blob: 933062f7dcb5a2c61ea88f739f034a536abbafe3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright Samsung Electronics Co.,LTD.
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include "hdrUtil.h"
#include <system/graphics.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#ifndef HDR_TEST
#include <VendorVideoAPI.h>
#include <VendorVideoAPI_hdrTest.h>
#include "hdrCurveData.h"
int getMaxLuminance(int target_luminance, ExynosHdrDynamicInfo_t &dyn_meta)
LuminanceParameters luminanceParam;
int luminance_dyn = (int)getSourceMaxLuminance(luminanceParam);
int max_luminance = (luminance_dyn > target_luminance) ? luminance_dyn : target_luminance;
return max_luminance;
float getSourceMaxLuminance(LuminanceParameters &luminanceParam)
float maxLuminance = 0;
unsigned int idx = luminanceParam.percentileOrder;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
maxLuminance = std::max(maxLuminance, luminanceParam.maxscl[i]);
maxLuminance = std::min(maxLuminance, 10000.0f);
if ((idx > 0) && (luminanceParam.getPercentIndexAt(idx - 1) == 99))
maxLuminance = std::min(luminanceParam.getPercentileLuminanceAt(idx - 1), static_cast<double> (maxLuminance));
return maxLuminance;
// Fixed BasisOOTF / GudiedOOTF constants
static const int ORDER = 10;
static const int NPCOEFF = ORDER - 1;
static const float P1MIN = (1.0f / ORDER);
// Tunable BasisOOTF / GudiedOOTF parameters
struct BasisOOTF_Params
// Knee-Point (KP) parameters
// KP ramp base thresholds (two bounds KP # 1 and KP # 2 are computed)
float SY1_V1;
float SY1_V2;
float SY1_T1;
float SY1_T2;
float SY2_V1;
float SY2_V2;
float SY2_T1;
float SY2_T2;
// KP mixing gain (final KP from bounds KP # 1 and KP # 2 as a function of scene percentile)
float KP_G_V1;
float KP_G_V2;
float KP_G_T1;
float KP_G_T2;
// P coefficient parameters
// Thresholds of minimum bound of P1 coefficient
float P1_LIMIT_V1;
float P1_LIMIT_V2;
float P1_LIMIT_T1;
float P1_LIMIT_T2;
// Thresholds to compute relative shape of curve (P2~P9 coefficient) by pre-defined bounds - as a function of scene percentile
float P2To9_T1;
float P2To9_T2;
// Defined relative shape bounds (P2~P9 coefficient) for a given maximum TM dynamic compression (eg : 20x )
float P2ToP9_MAX1[ORDER - 2];
float P2ToP9_MAX2[ORDER - 2];
// Ps mixing gain (obtain all Ps coefficients) - as a function of TM dynamic compression ratio
float PS_G_T1;
float PS_G_T2;
// Post-processing : Reduce P1/P2 (to enhance mid tone) for high TM dynamic range compression cases
float LOW_SY_T1;
float LOW_SY_T2;
float LOW_K_T1;
float LOW_K_T2;
float RED_P1_V1;
float RED_P1_T1;
float RED_P1_T2;
float RED_P2_V1;
float RED_P2_T1;
float RED_P2_T2;
void setDefault()
// KP ramp base thresholds (two bounds KP # 1 and KP # 2 are computed)
SY1_V1 = 0.0;
SY1_V2 = 0.3;
SY1_T1 = 0.22;
SY1_T2 = 1;
SY2_V1 = 0;
SY2_V2 = 0.2;
SY2_T1 = 0.25;
SY2_T2 = 0.95;
// KP mixing gain (final KP from bounds KP # 1 and KP # 2 as a function of scene percentile)
KP_G_V1 = 1;
KP_G_V2 = 0.05;
KP_G_T1 = 0.05;
KP_G_T2 = 0.5;
// Thresholds of minimum bound of P1 coefficient
P1_LIMIT_V1 = 0.92;
P1_LIMIT_V2 = 0.98;
P1_LIMIT_T1 = 0.01;
P1_LIMIT_T2 = 0.1;
// Thresholds to compute relative shape of curve (P2~P9 coefficient) by pre-defined bounds - as a function of scene percentile
