeabi-v7a"); |
| |
| lenient().when(mAppHibernationManager.isHibernatingGlobally(any())).thenReturn(false); |
| lenient().when(mAppHibernationManager.isOatArtifactDeletionEnabled()).thenReturn(true); |
| |
| lenient() |
| .when(mUserManager.getUserHandles(anyBoolean())) |
| .thenReturn(List.of(UserHandle.of(0), UserHandle.of(1))); |
| |
| // All packages are by default recently used. |
| lenient().when(mDexUseManager.getPackageLastUsedAtMs(any())).thenReturn(RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| List<? extends SecondaryDexInfo> secondaryDexInfo = createSecondaryDexInfo(); |
| lenient().doReturn(secondaryDexInfo).when(mDexUseManager).getSecondaryDexInfo(eq(PKG_NAME)); |
| |
| simulateStorageNotLow(); |
| |
| lenient().when(mPackageManagerLocal.withFilteredSnapshot()).thenReturn(mSnapshot); |
| List<PackageState> pkgStates = createPackageStates(); |
| for (PackageState pkgState : pkgStates) { |
| lenient() |
| .when(mSnapshot.getPackageState(pkgState.getPackageName())) |
| .thenReturn(pkgState); |
| } |
| var packageStateMap = pkgStates.stream().collect( |
| Collectors.toMap(PackageState::getPackageName, it -> it)); |
| lenient().when(mSnapshot.getPackageStates()).thenReturn(packageStateMap); |
| mPkgState = mSnapshot.getPackageState(PKG_NAME); |
| mPkg = mPkgState.getAndroidPackage(); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal = new ArtManagerLocal(mInjector); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testdeleteDexoptArtifacts() throws Exception { |
| when(mArtd.deleteArtifacts(any())).thenReturn(1l); |
| |
| DeleteResult result = mArtManagerLocal.deleteDexoptArtifacts(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| assertThat(result.getFreedBytes()).isEqualTo(5); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/base.apk", "arm64", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/base.apk", "arm", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "arm64", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "arm", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/user/0/foo/1.apk", "arm64", false /* isInDalvikCache */))); |
| verifyNoMoreInteractions(mArtd); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testdeleteDexoptArtifactsTranslatedIsas() throws Exception { |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get("ro.dalvik.vm.isa.arm64")).thenReturn("x86_64"); |
| lenient().when(SystemProperties.get("ro.dalvik.vm.isa.arm")).thenReturn("x86"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getPreferredAbi()).thenReturn("x86_64"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getNative64BitAbi()).thenReturn("x86_64"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getNative32BitAbi()).thenReturn("x86"); |
| |
| when(mArtd.deleteArtifacts(any())).thenReturn(1l); |
| |
| DeleteResult result = mArtManagerLocal.deleteDexoptArtifacts(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| assertThat(result.getFreedBytes()).isEqualTo(5); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/base.apk", "x86_64", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/base.apk", "x86", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "x86_64", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "x86", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| // We assume that the ISA got from `DexUseManagerLocal` is already the translated one. |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/user/0/foo/1.apk", "arm64", false /* isInDalvikCache */))); |
| verifyNoMoreInteractions(mArtd); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testdeleteDexoptArtifactsPackageNotFound() throws Exception { |
| when(mSnapshot.getPackageState(anyString())).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.deleteDexoptArtifacts(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testdeleteDexoptArtifactsNoPackage() throws Exception { |
| when(mPkgState.getAndroidPackage()).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.deleteDexoptArtifacts(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetDexoptStatus() throws Exception { |
| doReturn(createGetDexoptStatusResult( |
| "speed", "compilation-reason-0", "location-debug-string-0")) |
| .when(mArtd) |
| .getDexoptStatus("/data/app/foo/base.apk", "arm64", "PCL[]"); |
| doReturn(createGetDexoptStatusResult( |
| "speed-profile", "compilation-reason-1", "location-debug-string-1")) |
| .when(mArtd) |
| .getDexoptStatus("/data/app/foo/base.apk", "arm", "PCL[]"); |
