| # Copyright (C) 2016 The CyanogenMod Project |
| # Copyright (C) 2017-2020 The LineageOS Project |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| vendor/lib*/libsec-ril*.so) |
| "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed libril.so libril-samsung.so "${2}" |
| vendor/lib/hw/audio.primary.exynos9825.so) |
| "${PATCHELF}" --remove-needed libaudio_soundtrigger.so "${2}" |
| "${PATCHELF}" --add-needed libshim_audioparams.so "${2}" |
| sed -i 's/str_parms_get_str/str_parms_get_mod/g' "${2}" |
| vendor/lib64/libexynoscamera3.so) |
| xxd -p "${2}" | sed "s/8b022036/1f2003d5/g" | xxd -r -p > "${2}".patched |
| vendor/lib*/sensors.*.so) |
| "${PATCHELF}" --replace-needed libutils.so libutils-v32.so "${2}" |
| sed -i 's/_ZN7android6Thread3runEPKcim/_ZN7utils326Thread3runEPKcim/g' "${2}" |
| # If we're being sourced by the common script that we called, |
| # stop right here. No need to go down the rabbit hole. |
| if [ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" != "${0}" ]; then |
| export DEVICE_COMMON=exynos9820-common |
| "./../../${VENDOR}/${DEVICE_COMMON}/extract-files.sh" "$@" |