| # Originally from Debian's Lintian tool. Various false positives have been |
| # removed, and various additions have been made as they've been discovered |
| # in the kernel source. |
| # |
| # License: GPLv2 |
| # |
| # The format of each line is: |
| # mistake||correction |
| # |
| abandonning||abandoning |
| abigious||ambiguous |
| abitrate||arbitrate |
| abov||above |
| abreviated||abbreviated |
| absense||absence |
| absolut||absolute |
| absoulte||absolute |
| acccess||access |
| acceess||access |
| acceleratoin||acceleration |
| accelleration||acceleration |
| accesing||accessing |
| accesnt||accent |
| accessable||accessible |
| accesss||access |
| accidentaly||accidentally |
| accidentually||accidentally |
| accoding||according |
| accomodate||accommodate |
| accomodates||accommodates |
| accordign||according |
| accoring||according |
| accout||account |
| accquire||acquire |
| accquired||acquired |
| accross||across |
| acessable||accessible |
| acess||access |
| achitecture||architecture |
| acient||ancient |
| acitions||actions |
| acitve||active |
| acknowldegement||acknowledgment |
| acknowledgement||acknowledgment |
| ackowledge||acknowledge |
| ackowledged||acknowledged |
| acording||according |
| activete||activate |
| acumulating||accumulating |
| acumulator||accumulator |
| adapater||adapter |
| addional||additional |
| additionaly||additionally |
| addres||address |
| addreses||addresses |
| addresss||address |
| aditional||additional |
| aditionally||additionally |
| aditionaly||additionally |
| adminstrative||administrative |
| adress||address |
| adresses||addresses |
| adviced||advised |
| afecting||affecting |
| againt||against |
| agaist||against |
| albumns||albums |
| alegorical||allegorical |
| algined||aligned |
| algorith||algorithm |
| algorithmical||algorithmically |
| algoritm||algorithm |
| algoritms||algorithms |
| algorrithm||algorithm |
| algorritm||algorithm |
| aligment||alignment |
| allign||align |
| allocatrd||allocated |
| allocte||allocate |
| allpication||application |
| alocate||allocate |
| alogirhtms||algorithms |
| alogrithm||algorithm |
| alot||a lot |
| alow||allow |
| alows||allows |
| altough||although |
| alue||value |
| ambigious||ambiguous |
| amoung||among |
| amout||amount |
| an union||a union |
| an user||a user |
| an userspace||a userspace |
| an one||a one |
| analysator||analyzer |
| ang||and |
| anniversery||anniversary |
| annoucement||announcement |
| anomolies||anomalies |
| anomoly||anomaly |
| anway||anyway |
| aplication||application |
| appearence||appearance |
| applicaion||application |
| appliction||application |
| applictions||applications |
| applys||applies |
| appplications||applications |
| appropiate||appropriate |
| appropriatly||appropriately |
| approriate||appropriate |
| approriately||appropriately |
| apropriate||appropriate |
| aquainted||acquainted |
| aquired||acquired |
| aquisition||acquisition |
| arbitary||arbitrary |
| architechture||architecture |
| arguement||argument |
| arguements||arguments |
| aritmetic||arithmetic |
| arne't||aren't |
| arraival||arrival |
| artifical||artificial |
| artillary||artillery |
| asign||assign |
| assertation||assertion |
| assiged||assigned |
| assigment||assignment |
| assigments||assignments |
| assistent||assistant |
| assocation||association |
| associcated||associated |
| assotiated||associated |
| assum||assume |
| assumtpion||assumption |
| asuming||assuming |
| asycronous||asynchronous |
| asynchnous||asynchronous |
| atomatically||automatically |
| atomicly||atomically |
| attachement||attachment |
| attched||attached |
| attemps||attempts |
| attruibutes||attributes |
| authentification||authentication |
| automaticaly||automatically |
| automaticly||automatically |
| automatize||automate |
| automatized||automated |
| automatizes||automates |
| autonymous||autonomous |
| auxillary||auxiliary |
| auxilliary||auxiliary |
| avaiable||available |