P2To9_T1 = 0.05;
P2To9_T2 = 0.55;
float P2ToP9_MAX1_init[ORDER - 2] = { 0.5582, 0.6745, 0.7703, 0.8231, 0.8729, 0.9130, 0.9599, 0.9844 };
float P2ToP9_MAX2_init[ORDER - 2] = { 0.4839, 0.6325, 0.7253, 0.7722, 0.8201, 0.8837, 0.9208, 0.9580 };
for (int i = 0; i < (ORDER - 2); i++) {
P2ToP9_MAX1[i] = P2ToP9_MAX1_init[i];
P2ToP9_MAX2[i] = P2ToP9_MAX2_init[i];
// Ps mixing gain (obtain all Ps coefficients) - as a function of TM dynamic compression ratio
PS_G_T1 = 0.125;
PS_G_T2 = 0.95;
// Post-processing : Reduce P1/P2 (to enhance mid tone) for high TM dynamic range compression cases
LOW_SY_T1 = 0.005;
LOW_SY_T2 = 0.04;
LOW_K_T1 = 0.12;
LOW_K_T2 = 0.4;
RED_P1_V1 = 0.65;
RED_P1_T1 = 0.1;
RED_P1_T2 = 0.75;
RED_P2_V1 = 0.8;
RED_P2_T1 = 0.1;
RED_P2_T2 = 0.75;
void getPercentile_50_99(LuminanceParameters &luminanceParam, float & psll50, float & psll99)
const int npsll = luminanceParam.percentileOrder;
// Set output to -1 (invalid)
psll50 = -1;
psll99 = -1;
// Find exact percentiles if provided , else interpolate
float psll50_1 = -1, per50_1 = -1;
float psll50_2 = -1, per50_2 = -1;
float psll99_1 = -1, per99_1 = -1;
float psll99_2 = -1, per99_2 = -1;
// Search for exact percent index or bounds
int curPercent = 0, prevPercent = 0;
float curPsll = 0, prevPsll = 0;
for (int i = 0; i< npsll; i++) {
curPercent = luminanceParam.getPercentIndexAt(i);
curPsll = luminanceParam.getPercentileLuminanceAt(i);
if (curPercent == 50) {
psll50 = curPsll;
} else if (psll50 == -1 && curPercent > 50 && prevPercent < 50) {
per50_1 = prevPercent;
per50_2 = curPercent;
psll50_1 = prevPsll;
psll50_2 = curPsll;
if (curPercent == 99) {
psll99 = curPsll;
} else if (psll99 == -1 && curPercent > 99 && prevPercent < 99) {
per99_1 = prevPercent;
per99_2 = curPercent;
psll99_1 = prevPsll;
psll99_2 = curPsll;
prevPercent = curPercent;
prevPsll = curPsll;
// Interpolated 50% percentile luminance
if (psll50 == -1) {
const float delta = std::max((per50_2 - per50_1), 1.0f);
psll50 = psll50_1 + (psll50_2 - psll50_1) * (50 - per50_1) / delta;
// Interpolated 99% percentile luminance
if (psll99 == -1) {
const float delta = std::max((per99_2 - per99_1), 1.0f);
psll99 = psll99_1 + (psll99_2 - psll99_1) * (99.95f - per99_1) / delta;
float rampWeight(const float v1, const float v2, const float t1, const float t2, const float t)
float retVal = v1;
if (t1 == t2)
retVal = (t < t1) ? (v1) : (v2);
else if (t <= t1)
retVal = v1;
else if (t >= t2)
retVal = v2;
retVal = v1 + (v2 - v1) / (t2 - t1) * (t - t1);
return retVal;
float calcP1(const float sx, const float sy, const float tgtL, const float calcMaxL,
const float p1_limit_t1, const float p1_limit_t2, const float p1_limit_v1, const float p1_limit_v2,
const float low_sy_t1, const float low_sy_t2, const float low_k_t1, const float low_k_t2,
const float red_p1_t1, const float red_p1_t2, const float red_p1_v1, float *p1_red_gain)
const float ax = std::min(sx, 0.9999f);
const float ay = std::min(sy, 0.9999f);
const float k = tgtL / std::max(tgtL, calcMaxL);
const float p1_limit = rampWeight(p1_limit_v2, p1_limit_v1, p1_limit_t1, p1_limit_t2, sy);
float p1 = std::max(std::min(((1.0f - ax) / (ORDER * (1.0f - ay))) / k, p1_limit), 0.0f);
// Reduce p1 to make more mid tone details for high compression TM case.