| doReturn(createGetDexoptStatusResult( |
| "verify", "compilation-reason-2", "location-debug-string-2")) |
| .when(mArtd) |
| .getDexoptStatus("/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "arm64", "PCL[base.apk]"); |
| doReturn(createGetDexoptStatusResult( |
| "extract", "compilation-reason-3", "location-debug-string-3")) |
| .when(mArtd) |
| .getDexoptStatus("/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "arm", "PCL[base.apk]"); |
| doReturn(createGetDexoptStatusResult("run-from-apk", "unknown", "unknown")) |
| .when(mArtd) |
| .getDexoptStatus("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk", "arm64", "CLC"); |
| |
| DexoptStatus result = mArtManagerLocal.getDexoptStatus(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| |
| assertThat(result.getDexContainerFileDexoptStatuses()) |
| .comparingElementsUsing(TestingUtils.<DexContainerFileDexoptStatus>deepEquality()) |
| .containsExactly( |
| DexContainerFileDexoptStatus.create("/data/app/foo/base.apk", |
| true /* isPrimaryDex */, true /* isPrimaryAbi */, "arm64-v8a", |
| "speed", "compilation-reason-0", "location-debug-string-0"), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptStatus.create("/data/app/foo/base.apk", |
| true /* isPrimaryDex */, false /* isPrimaryAbi */, "armeabi-v7a", |
| "speed-profile", "compilation-reason-1", "location-debug-string-1"), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptStatus.create("/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", |
| true /* isPrimaryDex */, true /* isPrimaryAbi */, "arm64-v8a", |
| "verify", "compilation-reason-2", "location-debug-string-2"), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptStatus.create("/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", |
| true /* isPrimaryDex */, false /* isPrimaryAbi */, "armeabi-v7a", |
| "extract", "compilation-reason-3", "location-debug-string-3"), |
| DexContainerFileDexoptStatus.create("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk", |
| false /* isPrimaryDex */, true /* isPrimaryAbi */, "arm64-v8a", |
| "run-from-apk", "unknown", "unknown")); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testGetDexoptStatusPackageNotFound() throws Exception { |
| when(mSnapshot.getPackageState(anyString())).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.getDexoptStatus(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testGetDexoptStatusNoPackage() throws Exception { |
| when(mPkgState.getAndroidPackage()).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.getDexoptStatus(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testGetDexoptStatusNonFatalError() throws Exception { |
| when(mArtd.getDexoptStatus(any(), any(), any())) |
| .thenThrow(new ServiceSpecificException(1 /* errorCode */, "some error message")); |
| |
| DexoptStatus result = mArtManagerLocal.getDexoptStatus(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| |
| List<DexContainerFileDexoptStatus> statuses = result.getDexContainerFileDexoptStatuses(); |
| assertThat(statuses.size()).isEqualTo(5); |
| |
| for (DexContainerFileDexoptStatus status : statuses) { |
| assertThat(status.getCompilerFilter()).isEqualTo("error"); |
| assertThat(status.getCompilationReason()).isEqualTo("error"); |
| assertThat(status.getLocationDebugString()).isEqualTo("some error message"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testClearAppProfiles() throws Exception { |
| mArtManagerLocal.clearAppProfiles(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef(PKG_NAME, "primary"))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile(deepEq( |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur(0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile(deepEq( |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur(1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"))); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryRef("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk"))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryCur("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk"))); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testClearAppProfilesPackageNotFound() throws Exception { |
| when(mSnapshot.getPackageState(anyString())).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.clearAppProfiles(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testClearAppProfilesNoPackage() throws Exception { |
