blob: a13fec1728cc263fa253bdaae20a87cf4cf0057d [file] [log] [blame]
CS40L20/CS40L25/CS40L25A/CS40L25B Boosted Haptics Driver
Required properties:
- compatible : One of "cirrus,cs40l20", "cirrus,cs40l25", "cirrus,cs40l25a"
or "cirrus,cs40l25b".
- reg : The I2C slave address of the device.
- VA-supply, VP-supply : Regulators for the device's VA and VP supplies,
respectively. See the following:
- cirrus,boost-ind-nanohenry : Boost inductor value, expressed in nH. Valid
values include 1000, 1200, 1500 and 2200.
- cirrus,boost-cap-microfarad : Total equivalent boost capacitance on the VBST
and VAMP pins, derated at 11 volts DC. The value must be rounded to the
nearest integer and expressed in uF.
- cirrus,boost-ipk-milliamp : Boost inductor peak current, expressed in mA.
Valid values range from 1600 to 4500 (inclusive) in steps of 50.
Optional properties:
- reset-gpios : GPIO used for resetting the device.
- interrupt-parent : Single phandle representing the interrupt controller to
which the /ALERT pin is connected (silicon revision B1 only).
- interrupts : interrupt specifiers for the device (silicon revision B1 only).
See the following:
- cirrus,refclk-gpio2 : Boolean for configuring the device to expect its
32.768-kHz reference clock on the REFCLK/GPIO2 pin. If this property is
omitted, the device expects its 32.768-kHz reference clock on the
ASP_BCLK/REFCLK pin. This property is ignored for silicon revision B1 as
reference clock selection is configured automatically in that case.
- cirrus,f0-default : Default LRA resonant frequency (f0), expressed as
follows: cirrus,f0-default = f0 (Hz) * 2^14. This value represents the
frequency used during playback of PWLE segments specified with frequency
equal to f0; it also serves as the unit-specific f0 input to the click
compensation algorithm. It can be overwritten at a later time by writing
to the f0_stored sysfs control.
If this value is omitted or specified as zero, the measurement recorded in
the f0_measured sysfs control is used. If LRA diagnostics has not been
administered and f0_measured is uninitialized, 2621440 (160 Hz) is used.
- cirrus,f0-min : Minimum LRA resonant frequency (f0) that may be written to
the f0_stored sysfs control, expressed using the same numerical format as
cirrus,f0-default. If this value is omitted or specified as zero, no lower-
bound validation is performed.
- cirrus,f0-max : Maximum LRA resonant frequency (f0) that may be written to
the f0_stored sysfs control, expressed using the same numerical format as
cirrus,f0-default. If this value is omitted or specified as zero, no upper-
bound validation is performed.
- cirrus,redc-default : Default LRA series resistance (ReDC), expressed as
follows: cirrus,redc-default = ReDC (ohms) / 5.857 * 2^17. This value
represents the unit-specific ReDC input to the click compensation algorithm.
It can be overwritten at a later time by writing to the redc_stored sysfs
If this value is omitted or specified as zero, the measurement recorded in
the redc_measured sysfs control is used. If LRA diagnostics has not been
administered and redc_measured is uninitialized, 340787 (15.2 ohms) is used.
- cirrus,redc-min : Minimum LRA series resistance (ReDC) that may be written
to the redc_stored sysfs control, expressed using the same numerical format
as cirrus,redc-default. If this value is omitted or specified as zero, no
lower-bound validation is performed.
- cirrus,redc-max : Maximum LRA series resistance (ReDC) that may be written
to the redc_stored sysfs control, expressed using the same numerical format
as cirrus,redc-default. If this value is omitted or specified as zero, no
upper-bound validation is performed.
- cirrus,gpio1-rise-index : Specifies the wavetable index mapped to GPIO1
rising edges. If this value is omitted, specified as zero or exceeds the
maximum available index in the wavetable, GPIO1 rising edges are mapped to
index 1.
- cirrus,gpio1-fall-index : Specifies the wavetable index mapped to GPIO1
falling edges. If this value is omitted, specified as zero or exceeds the
maximum available index in the wavetable, GPIO1 falling edges are mapped to
index 2.
- cirrus,gpio1-fall-timeout : Specifies the number of 48-kHz periods for
which the device remains in the active state in search of a GPIO1 falling
edge, following a GPIO1 rising edge (the latter of which renders the device
active). If a GPIO1 falling edge does not arrive within this timeout, the
device automatically returns to the standby state and the subsequent GPIO1
falling edge is ignored. If this value is omitted or exceeds the maximum
timeout (8388607) then a default of 240000 is assumed (corresponding to
240000 / 48000 = 5 seconds). If this value is specified as zero, the timeout
is effectively disabled.
- cirrus,gpio1-mode : Specifies the operating mode of the GPIO1 pin, equal to
one of the following.
0 = enabled by default
1 = disabled by default
2 = disabled by default, but automatically enabled and disabled upon suspend
and resume, respectively
If this value is omitted or given an invalid value, mode 0 (enabled by
default) is assumed. Regardless of mode, the GPIO1 pin can be enabled or
disabled at will from user space using the gpio1_enable sysfs control.
- cirrus,hiber-enable : Boolean for instructing the device to enter and exit
hibernation mode upon suspend and resume, respectively. Hibernation mode is
supported by silicon revision B1 only. If this property is omitted, the
device remains in standby and automatic entry into hibernation mode is
effectively disabled.
cs40l20: cs40l20@43 {
compatible = "cirrus,cs40l20";
reg = <0x43>;
reset-gpios = <&gpio0 54 0>;
VA-supply = <&dummy_vreg>;
VP-supply = <&dummy_vreg>;
cirrus,boost-ind-nanohenry = <1000>;
cirrus,boost-cap-microfarad = <4>;
cirrus,boost-ipk-milliamp = <4500>;
cs40l25a: cs40l25a@43 {
compatible = "cirrus,cs40l25a";
reg = <0x43>;
reset-gpios = <&gpio0 54 0>;
interrupt-parent = <&gpio0>;
interrupts = <55 8>;
VA-supply = <&dummy_vreg>;
VP-supply = <&dummy_vreg>;
cirrus,boost-ind-nanohenry = <1000>;
cirrus,boost-cap-microfarad = <4>;
cirrus,boost-ipk-milliamp = <4500>;