| avaible||available |
| availabe||available |
| availabled||available |
| availablity||availability |
| availale||available |
| availavility||availability |
| availble||available |
| availiable||available |
| avalable||available |
| avaliable||available |
| aysnc||async |
| backgroud||background |
| backword||backward |
| backwords||backwards |
| bahavior||behavior |
| bakup||backup |
| baloon||balloon |
| baloons||balloons |
| bandwith||bandwidth |
| batery||battery |
| beacuse||because |
| becasue||because |
| becomming||becoming |
| becuase||because |
| beeing||being |
| befor||before |
| begining||beginning |
| beter||better |
| betweeen||between |
| bianries||binaries |
| bitmast||bitmask |
| boardcast||broadcast |
| borad||board |
| boundry||boundary |
| brievely||briefly |
| broadcat||broadcast |
| cacluated||calculated |
| caculation||calculation |
| calender||calendar |
| calle||called |
| callibration||calibration |
| calucate||calculate |
| calulate||calculate |
| cancelation||cancellation |
| capabilites||capabilities |
| capabitilies||capabilities |
| capatibilities||capabilities |
| carefuly||carefully |
| cariage||carriage |
| catagory||category |
| cehck||check |
| challange||challenge |
| challanges||challenges |
| chanell||channel |
| changable||changeable |
| channle||channel |
| channnel||channel |
| charachter||character |
| charachters||characters |
| charactor||character |
| charater||character |
| charaters||characters |
| charcter||character |
| chcek||check |
| chck||check |
| checksuming||checksumming |
| childern||children |
| childs||children |
| chiled||child |
| chked||checked |
| chnage||change |
| chnages||changes |
| chnnel||channel |
| choosen||chosen |
| chouse||chose |
| circumvernt||circumvent |
| claread||cleared |
| clared||cleared |
| closeing||closing |
| clustred||clustered |
| collapsable||collapsible |
| colorfull||colorful |
| comand||command |
| comit||commit |
| commerical||commercial |
| comming||coming |
| comminucation||communication |
| commited||committed |
| commiting||committing |
| committ||commit |
| commoditiy||commodity |
| comsume||consume |
| comsumer||consumer |
| comsuming||consuming |
| compability||compatibility |
| compaibility||compatibility |
| compatability||compatibility |
| compatable||compatible |
| compatibiliy||compatibility |
| compatibilty||compatibility |
| compatiblity||compatibility |
| competion||completion |
| compilant||compliant |
| compleatly||completely |
| completition||completion |
| completly||completely |
| complient||compliant |
| componnents||components |
| compres||compress |
| compresion||compression |
| comression||compression |
| comunication||communication |
| conbination||combination |
| conditionaly||conditionally |
| conected||connected |
| configuartion||configuration |
| configuratoin||configuration |
| configuraton||configuration |
| configuretion||configuration |
| configutation||configuration |
| conider||consider |
| conjuction||conjunction |
| connectinos||connections |
| connnection||connection |
| connnections||connections |
| consistancy||consistency |
| consistant||consistent |
| containes||contains |
| containts||contains |
| contaisn||contains |
| contant||contact |
| contence||contents |
| continous||continuous |
| continously||continuously |
| continueing||continuing |
| contraints||constraints |
| controled||controlled |
| controler||controller |
| controll||control |
| contruction||construction |
| contry||country |
| convertion||conversion |
| convertor||converter |
| convienient||convenient |
| convinient||convenient |
| corected||corrected |
| correponding||corresponding |
| correponds||corresponds |
| correspoding||corresponding |
| cotrol||control |
| couter||counter |
| coutner||counter |
| cryptocraphic||cryptographic |
| cunter||counter |
| curently||currently |
| dafault||default |
| deafult||default |
| deamon||daemon |
| decompres||decompress |
| decription||description |