| when(mPkgState.getAndroidPackage()).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.clearAppProfiles(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackage() throws Exception { |
| var params = new DexoptParams.Builder("install").build(); |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| when(mDexoptHelper.dexopt(any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME)), same(params), |
| same(cancellationSignal), any())) |
| .thenReturn(result); |
| |
| assertThat(mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackage(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, params, cancellationSignal)) |
| .isSameInstanceAs(result); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testResetDexoptStatus() throws Exception { |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| when(mDexoptHelper.dexopt( |
| any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME)), any(), same(cancellationSignal), any())) |
| .thenReturn(result); |
| |
| assertThat(mArtManagerLocal.resetDexoptStatus(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, cancellationSignal)) |
| .isSameInstanceAs(result); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef(PKG_NAME, "primary"))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile(deepEq( |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur(0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile(deepEq( |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur(1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"))); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/base.apk", "arm64", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/base.apk", "arm", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "arm64", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/app/foo/split_0.apk", "arm", mIsInReadonlyPartition))); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryRef("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk"))); |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForSecondaryCur("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk"))); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteArtifacts(deepEq(AidlUtils.buildArtifactsPath( |
| "/data/user/0/foo/1.apk", "arm64", false /* isInDalvikCache */))); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackages() throws Exception { |
| var dexoptResult = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| when(mDexUseManager.getPackageLastUsedAtMs(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI)).thenReturn(CURRENT_TIME_MS); |
| simulateStorageLow(); |
| |
| // It should use the default package list and params. The list is sorted by last active |
| // time in descending order. |
| doReturn(dexoptResult) |
| .when(mDexoptHelper) |
| .dexopt(any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI, PKG_NAME)), |
| argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("bg-dexopt")), |
| same(cancellationSignal), any(), any(), any()); |
| |
| assertThat(mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */)) |
| .isSameInstanceAs(dexoptResult); |
| |
| // Nothing to downgrade. |
| verify(mDexoptHelper, never()) |
| .dexopt(any(), any(), argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("inactive")), |
| any(), any(), any(), any()); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackagesRecentlyInstalled() throws Exception { |
| // The package is recently installed but hasn't been used. |
| PackageUserState userState = mPkgState.getStateForUser(UserHandle.of(1)); |
| when(userState.getFirstInstallTimeMillis()).thenReturn(RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| when(mDexUseManager.getPackageLastUsedAtMs(PKG_NAME)).thenReturn(0l); |
| simulateStorageLow(); |
| |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| // PKG_NAME should be dexopted. |
| doReturn(result) |
| .when(mDexoptHelper) |
| .dexopt(any(), inAnyOrder(PKG_NAME, PKG_NAME_SYS_UI), |
| argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("bg-dexopt")), any(), any(), |
| any(), any()); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */); |
| |
| // PKG_NAME should not be downgraded. |
| verify(mDexoptHelper, never()) |
| .dexopt(any(), any(), argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("inactive")), |
| any(), any(), any(), any()); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackagesInactive() throws Exception { |
| // PKG_NAME is neither recently installed nor recently used. |
