blob: b025647106a03a6de379033da8c77534e8e17af6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Samsung Electronics.
* This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
* may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
@file sbd.h
@brief header file for shared buffer descriptor (SBD) architecture
designed by MIPI Alliance
@date 2014/02/05
@author Hankook Jang (
@addtogroup group_mem_link_sbd
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/kfifo.h>
#include "modem_v1.h"
#include "link_device_memory_config.h"
#include "circ_queue.h"
SB, sb Shared Buffer
SBD, sbd Shared Buffer Descriptor
SBDV, sbdv Shared Buffer Descriptor Vector (Array)
RB, rb Ring Buffer
RBO, rbo Ring Buffer Offset (offset of an RB)
RBD, rbd Ring Buffer Descriptor (descriptor of an RB)
RBDO, rbdo Ring Buffer Descriptor Offset (offset of an RBD)
RBP, rbp Ring Buffer Pointer (read pointer, write pointer)
RBPS, rbps Ring Buffer Pointer Set (set of RBPs)
CH, ch Channel
CHD, chd Channel Descriptor
desc descriptor
#define CTRL_RGN_SIZE (1 * SZ_1K)
#define CMD_RGN_SIZE (1 * SZ_1K)
@brief Priority for QoS(Quality of Service)
enum qos_prio {
@brief SBD Ring Buffer Descriptor
(i.e. IPC Channel Descriptor Structure in MIPI LLI_IPC_AN)
struct __packed sbd_rb_desc {
ch Channel number defined in the Samsung IPC specification
u16 ch;
u16 reserved;
direction 0 (UL, TX, AP-to-CP), 1 (DL, RX, CP-to-AP)
signaling 0 (polling), 1 (interrupt)
u16 direction;
u16 signaling;
Mask to be written to the signal register (viz. 1 << @@id)
(i.e. write_signal)
u32 sig_mask;
length Length of an SBD Ring Buffer
id (1) ID for a link channel that consists of an RB pair
(2) Index into each array in the set of RBP arrays
N.B. set of RBP arrays =
{[ul_rp], [ul_wp], [dl_rp], [dl_wp]}
u16 length;
u16 id;
buff_size Size of each data buffer in an SBD RB (default 2048)
payload_offset Offset of the payload in each data buffer (default 0)
u16 buff_size;
u16 payload_offset;
@brief SBD Channel Descriptor
struct __packed sbd_rb_channel {
u32 ul_rbd_offset; /* UL RB Descriptor Offset */
u32 ul_sbdv_offset; /* UL SBD Vectors's Offset */
u32 dl_rbd_offset; /* DL RB Descriptor's Offset */
u32 dl_sbdv_offset; /* DL SBD Vector's Offset */
@brief SBD Global Descriptor
struct __packed sbd_global_desc {
u32 version;
Number of link channels
u32 num_channels;
Offset of the array of "SBD Ring Buffer Pointers Set" in SHMEM
u32 rbps_offset;
Array of SBD channel descriptors
struct sbd_rb_channel rb_ch[MAX_LINK_CHANNELS];
Array of SBD ring buffer descriptor pairs
struct sbd_rb_desc rb_desc[MAX_LINK_CHANNELS][ULDL];
#if 1
@brief SBD ring buffer (with logical view)
@remark physical SBD ring buffer
= {length, *rp, *wp, offset array, size array}
struct sbd_ring_buffer {
Spin-lock for each SBD RB
spinlock_t lock;
Pointer to the "SBD link" device instance to which an RB belongs
struct sbd_link_device *sl;
Pointer to the "zerocopy_adaptor" device instance to which an RB belongs
struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr;
UL/DL socket buffer queues
struct sk_buff_head skb_q;
Whether or not link-layer header is used
bool lnk_hdr;
Whether or not zerocopy is used
bool zerocopy;
Variables for receiving a frame with the SIPC5 "EXT_LEN" attribute
(With SBD architecture, a frame with EXT_LEN can be scattered into
consecutive multiple data buffer slots.)