| defailt||default |
| defferred||deferred |
| definate||definite |
| definately||definitely |
| defintion||definition |
| defintions||definitions |
| defualt||default |
| defult||default |
| deivce||device |
| delared||declared |
| delare||declare |
| delares||declares |
| delaring||declaring |
| delemiter||delimiter |
| dependancies||dependencies |
| dependancy||dependency |
| dependant||dependent |
| depreacted||deprecated |
| depreacte||deprecate |
| desactivate||deactivate |
| desciptor||descriptor |
| desciptors||descriptors |
| descripton||description |
| descrition||description |
| descritptor||descriptor |
| desctiptor||descriptor |
| desriptor||descriptor |
| desriptors||descriptors |
| destory||destroy |
| destoryed||destroyed |
| destorys||destroys |
| destroied||destroyed |
| detabase||database |
| develope||develop |
| developement||development |
| developped||developed |
| developpement||development |
| developper||developer |
| developpment||development |
| deveolpment||development |
| devided||divided |
| deviece||device |
| diable||disable |
| dictionnary||dictionary |
| didnt||didn't |
| diferent||different |
| differrence||difference |
| difinition||definition |
| diplay||display |
| direectly||directly |
| disapear||disappear |
| disapeared||disappeared |
| disappared||disappeared |
| disconnet||disconnect |
| discontinous||discontinuous |
| dispertion||dispersion |
| dissapears||disappears |
| distiction||distinction |
| docuentation||documentation |
| documantation||documentation |
| documentaion||documentation |
| documment||document |
| doesnt||doesn't |
| dorp||drop |
| dosen||doesn |
| downlad||download |
| downlads||downloads |
| druing||during |
| dynmaic||dynamic |
| easilly||easily |
| ecspecially||especially |
| edditable||editable |
| editting||editing |
| efective||effective |
| efficently||efficiently |
| ehther||ether |
| eigth||eight |
| eletronic||electronic |
| embeded||embedded |
| enabledi||enabled |
| enchanced||enhanced |
| encorporating||incorporating |
| encrupted||encrypted |
| encrypiton||encryption |
| endianess||endianness |
| enhaced||enhanced |
| enlightnment||enlightenment |
| enocded||encoded |
| enterily||entirely |
| enviroiment||environment |
| enviroment||environment |
| environement||environment |
| environent||environment |
| eqivalent||equivalent |
| equiped||equipped |
| equivelant||equivalent |
| equivilant||equivalent |
| eror||error |
| estbalishment||establishment |
| etsablishment||establishment |
| etsbalishment||establishment |
| excecutable||executable |
| exceded||exceeded |
| excellant||excellent |
| existance||existence |
| existant||existent |
| exixt||exist |
| exlcude||exclude |
| exlcusive||exclusive |
| exmaple||example |
| expecially||especially |
| explicite||explicit |
| explicitely||explicitly |
| explict||explicit |
| explictely||explicitly |
| explictly||explicitly |
| expresion||expression |
| exprimental||experimental |
| extened||extended |
| extensability||extensibility |
| extention||extension |
| extracter||extractor |
| faild||failed |
| faill||fail |
| failied||failed |
| faillure||failure |
| failue||failure |
| failuer||failure |
| faireness||fairness |
| falied||failed |
| faliure||failure |
| familar||familiar |
| fatser||faster |
| feauture||feature |
| feautures||features |
| fetaure||feature |
| fetaures||features |
| fileystem||filesystem |
| fimware||firmware |
| finanize||finalize |
| findn||find |
| finilizes||finalizes |
| finsih||finish |
| flusing||flushing |
| folloing||following |
| followign||following |
| follwing||following |
| forseeable||foreseeable |
| forse||force |
| fortan||fortran |
| forwardig||forwarding |
| framming||framing |
| framwork||framework |
| frequncy||frequency |
| frome||from |
| fucntion||function |
| fuction||function |
| fuctions||functions |
| funcion||function |
| functionallity||functionality |
| functionaly||functionally |
| functionnality||functionality |