| PackageUserState userState = mPkgState.getStateForUser(UserHandle.of(1)); |
| when(userState.getFirstInstallTimeMillis()).thenReturn(NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| when(mDexUseManager.getPackageLastUsedAtMs(PKG_NAME)).thenReturn(NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| simulateStorageLow(); |
| |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| // PKG_NAME should not be dexopted. |
| doReturn(result) |
| .when(mDexoptHelper) |
| .dexopt(any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI)), |
| argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("bg-dexopt")), any(), any(), |
| any(), any()); |
| |
| // PKG_NAME should be downgraded. |
| doReturn(result) |
| .when(mDexoptHelper) |
| .dexopt(any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME)), |
| argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("inactive")), any(), any(), |
| any(), any()); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackagesInactiveStorageNotLow() throws Exception { |
| // PKG_NAME is neither recently installed nor recently used. |
| PackageUserState userState = mPkgState.getStateForUser(UserHandle.of(1)); |
| when(userState.getFirstInstallTimeMillis()).thenReturn(NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| when(mDexUseManager.getPackageLastUsedAtMs(PKG_NAME)).thenReturn(NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| // PKG_NAME should not be dexopted. |
| doReturn(result) |
| .when(mDexoptHelper) |
| .dexopt(any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI)), |
| argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("bg-dexopt")), any(), any(), |
| any(), any()); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */); |
| |
| // PKG_NAME should not be downgraded because the storage is not low. |
| verify(mDexoptHelper, never()) |
| .dexopt(any(), any(), argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("inactive")), |
| any(), any(), any(), any()); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackagesBootAfterMainlineUpdate() throws Exception { |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| simulateStorageLow(); |
| |
| // It should only dexopt system UI. |
| when(mDexoptHelper.dexopt( |
| any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI)), any(), any(), any(), any(), any())) |
| .thenReturn(result); |
| |
| assertThat(mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "boot-after-mainline-update", |
| cancellationSignal, null /* processCallbackExecutor */, |
| null /* processCallback */)) |
| .isSameInstanceAs(result); |
| |
| // It should never downgrade apps, even if the storage is low. |
| verify(mDexoptHelper, never()) |
| .dexopt(any(), any(), argThat(params -> params.getReason().equals("inactive")), |
| any(), any(), any(), any()); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackagesOverride() throws Exception { |
| // PKG_NAME is neither recently installed nor recently used. |
| PackageUserState userState = mPkgState.getStateForUser(UserHandle.of(1)); |
| when(userState.getFirstInstallTimeMillis()).thenReturn(NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| when(mDexUseManager.getPackageLastUsedAtMs(PKG_NAME)).thenReturn(NOT_RECENT_TIME_MS); |
| simulateStorageLow(); |
| |
| var params = new DexoptParams.Builder("bg-dexopt").build(); |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.setBatchDexoptStartCallback(ForkJoinPool.commonPool(), |
| (snapshot, reason, defaultPackages, builder, passedSignal) -> { |
| assertThat(reason).isEqualTo("bg-dexopt"); |
| assertThat(defaultPackages).containsExactly(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI); |
| assertThat(passedSignal).isSameInstanceAs(cancellationSignal); |
| builder.setPackages(List.of(PKG_NAME)).setDexoptParams(params); |
| }); |
| |
| // It should use the overridden package list and params. |
| doReturn(result) |
| .when(mDexoptHelper) |
| .dexopt(any(), deepEq(List.of(PKG_NAME)), same(params), any(), any(), any(), any()); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */); |
| |
| // It should not downgrade PKG_NAME because it's in the overridden package list. It should |
| // not downgrade PKG_NAME_SYS_UI either because it's not an inactive package. |
| verify(mDexoptHelper, never()) |
| .dexopt(any(), any(), argThat(params2 -> params2.getReason().equals("inactive")), |
