blob: 2613f2c2773748d8feaf0f75a66da6caea0da757 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace art {
* This file contains codegen for the MIPS32 ISA and is intended to be
* includes by:
static int coreRegs[] = {r_ZERO, r_AT, r_V0, r_V1, r_A0, r_A1, r_A2, r_A3,
r_T0, r_T1, r_T2, r_T3, r_T4, r_T5, r_T6, r_T7,
r_S0, r_S1, r_S2, r_S3, r_S4, r_S5, r_S6, r_S7, r_T8,
r_T9, r_K0, r_K1, r_GP, r_SP, r_FP, r_RA};
static int reservedRegs[] = {r_ZERO, r_AT, r_S0, r_S1, r_K0, r_K1, r_GP, r_SP};
static int coreTemps[] = {r_V0, r_V1, r_A0, r_A1, r_A2, r_A3, r_T0, r_T1, r_T2,
r_T3, r_T4, r_T5, r_T6, r_T7, r_T8, r_T9};
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
static int fpRegs[] = {r_F0, r_F1, r_F2, r_F3, r_F4, r_F5, r_F6, r_F7,
r_F8, r_F9, r_F10, r_F11, r_F12, r_F13, r_F14, r_F15};
static int fpTemps[] = {r_F0, r_F1, r_F2, r_F3, r_F4, r_F5, r_F6, r_F7,
r_F8, r_F9, r_F10, r_F11, r_F12, r_F13, r_F14, r_F15};
void genBarrier(CompilationUnit *cUnit);
LIR* genCompareBranch(CompilationUnit* cUnit, ConditionCode cond, int src1,
int src2);
void storePair(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int base, int lowReg,
int highReg);
void loadPair(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int base, int lowReg, int highReg);
LIR *loadWordDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int displacement,
int rDest);
LIR *storeWordDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int displacement, int rSrc);
LIR *loadConstant(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDest, int value);
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
LIR *fpRegCopy(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDest, int rSrc)
LIR* res = (LIR *) oatNew(cUnit, sizeof(LIR), true, kAllocLIR);
res->operands[0] = rDest;
res->operands[1] = rSrc;
if (rDest == rSrc) {
res->flags.isNop = true;
} else {
/* must be both DOUBLE or both not DOUBLE */
if (DOUBLEREG(rDest)) {
res->opcode = kMipsFmovd;
} else {
if (SINGLEREG(rDest)) {
if (SINGLEREG(rSrc)) {
res->opcode = kMipsFmovs;
} else {
/* note the operands are swapped for the mtc1 instr */
res->opcode = kMipsMtc1;
res->operands[0] = rSrc;
res->operands[1] = rDest;
} else {
res->opcode = kMipsMfc1;
return res;
* Load a immediate using a shortcut if possible; otherwise
* grab from the per-translation literal pool. If target is
* a high register, build constant into a low register and copy.
* No additional register clobbering operation performed. Use this version when
* 1) rDest is freshly returned from oatAllocTemp or
* 2) The codegen is under fixed register usage
LIR *loadConstantNoClobber(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDest,
int value)
LIR *res;
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
int rDestSave = rDest;
int isFpReg = FPREG(rDest);
if (isFpReg) {
rDest = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
/* See if the value can be constructed cheaply */
if (value == 0) {
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kMipsMove, rDest, r_ZERO);
} else if ((value > 0) && (value <= 65535)) {
res = newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsOri, rDest, r_ZERO, value);
} else if ((value < 0) && (value >= -32768)) {
res = newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddiu, rDest, r_ZERO, value);
} else {
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kMipsLui, rDest, value>>16);
if (value & 0xffff)
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsOri, rDest, rDest, value);
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (isFpReg) {
newLIR2(cUnit, kMipsMtc1, rDest, rDestSave);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rDest);
return res;
LIR *opNone(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op)
LIR *res;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
switch (op) {
case kOpUncondBr:
opcode = kMipsB;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opNone";
res = newLIR0(cUnit, opcode);
return res;
LIR *opCmpBranchCC(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MipsConditionCode cc,
int rs, int rt)
return 0;
LIR *opCmpImmBranchCC(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MipsConditionCode cc,
int rs, int immVal)
return 0;
LIR *opCmpImmBranch(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MipsOpCode cc,
int rs, int immVal)
return 0;
LIR *opCmpBranch(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MipsOpCode opc, int rs, int rt)
LIR *res;
if (rt < 0) {
DCHECK(opc >= kMipsBeqz && opc <= kMipsBnez);
res = newLIR1(cUnit, opc, rs);
} else {
DCHECK(opc == kMipsBeq || opc == kMipsBne);
res = newLIR2(cUnit, opc, rs, rt);