const float low_sy_g = rampWeight(1.0, 0.0, low_sy_t1, low_sy_t2, sy);
const float high_k_g = rampWeight(1.0, 0.0, low_k_t1, low_k_t2, k);
const float high_tm_g = low_sy_g * high_k_g;
const float red_p1 = rampWeight(1.0, red_p1_v1, red_p1_t1, red_p1_t2, high_tm_g);
p1 = std::min(std::max(p1 * red_p1, P1MIN), p1_limit);
if (p1_red_gain != nullptr)
*p1_red_gain = high_tm_g;
return p1;
void BasisOOTF(LuminanceParameters &luminanceParam, const float targetMaxLuminance, const float sourceMaxL, CurveParameters &curveParam)
const float tgtL = targetMaxLuminance;
const float srcL = std::max(tgtL, sourceMaxL);
// KP - Knee Point
float psll50, psll99;
getPercentile_50_99(luminanceParam, psll50, psll99);
BasisOOTF_Params params;
const float ctrL = psll50 / std::max(psll99, 0.0001f);
const float k = tgtL / srcL;
const float sy1 = rampWeight(params.SY1_V1, params.SY1_V2, params.SY1_T1, params.SY1_T2, k);
const float sy2 = rampWeight(params.SY2_V1, params.SY2_V2, params.SY2_T1, params.SY2_T2, k);
const float kp_g = rampWeight(params.KP_G_V1, params.KP_G_V2, params.KP_G_T1, params.KP_G_T2, ctrL);
const double sy = kp_g * sy1 + (1 - kp_g) * sy2;
const double sx = sy * k;
// P Coefficient
float high_tm_g = 0;
const float p1 = calcP1(sx, sy, tgtL, sourceMaxL,
params.P1_LIMIT_T1, params.P1_LIMIT_T2, params.P1_LIMIT_V1, params.P1_LIMIT_V2,
params.LOW_SY_T1, params.LOW_SY_T2, params.LOW_K_T1, params.LOW_K_T2,
params.RED_P1_T1, params.RED_P1_T2, params.RED_P1_V1, &high_tm_g);
for (int i = 0; i < (NPCOEFF - 1); i++) {
const float g_p29 = rampWeight(params.P2ToP9_MAX2[i], params.P2ToP9_MAX1[i], params.P2To9_T1, params.P2To9_T2, ctrL);
ps2To9[i] = g_p29 * params.P2ToP9_MAX1[i] + (1.0f - g_p29) * params.P2ToP9_MAX2[i];
const float ps_g = rampWeight(1, 0, params.PS_G_T1, params.PS_G_T2, k);
double pcoeff[META_MAX_PCOEFF_SIZE];
pcoeff[0] = p1;
for (int i = 1; i < NPCOEFF; i++) {
const double coeffi = i + 1;
const double plin = coeffi / ORDER;
pcoeff[i] = std::max(std::min(ps_g * ps2To9[i - 1] + (1.0 - ps_g) * plin, coeffi * p1), plin);
const float red_p2 = rampWeight(1.0, params.RED_P2_V1, params.RED_P2_T1, params.RED_P2_T2, high_tm_g);
pcoeff[1] = std::max(std::min(pcoeff[1] * red_p2, 2.0 * p1), 2.0 / ORDER);
curveParam.setValues(sx, sy, pcoeff, ORDER);
#define BLEND_WEIGHT(a, b, g) ((g) * (a) + (1.0f - (g)) * (b))
#define KP_AT_BYPASS (0.3f)
void GuidedOOTF(LuminanceParameters &luminanceParam, CurveParameters &refParam, const float sourceMaxL, const unsigned int referenceLuminance, const unsigned int targetMaxLuminance, CurveParameters &curveParam)
const unsigned int order = refParam.order;
const unsigned int numP = std::max(order - 1, 1U);
const unsigned int T0 = referenceLuminance;
const unsigned int T1 = targetMaxLuminance;
const float srcL0 = std::max(sourceMaxL, static_cast<float>(T0));