| functonality||functionality |
| funtion||function |
| funtions||functions |
| furthur||further |
| futhermore||furthermore |
| futrue||future |
| gaurenteed||guaranteed |
| generiously||generously |
| genric||generic |
| globel||global |
| grabing||grabbing |
| grahical||graphical |
| grahpical||graphical |
| grapic||graphic |
| guage||gauge |
| guarenteed||guaranteed |
| guarentee||guarantee |
| halfs||halves |
| hander||handler |
| handfull||handful |
| hanled||handled |
| happend||happened |
| harware||hardware |
| heirarchically||hierarchically |
| helpfull||helpful |
| hierachy||hierarchy |
| hierarchie||hierarchy |
| howver||however |
| hsould||should |
| hypter||hyper |
| identidier||identifier |
| illigal||illegal |
| imblance||imbalance |
| immeadiately||immediately |
| immedaite||immediate |
| immediatelly||immediately |
| immediatly||immediately |
| immidiate||immediate |
| impelentation||implementation |
| impementated||implemented |
| implemantation||implementation |
| implemenation||implementation |
| implementaiton||implementation |
| implementated||implemented |
| implemention||implementation |
| implemetation||implementation |
| implemntation||implementation |
| implentation||implementation |
| implmentation||implementation |
| implmenting||implementing |
| incomming||incoming |
| incompatabilities||incompatibilities |
| incompatable||incompatible |
| inconsistant||inconsistent |
| increas||increase |
| incrment||increment |
| indendation||indentation |
| indended||intended |
| independant||independent |
| independantly||independently |
| independed||independent |
| indiate||indicate |
| inexpect||inexpected |
| infomation||information |
| informatiom||information |
| informations||information |
| informtion||information |
| infromation||information |
| ingore||ignore |
| inital||initial |
| initalized||initialized |
| initalised||initialized |
| initalise||initialize |
| initalize||initialize |
| initation||initiation |
| initators||initiators |
| initialiazation||initialization |
| initializiation||initialization |
| initialzed||initialized |
| initilization||initialization |
| initilize||initialize |
| inofficial||unofficial |
| insititute||institute |
| instal||install |
| instanciated||instantiated |
| inteface||interface |
| integreated||integrated |
| integrety||integrity |
| integrey||integrity |
| intendet||intended |
| intented||intended |
| interanl||internal |
| interchangable||interchangeable |
| interferring||interfering |
| interger||integer |
| intermittant||intermittent |
| internel||internal |
| interoprability||interoperability |
| interrface||interface |
| interrrupt||interrupt |
| interrup||interrupt |
| interrups||interrupts |
| interruptted||interrupted |
| interupted||interrupted |
| interupt||interrupt |
| intial||initial |
| intialization||initialization |
| intialized||initialized |
| intialize||initialize |
| intregral||integral |
| intrrupt||interrupt |
| intterrupt||interrupt |
| intuative||intuitive |
| invaid||invalid |
| invalde||invalid |
| invalide||invalid |
| invididual||individual |
| invokation||invocation |
| invokations||invocations |
| irrelevent||irrelevant |
| isnt||isn't |
| isssue||issue |
| iternations||iterations |
| itertation||iteration |
| itslef||itself |
| jave||java |
| jeffies||jiffies |
| juse||just |
| jus||just |
| kown||known |
| langage||language |
| langauage||language |
| langauge||language |
| langugage||language |
| lauch||launch |
| layed||laid |
| leightweight||lightweight |
| lengh||length |
| lenght||length |
| lenth||length |
| lesstiff||lesstif |
| libaries||libraries |
| libary||library |
| librairies||libraries |
| libraris||libraries |
| licenceing||licencing |
| loggging||logging |
| loggin||login |
| logile||logfile |
| loosing||losing |
| losted||lost |
| machinary||machinery |
| maintainance||maintenance |
| maintainence||maintenance |
| maintan||maintain |
| makeing||making |
