blob: 32c556ac49b0cfe57b6a5b1e299705e9e8a5ef2e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C), 2019, OPPO Mobile Comm Corp., Ltd.
* File: - linux/oppo_dump.h
* Description: Util about dump in the period of debugging.
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2019/11/01
* Author: Bin.Xu@BSP.Kernel.Stability
*----------------------Revision History: ---------------------------
* <author> <date> <version> <desc>
* Bin.Xu 2019/11/01 1.0 created
extern void __attribute__((unused)) get_fdump_passwd(const char *val);
extern void __attribute__((unused)) OPPO_DUMP(const char s[24]);
extern void __attribute__((unused)) oppo_key_process(int key, int val);
extern void __attribute__((unused)) dump_process(int key, int val);
extern void __attribute__((unused)) dump_post_process(int key, int val);
extern void __attribute__((unused)) oppo_key_event(int type, int key, int val);