blob: 73d554dbca8a23db09ac6e5e402bd86404f5a343 [file] [log] [blame]
* drivers/soc/samsung/exynos-hdcp/exynos-hdcp2-encrypt.c
* Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include "exynos-hdcp2-protocol-msg.h"
#include "exynos-hdcp2-log.h"
static void OS2BN(uint32_t *pdRes, uint8_t *pbSrc, size_t uSrcLen)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < uSrcLen; i += 4)
pdRes[i/4] = pbSrc[uSrcLen-i-1] ^ (pbSrc[uSrcLen-i-2]<<8)
^ (pbSrc[uSrcLen-i-3]<<16)
^ (pbSrc[uSrcLen-i-4]<<24);
static void BN2OS(uint8_t *pbRes, uint32_t *pdSrc, size_t uSrcLen)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < uSrcLen; i++) {
pbRes[4*i+0] = (uint8_t) (pdSrc[uSrcLen-1-i] >> 24);
pbRes[4*i+1] = (uint8_t) (pdSrc[uSrcLen-1-i] >> 16);
pbRes[4*i+2] = (uint8_t) (pdSrc[uSrcLen-1-i] >> 8);
pbRes[4*i+3] = (uint8_t) (pdSrc[uSrcLen-1-i]);
static uint32_t sec_bn_Add(uint32_t *pdDst, uint32_t *pdSrc1, size_t uSrcLen1,
uint32_t *pdSrc2, size_t uSrcLen2)
int i;
uint32_t carry, tmp;
for (carry = i = 0; i < uSrcLen2; i++) {
if ((pdSrc2[i] == 0xff) && (carry == 1))
pdDst[i] = pdSrc1[i];
else {
tmp = pdSrc2[i] + carry;
pdDst[i] = pdSrc1[i] + tmp;
carry = ((pdDst[i]) < tmp) ? 1 : 0;
for (i = uSrcLen2; i < uSrcLen1; i++) {
pdDst[i] += carry;
if (pdDst[i] >= carry)
carry = 0;
carry = 1;
return carry;
static int make_priv_data(uint8_t *priv_data, uint8_t *str_ctr, uint8_t *input_ctr)
uint8_t marker_bit;
marker_bit = 0x1;
priv_data[0] = 0x0;
priv_data[1] = (str_ctr[0] >> 5) | marker_bit;
priv_data[2] = (str_ctr[0] << 2) ^ (str_ctr[1] >> 6);
priv_data[3] = ((str_ctr[1] << 2) ^ (str_ctr[2] >> 6)) | marker_bit;
priv_data[4] = (str_ctr[2] << 1) ^ (str_ctr[3] >> 7);
priv_data[5] = (str_ctr[3] << 1) | marker_bit;
priv_data[6] = 0x0;
priv_data[7] = (input_ctr[0] >> 3) | marker_bit;
priv_data[8] = (input_ctr[0] << 4) ^ (input_ctr[1] >> 4);
priv_data[9] = ((input_ctr[1] << 4) ^ (input_ctr[2] >> 4)) | marker_bit;
priv_data[10] = (input_ctr[2] << 3) ^ (input_ctr[3] >> 5);
priv_data[11] = ((input_ctr[3] << 3) ^ (input_ctr[4] >> 5)) | marker_bit;
priv_data[12] = (input_ctr[4] << 2) ^ (input_ctr[5] >> 6);
priv_data[13] = ((input_ctr[5] << 2) ^ (input_ctr[6] >> 6)) | marker_bit;
priv_data[14] = (input_ctr[6] << 1) ^ (input_ctr[7] >> 7);
priv_data[15] = (input_ctr[7] << 1) | marker_bit;
return 0;
int encrypt_packet(uint8_t *priv_data,
u64 input_addr, size_t input_len,
u64 output_addr, size_t output_len,
struct hdcp_tx_ctx *tx_ctx)
uint32_t bn_str_ctr;
uint32_t bn_input_ctr[HDCP_INPUT_CTR_LEN / 4];
uint32_t tmp;
int ret;
/* make private data including counters for PES header */
make_priv_data(priv_data, tx_ctx->str_ctr, tx_ctx->input_ctr);
/* HDCP Encryption */
/* todo: consider 32bit address. currently only support 64bit address */
ret = teei_encrypt_packet((uint8_t *)input_addr, input_len,
(uint8_t *)output_addr, output_len,
tx_ctx->str_ctr, HDCP_STR_CTR_LEN,
tx_ctx->input_ctr, HDCP_INPUT_CTR_LEN);
if (ret) {
hdcp_err("hdcp_encryption() is failed with %x\n", ret);
/* Update strCtr/inputCtr in tx_ctx */
OS2BN(&bn_str_ctr, tx_ctx->str_ctr, HDCP_STR_CTR_LEN);
OS2BN(bn_input_ctr, tx_ctx->input_ctr, HDCP_INPUT_CTR_LEN);
tmp = input_len / 16;
if (input_len % 16)
sec_bn_Add(bn_input_ctr, bn_input_ctr, HDCP_INPUT_CTR_LEN/4, &tmp, 1);
BN2OS(tx_ctx->str_ctr, &bn_str_ctr, HDCP_STR_CTR_LEN/4);
BN2OS(tx_ctx->input_ctr, bn_input_ctr, HDCP_INPUT_CTR_LEN/4);
hdcp_hexdump(tx_ctx->str_ctr, HDCP_STR_CTR_LEN);
hdcp_hexdump(tx_ctx->input_ctr, HDCP_INPUT_CTR_LEN);
return 0;