| malplaced||misplaced |
| malplace||misplace |
| managable||manageable |
| managment||management |
| mangement||management |
| manoeuvering||maneuvering |
| mappping||mapping |
| mathimatical||mathematical |
| mathimatic||mathematic |
| mathimatics||mathematics |
| maxium||maximum |
| mechamism||mechanism |
| meetign||meeting |
| ment||meant |
| mergable||mergeable |
| mesage||message |
| messags||messages |
| messgaes||messages |
| messsage||message |
| messsages||messages |
| microprocesspr||microprocessor |
| milliseonds||milliseconds |
| minium||minimum |
| minumum||minimum |
| miscelleneous||miscellaneous |
| misformed||malformed |
| mispelled||misspelled |
| mispelt||misspelt |
| miximum||maximum |
| mmnemonic||mnemonic |
| mnay||many |
| modulues||modules |
| monochorome||monochrome |
| monochromo||monochrome |
| monocrome||monochrome |
| mopdule||module |
| mroe||more |
| mulitplied||multiplied |
| multidimensionnal||multidimensional |
| multple||multiple |
| mumber||number |
| muticast||multicast |
| mutiple||multiple |
| mutli||multi |
| nams||names |
| navagating||navigating |
| nead||need |
| neccecary||necessary |
| neccesary||necessary |
| neccessary||necessary |
| necesary||necessary |
| neded||needed |
| negaive||negative |
| negoitation||negotiation |
| negotation||negotiation |
| nerver||never |
| nescessary||necessary |
| nessessary||necessary |
| noticable||noticeable |
| notications||notifications |
| notifed||notified |
| numebr||number |
| numner||number |
| obtaion||obtain |
| occassionally||occasionally |
| occationally||occasionally |
| occurance||occurrence |
| occurances||occurrences |
| occured||occurred |
| occurence||occurrence |
| occure||occurred |
| occured||occurred |
| occuring||occurring |
| offet||offset |
| omitt||omit |
| ommiting||omitting |
| ommitted||omitted |
| onself||oneself |
| ony||only |
| operatione||operation |
| opertaions||operations |
| optionnal||optional |
| optmizations||optimizations |
| orientatied||orientated |
| orientied||oriented |
| orignal||original |
| otherise||otherwise |
| ouput||output |
| oustanding||outstanding |
| overaall||overall |
| overhread||overhead |
| overlaping||overlapping |
| overrided||overridden |
| overriden||overridden |
| overun||overrun |
| pacakge||package |
| pachage||package |
| packacge||package |
| packege||package |
| packge||package |
| packtes||packets |
| pakage||package |
| pallette||palette |
| paln||plan |
| paramameters||parameters |
| paramater||parameter |
| parametes||parameters |
| parametised||parametrised |
| paramter||parameter |
| paramters||parameters |
| particuarly||particularly |
| particularily||particularly |
| partiton||partition |
| pased||passed |
| passin||passing |
| pathes||paths |
| pecularities||peculiarities |
| peformance||performance |
| peice||piece |
| pendantic||pedantic |
| peprocessor||preprocessor |
| perfoming||performing |
| permissons||permissions |
| peroid||period |
| persistance||persistence |
| persistant||persistent |
| platfrom||platform |
| plattform||platform |
| pleaes||please |
| ploting||plotting |
| plugable||pluggable |
| poinnter||pointer |
| pointeur||pointer |
| poiter||pointer |
| posible||possible |
| positon||position |
| possibilites||possibilities |
| powerfull||powerful |
| preceeded||preceded |
| preceeding||preceding |
| preceed||precede |
| precendence||precedence |
| precission||precision |
| preemptable||preemptible |
| prefered||preferred |
| prefferably||preferably |
| premption||preemption |
| prepaired||prepared |
| pressre||pressure |
| primative||primitive |
| princliple||principle |
| priorty||priority |
| privilaged||privileged |
| privilage||privilege |
| priviledge||privilege |
| priviledges||privileges |
| probaly||probably |
| procceed||proceed |
| proccesors||processors |
| procesed||processed |
| proces||process |
| procesing||processing |
| processessing||processing |
| processess||processes |
| processpr||processor |