return res;
LIR *loadMultiple(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rMask);
LIR *opReg(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDestSrc)
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
switch (op) {
case kOpBlx:
opcode = kMipsJalr;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opReg";
return newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, r_RA, rDestSrc);
LIR *opRegRegImm(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDest,
int rSrc1, int value);
LIR *opRegImm(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDestSrc1,
int value)
LIR *res;
bool neg = (value < 0);
int absValue = (neg) ? -value : value;
bool shortForm = (absValue & 0xff) == absValue;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
switch (op) {
case kOpAdd:
return opRegRegImm(cUnit, op, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, value);
case kOpSub:
return opRegRegImm(cUnit, op, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, value);
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegImm";
if (shortForm)
res = newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, absValue);
else {
int rScratch = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
res = loadConstant(cUnit, rScratch, value);
if (op == kOpCmp)
newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, rScratch);
newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, rScratch);
return res;
LIR *opRegRegReg(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDest,
int rSrc1, int rSrc2)
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
switch (op) {
case kOpAdd:
opcode = kMipsAddu;
case kOpSub:
opcode = kMipsSubu;
case kOpAnd:
opcode = kMipsAnd;
case kOpMul:
opcode = kMipsMul;
case kOpOr:
opcode = kMipsOr;
case kOpXor:
opcode = kMipsXor;
case kOpLsl:
opcode = kMipsSllv;
case kOpLsr:
opcode = kMipsSrlv;
case kOpAsr:
opcode = kMipsSrav;
LOG(FATAL) << "bad case in opRegRegReg";
return newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rSrc1, rSrc2);
LIR *opRegRegImm(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDest,
int rSrc1, int value)
LIR *res;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
bool shortForm = true;
switch(op) {
case kOpAdd:
if (IS_SIMM16(value)) {
opcode = kMipsAddiu;
else {
shortForm = false;
opcode = kMipsAddu;
case kOpSub:
if (IS_SIMM16((-value))) {
value = -value;
opcode = kMipsAddiu;
else {
shortForm = false;
opcode = kMipsSubu;
case kOpLsl:
DCHECK(value >= 0 && value <= 31);
opcode = kMipsSll;
case kOpLsr:
DCHECK(value >= 0 && value <= 31);
opcode = kMipsSrl;
case kOpAsr:
DCHECK(value >= 0 && value <= 31);
opcode = kMipsSra;
case kOpAnd:
if (IS_UIMM16((value))) {
opcode = kMipsAndi;
else {
shortForm = false;
opcode = kMipsAnd;
case kOpOr:
if (IS_UIMM16((value))) {
opcode = kMipsOri;
else {
shortForm = false;
opcode = kMipsOr;
case kOpXor:
if (IS_UIMM16((value))) {
opcode = kMipsXori;
else {
shortForm = false;
opcode = kMipsXor;
case kOpMul:
shortForm = false;
opcode = kMipsMul;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegRegImm";
if (shortForm)
res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rSrc1, value);
else {
if (rDest != rSrc1) {
res = loadConstant(cUnit, rDest, value);
newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rSrc1, rDest);
} else {
int rScratch = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
res = loadConstant(cUnit, rScratch, value);
newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rSrc1, rScratch);
return res;
LIR *opRegReg(CompilationUnit *cUnit, OpKind op, int rDestSrc1,
int rSrc2)
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
LIR *res;
switch (op) {
case kOpMov:
opcode = kMipsMove;
case kOpMvn:
return newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsNor, rDestSrc1, rSrc2, r_ZERO);
case kOpNeg:
return newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsSubu, rDestSrc1, r_ZERO, rSrc2);
case kOpAdd:
case kOpAnd:
case kOpMul:
case kOpOr:
case kOpSub:
case kOpXor:
return opRegRegReg(cUnit, op, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
case kOp2Byte:
#if __mips_isa_rev>=2
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kMipsSeb, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
res = opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpLsl, rDestSrc1, rSrc2, 24);
opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAsr, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, 24);
return res;
case kOp2Short:
#if __mips_isa_rev>=2
res = newLIR2(cUnit, kMipsSeh, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
res = opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpLsl, rDestSrc1, rSrc2, 16);
opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAsr, rDestSrc1, rDestSrc1, 16);
return res;
case kOp2Char:
return newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAndi, rDestSrc1, rSrc2, 0xFFFF);
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in opRegReg";
return newLIR2(cUnit, opcode, rDestSrc1, rSrc2);
LIR *loadConstantValueWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rDestLo,
int rDestHi, int valLo, int valHi)
LIR *res;
res = loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestLo, valLo);
loadConstantNoClobber(cUnit, rDestHi, valHi);
return res;
/* Load value from base + scaled index. */
LIR *loadBaseIndexed(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int rIndex, int rDest, int scale, OpSize size)
LIR *first = NULL;
LIR *res;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (FPREG(rDest)) {
DCHECK((size == kWord) || (size == kSingle));
size = kSingle;
} else {
if (size == kSingle)
size = kWord;
if (!scale) {
first = newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddu, tReg , rBase, rIndex);
} else {
first = opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpLsl, tReg, rIndex, scale);
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddu, tReg , rBase, tReg);
switch (size) {
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
case kSingle:
opcode = kMipsFlwc1;
case kWord:
opcode = kMipsLw;
case kUnsignedHalf:
opcode = kMipsLhu;
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = kMipsLh;
case kUnsignedByte:
opcode = kMipsLbu;
case kSignedByte:
opcode = kMipsLb;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in loadBaseIndexed";
res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, 0, tReg);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, tReg);
return (first) ? first : res;
/* store value base base + scaled index. */
LIR *storeBaseIndexed(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int rIndex, int rSrc, int scale, OpSize size)
LIR *first = NULL;
LIR *res;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
int rNewIndex = rIndex;
int tReg = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (FPREG(rSrc)) {
DCHECK((size == kWord) || (size == kSingle));
size = kSingle;
} else {
if (size == kSingle)
size = kWord;
if (!scale) {
first = newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddu, tReg , rBase, rIndex);
} else {
first = opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpLsl, tReg, rIndex, scale);
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddu, tReg , rBase, tReg);
switch (size) {
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
case kSingle:
opcode = kMipsFswc1;
case kWord:
opcode = kMipsSw;
case kUnsignedHalf:
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = kMipsSh;
case kUnsignedByte:
case kSignedByte:
opcode = kMipsSb;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in storeBaseIndexed";
res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrc, 0, tReg);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rNewIndex);
return first;
LIR *loadMultiple(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rMask)
int i;
int loadCnt = 0;
LIR *res = NULL ;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, rMask >>= 1) {
if (rMask & 0x1) { /* map r0 to MIPS r_A0 */
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsLw, i+r_A0, loadCnt*4, rBase);
if (loadCnt) {/* increment after */
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddiu, rBase, rBase, loadCnt*4);
return res; /* NULL always returned which should be ok since no callers use it */
LIR *storeMultiple(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase, int rMask)
int i;
int storeCnt = 0;
LIR *res = NULL ;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, rMask >>= 1) {
if (rMask & 0x1) { /* map r0 to MIPS r_A0 */
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsSw, i+r_A0, storeCnt*4, rBase);
if (storeCnt) { /* increment after */
newLIR3(cUnit, kMipsAddiu, rBase, rBase, storeCnt*4);
return res; /* NULL always returned which should be ok since no callers use it */
LIR *loadBaseDispBody(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MIR *mir, int rBase,
int displacement, int rDest, int rDestHi,
OpSize size, int sReg)
* Load value from base + displacement. Optionally perform null check
* on base (which must have an associated sReg and MIR). If not
* performing null check, incoming MIR can be null. IMPORTANT: this
* code must not allocate any new temps. If a new register is needed
* and base and dest are the same, spill some other register to
* rlp and then restore.