| any(), any(), any(), any()); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDexoptPackagesOverrideCleared() throws Exception { |
| var params = new DexoptParams.Builder("bg-dexopt").build(); |
| var result = mock(DexoptResult.class); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.setBatchDexoptStartCallback(ForkJoinPool.commonPool(), |
| (snapshot, reason, defaultPackages, builder, passedSignal) -> { |
| builder.setPackages(List.of(PKG_NAME)).setDexoptParams(params); |
| }); |
| mArtManagerLocal.clearBatchDexoptStartCallback(); |
| |
| // It should use the default package list and params. |
| when(mDexoptHelper.dexopt(any(), inAnyOrder(PKG_NAME, PKG_NAME_SYS_UI), not(same(params)), |
| same(cancellationSignal), any(), any(), any())) |
| .thenReturn(result); |
| |
| assertThat(mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */)) |
| .isSameInstanceAs(result); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class) |
| public void testDexoptPackagesOverrideReasonChanged() throws Exception { |
| var params = new DexoptParams.Builder("first-boot").build(); |
| var cancellationSignal = new CancellationSignal(); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.setBatchDexoptStartCallback(ForkJoinPool.commonPool(), |
| (snapshot, reason, defaultPackages, builder, passedSignal) -> { |
| builder.setDexoptParams(params); |
| }); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.dexoptPackages(mSnapshot, "bg-dexopt", cancellationSignal, |
| null /* processCallbackExecutor */, null /* processCallback */); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSnapshotAppProfile() throws Exception { |
| var options = new MergeProfileOptions(); |
| options.forceMerge = true; |
| options.forBootImage = false; |
| |
| File tempFile = File.createTempFile("primary", ".prof"); |
| tempFile.deleteOnExit(); |
| |
| when(mArtd.mergeProfiles( |
| deepEq(List.of(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef(PKG_NAME, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"))), |
| isNull(), |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildOutputProfileForPrimary(PKG_NAME, "primary", |
| Process.SYSTEM_UID, Process.SYSTEM_UID, false /* isPublic */)), |
| deepEq(List.of("/data/app/foo/base.apk")), deepEq(options))) |
| .thenAnswer(invocation -> { |
| try (var writer = new FileWriter(tempFile)) { |
| writer.write("snapshot"); |
| } catch (IOException e) { |
| throw new RuntimeException(e); |
| } |
| var output = invocation.<OutputProfile>getArgument(2); |
| output.profilePath.tmpPath = tempFile.getPath(); |
| return true; |
| }); |
| |
| ParcelFileDescriptor fd = |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotAppProfile(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, null /* splitName */); |
| |
| verify(mArtd).deleteProfile( |
| argThat(profile -> profile.getTmpProfilePath().tmpPath.equals(tempFile.getPath()))); |
| |
| try (InputStream inputStream = new AutoCloseInputStream(fd)) { |
| String contents = new String(inputStream.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); |
| assertThat(contents).isEqualTo("snapshot"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSnapshotAppProfileSplit() throws Exception { |
| when(mArtd.mergeProfiles(deepEq(List.of(AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef( |
| PKG_NAME, "split_0.split"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "split_0.split"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "split_0.split"))), |
| isNull(), |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildOutputProfileForPrimary(PKG_NAME, "split_0.split", |
| Process.SYSTEM_UID, Process.SYSTEM_UID, false /* isPublic */)), |
| deepEq(List.of("/data/app/foo/split_0.apk")), any())) |
| .thenReturn(false); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotAppProfile(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, "split_0"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSnapshotAppProfileEmpty() throws Exception { |
| when(mArtd.mergeProfiles(any(), any(), any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(false); |
| |
| ParcelFileDescriptor fd = |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotAppProfile(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, null /* splitName */); |
| |
| verify(mArtd, never()).deleteProfile(any()); |
| |
| try (InputStream inputStream = new AutoCloseInputStream(fd)) { |