const float srcL = std::max(sourceMaxL, static_cast<float>(T1));
const float kmin = 200.0f / srcL;
const float k0 = T0 / srcL0;
const float k1 = T1 / srcL;
const float kmax = 1;
double psLinear[META_MAX_PCOEFF_SIZE]; // Maximum order is under 15
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numP; i++)
psLinear[i] = (i + 1) / static_cast<double>(order);
if (T1 < 200.0f) {
//ALOGE("Error GuidedOOTF : target peak under 200 nits not supported at this time");
curveParam.setValues(0, 0, psLinear, order);
} else if (T0 == T1) {
// Reference Peak == Product Peak
curveParam = refParam;
} else if (T1 >= sourceMaxL) {
// Product Peak >= Scene Max (bypass curve)
curveParam.setValues(KP_AT_BYPASS, KP_AT_BYPASS, psLinear, order);
} else {
double pscalc[META_MAX_PCOEFF_SIZE];
double sx, sy;
// Product Peak < Reference Peak -> blend curve with highest TM range compression curve
if (T1 < T0) {
const float g = std::max(std::min((k1 - kmin) / (k0 - kmin), 1.0f), 0.0f);
CurveParameters minCurveParams;
BasisOOTF(luminanceParam, 200.0f, sourceMaxL, minCurveParams);
sy = std::max(std::min(BLEND_WEIGHT(refParam.KPy, minCurveParams.KPy, g), 1.0), 0.0);
sx = sy * k1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numP; i++)
pscalc[i] = BLEND_WEIGHT(refParam.getPCoeffAt(i), minCurveParams.getPCoeffAt(i), g);
// Product Peak > Reference Peak -> blend curves with linear curve
else {
const float g = std::max(std::min((k1 - k0) / (kmax - k0), 1.0f), 0.0f);
sy = std::max(std::min(BLEND_WEIGHT(KP_AT_BYPASS, refParam.KPy, g), 1.0), 0.0);
sx = sy * k1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numP; i++)
pscalc[i] = BLEND_WEIGHT(psLinear[i], refParam.getPCoeffAt(i), g);
const BasisOOTF_Params params;
const float ps1 = calcP1(sx, sy, T1, sourceMaxL,
params.P1_LIMIT_T1, params.P1_LIMIT_T2, params.P1_LIMIT_V1, params.P1_LIMIT_V2,
params.LOW_SY_T1, params.LOW_SY_T2, params.LOW_K_T1, params.LOW_K_T2,
params.RED_P1_T1, params.RED_P1_T2, params.RED_P1_V1,
pscalc[0] = ps1; // Recalculate p1 to form smooth connection with knee-point slope
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < numP; i++)
// Limit remaining P coefficients to form curve below CI line slope
pscalc[i] = std::min(pscalc[i], (i + 1) * pscalc[0]);
curveParam.setValues(sx, sy, pscalc, order);
void meta2meta(unsigned int targetMaxLuminance, unsigned int __attribute__((unused)) sourceMaxLuminance, ExynosHdrDynamicInfo_t &meta)
LuminanceParameters luminanceParam;
CurveParameters curveParam;
float maxLuminance = getSourceMaxLuminance(luminanceParam);
if ( == 1) {
CurveParameters refParam;
refParam.setValues(,,, + 1,
GuidedOOTF(luminanceParam, refParam, maxLuminance,, targetMaxLuminance, curveParam);
} else {
BasisOOTF(luminanceParam, targetMaxLuminance, maxLuminance, curveParam); = 1;
curveParam.getValues(meta, META_JSON_2094_EBZ_KNEE_POINT_MAX, META_JSON_2094_EBZ_PCOEFF_MAX);