bool more;
unsigned int total;
unsigned int rcvd;
Link ID, SIPC channel, and IPC direction
u16 id; /* for @desc->id */
u16 ch; /* for @desc->ch */
u16 dir; /* for @desc->direction */
u16 len; /* for @desc->length */
u16 buff_size; /* for @desc->buff_size */
u16 payload_offset; /* for @desc->payload_offset */
Pointer to the array of pointers to each data buffer
u8 **buff;
Pointer to the data buffer region in SHMEM
u8 *buff_rgn;
Pointers to variables in the shared region for a physical SBD RB
u16 *rp; /* sl->rp[@dir][@id] */
u16 *wp; /* sl->wp[@dir][@id] */
u32 *addr_v; /* Vector array of offsets */
u32 *size_v; /* Vector array of sizes */
Pointer to the IO device and the link device to which an SBD RB belongs
struct io_device *iod;
struct link_device *ld;
/* Flow control */
atomic_t busy;
struct sbd_link_attr {
Link ID and SIPC channel number
u16 id;
u16 ch;
Whether or not link-layer header is used
bool lnk_hdr;
Length of an SBD RB
unsigned int rb_len[ULDL];
Size of the data buffer for each SBD in an SBD RB
unsigned int buff_size[ULDL];
Bool variable to check if SBD ipc device supports zerocopy
bool zerocopy;
struct zerocopy_adaptor {
Spin-lock for each zerocopy_adaptor
spinlock_t lock;
Spin-lock for kfifo
spinlock_t lock_kfifo;
SBD ring buffer that matches this zerocopy_adaptor
struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb;
Variables to manage previous rp
u16 pre_rp;
Pointers to variables in the shared region for a physical SBD RB
u16 *rp;
u16 *wp;
u16 len;
Pointer to kfifo for saving dma_addr
struct kfifo fifo;
Timer for when buffer pool is full
struct hrtimer datalloc_timer;
struct sbd_ipc_device {
Pointer to the IO device to which an SBD IPC device belongs
struct io_device *iod;
SBD IPC device ID == Link ID -->
u16 id;
SIPC Channel ID -->
u16 ch;
atomic_t config_done;
UL/DL SBD RB pair in the kernel space
struct sbd_ring_buffer rb[ULDL];
Bool variable to check if SBD ipc device supports zerocopy
bool zerocopy;
Pointer to Zerocopy adaptor : memory is allocated for UL/DL zerocopy_adaptor
struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr;
struct sbd_link_device {
Pointer to the link device to which an SBD link belongs
struct link_device *ld;
Flag for checking whether or not an SBD link is active
atomic_t active;
Version of SBD IPC
unsigned int version;
Start address of SHMEM
@shmem = SHMEM.VA
u8 *shmem;
unsigned int shmem_size;
Variables for DESC & BUFF allocation management
unsigned int desc_alloc_offset;
unsigned int buff_alloc_offset;
The number of link channels for AP-CP IPC
unsigned int num_channels;
Table of link attributes
struct sbd_link_attr link_attr[MAX_LINK_CHANNELS];
Logical IPC devices
struct sbd_ipc_device ipc_dev[MAX_LINK_CHANNELS];
(1) Conversion tables from "Link ID (ID)" to "SIPC Channel Number (CH)"
(2) Conversion tables from "SIPC Channel Number (CH)" to "Link ID (ID)"
Pointers to each array of arrays of SBD RB Pointers,
viz. rp[UL] = pointer to ul_rp[]
rp[DL] = pointer to dl_rp[]
wp[UL] = pointer to ul_wp[]
wp[DL] = pointer to dl_wp[]
u16 *rp[ULDL];
u16 *wp[ULDL];
Above are variables for managing and controlling SBD IPC
Below are pointers to the descriptor sections in SHMEM
Pointer to the SBD global descriptor header
struct sbd_global_desc *g_desc;
u16 *rbps;
unsigned long rxdone_mask;
bool reset_zerocopy_done;
static inline void sbd_activate(struct sbd_link_device *sl)
if (sl)
atomic_set(&sl->active, 1);
static inline void sbd_deactivate(struct sbd_link_device *sl)
if (sl)
atomic_set(&sl->active, 0);
static inline bool sbd_active(struct sbd_link_device *sl)
if (!sl)
return false;
return atomic_read(&sl->active) ? true : false;
static inline u16 sbd_ch2id(struct sbd_link_device *sl, u16 ch)
return sl->ch2id[ch];
static inline u16 sbd_id2ch(struct sbd_link_device *sl, u16 id)
return sl->id2ch[id];
static inline struct sbd_ipc_device *sbd_ch2dev(struct sbd_link_device *sl,
u16 ch)
u16 id = sbd_ch2id(sl, ch);
