| # MTK project .rc configure |
| |
| on init |
| mkdir /mnt/media_rw/usbotg 0700 media_rw media_rw |
| mkdir /storage/usbotg 0700 root root |
| |
| on post-fs-data |
| |
| #Camera |
| chmod 0660 /dev/MAINAF |
| chown system camera /dev/MAINAF |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/MAINAF2 |
| chown system camera /dev/MAINAF2 |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/SUBAF |
| chown system camera /dev/SUBAF |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/GAF001AF |
| chown system camera /dev/GAF001AF |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/DW9714AF |
| chown system camera /dev/DW9714AF |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/LC898212AF |
| chown system camera /dev/LC898212AF |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/BU64745GWZAF |
| chown system camera /dev/BU64745GWZAF |
| |
| #SMB |
| chown system system /proc/smb/ScreenComm |
| chmod 0660 /proc/smb/ScreenComm |
| |
| chmod 0660 /dev/spm |
| chown system system /dev/spm |
| |
| |
| on init |
| # Refer to http://source.android.com/devices/tech/storage/index.html |
| # It said, "Starting in Android 4.4, multiple external storage devices are surfaced to developers through |
| # Context.getExternalFilesDirs(), Context.getExternalCacheDirs(), and Context.getObbDirs(). |
| # External storage devices surfaced through these APIs must be a semi-permanent part of the device (such as an SD card slot in a battery compartment). |
| # Developers expect data stored in these locations to be available over long periods of time." |
| # Therefore, if the target doesn't support sd hot-plugging (Ex: the SD card slot in a battery compartment), we need to export SECONDARY_STORAGE in 'boot' section |
| # |
| # export SECONDARY_STORAGE /storage/sdcard1 |
| |
| service fuse_usbotg /system/bin/sdcard -u 1023 -g 1023 -w 1023 -d /mnt/media_rw/usbotg /storage/usbotg |
| class late_start |
| disabled |
| |
| |