| processsed||processed |
| processsing||processing |
| procteted||protected |
| prodecure||procedure |
| progams||programs |
| progess||progress |
| programers||programmers |
| programm||program |
| programms||programs |
| progresss||progress |
| promiscous||promiscuous |
| promps||prompts |
| pronnounced||pronounced |
| prononciation||pronunciation |
| pronouce||pronounce |
| pronunce||pronounce |
| propery||property |
| propigate||propagate |
| propigation||propagation |
| propogate||propagate |
| prosess||process |
| protable||portable |
| protcol||protocol |
| protecion||protection |
| protocoll||protocol |
| promixity||proximity |
| psudo||pseudo |
| psuedo||pseudo |
| psychadelic||psychedelic |
| pwoer||power |
| quering||querying |
| raoming||roaming |
| reasearcher||researcher |
| reasearchers||researchers |
| reasearch||research |
| recepient||recipient |
| receving||receiving |
| recieved||received |
| recieve||receive |
| reciever||receiver |
| recieves||receives |
| recogniced||recognised |
| recognizeable||recognizable |
| recommanded||recommended |
| recyle||recycle |
| redircet||redirect |
| redirectrion||redirection |
| reename||rename |
| refcounf||refcount |
| refence||reference |
| refered||referred |
| referenace||reference |
| refering||referring |
| refernces||references |
| refernnce||reference |
| refrence||reference |
| registerd||registered |
| registeresd||registered |
| registes||registers |
| registraration||registration |
| regster||register |
| regualar||regular |
| reguator||regulator |
| regulamentations||regulations |
| reigstration||registration |
| releated||related |
| relevent||relevant |
| remoote||remote |
| remore||remote |
| removeable||removable |
| repectively||respectively |
| replacable||replaceable |
| replacments||replacements |
| replys||replies |
| reponse||response |
| representaion||representation |
| reqeust||request |
| requiere||require |
| requirment||requirement |
| requred||required |
| requried||required |
| requst||request |
| reseting||resetting |
| resizeable||resizable |
| resouces||resources |
| resoures||resources |
| responce||response |
| ressizes||resizes |
| ressource||resource |
| ressources||resources |
| retransmited||retransmitted |
| retreived||retrieved |
| retreive||retrieve |
| retrive||retrieve |
| retuned||returned |
| reudce||reduce |
| reuest||request |
| reuqest||request |
| reutnred||returned |
| rmeoved||removed |
| rmeove||remove |
| rmeoves||removes |
| rountine||routine |
| routins||routines |
| rquest||request |
| runing||running |
| runned||ran |
| runnning||running |
| runtine||runtime |
| sacrifying||sacrificing |
| safly||safely |
| safty||safety |
| savable||saveable |
| scaned||scanned |
| scaning||scanning |
| scarch||search |
| seach||search |
| searchs||searches |
| secquence||sequence |
| secund||second |
| segement||segment |
| senarios||scenarios |
| sentivite||sensitive |
| separatly||separately |
| sepcify||specify |
| sepc||spec |
| seperated||separated |
| seperately||separately |
| seperate||separate |
| seperatly||separately |
| seperator||separator |
| sepperate||separate |
| sequece||sequence |
| sequencial||sequential |
| serveral||several |
| setts||sets |
| settting||setting |
| shotdown||shutdown |
| shoud||should |
| shouldnt||shouldn't |
| shoule||should |
| shrinked||shrunk |
| siginificantly||significantly |
| signabl||signal |
| similary||similarly |
| similiar||similar |
| simlar||similar |
| simliar||similar |
| simpified||simplified |
| singaled||signaled |
| singal||signal |
| singed||signed |
| sleeped||slept |
| softwares||software |
| speach||speech |
| specfic||specific |
| speciefied||specified |
| specifc||specific |
| specifed||specified |
| specificatin||specification |
| specificaton||specification |
| specifing||specifying |
| specifiying||specifying |
| speficied||specified |
| speicify||specify |
| speling||spelling |
| spinlcok||spinlock |
| spinock||spinlock |