return (id < MAX_LINK_CHANNELS) ? &sl->ipc_dev[id] : NULL;
static inline struct sbd_ipc_device *sbd_id2dev(struct sbd_link_device *sl,
u16 id)
return (id < MAX_LINK_CHANNELS) ? &sl->ipc_dev[id] : NULL;
static inline struct sbd_ring_buffer *sbd_ch2rb(struct sbd_link_device *sl,
unsigned int ch,
enum direction dir)
u16 id = sbd_ch2id(sl, ch);
return (id < MAX_LINK_CHANNELS) ? &sl->ipc_dev[id].rb[dir] : NULL;
static inline struct sbd_ring_buffer *sbd_ch2rb_with_skb(struct sbd_link_device *sl,
unsigned int ch,
enum direction dir,
struct sk_buff *skb)
u16 id;
if (sipc_ps_ch(ch))
ch = (skb && skb->queue_mapping == 1) ? QOS_HIPRIO : QOS_NORMAL;
id = sbd_ch2id(sl, ch);
return (id < MAX_LINK_CHANNELS) ? &sl->ipc_dev[id].rb[dir] : NULL;
static inline struct sbd_ring_buffer *sbd_id2rb(struct sbd_link_device *sl,
unsigned int id,
enum direction dir)
return (id < MAX_LINK_CHANNELS) ? &sl->ipc_dev[id].rb[dir] : NULL;
static inline bool zerocopy_adaptor_empty(struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr)
return circ_empty(zdptr->pre_rp, *zdptr->rp);
static inline bool rb_empty(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb)
if (rb->zdptr)
return zerocopy_adaptor_empty(rb->zdptr);
return circ_empty(*rb->rp, *rb->wp);
static inline unsigned int zerocopy_adaptor_space(struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr)
return circ_get_space(zdptr->len, *zdptr->wp, zdptr->pre_rp);
static inline unsigned int rb_space(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb)
if (rb->zdptr)
return zerocopy_adaptor_space(rb->zdptr);
return circ_get_space(rb->len, *rb->wp, *rb->rp);
static inline unsigned int zerocopy_adaptor_usage(struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr)
return circ_get_usage(zdptr->len, *zdptr->rp, zdptr->pre_rp);
static inline unsigned int rb_usage(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb)
if (rb->zdptr)
return zerocopy_adaptor_usage(rb->zdptr);
return circ_get_usage(rb->len, *rb->wp, *rb->rp);
static inline unsigned int zerocopy_adaptor_full(struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr)
return (zerocopy_adaptor_space(zdptr) == 0);
static inline unsigned int rb_full(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb)
if (rb->zdptr)
return zerocopy_adaptor_full(rb->zdptr);
return (rb_space(rb) == 0);
static inline void set_lnk_hdr(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb, struct sk_buff *skb)
skbpriv(skb)->lnk_hdr = rb->lnk_hdr && !rb->more;
static inline void check_more(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb, struct sk_buff *skb)
if (rb->lnk_hdr) {
if (!rb->more) {
if (sipc5_get_frame_len(skb->data) > rb->buff_size) {
rb->more = true;
rb->total = sipc5_get_frame_len(skb->data);
rb->rcvd = skb->len;
} else {
rb->rcvd += skb->len;
if (rb->rcvd >= rb->total) {
rb->more = false;
rb->total = 0;
rb->rcvd = 0;
int create_sbd_link_device(struct link_device *ld, struct sbd_link_device *sl,
u8 *shmem_base, unsigned int shmem_size);
int init_sbd_link(struct sbd_link_device *sl);
int sbd_pio_tx(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb, struct sk_buff *skb);
struct sk_buff *sbd_pio_rx(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb);
#define SBD_UL_LIMIT 16 /* Uplink burst limit */
struct sk_buff *sbd_pio_rx_zerocopy_adaptor(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb, int use_memcpy);
int allocate_data_in_advance(struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr);
int setup_zerocopy_adaptor(struct sbd_ipc_device *ipc_dev);
extern enum hrtimer_restart datalloc_timer_func(struct hrtimer *timer);
static inline struct sk_buff *sbd_pio_rx_zerocopy_adaptor(struct sbd_ring_buffer *rb, int use_memcpy) { return NULL; }
static inline int allocate_data_in_advance(struct zerocopy_adaptor *zdptr) { return 0; }
static inline int setup_zerocopy_adaptor(struct sbd_ipc_device *ipc_dev) { return 0; }
// End of group_mem_link_sbd