LIR *res;
LIR *load = NULL;
LIR *load2 = NULL;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
bool shortForm = IS_SIMM16(displacement);
bool pair = false;
switch (size) {
case kLong:
case kDouble:
pair = true;
opcode = kMipsLw;
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (FPREG(rDest)) {
opcode = kMipsFlwc1;
if (DOUBLEREG(rDest)) {
rDest = rDest - FP_DOUBLE;
} else {
DCHECK(rDest == (rDestHi - 1));
rDestHi = rDest + 1;
shortForm = IS_SIMM16_2WORD(displacement);
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kWord:
case kSingle:
opcode = kMipsLw;
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (FPREG(rDest)) {
opcode = kMipsFlwc1;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kUnsignedHalf:
opcode = kMipsLhu;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = kMipsLh;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
case kUnsignedByte:
opcode = kMipsLbu;
case kSignedByte:
opcode = kMipsLb;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in loadBaseIndexedBody";
if (shortForm) {
if (!pair) {
load = res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, displacement, rBase);
} else {
load = res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET, rBase);
load2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDestHi, displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET, rBase);
} else {
if (pair) {
int rTmp = oatAllocFreeTemp(cUnit);
res = opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, rTmp, rBase, displacement);
load = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, LOWORD_OFFSET, rTmp);
load2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDestHi, HIWORD_OFFSET, rTmp);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rTmp);
} else {
int rTmp = (rBase == rDest) ? oatAllocFreeTemp(cUnit)
: rDest;
res = loadConstant(cUnit, rTmp, displacement);
load = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rDest, rBase, rTmp);
if (rTmp != rDest)
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rTmp);
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Needs art conversion";
#if 0
if (rBase == rFP) {
if (load != NULL)
annotateDalvikRegAccess(load, (displacement + (pair ? LOWORD_OFFSET : 0)) >> 2,
true /* isLoad */);
if (load2 != NULL)
annotateDalvikRegAccess(load2, (displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET) >> 2,
true /* isLoad */);
return load;
LIR *loadBaseDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MIR *mir, int rBase,
int displacement, int rDest, OpSize size,
int sReg)
return loadBaseDispBody(cUnit, mir, rBase, displacement, rDest, -1,
size, sReg);
LIR *loadBaseDispWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit, MIR *mir, int rBase,
int displacement, int rDestLo, int rDestHi,
int sReg)
return loadBaseDispBody(cUnit, mir, rBase, displacement, rDestLo, rDestHi,
kLong, sReg);
LIR *storeBaseDispBody(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int displacement, int rSrc, int rSrcHi,
OpSize size)
LIR *res;
LIR *store = NULL;
LIR *store2 = NULL;
MipsOpCode opcode = kMipsNop;
bool shortForm = IS_SIMM16(displacement);
bool pair = false;
switch (size) {
case kLong:
case kDouble:
pair = true;
opcode = kMipsSw;
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (FPREG(rSrc)) {
opcode = kMipsFswc1;
if (DOUBLEREG(rSrc)) {
rSrc = rSrc - FP_DOUBLE;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(rSrc, (rSrcHi - 1));
rSrcHi = rSrc + 1;
shortForm = IS_SIMM16_2WORD(displacement);
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kWord:
case kSingle:
opcode = kMipsSw;
#ifdef __mips_hard_float
if (FPREG(rSrc)) {
opcode = kMipsFswc1;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x3), 0);
case kUnsignedHalf:
case kSignedHalf:
opcode = kMipsSh;
DCHECK_EQ((displacement & 0x1), 0);
case kUnsignedByte:
case kSignedByte:
opcode = kMipsSb;
LOG(FATAL) << "Bad case in storeBaseIndexedBody";
if (shortForm) {
if (!pair) {
store = res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrc, displacement, rBase);
} else {
store = res = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrc, displacement + LOWORD_OFFSET, rBase);
store2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrcHi, displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET, rBase);
} else {
int rScratch = oatAllocTemp(cUnit);
res = opRegRegImm(cUnit, kOpAdd, rScratch, rBase, displacement);
if (!pair) {
store = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrc, 0, rScratch);
} else {
store = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrc, LOWORD_OFFSET, rScratch);
store2 = newLIR3(cUnit, opcode, rSrcHi, HIWORD_OFFSET, rScratch);
oatFreeTemp(cUnit, rScratch);
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Needs art conversion";
#if 0
if (rBase == rFP) {
if (store != NULL)
annotateDalvikRegAccess(store, (displacement + (pair ? LOWORD_OFFSET : 0)) >> 2,
false /* isLoad */);
if (store2 != NULL)
annotateDalvikRegAccess(store2, (displacement + HIWORD_OFFSET) >> 2,
false /* isLoad */);
return res;
LIR *storeBaseDisp(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int displacement, int rSrc, OpSize size)
return storeBaseDispBody(cUnit, rBase, displacement, rSrc, -1, size);
LIR *storeBaseDispWide(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int rBase,
int displacement, int rSrcLo, int rSrcHi)
return storeBaseDispBody(cUnit, rBase, displacement, rSrcLo, rSrcHi, kLong);
void storePair(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int base, int lowReg, int highReg)
storeWordDisp(cUnit, base, LOWORD_OFFSET, lowReg);
storeWordDisp(cUnit, base, HIWORD_OFFSET, highReg);
void loadPair(CompilationUnit *cUnit, int base, int lowReg, int highReg)
loadWordDisp(cUnit, base, LOWORD_OFFSET , lowReg);
loadWordDisp(cUnit, base, HIWORD_OFFSET , highReg);
} // namespace art