| splitted||split |
| spreaded||spread |
| sructure||structure |
| stablilization||stabilization |
| staically||statically |
| staion||station |
| standardss||standards |
| standartization||standardization |
| standart||standard |
| staticly||statically |
| stoped||stopped |
| stoppped||stopped |
| straming||streaming |
| struc||struct |
| structres||structures |
| stuct||struct |
| stucture||structure |
| sturcture||structure |
| subdirectoires||subdirectories |
| suble||subtle |
| substract||subtract |
| succesfully||successfully |
| succesful||successful |
| successed||succeeded |
| successfull||successful |
| successfuly||successfully |
| sucessfully||successfully |
| sucess||success |
| superflous||superfluous |
| superseeded||superseded |
| suplied||supplied |
| suported||supported |
| suport||support |
| suppored||supported |
| supportin||supporting |
| suppoted||supported |
| suppported||supported |
| suppport||support |
| supress||suppress |
| surpresses||suppresses |
| susbsystem||subsystem |
| suspeneded||suspended |
| suspicously||suspiciously |
| swaping||swapping |
| switchs||switches |
| swith||switch |
| swithable||switchable |
| swithc||switch |
| swithced||switched |
| swithcing||switching |
| swithed||switched |
| swithing||switching |
| symetric||symmetric |
| synax||syntax |
| synchonized||synchronized |
| syncronize||synchronize |
| syncronized||synchronized |
| syncronizing||synchronizing |
| syncronus||synchronous |
| syste||system |
| sytem||system |
| sythesis||synthesis |
| taht||that |
| targetted||targeted |
| targetting||targeting |
| teh||the |
| temorary||temporary |
| temproarily||temporarily |
| thier||their |
| threds||threads |
| threshhold||threshold |
| throught||through |
| thses||these |
| tiggered||triggered |
| tipically||typically |
| tmis||this |
| torerable||tolerable |
| tramsmitted||transmitted |
| tramsmit||transmit |
| tranfer||transfer |
| transciever||transceiver |
| transferd||transferred |
| transfered||transferred |
| transfering||transferring |
| transision||transition |
| transmittd||transmitted |
| transormed||transformed |
| trasmission||transmission |
| treshold||threshold |
| trigerring||triggering |
| trun||turn |
| ture||true |
| tyep||type |
| udpate||update |
| uesd||used |
| uncommited||uncommitted |
| unconditionaly||unconditionally |
| underun||underrun |
| unecessary||unnecessary |
| unexecpted||unexpected |
| unexpcted||unexpected |
| unexpectd||unexpected |
| unexpeted||unexpected |
| unexpexted||unexpected |
| unfortunatelly||unfortunately |
| unifiy||unify |
| unintialized||uninitialized |
| unkmown||unknown |
| unknonw||unknown |
| unknow||unknown |
| unkown||unknown |
| unneded||unneeded |
| unneedingly||unnecessarily |
| unnsupported||unsupported |
| unmached||unmatched |
| unresgister||unregister |
| unrgesiter||unregister |
| unsinged||unsigned |
| unstabel||unstable |
| unsolicitied||unsolicited |
| unsuccessfull||unsuccessful |
| unsuported||unsupported |
| untill||until |
| unuseful||useless |
| upate||update |
| usefule||useful |
| usefull||useful |
| usege||usage |
| usera||users |
| usualy||usually |
| utilites||utilities |
| utillities||utilities |
| utilties||utilities |
| utiltity||utility |
| utitity||utility |
| utitlty||utility |
| vaid||valid |
| vaild||valid |
| valide||valid |
| variantions||variations |
| varible||variable |
| varient||variant |
| vaule||value |
| verbse||verbose |
| verisons||versions |
| verison||version |
| verson||version |
| vicefersa||vice-versa |
| virtal||virtual |
| virtaul||virtual |
| virtiual||virtual |
| visiters||visitors |
| vitual||virtual |
| wating||waiting |
| wether||whether |
| whataver||whatever |
| whcih||which |
| whenver||whenever |
| wheter||whether |
| whe||when |
| wierd||weird |
| wiil||will |
| wirte||write |
| withing||within |
| wnat||want |
| workarould||workaround |
| writeing||writing |
| writting||writing |
| zombe||zombie |
| zomebie||zombie |