| assertThat(inputStream.readAllBytes()).isEmpty(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testSnapshotAppProfilePackageNotFound() throws Exception { |
| when(mSnapshot.getPackageState(anyString())).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotAppProfile(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, null /* splitName */); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testSnapshotAppProfileNoPackage() throws Exception { |
| when(mPkgState.getAndroidPackage()).thenReturn(null); |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotAppProfile(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, null /* splitName */); |
| } |
| |
| @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) |
| public void testSnapshotAppProfileSplitNotFound() throws Exception { |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotAppProfile(mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, "non-existent-split"); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDumpAppProfile() throws Exception { |
| var options = new MergeProfileOptions(); |
| options.dumpOnly = true; |
| |
| when(mArtd.mergeProfiles(any(), isNull(), any(), any(), deepEq(options))) |
| .thenReturn(false); // A non-empty merge is tested in `testSnapshotAppProfile`. |
| |
| ParcelFileDescriptor fd = mArtManagerLocal.dumpAppProfile( |
| mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, null /* splitName */, false /* dumpClassesAndMethods */); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testDumpAppProfileDumpClassesAndMethods() throws Exception { |
| var options = new MergeProfileOptions(); |
| options.dumpClassesAndMethods = true; |
| |
| when(mArtd.mergeProfiles(any(), isNull(), any(), any(), deepEq(options))) |
| .thenReturn(false); // A non-empty merge is tested in `testSnapshotAppProfile`. |
| |
| ParcelFileDescriptor fd = mArtManagerLocal.dumpAppProfile( |
| mSnapshot, PKG_NAME, null /* splitName */, true /* dumpClassesAndMethods */); |
| } |
| |
| @Test |
| public void testSnapshotBootImageProfile() throws Exception { |
| // `lenient()` is required to allow mocking the same method multiple times. |
| lenient().when(Constants.getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH")).thenReturn("bcp0:bcp1"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getenv("SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH")).thenReturn("sscp0:sscp1"); |
| lenient().when(Constants.getenv("STANDALONE_SYSTEMSERVER_JARS")).thenReturn("sssj0:sssj1"); |
| |
| var options = new MergeProfileOptions(); |
| options.forceMerge = true; |
| options.forBootImage = true; |
| |
| when(mArtd.mergeProfiles( |
| inAnyOrderDeepEquals( |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef("android", "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, "android", "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, "android", "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef(PKG_NAME, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef(PKG_NAME, "split_0.split"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "split_0.split"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME, "split_0.split"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef(PKG_NAME_SYS_UI, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME_SYS_UI, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME_SYS_UI, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryRef( |
| PKG_NAME_HIBERNATING, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 0 /* userId */, PKG_NAME_HIBERNATING, "primary"), |
| AidlUtils.buildProfilePathForPrimaryCur( |
| 1 /* userId */, PKG_NAME_HIBERNATING, "primary")), |
| isNull(), |
| deepEq(AidlUtils.buildOutputProfileForPrimary("android", "primary", |
| Process.SYSTEM_UID, Process.SYSTEM_UID, false /* isPublic */)), |
| deepEq(List.of("bcp0", "bcp1", "sscp0", "sscp1", "sssj0", "sssj1")), |
| deepEq(options))) |
| .thenReturn(false); // A non-empty merge is tested in `testSnapshotAppProfile`. |
| |
| mArtManagerLocal.snapshotBootImageProfile(mSnapshot); |
| } |
| |
| private AndroidPackage createPackage(boolean multiSplit) { |
| AndroidPackage pkg = mock(AndroidPackage.class); |
| |
| var baseSplit = mock(AndroidPackageSplit.class); |
| lenient().when(baseSplit.getPath()).thenReturn("/data/app/foo/base.apk"); |
| lenient().when(baseSplit.isHasCode()).thenReturn(true); |
| |
| if (multiSplit) { |
| // split_0 has code while split_1 doesn't. |
| var split0 = mock(AndroidPackageSplit.class); |
| lenient().when(split0.getName()).thenReturn("split_0"); |
| lenient().when(split0.getPath()).thenReturn("/data/app/foo/split_0.apk"); |
| lenient().when(split0.isHasCode()).thenReturn(true); |
| var split1 = mock(AndroidPackageSplit.class); |
| lenient().when(split1.getName()).thenReturn("split_1"); |
| lenient().when(split1.getPath()).thenReturn("/data/app/foo/split_1.apk"); |
| lenient().when(split1.isHasCode()).thenReturn(false); |
| |
| lenient().when(pkg.getSplits()).thenReturn(List.of(baseSplit, split0, split1)); |
| } else { |
| lenient().when(pkg.getSplits()).thenReturn(List.of(baseSplit)); |
| } |
| |
| return pkg; |
| } |
| |
| private PackageUserState createPackageUserState() { |
| PackageUserState pkgUserState = mock(PackageUserState.class); |
| lenient().when(pkgUserState.isInstalled()).thenReturn(true); |
| // All packages are by default pre-installed. |
| lenient().when(pkgUserState.getFirstInstallTimeMillis()).thenReturn(0l); |
| return pkgUserState; |
| } |
| |
| private PackageState createPackageState( |
| String packageName, boolean isDexoptable, boolean multiSplit) { |
| PackageState pkgState = mock(PackageState.class); |
| |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getPackageName()).thenReturn(packageName); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getPrimaryCpuAbi()).thenReturn("arm64-v8a"); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getSecondaryCpuAbi()).thenReturn("armeabi-v7a"); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.isSystem()).thenReturn(mIsInReadonlyPartition); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.isUpdatedSystemApp()).thenReturn(false); |
| |
| AndroidPackage pkg = createPackage(multiSplit); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getAndroidPackage()).thenReturn(pkg); |
| |
| PackageUserState pkgUserState0 = createPackageUserState(); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getStateForUser(UserHandle.of(0))).thenReturn(pkgUserState0); |
| PackageUserState pkgUserState1 = createPackageUserState(); |
| lenient().when(pkgState.getStateForUser(UserHandle.of(1))).thenReturn(pkgUserState1); |
| |
| lenient().when(PackageStateModulesUtils.isDexoptable(pkgState)).thenReturn(isDexoptable); |
| |
| return pkgState; |
| } |
| |
| private List<PackageState> createPackageStates() { |
| PackageState pkgState = |
| createPackageState(PKG_NAME, true /* isDexoptable */, true /* multiSplit */); |
| |
| PackageState sysUiPkgState = createPackageState( |
| PKG_NAME_SYS_UI, true /* isDexoptable */, false /* multiSplit */); |
| |
| // This should not be dexopted because it's hibernating. However, it should be included |
| // when snapshotting boot image profile. |
| PackageState pkgHibernatingState = createPackageState( |
| PKG_NAME_HIBERNATING, true /* isDexoptable */, false /* multiSplit */); |
| lenient() |
| .when(mAppHibernationManager.isHibernatingGlobally(PKG_NAME_HIBERNATING)) |
| .thenReturn(true); |
| |
| // This should not be dexopted because it's not dexoptable. |
| PackageState nonDexoptablePkgState = createPackageState( |
| "com.example.non-dexoptable", false /* isDexoptable */, false /* multiSplit */); |
| |
| return List.of(pkgState, sysUiPkgState, pkgHibernatingState, nonDexoptablePkgState); |
| } |
| |
| private GetDexoptStatusResult createGetDexoptStatusResult( |
| String compilerFilter, String compilationReason, String locationDebugString) { |
| var getDexoptStatusResult = new GetDexoptStatusResult(); |
| getDexoptStatusResult.compilerFilter = compilerFilter; |
| getDexoptStatusResult.compilationReason = compilationReason; |
| getDexoptStatusResult.locationDebugString = locationDebugString; |
| return getDexoptStatusResult; |
| } |
| |
| private List<? extends SecondaryDexInfo> createSecondaryDexInfo() throws Exception { |
| var dexInfo = mock(SecondaryDexInfo.class); |
| lenient().when(dexInfo.dexPath()).thenReturn("/data/user/0/foo/1.apk"); |
| lenient().when(dexInfo.abiNames()).thenReturn(Set.of("arm64-v8a")); |
| lenient().when(dexInfo.classLoaderContext()).thenReturn("CLC"); |
| return List.of(dexInfo); |
| } |
| |
| private void simulateStorageLow() throws Exception { |
| lenient() |
| .when(mStorageManager.getAllocatableBytes(any())) |
| .thenReturn(ArtManagerLocal.DOWNGRADE_THRESHOLD_ABOVE_LOW_BYTES - 1); |
| } |
| |
| private void simulateStorageNotLow() throws Exception { |
| lenient() |
| .when(mStorageManager.getAllocatableBytes(any())) |
| } |
| } |